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Teen who lost legs finds calling in cross country, 1C

Sunday, October 17, 2021 Sunny. H 69 L 42 6B | | ©The Gazette $3.00

Ukrainian boys home at In race to

last after Hiawatha couple
hit major adoption hurdles lead C.R.,
Mission divides
accomplished Andrews runs as Dem;
other candidates bristle
at political party ties
By Marissa Payne, The Gazette


adage goes, there’s no Demo-
cratic or Republican way of
filling a pothole — someone
must pave it.
But in Cedar Rapids’ Nov. 2
mayoral race, partisan political
ties are painting the campaign
trail with stripes of red and
blue, following a trend seen
across the country
of national divi-
sions in politics
driving a wedge in
local elections.
The office of
mayor is nonpar-
tisan, but True-
North executive Amara
Amara Andrews Andrews
is pushing par-
tisan messaging
— billing herself
as a progressive
Democrat — while
others in the four-
way race bristle
at attempts to be
tied to any politi-
Brad Hart
cal party. Instead,
they say they are
in the race solely
to serve Cedar
Andrews has
run ads and fund-
Scott Breckenridge embraces his adopted sons, 10-year-old Mkolya (left) and 16-year-old twins Bogdan (middle) and Ilya (face not visible), raising emails
as his wife, Jenna Breckenridge, grows emotional as they are reunited Tuesday at The Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar Rapids. TOP: Scott and condemning the
Jenna Breckenridge hug for the first time after Jenna spent months in Ukraine finalizing the adoption. (Savannah Blake photos/The Gazette) Republican af- Tiffany
filiations of Mayor O’Donnell
By Elijah Decious, The Gazette were meant to be her children. It were on the ground here.” Brad Hart and

wasn’t until the plane landed last challenger Tiffany O’Donnell,
IAWATHA — Nearly 28 Tuesday in Cedar Rapids that she THE ADOPTION PROCESS chief executive officer of Wom-
months after Ukrainian could release the tension she car- Ukraine may not be the “end of en Lead Change.
twins Ilya and Bogdan ried for over two years from an ar- the earth” in proximity to Iowa. Andrews’ campaign last
first walked through duous adoption process. But considering the circumstances month sent a fundraising
the terminal exit at Now, the kids she met through a Jenna and Scott Breckenridge sur- email with images of the two
The Eastern Iowa Airport, they host program aren’t just her boys mounted to adopt their three boys, candidates alongside photos
returned — this time, with their — they’re her sons. they may as well have traveled to of former President Donald
mother and a newly adopted little “It wasn’t until we hit Cedar Rap- the ends of the earth. Trump, U.S. Rep. Ashley Hin-
brother. ids and the wheels hit the ground The adoption process was sup- son and Gov. Kim Reynolds
It was at these doors that Jenna that I lost it,” Jenna Breckenridge posed to take only about nine — all Republicans — with a
Breckenridge first fell in love with said. “I was sobbing. … I wasn’t go- banner below their images
the twins she instantly realized ing to accept it (as final) until we ; ADOPTION, PAGE 6A that reads, “Not Progressive.”

Insurance fuels Iowa Farm Bureau revenue growth INSIDE: Crosswords 6D, 10L |
Dear Abby 10L | Deaths 5C |
Nonprofit’s leaders earn noticed financial maneuver
that could boost their income
tize the company. But the
move spurred several law-
one, at least for Farm Bureau
leaders. A review of public
Horoscopes 10L | Insight 1D
salaries in high six figures for years to come. suits, with a major investor filings, depositions and inter-
| Iowa Today 1C | Living 1L |
Milestones 12L | Puzzles 10L |
While a nonprofit, the accusing the Farm Bureau nal memos shows the leaders Sports 1B | TV 11L
By Sky Chadde and Eli Hoff, Farm Bureau owned a highly of lowballing shareholders have benefited for years from
Investigate Midwest; and Mark profitable, publicly traded it was attempting to buy out. the nonprofit’s majority own- VOL. 139 NO. 281
Ossolinski, Watchdog Writers Group insurance business called To settle, it paid investors ership of the insurance com-
FBL Financial Group. For more and the deal closed this pany. The story of FBL also

In May, senior executives nearly a year, the executives spring. highlights the complicated
at the Iowa Farm Bureau — whose incomes depended If history is any indica-
Federation finalized a little- on FBL — wanted to priva- tion, the move was a smart ; FARM BUREAU, PAGE 7A


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(319) 398-6435 Lindsay Ehlers, ARNP
2A The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021

Vaccine mandates working, hospitals say

Washington Post Methodist’s 26,578 em- Center in Gresham, Ore.,
ployees quit or were fired was put on administra-
At Houston Methodist because they refused the tive unpaid leave Sept.
— one of the first Ameri- vaccine. Ninety-eight 30 for refusing to get vac-
can health care institu- percent are now vacci- cinated. She was among
tions to require workers nated and 2 were exempt 794 workers — about
to get vaccinated against or allowed to defer, most 5 percent of Legacy’s
the coronavirus — the for medical reasons, 14,000 employees — who
backlash was short-lived. Boom said. were not yet vaccinated.
More than 150 employ- On Monday, Texas Re- Espino is searching for
ees were fired. There publican Gov. Greg Ab- employment elsewhere
were legal battles and bott issued an executive and is considering seek-
protests. But President order banning any entity ing a license in Florida,
and CEO Marc Boom has in Texas, including pri- where vaccination re-
no regrets: 98 percent of vate businesses, from re- quirements are lax.
staff have been vaccinat- quiring vaccinations for “Oregon state is strip-
ed, and they and patients employees or customers. ping away my livelihood
are safer as a result, he Boom said he was “grate- and everything I hold
said. ful” the hospital had true,” Espino said.
“I can unequivocally mandated vaccinations Since Espino and oth-
say (it was) the best de- “early so the order will ers were put on admin-
cision we ever made,” not have an immediate istrative leave, 114 em-
Boom said in an inter- impact.” ployees have come into
view. Jared Woodfill, a law- compliance and 97 are on
Houston Methodist is yer representing work- their way to becoming
not alone in requiring its Nurse manager Barbara Schuessler prepares to give a dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to physi- ers who were terminat- fully vaccinated, Legacy
employees to be vacci- cian assistant Nathaniel Shekem last December at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in ed, said in an interview spokeswoman Kristin
nated. About 41 per- Iowa City. UIHC hasn’t mandated the coronavirus vaccine for its employees, but last month said over and a letter sent to the Whitney said. Still, the
cent of hospitals nation- 90 percent had gotten the shots voluntarily. (The Gazette) hospital that Abbott’s or- system of six hospitals
wide — roughly 2,570 der applies to his clients and about 70 clinics has
facilities — have some “This possibility only must continue to allow percent of employees and they should be re- temporarily consolidated
sort of vaccine mandate, increases heading into a health care workers to have gotten the shots instated — an argument or closed services, in-
according to data col- fall season with the more request religious exemp- voluntarily. he said he plans to make cluding CT, mammogra-
lected by the American contagious and deadly tions as a lawsuit over Other health systems in his ongoing lawsuits phy and ultrasound, at
Hospital Association, a delta variant.” the state’s vaccine re- in Iowa, including Mercy against the hospital in about 10 facilities to less-
trade group. Others are California-based Kai- quirement proceeds. Medical Center in Ce- state and federal court. en the burden on staff
expected to follow after ser Permanente, with dar Rapids, UnityPoint Stefanie Asin, a hospi- from employees on leave.
President Joe Biden an- 216,000 employees and MANY LACK MANDATES Health, MercyOne and tal spokeswoman, said, There were 986 exemp-
nounced last month that 23,000 physicians, report- But many hospitals Mercy Iowa City, have “There is no merit to tion requests, of which
he would require most ed that more than still lack mandates, and implemented vaccine what he is saying.” The at least 897 were denied,
health care facilities that 92 percent have been efforts to vaccinate every mandates that are set hospital will not rehire according to an internal
accept Medicaid or Medi- vaccinated as of Sept. 30, eligible staff member to take effect later this the unvaccinated former presentation shared with
care funding — many of when staff members were have lagged. Some of- year. employees, Asin said. the Washington Post.
which also treat immu- required to get the shot, ficials fear that staff Boom credited the Workers leaving their
nocompromised people spokesman Marc Brown members, overwhelmed LEGAL BATTLES widespread vaccinations jobs also are reckoning
who are at high risk of wrote in an email. About from the summer delta with keeping 300 workers with stepping away from
getting severely ill from 6 percent of the workers variant surge, could Yet the unvaccinated from getting sick over hospitals at a time when
COVID — to vaccinate were unvaccinated but remain exposed amid a minority of hospital the summer, according staffing is most needed.
their employees. sought exemptions, leav- potential “twindemic” workers have drawn the to an analysis the hospi- When asked what a
Most health care ing 2 percent who did not of COVID and flu spikes public’s attention with tal conducted of short- loss of 1 percent of health
systems that require comply and were placed this winter. their vocal opposition term disability leaves. care workers could look
vaccination have touted on unpaid administrative The federal govern- in the form of protests Staff members who did like in New Mexico —
widespread compliance. leave, Brown said. He ment does not require and lawsuits. Hospital get sick with COVID-19 which has mandated
In interviews, admin- said since then, “many” health care facilities to workers have filed or reported less severe vaccination for those em-
istrators at some of the of those workers have share their vaccination joined lawsuits in at least cases, Boom said, and no ployees — David Scrase,
nation’s largest hospital agreed to get vaccinated data. But at more than eight states — includ- employees died over the the acting head of the
systems said the man- or applied for an exemp- 2,000 facilities nation- ing Oregon, Minnesota summer. Houston Meth- state’s Health Depart-
dates worked: Officials tion, but he did not speci- wide that voluntarily and New York — against odist lost two workers ment, said the impact on
said that they have very fy a number. reported numbers to the their employers or public to COVID-19 in summer an already strained sys-
high vaccination rates In New York, a state- Department of Health agencies over vaccine 2020. tem is considerable.
they attributed to the wide vaccine mandate and Human Services, mandates. But he added that even
requirement and that Houston Methodist, STAFFING ISSUES if unvaccinated work-
for health care workers, about 1 in 4 hospital
they have seen corona- which went into effect workers are unvacci- too, made headlines over Despite the clinical ers kept their jobs, they
virus infections — and Sept. 27, increased the nated, according to data the summer for suspend- and real-world evidence could be out for long
sick leaves — noticeably number of people get- provided last month. ing 178 employees who that vaccination not periods if they became
drop. ting immunized. Ninety Even at hospitals that did not get vaccinated — only protects the person infected.
At Novant Health, a percent of the state’s have not yet mandated after a judge dismissed a who gets their shots “A 1 percent impact
35,000-employee health health care workforce shots, administrators lawsuit from 117 employ- but those around them, on health care workers
care system in four now is vaccinated, ac- have touted their vac- ees who challenged the some hospital workers in our state would mean
Southeast states, more cording to state data. cination rates. A spokes- mandate, alleging it was have still declined to get that all the other health
than 99 percent of work- Northwell Health, the man for HCA Healthcare, reminiscent of Nazi-era vaccinated, leaving hos- care workers would
ers have complied with a state’s largest provider, which has 185 hospitals “nonconsensual human pitals in some parts of have to work 1 percent
vaccine mandate, spokes- said it fired 1,400 employ- in 20 states, said the “ma- experimentation.” the country struggling to harder,” he told report-
woman Caryn Klebba ees — less than 2 percent jority” of its employees But Boom says the convince them. ers on a call last month.
wrote in an email. of its 76,000-member are vaccinated, but did headlines belie the fact Arnhild Espino, a reg- “They’re already work-
“Without a vac- workforce — for refus- not give a specific figure. that very few — less than istered nurse at Legacy ing as hard as they can,
cine mandate for team ing to get vaccinated. At the University of 0.6 percent — of Houston Mount Hood Medical so I think it’s a big deal.”
members, we faced the Northwell said it expects Iowa Hospitals and Clin-
strong possibility of hav- no interruptions to its ics, there is no vaccine
ing a third of our staff
unable to work due to
service as a result of the
mandate for employees. Elks Lodge
contracting, or exposure
to, COVID-19,” she said.
A federal judge ruled
But CEO Suresh Gunas-
ekaran told The Gazette #251
Tuesday that the state last month that over 90
Tuesday Dances
Music by
The Gamblers
THE GAZETTE October 19th

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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 3A

Tributes paid to slain
lawmaker in England
Associated Press

LEIGH-ON-SEA, England —
David Amess was a man of the
President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden leave after attending a
ceremony honoring fallen law enforcement officers Saturday at the people, a hardworking British
U.S. Capitol in Washington. (Associated Press) lawmaker who had no grand po-
litical ambitions beyond serving
those who had elected him for

Biden: ‘Democracy nigh-on 40 years.

His shocking death at the
hands of a knife-wielding man at

survived’ Capitol riot a church where he was meeting

voters has reopened questions
about the security needs of Brit-

because of police ain’s members of Parliament as

they go about their daily work.
Police, who have said it was
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Labour Party leader Keir Starmer (second
President pays tribute stitutional and funda-
mentally un-American
a terrorist-related attack, con-
tinued Saturday to question a from left) carry flowers as they arrive Saturday at the scene where a member of Parlia-
to fallen officers attack on our nation’s 25-year-old British man. ment was stabbed Friday in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, England. (Associated Press)
values and our votes. Be- For the second time in five
Associated Press cause of you, democracy years, Britain’s political lead- lawmaker, who was stabbed to lawmaker Jo Cox by a far-right
survived,” Biden said. ers put their differences aside to death less than 24 hours earlier. extremist in her own district.
WASHINGTON — “Because of these men gather Saturday morning at the The slaying of the 69-year-old Home Secretary Priti Patel
Framed by the Capitol, and women, we avoided scene of a fallen colleague. Brit- Conservative lawmaker at a said she has convened meetings
President Joe Biden paid a catastrophe, but their ish Prime Minister Boris John- regular meeting with voters has with the speaker of the House
tribute Saturday to fallen heroism came at a cost to son and Keir Starmer, leader caused shock and anxiety across of Commons, police and U.K.
law enforcement officers you and your families.” of the opposition Labour Party, Britain’s political spectrum, not security services to ensure “all
and honored those who Hundreds of officers stood side-by-side and laid flow- least because it is reminiscent measures are being put in place
fought off the Jan. 6 in- and their families sat ers as they paid tribute to the of the 2016 murder of Labour for the security of MPs... .”
surrection at that very on chairs assembled on
site by declaring “be- the Capitol’s west front.
cause of you, democracy Some in the audience
survived.” dabbed their eyes as the
Biden spoke at the president drew connec-
40th annual National tions with their loss and
Peace Officers’ Memo- his own history of grief,
rial Service to remember including the deaths of
the 491 law enforcement his first wife and two
officers who died in the children, comparing it to
line of duty in 2019 and “losing part of your soul.”
2020. Standing where Biden also under-
the violent mob tried to scored the heavy burden
block his own ascension placed on law enforce-
to the presidency, Biden ment officers, and re-
singled out the 150 of- buked the “defund the
ficers who were injured police” political move-
and the five who died in ment, saying that those
the attack’s aftermath. gathered before him
“Nine months ago, would get “more resour-
your brothers and sisters ces, not fewer, so you can
thwarted an uncon- do your job.”

Deputy killed in ambush at bar

Associated Press County Precinct 4 Con-
stable Mark Herman.
HOUSTON — A man The two deputies
with an AR-15-style rifle were trying to arrest
ambushed three con- someone when another
stable deputies outside a person ambushed them,
Houston bar early Satur- Herman’s office said in
day, killing one and leav- a statement. That man
ing two others wounded, had an AR-15-style rifle
authorities in Texas said. and opened fire on them
Authorities detained from behind, according
one person near the to authorities. The third
scene but he is not be- deputy was shot when he
lieved to be the shooter, came to help.
according to the Hous- One of the first depu-
ton Police Department, ties who was shot, Ka-
which is investigating reem Atkins, died from
the shooting. his wounds, according
The deputies were to the constable’s office.
working extra secu- Atkins, 30, leaves behind
rity jobs at the 45 Norte a wife and 2-month-old
Sports Bar when two baby, the statement said.
of them responded to a The constable’s office
witness’ report of a sus- identified the other depu-
pected robbery outside ties as Darrell Garrett,
the business around 2:15 28, and Juqaim Barthen,
a.m., according to Harris 26.


