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First week assignment Refresher in Law in General 1. Give the definition of Law 2.

What are the different kinds of law 3. Give the elements of a valid law 4. Give the purposes of law 5. Give the effects of law upon humanity and social relationships 6. As students, why do you have to study the law on Obligations and Contracts Obligation, Preliminaries 1. Memorize Article 1156 2. Define Juridical Necessity 3. Essential Requisites of Obligation, define each 4. Give 3 examples each of obligation to give, to do, and not to do 5. Memorize Article 1157 6. Define each source of law and give an example for each (Art. 1157) 7. Read and analyze all the articles related to Article 1157 (sources of obligations) 8. Define culpa, dolo, culpa aquiliana, delicto, negotorium gestio, solutio indebiti, culpa contractual, prestation, movable and immovable properties, good father of the family References: The Law on Obligations and Contracts by Hector De Leon, any edition The Law on Obligations and Contracts by Desiderio P. Jurado, any edition Civil Code of the Philippines and other law books on the subject WRITE YOUR ASSIGNMENT USING YOUR THICK NOTEBOOK IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING

Second week assignment ARTICLES 1158-1162 1. Obligations derived from law cannot be presumed. Explain this statement. 2. What is contract? Why does it have the force of law between the contracting parties? Give 5 examples of contracts as a source of obligation.

What law shall govern quasi contracts? Give the elements of quasi contracts. Give the 2 classic examples of quasi contract.

4. Define penal laws. Give 5 examples of penal laws and obligations created by them. 5. What is quasi delict? What are the elements of quasi delict? Differentiate qusi delict from crimes as source of obligation. Give 2examples of quasi delict. What are the factors that would determine existence of negligence? Be able to understand the concepts of dolo, culpa, culpa aquiliana, negotorium gestio, solutio indebiti, negligence.


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