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ZGE 4301


Group name: ____EARTHLINGS____ Date: __September 23, 2022__

Subject/section: ___ZGE-4301: 3CE-1B___

Module 2 Activity 1

A major issue across the world is the impact that people have on their environment. If we use
up or misuse resources and pollute the environment we have a negative effect on wildlife and crops,
and we run the risk of damaging the world for future generations.

Our country just the same are facing environmental problems, and we should be aware of
these. We should know our ole in knowing and finding possible solutions to our environmental issues.

Objective: At the end of the activity, you should be able to observe the things around you and take
note of some problems which exist in your environment. And be able to find possible

1. The teacher will assign specific areas around the campus/ your home surrounding
or nearby places in your neighborhood for exploration.
2. Describe the uses of the place assigned to your group.
3. Record the environmental problems that exist there.
4. Discuss within your group the probable causes and effects of these problems.
5. Identify the possible solutions to the existing problems.
6. Obtain visual data or pictures of the assigned area.
7. Make a presentation for your class to show the data and results of your observations

Data and Results:

Assigned Place: ___Elementary School Gate____

Use of the Problems which Probable causes Probable effects Possible solutions
Place exist in the place of the problems of the problems to the problems
which exist in the which exist in the which exist on the
place place place

Students and Garbage and trash. People throwing Can cause disease Put a trash bin with
teachers parking trash bags and for students and three signs:
area. garbage. can bring a lot of recyclable,
pests in the area biodegradable, and
(mosquito, fly, rats, non-biodegradable.

Gate (for exit Trash Carts that The open area Blocks the way of The trash cart that
only). block the gate. beside the gate was the gate that is blocks the gate
used as a garbage supposed to be for should be moved to
area a long time parking and exit for the garbage area and
ago (not a garbage the students and a sign (EXIT) placed
area anymore and teachers. there to prevent this.
forbidden people
from throwing trash)
and trash carts
were used in this

Display area for Rust, dirty place The people who Due to rust, the Conduct clean-up
school’s and paint that have forgotten to plants near the area drives for the area
gardening. almost fades. clean, paint and will be affected. It and put signages to
care for the place. will also be bad for make people know
animals that are that the area should
eating the plants. be kept clean.

Use additional sheet of paper for your answers.


1. Why do you need to know the status of your environment?

We must know what is going on in our environment, our environment is one of the reasons we are living
safe and healthy so we must always observe what is around us, and identify if we need to change
something. Like for example in our first area, we are having problems with the piles of trash in the
parking area for students and teachers. Those piles of trash will cause diseases and will attract pests.
We have to act and fix immediately the reason causing negativity in our environment, in our case it is
the piles of trash so our solution is to place a different trash bin for recyclable, biodegradable and non-
biodegradable trash.

2. Do you have a role in the progress and problems in your environment? Explain your answer.

Yes, we are the reason why our environment became clean and better and we can also be the reason
for it to have problems and get destroyed. We people have the ability to think and do what is right and
wrong. Example for our first case, where the problem is the piles of trash. If we think about it, the piles
of trash were caused by the people throwing trash in there. Those residents in that area are the reason
why there's a pile of trash there. There is no problem in the first place, but because of the bad habits of
the residents the piles of trash became a problem in the environment. We must act, because we
humans also have the ability to fix and progress our environment, so we will provide a solution to resolve
the problem we caused, and for our case our solution will be placing a different trash bin for recyclable,
biodegradable and non-biodegradable trash.
Visual Data of the Assigned Area:

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