#"" 13/- /-& (0!6%'& 60 "2152
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4A The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


White House scrambles to

pare back climate initiative
Move comes after meantime have added to
the high political stakes
stiff pushback for Biden as he prepares
to travel to Glasgow,
from Manchin Scotland, for a United
Nations climate summit
next month. The Sierra
Washington Post Club, an environmental
organization, stressed
WASHINGTON — The in a statement Saturday
White House is scram- that Democrats needed
bling to salvage a criti- to preserve the CEPP, as
cal proposal to reduce Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., departs after a vote on Capitol Hill on it is known, or deliver
carbon emissions and Oct. 7 in Washington. (Washington Post) investments in “other
deliver on President climate priorities to close
Joe Biden’s ambitious reduction program has would provide federal the emissions gap and
climate agenda, as push- drawn fierce public and funding to help com- meet the president’s in-
back from Sen. Joe Man- private opposition from panies curb pollution, ternational climate goals
chin, D-W.Va., creates Manchin, whose home according to two people in the coming days and
new headaches for the state of West Virginia close to the negotiations. weeks as the U.N. cli-
administration entering depends heavily on coal. But it remains un- mate negotiations near.”
key international nego- The standoff has jeop- clear how, exactly, the Even the president’s
tiations next month. ardized Biden’s pledge program would be struc- top envoy for climate,
The fight revolves to halve emissions by tured, and whether it former Secretary of State
around the Clean Energy 2030 — and inspired a would be sufficient to sat- John Kerry, delivered a
Performance Program, new flurry of last-minute isfy Democratic lawmak- stark warning this past
A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with the Lucy space- which Democrats have policy proposals just two ers who have demanded week, stressing that a
craft aboard launches Saturday at Cape Canaveral Space Force proposed as a way to weeks before the presi- aggressive climate ac- failure to adopt climate
Station in Florida. (Orlando Sentinel via AP) reward utilities that in- dent and other world tion, added the sources, legislation promptly
crease their clean energy leaders are set to con- who requested anonym- could undermine the

Asteroid hunter
supply by 4 percent each vene the most important ity to describe the private United States at a time
year — while penalizing global warming talks in discussions. Some in the when it hopes to encour-
those that don’t. Law- a quarter-century. party have taken the age other countries to
makers have included One of the ideas under opposite approach from

soars into sky

take action. Biden, how-
the initiative as part of consideration would Manchin, fearing they ever, dismissed the com-
a still-forming, multi- establish a scaled-back, risk squandering a gen- ments Friday evening as
trillion dollar tax-and- voluntary emissions erational opportunity to “a little hyperbole,” add-
spending package that trading system among respond to the dire con- ing: “It’d be good to have
aims to advance Biden’s aluminum, steel, con- sequences of a steadily agreement on the climate
Associated Press drummer Ringo Starr broader economic vision. crete and chemicals warming planet. piece, but we’re going to
paid tribute to his late But the emissions- manufacturers that The tense talks in the get the climate piece.”
CAPE CANAVERAL, colleague John Lennon,
Fla. — A NASA space- credited for writing the
craft named Lucy rock- song that inspired all

U.S. plans to make ‘condolence payments’

eted into the sky with this.
diamonds Saturday “I’m so excited —
morning on a 12-year Lucy is going back in
quest to explore eight the sky with diamonds.
Seven of the myste-
Johnny will love that,” Money will compensate U.S. military officials chain of miscalculations undersecretary of de-
Starr said. “Anyway, said they had tracked by U.S. commanders, fense for policy, and
rious space rocks are if you meet anyone up families of those killed Ahmadi’s white Toyota who wrongly believed Steven Kwon, founder of
among swarms of aster- there, Lucy, give them in botched drone strike sedan car for hours after the aid worker was haul- Nutrition & Education
oids sharing Jupiter’s peace and love from the vehicle left a suspect- ing explosives in his car, International, the char-
orbit, thought to be the me.” Washington Post ed ISIS-K safe house. The they said. ity Ahmadi worked for,
pristine leftovers of The paleoanthropolo- Pentagon later issued a Thursday’s virtual Pentagon spokesman
planetary formation. gist behind the fossil The United States has mea culpa and said the meeting took place be- John Kirby said in the
An Atlas V rocket Lucy discovery, Donald pledged to make undis- strike was a result of a tween Colin Kahl, U.S. statement Friday.
blasted off before dawn, Johanson, had goose closed “ex gratia condo-
sending Lucy on a bumps watching Lucy lence payments” to the
roundabout journey soar — “I will never families of 10 Afghan


spanning nearly 4 bil- look at Jupiter the same civilians — including
lion miles. Researchers ... absolutely mind- seven children — who
grew emotional de- expanding.” He said he were killed in a botched
scribing the successful was filled with wonder drone strike in August,
launch — lead scientist
Hal Levison said it was
like witnessing the
about this “intersection
of our past, our present
as American troops
clamored to exit the
birth of a child. “Go
and our future.”
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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 5A


Hope fades as Lebanon’s crisis deepens

Washington Post POLITICAL PARALYSIS Bitar, who has not re-
Even if the violence vealed his findings, may
BEIRUT — The recent is contained, the stage is have uncovered evidence
appointment of a new now set for a potentially implicating Hezbollah in
prime minister in Leba- prolonged period of po- the shipment of ammo-
non after more than a litical paralysis, he said. nium nitrate that blew
year of political bicker- Hezbollah is stand- up or with negligence in
ing brought at least a ing its ground. Both leaving it unattended for
small glimmer of hope to President Michel Aoun, over six years at the port,
a country on its knees: a Christian, and the new said Kim Ghattas, the
a massive financial col- Prime Minister Najib Beirut-based author of
lapse, a huge chemical Mikati, a Sunni Muslim, the book “Black Wave”
explosion, a chronic are standing by Bitar. about the regionwide
shortage of electricity Without any conces- rivalry between Iran and
and the absence of a gov- sions, the government Saudi Arabia.
ernment empowered to will be unable to agree More broadly, Hezbol-
take action. on the steps necessary lah may be seeking to
Then came armed con- to pull Lebanon from undermine the investiga-
frontations in the past its misery, including tion because of the threat
week pitting supporters political and economic it poses to the established
of the Shiite-led Hezbol- reforms required by the political order, which
lah against Christian International Monetary has for decades protected
Lebanese Forces. Any Fund to unlock the emer- the country’s powerful
hope of a turnaround gency funding Lebanon and often corrupt elites
evaporated as Lebanon Supporters of the Shiite Amal group fire weapons in the air Friday during the funeral procession of from scrutiny or ac-
so badly needs.
appeared to descend into Hassan Jamil Nehmeh, who was killed during Thursday clashes, in the southern Beirut suburb of countability, including
Dahiyeh, Lebanon. (Associated Press) An alternative scenar-
a new and potentially io is that the president Hezbollah, she said.
deeper crisis. and prime minister sub- Bitar’s attempts to in-
No one expects an six people killed in the Forces supporters. “They responsible for the snip- mit to Hezbollah’s calls terrogate former senior
outright civil war of the clash Thursday — vowed carry sticks, not guns. er fire. But the Forces to dismiss Bitar, said government officials
kind that ravaged Leba- that their blood had not The guns are hidden.” also have said Christians Nizar Hassan, co-host of would set a precedent
non from 1975 to 1990. been spilled “in vain,” The immediate trigger were entitled to defend the “Lebanese Politics” that could unravel the
Iran-backed Hezbollah is hinting at revenge. of this latest crisis was a themselves against in- podcast. immunity long enjoyed
the country’s most pow- call made earlier in the cursions into Christian But that comes with by the politicians.
erful political and mili- CHRISTIAN DEFENSE week by the Hezbollah areas. its own price. The gov- With parliamentary
tary force, the only fac- The Lebanese Forces leader, Hassan Nasral- The stakes are far ernment would likely elections due to be held
tion with a well-armed have accused Hezbol- lah, for the dismissal of higher than the fate of a lose the support of the early next year, the ten-
militia and vast stocks lah of seeking to impose Tariq Bitar, the judge in single judge, however. United States and other sions are unlikely to
of weapons that make it its will on the entire charge of investigating The country has Western allies, who have abate soon, analysts say.
more capable than the country, including the the explosion that killed now polarized between insisted on a transpar- It serves the interests of
Lebanese army. Christians, and has more than 200 people at Christians who support ent investigation into the both Hezbollah and the
But the flare-up has warned it would resist Beirut’s port last year. the continuation of the port explosion and whose Lebanese Forces to en-
ignited fears that sim- any attempts by the Shi- During a rally held judge’s investigations support would be vital courage sectarian senti-
mering civil and sectar- ite group’s adherents to by armed supporters of and Shiites who support if there is to be an IMF ments among Lebanese
ian strife will indefinitely enter Christian areas. Hezbollah and its Shiite Hezbollah’s calls for his bailout. who are deeply disillu-
defer solutions to the Lebanese Forces sup- ally Amal to support dismissal. The standoff “In both scenarios sioned with the political
multiple other problems porters are now patrol- Nasrallah’s demand, at touches on sectarian the government will be- system that underpins
the country is facing — ling Christian neighbor- least one sniper opened fault lines that crisscross come powerless, either their collapsed economy
from a lack of fuel for the hoods in the vicinity of fire when the marchers streets, neighborhoods because Hezbollah is in and failing state, said
country’s power stations the clash, said a woman approached a Christian and the government. conflict with it or the Bassel Salloukh, a Leba-
to the slide in the value named Souad. She lives neighborhood. That “A red line has been West is in conflict with non expert and associate
of the currency that has in a Christian section of prompted volleys of re- drawn between Christian it,” he said. “So Mikati professor of political sci-
gutted the finances of Tayoune, where the vio- turn fire from the march- areas and other areas has no good choices.” ence associate professor
Lebanon’s once relative- lence flared, and asked ers, who then sought to and if (all sides) do not at the Doha Institute for
ly prosperous citizens. for her full name not to storm nearby Christian try to de-escalate, this HEZBOLLAH MOTIVES Graduate Studies
The streets are now be identified for fear of neighborhoods. will not turn out well,” Many Lebanese are “It’s a win-win situ-
calm, but tensions per- retribution. The Lebanese Forces, said Khaldoun el-Charif, questioning why Hezbol- ation for both groups,
sist. The senior Hezbol- “They are prepared a former civil war faction a Lebanese political ana- lah seems so determined because they can use this
lah leader who led funer- and ready for any at- that now is a political lyst. “At any moment a to remove Bitar, even at to mobilize their constit-
als for two Hezbollah tempt to enter the area,” party, denies Hezbollah clash could take place in risk of igniting conflict. uencies behind them,”
members — among the she said of the Lebanese accusations that it was any mixed area.” One possibility is that he said.

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6A The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021

Mayor/Partisan labels can be useful to voters

; FROM PAGE 1A Marquardt and a number of partisan ties should not have a first Black mayor of Cedar
mostly local candidates for bearing on how the city works Rapids, those policies matter
The email said O’Donnell “is a council and school board, in- with state and federal elected locally, Goldberg said.
Republican who has donated cluding three of his eight other officials, who are mostly “They’re sort of arguing
to and supported the types of council members — Scott Republican. that actually there are ways to
politicians who are trying to Overland, Ann Poe and Marty “This is a democracy,” An- pave roads or build highways
undermine the integrity of the Hoeger. On the federal level, drews said. “We have differ- or local infrastructure that
2020 election by pushing the he has contributed to Demo- ences, but we are all, if elected, does perpetuate structural
Big Lie” that the election was cratic congressional hopefuls representing our constituents racism, and that is very tied
stolen. Vernon and Swati Dandekar, — and that goes for our state up in partisanship,” Goldberg
In her own campaign, she Quaker Oats employee Myra Colby data shows. electeds as well. We should all said.
uses Act Blue, a Democratic Bradwell answers a question Friday As the incumbent, he ar- be able to put parties aside and Peterson said partisan la-
online fundraising platform. during a mayoral candidate forum gued that he has an asset that make the best decisions for bels can provide helpful infor-
Federal campaign data shows with the Daybreak Rotary at the Cedar should be more revealing to our city, for our state, for our mation to voters. For instance,
she has used the platform to Rapids Country Club. (Jim Slosiarek/ voters: “I have a record. You regions.” Democrats are more likely to
contribute to the Democratic The Gazette) can look at my record, so you After an exchange between support mask mandates, and
Congressional Campaign Com- really shouldn’t care as much Andrews and O’Donnell about Republicans may be less sup-
mittee, former U.S. Rep. Abby Monica Vernon, who had whether or not I have certain their partisan ties during portive of police reforms.
Finkenauer, former congres- campaigned as a Democrat for positions at the state or the The Gazette’s forum, Quaker “The choice is a strategic
sional hopeful J.D. Scholten Congress and lieutenant gov- federal government.” Oats employee Myra Colby one: Am I likely to attract
and Beto O’Rourke of Texas, a ernor, he had touted his lack O’Donnell, also a registered Bradwell, formerly known more voters by telling them
2020 presidential candidate. of partisan baggage and com- Republican, has shied away as Gregory Hughes, said, this is who I am and you share
Locally, she has contributed mitment to keeping the role from partisan connections. “We have two people that are these preferences than they
only to Linn County Supervi- of mayor nonpartisan. He has Her campaign sells T-shirts fighting about Democrats and are to push away because they
sor Stacey Walker, a progres- revived the same refrain now. that say, “The Party of Cedar Republicans. This is a Cedar find the partisan bit a little dis-
sive Democrat who is support- During a Sept. 30 candidates Rapids,” followed by a list of Rapids issue, it’s a nonparti- tasteful?” Peterson said.
ing Andrews’ bid for mayor, forum hosted by The Gazette, three checked boxes next to the san issue, yet they’ll want us
and to the Linn Phoenix Club, Hart said, “I want to continue words “Republican,” “Demo- to talk about whether you’re WINNING STRATEGY?
a group that works to elect to serve Cedar Rapids and crat” and “Independent.” a Democrat or Republican or Since Hart won in 2017,
Democrats. only Cedar Rapids.” “I’m running in this race whatever. We need to think there are about 12,000 more
She said GOP policies like He doubled down on his because it is nonpartisan,” about Cedar Rapids and the Democrats registered to vote
those banning certain types of support for the nonpartisan O’Donnell said during The Ga- people here.” in Linn County, compared
diversity training in schools design of city government zette’s forum. “I firmly believe with only about 4,000 more Re-
and governments and restrict- later in the Oct. 6 forum. that we have an opportunity LOCAL POLITICS NATIONALIZED publicans.
ing voter access are harmful “Our city government is to show the world how this State politics has become “Even if (Andrews) turns
for the city. nonpartisan, and that’s why works. We can be a solutions- more nationalized, political off the voters who might have
“I have said all along: My we’re effective,” Hart said. based government. … We are science experts told The Ga- been willing to vote for a more
campaign is about putting peo- Elected officials sometimes the party of Cedar Rapids, and zette, and that has trickled moderate but still sort of left-
ple first — people, small busi- come to City Hall having I wholeheartedly embrace down to the local level. of-center candidate, that’s OK
nesses, workers — and that is served in partisan roles. For that.” “The key debate for local as long as the candidate on the
the truth,” Andrews said. “It instance, former Mayor Ron State records show government isn’t about zon- right is drawing away from
doesn’t matter what party you Corbett was a former Republi- O’Donnell has donated to 2018 ing, or about where should the middle as well,” Peterson
belong to, but there are mem- can speaker of the Iowa House Democratic gubernatorial traffic lights be and what said.
bers of certain parties who be- and later ran for governor. His candidate Fred Hubbell and should the speed limit be over While some may bristle at
lieve things that are damaging predecessor, Kay Halloran, to several local campaigns for there, but it’s about things partisan politics, Goldberg
to our community, and that is had served as a Democratic Walker and council member like COVID mitigation policies said — even the framers of
what I strongly oppose.” state lawmaker. Former May- Ashley Vanorny. She and her or Black Lives Matter,” said the Constitution did — non-
Her political views are an or Paul Pate was a Republican husband also contributed to Dave Peterson, a political-sci- partisanship isn’t good in and
indicator of the policies she state senator and now is Iowa Hart’s 2017 campaign and to ence professor at Iowa State of itself and can pose its own
would advocate for, Andrews secretary of state. Cedar Rapids school board University in Ames. “There’s problems for democratic
said in an Oct. 6 forum hosted Voters do ask Hart about member Jen Neumann. On the not really a partisan differ- accountability.
by the Cedar Rapids Metro his political views and who federal level, she has contrib- ence on zoning or on develop- “If you have these very
Economic Alliance and Hawk- he supported for president in uted only to Hinson, campaign ment ... .” pure, nonpartisan elections,
eye Area Labor Council, and 2020, he said. Hart is a regis- filings show. Noting the saying that pav- but you really don’t like the
people can judge candidates’ tered Republican but tends to “We have to work with ing roads is not a partisan way Cedar Rapids is right
character and decision-mak- hold moderate views on cer- people who don’t always agree issue, Megan Goldberg, an as- now — you’re really upset
ing by their party alignment. tain issues — supporting mask with us,” O’Donnell said. “We sistant professor of American about the roads, or you’re
“Once you get on council mandates to curb COVID-19 have to lean on elected state politics at Cornell College in upset about zoning — how do
and really in life, this is about spread and marijuana legal- and federal officials who we Mount Vernon, said that while you change it?” Goldberg said.
coalition-building,” Andrews ization, for example. don’t agree with but we need there are not Democratic and “There’s not a clear coalition
said. “We find common ground In the past, he has con- them. And when we throw Republican ways to patch a of people in charge that you
even though we may disagree tributed to campaigns across them under the bus regularly pothole, policy outcomes can can easily figure out without
in our party politics.” the political spectrum. State and then want to call them perpetuate inequality at the knowing a lot about local
‘PARTY OF CEDAR RAPIDS’ campaign records show he has and say we need flood protec- local level. politics.”
donated to Hinson as a state tion support, ‘We need help,’ I For a candidate like An-
When incumbent Hart won House candidate, Democratic think that’s a challenge.” drews, a social justice advo- Comments: (319) 398-8494;
in 2017 in a runoff against state Rep. Kirsten Running- Andrews told The Gazette cate who would become the

Adoption/Family has ‘unheard of’ experience in Ukraine

; FROM PAGE 1A Eventually, Jenna’s adop- As the twins approach 17,
tion facilitator spelled it out: Scott and Jenna feel robbed of
months. Jenna spent about The judge had suspicions she a childhood they could have
four months, from June to was adopting Mkolya to har- been part of earlier as parents,
October, living in Ukraine to vest his organs for one of her had it not been for extensive
finalize the legal adoption pro- other children. adoption delays. But no mat-
cess. The couple started the “I didn’t think we were go- ter when their lives together
process for the twins over two ing to get (approval),” Jenna started, the twins will always
years ago. They went through said. be their children. And no mat-
three adoption agencies, los- But the instant, inseparable ter their age, they know they
ing thousands of dollars and bond between Mkolya and belong in the family because
months of progress after the Jenna cracked a single smile of a love they said transcends
government shut down one out of the judge. words.
and corruption cordoned off “This is my mother,” he told
another. her — something he managed WHAT’S NEXT?
Applications and paper- to recognize despite never The hard work doesn’t stop
work were rejected for the having known one before. here, though.
wrong color of pen ink, a “You would have thought Soon, the boys will be tested
middle name missing from a he’s known us forever,” Jennato see their grade placement in
notary’s signature, a slightly said. “He was so attached, school.
misaligned stamp and paying which is really uncommon.” For Mkolya, having broth-
a fee they were incorrectly Why nobody wanted to ers, a family and the ability to
told to pay. The last one put adopt someone as motivated, be alone in a room outside the
them on the verge of being smart and kind as him is orphanage are new realities
unable to adopt Ilya and Bog- something the Breckenridges he’ll have to adjust to. Soon,
dan, with a filing rejection may never understand. he’ll establish medical care for
returned a mere month before any special needs.
the twins’ 16th birthday, the THE TWINS Ilya and Bogdan will soon
deadline for one U.S. Citizen- Twins Ilya and Bogdan, 16, schedule a naturalization
ship and Immigration Services can confirm that their mother ceremony to become U.S. citi-
requirement. and father love them. zens. Ilya wants to become a
And in case you were won- “Maybe too much,” Bogdan police officer; Bogdan dreams
dering, Ukraine officials pre- told the judge in court. of playing professional soccer
fer blue ink, not black. The teens, who were 14 but is working on a backup
In a mix of Ukrainian and when they met their now plan at his parents’ insistence.
English, “I miss you” and “I Scott Breckenridge shares a moment Tuesday with his youngest adopted son, adoptive parents, aged out of Though Jenna said their
love you” were the refrains Mkolya, 10, as their family is reunited at The Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar the orphanage when they fin- family will continue to be
that bridged the relationship Rapids. (Savannah Blake/The Gazette) ished ninth grade. Since then, open to more children, they
over 5,000 miles through the they had been living in a hos- will never adopt from Ukraine
entirety of the pandemic. Now, normal even in that country Mkolya a gift at their first tel room with four people. again. They continue to pay off
the family doesn’t have to rely happened so often that the meeting. Then the ques- Now, the boys are only 15 the debt remaining from the
on words over Wi-Fi to express family developed their own tions became more sinister, months away from being legal $65,000 it took to bring their
their love. slogan: “It’s Ukraine.” Jenna said, as she asked why adults in their new country. three sons home.
“Everything that happened the Breckenridges wanted a But for the first time in years, “We have the ability to have
TREATED LIKE A CRIMINAL to us is unheard of,” Jenna child with special needs from they’re being afforded the free- a big family and give all the
Jenna and Scott flew to said. Ukraine. dom of youth after taking care children equal attention and
Ukraine on June 28 to meet Mkolya’s adoption hear- “She couldn’t believe we of themselves for so long. equal amounts of love,” she
Mkolya for the first time and ing, which would usually be wanted to adopt him because The pair, distinguished by said.
start the final processes to finalized in a day, was being of his special needs,” Jenna their personalities — Bogdan Two years ago, Jenna was
adopt all three boys. Scott re- handled by a judge who dealt said. “They shun these kids in poses a more serious contrast a biological mother to one and
turned to Hiawatha in August mostly in criminal proceed- this country.” to happy-go-lucky Ilya — have a stepmom who never consid-
as Jenna finalized the process ings — and she treated Jenna Those special needs were a been in the orphanage since ered adoption. Now, she has a
in Ukrainian courts, working no differently than most crimi- simple cleft palate and devel- age 12, when they were re- drive to be the mother she said
remotely from her apartment nals in her courtroom. opmental delay. Mkolya, now moved from their mother’s ne- she never experienced herself.
as she lived there. Jenna was interrogated 11, has spent almost his entire glect. They went through six “We’re just happy they’re
“Nothing went as planned,” about her criminal history, life in an orphanage since his foster homes in three years. home,” Scott said.
she said. why Scott wasn’t present mother left him at the hospital “I keep telling Bogdan he Comments: (319) 398-8340;
The deviations from what is and why she hadn’t brought as a baby. can be a kid now,” Jenna said.
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 7A

