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● There are 63% samples that were analyzed during the
OUTLINE last 2013. It gives us adverse or typical finds. There is
I. Prevalence of Sport Related Drug Use really a high use of anabolic agents in sports such as
II. Total ADRVS – top 10 Sports steroids.
1. The athlete’s nationalities with the highest ● 10% are the stimulants followed by diuretic agents
number of ADRVS
a. Charles Brown Sequard
next is the glucocorticosteroids, your hormones,
III. Steroids in Sports cannabinoids and then other substances that are
1. Sex Steroids prohibited in the list.
2. Corticosteroids ● DO NOTE THAT THERE IS A HIGH USE OF
IV. Steroids
2. Androgenic
3. Ergogenic TOTAL ADRVS - TOP 10 SPORTS
V. Steroid Precursors
1. How do they advertise them?
VI. Testosterone
1. Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
a. Why are they popular among athletes?
VII. EVIDENCE: AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids)
VIII. Adverse Effect and Reversibility
1. Cardiovascular
2. Reproductive – MALE
3. Reproductive – FEMALE
4. Hepatic
5. Endocrine
6. Musculoskeletal
7. CNS
IX. Direct Measures
1. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
2. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
3. Athlete’s Biological Passport
a. Steroidal Module
X. Concepts that athlete’s do to so that they will not be
1. Cycling ● Highest groups came from the body builders, 22%.
2. Stacking Next is the athletics group, cycling group, weightlifters,
3. Pyramiding powerlifting, wrestling, rugby, boxing, and lastly the
4. Plateauing aquatics group.
XI. Plants and Animal Steroids
XII. Muscle Dysmorphia ● This will show us the violations that have occurred
XIII. Dependency and Withdrawal when we look at individually in sporting events.
XIV. Corticosteroids
1. Glucocorticoids
XVI. Post Lecture Discussion NUMBER OF ADRVS
● The highest is Italy, followed by France, United States,
PREVALENCE OF SPORT RELATED DRUG USE Brazil, Russia, China, India, Belgium, Spain, and lastly
is South Africa.

● This is all reported by WADA, they have a committee

that looks into this. Were expecting this Olympics that
they could come up again with more recent findings.

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

o Released in the ovaries

● A known physiologist and neurologist. For Males:
● In neurology, he was responsible for defining a ● During puberty, a sudden change of voice from a soft
neurologic condition called brown sequard voice will change to a deeper voice, development of
syndrome, where you will see a transection of the adam's apple, start to be taller, more muscle mass.
spinal cord and if it is a hemitransection o For reproductive functions, sperm cells/ sperm
(hemitransected). He was able to define the signs and counts would already be matured so there would
symptoms. be an increase in the number of the sperm cells
● Where is the sensory, is it on the right or left? Where and quality of sperm. So that is reproductive
is the motor? He was able to define all of this. functions that are present in males during puberty
● He was also an endocrinologist, he was able to find and onwards the adult life.
and describe a lot of substances, mechanism of how o Released in the testicles
hormones can work. This included his studies on
● He did a research on the use of looking at test testiller ● These steroids are for/by the adrenal glands and there
extract, where he got testosterone extract from are two types: Mineralocorticoids and
testicles. He said that he tested it himself. Glucocorticoids.
● Results say that testicular hormone/testosterone can ● What makes them different from sex steroids is that
indeed provide just a hormonal level of individuals these corticosteroids are for the control and balance of
changes in muscle mass and strength. This was many our fluids and electrolytes; they are able to maintain
years ago, as we move forward in the field of medicine. normal fluid volume, normal sodium potassium -
Newer drugs came out but the basis of them are from mineralocorticoids are responsible for this.
Mr. Charles Brown Sequard. ● The glucocorticoids are responsible for metabolism
and immune function - these are inflammatory
● In doping courses, when we hear the word “steroids” ● When we talk about … we said that steroids have a
the word comes to our mind is body, the physique. role in the immune function in swelling, edema and
1. Sex Steroids
2. Corticosteroids
Sex Estrogen Sexual
Steroids Progesterone Characterist
SEX STEROIDS Androgen(Testoster ics
● When we talk about SS there will be an estrogen, one) Reproductiv
progesterone, and androgen (highest percent of the e Functions
androgen is the Testosterone)
● It defined our sexual characteristics. So if you are Corticostero Mineralocorticoids Fluids and
female mostly you have estrogen & progesterone ids Glucocorticoids electrolytes
while if you are male, mostly you will have Metabolism
testosterone. Immune
o NOTE: I said MOSTLY because sometimes male Function
have Estrogen & Progesterone levels. The same
goes with testosterone with the female.
● So they will define your sexual characteristics. STEROIDS
● We need to look at these 3 terminologies when we talk
Example about steroids
For Female:
● During the puberty that is the time when there is a ANDROGENIC
surge already of our sex steroids you will see already ● Increase in the sexual characteristics
how females would start to look like adult female. ● Enhance male characteristics
There is an enlargement of the breast, hips will also be
forming, waist become smaller, and face become for ANABOLIC
feminine. These are all female characteristics. ● There is an increase in muscle mass
o The reproductive functions will also be the age ● Increase in strength
where you will get menstruation, start ovulating.

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

ERGOGENIC However, unfortunately, in the black market - you will see

● Increase in power and function these products. They all contain steroid precursors.
● Increase in performance
● “These are not steroids, these are not testosterone but
these are the substances that testosterone were
derived from so you will get the benefits of
● But we have shown that this is not true and If you get
tested, you will be positive
● The lesson is - please look carefully into the
ingredients of these substances. Find the names that
are prohibited from the wada list.
● Sometimes, these products are contaminated
meaning, intentionally or not intentionally, they added
a steroid in it and it is not written in the ingredients.
● Chemically speaking, testosterone is derived from
WADA’s stand on steroid precursors? It is prohibited at all
cholesterol, and it goes through several processes
before it becomes testosterone
● DHEA, 5-Androstenediol, Androstenedione and 4-
Androstenediol these are steroid precursors of your TESTOSTERONE
● Some athletes also use the steroid precursors hoping
that they will be tested positive for testosterone


● Endogenous - naturally occurring. The males have
● This study looked at the anabolic and androgenic their own testosterone and the females have their own
steroids and testosterone precursors as ergogenic amount of testosterone
aids in sports ● Exogenous - synthetic derivatives of testosterone so
● Although data that support the theory of conversion of that is from the outside. Manufactured from the lab and
prohormones, such as androstenediol, to testosterone they are being injected, inhaled, taken in, drank to the
in the body is available, support for testosterone body
precursors alone as ergogenic aids is lacking
● It’s clear these steroid precursors will not provide WHY ARE THEY POPULAR AMONG ATHLETES?
ergogenic advantage
● They are meant for muscle building and increase male
STEROID PRECURSORS ● Going back, androgenic is the development of male
● Androgenic (are they able to develop male and female characteristics and anabolic is increasing muscle
characteristics) - not enough data mass.
● Anabolic (increase in muscle mass( - no
● ergogenic(improve athlete performance) - no
● Positive test ( if wada test you) - yes positive result
● Adverse health effects - yes

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

▪ If you are adding this to your program, it will

help them increase their strength
o No increase in endurance performance
▪ There is a difference between power and
▪ Don’t expect steroids to improve your
o Adverse effects are well documented


● Increase in muscle mass: hypertrophy (enlargement of
muscle cells) and hyperplasia (increase in number of
muscle cells)
o This is an old journal because this is the one that ● Increase in strength: enhanced calcium release from
defined the role of steroids and how it affects the SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum) and/or increased calcium
performance of athletes. sensitivity of the contractile proteins
o They did a study using testosterone 600 mg a o When calcium is released, contractile protein
week for 10 weeks in weightlifters starts to do their work
o What did they find after 10 weeks? o Steroids make contractile proteins respond better
▪ There was a 6 kg weight gain and a 22 kg ● Anti-catabolic effects
improvement in 1RM bench press in ● Reduction in breakdown of muscle mass to maintain a
experienced weightlifters. good muscle mass
▪ As you can see, there was an increase in ● Endpoints (size and strength) are enhanced by training
weights and ergogenic properties of this o You cannot gain muscle mass with steroids
substance. without training


Androgenic YES

Anabolic YES

Ergogenic YES

Positive Test YES

Adverse health YES


o Another study titled the effects on androgenic-

anabolic in athletes.
o There are individual differences for dose and
▪ Even if the dose - low dose vs high dose, there
are different responses.
▪ The frequency, every six hours, every day,
every week, there is also a difference in
▪ Even if you give the same dose and frequency,
there will still be individual differences. One
person may respond differently than the other
o In strength athletes, megadoses increase lean
body mass and strength
▪ Strength athletes which mean they are
powerlifters or etc

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

MOST COMMONLY USED ANABOLIC-ANDROGENIC o Football players, weightlifters

1. Increased LDL
Anadrol Deca-Durabolin 2. Decreased HDL
(oxymetholone) (nandrolone decanoate) 3. Hypertension
4. Elevated Triglycerides
Anavar (oxandrolone) Durabolin (nandrolone 5. Atherosclerotic Heart Disease
Dianabol Depo-Testosterone ● Low Density Lipoprotein aka bad cholesterol increases
(methandienone) (testosterone cypionate) ● High density lipoprotein aka good cholesterol
Winstrol (Stanozolo) Agovirin (testosterone ● Reversibility: Yes
Restandol Retandrol (testosterone ● Chronic use of steroids can increase your blood
(Testosterone phenylpropionate) pressure
undecanoate) ● Reversibility: Yes


undecylenate) ● Chronic use of steroids can increase triglycerides
● Reversibility: Yes
● Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (both exogenous and ATHEROSCLEROTIC HEART DISEASE
endogenous when administered exogenously) are ● When coronary blood vessels decreases in diameter
prohibited which decrease blood supply to the heart and can lead
o Exogenous - comes from outside the body to myocardial infarction or heart attack
o Endogenous - from the body like getting your ● Reversibility: No
testosterone and injecting it
● Other anabolic agents (clenbuterol, selective
androgen receptor modulators, tibolone, zeranol,
zilpaterol) are prohibited Reproductive Testicular Yes
- MALE Atrophy
EFFECT Impaired Yes
Cardiovascula Increased LDL Yes
r Altered libido Yes
Decreased HDL Yes

Hypertension Yes Male pattern No

Elevated Yes

Atherosclerotic No
● Those who want to increase muscle mass and REPRODUCTIVE - MALE
strength 1. Testicular Atrophy
2. Gynecomastia

