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CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 (2009) 148–152

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Modularity concepts for the automotive industry: A critical review

J. Pandremenos, J. Paralikas, K. Salonitis, G. Chryssolouris *
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras, Greece


Article history: Modularization has been used mostly in order for the management of complex systems to be simplified.
Available online 8 November 2008 In the present paper, the major evolutions of modularity concepts are reviewed in the case of the
automotive industry. The current trend indicates that the next generation of vehicles will change from
Keywords: the integrated ‘‘unibody’’ with high production volume and low flexibility, to the modular ones of middle
Modularity to high production volume and flexibility. Typical examples of different modular design approaches are
Automotive industry presented and discussed. The paper includes the vehicle’s body design requirements that have to be met
Design in order for such a modular approach to be effective.
ß 2008 CIRP.

1. Introduction 1.1.3. Modularity in production (MIP)

The means of modularization on the factory floor is the ability to
The modularity concept arose mostly from the need to simplify pre-combine a large number of components into modules and
the management of complex systems. Its general purpose is to these modules to be assembled off-line and then brought onto the
decompose the complex system into constituent parts that might main assembly line to be incorporated into a small and simple
break apart ‘‘naturally’’ without destroying the integrity of the series of tasks [1].
whole [1]. Baldwin and Clark [2] defined modularity as a concept In Fig. 1 is illustrated the degree of modularity, as defined by the
that is applied to manage complex systems, by breaking them number of modules (N). It can be observed that the net benefit of
down into parameters and tasks that are interdependent within modularity is different depending upon whether the focus is on the
and independent across the modules. value of MID, MIU or MIP.

1.1. The three arenas of modularity 1.2. Modularity and mass customization

The three general fields where modularity could be imple- Mass customization is the capability of a firm to achieve more
mented include: variety, high volume and at the same time low cost and fast
delivery. Modularity is one of the primary means of achieving the
1.1.1. Modularity in design (MID) aforementioned mass customization requirements [3]. Several
In the case of a product’s modular architecture, a one-to-one works and case studies have been carried out in this way,
mapping takes place from the functional elements in the functional validating this relation [4–10].
structure to the physical components of the product and specifies In Section 2 the implementation of modularity in the
the decoupled interfaces between components. automotive industry is discussed, while in the subsequent section,
some typical automotive examples of modular approaches are
1.1.2. Modularity in use (MIU) given. Furthermore, Section 4 describes the body design require-
Modularity in use is a consumer driven decomposition of a ments that have to be met in order for such a modular approach to
product with a view to satisfying the ease of use and individuality. be effective. Finally, conclusions are drawn and discussed.
The latter is intimately connected to the concept of mass
customization. 2. Modularity in automotive industry

2.1. Definition

* Corresponding author. Automotive OEMs give the following general definition for
E-mail address: (G. Chryssolouris). modules: ‘‘A group of components, physically close to each other

1755-5817/$ – see front matter ß 2008 CIRP.

J. Pandremenos et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 (2009) 148–152 149

outsourced to suppliers who take over their complete develop-

ment, manufacturing and supply. This approach of modularity is
mostly used for creating lean assembly by outsourcing modules
and thus, shifting the vertical range of manufacture and
responsibilities towards selected suppliers. Another type of
modularity is found in vehicles offering a combination of body
styles [14]. The latter stands for the modularity in use in the auto
industry, where consumers buy the product by mixing and
matching elements/modules (e.g., sun roofs, wheel trims, etc.) to
suit their individual needs and tastes.
According to recent studies [15], the next generation of vehicles
will change from integrated unit body or unibody of high
production volume and low flexibility, to modular ones of middle
to high production volume and flexibility. Fig. 2 is representative of
this vision.