Farm Bureau/Gaining ‘outsized influence’

; FROM PAGE 1A In 2019, the latest
year available, Parker’s
nature of the modern income from the Farm
Iowa Farm Bureau, and Bureau was again $0,
the potential conflicts of but his total compensa-
interest at the heart of tion from FBL and other
the nonprofit organiza- related organizations
tion that sits atop multi- was about $840,000. The
ple for-profit companies. executive director made
The political activities almost $1 million this
of farm bureaus at the way. Craig Hill, the cur-
state and federal level rent president, brought
are well-documented. in about $650,000, as well.
But the scope of the Iowa The Iowa Farm Bu-
Farm Bureau’s sprawl- reau did not respond
ing financial operations when asked about the
is less understood. experts’ comments on
Through expanded in- the loan or the bureau’s
vestments, it has reaped executive pay.
massive profits. Over Hill told The Gazette
the past decade, its total in 2017 the bureau
revenue has increased learned from the finan-
about 200 percent. And, cial crisis.
lately, about 80 percent “That fear created by
of it comes from invest- the financial crisis gave
ments, according to tax us a pause to think and
documents. No other rethink about our invest-
farm bureau approaches ments,” he told the news-
that ratio. paper. “We’re trying to
The Iowa Farm Bu- put money into more di-
reau recently reported versified portfolios so we
total revenue of about don’t have all our eggs in
$100 million, the most of Farm Bureau President Craig Hill talks about conservation efforts April 19, 2017, at a farm near Ackworth. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette) one basket.”
any farm bureau by far
and nearly three times AFTER THE LOAN
that of the influential Over time, profits
national umbrella group, from the Farm Bureau’s
the American Farm Bu- companies have helped
reau Federation. Today its nonprofit arm become
its investment portfolio one of the most influen-
is worth more than a bil- tial political organiza-
lion dollars. Executive tions in Iowa.
compensation is in the In the early 2010s, text
high six figures. in a state plan to address
The Farm Bureau has fertilizer runoff closely
reaped these gains while mirrored wording the
many farmers have suf- Farm Bureau had pro-
fered through expensive posed, according to the
seed and fertilizer prices Des Moines Register.
but low sale prices for In 2016, the Storm Lake
their products. The bu- Times reported the Farm
reau’s stated mission Bureau was one of a
is to provide a “vibrant handful of agricultural
future” to farm families, groups that bankrolled
but it has been criticized A sign above the Iowa Farm Bureau building (left) and the building itself are pictured Sept. 11 in West Des Moines. (Emily E. Blobaum/ a legal challenge to an
for piling up cash while Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting)
effort to curtail harmful
Iowa farmers struggle. runoff. And, in 2018, the
In recent years, Iowa Bureau arranged a 2007, FBL’s stock price by ProPublica. This wasn’t the case state exempted health
farmers have suffered $25 million loan. reached a high of about When asked about the with the loan to FBL. insurance plans provided
through low-to-negative When asked about the $33. discrepancy, Wheeler, The company’s stock re- by the Farm Bureau
profit margins, according loan, Iowa Farm Bureau Then the financial the spokesman, provided bounded as the economy from federal regulations
to Iowa State University spokesman Andrew crisis hit, putting FBL in the statement saying recovered, and then governing the minimum
research reviewing 1999 Wheeler said the bu- deep jeopardy. The com- the bureau was not “di- spiked in the years after. coverage health plans
to 2015. And, in the 2010s, reau “has never directly pany faced the possibility rectly” involved in the At the same time, the are supposed to offer.
Iowa continued its trend participated in a loan to that its policyholders transaction. But there is Farm Bureau’s execu- For Josh Nelson, an
of losing farms as opera- FBL Financial Group might stop paying their evidence that Parker, the tives cashed in. Iowa farmer who serves
tor income dropped 21 Inc. Any information to premiums, gutting its general counsel, was. These profits highlight at the county level on the
percent, according to the contrary would be revenue. It would need In a 2016 deposition for another conflict inherent bureau’s soil and water
U.S. Department of Agri- incorrect or out of con- to raise more money, the the lawsuit, Jim Gard- in loans like the one to conservation commis-
culture data. text.” He did not return company told the Securi- ner, who’s worked on the FBL. sion, the bureau is very
“The economic situ- requests for clarificationties and Exchange Com- Farm Bureau’s finances Nonprofit executives effective at advocating
ation is getting worse over three months. mission, in order to keep since 1996 and is now the are supposed to operate for its members.
for farmers in Iowa, and The Farm Bureau operating normally. chief financial officer, in the best interest of “Sometimes it’s a little
(it) keeps getting bigger, also did not respond to By the end of October agreed the bureau’s plan the nonprofit. But by not lopsided because people
and that’s the crux,” said a list of questions for 2008, FBL’s stock had was to loan FBL money. taking salaries and hav- think of agriculture and
Austin Frerick, a native other parts of this story,fallen to about $14. A lawyer asked if Parker ing their income tied to they think of Farm Bu-
Iowan who has studied such as criticism about The effort to save FBL was involved. FBL’s performance, the reau,” he said. “I would
the Farm Bureau and the disparity between involved the top leaders “Yes,” Gardner said. Farm Bureau’s execu- probably argue the ma-
been a vocal critic. In the its finances and those of of the Iowa Farm Bu- But, in 2008, the Farm tives open themselves up jority of farmers that I’ve
2018 congressional mid- many Iowa farmers. In reau, who are charged Bureau had a different to questions. dealt with broadly align
terms, he ran as a Demo- its tax documents, the with looking after the story for federal authori- “Do they have a self- with the political stances
crat but dropped out of Farm Bureau said it does nonprofit’s financial ties. The day after Parker interest in it? It seems Farm Bureau takes, but
the race that Democratic not make its conflict of health. signed the agreement to me the answer on the I don’t know if it neces-
Rep. Cindy Axne later interest policies public. In late 2008, the Farm with the bank, on Nov. 6, surface is yes,” said Mi- sarily services all of agri-
won. “They are not what A committee reviews po- Bureau’s general coun- 2008, FBL submitted an chael Granof, an expert culture, all the farmers,
their mission states. tential conflicts of inter-
sel, Edward Parker, update to the SEC, say- in nonprofit accounting everybody out there like
They are actually work- est each year and makes contacted First Ameri- ing that “an investment at the University of Tex- they say they do.”
ing against it.” judgments, according to can Bank, according to affiliate” of the Farm as. “They’re not getting As for its insurance
FBL, the insurance its tax forms. documents in a state Bureau had acquired the paid by the not-for-profit. business, Nelson said, he
company, is the engine court case. Parker, who $25 million loan. Therefore, their salary, sees it as another way to
behind much of the Farm THE LOAN still is with the Farm Bu- By law, transactions their well-being, depends exert power in the state.
Bureau’s profits. It il- The seeds for the reau, has taken no salary of more than $120,000 on the survival of the in- “They realize how
lustrates the inherent $25 million loan, and the from the bureau since between related enti- surance company.” having private, for-profit
tension within the Farm Farm Bureau’s financial he became its general ties are supposed to be In 2008, Parker’s com- companies can give that
Bureau’s for-profit and growth, were planted counsel in October 2007, disclosed. If the SEC had pensation from the Farm nonprofit an outsized
nonprofit entities. A pre- when the country began according to nonprofit discovered the nondisclo- Bureau itself was $0, influence and outsized
viously unreported loan convulsing from the 2008 tax forms collected by sure within the five-year according to that year’s voice,” he said, “because
to FBL, extended in 2008, crisis. ProPublica’s Nonprofit statute of limitations, 990. But his pay from it’s easy to rack up a lot
drives to the heart of While the nonprofit Explorer. it could have pursued related organizations, in- of influence if you’ve got
these tensions. part of the Farm Bureau On Nov. 5, 2008, a case, said Adam cluding FBL, was about a pretty successful busi-
In 2008, the Iowa Farm might have been more Parker signed an agree- Pritchard, a securities $370,000. Similarly, the ness on the side.”
Bureau feared FBL was insulated from market ment under which the law expert at the Univer- executive director made
poised to fail. That fall, gyrations, the company’s nonprofit Farm Bureau sity of Michigan. $0 from the Farm Bureau Steve Garrison of Watchdog
the insurer’s stock was insurance business was would loan $25 million But the SEC has lim- but about $750,000 from Writers Group contributed.
cratering in the midst of not. At particular risk to FBL, with the bank ited resources, and, gen- related organizations Investigate Midwest is a nonprofit,
the global financial cri- was FBL, which had facilitating the transac- erally, instances where including FBL. And online newsroom offering
sis. This posed a problem been formed in 1944 as tion. The loan was not shareholders lose money Craig Lang, the presi- investigative and enterprise
coverage of agribusiness, Big
for senior Farm Bureau the Farm Bureau Life recorded on the Farm get more attention. dent at the time, brought Ag and related issues through
executives — they were Insurance Co. In 1996, Bureau’s public disclo- “It’s a big problem in about half a million data analysis, visualizations,
compensated by the in- the Farm Bureau took sure form, called a 990, only if the loan goes from FBL and related in-depth reports and interactive
surance business. They FBL public. Before 2008, although transactions bad,” Pritchard said. organizations. (Lang did web tools. Visit us online at
took action. As the stock the Farm Bureau’s such as these are sup- “People only go looking not return requests to This
story is a collaboration between
price fell, according to return from FBL was posed to be, according to for false disclosures if comment to his personal Investigate Midwest and Watchdog
court records, the Farm rising steadily. In late the tax forms collected something bad happens.” email address.) Writers Group.

Maduro ally extradited to U.S. on money laundering charges

Associated Press Alex Saab was on a lomatic humanitarian Saab’s arrival in the the U.S. for the “kidnap- have been targeting Saab
chartered Justice De- mission. U.S. is bound to compli- ping” and “torture” of for years, believing he
MIAMI — A top fugi- partment flight from the The official spoke cate relations between Saab, a businessman holds numerous secrets
tive close to Venezuela’s West African country, on condition he not be Washington and Cara- from Colombia who about how Maduro, the
socialist government has a small island chain, named. A public rela- cas, possibly disrupting prosecutors say amassed president’s family and
been put on a flight from where he was arrested 16 tions firm representing fledgling talks between a fortune wheeling and his top aides siphoned off
Cape Verde to the United months ago while mak- Saab said in an email Maduro’s government dealing on behalf of the millions of dollars in gov-
States to face money ing a stop on the way to that the Colombian busi- and its U.S.-backed op- socialist government, ernment contracts for
laundering charges, a Iran for what Nicolas nessman was taken from position taking place in which faces heavy U.S. food and housing amid
senior U.S. official con- Maduro’s government his home without his Mexico. sanctions. widespread hunger in
firmed Saturday. later described as a dip- lawyers being notified. Maduro has blasted American authorities oil-rich Venezuela.
8A The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Redistricting likely to mean less compromise

Erasure of competitive competitive district in
the state by far, there’s
districts means fewer no doubt in my mind that
politicians will be willing [Hill] spoke to Republican
to buck their party buddies in the legislature
about how to make it eas-
ier for him,” Cartwright
Washington Post said. “It’s unfortunate Re-
publicans want to choose
In Texas, a proposed power over fairness, but I
Republican reworking don’t think it’s a surprise,
of U.S. House districts either.”
would reduce the state’s
12 competitive districts NO BUCKING THE PARTY
to one. In Oregon, the The erasure of compet-
approved Democratic itive districts also means
map shored up two com- the number of lawmak-
petitive seats, making ers willing to buck their
them more solidly blue. party and vote with the
In Indiana, Republicans other side will continue
eliminated the state’s to diminish.
only competitive seat by Two probable casual-
shifting it from a district ties of redistricting next
former President Donald year are Reps. Adam
Trump won by 2 per- Kinzinger, R-Ill., and
centage points to one he John Katko, R-N.Y., two
would have won by 16. of the 10 Republicans
Redistricting is just who joined Democrats to
getting started around vote to impeach Trump
the country, but the over the former presi-
first maps released sug- dent’s role in the Jan. 6
gest a coming decade Capitol riots.
of even more deeply People examine the current South Carolina Senate districts at a public meeting by a Senate subcommittee on redistricting on July 28 In Illinois, which is
entrenched partisanship in Sumter, S.C. Two civil rights groups have sued South Carolina, saying state lawmakers are taking too long to draw the new maps.
(Associated Press) losing a congressional
for Congress. seat, Democrats in con-
Most House lawmak- trol there are expected
ers already represent redistricting. the effect of suppress- the next three congres- where the population is to scrap Kinzinger’s dis-
solidly partisan constitu- “Politicians should ing the vote. And, he sional elections, Repub- becoming more diverse trict and force him into
encies. Every two years, not be drawing political said, it handicaps Ohio licans had a net benefit and Democratic, particu- a primary with another
party control is deter- boundaries, no matter Democrats’ ability to of 16 to 17 seats because larly in the suburbs, Re- Republican incumbent.
mined by the outcome of who they are,” she said recruit a deeper bench of partisan gerryman- publicans in charge are Katko, who already rep-
only a few dozen seats. in an interview. “We are of candidates if there are dering, according to a expected to carve up the resents a district that
Next year, Republicans getting more polarized only four viable seats in 2017 analysis of election maps to head off any po- tilts Democratic, is ex-
need to flip only a hand- by nature of these maps. which they can run. results by the Brennan tential Democratic gains. pected to find his Upstate
ful of seats to wrest pow- How do we stop being “If in a non-presiden- Center for Justice. “These are not short- New York seat become
er away from Democrats. broken if we’re not will- tial year every race is term seat maximization even bluer.
Of the country’s 435 ing to recognize that the predetermined, why do LONG-TERM REDRAWING gerrymanders; they are Kinzinger in a writ-
congressional districts, process itself is broken?” people turn out to vote?” The GOP hold on the designed to build a wall ten statement said
Trump or President Pepper said. “If you’ve House lasted until 2018 around demographic state Democrats were a
Joe Biden won just 50 NO COMPROMISE rigged every election so when Democrats won change, designed with an “prime example” of re-
of them by 5 or less per- The bitter polarization 99 percent of the elec- back the majority largely eye on what the state will districting partisanship.
centage points. Those in American politics re- tions were determined in because of a repudiation look like in 2026, 2030,” Other Republicans
swing districts could lies on many factors, but 2011, it starts to pull any of Trump among subur- FairVote’s Daley said. who voted to impeach
be reduced by at least a many critics of Washing- energy out of democracy ban voters, boosted by Earlier this month, Trump, like 18-term mod-
third after redistricting, ton’s persistent gridlock entirely.” netting three new Penn- Republicans in Arkansas erate Rep. Fred Upton
experts estimate. point to partisan gerry- Ohio, which lost two sylvania seats after the finalized a new map that of Michigan, may find
“There are really mandering as a leading seats a decade ago, is los- state Supreme Court or- sliced Pulaski County themselves in redder,
only about three dozen reason lawmakers in ing another one in the dered the state to redraw into three congressional less familiar territory as
truly competitive seats Congress have little in- current mapmaking. Re- its gerrymandered map. districts, dividing voters redistricting makes them
anyway, and partisans centive to compromise. publicans, who control “The design is to bake in the most populous and more vulnerable to a pri-
have realized in these “If you’re representing state government, have in results. They are de- racially diverse part of mary challenger who will
polarized times the best a district where you have not yet released new fensive gerrymanders ... the state. The state’s 2nd then have a huge edge in
way to flip a district is to listen to both sides, congressional boundar- it’s very much about cre- Congressional District, the general election.
to gerrymander it after you hear both points of ies, but Democrats are ating safe districts,” said which would have been
the census,” said David view, and then you go bracing for the loss to Michael Li, redistricting a stretch but not impos- “If you draw a district
Daley, a senior fellow for to Washington and you come at their expense. expert at the Brennan sible for a Democrat to that’s safe, the party
FairVote, a nonpartisan find most everyone else That would reduce their Center. “If you have win under the current no longer cares about
voting rights advocacy comes from a district representation to just competitive seats it’s be- lines, will now be safe for recruiting a broadly ap-
organization, and author where they only hear three of 15 seats in a state cause a commission or a a Republican. pealing candidate,” said
of two books on modern one viewpoint,” said for- in which Biden received court drew them.” Nick Cartwright, a David Wasserman, a vet-
redistricting. “Now parti- mer congressman Jason more than 45 percent of Democrats in Mary- Democrat running to eran analyst of election
sans are coming back for Altmire, who lost his the vote. land may gut the only take on incumbent Re- data for the Cook Politi-
more.” re-election bid in the 2012 Nationally, Democrats Republican-held seat in publican Rep. French cal Report.
Ahead of the 2022 Democratic Pennsylvania lost the House in the 2010 that state, creating an 8-0 Hill in that district, said “This is a vicious
contests, the Democratic primary after redistrict- tea party rout before re- Democratic delegation. he believes the new lines cycle in that the decline
Congressional Campaign ing merged his district districting, but new maps And in states like North were drawn to create a of competitive seats leads
Committee had listed two with one held by another in 2012 made it much Carolina, South Caro- GOP firewall. to a more extreme and
Texas districts currently Democratic incumbent. harder to win it back. In lina, Florida and Utah “This was the most dysfunctional Congress.”
held by Republicans as The primary winner, for-
targets to flip in 2022, but mer congressman Mark
the proposed new map Critz, lost in the general

Same mission, new methods.

