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Encounter Target Language Reference for Elicitations

2.1) Can say their name and ask someone for their name;
What’s your name?/ My name’s____
2.2) Can use some possessive adjectives; What’ his/her name? His/her name’s_____
3.1) Can ask how to spell a word and spell their name. Ex Can you spell his name?
3.2) Basic polite stock phrases: Please, Excuse Me, I’m sorry, Thank you, You’re Welcome,
It’s OK, Yes/No.44

2.1) Can name cardinal numbers up to 10;
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
2.2) What’s your phone number? My phone number is 0-0-0-0-0-0-0
2.3) Can name one's own country and nationality
China/Chinese, England/British, Canada/Canadian, The United States/American,
Thailand/Thai, India/Indian, France/French, Brazil/Brazilian
What his name? His name is
Where is he from? He’s from
He’s _____. He’s Chinese
3.1) Can ask very basic questions with what, where and how
What’s your name? Where are you from? What is your phone number? How are you? What
is it? How is it? Where is your desk?

2.1) Can use some very basic stock language related to greeting and leave-taking (bye;
goodbye; good morning; good night; hello; hey there; hi; hi there; how’s it going?)
Can make an introduction and use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions (Shen, this is
Can establish basic social contracts with simple, polite greetings and farewells
My name’s (Your name). What’s your name? Nice to meet you, How are you?; see you later,
see you tomorrow
2.2) Can spell out their own name and address (My address is 746 West Brooks Street)
What’s your name? Can you spell your name? How do you spell it? What’s your address?
Can you spell your address?
My name is ___, N-A-M-E, My address is ____, 000 A-D-D-R-E-S-S street.
3.1) Can use demonstrative pronouns in the singular and plural with some control;
This, that, these, those; What’s this? What’s That? What are these? What are those? This is,
That is, These are, Those are
3.2) Can use subject pronouns
Where’s she from? Where’s he from? Where are they from?
He is/She is; He is from/She is from; They’re are, They are from, I am/I am from, We are/We
are from
2.1) Can name own and one or two very common jobs
What’s your job? I’m a/an
teacher, actor, businessman, student, waiter, cook, chef, architect, engineer, designer,
salesperson, director, landlord, lawyer
2.2) Can understand a noun as a naming word and how it works in English
What’s this? What are these? It’s a___ They’re ___’s pen/s; cell phone/s; chair/s; key/s;
bag/s; wallet/s; money; ID; book/s; shirt; cup; TV; apple; pizza; coffee; bread; jeans;
toothbrush; sofa; laptop; apartment
3.1) Can talk about other people’s possessions using the genitive “s”
Whose keys are they?
They’re (name’s) keys, They’re your keys
3.2) Use some very common adjectives
It’s a ____ key, They key is ___, it’s not ____
New, old, big, small, clean, dirty, hot, cold, tall, short, hungry, full, good, bad, right, wrong

2.1) Can use basic language relating to telling the time
What time is it? What time do you…? What time does?
It’s 9.30; it’s half past nine, o’clock, ten fifteen; quarter after, quarter past, three thirty; half
past three, 9.45, quarter to, ten past, ten to, noon.
2.2) Can name a few common everyday objects, most basic colors, handle simple numbers,
quantities, cost and time.
What is it? What color is it? How many?
Objects: Car, chair, pen, bag, cell phone, houses, sofa, egg, TV remote, peppers,
toothbrush, lettuce, towels, books, glass, apples, box, sandwich, coffee, shoes, clock,
money, wallet, menu, toast, beans, coffee, donut; baguette; cup, shirt, blanket
Colors:Yellow, green, blue, black, white, brown, orange, red, purple
3.1 Basic agreement between nouns and verbs; can form plural regular nouns; It is.. They
are...He is… She is… The x is/are; old; new; big; small; clean; dirty; disgusting;hot;

2.1) Can use some basic language related to personal details - Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Can form very basic questions with be, can, have, have got
Can use common forms of the verb be in the present tense
What is your name?, Are you married?, Are you single?
2.2 basic language related to food and drink - food, drinks, pasta, cola, apple juice, water,
coffee, fries, French fries, tomato, bread, pizza, chicken sandwich, tomato soup, orange
3.1) Can ask for food or drink in a limited way - Do you have water?, Have you got water?
Can use simple phrases to order a meal - Can I order…?, I’d like…
Can I bring...

2.1) very common forms of transport - plane, car, bus, train
Can ask and answer basic requests for information with What’s this/that?
2.2) articles of clothing - trousers, pants, sweater, shirt, shoes, socks, jacket, clothes, hat.
Can ask and answer basic requests for information with What’s this/What’s that?
2.3) basic articles of clothing - same as 2.2.
Can ask and answer basic questions about things they have - Do you have…?
3.1 Basic imperatives - give, put down, open, don’t, close
Can use the object pronoun me. Ex: Give me that.

2.1) ask for and tell date and time; cardinal and ordinal numbers up to 20
date, month, time, 1-20, 1st - 20th, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday, January, February, March, April, May, June. July, August, September,
October, November, December, o’clock, quarter to/past, five to/past, ten to/past, half past
2.2) very common sports and hobbies
Basketball, tennis, cricket, football, soccer, reading/to read, singing/to sing, cooking/to cook,
dancing/to dance, acting/to act, movies/watching movies/to watch movies, taking photos/to
take photos
3.1) Negate basic verbs
isn’t, am not, aren’t, don’t, doesn’t, haven’t, can’t
3.2) Can and can’t to express ability in the present tense with limited control
I can, I can’t, she can, she can’t

2.1) pets and animals
Dog, cat, fish,duck, lion, bird, rabbit, horse
Basic survival phrases
How do you say this in English?, Can you repeat that, please?, How do you spell…?
2.2) It + be to talk about a subject
TL: It’s raining, cold, difficult, sunny, time to go
3.1) present simple yes/no questions with short answers
Are you Canadian? Are you from Canada? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Do you want to go to
Canada? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Can you speak…? Yes I can. No, I can’t.

