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English for Academic and Professional Purposes

LAS - Week 6
Alexa Sheade Bonbon Grade 12 ABM EQUITY
Mr. Germogenes Panganoron October 3, 2022

 What I Know
1. React 6. Critique
2. Review 7. React
3. Critique 8. Review
4. Critique 9. Review
5. Review 10. React
 What’s In
1. Yes, the writer highlights the significant aspects of the restaurant as he described
it detailed.

2. The review persuasive was enough as it stated there the detailed descriptions of
the restaurant. Also, while I’m reading it, it made me convinced by how clear and
detailed it was even though it was only a sample of a review.
 What’s New
1. The writer described the exhibit by writing it expressing what he saw during the
exhibit. The writer used words that would convince the reader to visit also the
exhibit. He described it detailed and will make the reader form an imagination or
visualization in his mind that would excite him to visit the exhibit.

2. It didn’t go beyond a mere recounting of the event. Based on the excerpt, he

described the event exact and details of what he saw. He didn’t add any
exaggeration that will ruin the review. He expressed the details in the framework
with no intention of ruining the artwork.

3. Based on what I have read, the writer attempted to tell a story in the framework of
the exhibit. He gave his previews of the message behind the artwork. He didn’t
just describe it but he also express what he thinks is the message of the artwork.
 What’s More
Critical Approach What You Know About It (Words or
adjectives you associate with it other than
those listed)
Formalist Approach Basic of all approaches, evaluating the merit
of the book, discusses the event about its
structure, theme, and message.
Historical Approach Time, social milieu, political climate, and
socio-political context
Reader-Response Approach Reader’s criticism and own explanation

Gender or Feminist Approach Reviews considering the gender equality

Biographical Approach Author’s opinions or beliefs, experiences,

and insights

 What I Have Learned

Explain how reviews can benefit the public.

In our usual activities such as reading, watching, attending an event or an exhibit,

and others, we often have our self comments about what we observed or what we read. It
is called reviews. Reviews refer to the expression of a writer’s or reader’s own opinion
about a certain excerpt, book, movie, exhibit, and others. You’re giving your comments
and evaluation that may help the readers to inform decisions.
Reviews are significant to the public. It helps the readers to get an impression about
an excerpt, movies, and others. You’re giving them information that might help them get
an overview of the whole context. You’re giving your own opinion and comments about
such a thing. Reviews are significant because you’re giving your evaluation an honest
appraisal and avoiding unbiased evaluation. Reviews give you also new information or
knowledge. It let you or the reader know whether or not the book, events, movies, and
others are interesting. An example of a real-life situation is when you’re deciding
whether or not you will buy the product you want online because you’re afraid that you
might get scammed by the seller or that product is not worth buying for it has poor
quality. You will view the reviews of that product to see if it has good quality and if the
seller or shop is not a scam. By that, you will see whether the product has a positive
review or not. It helps you decide whether or not you will buy that because of the
information you’ve got from the reviews.
Reviews give you a piece of concise information about a book, movie, or any other
real-life situation that will help you give your impression. Reviews also play a significant
role in the public as it gives you direction about the thing you want to encounter or read
and also give a summary of an event, a book, a movie, and others.

 What I Can Do
Write a reaction paper about an event that you attended recently.

The event was when I attended the Grand Rally of Leni Robredo here in
Catbalogan. City. I have heard others saying that people who attended her grand rally
were mostly young and non-voters. They also stated that Leni paid the people who
attended which is not true. In fact, the Youth for Samar group was the one who organized
everything in the event without getting paid. They took care of everything, from the
materials used for the stage design to the intermission they performed to entertain the
crowd and the sound system. Other people from the crowd even volunteered to give
drinks to the people.
The most unforgettable scenario that I have experienced from that event was when
Leni Robredo appeared and stated her speech about her plans for the country and her
credentials. Also, when the music background played the campaign song “Rosas”,
everybody in the crowd sang along to the song and feel the rhythm of the song. It is the
most incredible experience for me because I can feel a glimpse of hope. I felt happy and
amazed because of how people showed support and became the voice of the voiceless.
The event was held in Catbalogan City Capitol. It was held last 28th of March.
Youth for Samar was the one who organized everything. There are even volunteers
who also helped organize the event. The mayor of Paranas, and Tarangnan also attended
the event. Leni Robredo, Kiko Pangilinan, and Teddy Baguilat, were there too as they
were the reason why the event was held. The event was organized and held successfully
because there it wasn’t chaotic and it finished successfully.

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