would push them out of election to a Republican
reach. The 23rd, which who was aided by the
stretches along the bor- narrowly red district.
der from San Antonio to Altmire, a moderate
El Paso, would go from Democrat from the Pitts-
a district Trump won by burgh suburbs, was one Fall has arrived! Discover a world of ways to stay active and engaged
less than 2 percentage of many casualties of re- through your public library.
points to one he won by districting in 2011, when
7, and the 24th, located in Republican state officials
northern Dallas, would in charge of the process
turn from one Biden won in most of the nation’s
by 5 points to one Trump traditional battleground
Make the most of all your library
would have won by 12. states redrew boundaries has to offer.
Democrats had also to increase their share
hoped to target Indiana’s of the seats and packed • Sign up for a library card
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solidly Republican. Before 2011, at least ebooks, audiobooks, movies,
For its part, the Na- six congressional dis- music, magazines and more.
tional Republican Con- tricts in Ohio had swung
gressional Committee in- back and forth between • Online database and research tools
cluded both competitive Democrats and Repub-
Oregon districts, held by licans over the previous • Virtual and in person programs
Democrats, on its target decade. When Barack
list. The new map makes Obama won Ohio in the • Access from anywhere, 24/7
both much safer for 2008 presidential elec-
Democrats. tion, Democrats won 10
Oregon is the only of the state’s 18 House
state where redistrict- seats. Four years later,
ing is controlled by after Republicans redrew
Democrats that gained the lines to their advan-
a seat due to population tage, Obama again won
growth. the state, but Democrats
The state’s redistrict- won only four seats.
ing chairwoman, Demo- They have not flipped a
cratic state Rep. Andrea single GOP seat in the
Salinas, announced ear- last decade.
lier this month that she “Most of these guys Cedar Rapids Public Library Fairfax Public Library Marion Public Library Solon Public Library
may run for the new seat have never faced the Coralville Public Library Hiawatha Public Library North Liberty Library Swisher Public Library
— a deep blue district prospect of a real elec- Ely Public Library Iowa City Public Library Oxford Public Library Tiffin Public Library
south of Portland that tion with swing voters
Biden would have won to decide it,” said David
by double digits. Pepper, the former chair-
Rep. Christine Drazan, man of the Ohio Demo-
the Oregon state as- cratic Party. “It just
sembly GOP leader who shows you, if they can’t
sat on the legislature’s beat you through the
redistricting committee, election then they’ll just Presented by your local library and The Gazette
pointed to Salinas’ move take your district away.”
as evidence of partisan Pepper said eliminat-
self-interest afoot during ing competition also has
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 9A


Many Afghans pack their bags and wait

Associated Press

KABUL, Afghani-
stan — As their flight to
Islamabad was finally
about to take off, Somaya
took her husband Ali’s
hand, lay her head back
and closed her eyes. Ten-
sion had been building
in her for weeks. Now
it was happening: They
were leaving Afghani-
stan, their homeland.
The couple had been Najia (second left) poses Oct. 1 with her family in Kabul, Afghani-
trying to go ever since stan. They sold their home and used the money to try to escape.
the Taliban took over in Najia, once a bacha posh, thinks there is no place for them under
mid-August, for multiple the current regime. Bacha posh means in Dari “dressed up as a
boy” and is a regional tradition allowing parents to dress and raise
reasons. Ali is a journal- their daughters as boys to provide them with a different life.
ist and Somaya a civil en-
gineer who has worked
on United Nations devel- But he said they told “I didn’t take them
opment programs. They him he could not bring because I wanted to stay
worry how the Taliban A child sleeps on a hammock Sept. 27 next to packed suitcases from the Jawed family in Kabul, his parents and siblings. and I wanted to work and
will treat anyone with Afghanistan. Despite the family unsuccessfully trying to leave Afghanistan since the arrival of the In early October, Popal I wanted to make a differ-
those jobs. They also are
Taliban, two suitcases packed with clothes are set to go. (Associated Press photos) managed to get out to ence,” he said, speaking
members of the mainly Iran. Complaining that on condition he not be
Shiite Hazara minority, and upperclass teens, the Some don’t have the Taliban takeover, Popal he’s had no help from the named for his protection.
which fears the Sunni waiter lists the countries money for travel, others returned to Afghanistan British Foreign Office, he Now he is in hiding,
militants. to which he has applied don’t have passports, in hopes of getting his is making his way back waiting for his opportu-
Most important of all: for visas. and the Afghan passport family out. His father to Britain, where he will nity to escape.
Somaya is five months Some say their lives offices reopened only once worked at a mili- try to find a way to bring The American Univer-
pregnant with their are in danger because recently. tary base in Logar Prov- out his family. sity of Afghanistan, a pri-
daughter, whom they’ve of links with the ousted ince, where his mother The British Foreign vate university in Kabul,
already named Negar. government or with ‘SHATTERED’ DREAMS was a teacher. His sisters Office said in a statement is arranging flights out
“I will not allow my Western organizations. The exodus is empty- have been studying med- that it is working to en- for many of its students.
daughter to step in Af- Others say their way of ing Afghanistan of many icine in Kabul. sure British nationals in In Pakistan, at the Is-
ghanistan if the Taliban life cannot endure under of its young people who The recent weeks have Afghanistan are able to lamabad airport, a group
are in charge,” Somaya the hard-line Taliban, no- had hoped to help build been tumultuous. His leave. of American University
told the Associated Press torious for their restric- their homeland. family’s home in Logar A former adviser to a students, freshly arrived
on the flight with them. tions on women, on civil “I was raised with one was destroyed by the senior Cabinet minister from Kabul, waited to
Like others leaving liberties and their harsh dream, that I study hard Taliban, and they moved in Afghanistan’s ousted cross through immigra-
or trying to leave, the interpretation of Islamic and be someone, and I’d to Kabul. They believe it government said he tion. They will go on to
couple asked that their law. Some are not as con- come back to this coun- was because they refused was searching for a way sister schools in Central
full names not be used cerned with the Taliban try and help,” said Popal, to give information to out. The decision came Asia.
for their protection. They themselves but fear that a 27-year-old engineer. relatives who are linked after years of sticking it But their families
don’t know if they’ll ever under them, an already “With this sudden to the Taliban. One of his out through mounting could not come with
return. collapsing economy will collapse, every dream is sisters went missing as violence. He survived them, so they face the
Ask almost anyone in utterly crash. shattered.” she commuted between a 2016 suicide bombing uncertain future alone
the Afghan capital what Tens of thousands of When Popal was 5, his Kabul and Logar, and has that hit a protest march for the moment.
they want now that the people were evacuated father sent him to Brit- not been heard from in in Kabul and killed more Without her family for
Taliban are in power, and by the United States and ain with relatives to get weeks. The family fears than 90 people. Friends the first time ever, Mee-
the answer is the same: its allies in the frantic an education. Growing it could be connected to of his were killed in an na, a 21-year-old political
They want to leave. It’s days between the Aug. 15 up, Popal worked low- warnings they received attack later that year on science student, cringed
the same at every level Taliban takeover and the skill jobs, sending money from relatives to stop the the American University as an airport official
of society, in the local official end of the evacu- back to his family, while daughters from studies, of Afghanistan, killing at shouted at the students.
market, in a barbershop, ation Aug. 30. After that, studying engineering. He Popal told the AP. least 13. “I don’t know my
at Kabul University, at a the numbers slowed, eventually gained British Popal has been in In the past, he had op- future. I had a lot of
camp of displaced people. leaving many who want citizenship and worked contact for weeks with portunities and offers to dreams, but now I don’t
At a restaurant once pop- to leave but are strug- in the nuclear sector. British officials trying go to the United States or know,” she said, starting
ular with businessmen gling to find a way out. A few weeks before the to arrange evacuations. Europe. to cry.



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Feuds threaten Holocaust

memorial plan in Ukraine that want to hear their grandchildren.
Some decry proposal proposes to build a in presenting the numer-
$100 million complex of ous roles, pressures and IF YOU ARE INTERESTED AND WISH TO BE
to mark massacre as museums, research cen- disasters Ukrainians
Russian propaganda ters, works of art, and
open-air audio and visual
faced during World War
exhibits on more than “I am convinced that
Washington Post 320 acres of land — larg- behind the Russian bil-
er than the National Mall lionaires who are financ-
KYIV, Ukraine — The in Washington, D.C. ing the project stands
plan carries the weight A museum would be (Russian President
of history: building what dedicated to the Babyn Vladimir) Putin,” Josef
could be the world’s big- Yar site itself — where Zissels, head of one of
gest Holocaust memo- the Nazis continued Ukraine’s largest Jew-
rial complex on the site to shoot Jews, Soviet ish organizations, told a
of a 1941 massacre that prisoners, Ukrainian Ukrainian media outlet
claimed tens of thou- nationalists and others earlier this year.
sands of lives over two throughout the war. Zissels and his part-
days. Another proposed instal- ners have proposed their
Yet it also is burdened lation would focus on the own Babyn Yar project
with the complications killing fields across East- based on a “Ukrainian”
of modern political rival- ern Europe during World version of events.
ries, feuding visions and War II. After becoming ar-
disputes over who has Some elements are tistic director in 2019,
the final word in inter- completed. The “Mirror Khrzhanovsky floated

preting Ukraine’s com- Field” is a stainless-steel an idea of using role-
plicated past — raising platform with 10 steel playing for museum visi-
questions about whether columns riddled with tors — where they would
the memorial site will bullet holes. The col- take on the persona of
ever be constructed on
the scale imagined.
It also marks the lat-
umns play recordings of
victims’ names and ages.
But a group of Ukrai-
victims, bystanders or
executioners — to bring
home the horror of
est turn in Ukraine’s nians intend to stop the
decadeslong attempts to complex at any cost,
Babyn Yar.
The suggestion was Are You Hard of Hearing?
find ways to remember claiming the Memorial leaked to the media and A major name brand hearing aid provider wishes
the wartime deaths of Center organization is unleashed accusations
up to 1.5 million Jews
to field test a remarkable new digital hearing
part of a Kremlin dis- that Khrzhanovsky
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and never serious.
ended in controversy and port for the return of the Intentional or not, technology solves the “stopped up ears” and “head
infighting. Crimean Peninsula an- Khrzhanovsky’s propos- in a barrel” sensation some people experience.
It all centers on Babyn nexed by Russia. als led to mass resigna-
Yar — also known by its
If you wish to participate, you will be required to have your hearing tested
The critics point to tions among the project’s
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Babi Yar — a ravine on Mikhail Fridman and curator for exhibits, was results with the hearing instruments with our hearing care specialist.
Kyiv’s northwestern German Khan — the cen- quoted in April 2020 as At the end of this evaluation, you may keep your instrument, if you so desire,
edge where Nazi forces ter’s two main funders saying the plan “danger- at a tremendous savings for participating in this field test. Special testing will
and local collaborators — and the Russian artis- ously approaches the
rounded up and executed tic director Ilya Khrzha-
be done to determine the increased benefits of this technology.
impression of a Holo-
more than 33,000 Jew- novsky. caust Disney rather than Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss, noise
ish men, women and Moscow, the oppo- a place of remembrance environment, accuracy of hearing test, and proper fit. This is a wonderful
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beginning Sept. 29, 1941, embed a “Russian” view Memorial Center of- and get help at a very affordable price.
according to historians, of the Holocaust in the ficials, in a written state-
war researchers and proposed memorial com- ment to the Washington
others. plex. For many Ukrai- Post, called the allega- WE WILL CUSTOM PROGRAM A PAIR WHILE YOU
Ukraine held ceremo- nians, the war still is a tions of Russian influ-
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Today, the filled-in ra- brace of German forces Volodymyr Zelenskiy
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ed by urban sprawl. The tion is denounced as Rus- the former world heavy-

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leading international
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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 11A


Nursing school applications rise despite virus

Associated Press someday, but for now is ments, giving health sys-
working at a barbecue tems more flexibility in
STORRS, Conn. — joint, where the worst training and hiring.
Nurses around the U.S. thing that can happen is Champlin, the Fresno
are getting burned out by “burning a brisket.” State student now do-
the COVID-19 crisis and “I’m not done with ing clinical studies in a
quitting, yet applications nursing yet,” he said. COVID-19 ward, said the
to nursing schools are Betty Jo Rocchio, chief stress, even on students,
rising, driven by what nursing officer for Mercy is sometimes overwhelm-
educators say are young Health, which runs hos- ing. It’s physically and
people who see the global pitals and clinics in Mis- mentally tiring to don
emergency as an oppor- souri, Arkansas, Kansas cumbersome protective
tunity and a challenge. and Oklahoma, said her equipment every time
Among them is Uni- system has about 8,500 you enter someone’s
versity of Connecticut nurses but is losing room and then watch
sophomore Brianna about 160 each month. as a tube is inserted
Monte, a 19-year-old The departures also down the frightened
from Mahopac, N.Y., who are taking their toll patient’s throat and the
had been considering on nursing education, person is hooked up to a
majoring in education which relies on clinical ventilator.
but decided on nursing instructors and precep- “I don’t even know
after watching nurses tors, the experienced, when it will stop,” she
care for her 84-year- hands-on nurses who said. “Is this the new
grandmother, who was mentor students. normal? I think the scari-
diagnosed last year with First-year nursing student Emma Champlin poses for a photo Wednesday in her clinical laboratory Nursing faculty is ness of it has worn off at
COVID-19 and also had class at Fresno State in Fresno, Calif. Nurses around the U.S. are getting burned out by the COVID- expected to shrink by this point, and now we’re
cancer. 19 crisis and quitting, yet enrollment at nursing schools is surging. Champlin said that like many of 25 percent by 2025 across just all exhausted.” She
“They were switching her classmates, she saw the pandemic as a chance to learn critical-care skills and to help at a time the country as nurses confessed: “That has had
out their protective gear when those abilities are needed. (Associated Press) retire or leave because me reconsider, at times,
in between every patient, of burnout or other rea- my career choice.”
running like crazy trying 1,200 in 2019. classmates, she saw the around the U.S. report sons, said Patricia Hurn, Hurn said the pandem-
to make sure all of their Marie Nolan, ex- pandemic as a chance to that thousands of nurses the nursing school dean ic has led to a new focus
patients were attended ecutive vice dean of the learn critical-care skills have quit or retired dur- at Michigan. at her school on the men-
to,” she said. “I had that Johns Hopkins Univer- and then apply them. ing the outbreak, many Mindy Schiebler, a tal health of students,
moment of clarity that sity School of Nursing And she is young and her of them exhausted and cardiac nurse from Van- leading to the creation of
made me want to jump in Baltimore, said it has immune system is fine, demoralized because of couver, Wash., taught programs such as “Yoga
right in to health care seen its biggest number she said, “so the idea of the pressure of caring for nursing students for on the Lawn.”
and join the workers on of applicants ever, many getting the virus didn’t the dying, hostility from three years before quit- “For nursing, you
the front line.” of them applying even scare me.” patients and families, ting in 2016. She said have to develop the skills
Nationally, enrollment before a vaccine was “It’s just time for us and the frustration in she would love to still to be resilient, to adapt to
in bachelor’s, master’s available, despite her to step in and give it our knowing many deaths be teaching but that it’s high-strain conditions,”
and doctoral nursing worries that COVID-19 all and figure out how we were preventable with not workable financially. she said.
programs increased would scare off students. can help, because there masks and vaccinations. She said she knows nurs- Monte, whose grand-
5.6 percent in 2020 from Students at those and has to be a new genera- Eric Kumor saw many ing professors who work mother survived, said
the year before to just other schools have been tion and that’s got to be of his nursing colleagues multiple jobs or dip into she believes the pandem-
over 250,000 students, ac- able to gain valuable us,” the 21-year-old said. from a COVID-19 unit in their retirement savings. ic is waning and hopes
cording to the American hands-on experience The higher enrollment Lansing, Mich., transfer “How long can you to have a long career no
Association of Colleges of during the pandemic, could help ease a nurs- or take other jobs this subsidize your own job?” matter the challenges.
Nursing. doing COVID-19 testing ing shortage that existed past spring when the she asked. “Nurses will “They do have this
Figures for the current and contact tracing and even before COVID-19. pandemic’s third wave make double what you nursing shortage right
2021-22 school year won’t working at community But it has brought its began to hit. He followed make in just a few years now, which selfishly is
be available until Janu- vaccination clinics. own problems: The in- them out the door in out of the gate.” good for me, because
ary, but administrators “We’ve said to the stu- crease, combined with July. Administrators said I won’t have trouble
say they have continued dents, ‘This is a career the departure of many “It was like this mass they would like to see finding a job, wherever
to see a spike in interest. opportunity that you’ll experienced nurses exodus. Everybody chose more financial incentives I decide to go,” she said.
The University of never see again,’ ” Nolan whose job is to help train their own health and such as tax breaks for in- “I feel like I won’t get
Michigan nursing school said. students, has left many wellness over dealing structors and preceptors. burned out, even if we
reported getting about Emma Champlin, a nursing programs with- with another wave,” he Rocchio said it would have another national
1,800 applications for 150 first-year nursing stu- out the ability to expand. said. also help to have na- emergency. I feel I’ll
freshman slots this fall, dent at Fresno State, said The rise is happening He said he plans on tional licensing instead still be committed to
compared with about that like many of her even as hospital leaders returning to health care of state-by-state require- nursing.”

We Stand Behind You

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has put pressure on all of us, but among all those impacted since the start
of the pandemic, one group has met incredible challenges: healthcare workers. From doctors to nurses
to hospital housekeepers, these unsung heroes risk their lives to save others and prevent the spread of
the virus. Since the beginning of the pandemic, they have worked tirelessly, with their own needs often
neglected. We stand behind you and together, we will overcome this pandemic.

Thank you, healthcare workers.