ENC 10
2.1) The days of the week and months of the year.
Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
January, February, March, April, May, June. July, August, September, October,
November, December.
2.2) Describe the position of something
Next to, in, on, under, behind, on top, in front,
3.1) Prepositions of time : IN, ON, AT
In June, In 2011, In 15 minutes, in the evening
On my birthday, on the weekend, on Wednesday afternoon
At lunchtime, at 8 o’clock.
3.2) Obligations and necessity in present and future.
Have to..
3.3) Subject+verb+object
On Saturdays, I….
In the morning, I....
At 10am, I...

ENC 11
2.1) Currencies
The Dollar, The Yen, The Pound, The Euro.
2.2) Types of shops and prices
Clothing store, electronics store, furniture store
Expensive, cheap , A lot
3.1) A/An/The
A new shirt, An old shirt, The blue shirt
3.2) There + be
There is…
There are…

ENC 12
2.1) rooms in a house and basic household objects
Bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room.
Blanket, book, chair. Clock, cup, dryer, flashlight, key, knife, pen, phone, plate, sofa, table,
towel, tv, wallet, washer.
3.1) Be + adjective
Its big, its nice, its small, its cheap, its expensive, its new, its old, its good, its bad
Is it big? Is it nice?
Yes it is/ No it isn’t.
3.2) Have and have got + preposition of place (in/on)
Have you got/ Do you have a chair in your living room?
Have you got/ Do you have a tv on the table in your living room?

ENC 13

2.1) Can link words or group of words with very basic linear connectors like and or then.
Then, after, first, next, after that, and, because.
3.1) Can use a limited range of linking words to sequence events or activities.
TL: First, then, next, after that.
3.2) Can express very basic cause and effect with because and possibility with can / can’t.

ENC 14
2.1) Can use very common regular and irregular nouns in the plural form
Girl, woman, man, child, adult. desk, class, bus, hour
2.2) Can name very common types of transportation and some very basic stock language
related to transport
Q: How does she go to London?
Bus, car, train, subway, plane, motorbike, bicycle
Fly, take, ride, drive, walk, rent, by
3.1) Can talk about daily routines with the present simple but with limited control
Fall asleep, wake up, go out, talk, eat, watch
Every morning / night. When it is late. After I wake up. At 7pm
3.2) Can describe actions happening at the time of speaking with the present continuous
Doing, looking, cooking, playing, drinking, sleeping, fixing, trying, not working, shopping

ENC 15
2.1) Can use basic language related to themselves and their family relations and very basic
family relations
Brother, sister, son, daughter, wife, husband, children, married, single
3.1) Can use a/an to talk about the names of jobs. Can name very common job names
based on common verbs. What’s your / her job? What do you / she do?
Cook, driver / taxi driver, waiter, farmer. Salesperson, businessman, painter, director,
dancer, teacher, engineer, artist, doctor ,
Cooks, drives, works in a / on a -, sells, takes a taxi to work, paints, teaches
3.2) Can ask and answer basic yes/no questions. Can talk about routines with very basic
adverbs of frequency and prepositions of time.
TL: everyday, often, sometimes, never, on Mondays, every Saturday, every day, every

(Students study was / were in this DB)

ENC 16
2.1) Can name very basic parts of the body
Arm, legs, head, eyes, feet, nose,hair, back, hand, stomach
2.2) Can name some very common ailments
Sick, ill, hot and cold, tired, a cold, the flu, headache, (head) hurts, runny nose, nose is red,
backache, don’t feel good
3.1) Can use object pronouns in simple phrases and sentences . Can use the possessive
pronouns mine and yours with the verb be.

ENC 17
2.1) Can name some very basic food and drink
Water, chips, sandwich, cola, coffee, (orange) juice, (red) wine, pizza, fruit, eggs, bread,
chicken, cheese, sauce, milk, pasta, biscuits, apples, bananas, beer, tea, burger, sugar,
beans, vegetables, soup, grapes, melon, fruit salad
2.2) Can name some very common places to eat
Restaurant, fast food place, bistro, pub, diner, cafe
3.1) Can use some and any with countable and uncountable nouns with some control
3.2) Can use ‘can’ and ‘could’ to make a basic polite request in a limited way - Can I have?
Could I have?

ENC 18
2.1) Can name a few common sports and hobbies.
TL: Dancing, golf, reading, art/going to museums, tennis, singing, going to the movies,
shopping, running, riding horses, cooking, swimming, cricket, cycling, basketball, going to
the gym, football, homework,
2.2) Can use some basic language related to expressing an opinion. Can express very basic
contrast using ‘but’: DB vocab: favorite, like , hate, dislike, awesome, bad, boring, great, cool
Do you like..?/Do you like playing...? Yes, I like .... It’s (fu; Yes, I love... It’s (my favorite
sport); No, I don’t like... It’s (boring). I like X, but I don’t like X.
3.1) Can name a limited number of activities with do, go and play.
ENC 19
2.1) Can name some basic articles of clothing.
TL: skirt, jeans, shirt, socks, suit, tie, trainers, hat, sweater, jacket, dress. T -shirts, pants,
trousers, shoes, clothes
3.1) Can express polite offers and preference using would like/would like to
Would you like? Would you like to?, I would like, I would like to
3.2) Can describe quantity using not+ much/many with some control

ENC 20
2.1) Can name very well-known nations, nationalities, and languages.
Can name very common nationalities based on country names.
Where / from: England / Britain
What / nationality: English / British
What / language: English / British
Countries: Spain, Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Thailand, Canada, The United States,
India, Mexico, Brazil
Nationalities: Russian,
3.1) Can describe facts and states with the present simple, but with limited control
Can use what, where, when, why, and how to ask for information
Formulate questions to probe for information using Wh questions + is/are questions : Who,
what, when, where, why, how,

When do you / does she (go, want, do, leave…)?
Why do you / does she (go, want, do…)?
Where do you / does she ( go, live )
How / (old,
Q: Why/live/HCM City? ( Why do you live in HCM City)
A: I like HCM city

Extended examples:
(Why isn't the TV working?
How do I get to the mall?
Why do I have to wear a suit today?
Where do you want to go?
How do you get to school?
When do you want to eat?
ENC 21

2.1) Obj: Can name very common types of containers.