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

3. Impaired Spermatogenesis
4. Altered Libido
5. Male Pattern Baldness
Reproductiv Menstrual Yes
e - FEMALE dysfunction
● Testicles will dry up due to being atrophied. Their
functions will also decrease. Altered libido Yes
o Due to a lot of testosterone, the testicles will
atrophy because they are not needed anymore.
o The hormones will do a check in balance through Clitoral No
positive and negative feedback, hence, if there is enlargement
too much testosterone already, the testicles will
say “My function is no longer needed, I can already Deepening of the No
atrophy.” voice
● Reversibility: Yes
o If you stop taking the steroid, it can be reversible Male pattern No
● Enlargement of the breasts in males ADVERSE EFFECTS & REVERSIBILITIES IN
● Reversibility: Possible REPRODUCTIVE - FEMALE
1. Menstrual Dysfunction
● The sperms will decrease in number 3. Clitoral Enlargement
● There will also be abnormal types of sperms 4. Deepening of the Voice
o In physiology, you might have been introduced to 5. Male Pattern Baldness
what a sperm cell would look like. It has a head
o In impaired spermatogenesis, for example, the ● You will start having irregular menses.
sperm cells can also look abnormal like two heads, ● You may even have the absence of menses.
short tail, or two long tails ● You may have a smaller amount of menstrual blood
● Reversibility: Yes than normal.
● Reversibility: Yes
ALTERED LIBIDO ● In females, there is menstrual dysfunction. This means
● In males taking steroids, initially there will be an that the menses can totally stop because that is a
increase in libido. But later on, they are no longer male hormone.
interested in this sexual function. ● The menses may also be irregular or scant (konti yung
● The alternation is biphasic menstrual flow)
o Initially, they are very very interested due to an
increase in libido. But later on, they are no longer ALTERED LIBIDO
interested because there is a decrease in libido. ● Initially there will be an increase in libido. But later on,
● Reversibility: Yes they are no longer interested in this sexual function
● Reversibility: Yes
● They will start losing hair CLITORAL ENLARGEMENT
● There are some males who have a genetic ● The clitoris is the female counterpart of the male penis.
predisposition to male pattern baldness. If it runs in Since you are taking in high amounts of testosterone,
the family, have a high hairline, and you lose your hair your clitoris will enlarge.
as you mature. It means you have a high level of ● Reversibility: No
testosterone in your body.
● In persons taking testosterone, you will also develop DEEPENING OF THE VOICE
this male pattern baldness. It means there is a high ● Since this is a male characteristic, taking testosterone
level of testosterone. will make your voice deepen.
● Reversibility: No ● Reversibility: No

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

● If you are injecting testosterone, it is a male hormone, SYSTEM ADVERSE REVERSIBILITY

your voice will lean towards the male voice because of EFFECT
the changes in your larynx, pharynx, and vocal cords. Endocrine Altered glucose Yes
● Male pattern baldness is also seen in females taking FSH, LH
testosterone. Acne Yes
● Reversibility: No Altered glucose Yes


1. Altered Glucose Intolerance
2. Decreased FSH, LH
3. Acne


● You can have high blood sugar levels
● Reversibility: Yes

● Follicle-stimulating Hormones (FH) and Luteinizing
Hormones (LH) direct ovulation
● Reversibility: Yes
Hepatic Elevated liver Yes ● It can be seen on both males and females
enzymes ● You can observe this in your athletes if they suddenly
Jaundice Yes have a lot of pimples not just on the face, but also on
Hepatic Tumors No the back.
Peliosis hepatis No ● Reversibility: Yes


1. Elevated Liver Enzymes EFFECT
2. Jaundice Musculoskeletal Premature No
3. Hepatic Tumors epiphyseal
4. Peliosis Hepatis closure
Tendon ??
● High risk for testosterone levels can damage your liver
● Reversibility: Yes


● Yellowish discoloration of the skin, chances are there MUSCULOSKELETAL
is a liver problem 1. Premature Epiphyseal Closure
● Reversibility: Yes 2. Tendon Degeneration


● Abnormalities in the mass of the liver ● The epiphysis of the long bone determines the height
● Reversibility: No of individuals. This will enlarge as we grow taller
● If the younger ones, especially during pre-puberty, if
PELIOSIS HEPATIS they are being given steroids, you can see that will
shield their maximum height. They do not reach their
● Like pockets of blood found all of the liver maximum height.
● Reversibility: No ● Reversibility: No

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

TENDON DEGENERATION ● Injectable forms have earlier onset than the oral forms
● They damage their tendons because of chronic steroid ● Injectable are shorter in duration than oral
use ● Urine analysis is a single condition, in the presence or
● Reversibility: ?? the absence of steroids which metabolize or other
o Some say they can regenerate, but others say related substances of steroids.
they cannot ● Right here, right now

SYSTEM ADVERSE REVERSIBILITY 3. Athlete’s Biological Passport

EFFECT ● Steroidal Module
CNS Mood swing Yes o Operational on January 1, 2014
Violent Yes o Monitors selected urinary steroid concentrations
over time
o Meant to constantly monitor and see if there is a
Depression Yes pattern of your steroid concentration over a period
Psychosis Yes of time

2. Violent Behavior 1. Cycling
3. Depression 2. Stacking
4. Psychosis 3. Pyramiding
4. Plateuing
● One minute, you are very happy, the next minute, you CYCLING
are sad o They take steroid A for one week straight, and then
they stop taking it for another week
VIOLENT BEHAVIOR o They will start taking it again in the third week, and
then stop taking it again in the fourth week
● You might have heard of drug rage/steroid rage
o They cycle the use of steroids
● There was an MMA fighter who killed his wife and
● The aim is to be able to maintain just enough level of
children and also shot himself because of his violent
steroids in their body to achieve the effects they want
behavior. He was found out to be a chronic steroid
and just enough for the urine test to be tested negative
● They do not want to have a high levels of steroids at
any given time
DEPRESSION ● They will take this week, the following they will not -- a
● There is an alteration on the behavior on how they STACKING
think, what is normal, and what is not o They would use different types of steroids
● They can have delusions and hallucinations o Week 1: Steroid A; Week 2: Steroid B; Week 3:
Steroid C etc.
o Remember that there are many many types of
steroids, and if they go below that level, by just
1. Increase Performance (Cheating) taking them for a week, they would test negative
2. Damage the health of the athletes o If they take a different one next week, steroid level
will go down again that will make them test
1. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
2. Liquid chromatography-mass PYRAMIDING
spectrometry o Inverse pyramid
● Done in the laboratory o They will start by taking low dosage and gradually
● How long do we expect the levels to be present in the going up, increasing slowly until they achieve their
urine desired objective
● Metabolites may be present up to 30 days depending o Then they go back to taking low dosage, gradually
on agent, dose, route increase again hoping that they would not test
● Route: how you took it positive for the urine steroids

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

PLATEAUING ● These withdrawal symptoms are physiological like

o Similar to pyramiding, but they are able to test palpitations, dryness of the mouth, blood pressure
themselves and once they have certain steroid changes etc.
level in their body that is already in plateau, they ● Psychiatric symptoms
will stop it
o If they already achieved a certain steroid level in CORTICOSTEROIDS
their blood, they stop, once it goes down, they will 1. Glucocorticoids
start again o These are the ones that are responsible for the
o They will target a plateau stage, only up to that immune function
part, because in this part their urine will already
test negative
● All glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in-competition
● This is how athletes behave just to get away from when administered orally, rectally, intravenously, and
being tested positive in the urine test intramuscularly
● This is also the reason why we have steroidal module o In competition: just before midnight of the day of
for the ABP your competition and ends when you have been
tested already
PLANT AND ANIMAL STEROIDS o Oral: capsule, tablet, syrup
● Some manufacturers will even advertise o Rectally: inserting in rectum or anus
● “These are not human steroids, but if you take them, o Intravenously: you get an iv line through in vein or
they’re safe because they are from plants and animals inject in your vein
and you will not be tested positive” o Intramuscularly: inject in the muscle
o All are prohibited
SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS ● Glucocorticosteroids are under the monitoring
● We are not plants nor animals, so the steroids from program during out-of-competition
them will not be behaving as the testosterone that we o Out of competition: athletes are also being tested
want outside of competitions
● Unfortunately, it will not work, and there is a possibility o If they test positive in glucocorticosteroids, they
that you may test positive won’t be sanctioned because it’s still not prohibited
o Who know, maybe in the following year it will be
added in the prohibited list since they’re thinking of
● This is a mental or psychological condition wherein the
adding it in the WADA 2022
individual is not forever happy with how he/she looks
o For now, it’s only prohibited in in-competition only
● He/she wants to look better or bigger muscles
● They would most likely be taking steroids because
they want to improve on how they look ALLOWED DURING IN-COMPETITION
● These people would need professional help because ● Glucocorticosteroid Joint Injection
they will not stop o In chronic pain conditions especially if there’s pain
● It is rooted on low self-esteem and insecurities ● Inhaled Glucocorticosteroid in Asthma
● Address the low self-esteem and insecurities to be o Anti-inflammatory
able to stop taking steroids o If you have asthma and you’re not responding to
the usual medications, doctors may prescribe
steroids that are inhaled
● Topical Glucocorticosteroid
● Chronic use of steroids can cause dependency and
o If during competition, you get sore eyes or insect
bites, doctors can prescribe you topical steroids
● These two are different from each other
● If you need to take it orally, rectally, intravenously, and
● Dependency is described as being dependent on a
intramuscularly, you can get a TUE
o If you need to take it orally or rectally because of
o You are craving for it
an emergency
o You have drugs seeking behaviors
o If it’s for life threatening allergic reactions and you
o Psychologically dependent on it
need to be given and IV or IM to save your life
● Being on a drug for a long period of time, and you
o Sometimes, it can be a Retroactive TUE after
suddenly stopped it, you develop withdrawal
being given the drug