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Anne Carter Brian Globokar Doug Laird Michelle Niermann Dr. Lori Sundberg
Steve Caves Sally Gray Lura McBride Doug Olson Dr. Steven Wahle
Greg Churchill Anne Gruenewald Dr. Dana Messenger Anne Parmley
Kari Cooling Don Johnson Kate Minette William Prowell
12A The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021

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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 1B




Iowa defensive back Kaevon Merriweather (26) pushes Purdue wide receiver David Bell (3) out of bounds during the first half of a Big Ten Conference football game at Kinnick Stadium on Saturday in Iowa
City. Bell rolled up 11 catches for 240 yards and a touchdown as the Boilers spoiled Iowa’s unbeaten season with a 24-7 win. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette)

No. 2 Iowa humbled as Boilers assassin Bell torches Hawkeye defense

By John Steppe, The Gazette ers (4-2, 2-1) upset No. 2 Iowa secutive week, it found itself quarterbacks targeted him 12 O’Connell, who took the
(6-1, 3-1) on Saturday, 24-7, in a double-digit deficit, but times. He caught 11 of those bulk of the throws, was the
IOWA CITY — Purdue has shocking the college football the Hawkeyes didn’t muster passes for 240 yards. first opposing quarterback to
had Iowa’s number lately. The world and denting the Hawk- a second-half comeback this It helped Purdue, using a throw for more than 300 yards
Boilermakers most likely took eyes’ College Football Playoff time. mix of Aidan O’Connell, Jack against the Hawkeyes in 2021.
Iowa’s number — the No. 2 aspirations. Purdue wide receiver Da- Plummer and Austin Burton, The defense that forced
ranking next to its name — on Iowa never had a lead in vid Bell, whom Iowa heav- produce more at the quarter- an FBS-best 16 interceptions
Saturday, as well. what turned into an ugly ily recruited, torched the back position than any of the
The unranked Boilermak- Saturday. For the second con- Hawkeyes. The Boilermaker Hawkeyes’ first six opponents. ; IOWA, PAGE 8B


Hawkeyes get their bells rung

OWA CITY — Ask not for whom block well, don’t cover receivers well, around. And, by Bell who used the Hawk-
David Bell tolls, he tolls for the Iowa don’t move the ball well, don’t get a truck- eyes as his foot wipe for three years.
football team. load of the takeaways Iowa has lived off Indianapolis’ Bell made an official visit
They play the slow tolling of a this fall, don’t get good enough field posi- to Iowa on Dec. 15, 2018. He committed to
2,000-pound bronze bell from the start of tion to give your punter a chance to kill Purdue a few weeks later.
AC/DC’s “Hells Bells,” in Kinnick Sta- his kicks inside the 2-yard line. “I like the coaching staff and I also like
dium before big third-downs for Iowa’s We believed you, Kirk. We knew you the type of style that they play,” Bell said
opponents. They played it Saturday when were right, because we knew you didn’t at the time. That was five touchdown
Purdue led 17-7 and faced a third-and-16 have a turbo offense to roar away with catches ago against Iowa in three games.
at the Iowa 42 early in the fourth quarter. wins on the rare days your defense wasn’t That was 37 receptions and 558 yards ago,
Junior Purdue wide receiver Bell then tight. 11 for 240 Saturday.
caught a 20-yard pass. Gong! Two plays But that doesn’t change the fact few Every game is hard, or is if you’re Iowa
later, Bell caught a 21-yard touchdown losses will be harder to digest around and the opponent is Purdue. Its coach,
An Iowa fan, ducking his head into pass. Gong! The Boilermakers went on to here than this one, when so much had Jeff Brohm is now 4-1 against the Hawk-
his sweatshirt before Saturday’s a 24-7 win. And Iowa’s unbeaten record been built over six weeks only to have eyes, 12-19 against the rest of the Big Ten.
game between Iowa and Purdue at was going, going … gong! chunks of it stripped away. This was the same Purdue team that
Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City, may Every game is hard, Iowa Coach No. 2 Iowa’s dreams of a 12-0 regular scored 13 points against both Illinois
have had a vision of the future. The Kirk Ferentz has kept telling us this fall season that had looked attainable were and Minnesota. But the one team that
Hawkeyes lost, 24-7. (Jim Slosiarek/ through all the Hawkeyes’ winning. shattered by a Purdue team and coaching
The Gazette) Games are really hard when you don’t staff that Iowa just can’t wrap its arms ; HLAS, PAGE 8B
2B The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021




Taking a closer look with Jeff Johnson, The Gazette
Which Aidan O’Connell-to-
GAME 7 David Bell pass do you want to
pick? Let’s go with this one. Or

PUR UI these two, actually.

There was still some hope
for Iowa early in the fourth
quarter. The Hawkeyes were

24 7 down, 17-7, but still somehow

sort of hanging around.
Purdue began a drive near
midfield, at the Iowa 46, to be
SCORING specific. The Boilermakers con-
verted on a third-and-15 play
1 2 3 4 due to a pass interference call
Purdue 7 7 3 7 on Iowa’s Jestin Jacobs.
Iowa 0 7 0 0 Then on third-and-16 from
First quarter the Iowa 45, O’Connell threw
PUR — TD: O’Connell 6-yard run
a perfect pass over the middle
(Fineran kick), 3:38. Drive: 10 plays, that was over Iowa’s lineback-
67 ayrds, 4:56. ers and in front of its safeties
to Bell for 23 yards and a first
Second quarter down. Two plays later, on sec-
IOWA — TD: Kelly-Martin 3-yard run ond-and-9 from the Hawkeyes
(Shudak kick), 3:20. Drive: 9 plays, 21, Bell — on the right side —
80 yards, 5:11. began a route that started out
PUR — TD: Sheffield 3-yard pass from as a slant but ended as a fade.
O’Connell (Fineran kick), :19. Drive: 10 O’Connell’s throw to the
plays, 75 yards, 3:01. right corner of the end zone
Third quarter was perfect again, over cor-
PUR — TD: Fineran, 31 yards, 12:29. nerback Matt Hankins and
Drive: 8 plays, 66 yards, 3:46. into Bell’s hands. Touchdown
Fourth quarter Purdue, a 24-7 lead and ... ball-
PUR — TD: Bell 21-yard pass from
O’Connell (Fineran kick), 12:29. Drive: BY THE NUMBERS
7 plays, 46 yards, 3:00.
Attendance: 69,250 4 — Interceptions thrown
by Iowa quarterback Spencer
Petras in this game.
Team stats 7 — Third consecutive game
Iowa has trailed by this margin
Passing yards at halftime.
35 — Catches by Purdue’s
378 David Bell in the three games
195 he has played against Iowa.
458 — Receiving yards Bell
Rushing yards has obtained in his three games
86 against Iowa.
Total yards • Boilering Up Again
Purdue has a history of beat-
464 ing second-ranked teams in the
271 country. A long one. Purdue wide receiver David Bell (3) hauls in a touchdown pass in front of Iowa defensive back Matt Hankins (8) during
The Boilermakers’ win here the second half of a Big Ten Conference football game Saturday at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City. Purdue won, 24-7. (Jim
Penalties/yards was the school’s ninth as an Slosiarek photos/The Gazette)
4 30 unranked team against No. 2.
No other school has done that
3 28 as much, not even close.
The next-best total is four.
Time of possession
Purdue’s previous win over a
34:46 second-ranked team came Oct.
25:14 21, 2018, a 49-20 beatdown of
Ohio State in West Lafayette.
First downs • Purdue quarterbacks
continue to light up Iowa
Iowa’s defensive reputation
17 is well known, yet Purdue con-
tinues to be its kryptonite.
Quarterback Aidan Purdue cornerback Jamari Brown (7)
INDIVIDUAL LEADERS O’Connell was superb here, high-fives fellow cornerback Dedrick
going 30-for-40 passing for 375 Mackey (1) after Mackey’s intercep-
RUSHING Att Yds Avg TD yards and two touchdowns. tion during the second half at Kinnick
Purdue That’s a quarterback rating of Stadium in Iowa City.
King Doerue 18 48 2.7 0
Jack Plummer 5 20 4.0 0
170.3, by the way.
Austin Burton 3 10 3.3 0 In last season’s opener, with an apparent shoulder
Dylan Downing 4 6 1.5 0 O’Connell was 31 of 50 for 282 injury. He went to the locker
Jackson Anthrop 1 4 4.0 0 yards and three TDs. Purdue room but returned to the field
Aidan O’Connell 2 -2 -1.0 1
won, 24-20. and game. Jermari Harris took
Tyler Goodson 12 68 5.7 0 In the 2019 game between his place during his absence.
Ivory Kelly-Martin 6 23 3.8 1 these teams, which Iowa won, Offensive lineman Cody Ince
Monte Pottebaum 3 10 3.3 0 26-20, Purdue QB Jack Plum- and tight end Luke Lachey
Tyrone Tracy Jr. 1 1 1.0 0
Team 1 -2 -2.0 0
mer threw for 327 yards and did not play with unspecified
Spencer Petras 7 -24 -3.4 0 two touchdowns. David Blough Iowa wide receiver Keagan Johnson (6) pushes away Purdue cornerback Jamari injuries. Iowa starting line was
threw for 333 yards and four Brown (7) on the opening drive during the first quarter Saturday at Kinnick Connor Colby, Mason Rich-
PASSING Cmp Att Int Yds TD
TDs in Purdue’s 38-36 win Stadium in Iowa City. man, Tyler Linderbaum, Kyler
Aidan O’Connell 30 40 0 375 2 in 2018, with Elijah Sindelar Schott and Jack Plumb.
Jack Plummer 1 2 0 3 0 throwing three TD passes in run in the second quarter. That INJURY REPORT
Austin Burton 0 1 0 0 0 Purdue’s 24-15 win at Kinnick was his first TD sine Nov. 3, Starting cornerback Riley UP NEXT
Iowa 2018 ... against Purdue.
Stadium in 2017. Moss is out at least a couple Iowa has no game this com-
Spencer Petras 17 32 4 195 0
Of course, wide receiver Da- • True freshman Keagan of weeks with a leg injury ing week, a welcomed bye.
RECEIVING No. Yds TD vid Bell has been omnipresent Johnson got the start in this incurred while diving for an Then it’s a short road trip to
Purdue in three of these games, but it game for Iowa at wide receiver interception in last week’s win Madison to face Wisconsin on
David Bell 11 240 1
TJ Sheffield 8 48 1
hasn’t only been just him. and caught a 38-yard pass over Penn State. Terry Roberts Oct. 30 (11 a.m. kickoff, televi-
Payne Durham 5 15 0 (more of a short-ish catch and got the start in his place at sion to be determined). The
Milton Wright 4 38 0 THIS AND THAT longer run) from Petras on the right corner. Badgers were 2-3 going into
Broc Thompson
Dylan Downing
• Iowa running back Ivory very first play. Johnson had Iowa’s other starting cor- their home non-conference
King Doerue 1 3 0 Kelly-Martin scored Iowa’s one other catch in the game for nerback, Matt Hankins, left game Saturday night against
Iowa lone touchdown, on a 3-yard 12 yards. the game in the second quarter Army.
Sam LaPorta 5 61 0
Tyler Goodson 4 16 0
Keagan Johnson 2 50 0 BIG TEN ROUNDUP
Nico Ragaini 2 29 0

Gophers capitalize, top Huskers BIG TEN STANDINGS

Charlie Jones 2 20 0
Arland Bruce IV 1 12 0
Terry Roberts 1 7 0 School Conf All
Purdue Michigan State ..... 4-0 7-0
Jack Ansell 4 35.2 38 Associated Press third quarter after Minnesota resulting in a safety that made it Michigan .............. 3-0 6-0
Iowa punts, the Huskers drove deep 23-16. Minnesota then got the ball Ohio State............ 3-0 5-1
Tory Taylor 3 40.7 45 into Gophers territory but came back and pushed its lead to 30-16 Penn State ........... 2-1 5-1
Tanner Morgan threw for 209
TACKLES U A Tot Yds yards and two touchdowns and up empty both times. First, the on a 56-yard touchdown run by Maryland .............. 1-2 4-2
Purdue Bryce Williams rushed for 127 Gophers defense made three con- Bryce Williams with 2:12 to play. Indiana................. 0-3 2-4
Jaylan Alexander 8 2 10 1-4 yards and another score on Sat- secutive stops at the goal line to Rutgers ................ 0-4 3-4
Marvin Grant 5 3 8 —
urday as Minnesota defeated Ne- force a turnover on downs. Then MICHIGAN STATE 20, INDIANA
Kydran Jenkins 4 2 6 2.5-15 WEST
Dedrick Mackey 5 0 5 1-1 braska, 30-23, in Minneapolis. Nebraska kicker Connor Culp 15 — At Bloomington, Ind., Matt Iowa..................... 3-1 6-1
Branson Deen 2 3 5 1.5-11 The Gophers dominated the missed a 27-yard field goal on the Coghlin’s 51-yard field goal to Minnesota ............ 2-1 4-2
Lawrence Johnson 2 2 4 — first half, taking a 21-9 lead be- first play of the fourth quarter. open the second half gave No. 10 Purdue ................. 2-1 4-2
Cam Allen 2 2 4 —
hind near-perfect passing from Midway through the fourth, Michigan State the lead and Pay- Northwestern........ 1-2 3-3
Jalen Graham 2 2 4 — ton Thorne’s 12-yard touchdown Wisconsin............. 1-2 2-3
Iowa Morgan. But Nebraska flipped the Gophers punted instead of
Seth Benson 10 2 12 1-8 the script in the second half, forc- electing to go for it on fourth- pass provided the margin the Illinois .................. 1-3 2-5
Jack Koerner 5 4 9 2-4 ing two interceptions to get back and-1 near midfield. On first Spartans needed to hold on for Nebraska ............. 1-4 3-5
Jack Campbell 3 6 9 1-3
into the game. However, a num- down from his own 11, Nebraska the win. Saturday
Noah Shannon 3 3 6 —
Dane Belton 5 0 5 — ber of missed opportunities pre- quarterback Adrian Martinez NORTHWESTERN 21, RUTGERS Purdue 24, Iowa 7
Terry Roberts 4 1 5 — vented the Huskers from taking was wrapped up in the end zone 7 — At Evanston, Ill., Ryan Hil- Mich. State 20, Indiana 15
Matt Hankins 4 1 5 — the lead and allowed Minnesota by Esezi Otomewo. Martinez inski threw for 267 yards and Minnesota 30, Nebraska 23
Kaevon Merriweather 4 0 4 — threw the ball away but was two touchdown passes to boost
John Waggoner 2 2 4 —
to hang on. Northwestern 21, Rutgers 7
Logan Lee 0 4 4 — Given short fields twice in the called for intentional grounding, Northwestern. Army at Wisconsin, late
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 3B


Coyote ugly start for Panthers
No. 21 South Dakota uses return by Isaiah McDaniels — had his attempt for the first half for a 24-0 lead at
to the Panthers’ 13. Three Quan Hampton deflected halftime.
miscues to take an early plays later, quarterback Car- and intercepted by Jack The Panthers (3-3, 1-2)
lead, defeat No. 16 UNI son Camp — who finished Cochrane. Cochrane began the second half with a
16-of-20 for 153 returned the pass 22 yards spark and looked poised for
yards and two to the UNI 20, once again a comeback after a 62-yard
By Cole Bair, correspondent
touchdowns — setting up the Coyotes with a Vance McShane touchdown
threw a 5-yard short field. Four plays later, run and 28-yard touchdown
CEDAR FALLS — An er- touchdown pass a 4-yard touchdown run by reception by Sam Schnee in
ror-ridden first half was too to Carter Bell Travis Theis extended the the first 4:25 of the quarter,
much to overcome for No. 16 for a 7-0 lead Coyotes lead to 14. but a 45-yard field goal by
Northern Iowa on Saturday the Coyotes The ugly first quarter bled Mason Lorber and 10-play,
Boston Red Sox’s J.D. Martinez cel- Spencer
ebrates his grand slam against the at the UNI-Dome, as No. 21 wouldn’t relin- into the second when Day’s 72 yard drive by the Coyotes
South Dakota upset the Pan- Cuvelier quish. pass up the middle for Isaiah (5-2, 3-1) afterward stiff-
Houston Astros during the first inning 19 tackles
Saturday in Houston. (Associated thers, 34-21. One play Weston was jarred loose on armed the comeback bid.
Press) UNI’s afternoon of errors after South Dakota’s a big hit by Jailen Holman UNI travels to No. 7 South
began in the first quarter touchdown, Theo Day — and returned 65 yards by Dakota State (5-1, 2-1) next
when a low snap to punter who finished 25-of-35 with Josiah Ganues to the UNI week. Kickoff at Dana J.
Doubly grand game Nate Murphy resulted in a 303 yards, two touchdowns 15. The return set up South Dykhouse Stadium is at 2
for Red Sox in ALCS short punt and 8-yard and two interceptions Dakota’s third touchdown of p.m. (ESPN+).
HOUSTON — J.D. Martinez
and Rafael Devers helped the
Red Sox have a grand old time HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL REWIND

Saying goodbye
in Houston.
Boston became the first
team to slug two grand slams
in a postseason game, with
Martinez and Devers connect-
ing in the first two innings of
a 9-5 win over the Astros on
Saturday that tied their AL
Championship Series at one
game apiece. Game 3 is Mon-
day night in Boston.
Kike Hernandez, after a
two-homer performance in
Game 1, remained on fire Sat-
urday. He had two hits, high-
lighted by a solo homer in the
fourth inning.


Soko, defense lead

Coe past Loras, 27-20
DUBUQUE — Coe bounced
back from back-to-back losses
to American Rivers Confer-
ence leaders Wartburg and
Central to handle Loras, 27-20,
on Saturday at the Rock Bowl.
The Kohawks led just 14-13
late in the third quarter, then
got a pair of big touchdown
runs from Alphonso Soko (27
and 25 yards). Soko also had a
39-yard score in the first half,
and finished with 144 rushing
yards on 18 carries.
Coe (4-2, 2-2) dominated
with defense, getting four in-
terceptions — two by Anthony
Bullard — and six quarterback
sacks — two each for Jay Oos-
tendorp and Alex Aitchison.
Noah Sigwarth had 310
yards passing and 66 yards
rushing for Loras (3-4, 3-2).
Fans fill the stadium to watch the sophomore football game Friday night at Thomas Park in Marion. The Wolves played their last game at the stadium
Wartburg buries Friday. A new field is being built near the high school. (Savannah Blake/The Gazette)
Luther, 67-0
DECORAH — Wartburg
pounded Luther, 67-0, on Sat-
Marion plays final game at nearly 90-year-old Thomas Park
urday at Carlson Stadium.
By Jeff Johnson, The Gazette intendent, hence, the all-star seats. Bender, tight end Allen Reisner

Wartburg (4-2, 3-1) out-
gained the Norse 518 yards He began helping the program in 1972 and defensive lineman Ron Geater
ARION — He remem- as a “scout,” then was head freshman eventually found their ways from
to 167, including 295 rushing
bers sitting on the home coach, head sophomore coach and Thomas Park to the National Foot-
yards to minus-1. Luther fell
team bench when he head varsity coach for 18 years. ball League.
to 0-7, 0-5.
was a kid. Must’ve been He was right there front and cen- Messerli was right there front
sometime in the 1960s. ter when Marion won a state cham- and center Friday night, helping
Minnesota State “That was a thrill,” Dave Mes- pionship in 1980, right there front run the clock for the final football
thumps Upper Iowa serli said. and center to watch running backs game ever at Thomas Park. Marion
FAYETTE — It wasn’t a No one is more synonymous with Todd Twachtmann (The Gazette’s dropped a 22-21 heartbreaker to Ma-
fun Saturday for Upper Iowa, Marion High School football than first Male Athlete of the Year) and son City.
which lost to Minnesota State, Messerli. Carey Bender do otherworldly
58-0, at Harms-Eischeid Sta- His father was the district’s super- things. ; REWIND, PAGE 5B
Upper Iowa (0-7) has four
games remaining, including JUNIOR HOCKEY
next week at Minot State (0-6).

