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Activity 11

Name: Quiday Marizuela B. Score: __________________

Course/Year/Section: BSCE 2-F Date: ____________________

Directions: Answer the following questions concisely.

1. Plot the stages of your life according to the six stages of moral development of
Lawrence Kohlberg’. Include personal illustrations and identify where you are now in
your moral development.

Stages 1-2 (Obedience and Stages 3-4 (Good Interpersonal Stage 5-6 (Social
Punishment/ Individualism and Relationship/Maintaining the Contract and Individual
Exchange) Social Order) Rights/Universal

My life begins on the 4th of I have a very strict parents I haven't reached this
October, 2001. My parents growing up, even now nothing stage, but maybe in the
informed me that when I was a change. They decided on what I future.
year old, they already taught should wear and I what I should
me the fundamentals of take in college even for having
learning and how to behave a boyfriend. Its sad but that’s
appropriately. I effectively alright as long as it will not
understood the wrongness and affect my freedom big time
rightness of the situation before because I know for sure that
I was ten years old. I also they’re only doing that for my
learned how to be obedient own sake. I remember when I
with my parents, relatives, placed top in our section my
neighbors, and at school. I parents were very proud, so
clearly remember cheating with proud that they always praise
my neighbor when we played me when they are chit chatting
Tex, pogs, dampa, jolens, and with their friends. When I was
jackstone because I wanted to in high school and senior high
collect more of them and also school I made many friends,
to earn sales, although I know and all of them are greatly
that such conduct is wrong. accepted by my parents so I
When I was picked up or consider my choice of friend is
shouted to go home, I good doing cause I got their
immediately followed because approval. During adolescence, I
it would cost me a beating if I have learned on how to obey
didn't go home right away. law and the right thing to do
When the fiesta of Zaragoza is that are considered as right in a
near, there is always a fair near certain area or society. Growing
the municipality of Zaragoza. I up I always wanted to be a good
always invited my parents to citizen of my nation. And I
the fair because I like to ride think I already did it.
rides, and if we didn't go, I
forced them by crying. When
we're at the fair and they don't
buy what I want to buy ,  I'll go
home feeling bad. When I was
young I also remember, when
my brother didn't give me food,
of course when I had it I
wouldn't give it to him either.
I've learned that it's okay to be
selfish sometimes if you know
it's good and right to be like
that depending on the situation.

I am now in stages 3-4 of moral development and it is continuously improving and


2. Summarize the Three (3) levels of Moral Development including the six (6) stages

Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development.

The very first level in three (3) levels of Moral Development is Pre-Conventional
Morality, individual's primary interest is the self. Conventional Morality, Level 2
People begin to internalize the moral norms of the groups to which they belong during
adolescence and middle age. Adults can attain Post-Conventional Morality Level 3,
although not all adults can. Person judgment is centered on individual principles and
moral reasoning based on personal rights and justice.

The first stage of Kohlberg's moral development can define right and wrong as action
reflects the goodness and badness of conduct. On the second stage, it teaches about
being one-of-a-kind and attaining one's goals, while moral rightness is connected with
the concept of giving and receiving. Third stage in which right and wrong are
determined by others' approval and conformity to norms, good behavior is determined
by praise. On stage four, a person becomes more conscious of norms and societal
standards as they get older and desires to be a decent and good citizen of one nation.
The fifth stage although norms and standards exist, they are not always ethically
acceptable. While the last stage of moral development is the Universal Principle, you
develop your own ethical values and are prepared to defend them even if it means
going against the majority of human beings. Only a few individuals have and can
achieve this level of moral development. These six stated stages are all connected and
are rooted to the three levels of moral development.

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