TL: Can, jar, bottle, bag, box, packet, pots and pans
Rice, olive oil, peppers, spices, soup, tomatoes, stuff
2.2) Obj: Can use simple phrases to ask for and provide things, and to discuss what to do
TL: I’d like / Can I have / Do you have / Have you got (learned in unit 12) / Do we need
anything else?
3.1) Obj: Can use very basic connectors
Obj: Can demonstrate a basic understanding of verb–noun agreement, but with limited
TL: and, or, but, so, or then.
3.2) Obj: Subject Pronouns / Possessive Adjectives:
TL: You / Your, He / His, it / its, etc
Obj: Can show possession using ’s with some control:
TL: Alan / Alan’s

ENC 22

Obj: Name common school subjects
TL: What do you do in: Math, Chemistry, Biology, History, Computer Class, Science Class,
PE, English, Art
Extended Vocab: professor, calculator, pencils, principal, colored markers, notebook,
student, teacher, board, desk

Obj: Express obligation or lack of using have to and must
TL: You must, you mustn’t, you have to, you don’t have to
Extended TL: had to, need to
3.2) Obj: Express cause and effect using so and because
3.3) Obj: Express very basic opinions with the present simple
TL: What do you think about…? How do like your new boss?
I like…,I think that... ,It's interesting because..,. My , I like it because...

ENC 23
2.1) Obj: Can name very common types of holiday
TL: Camping, doing things outdoors, beach holiday, swimming in the ocean, go on a
sightseeing tour, car rental, package deal, 5-star resort, flight. weekend trip, walking tour,
boat tour
2.2) Obj: Can use very basic language related to getting around a city
By bus, by foot, by train, by subway, drives a car, takes a taxi
3.1) Obj: Can describe everyday movements using basic prepositions
about, about, after, at, into, on, out, of, to.
3.2) Obj: Can ask for information about time, measurement, size and quantity with how
TL: How long, how often, how much, how many, how big, how far

ENC 24
2.1) Obj: Can name a limited range of common buildings and dwelling places / can name
very common public places in a city
TL: Apartment, Apartment building, house, library, bus station, post office, supermarket,
cafe, restaurant, park, office, drug store (pharmacy), hospital, mall, gym, condo
2.2) Obj: Can use basic language related to using a map
TL: Blocks, go straight, turn left/right (not in ML but important: take a left/right), follow, past,
ahead, across, over, along, through, out

3.1) Can express intentions using going to

TL: Q= Are you going to go…, Where are you going to go (future time: tomorrow, later,
next…), What are you going to do
A= I’m going to…(go,do, etc...);
3.2) Can talk about the past tense using common regular/irregular past simple forms
TL: Q= What did you do (past time: yesterday, last, earlier)?where did you go…?
A= I (do=did, meet=met, go=went, take=took, see=saw, eat=ate,
talk=talked,walk=walked, watch=watched

ENC 25
2.1) live, with my family, city, with a roommate, by myself, share, apartment,
2.2) good-looking, look, old, short, tall, young, handsome, attractive, model, friendly, beauty,
interesting, unfriendly, caring, mean, messy, shy, smart, social
3.1) this is, is this
3.2) would + like, love, hate and prefer + infinitive

ENC 26
2.1) Obj: Can use basic language related to expressing strong likes and dislikes.
TL: love, can’t stand, dislike, hate
2.2) Obj: Can use some basic language related to someone’s emotional state
TL: happy, excited, bored, sad, relaxed, nervous,
3.1) Obj:
● Can ask simple questions in the past using wh words.
● Can use was/were to talk about the past in a very basic way.
TL: where, what, why, was/were

3.2) Can describe a picture and what is happening in it using the present continuous

ENC 27
2.1 Eating habits
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack
- Hamburger (American), noodles (Asia, China), pasta (Italy)
- Full english breakfast, pizza, dumplings, noodles, spaghetti, small breakfast,
sandwich, beef
3.1 Enough / not enough / too many / too much
3.2 First, then, next, after that, so, because, finally, to begin with, before, in the end, when

ENC 28
2.1 Different Jobs
- Professional, suit, tie, department, company, earn, sell, pay, apply, experience, team,
work for (a company), receptionist, salesperson, designer, (earn a) promotion,
employees/employers, head of a department, job opening, international company,
local business, small department, salary, works in (department), works as
(salesperson), to hire/fire
3.1 Obligation with have to / don't have to
3.2 Asking for permission with can

ENC 29
2.1 Invitations
- Good morning, bye-bye, I have to go now, i’m really sorry, you’re welcome, thank you
so much, I want to say sorry, are you free?, can you do __(Thursday)__?, get
through, call/answer, can you let me know when…., can you call me……, what
2.2 Informal thanks and apologies
- Thank you, Thanks for, Thank you very much, Thank you for, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for,
I would like to apologize for, Thanks for that, I’d love to, I wouldn’t like that
3.1 Possibility and ability in the past using could/couldn’t
3.2 Adequacy/Inadequacy - enough and too + adj.