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Steroids

PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUG INCLUDE (FROM MAYO ● Urine: but it’s only ‘here and now’
CLINIC) ● Athlete Biological Passport: if it’s chronic and we saw
● Behavioral, emotional, or psychological changes -- difference behaviors of the athlete; to track repeated
particularly increased aggressiveness (“roid rage”) chronic use of steroids
o If you have an athlete who was very calm, nice, Cycling
and pleasant before then suddenly he's more ● If you take this week, urine levels will increase since
aggressive, always angry and irritated, that can be it’s in your body so you stop after a week so the urine
a possible red flag for steroid use level won’t increase and be detected
● Changes in body build, including muscle growth, rapid ● Blood levels won’t be detected if you’re urine gets
weight gain and development of the upper body tested because you didn’t take it continuously
● Increased acne
o Not just in the face but also at the back Stacking
● Needle marks in the buttocks or thighs ● Take different types of steroids weekly
● Enlarged breasts, male-pattern baldness and ● It won’t test positive because it’s only low doses but it
shrinking of the testicles in boys still has effects because of continuous use
● Smaller breasts, voice deepening and excessive
growth of body hair in girls Pyramiding
● Start with very low doses and gradually increase it
POST LECTURE DISCUSSION ● Stay within low levels of drugs

KEY TERMS: Plateauing

● Anabolic: improve strength or muscle mass ● One or several steroids but you want to achieve a
● Androgenic: improve male characteristics plateau stage
● Ergogenic: improve athlete’s performance ● Aim is to achieve a certain level that they will plateau
because they’ll test positive above it
TWO TYPES OF STEROIDS MAY BE USED IN SPORTS ● Stay below the radar and when achieved, stop or
1. Anabolic- Androgenic Steroids (AAS) change
o Anabolic - improve strength or muscle mass
o Androgenic - male characteristics ARE THERE SPECIFIC INJECTION SITES?
o Common example: Testosterone (all 3 key terms) ● Ideally, for IM, it’s in deltoids or buttocks because of
their large muscle mass
2. Glucocorticosteroid
o They really have a role especially for athletes with ARE THERE STEROIDS FOR THE HEART MUSCLES?
injury or chronic pain, steroids can decrease ● Target of steroids is skeletal muscles only and not the
inflammation which is usually injected cardiac or smooth muscles because of different
When we train athletes, two most common things we want
to happen in relation to steroids is to enhance strength TRANSGENDERS HAVE HORMONE THERAPY, LIKE
When an athlete is taking steroids, to enhance its effects, ● If you’re being injected with an exogenous steroid,
by evidence, you can get the maximum benefit if you that’s already a violation whether trans or not
do strength conditioning and workouts. ● If there are abnormal levels, it's still a violation from
o The concept is that taking steroids is not enough WADA
since you have to combine it with exercises like ● But there's an ongoing discussion for transgenders
weight training. joining different competitions like the olympic level
● There’s a debate in the ethical considerations since
Weightlifters, Body Builders, Football and Rugby Players individuals who want to shift from male to female or
usually use steroids to increase strength, muscle vice versa might need hormones while doing this
mass, and performance. ● As for now, we all follow the rules so if you’re tested
positive, you will still be sanctioned
● One of the considerations they’re looking at is if they’re
a legit transgender and they’re transitioning using
hormones, they’re looking at whether you’ll be allowed

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Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
I. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 1. Hypothalamus (generates growth hormone
1. How are Growth Hormones released? releasing hormone aka GHRH)
2. The Major Goal of Growth Hormone
II. 2 Major Mechanisms
2. GHRH enters the hypothalamic hypophyseal
III. Skeletal Muscle portal system (network of blood vessels that
1. Bones carries GHRH to ant. Pituitary Gland)
IV. Effect of HGH on Athletic Performance 3. GHRH stimulates Anterior Pituitary Gland to
V. Side Effects of HGH Abuse
VI. Test for HGH
generate HGH or Human Growth Hormone
1. The Isoforms Approach (somatotropin)
2. The Markers Approach 4. From the Anterior Pituitary Gland, Growth
VII. Analytical Doping Cases involving HGH Hormone is released into the blood
VIII. Matrix Used for Detecting HGH
1. Is the test Reliable?
2. Are the isoform differential immunoassays and • Growth hormone is released into the blood into the
the HGH biomarkers tests complementary? general circulation, where it travels to target tissues
IX. GH Releasing Factors
X. Best Time to Test Athletes for HGH • Now we're going to see that it's going to have effects
1. Is A Urine Test for HGH Likely to Be Developed? on tissues like adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, bone,
2. Can Blood Samples be Stored? and the liver
• But before we get into all these specific functions, I
want to go over the major goal of growth hormone
• Hormone that is naturally produced by the body because this major goal is really going to dictate all the
• It is synthesized and secreted by cells in the anterior specific functions.
pituitary gland located at the base of the brain.
• Its secretion into the circulation follows a pulsatile
pattern resulting in widely fluctuating blood levels
that are influenced by multiple factors such
physical activity
• In serum, hGH exists as a complex combination of
different molecular forms (isoforms), including the
major 22-kDa form and minor isoforms such as the 20-
kDa form.
• hGH also exists as aggregates of these isoforms
(dimers and oligomers, forming both homo- and
heterodimers). Following secretion into the blood THE MAJOR GOAL OF GROWTH HORMONE
circulation, the 22-kDa hGH has a short half-life of 10- • To provide adequate nutrients for ATP synthesis
20 minutes. and protein synthesis
• stimulates many metabolic processes in cells. • So, if we think about all sorts of peripheral cells, like,
• affects protein, fat, carbohydrate and mineral let's say skeletal muscles, skeletal muscles are
metabolism. composed of cells that are going to be metabolically
• Major Role of hGH: to stimulate the liver to secrete active
Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I). • To conduct metabolism, you have to have nutrients
IGF-I stimulates production of cartilage cells, like glucose fatty acids
resulting in bone growth and plays a key role in • And why do you have to have those nutrients to make
muscle protein synthesis and organ growth. ATP?
• prohibited both in- and out-of-competition under Because ATP is what's going to allow that cell to
section S2 of WADA’s List of Prohibited Substances do work
and Methods. • To have ATP you must have nutrients.
And to get that nutrient, you need something that's
going to stimulate the body to allow for the
availability of those nutrients

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Human Growth Hormone (hGH)

• If you want to do work, you must have ATP. And if you bone where they are going to take up utilized in
want ATP, you must have nutrients metabolic pathways to make ATP and that allows the
• The growth hormone is going to make some changes cells to do work.
around the body to increase the availability of those One of example of a process that is going to take
nutrients a lot of ATP:
liver and adipose tissue § Protein synthesis - take a lot of molecules of
§ now adipose tissue is just your body fat, and ATP just to make one protein
the body fat of course is going to contain lipids
in the form of triglycerides so the first effect SKELETAL MUSCLES
that growth hormones going to have is on • As we learned in A&P one is composed of lots and lots
adipose tissue where it stimulates lipolysis of proteins, but it turns out that growth hormone is also
now in general lipolysis is a process that going to have some other specific effects on cells of
breaks down those triglycerides into skeletal muscles and bone.
individual fatty acids
§ And then the fatty acids are released into the Growth hormones also going to have some other specific
blood well that makes sense given the school effects on cells of skeletal muscle and bone
because those fatty acids could be taken up
by skeletal muscle or other cells that are • In skeletal muscle, growth hormone is going to
metabolically active and use to make ATP stimulate glucose uptake
• Lipolysis and adipose tissues are the first function by increasing the number of transporters in the
• Liver is going to play a major role in increasing blood membrane of the skeletal muscle cells
glucose § these are called glucose transporters
glucose can go to cells that are metabolically • If the muscle cells put more glucose transporters in
active for ATP synthesis and the way the liver is their membrane, they can uptake more glucose
going to do that: stimulated by growth hormone
• Amino acid uptake is increased by a similar
• the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate in conjunction with the increased amount of ATP
precursors. So, if the liver is making glucose by this from all the glucose uptake the amino acids can be
method, it’s then taking that glucose and dumping it in strung together into proteins
the blood and therefore that glucose is going to be • Overall growth hormone is going to increase protein
available to all sorts of peripheral tissues synthesis all over the body but especially in skeletal
• breaking that glycogen down into glucose. The BONES
glucose that’s created through glycogenolysis is going • growth hormone also is going to have similar effects
to be released into the blood where it can then go and on bones
travel to peripheral tissues and those tissues can take • Growth hormones going to stimulate increased
it up and make ATP. glucose uptake into the bone cells
• Stimulate increased amino acid uptake into the
The liver is increasing blood glucose through two major With that increased uptake of amino acids in
mechanisms conjunction with increased ATP synthesis you're
going to be able to synthesize more proteins
1. Through gluconeogenesis • so, protein synthesis increases
2. Through glycogenolysis • an increase in bone mineral density
the more growth hormone a person has the more
• Now growth hormones going to stimulate the liver to dense their bones are okay and this is important in
do one more thing and that is going to be to release preventing osteoporosis
another type of hormone called igf -1 (Insulin-like One of the reasons why as we age, we have an
growth factor 1) increased susceptibility to osteoporosis is
because growth hormone levels naturally decline
• The effects that growth hormone has on adipose tissue with age
and the liver is to increase the availability of § if you have less growth hormones circulating
nutrients in the blood specifically glucose from in your blood at any given time over time your
adipose tissue and all those nutrients are going to bone mineral density may actually drop
travel in the blood to tissues like skeletal muscles and

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Human Growth Hormone (hGH)