2.2.1. Modularization approaches within the world

Modularity is not developed in the same manner in the Western
Fig. 1. The effect of number of modules to the net benefit of modularity [1]. and Japanese auto industries. Western automakers are mostly
interested in MIP and consequently, in outsourcing. Their biggest
challenge is to deal with the inconsistency or conflict created
that are both assembled and tested outside the facilities and can be between MIP and MID. Contrarily, the Japanese automakers have
assembled very simply onto the car’’ [11]. Additionally, modules shown an inclination towards in-house MIP and have been
are differentiated to ‘‘body-in-white modules’’ which comprise relatively quiet about the aggressive outsourcing adopted by
exclusively of structural elements and ‘‘assembly modules’’ that Western counterparts. Additionally, they seek to relate MID with
contain additional elements and are introduced to the vehicle MIP, with main criteria, the functionality and conformance quality
during assembly [12]. Finally, two types of modularity are of modules, assembled on in-house sub-assembly lines.
recognized in the automotive industry: Since Western and Japanese auto industries have been
following dissimilar ways in implementing modularization, it is
2.1.1. Level-1 or assembly modules obvious that their product architectures, production process
The practice of shifting sub-assembly lines that manufacture hierarchies and boundaries between in-house operations and
modules next to the final vehicle assembly line to separate supplier outsourcing could be diverse, as they emerge [16].
facilities at some distance from the plant. No fundamental change Furthermore, Brazil is a country where many automotive
in the design or content of the module is effected in these cases. manufacturers have established plants that work based on the
modularity concept. On this basis, two innovative production
2.1.2. Level-2 or design modules systems have been applied by different automotive OEMs: the
Modules that are optimized at the final assembly level by ‘‘modular consortium’’ and the ‘‘industrial condominium’’. In the
independent suppliers [13]. first case, an approach to manage production with a radical
outsourcing of some traditional automaker activities has been
2.2. Current status tried out. The ‘‘modular consortium’’ idea consists of separating the
product into sub-assemblies (modules) which are delegated to and
The modularity impact on the automotive industry is con- entirely provided by a specific module supplier. The module
stantly augmenting. Although the architecture in the majority of supplier has the responsibility of assembling its module directly on
the existing produced vehicles is still conventional, in some other the automaker’s assembly line [17]. On the other hand, in an
sections, the modularity concept is already applied. For instance, ‘‘industrial condominium’’, the assembler completely controls the
the door, front-end and rear-end modules have already been suppliers’ location. The assembler negotiates the accrued benefits

Fig. 2. From integrated unibody to modular vehicle [15].

150 J. Pandremenos et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 (2009) 148–152

Table 1
Product family from Volkswagen’s platform.

Brand Body style Image

Hatchback Sedan Estate Convertible Coupe Pick-up Niche Premium/mass Quality/price Sport/comfort

Audi A3 TT TT Premium Quality Sport

VW Golf Bora Golf Golf Caddy Beetle Mass Quality Comfort
Seat Cordoba Toledo Mass Price Sport
Skoda Octavia Octavia Octavia Mass Price Comfort

with local governments, gets the land and the infrastructure, maintenance or the cost of replacement is another drawback of
designs its production system thinking of the product’s ‘‘modules’’, the modular concept. For example, the integrated ‘‘cockpit’’ or the
defines its own internal operations and the subcontracted inner door modules may make sense from a product-design
operations, the modules outsourced that should be produced perspective, with a payoff in weight reduction and performance
nearby in the condominium or in the surroundings [18]. improvement. But, they may lead to higher replacement costs for
the automobile end users if one defective part necessitates the
2.3. The platform concept replacement of the entire module [1].
The main disadvantages and risks connected with the
There is no common definition for the platform, however, in all modularity approach are the following:
cases the so called floor pan is included. The platform principle is
based on standardized components, which offer a combination of  A complete redesigning of the vehicle is required so as to exploit
high model variety with comparably low levels of complexity. the maximum modularity benefits. This leads to an additional
Furthermore, the production cost is also reduced through the development time and cost.
modularity offered by the shared platforms (Fig. 3).  The vehicle modularity break-down could imply structure
Through the platform technology and a purposive product redundancies.
family, with various body styles and brands of different prestige,  The tolerance management between modules is more difficult.
volume and price, a car manufacturer group can cover the  Some specific competencies can be lost vs. suppliers [15].
complete market segments, based on internal uniformity. For
instance, the Volkswagen group, leader in the platform strategy, 3. Examples of automotive modular approaches
has created the world’s biggest selling platform and achieved a
high degree of parts commonality (65% in the case of the Golf, A3, 3.1. Fiat Tipo
Seat and Skoda platform) [19]. Table 1, illustrates the product
family achieved based on this platform. Fiat with its model Tipo, is considered one of the first
automotive firms, which back in the 1980s, successfully simplified
2.4. Main issues the car’s design and assembly and maximized the opportunities for
component sharing across the Fiat marques (variants included the
A major problem encountered today in auto industries that Lancia Dedra/Delta, Alfa 155, Fiat Tempra). Tipo’s design and
obstruct the broad implementation of modularity in vehicle assembly can be described as a modular approach. The Tipo model
manufacturing, is the lack of integration capability of automotive employed a number of pre-assembled modules, namely that of the
suppliers. This means that body, chassis, engine and drivetrain cockpit and of a door. The majority of these modules were
produced by separate suppliers, each one with their own internally designed, manufactured and assembled [11].
specialized systems of knowledge, may not upon assembly, lead
to a workable automobile. Moreover, the modules’ cost of 3.2. SMART