ENC 30
2.1 Work Vocabulary
- [Look after, take on(I take on big projects), have to, manage, in charge of,
responsibility, responsible for] department, 9-5, works for, head, factory, factory
workers, appointment, division, duty, supervisor, look after, to run a department,
business trip, uniform, boss, head chief, staff meeting, certificate, assistant,
3.1 If it Starts at 8:00
- Conditionals, I have to, I must
3.2 Relative Pronouns
- Relatives
Who, that, which
3.3 Then and Now
- Can, should, mustn’t, talking about the past

ENC 31
2.1 Describing objects
- Square, thin, thick, round, circle
3.1 A Piece Of Cake
- A litte, a bit, a piece, a few, a lot/lots, most of, a little bit (of)
3.2 The One in the Middle
- In front, at the back, in the middle, above/below, next to Commented [1]: This ML lacks full range of language
3.3 Modal Verbs necessary to describe the location of an object on a
- Should, must, might, could, shouldn’t, mustn’t It gives the student 'at the back', but not 'in the front'.
It gives 'in the middle', but not 'on the left/on the right'.
It does not cover combined use such as 'at the back
ENC 32
(on the) left'.
2.1 Health and Medicine
- Symptoms, headache, stomachache, to lose one’s voice, broken, virus, common
cold, runny nose, sweat, sore throat, nose is blocked up, horrible, contagious,no
energy, faint
2.2 Medical Help
- Contagious, give them aspirin, treatment, pillow, cure, recover, medicine, vitamins,
see a doctor, take to the hospital, emergency, get tissues, feel forehead for a fever,
get some rest, cover your mouth.
- How do you feel?
- Do you feel?
- Do you feel sick?
- What symptoms do you have?
3.1 Comparisons
3.2 Wh- ?s

ENC 33
2.1 Sports Equipment
- Racket, boots, gloves, uniforms, sneakers, towels, swimsuit, hat, jersey, ball, gym
bag, shorts,
2.2 Sports Actions
- Field, goal, match, score, kick, miss, team, run, won, lost, shoot, game, quitter
3.1 Let’s Play Basketball
- Making suggestions (I suggest, Why don’t we, How about we, Let’s)
- Good/terrible/ bad (Suggestion/idea plan)
- Excellent/ wonderful

ENC 34
2.1 Around the House
- House chores, entertainment, play video games, relax, do homework, clean/a mess,
clean/wash/straighten up, tidy up, laundry, dishes, housework, make dinner, mak e
the bed, read a book, clean the floor,
2.2 It’s Only Entertainment!
- Kids show, action movies, comedy, concert, replay, cartoon, theater, reality show,
exhibit, grand opening, festival, play, casting call, celebrity, story, film. Actor, star,
3.1 Have You Ever…?
- Have you ever been on TV
- Ever- indicates period of time
- Change verbs- Be → Been

ENC 35
2.1 Language related to a tourist office

Adventure, airline, guide

- (where) A tourist office, hotel reception, a travel agent, Internet,

- (What) Tour information, prices, places to see, transportation
- (Questions) What kind of tours are there?, how much does it cost?, what are good
places to see? What are things to see? What time do the tours start?
- One-way ticket, return ticket, one ticket please.

2.2 Language related to cars and driving

- Rent/take a car, gas station, steering wheel, round sign, speed limit, tire, flat tire,
traffic, traffic jam, parking lot, engine, brakes , stuck, get around, ticket, delay, ferry,
roadside, signal, ticket, scratch, dent, drivers license, parking.

3.1 Infinitives with something, anything, nothing

- Something, anything, nothing

- (Ex) What is there to do in Ohio? Nothing
- (Ex) There isn’t anything to do in Ohio.
- (Ex) Why is it good to live in a city? There’s always something to do

3.2 Describe future arrangements using present continuous / Use this to refer to immediate

Ex: Q: What are you going to do this weekend?

A: I’m going to cook a big dinner this weekend.

ENC 36
2.1) Crime and law enforcement
- Criminal, deserves, thief, break into, steal, rob, robbery (more violent than theft),
violence, police, escape, arrest, jail, judge, guilty, innocent, safe, dangerous.

2.2) Agree/Disagree (with reason)

- Do you think…? Why do you think so…?
- I think...
- I agree/ I disagree because..

3.1) Subordinate clause with verbs

- No/Yes...I think (that)...
- ...I believe (that)...
- ...I know (that)...
- ...I hope (that)...
3.2) Contrasting different ideas
- However

ENC 37
2.1) Informal phrases and casual conversation
- Hi/hey, how is it going?, nice to see you, good to bump into you.
- Let’s make it.., how about having..., how about next week, are you available, can we
get together on,
- No problem, do you mind, is it okay, Im’ free all day on
- I can’t make it, im busy, Sorry I have plans
- I’ve got to go now, see you soon, see you around.
3.1) Certainty
- I will/ I won't/ I will not
- might

3.2) Reported speech

- He/she said (that)

3.3) Asking for permission

Role play: knock on the door and ask your boss permission: students stand

- Can I, could I, Am I allowed to, May I, Is it okay if.

- Must, have to, can’t, not allowed to, must not, need to.