• During puberty whenever your bones grow in length • Which then allows them to make more ATP and have
remember that involves cartilage and the synthesis of more protein synthesis
cartilage is termed Chondrogenesis • Growth hormone also stimulates the liver to release
Growth hormone also stimulates chondrogenesis insulin like growth factors which have similar effects
which helps bones grow in length on all sorts of other cell types
• Overall, what the growth hormone is doing through the • Comparing the Growth Hormones to the function of
adipose tissue in liver it's increasing the amount of thyroid hormones, we’ll see that they are very similar
circulating nutrients and then those nutrients are taken in function. Although, there's a couple differences
up by cells like skeletal muscle and a bone between the functions.
• Also, growth hormone augments the uptake of those
nutrients like glucose and amino acids but then EFFECT OF HGH ON ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE
through metabolic pathways we get more ATP and • Some of the effects attributed to hGH, which may
then we can build more proteins explain the attraction for its use as a doping agent,
especially in power and endurance sports
GROWTH HORMONE CAN ALSO DO TWO OTHER 1. The reduction of body fat (lipolysis)
THINGS 2. The increase in muscle mass and strength
(anabolic effect)
1. Growth hormone can actually stimulate the 3. Its tissue-repairing effects (recovery) on the
liver to generate another hormone that's musculo-skeletal system.
released into the blood and those are IGFs or
insulin like growth factors • The anabolic actions of GH are mostly mediated
One of the most common insulin growth factors is through IGF-I and include increases in total body
igf-1 which would be termed somatic in one so protein turnover and muscle synthesis. hGH also
IGFs are also called somatomedin appears to be used synergistically with other
Those IGFs travel in the blood to all sorts of performance-enhancing drugs, thus having an effect,
peripheral tissues and they exert functions there albeit indirect, on muscle anabolism and athletic
by binding to the insulin receptor and overall performance.
What the IGFs do is they increase glucose uptake
by those cells they also increase amino acid SIDE EFFECTS OF HGH ABUSE
uptake and they increase protein synthesis as Commonly reported side effects for hGH abuse are:
Same as in the case of skeletal muscle and bone
except it's not directly growth hormone that's doing 1. Diabetes in prone individuals
that for a bunch of other cells it's the IGF 2. Worsening of cardiovascular diseases
3. Muscle, joint and bone pain
2. They can actually exert negative feedback on 4. Hypertension and cardiac deficiency
the release of growth hormone releasing hormone 5. Abnormal growth of organs
What they do is if there's too much IGF in the blood 6. Accelerated osteoarthritis.
those IGS can then circulate back and inhibit the In untreated acromegalic individuals (known for
release of growth hormone releasing hormone pathological over-production of hGH), many of the
because if we have plenty of IGFs in the blood, symptoms described above are observed and life
that signals that not only do we have plenty of expectancy is known to be significantly reduced.
IGFs, but we also have plenty of growth hormones 7. Metabolic Dysfunction
and we don't need to get any more growth Because of the role that hGH plays in stimulating
hormones released. So IGFs can inhibit the IGF-1 secretion, excessive use of hGH may also
release of GH RH. lead to metabolic dysfunction, including glucose
It’s also worth noting that there's another inhibitory intolerance and other side effects associated with
hormone called growth hormone inhibiting excess levels of IGF-1.
hormone or GHIH.
§ This can also exert a similar effect to IGFs. TEST FOR HGH
§ inhibit the release of growth hormone. • The menace that doping with hGH presents to fair play
and the health and well-being of athletes has driven
COMPREHENSIVE LOOK AT WHAT GROWTH the sport and anti-doping authorities to support the
HORMONE IS DOING development of analytical methods for its detection.
• It’s really just making sure that the blood has plenty • Such tests have been elaborated following two distinct,
of circulating nutrients but complementary scientific approaches:
• Then it will also increase the ability of a lot of these the Isoforms Approach
cells to uptake those nutrients the Markers Approach

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Human Growth Hormone (hGH)

ISOFORM DIFFERENTIAL IMMUNOASSAYS be it recGH or other agents used to increase

• Isoforms Test circulating hGH [for example analogs of GH-
• was first introduced as a research-scale test at the releasing hormone (GHRH)
2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece § hGH secretagogues such as GH-releasing
• later applied at the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in peptides (GHRP) or even hGH gene doping].
Torino, Italy. • The detection and quantification of such biomarkers of
• Following a process of assay development and hGH activity constitute the rationale of the indirect
validation into a new technical platform (tube-based method for detection of doping with hGH, referred
chemiluminescence technique), which is suitable for to as the ‘markers approach’.
the production of commercial kits, the currently applied
test kits were firstly used during the 2008 European ANALYTICAL DOPING CASES INVOLVING HGH
Football Championship in Austria and Switzerland, • Since 2010, there have been approximately 15
as well as during the 2008 Summer Olympic Games adverse analytical findings reported following the
in Beijing, China. Currently, all WADA accredited application of the hGH Isoforms Test.
laboratories test for hGH using the Isoforms Test. • In addition, two athletes were sanctioned following
• Since the total levels of hGH secreted into circulation detection of doping with hGH through the application
vary naturally, are widely fluctuating over time and may of the hGH Biomarkers Test during the 2012 London
be influenced by several factors not associated with Paralympic Games.
• it is practically impossible to develop an anti-doping MATRIX USED FOR DETECTION OF HGH
test based simply on the measurement of increased • Tests for detection of hGH doping are applied in blood
total hGH concentrations. serum
• However, doping with recombinant hGH (recGH) which is obtained following the centrifugation in
alters the naturally constant proportions between the the laboratories of blood collected in specified
different isoforms of hGH present in blood of an tubes containing an inert polymeric serum
individual. separator gel and a clotting activation factor.
• The hGH Isoform Differential Immunoassays were
developed to detect changes in the proportions of
different hGH isoforms after recombinant recGH ARE THE HGH TESTS RELIABLE?
injection. • The concepts and development of both hGH tests
have been systematically reviewed by international
HGH BIOMARKERS TEST independent experts in such fields as hGH and IGF-I,
• the Markers Approach endocrinology, immunoassay, analytical chemistry,
• was briefly introduced for testing during the 2012 pharmacology, laboratory work, anti-doping, etc., and
London Olympic and Paralympic Games. published in international scientific journals.
• However, following the temporary withdrawal from • The 2013 Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
the market of one of its constituent assays, a decision on the FIS vs. Veerpalu case confirmed that
process of validation of new assays for IGF-1 and P- the current Isoforms Test is robust and
III-NP has been completed in collaboration with scientifically reliable.
USADA and several research groups, including the • As a result of criticism expressed by the CAS Panel on
method-developer GH-2000 team from the UK and the statistical procedure originally applied to the
various WADA accredited laboratories. determination of the test’s DLs, new statistical
• Following the completion of the study on the analyses were performed on an increased number of
determination of the Decision Limits (DLs) for the hGH hGH doping control data
Biomarkers Test, the application of the method will be samples from athletes treated under real doping
resumed in a number of WADA accredited laboratories control conditions of sample collection,
in the near future. transportation, storage and analysis, including
• hGH affects the expression of many different standardized analytical protocols and
proteins which may serve as biological markers of instrumentation) by two independent teams of
hGH activity. statisticians.
• These include markers of hGH action in the liver such • The results of the study have been published in an
as IGF-I, as well as markers of hGH action on soft independent peer-reviewed scientific journal
tissue collagen turnover, such as the N-terminal specialized in GH and IGF-I research.
peptide of procollagen type III (P-III-NP). • The revised DLs have been incorporated into a new
The measurement of these two hGH markers in version of the Guidelines on hGH Isoform Differential
serum may serve to uncover the manipulation of Immunoassays for anti-doping analyses, available on
the hGH/IGF-I axis independently of the doping WADA’s website.
substance used
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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Human Growth Hormone (hGH)

These Guidelines continue to provide direction on • These compounds induce the secretion of
the sample pre-analytical preparation procedure, endogenous hGH by the pituitary gland.
the performance of the test and the interpretation • They are used in place of recGH to attain the effects
and reporting of the test results. of hGH doping, and possibly to mask detection of
recGH use with the Isoforms Test.
“hGH isoforms differential immunoassays applied to blood • However, anti-doping laboratories have developed
samples from athletes: decision limits for anti-doping mass spectrometry-based methods for their
testing”. Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 2014. detection, and adverse analytical findings have been
reported following their detection in doping control
• The scientific validity and efficacy of the hGH samples.
biomarkers approach has been documented in • In addition, their use may be detected with the indirect
multiple scientific publications for over a decade. hGH Biomarkers Test.
• A series of placebo-controlled recombinant recGH
administration studies performed in Europe and
Australia has shown that both IGF-I and P-III-NP rise BEST TIME TO TEST ATHLETES FOR HGH
substantially following recGH administration in a dose- • As for any other doping controls, test distribution plans
dependent manner. for hGH testing should be based on the
• These markers have been evaluated for several implementation of ‘Intelligent Testing’ strategies
confounding factors that might influence the scores of aimed at making an effective and efficient use of
the discriminant functions, including available testing resources.
Age • Athletes use hGH as a doping agent for extended
Gender periods of time in order to benefit from its purported
Ethnicity performance-enhancing effects (in contrast, for
Exercise example, to other doping agents such as stimulants,
diurnal which may have an immediate effect).
day-to-day variation • Therefore, testing for hGH should be prioritized to
intra-individual variation out-of-competition periods, and be based on
bony and soft tissue injury intelligent, non-notice and unpredictable testing.
sporting discipline Because Doping Athletes suspect that they may
body habitus (physique). be tested for hGH during competition periods.
• Nevertheless, before resuming its implementation in • Target testing of suspected athletes based on
WADA-accredited laboratories, the study on the intelligence information
determination of the DLs for the new assays will be e.g. information about doping routines
also subjected to independent peer review and prior suspicious test results or dubious and
publication in an international scientific journal. unexpected sporting achievements is also
ARE THE ISOFORM DIFFERENTIAL IMMUNOASSAYS • Due to their complementary nature in detecting hGH
AND THE HGH BIOMARKERS TESTS doping, it is advised that samples are tested with
COMPLEMENTARY? both the Isoforms and the Biomarkers Tests.
• These two tests are complementary in nature and in
time window of hGH detection. IS A URINE TEST FOR HGH LIKELY TO BE
• The hGH Isoforms Test detects the alteration of DEVELOPED?
proportions (ratios) between hGH isoforms up to 24- • According to the majority of international experts, the
48 hours after recGH administration. blood matrix is the most suitable matrix for the
• The Biomarkers Test is based on measuring the detection of hGH.
increased synthesis of two biological markers of • hGH in urine is found in extremely small quantities
hGH bioactivity, namely IGF-I and P-III-NP (less than 1% than that found in blood), and not much
It may not detect the initial phase of recGH use, information is available regarding the excretion of
but does so at later times and for a longer period different hGH isoforms in urine .
than the Isoforms Test. • Research efforts undertaken to develop urine-based
detection methods for hGH have been unsuccessful so
GH-RELEASING FACTORS far. However, WADA continues collaborating with
GH-releasing factors includes research teams to explore this possibility using novel
scientific ideas and technical strategies.
1. GH Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and its analogues,
GH secretagogues (GHS)
2. GH-releasing peptides (GHRPs).

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Human Growth Hormone (hGH)


• Freezing blood serum is a scientifically acceptable
procedure that allows for the preservation of
substances in samples for future testing and detection.
• Research has shown that hGH is stable in serum if
frozen under the right conditions (please refer to
the hGH Guidelines for Assay Pre-analytical
Procedure, section 6.2).
• WADA encourages Anti-Doping Organizations under
the World Anti-Doping Code to store blood samples
when relevant
e.g. in cases of unexpected results, intelligence
available to the anti-doping organization, etc.
Storing serum for future testing has a significant
deterrent effect.
• The 2015 World Anti-Doping Code makes it possible
to open a disciplinary proceeding within ten years from
the date an anti-doping rule violation occurred.