Shoudy twins promise mom ... no fights
Nemechek claims Travis is RoughRiders Their teams played last night ing their sons, the 19-year-old two older brothers play.
Xfinity win in Texas in the first United States Michiganders, via computer, Once they started learning
defenseman, Tiernan a Hockey League game at but will make the trip to Iowa how to skate and put the uni-
FORT WORTH, Texas — All
four spots in the champion- forward for Des Moines ImOn Ice in about 14 months. early next month. form on, they were hooked.
ship round of the NASCAR “It’s going to That’s when, Travis also was a forward
Xfinity Series are still up for By Jeff Johnson, The Gazette be fun to try and conveniently, growing up, but got moved
grabs after non-playoff quali- shut him down,” the RoughRiders to the blue line at the sugges-
fier John Hunter Nemechek CEDAR RAPIDS — They Travis said, ear- and Buccaneers tion of a coach when one of
overcame a late penalty Sat- were teasing the idea of lier in the week. have a weekend the boys’ youth teams had a
urday to win at Texas Motor dropping the gloves and “We’ve always home-and-home dearth of defensemen. It has
Speedway. throwing down against each played together, series: a Friday been a fit.
Nemechek won the first of other. never played night game in “I love getting to hit
But realistically there was against each Travis Tiernan Des Moines guys,” he smiled.
three races in the round of Shoudy Shoudy
eight, leaving the eight playoff no way that would happen. other, so it’ll followed by a That includes his brother,
Dad wouldn’t accept it. be a nice little Cedar Rapids Des Moines Saturday night if he got the chance last
drivers with two more races RoughRiders Buccaneers
in the semifinals, at Kansas Mom would hate it more. reunion going game at ImOn night. He was asked if his
defenseman forward
and Martinsville, to qualify “My mom would be against him … Ice. dad was giving him any ad-
for the championship finale in freaking out,” said Tiernan We are best friends, for sure. Tiernan had four goals vice leading into the game.
Phoenix. Shoudy, with a chuckle. He is my closest brother, my and six points in Des Moines’ “He just said ‘Don’t get
Daniel Hemric led seven So Tiernan and his twin closest friend, everything. I first four games. He’s a dangled by your brother,’”
of the eight playoff qualifiers brother, Travis, just went talk to him every day.” Michigan State commit. Travis said with a laugh.
across the finish line next, tak- out and played hockey. Travis made the Travis had an assist in “Now that I saw your
ing second in the 117th race of Against each other, for the RoughRiders roster this sea- four games for Cedar Rapids. tweet about him not getting
his career without a victory. first time in an official game. son as a non-drafted player, He has yet to make a college dangled, it’s going to be my
Joey Gase finished 30th and Travis is a defenseman for setting up this brother- commitment. mission to dangle him,” Tier-
Landon Cassill finished 36th. the Cedar Rapids RoughRid- against-brother encounter. The brothers said they fell nan said.
ers, Tiernan a forward for Mom and dad, Todd and Deb- in love with hockey as very Comments:
The Gazette and Associated Press the Des Moines Buccaneers. ora, were planning on watch- little boys watching their
4B The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021



MVC Super Meet

Iowa City West teammates cheer on Olivia Taeger as she
holds the lead in lap three of four in the 200-yard IM during
the MVC Super Meet on Saturday in Cedar Rapids. Taeger
won the event in 2:12.58.

Linn-Mar’s Hayley Kimmel starts her second lap of four while

competing in the 100-yard breaststroke during the MVC
Iowa City West’s Scarlet Martin competes in the 100-yard backstroke during the Mississippi Valley Conference Super Meet on Super Meet on Saturday in Cedar Rapids. Linn-Mar finished
Saturday at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids. Iowa City West won the meet and Martin was named the Valley Athlete of the fourth with 323 points. Cedar Falls was third (325), Kennedy
Year. Martin broke the pool record in the 50 freestyle. (Savannah Blake photos/The Gazette) was second (334) and Iowa City West was first (485).


Cornell can’t keep up with D’Ambrose, Chicago

By K.J. Pilcher, The Gazette said. “We kept it close a touchdown out of it, so a 43-yard run. The Rams Davis was a bright Cornell next travels
and I know it got away at let’s roll with it. He did struggled to contain the spot for the Rams. He to Monmouth (Ill.) Col-
MOUNT VERNON the end.” some good things and speedy, quick-cutting amassed 92 receiving lege. The Fighting Scots
— Cornell showed Chicago (5-1, 4-1) some freshman things, D’Ambrose, who entered yards on four catches. defeated Chicago last
some feistiness at times built a 28-0 lead on a too.” the game with a league- “It’s nice to get stats week and is one of three
against the University of D’Ambrose Defense made an im- best 130.2 rushing yards but it’s never really unbeaten teams in the
Chicago football team. 8-yard scor- pact on the next posses- a game. He finished with about them,” Davis said. conference.
“I thought the effort ing rush sion. Chicago drove in- 297 rushing yards on 35 “This is my fifth year. I Comments: kj.pilcher@thegazette.
was good,” Rams Coach with 8:42 left side the Cornell 10 when carries. came back to win.” com
Dan Pifer said. “It’s just in the sec- linebacker Colden Clark
the mental mistakes. We ond quarter. ripped the ball from
keep beating ourselves Cornell D’Ambrose and rumbled
with little things.”
Chicago scored on
its first play of scrim-
Denver Wil-
son replaced
87 yards, getting dragged
down at the Maroons’
3. Wilson scored on a
mage and Maroons Freshman QB Isaak Hahn 1-yard QB sneak to make Learn how in a free video for
running back Nicholas at quarterback. Daniel it 28-14.
D’Ambrose scored five Abesames-Hammer Cornell’s Demarius Eastern Iowans by a national expert
touchdowns in a 47-21 opened the first scoring Pittman intercepted
victory over the Rams in drive with a 32-yard run. a Philip Martini pass
a Midwest Conference Four plays later, Wilson in Cornell territory to
game Saturday at Van hit tight end Mason Da- thwart a final first-half
Metre Field at Ash Park. vis for a 47-yard touch- drive for the Maroons.
Cornell (2-4, 2-3 MWC) down pass to put the “We have done a good
was within two scores Rams on the board with job of getting good turn- Replanting after the derecho?
early in the fourth, but 6:25 in the second. overs lately,” Pifer said. Bring nature home by adding
D’Ambrose added scor- “We just wanted to “We’ll bend and bend the right trees to your yard.
ing runs of 25 and 21. give (Wilson) a shot,” and then we’ll get a big
“We dug ourselves Pifer said. “He came in play.”
deep pretty early,” Davis and the first drive we got D’Ambrose scored on


Springville’s Breitfelder ‘just Planting native Iowa trees

is imperative to helping our

went off’ in Tri-Rivers final

landscape recover the right way.

No. 3 Orioles top It was part of a 6-1 run 25, 25-21).

to close the set, then the Ella Clark made most
No. 4 Lisbon for Orioles captured Game 2 of the pivotal plays down
league tourney title handily. the stretch against the Dr. Doug Tallamy, a national environmental
“I have total trust in Stars. She collected four leader, professor, and best-selling author,
By Jeff Linder, The Gazette my team,” Breitfelder kills and a block as Lis-
said. “We’ve bon polished off the sec- recorded a special video for eastern Iowans.
WHEATLAND — been down ond set with a 7-2 run.
That’s Kennady, with an before, and Lisbon faced set point
View for free at
“A.” we know in Game 1 at 24-23, but Dr. Tallamy will return to the Linn Landowner
As in “A game,” and how to get Ava Czarnecki’s kill tied
she brought it. back up. it at 24, then Peyton Rob- Forum in Fall 2022 as the keynote speaker.
Kennady Breitfelder “That inson had kills for the
“just went off,” in the was the best final three points.
words of teammate Kennady competi- The Lions led the
Nia Howard, knocking Breitfelder tion we had. championship-match Tallamy is a gem! His presentation
down 12 kills as Class 1A Springville We knew it opener 4-0, then 9-5, then is simply stated, powerful,
third-ranked Springville would be Lisbon or Star- 13-8. But as Howard personal, and a goldmine of very
topped No. 4 Lisbon in mont (in the final), and said, Breitfelder “just
the championship match they’re both tough.” went off,” and the match
easy steps each of us can take.
of Saturday’s Tri-Rivers The Orioles were flipped Springville’s way This message has forever changed
Conference volleyball tougher. And now, with for good. how thousands of people are
tournament, 25-21, 25-15, the postseason up next, “This feels really
at the Calamus-Wheat- Breitfelder said, “We’re good,” Howard said.
managing their “yard.” I am one of
land Activity Center. right where we want to “Last year, it didn’t go them. Please join me!
“They couldn’t stop be, doing what we want our way. And we had
her,” Howard said. “They to do.” that in our mind. We -- Clark McLeod
would think we would go Springville won its knew we could do it.”
to our middles, and she first two matches con- Starmont (18-9) ad-
would just kill it.” vincingly, handling vanced to the semifinals
Springville (30-4) Cedar Valley Christian with a 25-13, 25-14 first-
trailed for the major- in the quarterfinals, 25- round win over Clinton
ity of the first set, by as 6, 25-13, then sweeping Prince of Peace; Central
many as five points. But Central City in the semi- City (18-13) made it to
the Orioles battled back finals, 25-9, 25-11. the final four by defeat-
to tie six times, then Bre- Lisbon (34-6) ad- ing Easton Valley, 25-20,
itfelder’s block put them vanced with wins over 25-18.
in front for the first East Buchanan (25-21, Comments: jeff.linder@thegazette.
time, 21-20. 25-13) and Starmont (27- com
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 5B


Standings 8-PLAYER DISTRICT 3 Dist. All Lisbon 36, Starmont 21
(Through Friday) x-Turkey Valley ...........................6-0 8-0 North Linn 50, Maquoketa Valley 0
y-Janesville ....................................5-1 7-1 District 5
CLASS 5A (Area) All y-Tripoli ..........................................4-2 5-3 Alburnett 13, Columbus Community 9
Riceville ...........................................3-3 3-5 Highland 49, Pekin 14
y-Cedar Rapids Kennedy ................ 8-0 Lisbon 36, Starmont 21
y-Iowa City High................................. 7-1 Rockford .........................................2-4 2-6
West Central...................................1-5 2-6 Wapello 48, North Cedar 6
y-Linn-Mar.......................................... 7-1 District 6
y-Cedar Rapids Prairie.................... 6-2 Clarksville .......................................0-6 1-7
Colfax-Mingo 1, Wayne 0 (forfeit)
Iowa City West .................................... 2-6 8-PLAYER DISTRICT 5 Dist. All IKM-Manning 35, Ogden 21
Cedar Rapids Jefferson.................... 0-8 Lynnville-Sully 25, Belle Plaine 8
x-Easton Valley............................7-0 8-0
CLASS 4A DISTRICT 2 Dist. All y-Lansing Kee...............................6-1 7-1 Madrid 21, North Mahaska 12
y-Edgewood-Colesburg ............5-2 5-3 8-PLAYER
y-Waverly-Shell Rock.................4-0 7-1 y-Springville...................................4-3 4-4 District 3
y-Decorah ......................................4-0 6-2 Midland............................................3-4 3-6 Janesville 56, Dunkerton 18
Western Dubuque ........................2-2 4-4 Central City.....................................2-5 2-6 Riceville 58, Clarksville 34
Mason City......................................2-2 3-5 Elkader Central.............................1-6 2-6 Tripoli 66, Rockford 12
Marion .............................................0-4 1-7 Calamus-Wheatland....................0-7 0-9 Turkey Valley 65, West Central 8
Waterloo East................................0-4 1-7 District 4
CLASS 4A DISTRICT 3 Dist. All Colo-Nesco 48, GMG 12
x-WACO .........................................6-0 8-0 Don Bosco 1, Meskwaki 0 (forfeit)
x-North Scott.................................4-0 8-0 y-English Valleys..........................5-1 6-1 Gladbrook-Reinbeck 36, Collins-Maxwell 6
Burlington .......................................3-1 6-2 y-New London ..............................3-3 4-3 Janesville 56, Dunkerton 18
Fort Madison .................................2-2 6-2 Winfield-Mount Union.................3-3 4-3 District 5
Iowa City Liberty..........................2-2 2-6 Lone Tree .......................................2-4 4-4
Clinton ..............................................1-3 2-6 Iowa Valley.....................................2-4 3-5 Central City 46, Elkader Central 12
Mount Pleasant .............................0-4 1-7 HLV..................................................0-6 1-7 Easton Valley 51, Lansing Kee 46
Edgewood-Colesburg 54, Midland 20
CLASS 4A DISTRICT 4 Dist. All 8-PLAYER DISTRICT 7 Dist. All Springville 63, Calamus-Wheatland 13
x-Montezuma................................6-0 9-0 District 6
x-Cedar Rapids Xavier ..............4-0 7-1 English Valleys 54, Winfield-Mount Union 18
Pella..................................................3-1 4-4 y-Baxter..........................................5-1 7-1
y-BGM ............................................4-2 5-3 Lone Tree 42, Iowa Valley 40
Clear Creek Amana.....................2-2 5-3 New London 32, HLV 6
Cedar Rapids Washington .........2-2 4-4 Grand View Christian..................3-3 3-5
Melcher-Dallas .............................2-4 3-5 District 7
Newton ............................................1-3 5-3
Oskaloosa........................................0-4 4-4 Twin Cedars...................................1-5 1-7 Baxter 72, Twin Cedars 0
Marion football players sit in the end zone and watch the sophomore game Friday night at Thomas Woodward Academy..................0-6 0-8 BGM 51, Melcher-Dallas 0
Montezuma 1, Woodward Academy 0
Park in Marion. The Wolves played their last game at the stadium Friday. (Savannah Blake/The x — district champion and playoff qualifier (forfeit)
x-West Delaware .........................4-0 7-1
Gazette) y-Independence ............................3-1 7-1
y — clinched playoff berth Mormon Trail 59, Grand View Christian 10
Charles City....................................2-2 4-4
Friday scores Playoffs

Rewind/Field becoming
Hampton-Dumont/CAL ............2-2 4-4
South Tama....................................1-3 2-6 METRO/IOWA CITY All first-round games kick off at 7 p.m.
Center Point-Urbana...................0-4 2-6 Burlington 20, Iowa City Liberty 18 Friday. Class 5A, 4A and 3A begin playoffs
C.R. Kennedy 24, Johnston 10 Friday, Oct. 29.
CLASS 3A DISTRICT 4 Dist. All C.R. Prairie 50, Iowa City West 14 CLASS 2A
x-Benton Community .................4-0 7-1 C.R. Washington 35, Oskaloosa 0 The top four teams from each of eight dis-

an elementary school
y-Davenport Assumption..........3-1 5-3 C.R. Xavier 48, Newton 24 tricts comprise a 32-team field.
DeWitt Central...............................2-2 5-3 Iowa City High 76, Davenport West 0 Fourth place at first place
Mount Vernon................................2-2 5-3 Iowa City Regina 34, Durant 16 Garner GHV (2-6) at West Lyon (6-2)
Vinton-Shellsburg.........................1-3 2-6 Linn-Mar 63, Davenport Central 13 Sheldon (3-5) at Southeast Valley (7-1)
Maquoketa .....................................0-4 0-8 Marshalltown 68, C.R. Jefferson 25 Spirit Lake (6-2) at Osage (5-3)
Mason City 22, Marion 21 West Liberty (3-5) at Waukon (7-1)
CLASS 3A DISTRICT 5 Dist. All Union Community (3-5) at Monticello (6-2)
x-Solon.............................................4-0 8-0 CLASS 5A Clarke (5-3) at Williamsburg (5-3)
; FROM PAGE 3B “To me, it’s a sentimental place. Grinnell ............................................3-1
Group 3
Bettendorf 28, Cedar Falls 0
Centerville (4-4) at West Marshall (7-1)
Roland-Story (3-5) at Greene County (7-1)
Third place at second place
Because it brings back a lot of
Washington.....................................2-2 3-5 C.R. Kennedy 24, Johnston 10
Not the way anyone Keokuk ............................................1-3 2-6 Davenport North 34, Muscatine 13 Estherville-Lincoln Central (5-3) at Central
West Burlington-Notre Dame ..0-4 0-8 Lyon/George-Little Rock (5-3)
wanted it to end at a Dubuque Hempstead 28, Waterloo West 14