The SMART car may be characterized as the state of the art of

automotive modularity. SMART is built from pre-assembled
modules. Thus, the client has the ability to choose a particular
variant of the Smart, at the dealership, and the dealer has short
time to prepare the vehicle according to his/her specifications, by
adapting the modules that are in stock [20]. More precisely, SMART
is based on a rigid integral body frame/safety cell (called
‘‘TRIDION’’) to which such flexible body modules as doors, the
front and rear panels and (the optional glass) roof are attached. The
final buyer can customize the product by combining both colours
of the frame (black and silver) with the various colours of the body
panels. This way, the customer is given the impression of a high
level of customization, although product variation in the produc-
tion is kept to a minimum. Furthermore, outsourcing is the main
characteristic in SMART’s production, as suppliers are totally
integrated into its plant (Fig. 4) [20,21].

3.3. Citroen C3 pluriel

The production of this car is also a good representative of

Fig. 3. The platform concept [19]. today’s modular cars, offering a combination of body styles. Its
J. Pandremenos et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 (2009) 148–152 151

Fig. 6. Car body modules.

as the separable production units. These clearly defined product

boundaries also present the manufacturers with considerable
opportunities to outsource the design process and reduce the
complexity of the design activity.
Especially, in a car’s body design, three are the main
requirements that have to be considered in order for a functional
modularity to be achieved: (1) number of modules, (2) joining
sequence between modules and (3) tolerance management issues.

4.1. Number of modules

Fig. 4. The SMART plant in Hambach, France [22].

The split lines that determine the modules have to be defined

according to the assembly sequence requirements, which are state
of the art in the automotive industry. These requirements include
tolerance issues, handling of sub-assembly and accessibility for
joining. For instance, the roof rail is usually part of the roof module,
but it has to be assembled in the upper body module. This is
required to achieve stiffness for handling of the body side sub-
assembly. Therefore, the roof module split line has to be between
the roof panel and the roof rail. Similarly thinking for the other split
lines, the state of the art today proposes a split up of the five
modules in the body. These are the (1) front-end, (2) floor, (3) roof,
(4) upperbody and (5) rear-end (Fig. 6).
The main sub-elements of each module are listed in Table 2:

4.2. Joining sequence between modules

The assembly of modules should follow a specific sequence in

order to be feasible and at the same time fast, qualitative and
Fig. 5. Citroen C3 pluriel’s modularity [23]. inexpensive. For the aforementioned modules’ split up, the
following sequence meets best the above requirements and is
modular roof construction, consisting of two removable arches mostly utilized in the automotive industry (Fig. 7):
running the length of the body, a retractable material top, a double f½ðFloor ! Rear endÞ ! Front end ! Upperbodyg ! Roof:
floor at the rear and without a centre pillar, enables the customer
to turn it into different kinds of vehicles: saloon, convertible or
pick-up [23] (Fig. 5). 4.3. Tolerance management issues
More examples of automotive modular approaches can be
found in [11,14,24–29]. The positioning accuracy of the modules during assembly is a
major issue that must be ensured, both for quality and stiffness
4. Modular body design requirements purposes. For instance, the upper body module which forms no
more closed framework requires a special attention during
The modular design in general, separates the design task into assembly. For that reason, special fixtures are being developed.
separable units, which may or may not follow the same elements Furthermore, their new joining processes and combinations,

Table 2
Sub-elements of each body module.

Front-end Floor Roof Upperbody Rear-end

Dash panel Rockers Roof panel Body side outer Rear floor
Dash cross member Panel floor Header A-pillar Rear side rail
Front side rail Seat cross member Roof bows B-pillar Back panel
Shotgun Tunnel Adapter parts C-pillar Spare wheel well
Turret housing Heel kick – Body side inner Rear lamp bracket
Cowl A-pillar inner – Roof rail –
Bumper beam – – – –
152 J. Pandremenos et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 (2009) 148–152

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