3SPS | Batch 2023 6

Growth Hormones, Beta Blockers, Diuretics
OUTLINE The effects of rhGH in the improvement of sport
I. Growth Hormone performance is still under debate among users.
II. Gigantism The positive effects described in rhGH deficient
III. Acromegaly
IV. Adverse Effects of Growth Hormone
adults are not that clear among athletes.
V. Other Anabolic Agents
VI. Players who tested positive
1. Erick Morales • In the medical field there are times when patients
2. Alberto Contador would be requiring human growth hormones as
VII. Insulin treatments for some medical conditions. Because we
VIII. Beta-agonist & Beta-antagonist
1. Beta-Agonist give this to the patients, we see the positive effects.
2. Beta-Antagonist However, when they tested it on athletes it's not very
a. Asthma clear that their effects are the same as the patients with
b. Nebulizer growth hormone deficiency.
IX. Betablockers
1. Decrease Blood Pressure and Heart Rate • Although many of these underground reports indicate
2. Angina Pectoris some positive effects on muscle mass, it is difficult to
3. Cardiac Arrhythmias differentiate benefits obtained when rhGH is taken in
4. Ergogenic Effects combination with anabolic steroids or even if the rhGH
5. Ergolytic Effects
6. Impairs Cardiovascular Response used was a less effective product.
X. Prohibited • Athletes would often combine GH and steroids. We
XI. Diuretics don't know which one is increasing muscle mass,
1. Misuse in Sports
XII. Post Lecture Discussion
whether it's the steroid or GH. This is illegal, that's why
it's done underground.
GROWTH HORMONE • There are few controlled studies on the
• Also called somatotropin. effectiveness of GH on the performance of top level
• Normally secreted by the body in the anterior pituitary athletes.
gland. We talk about the ethical considerations on this
• Stimulates liver to produce insulin like growth factor matter. Do we test GH on top level athletes? It
(IGF-1) which: might be unethical because there’s only a few
Increase in height during childhood.Reason why controlled studies.
grow taller and there's a peak in adolescents. To test effectiveness, what would be the best
▪ Age related. scientific research methodology to test the
▪ Highest during sleep and lower in waking effectiveness of a drug of a substance. The best
hours. way is to do a randomized control trial
▪ By age 21 it slowly declines. ▪ You need two groups: one group will be given
• Stimulates bone and skeletal muscle growth and the drug the other group will not be given. Best
regeneration. ways to see the effects of the drug but often
that cannot be done because of ethical
• Increase in protein synthesis.
• Increase in lipolysis.
• In general, these studies have been performed with
Breakdown of fat.
supraphysiological dosages but not with the large
• Promotes gluconeogenesis.
amounts claimed to be effective, for instance, by body
New sources of glucose.
• Stimulates the immune system. Supraphysiological - the highest normal
What is the normal highest level of growth
WHY ATHLETES ILLEGALLY USE GROWTH hormone secreted by our pituitary gland
HORMONES? They only tested those athletes on those levels of
• increasing protein synthesis dosages but the athletes that are using it test them
• stimulating the immune system with more than that
• bone and muscle growth and regeneration It is hard to compare the studies only test on
physiologic doses of course for fear of side effects
1986 Athletes who use it illegally go with very large
amounts so it cannot be really compared
• Until 1986 the only source of growth hormones were
human cadavers. After that, because of advanced • The results of these most controlled studies are
science, they were able to create recombinant generally less impressive than the claims of those
technology and produce new sources of growth who misuse the substance
hormone. No need to extract from humans or animals. What they are claiming is not really that convincing
• Urine tests not reliable - Wada does not use them for
growth hormone
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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Growth Hormones, Betablockers and Diuretics

• Blood tests • In adults who are beyond adolescence and high levels
• Isoforms of growth hormone. Sometimes the pituitary gland
• Markers suddenly has a tumor and starts secreting large
• Wada: prohibited at all times (in and out of amounts of growth hormone, this is called
competition) acromegaly.
• The bones will no longer grow taller because the
GIGANTISM epiphysis has been closed. The bones become
flatter and wider.

• Young adults who had elevated growth hormone

during adolescence. We call it gigantism, excessive
growth hormone release during adolescence can
cause gigantism.
• Enlargement of the fingers secondary to excessive
growth hormone release


• Gigantism
• Acromegaly
• Impaired insulin function - hyperglycemia (decrease
in insulin - blood sugar level increases)
• Advancement of cancerous tumors
These growth hormones stimulate a lot, basically
all our metabolic cells in the body
If you happen to have cancer, and high levels of
• Look how unstable the person is when you have growth hormone. Chances are the cancer cells
gigantism can proliferate, the tumor can increase in size
• You may look huge and tall but actually their bones • Cardiomyopathy
and joints are unstable cardiac muscles malfunctions, they are not normal
• The further you go away from the source of center of you can have heart failure secondary to excessive
gravity, your balance becomes unstable growth hormone release
Your heart will not be able to pump very well
• Gynecomastia
increase muscles in males
• Muscle and joint pains
due to the excessive increase in size of the
muscles and joints


• Very popular

• Sympathomimetic amine
It mimics the effects of the sympathetic nervous
• When do we use in medicine?
▪ causes bronchodilation

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Growth Hormones, Betablockers and Diuretics

Anabolic • Beta I receptors is present in the heart and Beta II

increases muscle mass receptors is present in the lungs
Reports of ergogenic potential • When you stimulate Beta I receptors in the heart, they
Food contamination increase heart rate and blood pressure.
▪ one of the Olympic events tested positive in • We have Beta II receptors in the lungs and when
clenbuterol stimulated, there is bronchodilation.
▪ Canteen was serving steak contaminated with
clenbuterol BETA-AGONISTS
▪ In that country they Inject clenbuterol to the
• There is sympathetic response
cows so that the muscles will become more
• Chemically related to epinephrine
bigger, firmer, stronger and more delicious as
a steak
• Bronchodilators (for asthma)
▪ This particular food is no longer allowed to be
serve in the athlete village • Regulated thermogenesis
Because of the vasodilation, there can be an
• WADA: Prohibited at all times
increase in temperature
• Decrease fat mass by enhanced lipolysis and lowered
ERICK MORALES (2013) lipogenesis
• Positive for Clenbuterol use Because of sympathetic activity
• Suspended for 2 years • Increase lean mass by increasing protein synthesis
• Boxer {anabolic}
Athletes might use it for anabolic properties
• winner of the 2010 tour de France POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS
• Positive for Clenbuterol
• Transient tachycardia
• He raised it to the Court of Arbitration of Sports If stimulated can increase heart rate
• He claims that it was food contaminant • Hyperthermia
• Upon further investigation CAS upheld the positive Increase in body temperature
result sent by WADA and all the sporting communities • Tremors
• CAS: Stripped Tour de France medal, suspended until Sympathetic stimulation
2012, team contract annulled • Dizziness
Increase of sympathetic stimulation to the central
INSULIN nervous system
• A popular drug in the medical field and use for • Palpitations
diabetes. Manifestations to the increase of heart rate
Irregularity on your heartbeat
• When we take in food, it is absorbed by glucose in the Body feeling very tired
blood but once in the blood - we need to transport that • Headache
glucose into the cells. But sometimes because of Because of the vasodilation.
deficiency of insulin, there is nothing to facilitate the Vascular dilation when the blood vessels in the
entry of glucose into the cell to use glucose. Hence, brain dilate.
we need to inject these patients with insulin.
• Facilitates entry of glucose into the cell BETA-ANTAGONIST
For utilization • They will do the reverse
• Stimulates liver to store glucose to glycogen • Decrease heart rate and blood pressure
• Stimulates uptake of amino acids {anabolic} • If you inhibit the Beta II receptors in the lungs, there is
This is the reason why wada prohibited this bronchoconstriction
because of anabolic properties.
• For asthmatic patients, we give beta-agonists to
Athlete who has diabetes needs TUE
promote bronchodilation
• WADA: prohibited at all times - get a TUE • For hypertensive patients and patients with irregular
heartbeat (arrhythmia), we give beta-antagonists.
PHYSIOLOGY • Common condition that some athletes may have but
• There are beta-receptors in our body. can still participate in sports provided that they have
anti-asthma medications.

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Growth Hormones, Betablockers and Diuretics


• Allowed but with exceptions within specified limits
• Salbutamol
Contains 100mcg
All of these are allowed in sports provided there is
maximum of 1600mcg over 24 hours in divide
doses not to exceed 800 mcg over 12 hrs starting
from any dose: 16 puffs/24 hrs or 8 puffs/12hrs
• Salmeterol
Contains 25mcg
Max. 200mcg over 24 hrs: 8 puffs • This is a nebulizer. It’s different from the inhaled,
• Symbicort pressurized canister.
Contains 80mcg of bronchodilator
Max. 54mcg over 24 hrs: 12 puffs
• If you are within those limits, you will not test positive
for these beta agonists
• For those who are not aware of these medications:

• This is where we put the liquid Ventolin

1. Shake it since the drug is in the high pressure

canister • There’s a machine that converts the liquid Ventolin into
2. Inhale the drug which is a bronchodilator as a very tiny droplets of the drug, carried by the air, and it
treatment for asthma is sent to the lungs, and the patient is asked to inhale
There is another bronchodilator which is the same the drug.
ventolin (salbutamol) but instead of an inhaler,
there is an inhalation nebulizer BETA-BLOCKERS
If you are nebulizing with ventolin, maximum of 1. Decrease Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
1600mcg (1.6mg) over 24 hrs in divided doses not 2. Angina Pectoris
to exceed 800mcg over 12 hrs starting from any 3. Cardiac Arrhythmias
dose (since this is high, a TUE is needed)
THE QUESTION IS, IF THE ATHLETE IS TAKING • We give beta-blockers to patients who are
SALBUTAMOL (VENTOLIN INHALER), DOES HE NEED hypertensive, those who have very fast heart rates,
TO GET IT (TUE)? and those who have arrhythmias (irregularities in heart
• No it’s exempted. rates)
• Because if you are within this (ventolin) dose (16 • That is the medical indication — to decrease BP and
puffs/24hrs or 8 puffs/12 hrs) it is allowed decrease heart rate
• BUT if you are using ventolin as a nebulizer, you need
to get a TUE
• We also give beta-blockers to patients with angina
pectoris (chest pain secondary to a myocardial
infarction/heart attack)
• Why do we need to give this to patients with angina?
It decreases BP and decreases heart rate
When you have a high heart rate, there is a high
oxygen demand for the heart
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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Growth Hormones, Betablockers and Diuretics