ENC 38
2.1) Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
- I feel
- Excited, happy, delighted, that's great
- pleased, hurt, not happy with it, disappointed, exhausted, frustrated, upset
(following prepositions: with, by, about)
Ex: I’m pleased with the food but upset about the service.
2.2) Strength of opinion
- I can't stand, adore, hate , like, quite like, kind of like, don't like, love, keen on, fed up

3.1) Present perfect + superlatives

- The (superlative) that I have ever…
- The (superlative) that he/she has ever…
- Best, smartest, biggest, most delicious, most interesting, worst, most dangerous,

3.2) Similarity or lack of similarity (Adjective and Adverb comparisons)

- Not

ENC 39
2.1) Company
- Base(d), brand, corporation, develop, factory-based, financial, manufacturer(V)(N),
employs, factories, services, offices, produces, employees, sell, design, accounting,
CEO, co-owner, logo, purchase, invent, branch, organizational, Vice President

2.2) Learning process

- Homework, academic, achieve, study, degree, major, fail, pass, test, exam, school,
university, diploma, certificate, class, graduate, review, exercises, products, revise,
semester, notes, hand in… a paper/homework, tutor(ing)
3.1) Routines of the past that no longer happen
- I used to: Would + verb (past ACTIONS & SITUATIONS)
- I would: Would + verb (past ACTIONS)
- But now

3.2) Grouping
- Both of them, neither of them, either/any (question form Ex: do either/any of
them…?), every, each, all of, none of

ENC 40
2.1) Vacation choices
- Vacation, holiday, plane/boat/ train to/from, sightseeing, swimming, relaxing, tour,
package, deal, package deal luxury/cheap/ budget hotel, good/bad service, clean
rooms, cheap prices, delayed flight, cancelled flight, first class, rent a car.

2.2) Describing a place

- climate, stormy, windy, foggy, cloudy, misty, warm, breezy, dry, cool, snow-covered,
- Beach forest, woodland, valley, peaceful, lively, near sea/mountains/coast/hills,

3.2) Indirect questions

- Can you tell me...?
- Do you know...?
- Could you tell me…?
3.2) How long…?
- How long have you…
- I have been/ I’ve been…
- Since/for

ENC 41
2.1) Describing a house
- Modern, traditional, light, spacious, up/downstairs, roomy, small, relaxing, great -
looking, vintage
- Wardrobe, chest of drawers, desk, dining table, couch, sofa, chairs, tv, coffee/dining
room table, windows, shower, lights, bed, refrigerator/fridge, stove, bookshelf, chair
- Bedroom, bathroom, lounge, living room, kitchen, dining room, en-suite

2.2) Shopping
- Refund, discount, return, guarantee, receipt, policy, sold out, sale, clearance,
exchange, repair, section (ex: clothing section), shipping, shop (Verb, Noun),
warranty, affordable, bargain, boutique, department store, market, fashionable
- I'm just looking/ browsing, try on clothes
3.1) Like questions (Opinion vs Description)
- What is your apartment like?
- Do you like your apartment?

3.2) Purpose (V+ ing)

- I use a ….. for + V+ing.
ENC 42
2.1 Types of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables / common language used to preparing and
cooking food.
- Slice, mix, fry, add, stir, broil, boil, peel, grill, chop, chicken, beef, pork, lamb, carrots,
potatoes, peanuts, spinach, lemon, apple, grapes, croissant, peas, salmon, walnut,

3.1 Describing possible outcomes of a future action or situation

- Future predictions with ‘will’ and “be” going to
- Ex. It will be successful
- Ex. Not many people are going to go there

3.2 Show the simple relationship between cause and a result

- Can describe possible outcomes of a future action or situation
- Ex. If the chef is bad, the food will be bad
- Ex. If the food is bad, the restaurant will close

3.3 Make predictions about future events and situations with going to / Express certainty
about the present or future using will
- because / the reason why / as a result / therefore
- Ex. The restaurant closed because the food was terrible
- Ex. The service was slow. Therefore some customers complained

ENC 43
2.1 Language related to the dimensions of an object / Name a range of common materials /
Language related to the form and condition of an object
- Round, glass, shiny, metal, heavy, hole, leather, worn, thick, wooden, rough, metal,
faded, torn, soft, silk, cotton, smooth, broken, plastic, brand new, paper
- Pound, meter, gram, centimeter, mile, kilogram, litre, gram, wide, high

3.1 Common passive phrases in the present and past simple

- Active and passive form
- Ex. The first phone was made by Motorola in 1979
- Ex. Motorola made the first phone in 1979

3.2 modify comparisons with words

- Can modify comparisons with words (e.g. much, a lot/lots, a bit + than)
- Ex. The first mobile phone was much bigger than phones today
- Ex. Mobile phone A is a lot smaller than mobile phone B
ENC 44
2.1 Language related to common types of TV programs
- Soap opera, Documentary, series, live broadcast (news, sports, events), news,
Cartoons, Reality shows, talk show

2.2 Language related to characters and events of a book

- Character, plot, setting, ending, story, title
- Hero, villain, author, mystery, romance, genre, dialogue

3.1 Describe the plot of a film or book using present simple / Using chronological sequence
in narrative using linking devices
- It takes place, It begins with, during, after, eventually, before, it was time, fro m, a few
months later, throughout, but
ENC 45
2.1) Book and movie reviews
- soap opera, title, plot (introduced in previous unit and practiced in previous
Enc - so students should be producing confidently), written and directed by,
genre, fantasy, thriller, adventure, science fiction, action, starring, comedy, family,
leading character, action-packed, blockbuster, gripping, cast, adaptation of, cliff-
hanger, twists and turns, a great read, storyline, based on.

3.1) Present perfect with details about the past

- Have you (seen/eaten/gone/ visited/tried/watched/)....?

3.2) Agreement
- So do I, me too, same here, I do too.
- Neither do I, nor do I, me neither.
3.3) Advice `
- If I were you…, I would….

ENC 46
2.1) Making Complaints
- I had a problem, I’d like to make a complaint, i’d like to complain about.
- Problems: out of stock, hours, bad service, nothing in my size , quality of clothes,
look cheap.
- I expect, Refund, return, exchange.

2.2) Describing clothes

- wool, cotton, nylon, synthetic, leather, plastic, denim, tight, baggy, designer label,
stylish, trendy

3.1) Offers and Decisions

- Shall I...lend/call/get you/take
- I’ll stay/ I’ll help/ I’ll ask/ I’ll lend

3.2) Hypothetical future

- If I had...I would….
- If I could...I would….