place the school has positive memories over the years.” CLASS 2A DISTRICT 4
Dist. All
Iowa City High 76, Davenport West 0
Group 4
Red Oak (3-5) at Ida Grove OABCIG (7-1)
Unity Christian (5-3) at Clear Lake (5-3)
N.Hampton (5-3) at N.Fayette Valley (7-1)
been playing its home Bettendorf 28, Cedar Falls 0
y-North Fayette Valley ..............4-1 7-1 C.R. Prairie 50, Iowa City West 14 Dubuque Wahlert (3-5) at Camanche (5-3)
football games since the Dave Messerli, Marion football coach y-Dubuque Wahlert.....................3-2 3-5 Davenport North 34, Muscatine 13 Northeast (4-4) at Mid-Prairie (5-3)
y-Union Community....................2-3 3-5 Iowa City High 76, Davenport West 0 Davis County (4-4) at I.Falls-Alden (5-3)
mid-1930s. The very first Oelwein............................................1-4 1-7 Linn-Mar 63, Davenport Central 13 Monroe PCM (4-4) at Clarinda (4-4)
Jesup................................................0-5 2-6 CLASS 1A
game was against Cedar Group 5
The top four teams from each of eight dis-
Rapids Roosevelt on years, including when It should be one of the CLASS 2A DISTRICT 5 Dist. All C.R. Prairie 50, Iowa City West 14
Dubuque Hempstead 28, Waterloo West 14 tricts comprise a 32-team field.
Sept. 27, 1936. the late Bob Thurness better facilities around. x-Monticello...................................4-1 6-2 Linn-Mar 63, Davenport Central 13 Fourth place at first place
y-Camanche ..................................4-1 5-3 Marshalltown 68, C.R. Jefferson 25 West Monona (2-6) at West Sioux (7-1)
“First off, I think the was its head coach. Thur- I know they are going y-Northeast....................................3-2 4-4 Ottumwa 28, Des Moines North 22 Emmetsburg (3-5) at South Central Cal-
setting at Thomas Park ness went to Coe after to put everything they y-West Liberty..............................3-2 3-5 Southeast Polk 16,Ankeny Centennial 0 houn (7-1)
Anamosa.........................................1-4 1-7 Eagle Grove (3-5) at Dike-New Hartford
is really unique for a leading Marion to that have into it to make it Tipton...............................................0-5 0-8 CLASS 4A (8-0)
football field,” Messerli aforementioned state one of the better facilities CLASS 2A DISTRICT 6 Dist. All
District 2 South Hardin (3-5) at Dyersville Beckman
Decorah 37, Waterloo East 0
said. championship. around.” x-Williamsburg .............................5-0 5-3 Mason City 22, Marion 21 Cascade (4-4) at Iowa City Regina (8-0)
Durant (2-6) at Sigourney-Keota (8-0)
As Messerli said, the “Thurny would prob- In many ways, it still y-Mid-Prairie................................4-1
y-Davis County.............................3-2
Waverly-Shell Rock 55, Western Dubuque 39
Pleasantville (4-4) at Van Meter (8-0)
District 3
stadium is part of a park, ably say ‘Well, men, this won’t have the feel of y-Centerville ..................................2-3 4-4 Burlington 20, Iowa City Liberty 18
Nodaway Valley (4-4) at Underwood (8-0)
Eddyville EBF...............................1-4 2-6 Third place at second place
part of a neighborhood, is a pretty good place to the 90-year-old facility at Central Lee.....................................0-5 0-8
Clinton 49, Mount Pleasant 7
Carroll Kuemper (4-4) at Western Chris-
North Scott 35, Fort Madison 0
with houses right across play,’ ” Messerli said, Thomas Park. CLASS 1A DISTRICT 4 Dist. All District 4 tian (3-5)
Interstate 35 (4-4) at Woodward-Granger
the street behind one imitating Thurness’ “To me, it’s a sentimen- x-Dyersville Beckman................5-0 8-0
C.R. Washington 35, Oskaloosa 0 (5-3)
C.R. Xavier 48, Newton 24
end zone and trees be- infamous gruff voice. tal place,” Messerli said. y-Waterloo Columbus.................4-1 6-2 Pella 28, Clear Creek Amana 9
MFL MarMac (6-2) at Denver (7-1)
Aplington-Parkersburg (5-3) at Waterloo
y-MFL MarMac...........................3-2 6-2
hind the other. There’s “I know he had a lot of “Because it brings back a y-Cascade.......................................2-3 4-4 CLASS 3A
Columbus (6-2)
Cardinal (5-3) at West Branch (6-2)
a creek that runs a few sentimental feelings and lot of positive memories Sumner-Fredericksburg ...........1-4 2-6 District 3 Mediapolis (5-3) at Pella Christian (7-1)
Postville ...........................................0-5 0-8
hundred feet below the love for the place.” over the years.” Charles City 30, South Tama 27
Hampton-Dumont/CAL 42, C.P.-Urbana 6
S.Hamilton (4-4) at Guthrie C. ACGC (7-1)
CLASS 1A DISTRICT 5 Dist. All Ridge View (5-3) at Treynor (6-2)
home grandstand. So do a ton of people. West Delaware 25, Independence 14
It’s not on the high The Aug. 2020 derecho PLAYOFF TALK x-Iowa City Regina......................5-0
y-West Branch..............................4-1
District 4
The top four teams from each of eight dis-
Benton Community 42, Maquoketa 14 tricts comprise a 32-team field.
school campus, so Mari- did a number on the sta- The Gazette area has y-Mediapolis..................................2-3
y-Durant .........................................2-3
Mount Vernon 34, DeWitt Central 14 Fourth place at first place
District 5
on’s varsity team would dium, making it unplay- 27 schools who have qual- Wilton ...............................................2-3 5-3
Keokuk 26, West Burlington 21
Tri-Center (5-3) at Hartley HMS (6-2)
Louisa-Muscatine........................0-5 0-8 Alta-Aurelia (5-3) at West Hancock (8-0)
congregate and dress at able for the truncated ified for the playoffs in Solon 35, Grinnell 17 Saint Ansgar (3-5) at Grundy Center (7-1)
Washington (Iowa) 17, Fairfield 14
the school, hop on a bus 2020 prep football season. the smallest four classes. CLASS 1A DISTRICT 6 Dist. All Nashua-Plainfield (4-4) at North Linn (8-0)
x-Sigourney-Keota......................5-0 8-0 Bellevue (5-3) at Lisbon (7-1)
and ride the short way to Yet somehow enough That’s six in 8-Player: y-Pella Christian...........................4-1 7-1
CLASS 2A Highland (3-5) at Lynnville-Sully (7-1)
District 3
the field. repairs were made to Springville, Turkey Val- y-Cardinal.......................................2-3 5-3
Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 25, Forest City 14
Madrid (3-5) at Mount Ayr (6-2)
Avoca AHSTW (4-4) at Woodbury C. (7-1)
y-Pleasantville...............................2-3 4-4
it to have Marion host ley, Ed-Co, Montezuma, New Hampton 32, Clear Lake 28 Third place at second place
“I always felt it was Central Decatur ............................2-3 4-4
Osage 36, Crestwood 7
one final season there. BGM and English Valleys. Van Buren County........................0-5 2-6 IKM-Manning (5-3) at South O’Brien (6-2)
neat to go down to the District 4 Starmont (3-5) at North Butler (7-1)
An elementary school In Class A, North CLASS A DISTRICT 3 Dist. All Dubuque Wahlert 49, Jesup 0 Alburnett (4-4) at Wapsie Valley (6-2)
field,” Messerli said. “One North Fayette Valley 39, Oelwein 0 Mason City Newman (6-2) at East Bu-
will be built at the facil- Linn, Lisbon, Highland, x-Grundy Center..........................6-0 7-1 Waukon 59, Union Community 28
of the things I loved most y-Wapsie Valley............................5-1 6-2 chanan (7-1)
ity, with a brand-new Starmont, Alburnett, y-North Tama...............................4-2 6-2
District 5 North Tama (6-2) at Wapello (6-2)
was when we rode the Camanche 34, Tipton 14 Earlham (5-3) at Belle Plaine (6-2)
football field and track East Buchanan, North y-Nashua-Plainfield ....................3-3 4-4
Monticello 34, Northeast 14 Ogden (4-4) at Southwest Valley (6-2)
bus down from school, Ackley AGWSR ............................2-4 4-4
being constructed in land Tama and Belle Plaine. Hudson.............................................1-5 1-7 West Liberty 42, Anamosa 21 Le Mars Gehlen (5-3) at Logan-Mag. (7-1)
and we were about ready Conrad BCLUW............................0-6 0-8 District 6 8-PLAYER
directly adjacent to the In 1A, Dyersville Beck- Centerville 54, Central Lee 0
to go down the hills, you The top three teams from each of 10 dis-
high school. man, Cascade, Iowa City CLASS A DISTRICT 4 Dist. All Mid-Prairie 49, Davis County 32 tricts automatically qualify, along with two
could see the lights and x-North Linn..................................6-0 8-0 Williamsburg 42, EBF 0 at-large teams based on the 17-point rule.
It is supposed to be Regina, West Branch, Fourth place at first place
see the stands. That was y-East Buchanan .........................5-1 7-1
ready for the 2022 season. Sigourney-Keota and y-Starmont.....................................3-3 3-5 Springville (4-4) at Turkey Valley (8-0)
really the time when the y-Bellevue.......................................3-3 5-3 District 4 East Mills (4-4) at Anita CAM (8-0)
“I guess it’s a sign of MFL MarMac. Clayton Ridge ................................2-4 3-5 Cascade 1, Postville 0 (forfeit) Third place at first place
kids started getting ex- Dyersville Beckman 41, MFL MarMac 7
the times,” Messerli said. In 2A, qualifiers are South Winneshiek .........................2-4 2-6 Exira-EHK (5-3) at Remsen St. Mary’s
cited on the bus. They’d Maquoketa Valley........................0-6 1-7 Waterloo Columbus 42, Sumner-Freder- (8-0)
“Change, in this case, West Liberty, Waukon, icksburg 0 Kingsley-Pierson (4-4) at Harris-Lake
be tapping their feet, their CLASS A DISTRICT 5 Dist. All District 5
will be very positive for La Porte City Union, Park (6-2)
shoes on the bus floor in x-Lisbon..........................................6-0 7-1 Iowa City Regina 34, Durant 16 Tripoli (5-3) at Don Bosco (6-2)
the whole Marion school Monticello, Williams- y-Wapello .......................................5-1 6-2 West Branch 28, Wilton 12 Dunkerton (4-4) at Easton Valley (8-0)
excitement. District 6 Edgewood-Col. (5-3) at WACO (8-0)
community. With the burg, North Fayette Val- y-Alburnett.....................................4-2
3-5 Pella Christian 42, Central Decatur 7 New London (4-3) at Montezuma (9-0)
“Sometimes that new additions, a new el- ley and Mid-Prairie. Columbus Community................2-4 3-5 Pleasantville 29, Cardinal 28 BGM (5-3) at Martensdale-St. Marys (6-2)
would make the hair ementary, a new facility First-round games are North Cedar ...................................1-5 1-7 Sigourney-Keota 49, Van Buren 0 Lamoni (4-4) at Lenox (8-0)
Third place at second place
Pekin ................................................0-6 0-8
stick up on the back of at the high school, with Friday. There is one final CLASS A Northwood-Kensett (6-2) at Lansing Kee
my neck. That sort of got artificial turf and ev- regular-season week for
District 3 (7-1)
Stanton (6-2) at Audubon (7-1)
x-Lynnville-Sully ..........................6-0 7-1 AGWSR 30, West Fork 10
you excited.” erything, it’s going to be teams in Class 3A, 4A y-Belle Plaine.................................5-1 6-2 Grundy Center 28, North Tama 0 Second place at second place
y-Ogden...........................................3-3 4-4 Nashua-Plainfield 20, Hudson 18, OT Newell-Fonda (7-1) at Janesville (7-1)
Coe College played exciting. There are a lot and 5A. y-Madrid.........................................3-3 3-5 Wapsie Valley 47, BCLUW 0 Ruthven GTRA (7-1) at Gladbrook-Rein-
some of its home games of memories to be made Comments: jeff.johnson@
Colfax-Mingo.................................3-3 3-5 District 4 beck (7-1)
English Valleys (6-1) at SE Warren (5-3)
North Mahaska.............................1-5 2-5 Bellevue 7, Clayton Ridge 6
at the facility over the up at the new facility … Wayne..............................................0-6 0-8 East Buchanan 40, South Winneshiek 16 Baxter (7-1) at Fremont-Mills (5-3)


Week 8 featured several undefeated teams squaring off

By Nathan Ford, The Gazette Moines Hoover, 53-0 No. 5 Greene County beat No. 3 North Linn beat
No. 8 Indianola beat No. 3 Clarke, 49-3 Maquoketa Valley, 50-0
The regular season Bondurant-Farrar, 15-7 No. 5 West Lyon beat No. 4 Lisbon beat Starmont,
ended with a bang in the No. 9 Webster City beat Cherokee, 50-0 36-21
Storm Lake, 41-6 No. 7 Central Lyon/George- No. 5 Logan-Magnolia beat
smaller Iowa high school No. 10 Decorah beat Little Rock beat Okoboji, 45-14 Lawton-Bronson, 41-0
football classes, with Waterloo East, 37-0 No. 7 Spirit Lake beat No. 1 No. 6 North Butler lost to
three unbeaten match- Class 3A Southeast Valley, 21-14 No. 1 West Hancock, 36-0
ups and four games No. 1 Harlan beat Creston, No. 9 Estherville-Lincoln Cen. No. 7 Woodbury Central beat
between ranked teams 42-0 beat Pocahontas Area, 45-0 Missouri Valley, 60-8
Friday night. No. 2 Boyden-Hull/Rock V. No. 10 Williamsburg beat No. 8 Belle Plaine lost to
The top-ranked teams beat MOC-Floyd Valley, 41-7 Eddyville EBF, 42-0 Lynnville-Sully, 25-8
in Class 1A and Class A — No. 3 West Delaware beat Class 1A No. 9 East Buchanan beat
Van Meter and West Han- No. 6 Independence, 25-14 No. 1 Van Meter beat No. 8 South Winneshiek, 40-16
No. 4 Solon beat Grinnell, Guthrie Center ACGC, 41-7 No. 10 Southwest Valley lost
cock — handled fellow 35-17 No. 2 Underwood beat to Mount Ayr, 41-33
7-0 foes in Guthrie Center No. 5 Humboldt beat No. 7 Carroll Kuemper, 42-7 8-Player
ACGC and North Butler. Nevada, 19-15 No. 3 Iowa City Regina beat No. 1 Anita CAM beat Boyer
But 2A No. 1 Southeast Regina cornerback Steven Liu tackles Durant running back Nolan No. 6 Independence lost to Durant, 34-16 Valley, 74-6
Valley suffered its first DeLong on Friday at Regina High School in Iowa City. Regina won, No. 3 West Delaware, 25-14 No. 4 Dike-New Hartford beat No. 2 Montezuma beat
loss, 21-14, to Spirit Lake. 34-16. (Grace Smith/Daily Iowan) No. 7 Nevada lost to No. 5 Central Springs, 55-0 Woodward Academy, forfeit
The other three Humboldt, 19-15 No. 5 Sigourney-Keota beat No. 3 Remsen St. Mary’s
classes also had ranked No. 8 Benton Community Van Buren County, 49-0 beat Glidden-Ralston, 53-0
matchups in their pen- Moines Dowling, 31-27 No. 10 Pleasant Valley beat beat Maquoketa, 42-14 No. 6 Dyersville Beckman No. 4 Easton Valley beat No.
No. 4 Ankeny beat Waukee Dubuque Senior, 28-14 No. 9 Sergeant Bluff-Luton beat MFL MarMac, 41-7 9 Lansing Kee, 51-46
ultimate regular-season Northwest, 48-7 Class 4A beat Sioux City Heelan, 42-9 No. 6 West Sioux beat Sioux No. 5 Audubon beat
week. No. 5 Urbandale beat No. 1 North Scott beat Fort No. 10 Adel ADM beat Central, 26-14 Woodbine, 49-24
Here’s a look at how Waukee, 35-0 Madison, 35-0 Knoxville, 52-0 No. 8 Guthrie Center ACGC No. 6 Turkey Valley beat
the 70 teams ranked in No. 6 Cedar Rapids Prairie No. 2 Cedar Rapids Xavier No. 10 Algona lost to lost to No. 1 Van Meter, 41-7 West Central, 65-8
the Gazette poll fared in beat Iowa City West, 50-14 beat Newton, 48-24 Ballard, 49-21 No. 9 Pella Christian beat No. 7 WACO was idle
Week 8. No. 7 Iowa City High beat No. 3 Bondurant-Farrar lost Class 2A Central Decatur, 42-7 No. 8 Lenox beat Fremont
Davenport West, 76-0 to No. 8 Indianola, 15-7 No. 1 Southeast Valley lost No. 10 Waterloo Columbus Mills, 52-46 (2OT)
Class 5A No. 8 Linn-Mar beat No. 4 Lewis Central beat to No. 7 Spirit Lake, 21-14 beat Sumner-Fredericksburg, No. 9 Lansing Kee lost to
No. 1 Cedar Rapids Kennedy Davenport Central, 62-13 Dallas Center-Grimes, 42-10 No. 2 West Marshall beat 42-0 No. 4 Easton Valley, 51-46
beat Johnston, 24-10 No. 9 West Des Moines No. 5 Norwalk lost to Albia, 53-8 Class A No. 10 Don Bosco beat
No. 2 Southeast Polk beat Dowling beat No. 3 West Des Carlisle, 21-14 No. 3 Ida Grove OABCIG beat No. 1 West Hancock beat Meskwaki, forfeit
Ankeny Centennial, 16-0 Moines Valley, 31-27 No. 6 Waverly-Shell Rock Clarion CGD, 56-26 No. 6 North Butler, 36-0
No. 3 West Des Moines No. 10 Cedar Falls lost to beat Western Dubuque, 55-39 No. 4 Waukon beat Union No. 2 Grundy Center beat Comments:
Valley lost to No. 9 West Des Bettendorf, 28-0 No. 7 Winterset beat Des Community, 59-28 North Tama, 28-0
6B The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