▪ And a patient who has suffered from a heart

attack has a limited cardiac reserve. So, you PROHIBITED
need to slow down the heart, so that the heart • Beta-blockers are prohibited in-competition only in the
will not be demanding a lot of oxygen. We following sports:
need to decrease the heart rate of these Archery (WA)
patients. ▪ A precision sport, you are not able to precisely
and accurately hit your target if you are
CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS trembling or anxious
• Severe tachycardia, severe arrhythmias, premature ▪ You might need something to calm you down,
ventricular contractions, atrial fibrillations. All of these lower heart rate
may warrant the use of a beta-blocker to control the ▪ There is a role of beta-blockers
heart rate. That is the medical indication. Automobile (FIA)
Billiards (all disciplines - WCBS)
• They can improve performance. Golf (IGF)
Shooting (ISSF, IPC)
HOW CAN THEY IMPROVE PERFORMANCE? Skiing/Snowboarding (FIS) in ski jumping,
freestyle aerials/halfpipe and snowboard
• Reduce Anxiety and Tremors halfpipe/big air
You are calm. Your heart rate is down. You are Underwater sports (CMAS) in constant-weight
able to perform better. apnoea with or without fins, dynamic apnoea with
And you remove the tremors in your hands. There and without fins, free immersion apnoea, jump
are sporting events wherein tremors in the hands blue apnoea, spearfishing, static apnoea, target
may not be beneficial. So, they want to reduce shooting and variable weight apnoea
those tremors.
In fact, beta-blockers are often used by stage • Prohibited out-of-competition
performers before they go up the stage to reduce Archery (WA)
anxiety, to reduce stage fright. So, some of these Shooting (ISSF, IPC)
stage performers take beta-blockers. • All of the federations mentioned above went to WADA
There is really an ergogenic role in beta-blockers. and they saw that there is a role that Beta-Blockers,
using this is unfair
• There is also an ergolytic (impair functions) effect DIURETICS
secondary to beta-blockers. • Drugs that can decrease fluid volume in the body


• Impairs cardiovascular response to exercise by FIELD?
reducing oxygen delivery to exercising muscles 1. To decrease the fluid volume in patients
• Because you have limited cardiac output. Therefore, Congestive heart failure
you limit the amount of blood that is pumping to your Too much fluid in the heart and the heart cannot
exercising muscles, you are reducing the oxygen pump very well
delivery to those exercising muscles. Blood goes back to the lungs because the heart
cannot pump it out. Therefore, lungs are drowning
Beta-blockers have a DUAL ROLE. They can be in fluid
ergogenic, and it can be ergolytic at times. 2. Patients who are not able to pump out or
circulate their blood volume very well
They are very edematous in the lower extremities
SIDE EFFECTS OF BETA BLOCKERS Indication that patients have to be diuresed
1. Bronchospasm
Since we have beta-2 in the heart, if that is MISUSE IN SPORTS
blocked, we will have this side effect • Weight reduction
In patients, clients, and/or athletes who have Especially for sports who have weight
asthma, giving beta-blockers can insight an classifications
asmathic attack because beta-2 is blocked in the Ex. Boxing (heavyweight, welterweight, flyweight)
lungs You might need to be able to get into that exact
2. Lightheadedness weight category, so when they weigh in and they
3. Increased Fatigue see or feel that they are beyond the weight
4. Hypoglycemia

3SPS | Batch 2023 5

DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Growth Hormones, Betablockers and Diuretics

category, they misused diuretics to decrease body They include caffeine when they test athletes
weight If you test positive, you won’t be sanctioned and
They use this as weight reduction to fit in the it’s not an adverse analytical finding
events that require weight categories But, WADA is looking at the behavior of the
• Reduce drug urine concentration athletes
Athletes take diuretics, after that you will urinate a ▪ How come majority sobra magkape?
lot removing all your fluids ▪ They’re taking 20 cups of coffee, is there
There is a chance that the drug urine something to it?
concentration that will be left has been urinated So it’s in the monitored list but not in the prohibited
already list
Although, it’s now being tested and researched by
EXAMPLE OF DIURETICS WADA so who knows, maybe next year it
becomes prohibited
• Medically indicated usually for cardiac patients
• WADA changes its list every year as athletes
• Same drigs which athletes may use to try to decrease
sometimes come up with new substances they find
fluid volume in the body
• Hydrochlorothiazide (Combinar, Hyzaar, Micardis WADA tries to catch up and be at par or one step
Plus), Furosemide (Lasix) higher than athletes
• Testing are being improved and making it more
WADA sensitive
• At all times, diuretics and other masking agents are You’ll see this year if it’s .005, it’s positive
prohibited as are other substances with similar Next year it’s .004 and it’s already positive
chemical structure or similar biologic effect/s
• A masking agent is something that will cover
something up or cover your positive result
How? By diluting your urine
Urinated all the drugs because of diuretics
• You cannot get away with WADA, even if FDA days it’s
not a diuretic, but WADA says it has a similar structure
and biologic effects, it is still prohibited
• The detection in an athlete’s sample at all times or in-
competition, as applicable, of any quantity of the
following substances subject to threshold limits;
formoterol, salbutamol, cathine, ephedrine, methyl
ephedrine, and pseudoephedrine, in conjunction
with a diuretic or a masking agent, will be
• You used the diuretic to cover up a high dose of anti-
asthma drug → anabolic property
WADA says, you can use it, but if you tested
p[positive with a diuretic together with anti-asthma
drug it is considered as an adverse analytical
finding UNLESS the athlete has an approved TUE
for that substance in addition to the one granted
for the diuretic or masking agent
• You cannot get away with WADA you have to have
TUE for both if you must use both



• Coffee and Tea have diuretic properties and they
contain caffeine
• Under WADA, caffeine is in the monitored substances
They’re monitoring these substances for possible
misuse among athletes
• What does WADA do?
3SPS | Batch 2023 6
Dietary Supplements
OUTLINE testing so there is a phase 1,2,3,4 for testing drugs. All
I. Dietary Supplements of these are very rigid; they take several years to test
II. Prevalence of Supplements Among Athletes one single drug before it finally comes out in the
III. Top 3 Most Commonly Used Dietary Supplements
1. Vitamins
market. Even the vaccines we used during the
2. Creatine pandemic they are on phase 3 when they released
3. Protein them to the population. FDA had to issue a special
IV. SENSE permit for an emergency use for vaccines because
1. S- search for evidence
2. E- ethical considerations
they were up to phase 3 only but it is acceptable
3. N- nutritional assessment because it is a pandemic. Actually, all drugs and
4. S- side effects vaccines have to undergo up to phase 4 testing. Now
5. E- examine the needs for food supplements they do not go undergo those 4
V. Example of Supplements
1. Blackstone Dust Extreme
steps that we are discussing because of this FDA just
2. Cellucor C4 wants them to register and they will look into
VI. Post Lecture Discussion manufacturing conditions how you manufacture it. You
have to submit the components of what it is made up
DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS of, what is the major component of the food
• a product used in conjunction with a healthy diet and supplement and also you will have to also consider the
contains any of the following: manufacturing practices of that laboratory - good
A vitamin laboratory practices, manufacturing practices of that
A mineral laboratory and FDA will approve and act on it as a
An herb or other botanical registered substance. Since food supplements did not
An amino acid undergo the rigid training/testing which drugs
A dietary substance for use by man to supplement underwent, FDA will require that you put a tagline
the diet by increasing the total dietary intake which states that there are no approved therapeutic
A concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or claims - requirement for FDA for food supplements.
combination of any ingredient • Thousands of food supplements are out in the market
• That definition comes from the USA dietary and everyday there are new supplements that the FDA
supplement health and education act of 1994, adapted cannot monitor all the time.
by the US FDA, adapted by the Philippine FDA FDA just requires that the manufacturer company
to just register it and submit all the necessary
• Dietary supplements can come in any of those
following products or constituents.
For food supplements: it must be FDA registered
• Define them and separate them from food, food is If there is an adverse finding/effect secondary to
something that when taken alone can sustain life, these food supplements, then a person can file a
but for dietary supplements it cannot sustain life complaint and the FDA will conduct an
alone. They are meant to supplement only your diet, investigation that can eventually pull that product
whatever is lacking in your diet they can be out of the market.
supplemented by these products.
• International Olympic committee (IOC) consensus PREVALENCE OF SUPPLEMENTS AMONG
statement: dietary supplements and the high- ATHLETES
performance athlete, 2018 stated
• Dietary supplements: It can be a food, food STUDY: PREVALENCE OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENT
component, nutrient or non-food compound that is USE BY ATHLETES: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND
purposefully ingested in addition to the habitually META-ANALYSIS
consumed diet with the aim of achieving a specific • Lack of homogeneity among studies
health and/or performance benefit. The studies are not all similar in the methods
• We have no problems with the health benefits but ▪ Some conducted interviews, focus group
perhaps the reason why we are discussing this is discussions, questionnaires, conducting them
because it might affect performance. We know with by sports, conducting them by elite and non-
WADA if it is performance enhancing then you have an elites
unfair advantage towards the other athletes then the • By sport - high variability
problem comes in. No sport, it was well distributed.
• FDA in the Philippines, all food supplements need to • Supplement type - high variability
be registered with the FDA - term is registration. Vitamins, minerals, proteins
Unlike with drugs, they need to be registered and Athletes were all into them
approved by the FDA. Drugs have a different process • Elite > non-elite
when applying in FDA. For drugs to come out in the Elite athletes were more into supplements than
market they undergo several steps, several stages of non-elite athletes