ENC 47
2.1) Food and drink
-lamb chops, veal, crab, grapefruit, pear, cabbage, carrot, strawberries, cola, beer, iced -tea,
still water, sparkling water, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, orange juice, lemonade, apple juice,
non-alcoholic, cocktail, Plaice .
- delicious, tasty, mouth-watering, sour, spicy, sweet, disgusting, awful, tempting, yummy,
tasteless, fresh

2.2) Agreement and why

-why don’t we, yeah sure, okay, should we go to, how about we go,
-No I don’t like/enjoy , No I think we should
-It’s -er, it’s -ier, it’s more..

3.1) That’s + be + when, why, where, what

- That’s why
- That’s when
- That’s where
- That’s what
3.2) pronoun + infinitive
Could you tell me/ Do you know;
- How to get there
- When to go
- Where to sit
- What to drink
- Who to go with

ENC 48
2.1) Comfort, hygiene and symptoms
- Hungry, thirsty, sleepy, tired, feel good, look good, soap, toothpaste, needs to sleep/
take a shower/ brush his teeth/ shave/ stop working and eat something, he hasn’t
eaten well, my head hurts, I have a sore throat, take medicine and rest, hydrated,
backache, painkillers, nasty, terrible.

3.1) always + present continuous

- He is always yelling
- She is always texting me late at night
- It’s always raining

3.2) Yet/ still

- Have you sent the email yet?
- I still haven't sent the email/ I haven't sent the email yet.

3.3) when, as soon as, before (Q and A)

- When will you…?
- I’ll send the email as soon as I arrive at work.
- I’ll send the email before/after lunch.
- I’ll send the email when I finish my coffee.

ENC 49
2.1 Environmental problems
- Environment, environmental organisation, toxic waste, plastic, trash, air pollution,
water pollution, oil spill, toxic chemicals, garbage, problem, cause, solution, factories,
power plants, throw away, recycling.

2.2) Explaining problems

- Health problems, hurts wildlife, not recycling, dangerous to drink, dangerous to live,
kill plants/animals/make people sick, harder to breath, fills up too much space.

3.1) Do you know why?

- Do you know why...
- Yes,...because…
- No, I don't know why...

3.2) Just happened… and now It’s V+ing…

- There has been an oil spill, its causing problems
- They have just bought some recycling bins and now more people are recycling
- The cost of gas has increased and now fewer people are driving.

ENC 50
2.1) State of economy
- High employment, credit, high unemployment, inflation, downturn, interest, stock
market, credit crunch, recession, booming, bank transfer, check, credit card, debit
card, cash, GDP, wages, (high) sales growth, investment,

3.1) EIther/ or
- You can either pay by… or….
- I can either go to……. or…...

3.2) object + infinitive without to after make and let

- The store doesn’t let you pay with credit card
- The store makes you pay with cash

3.3) Can use a range of markers to introduce a counter-argument

- But
- However
- On the other hand
- Although

ENC 51
2.1) Language related to lifestyle and living conditions of different social groups
- Happy, delighted, embarrassed, depressed, feel like crying, awkward, genuine,
- good friends, senior citizens, retired, unemployed, old, young, baby, teenagers, foster
child, single-parent, homeless, poor, rich man, rich, adopted children, immigrants

3.1) Can express a present or future preference using would rather + infinitive without to
- I’d rather start an organization than give them money

3.2) Can provide extra information to define exactly which or what kind of person or thing
- Nancy is the senior citizen who Donna is helping
- You’re looking at the chair that is next to the door

ENC 52
2.1) Language related to cooking, eating and cleaning. Can name some less common
furniture and basic furnishings
- Stool, microwave, dishwasher, toaster, saucers, coffeemaker, sink, pillows, curtains,
container/plastic box, mattress, mirror, vanity, fixtures, lampshade, sockets,
chandeliers, cutlery, sheets, basin, thermostat, light switch, shower head, drain,
faucet, central heating, light switch.

3.1) Can talk about someone else doing something for you without referring to the subject
- have/get
- I’ll have/get it repaired

3.2) Can use object + infinitive after some common reporting verbs
- You told me
- You asked me

3.3) Can talk about events that have just happened without referring to the subject
- Has the computer been fixed?
- Have the clothes been put in the container?
- Yes, it’s (just) been fixed.

ENC 53
2.1) Can use some detailed language related to a job application and terms and conditions
of employment
- Searching/applying for jobs, CV/resume, interviewing for a job, being
offered/accepting a job, employee benefits
- Skills, pay, raise, benefits, bonus, reference, part-time, full-time, health insurance,
annual leave, experience, education.

2.2) Can use some detailed language related to job responsibilities

- Responsibilities, duties, report to, marketing, sales, advertising, candidate
- Elicit some responsibilities for example (prepare the menu, order food, cook)
- It’s my responsibility, I’m responsible for, it’s up to me, my responsibilities include

3.1) Can talk about past intentions that never happened using going/planning/hoping to
- I was going to……..
- I was planning to……
- I was hoping to….
- Ex. I was planning to do my homework but then we lost power.
- I was going to go to the park but then it started to rain

3.2) Can use a range of language to show a difference between two pieces of information
- Even though
- Although
- Ex. I still quit my job even though my boss offered me more money
- Although I studied hard, I failed the test

ENC 54
2.1) Can use general language related to different types of study programs / Can use some
detailed language related to life at university
- University campus, Professor, lecture, online course, distance-learning class,
nursing/medical school, dorm, vocational school, graduate school, student housing,
evening classes, mid-terms, undergraduate, quizzes, work-study, campus.

2.2) Can use some detailed language related to examinations and tests
- Study hard, pass exams, cheating, failed, multiple choice test, report card, taking a
test, reviews, final exams, entrance exams.

3.1) Can show an action was completed before another action in the past
- By the time
- When
- (Already)
- Ex. By the time I arrived, the lecture had (already) started
- When I arrived, the lecture had (already) started

3.2) Can use verb + preposition forms in relative clauses

- “That”
- Ex. She is the student that I work with
- That’s the restaurant (that) I had dinner at

ENC 55
2.1) Can use general language related to marketing and advertising
- Target, consumer, advertising, (ad) campaign, market, promoting (his/her) product,
Promotion, flyers, online advertising, TV advertising,
2.2) Can use some detailed language related to common stages of family life
- couple/old age, give birth/have a child, middle age, marriage, funeral/pass
away/death, teenagers, ex-wife, engaged, widowed, grown up, reunion,

3.1) Can talk about making someone do something

- “Got”
- Ex. The mother got her child to eat all his/her food

3.2) Can use a preposition to show exception to something

- Except for
- Apart from
- Ex. All my friends are married except for me

ENC 56
2.1) Can use some detailed language related to environmental issues. / Can use general
language related to natural disasters
- Natural, influenced by humans
- (air) pollution, floods, drought, climate change / global warming, hurricane / typhoon,
landslide, fossil fuels, renewable energy, overpopulation, endangered species,
extinct, greenhouse gasses, earthquake, landslide, tsunami, avalanche, famine

2.2) Can use appropriate vocab to show concern or fear

- Worried, Concerned, have concerns, Scared, Afraid, It’s a pity/shame, with hindsight,
- (about/that)
- Not / very / Not _____ at all / Definitely ________ about that

3.1) Can explain reason in multiple ways

- As a result (of)
- Due to
- Because
- For this reason
- So
3.2) Demonstrate varying levels of agreement/disagreement
- I think so, too
- I’m not sure about that
- I don’t think that’s true
- Yes, but

ENC 57
2.1) Can talk about different types of movements in different tenses
(past,present,future,etc..) with proper context
- Roll, jump, lift, stretch, spin, leap, bend (over), tilt, wiggling, bowing, crouch,

2.2) Can talk about taking medicine

- Painkillers, antibiotics, dosage, dissolve, diabetic, side effects, allergic, allergy,
insulin, pills, shot, tablets

3.1) Describe action that just finished and explain its current situation
Describe action that started in the past and is still continuing
- Has + been + verb_ing + for/since
- Ex: He’s exhausted BECAUSE he’s BEEN WORKING

ENC 58
2.1) Computer Security
- Virus, spam emails, hacking, anti-virus, virus protection software, phishing, firewall,
infected, login, operating system, piracy, malware, attachment, browser, corrupted,
cyber crime

2.2) Making a concession and reluctant acceptance

- I’d be really grateful if...
- I’d really appreciate if…
- Can you help me by…

- Okay, fine.
- All right.
- I give in. Whatever, Take it.

3.1) Neither+nor/ Both

- Both ___and ___ like/have/are/____
- Neither___nor___ like/has/are/is___

ENC 59
2.1) Gardens, Outdoors, Furniture and Accomodation
- Accomodation: townhouse, mansion, house, apartment, villa, studio, cottage.
- Adjectives: Cozy, modern, minimalist, traditional, quiet, peaceful, clutter, sleek, airy,
- Outdoors: Pool, tree, garden, flowers, flowerbed, vegetable garden, fence,
- Furniture: All household furniture and kitchen appliances (butcher’s knife, cutting
board, paring knife, spatula, peeler, hooks, drawers, furnishings )

2.2) Types of accommodation and neighbourhoods

- cottage , house, townhouse, apartment, villa, mansion, studio, residence, fortress,
cathedral, historic building.
- City centre, suburbs, village, country , the outskirts of the city.
- Cozy, modern, minimalist, traditional, quiet, peaceful

3.1) Relative clauses: Which/ Who/ That

- Example:My apartment, that has three bedrooms,is in a quiet neighbourhood.
- Ex: I live in an apartment in the quiet neighbourhood, which is next to the park.
- Ex: My brother, who is 16, studies art and design.

ENC 60
2.1 Giving Encouragement
- Cheer up, I promise you things will be fine, There’s no need to worry, don’t worry,
don’t give up, you shouldn't give up, everything will be fine, everything will go well in
the end.

2.2 Informal advice (asking and answering)

- You should… - Where/what/who should I...
- You ought to… -Where do you think I ought to...
- If i were you… - Can you recommend…

3.1) Checking and Confirming (tag questions)

- You have…, haven’t you?
- You are …, aren’t you?
- You do…, don’t you?
- She is... , isn’t she?

3.2) I Agree
- Sure! Now you’re talking! You’re right!
- I agree! sounds good! I promise! I completely agree!
- Absolutely! understood! I couldn’t agree more!

ENC 61
2.1) Education and learning
- Bilingual, literacy, rote learning, playing hooky, cheating, expelled, numeracy, special
needs, brainstorm, memorize, learn/know by heart, cram, bookworm, revision,study
hard, gifted, traditional methods, class size, (high) standards, fall behind, attend/miss
class, hooky,
- Language related to examinations, study habits and school rules.