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Dietary Supplements

• Men vs women - similar except for: Time frames for reporting prevalence were not the
Women - iron supplements same, this can pose as a problem when we report
▪ Because of the heavy menstrual period prevalence
▪ They do not want to drop their hemoglobin • Varied research methodologies
levels and RBC count because it is necessary Some were interviewed, some answered
for oxygen transport questionnaires
▪ Hence, that is why they are more into iron Limitation of studies in prevalence
supplements We have to be careful when interpreting
▪ They also use it to prevent and treat anemia prevalence
secondary to blood loss during menstruation The longer the monitoring period the better
o Men - Protein, Creatine, Vitamin E The more participants the better
The more defined the objectives the better
STUDY: ATHLETES AND SUPPLEMENTS: The more direct identifying which exact
PREVALENCE AND PERSPECTIVES supplements you are looking into the better
• Prevalence
40% of US adult population in USA (1988-1994) TOP 3 MOST COMMONLY USED DIETARY
68% of US adult population (CRN, 2015) SUPPLEMENTS
71% of US adult population (CRN, 2016) 1. Vitamins
Therefore, it was getting more prevalent as the 2. Creatine
years go by 3. Protein
• They looked into 10,274 athletes
46% among college athletes were into VITAMINS
supplements • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
59% among elite athletes were into supplements Breakdown carbohydrates and protein for energy
▪ Prevalence and sex • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
They looked into 32 track and field athletes Energy production, RBC formation
▪ 62% used supplements
▪ 75% of women were into it while 65% of men
• Niacin
Supports aerobic and anaerobic performance
were into it
They looked into bodybuilders • Vitamin B6
▪ There are 250 males and 250 females Energy production, increasing hemoglobin
▪ 87% of males were into it while 11% of females • Vitamin B12
were into it RBC formation
According to Wiens (2004), there is no difference • Vitamin C
in terms of prevalence and sex Antioxidant, protection from infection and damage
Males are into protein and ergogenic supplements to cells, helps produce collagen, keeps capillaries
Females are into vitamins and minerals firm
• Prevalence and Age It enhances cellular performance
Prevalence, type of supplement, number of
• Vitamin D
supplements increased with increasing age and
Calcium absorption, promote bone health
training hours
▪ The older the population, the more reliance on • Vit. E (Tocopherol)
supplements An antioxidant
• Vit. A
CHALLENGES WHEN REPORTING PREVALENCE Protects epithelial cells and good for the eyes
• Different definitions of dietary supplements (vision)
Some athletes would not consider it as • Co-enzyme Q10
supplements Also an antioxidant
Some athletes would consider it as part of their
regular meal and not as a supplement STUDIES
• Diverse characteristics of respondents
Males vs females • 2 very strong studies found out that a reduction in
Elite vs non-elites physical performance is observed in chronic vitamin
Age deficiencies
Number of training hours Bates,C.J. Powers, and D.I. Thurnham. Vitamins,
• No uniform time frames Iron and Physical Work. Lancet 2:313-314.1989
For example: when did the study happen, did you
only measure it for one month, two month or years
3SPS | Batch 2023 2
DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Dietary Supplements

Brouns,F., and W. Sars. How Vitamins Affect

Coenzyme - 100 mg/day can already cause
Performance. J Sports Med. Phys. Fitness
Q0 Epigastric pain, Nausea, Diarrhea
• It is true that if you have a chronic vitamin deficiency, Vit D 400 10 x RDA: Excessive calcium
your physical performance will be affected iu deposits in the kidney (it can
lead to kidney stones), Weight
• Malnutrition is the most common one. For example, if all of these are secondary to too
you are not much into fruits and vegetables, then you much vitamin D
might have chronic vitamin deficiencies. In children,
who are really malnourished, they have chronic Vit B6 2 mg More than 600 mg/day can cause
vitamin deficiencies. loss of sensation in peripheral
• Diseases can also cause chronic vitamin deficiencies nerves
and can reduce your physical performance. If you have
a vitamin deficiency, your physical performance will be Vit B6 enhances neural
affected negatively. performance, they are prescribed
• There are other sets of studies that say greater than for patients who have neural
normal intake of vitamins does not enhance abnormalities. But too much of it
performance. can cause a loss of sensation in
Walter, P. Supraphysiological dosages of vitamins your peripheral nerves
and their implications in man. Experientia 47:178-
Williams, M.H. Vitamin supplementation and • The National Research Council, Subcommittee on the
athletic performance. Beihft Int. Z. Vitamin Ern Tenth Edition of RDAs concluded that vitamins are
Arhungsforshung 30:163-191.1989 important in disease prevention… but there is no basis
for their use as performance enhances in an athlete is
• Some of us have the tendency to overdo it
not vitamin deficient
[drinking vitamins].
We recognize the role of vitamins in prevention of
For example, they know that these vitamins help a
disease. BUT if you want to improve your
particular performance. For instance, if it
performance and you are not vitamin deficient, you
enhances your strength or endurance, they will
are just wasting your money on these vitamins
take more than the recommended [amount].
• But these studies have shown that greater than normal • VITAMINS
Essential for normal cellular function
intake of vitamins will not enhance your performance.
BUT readily available in the diet
Too much is also not good because it will not
▪ Just encourage your athletes, instead of
enhance your performance.
spending a lot of money on these vitamins,
they could just have a well-balanced diet.
WHY IS IT NOT GOOD? ▪ If their diet is not sufficient and lacks certain
• Because if you take them over 300% of your RDA, we types of vitamins, then there is an indication
will get the following: High doses of vitamins can have harmful side
RDA 300% RDA
• Dietary protein for athletes: From requirements to
Vit A 0.8-1 Fatigue, Irritability, optimum adaptation
mg Gastrointestinal upset (diarrhea), Stuart M. Phillips & Luc. J.C. Van Loon (2011),
Liver Toxicity, Joint Pain Journal of Sports Sciences, 29sup1, S29-S38,
Vit C 60 Gastrointestinal upset (acidity), Protein consumption can enhance rates of MPS
mg Kidney stones and possibly lower rates of MPB, thus improving
muscle NPB. The improvement in NPB appears to
Vit E 8-10 Gastrointestinal upset (nausea, accumulate to promote greater protein retention in
mg vomiting, and diarrhea), the case of resistance exercise and may enhance
Fatigue, Weakness, Lipid training-induced adaptations with endurance
Abnormalities, Bleeding training, although the latter has yet to be tested
The improvement in NPB when using protein is
more for resistance exercises

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Dietary Supplements

With endurance training, studies are still being • There is no evidence for improved for improved
done performance in older individuals or women or for other
▪ MPS = muscle protein synthesis types of strength and power exercises
▪ MPB = muscle protein breakdown • The safety of creatine remains unproven. Therefore,
▪ NPB = net protein balance until these issues are addressed, its use cannot be
A dose of protein that appears to maximally universally recommended
stimulate MPS appears to be in the range of 20- CREATINE SUPPLEMENTATION WITH SPECIFIC VIEW
25g, although this estimate may be lower for TO EXERCISE/SPORTS PERFORMANCE: AN UPDATE
lighter athletes (i.e. <85gkg) • Cooper R, Naciero F, Allgrove J, Jimenez A. J Int Soc
Ex. For athletes lower than 85kg, you might have Sports Nutr. 2012;9(1):33. Published 2012 Jul 20. Doi:
to go lower than 20-25g 10.1186/1550-2873-9-33
To optimize the ratio of fat-to-lean tissue mass loss
• Regardless of the form, supplementation with creatine
during hypoenergetic periods, athletes are
has regularly shown to increase strength, fat free
advised to ensure that they lower their
mass, and muscle morphology with concurrent heavy
carbohydrate intake to 40% of their energy intake
resistance training more than resistance training
(with an emphasis on the consumption of lower GI
carbohydrates), which usually means no more that
Heavy resistance training + Creatine = increase fat
3-4 g/kg/day and increase their protein intake to
free mass, strength, and muscle morphology
20-30% of their energy intake or 1.8-2.7g/kg
• Creatine may be of benefit in other modes of exercise
▪ This just means you will need to decrease your
such as high-intensity sprints or endurance training.
carbohydrate intake and increase your protein
However, it appears that the effects of creatine
intake as a compensation
diminish as the length of time spent exercising
The optimum timing for protein ingestion to
promote the most favorable recovery and
There is a limit on how much you can use creatine
adaptation is after exercise. While data do not yet
when you are comparing it with the length of time
exist to define exactly how long a theoretical
of exercising
“window of anabolic opportunity” exists, it is safest
Does not mean that the longer you go in terms of
to state that athletes who are interested in
exercising, the better
performance need to consume protein as soon as
possible after exercise • More recent research suggests that creatine
An economical, practical, and efficacious supplementation in amounts of 0.1g/kg of body weight
beverage for athletes to consume after exercise is combined with resistance training improves training
milk, particularly flavored milk that contains added adaptations at a cellular level and subcellular level
simple sugar Improvement in the resistance training
▪ Milk will still be the most complete food as they • Finally, although presently ingesting creatine as an
say and is the one that’s recommended oral supplement is considered safe and ethical, the
because a lot of protein products on the perception of safety cannot be guaranteed, especially
market are not pure, so often times they when administered for long period of time to different
contain something else that may be populations (athletes, sedentary, patient, active,
detrimental to the health of the athlete that young or elderly)
may cause a positive result when doping tests Look at the studies
come in If the study focuses more on marathoners or
swimmers, just focus on those athletes, you
CREATINE cannot apply these to other athletes because they
may respond differently
• Nitrogenous organic compound
• Synthesized naturally in the body
• Found in meat and fish
S- search for evidence
• Stored in skeletal muscle, brain heart and testes E- ethical considerations
• Energy source during exercise N- nutritional assessment
S- side effects
• Dempsey RL, Mazzone MF, Meurer LN. J Fam Pract.
2002 Nov;51(11):945-51
• Gathered 16 articles on oral creatine supplementation
• Oral creatine supplementation with resistance training
increases maximal weight lifted in young men