2.2) Learning process

- Cramming, memorize, know/learn by heart, index cards, gifted, knowledge, method,
recall, repetition, rote, semesters, valuable, exercises, quizzes, techniques,

3.1) Supposed to
- I was supposed to/ not supposed to
- You were supposed to

3.2)Criticize the past

- You should have
- You could have

ENC 62
Lots of vocab overlap for 2.1 and 2.2
2.1) Describing Job
- Dead-end, boring, unrewarding, rewarding, fulfilling, highly paid, low paid, blue -collar,
tedious, demanding, motivating.
- selection, consideration, candidate, ideal, strength, weakness, relevant, accomplish,
connected, perfectionism, strict, promotion, qualified, motivated

2.2) Reviewing Candidates

- apprentice, workload, redundant, salary, consultant, track record, demonstrate,
relevant, ideal candidate, call back, available for, experienced, relevant experience ,
inexperienced, position, education background, masters degree,
- Questioning Phrases:
- Are you sure that’s ok
- What makes you think that
- Are you sure that’s true

3.1) Present or future outcomes with hypothetical

- Only, Even if, unless
- EX:
- I won't do it EVEN if you pay me more
- I won't do it UNLESS you pay me more
- I will do it, but ONLY if you pay me more

ENC 63
2.1) Advantages and Disadvantages of city life
- Crowded, stressful, easy to get around, amenities, clean, lots of stuff to do, nightlife

2.2) Describing Graphs and Charts

- Increasing/decreasing trend, steadily/sharply/dramatically/slowly,
rise/fluctuate/fall/peak/dropped/declined, downward/upward trend,
- ratio, two to one, one to one, population, level, directly proportional/ inverse
proportion, proportion, average

3.1) Pros and cons (evaluation pros and cons of different options)
(Look for range of known structures and vocabulary)
On the one hand, outweigh, disadvantageous,cons, pros, upsides, the advantage is, it will
put them at a disadvantage, It would be advantageous for, an additional benefit, the
advantage is.
3.2) Weaken superlatives with ONE OF, SOME OF, AMONG
- This is ONE OF the best meals in town
- They are AMONG the worst restaurants in town
- This is SOME OF the best food i’ve ever eaten

ENC 64
2.1) It’s Something Like That (Vague Language)
- Adverb to mark attitude: (clearly, allegedly, reportedly, definitely, apparently,
controversially, unquestionably, naturally, unfortunately)
- That sort of thing, stuff like that, that kind of stuff, etc..
- Or so, till around/about, -ish

3.1) Due to/be, set to/be

- Eg: The restaurant is ____ ____ open next week.
- The movie is ___ ___ be released next month.
3.2) Reported speech
- You said/told me there was
- You said/told me you were

3.3) Past tense Meant to/ Supposed to

- She/He was meant to/supposed to...

ENC 65

2.1) Positive: delicious, mouth-watering, it’s too good to resist, tasty, fresh, look(s) good,
yummy, to be tempted to, fresh ingredients, tempting, can’t resist.
Negative: disgusting, tasteless, bland, dried out, moldy, soggy, go hard, go past sell by
date,past its best-before, unpleasant, horrible, stale, contaminate

2.2) measure, right amounts, bake, stir, simmer, rinse, prep, stove, leave to cool, pour, don’t
spill a drop, throw away, weigh, waste , recipe

3.1) Speculate about the past using modal verb + have + past participle
would have been, must have been, can’t have been

3.2) Explaining Past Actions

I sat down - As I had been networking

ENC 66
2.1) Nature of friendship / state of a relationship
close friend, best friend, school friends, inseparable, soul mate, confidant, hostile, get on
each others nerves, inseparable, heart broken.
2.2) Polite language related to reluctance, reservations, or refusal
- I’d like to, but I might be busy.
- I don’t know if I can.
- I’m not sure. I’ll see what I can do. I really don’t know.
2.3) Fatigue and resignation
- I’ve had enough
- I’m sick of ….
- Pointless
- That won’t make a difference
- There’s nothing I can do about it
3.1) Regrets
- I wish
- If only I had
- I should/shouldn’t
ENC 67
2.1) Can use general language related to the advantages and disadvantages of technology/
Encounter can do statement require technology vocab - See Unit 58 + drawbacks, social
media, social networking, wireless internet, search engines, flash drives, instan t messages,
keyword searches
2.2) Can use appropriate language related to expressing or reacting to a bad temper,
informal language related to denying or attaching blame politely.
furious, livid, really annoyed, I’m about to go mad, You’d better do something, It’s your fault,
It’s not my fault, I’m not to blame, It’s got nothing to do with me, I didn’t do anything wrong,
Please calm down, Don’t tell me to calm down, worked up,
3.1) Can use a range of devices to conclude a discursive argument; Therefore, the final
option, the conclusion, to sum up, In conclusion
3.2) Can make tentative suggestions and offers using; Should, Could, Shall

ENC 68
2.1) Can use general language related to buying and selling property, detailed language
related to rentals and contracts;
Rent, buy, property prices, real estate, agent, agencies, asking price, tenant, landlord,
affordable, investment, mortgage, property, debt, interest rate, management fee, equity,
down payment, lease, searching,contract, credit, renew, notice, value
2.2) Can use detailed language related to household finance;
rent, loan, expenses, credit, bill, income, overdraft fee, debt, interest, paycheck, payments
3.1) Can express prohibition, permission, obligation and lack obligation in the past: had to,
didn’t have to, could
3.2) range of cleft sentences in present, past and future (learned in an earlier ML)

ENC 69
2.1) Can understand, make and respond to excuses in the appropriate register:
I’m sorry to interrupt, I’m not trying to be rude, I had something going on, I do apologize for, I
had to deal with, I overslept, I missed the bus, I couldn’t make it, I was too busy, I assure you
it won’t happen again, family emergency,
2.2) Can use advanced language related to personality traits, moods, emotional states.
Personality traits: neglectful, patient, sweet, passionate, caring, friendly, warm,
compassionate, lazy
Moods: skeptical, cranky, promising, sullen, bad, grumpy, glum, cheerful, nonchalant,
Emotional states: thrilled, surprised, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed,
upset, relaxed, frustrated, astonished, hesitant, distressed

3.1) Can use thought + past tense to express disappointment

3.2) Can describe an action or situation that started in the past and is still continuing now
“I’ve been studying english for 3 years”

Enc 70+ focus on native-like fluency

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