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Dietary Supplements

S - SEARCH FOR EVIDENCE So, the ethics in sports is an important


• Individualize Needs
There are individual needs for each individual
Not all athletes are the same, some would be into
a very good diet, wherein they have a balanced
diet, and they would be loving eating fruits and
vegetables and meat
But others would not really be into fruits and
Hence, you should individualize the needs of your
• Meta Analyses Do not make a standard, one program for your
Highest level of evidence athletes
Gather several studies and would try combine the There is an individual need when assessing your
results and if they are homogenous, they can do athletes in terms of nutritional assessment
meta-analysis or statistical analysis • Medical Concerns
If it is not possible, systematic review is used Be very careful in athletes with medical conditions
Combination of knowledge from several articles and are into some treatments, medicines, for their
• Randomized Controlled Trials medical conditions
Test actual substance or drugs into two groups Drug interaction can be fatal, so you always have
Control group and experimental group to ask athletes whether they have a medical
• Cohort Studies condition or if they have medication that they have
• Case-Control Studies been taking
• Case-Series or Case-Reports And of course, ask or coordinate with their doctor
• Editorials and Expert Opinion whenever you need to perform a nutritional
Lowest level of evidence assessment
• Re-Assessment
E - ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS You need to re-assess regularly, not because you
• Professional Qualifications provided the program then that’s it for the rest of
Of those people who may be encouraging, their life. You really have to re-assess on a regular
advertising, & recommending basis
Look into licensed nutritionists, sports scientists,
before you believe in everything they are saying S - SIDE EFFECTS
• Conflicts of Interests • Dosing
Sometimes, if an individual is being paid by a Not all supplements that are out in the market
pharmaceutical company or a company that is contain exact amount of that particular food
manufacturing a certain substance, then there is a supplement or drug for that matter
potential conflict of interest & that person may lean Look very carefully into it
towards promoting the product even if it is of • Duration
substandard quality or if it promotes danger to the How long do you intend to give your athletes those
individual dietary supplements? Will it be forever or a short
• Ethics in Sports period of time while recuperating from a disease?
Remember, we said that any substance that can You should have specific plans for that
promote unfair advantage over the others is • Polypharmacy
unethical Make sure you know what your athlete is into as
So, if it promotes ergogenic properties, meaning, well
it enhances an athlete’s performance over and What are the other drugs he has been prescribed
above his baseline, then that is unethical with by his doctor or is he into other food
We treat athletes with vitamins only to bring them supplements?
to their normal baseline performance, not to make Polypharmacy & drug-drug interaction can be
them achieve more than what they can really be dangerous
capable of doing You don’t want to get into that trouble of these side
effects of polypharmacy
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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Dietary Supplements

E - EXAMINE THE NEED If the answer is NO → Don’t use it

• Age/Maturation/Experience Sufficient to Warrant If the answer is YES → Proceed to next question
Use? • Is it safe? Has there been an evaluation of acute
What is the age of your athlete? and long-term use and potential side effects?
Is he mature enough to be into supplements? Possible interference with other supplements,
Is the experience sufficient to warrant use? medicines, or foods?
Be careful because you don't want to get into We must look into it like simple gastrointestinal
trouble with minors & with athletes who have drug problems, you will get epigastric pain, diarrhea,
dependency or those who are not mature enough nausea, and vomiting
to be into supplements Will it also affect me if I have a medical condition?
• Relevant Training Variables Included? What are the potential side effects knowing that
Will it be subjecting the athlete to endurance the athletic is asthmatic diabetic?
training? Possible effects with other supplements,
If you are into a supplement, what will be the role medicines, or foods
of resistance training, endurance, training, etc? If the answer is NO → Don’t use it
• What are the Athlete’s Performance Goals? If the answer is YES → Proceed to next question
What does your athlete want from all these • Is it permitted? Is it classified as a low-risk
supplements? supplement? Is it laboratory-tested for banned
You have this discuss that well with your athletes substances according to the WADA list?
If the answer is NO → Don’t use it
WADA provided us with this decision-making figure on how If the answer is YES → You may use it
to decide whether we will give our athletes supplement or
1. Blackstone Dust Extreme
2. Cellucor C4


• It is marketed locally and is available in the black
• It has a stimulants (Dimethylaminoethanol and 1, 3
DMAA (Dimethylamylamine)) and Beta 2 Agonist
(Higenamine) which are prohibited by WADA
• The one Kiefer Ravena had in which he tested positive
for a bad substance leading to his suspension by FIBA

• Has the rationale for use been evaluated?

Performance level and goals, age, medical
We look into the evidence of that supplement as to
performance and how it will affect the athlete
You also look into the performance level, what
does the athlete want to do, is he a collegiate or
professional athlete, age group, medical
If the answer is NO → Don’t use it CELLUCOR C4
If the answer is YES → Proceed to next question • Does not contain any prohibited substances
• Does it work? Is it evidence-based and supported • Not a promotion but still we need to look closely as
by science? Are there protocols for specific events sometimes they reformulate it or add something there
with timing amount and frequency? that wasn't there before
Example of a protocol: For elite athletes, this is the • The classification of the ingredients has to be looked
dose, timing, how often you give it, amount you into very well

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DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Dietary Supplements

• Today, this is how it looks but always check very well • If they just interviewed 10 athletes, I wouldn't believe
once you get hold of this for out athletes that journal when what I'm looking for is its
• 10 athletes do not answer the question on
effectiveness or efficacy
• For dose finding, if they tested on 10 - 20 athletes I still
don't want to believe that journal as those are low
levels of evidences
• We don’t have to discredit these articles as they can
be jumpstart for future studies
• Maybe the method is perfect already but they just need
to invite more research participants so the population
gets bigger which will strengthen the results and make
it more valid and accurate
• Remember that not everything that's published is real
or can be believable
POST LECTURE DISCUSSION If you published a case series and you have 3
athletes in UST taking creatine and found out it’s
Yung sinabi kanina na wala masyadong studies about effective at a certain dose, 3 athletes is not
sa doses pero meron na bang kahit 1 study na sinabi generalizable to the rest of the population
na eto yung dose na masasabing overdose na and if Hence, it can’t be applied to all athletes
ever po meron na bang side effects if ever na • Emphasize on the level of evidence
maraming creatine? • Doc is always on the lookout for systematic reviews
• Doc Lea: Right now, I have yet to see one but there and meta analysis
may be single studies, but again, we want to look at • For meta analysis, it takes a while for it to come out
the highest level of evidence. because if within the year, there’s no published article
• Usually, I do not believe 1 single study alone unless it or study about creatine, then they can’t do the meta
is a randomized controlled study analysis


• This study would tell us that we have 2 groups - 1 was • Everything goes through FDA
given creatine and the other was not given Food, drugs, supplements, makeup, facial & body
• And then they will look into the effects products
• For the effectiveness study you look into randomized • With FDA, it’s different when they deal with drugs vs
controlled trials supplements
• For drugs, we want them to be FDA Approved
DOSE FINDING STUDY • For supplements, no need to be approved but should
be FDA Registered as the minimum requirement
• For dose finding, it is another study altogether so you • The other requirement for supplements is to inform
go into a study that would compare groups FDA about the components and ingredients as well as
For example: Group A has 10 mg, Group B has 5 studies that can support their claims
mg, Group C has 2 mg For example: If you were able to come up with a
• Side effects will also go in this study new substance that can enhance performance
For example: With 10 mg, they find out that there and it’s a food supplement, first is to register under
was was nausea and vomiting while in 5 mg, FDA to make it more legitimate and then FDA will
there's none but maybe a little heartburn or ask the contents
epigastric pain They will also ask where you manufacture it, they
• Those are the types of studies you want to look at will check on your laboratory (so have good
laboratory practices), look into your credentials
JOURNAL ARTICLES IN THE INTERNET and then they will allow you to register it
• Randomly, you can go to the net and find some but be • After registering it, you always have to put the tagline
careful in interpreting ang believing journal articles that “No approved therapeutic claims”
say they are effective it means it’s not approved by FDA or whatever
• If you find a journal, look into the methodology they're claiming because it didn’t undergo the
• What are the objectives and did the methods clinical trials (Phase I-IV)
addressed the objectives of the study

3SPS | Batch 2023 7

DRUGS IN SPORTS (Second Shifting Period) | Dietary Supplements

• In Tagalog “Mahalaganag Paalala: Ang (Name of • Doctors can prescribe vitamins especially when we
Product) ay hindi gamot at hindi dapat gamiting were kids, we have a lot of vitamins because we never
panggamot sa anumang uri ng sakit.” like to eat a well balanced diet so vitamins
• Sometimes it flashes quickly in TV but it is required by supplementation was very important
FDA for all food supplements • But now we're adults, we should be wiser enough to
• If there’s a food supplement in the market and a group know that there are natural sources of all of this
of people complain suddenly that there's death, vitamins
hospitalization, and adverse effects because of that • So we use it if there's a need to it like during or after a
then they can go to FDA and file a complaint disease to gain back the lost nutrients during the
• FDA will then do an investigation and they can shut disease process or maybe to supplement because the
down that lab and even file criminal charges to that patient doesn feel like eating yet then
company and they will pull it out from the market • But for you to say that they should drink 2 bottles of Vit
• Lambanog Issue few months before the pandemic C to improve strength is a no no
There were sudden hospitalization and even death We know it doesn't work that way and there are
among people who were drinking it side effects when we overdose or go beyond the
It came out in the news so FDA stepped up and recommended doses
pulled out all the lambanog products that those
people partook of If there's something interesting that comes out in the
True enough, there was a high level of alcohol in market that’s a trend among athletes, inform us and we can
them and not the ethyl but the rubbing alcohol they maybe discuss it and look for evidence. If there’s
are using to disinfect something that's interesting, it will be well appreciated if we
• Bangkok Pills were very popular back then as share it in class.
slimming or diet pills
For the obese community, they were very into it PROTEIN SHAKES
Became an issue in the medical community as
• Use them wisely
there were a lot of deaths mostly due to liver failure
Tru enough, they found very dangerous levels of a • You always need to have a goal as to why you need
particular substance in the pills - mostly it was them
stimulants • Look for evidence that will tell you the timing and dose
Stimulants are ergogenic which mimic adrenaline • Do exercise with proteins and drink them immediately
so you get hyper throughout the day so you’ll be after exercise, the window of opportunity to get the
very slim maximum effects of your protein
However, it can also affect the heart and liver so it • This was a trend in the past years and maybe even up
was pulled out from the market to now
• If you have complaints, you can always go to FDA • Be careful of this shakes like Kiefer’s in which he took
• Be careful with your supplements so always check if it after a training and unfortunately it had stimulants
it’s at least FDA Registered as well as with the • Even if you’re an athlete because we’re not just after
presence of the taglines being tested positive and being reprimanded by
• Always explain to your athletes as there can be a lot of WADA, the next thing is its adverse effects if you take
evidence for use like protein too much of it
• Those products out in the market, there's no truth in • After drinking protein, you need to drink water because
advertising as they say because sometimes, it protein can damage your kidneys and liver
contains ingredient that they didn’t include in the list • Sometimes, athletes drink the shake and not drink
and then when they did lab tests, they found other water the whole day
• They can also be contaminated with something that’s
not listed so be careful if it’s bought in the black market
and not registered in FDA

• Athletes love to take these
• Usually, we recommend these if they have flu or
trangkaso or they have no energy to eat so that may
be an implication for vitamin supplementation
• Since he doesn’t have craving for food, he might lack
the necessary vitamins so that can be an indication

3SPS | Batch 2023 8

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