SPORTSDAY Pro football Bowling College football Coe 27 Men’s cross country
Thursday Leagues Saturday Loras 20 Saturday
Tampa Bay 28, Philadelphia 22
Friday Golden Age — Deb Strunk 190-
Today’s games Purdue 24, Iowa 7 First downs.................................11 31 At Rock Island, Ill.
Women’s field hockey (Iowa times) 474, Dennis Stiefel 266, Gay Strunk 624; Chicago 47, Cornell 21 Rushes-yards................... 32-226 51-142 (Saukie Golf Course)
■ Ohio State at Iowa, noon Weakenders — Monica Benish 188-501, Coe 27, Loras 20
Miami vs Jacksonville at London, 8:30 a.m. Jonny Bishop 269-738. Passing ......................................102 320 Teams — 1. Wartburg 39, 2. Pomona-
Cincinnati at Detroit, noon Knox 49, Grinnell 28 Comp-Att-Int.....................8-21-1 29-57-4 Pitzer (Calif.) 46, 3. North Central (Ill.) 120,
Women’s soccer Green Bay at Chicago, noon Minnesota State 58, Upper Iowa 0 Return Yards.............................87 195 4. Otterbein (Ohio) 121, 5. Washington (Mo.)
■ 1 p.m.: Illinois at Iowa; TCU at AT MAY CITY BOWL San Diego 13, Drake 10
Houston at Indianapolis, noon Punts-Avg. ..........................9-32.1 2-37.0 122, 6. U of Chicago 150, 7. Calvin (Mich.) 232,
Pinbusters — Rylee Bries 104-294, Lincoln South Dakota 34, Northern Iowa 21 8. Colorado College 241, 9. Stout (Wis.) 276,
Iowa State; UNI at Valparaiso Kansas City at Washington, noon
Fowler 136-329; Stars — Emma Hindt 222- Wartburg 67, Luther 0
Fumbles-lost............................1-1 2-1
L.A. Chargers at Baltimore, noon Penalties-Yards....................3-35 5-40 10. Depauw (Ind.) 308, 11. Hope (Mich.) 326,
L.A. Rams at N.Y. Giants, noon 540, Jaxon Robinson 236-659. Iowa State at Kansas State, late Time of Possession .............21:53 38:07 12. Occidental (Calif.) 373, 13. Millikin (Ill.)
ON TELEVISION Minnesota at Carolina, noon Coe............................................ 7 7 13 0—27 377, 14. Augustana (Ill.) 392, 15. Dubuque
(Live, first-run same-day tape)
Arizona at Cleveland, 3:05 p.m.
Dallas at New England, 3:25 p.m. Girls’ swimming/diving BIG TEN
Purdue 24, Iowa 7 Loras........................................ 7 0 6 7—20
LOR—Joey Foley 25 punt return (Nicolas
406, 16. Cornell 434, 17. Bethel (Minn.) 489,
18. Wheaton (Ill.) 500, 19. Grinnell 557, 20.
Major League Baseball Las Vegas at Denver, 3:25 p.m. Michigan State 20, Indiana 15 Wisconsin-Superior 577, 21. Illinois Institute of
Seattle at Pittsburgh, 7:20 p.m.
Saturday Minnesota 30, Nebraska 23 Farfan kick)
Technology 675, 22. Concordia-Chicago 705,
■ NL Championship Series, MVC SUPERMEET Northwestern 21, Rutgers 7 COE—Chance Newton 63 run (Evan Ellis
BYES: N.Y. Jets, Atlanta, New Orleans, kick) 23. North Park (Ill.) 725, 24. Knox (Ill.) 780.
Game 2: Dodgers at Braves, San Francisco Teams — 1. Iowa City West 485, 2. Ken- Army at Wisconsin, late Top individuals — 1. Joe
COE—Alphonso Soko 39 run (Ellis kick)
nedy 334, 3. Cedar Falls 325, 4. Linn-Mar 323, Freiburger (Wartburg), 24:16; 2. Christopher
6 p.m., TBS Monday’s game 5. Dubuque Senior 182, 6. Dubuque Wahlert BIG 12
LOR—FG 26 Scott Talmadge
Collet (Wartburg), 24:21; 3. Lucas Florsheim
LOR—FG 33 Talmadge
NFL Buffalo at Tennessee, 8:15 p.m. 134, 7. City High 116, 8. Dubuque Hempstead Iowa State at Kansas State, late COE—Soko 27 run (kick failed) (Pomona), 24:28.
■ Dolphins vs Jaguars, 8:30 109, 9. Jefferson 91, 10. Waterloo 76, 11. Baylor 38, BYU 24 COE—Soko 25 run (Ellis kick) Cornell — 32. Aaron Davidson 25:01, 93.
Washington 60. Emery Bird 26:02, 106. Caleb Schopen 26:15,
a.m., KGAN; Packers at Pro hockey 200 medley relay — 1. Iowa City West
(Carlee Wilkins, Makala Hajek, Scarlet Mar-
Oklahoma State 32, Texas 24
Texas Tech 41, Kansas 14
LOR—Marty McGovern 27 pass from
Noah Sigwarth (Farfan kick) 144. Gabe Soda 27:05, 155. Tyler Bilskie 27:23,
159. Isaak Hutchings 27:28, 166. Peter Weber
Bears, noon, KFXA; Chiefs at National Hockey League tin, Ella Hochsterler), 1:50.87; 2. Cedar Falls
TCU at Oklahoma, late
27:48, 197. Luke Murray 28:56, 202. Charlie
Washington Football Team, Late Friday 1:53.85; 3. Linn-Mar 1:54.72; 200 free — 1. TOP 25
INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Link 29:01, 225. Dane Markegard 33:11.
Jade Roghair (ICW), 1:55.15; 2. Kolby Re- Rushing — Coe: Alphonso Soko 18-144,
noon, KGAN; Cowboys at New Jersey 4, Chicago 3, OT No. 1 Georgia 30, No. 11 Kentucky 13 Chance Newton 1-63, Nick Casey 6-10, Luke
Patriots, 3:25 p.m., KGAN; Vancouver 5, Philadelphia 4, SO
Minnesota 2, Anaheim 1
ese (ICW), 1:59.41; 3. Lauren Trent (ICW),
2:00.31; 200 IM — 1. Olivia Taeger (ICW), Purdue 24, No. 2 Iowa 7
No. 3 Cincinnati 56, UCF 21
Lenoch 1-5, Dominic Shepardson 1-2, Ray
Seidel 2-2; Loras: Noah Sigwarth 22-66, Ty
Prep volleyball
Seahawks at Steelers, 7:20 2:12.58; 2. Makala Hajek (ICW), 2:14.24; 3.
Kendall Mallaro (CF), 2:16.95; 50 free — 1. TCU at No. 4 Oklahoma, late Bausch 22-42, Elijah Thomas 7-34. Saturday
p.m., KWWL Saturday’s results Scarlet Martin (ICW), 24.10; 2. Grace Hoeper No. 5 Alabama at Mississippi State, late Passing — Coe: Casey 8-21-1-102; Loras: TRI-RIVERS CONFERENCE
Buffalo 2, Arizona 1, SO No. 9 Oregon 24, California 17
MLS N.Y. Islanders at Florida, late
(City), 24.57; 3. Ella Hochstetler (ICW), 25.02;
No. 10 Michigan State 20, Indiana 15
Sigwarth 28-55-4-310, Bausch 1-2-0-10. TOURNAMENT
100 butterfly — 1. Kendall Mallaro (CF), Receiving — Coe: Amel Saric 1-34, Shepa-
■ New York City FC at New York Chicago at Pittsburgh, late No. 12 Oklahoma State 32, No. 25 Texas 24 rdson 4-26, Joshua Bishop 1-7, Cooper Zeck At Wheatland
1:00.35; 2. Ella Hochstetler (ICW), 1:00.53;
Red Bulls, noon, ESPN Dallas at Boston, late 3. Karen Liu (ICW), 1:02.99; 100 free — 1. No. 13 Ole Miss at Tennessee, late 1-6; Loras: Marty McGovern 5-77, Bausch Quarterfinals
N.Y. Rangers at Montreal, late Grace Frericks (CF), 52.60; 2. Grace Hoeper Auburn 38, No. 17 Arkansas 23 7-55, Dwayne Emilus 3-51, Hunter Matye Lisbon def. East Buchanan, 25-21, 25-13
Women’s soccer Ottawa at Toronto, late (City), 53.15; 3. Olivia Taeger (ICW), 54.58; No. 18 Arizona State at Utah, late 3-45, Je’Von Williams 4-41, Thomas 3-24, Starmont def. Clinton Prince of Peace, 25-
■ Bemidji State at Upper Iowa, Seattle at Columbus, late 500 free — 1. Jade Roghair (ICW), 5:10.00; 2. Baylor 38, No. 19 BYU 24 Eric Hradek 2-12, Hareson Willis 1-9, Mike 13, 25-14
Tampa Bay at Washington, late LSU 49, No. 20 Florida 42 McDevitt 1-6. Central City def. Easton Valley, 25-20,
noon, KCRG 9.3; Florida at Vancouver at Detroit, late
Lilly Weber (L-M), 5:13.27; 3. Kolby Reese
No. 21 Texas A&M 35, Missouri 14 A — 500. 25-18
(ICW), 5:15.02; 200 free relay — 1. Iowa City
Auburn, noon, ESPNU; Michigan Carolina at Nashville, late West (Hochstetler, Taeger, Roghair, Mar- No. 22 NC State at Boston College, late Springville def. Cedar Valley Christian, 25-
St. Louis at Colorado, late No. 24 San Diego St 19, San Jose St 13 (Fri) 6, 25-13
at Ohio State, 1 p.m., BTN Calgary at Edmonton, late
tin), 1:39.13; 2. Linn-Mar 1:40.84; 3. Kennedy Minnesota State 58 Consolation
1:44.99; 100 backstroke — 1. Grace Frericks
Pro golf Winnipeg at San Jose, late (CF), 56.46; 2. Scarlet Martin (ICW), 56.56; 3. Chicago 47 Upper Iowa 0 East Buchanan def. Clinton Prince of
■ Golf Channel: Estrella Damm Minnesota at Los Angeles, late Avery Schmidt (DW), 1:00.19; 1 meter diving Peace, 21-19, 21-16
— Sam Klein (ICW), 461.40; 2. Nat Freeman Cornell 21 AT FAYETTE
Easton Valley def. Cedar Valley Christian,
N.A. Andalucia Masters, 6:30 Today’s game (CRJ), 436.35; 3. Corrin Williams (L-M), AT VAN METRE FIELD AT ASH PARK
MSU UIU 18-21, 22-20, 15-4
a.m.; SAS Championship, 1:30 (Iowa time) First downs.................................24 20 Semifinals
424.05. CHI COR Rushes-yards................... 33-153 44-162
p.m.; The CJ Cup at Summit, Dallas at Ottawa, 5 p.m. First downs.................................26 13 Passing ......................................368 131 Lisbon def. Starmont, 27-25, 25-21
4 p.m. Women’s soccer Rushes-yards................... 50-431 37-130 Comp-Att-Int.................. 22-31-0 11-39-2 Springville def. Central City, 25-9, 25-11

Pro soccer Pro basketball Saturday

Passing ......................................162
Return Yards...........................103
Punts-Avg. ..........................3-44.0
Springville def. Lisbon, 25-21, 25-15
■ Everton vs West Ham United, Return Yards.............................41 52 Fumbles-lost............................3-2 0-0
NBA Preseason
8 a.m., NBCSN; Newcastle Late Friday
Lake Forest (Ill.) 1, Cornell 0
Punts-Avg. ............................0-0.0
Time of Possession .............26:42
33:18 Women’s cross country
United vs Tottenham Hotspur, Miami 121, Boston 100 Lawrence (Wis.) 1, Grinnell 0 Penalties-Yards....................8-75 7-55
Cleveland 110, Indiana 94 Simpson 2, Luther 0 Time of Possession .............31:18 28:42
Minnesota St......................... 20 14 14 10—58 Saturday
10:30 a.m., NBCSN Detroit 112, Philadelphia 108 Chicago.................................. 14 14 6 13—47
Upper Iowa............................. 0 0 0 0—0
MSU—Blake VerMulm 3 pass from JD
Women’s volleyball New York 115, Washington 113 AT MOUNT VERNON Cornell...................................... 0 14 0 7—21 Ekowa (kick failed) At Rock Island, Ill.
■ Penn State at Purdue, 1 p.m., Dallas 114, Milwaukee 103 Lake Forest 1, Cornell 0 CHI — #19 M.Quaglia 68 yd pass from #12 MSU—Ekowa 11 run (Damian Chowaniec (Saukie Golf Course)
Chicago 118, Memphis 105 Goals — Lake Forest: Ella Manthey P.Martini (#10 W.Goodman kick) kick) Teams — 1. Pomona-Pitzer (Calif.) 68, 2.
ESPN2 San Antonio 126, Houston 98 Assists — Lake Forest: Iman Shepard CHI — #11 N.D’Ambrose 3 yd rush (#10 MSU—Nyles Williams 13 run Wartburg 75, 3. Washington (Mo.) 97, 4. U
WNBA Golden State 119, Portland 97 W.Goodman kick) (Luke Williams kick) of Chicago 97, 5. Hope (Mich.) 100, 6. Calvin
END OF PRESEASON AT INDIANOLA CHI — #18 A.Mandell 54 yd rush (#10 MSU—Gabe Hagen 10 pass from Ekowa (Mich.) 134, 7. Colorado College 197, 8. Stout
■ Finals: Phoenix Mercury at W.Goodman kick), 4-58
Simpson 2, Luther 0 (Chowaniec kick) (Wis.) 283, 9. Depauw (Ind.) 306, 10. North
Chicago Sky, 2 p.m., ESPN Tuesday’s games Goals — Simpson: Alexis Ponce, Megan CHI — #11 N.D’Ambrose 8 yd rush (#10 MSU—Parker Gloudemans 8 pass from Central (Ill.) 325, 11. Bethel (Minn.) 330, 12.
(Iowa times) W.Goodman kick)
Men’s soccer Roberts
COR — #85 M.Davis 47 yd pass from #16
Ekowa (Williams kick) Wheaton (Ill.) 360, 13. Millikin (Ill.) 391, 14. Ot-
Brooklyn at Milwaukee, 6:30 p.m. Assists — Simpson: Hailey Kowzan, Cassie MSU—Jalen Sample 25 pass from Ekowa terbein (Ohio) 391, 15. Grinnell 409, 16. Cornell
■ Indiana at Penn State, 11 Golden State at L.A. Lakers, 9 p.m. D.Wilson (#87 A.Mitchell kick) (Chowaniec kick) 452, 17. Occidental (Calif.) 503, 18. Augustana
a.m., BTN; Purdue Northwest at COR — #16 D.Wilson 1 yd rush (#87 MSU—Ty’Shonan Brooks 68 punt return (Ill.) 503, 19. North Park (Ill.) 615, 20. Wiscon-
A.Mitchell kick) (Williams kick) sin-Superior 646, 21. Concordia-Chicago 666,
Upper Iowa, 2:30 p.m.,
KCRG 9.3
WNBA Finals
(Best-of-5; x-if necessary)
Transactions CHI — #11 N.D’Ambrose 43 yd rush (#10
W.Goodman kick blocked)
MSU—FG 45 Chowaniec
MSU—Christian Vasser 4 run (Williams
22. Dubuque 671, 23. Coe 741.
Top individuals — 1. Anastasia Tucker
Auto racing Today’s game Saturday COR — #33 T.Martushev 2 yd rush (#87
A.Mitchell kick)
kick) (Hope), 21:21; 2. Claudia Harnett (U of Chi.)
Phoenix at Chicago, 2 p.m. BASEBALL 21:33; 3. Sadie Heeringa (Calvin) 21:42.
■ NHRA Thunder Valley (Sky leads series 2-1) CHI — #11 N.D’Ambrose 25 yd rush (#10 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Cornell — 98. Natalie Neuhaus 24:00, 103.
National League W.Goodman kick)
Nationals, noon, 1 p.m., FS1; Rushing — MSU: Kaleb Sleezer 5-39, Jeanelle Jimenez 24:09, 105. Billie Fogarty
Tuesday ATLANTA BRAVES — Reassigned LF CHI — #11 N.D’Ambrose 21 yd rush (#10 24:11, 114. Caroline Riss 24:26, 122. Michelle
Charles Coleman 8-33, Christian Vasser 6-30,
Autotrader EchoPark Automotive x-Chicago at Phoenix, 8 p.m.
Terrance Gore and LHP Dylan Lee to the W.Goodman kick missed)
Hayden Ekern 7-20, JD Ekowa 5-19, Nyles Nava 24:33, 185. Sam See 27:04, 192. Taylor
minor leagues. Activated RHP Chris Martin INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS
500, 1 p.m., KWWL and 1B Johan Camargo. Rushing — Chicago: Nick D’Ambrose 35-
Williams 1-13, Deyon Campbell 1-(-1); UIU: Walsh 27:22, 194. Mio Aoki-Sherwood 27:31,
199. Miranda Hall 28:07, 205. Annika Sutter
ON RADIO* Women’s volleyball LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Activated
LHP Justin Bruihl and RHP Evan Phillips.
297, Aiden Mandell 1-54, Philip Martini,6-41,
Greg Asare 4-21, Rhys Bommarito-Logan
Willy Camacho 16-66, Keontae Luckett 17-
61, Desean Phillips 9-42, Zach Reader 2-(-7). 29:16.
Coe — 180. Crystal Burke 26:49, 200. Becky
Reassigned LHP David Price and LF Billy Passing — MSU: Ekowa 16-20-0-286,
Major League Baseball
Friday McKinney to the minor leagues.
2-18, TEAM 2-(-1); Cornell: Daniel Abesa- Ekern 6-11-0-82; UIU: Reader 10-38-2-126, Mills 28:11, 203. Cailyn Wright 28:32, 210. Fio-
mes-Hammer 7-58, Peni Waqairatu 8-20, Jack Beulke 1-1-0-5. na Mahler 30:54, 211. Karla Silva 30:56.
IOWA COLLEGES Romien Taguiam 4-11, Jordan Braud 3-10,
■ NLCS Game 2: Dodgers Central def. Luther, 25-22, 25-18, 22-25, Receiving — MSU: Williams 4-90, Jalen
BASKETEBALL Denver Wilson 9-21, Isaak Hahn 2-5, Tom
at Braves, 6:30 p.m., KGYM 25-21
Cornell def. Nebraska Wesleyan, 24-26, 25-
National Basketball Association Martushev 3-2, Marcellus Parks 1-(-1).
Sample 3-79, Parker Gloudemans 3-67,
Sleezer 1-32, Campbell 3-27, Willie Walton Pro golf
(1600, 102.3) BROOKLYN NETS — Announced con- Passing — Chicago: Philip Martini 8-17-2- 2-20, Vasser 1-12, DJ Barber 1-12, Tanner
21, 25-22, 25-10 tract conversion for Malik Fitts to a two-way 162; Cornell: Denver Wilson 7-14-2-112, Isaak Saturday
NFL Evansville (Ill.) def. Northern Iowa, 17-25, contract. Waived F Devontae Cacok. Hahn 1-5-1-18.
Johnson 1-10, Gabe Hagen 1-10, Coleman
PGA Tour Champions
25-16, 29-27, 25-20 1-6, Blake VerMulm 1-3; UIU: DJ Emsweller
■ KGYM: Chargers at Ravens, CHICAGO BULLS — Waived Fs Stanley Receiving — Chicago: Matt Quaglia 3-103, 3-45, Alexander Stevens 3-44, Cole Ewald SAS Championship
Grinnell def. Knox (Ill.), 25-20, 25-18, 25-20 Johnson and Troy Baxter Jr. Announced Elliott Grays 2-25, Nick D’Ambrose 1-18, AJ
11 a.m., (1600, 102.3); Indiana State def. Drake, 25-20, 25-17, contract conversion for F Tyler Cook to a Markett 1-10, Mark Eaton 1-6; Cornell: Ma-
2-13, Lane Canny 1-12, Camacho 1-12, At Cary, N.C.
Xavier Saldana 1-5.
Packers at Bears, 11:30 a.m., 16-25, 25-16 two-way contract. son Davis 4-92, Aaryn Hailpern 3-20, Trey A — 1,537.
(Prestonwood Country Club, par 72)
Upper Iowa def. Sioux Falls, 25-22, 25-23, CLEVELAND CAVALIERS — An- Birdsong 1-18. Second Round
(106.3, 107.5); Raiders at 25-23 nounced contract conversion for C Tacko Fall A — 635. Alex Cejka........................................... 68-67—135
Broncos, 3:15 p.m., (106.3, and G R.J. Nembhard to two-way contracts. South Dakota 34 Miguel Angel Jiménez..................... 67-68—135
107.5); Seahawks at Steelers, Men’s soccer Waived Gs Mitch Ballock, Kyle Guy and Jus-
tin James.
Wartburg 67 Northern Iowa 21 Bernhard Langer.............................. 70-66—136
Scott Dunlap....................................... 68-68—136
6:30 p.m., (106.3, 107.5) DENVER NUGGETS — Waived G Nik Luther 0 AT UNI-DOME Scott Parel .......................................... 65-71—136
Saturday Stauskas. SD UNI Harrison Frazar................................ 68-69—137
Cornell 2, Lake Forest (Ill.) 1
Cunningham, Cassius Stanley and Derrick WAR LUT
First downs.................................19
Rushes-yards................... 51-161
Lee Janzen.......................................... 67-70—137
Thongchai Jaidee ............................. 66-71—137
First downs.................................23 6
■ (319) 398-8258; 1 (800) Grinnell 1, Lawrence (Wis.) 0 Walton Jr.
Rushes-yards................... 42-295 35-(-1)
Passing ......................................153 303 Woody Austin .................................... 71-67—138
Luther 1, Simpson 1 (2OT) INDIANA PACERS — Waived Fs Justin Comp-Att-Int.................. 16-21-0 25-35-2 Padraig Harrington.......................... 71-67—138
397-8258; fax, (319) 398- Wartburg 2, Central 0 Anderson and Bennie Boatwright, C Derek Passing ......................................223 168 Return Yards.............................11 3 Jim Furyk........................................... 69-69—138
Comp-Att-Int.................. 13-17-0 9-19-1
5861; preps, (319) 368-8976, Culver, Gs Nate Hinton, Keifer Sykes and
Return Yards...........................160 121
Punts-Avg. ..........................6-43.7 5-41.4 Kevin Sutherland .............................. 69-69—138
AT MOUNT VERNON Terry Taylor. Fumbles-lost............................0-0 0-0 Paul Broadhurst ............................... 68-70—138
1 (888) 577-8287; email, Cornell 2, Lake Forest 1 MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES — Waived Gs Kris Punts-Avg. .............................1-19 8-25.9 Penalties-Yards....................4-36 7-59 Stuart Appleby .................................. 68-70—138; Dunn and David Stockton and F Matt Hurt. Fumbles-lost............................2-1 0-0 Time of Possession .............36:01 23:59
Goals — Cornell: Gaurab Khadka, Justin Penalties-Yards....................5-34 2-21
@CRGazetteSports on Twitter Howe; Lake Forest: Connor Keast MILWAUKEE BUCKS — Waived Gs South Dakota ....................... 14 10 10 0—34 PGA Tour
Jalen Lecque and Tremont Waters, F We- Time of Possession .............30:14 29:46
Assists — Cornell: George Archer, UNI............................................ 0 0 14 7—21 The CJ Cup at Summit
nyen Gabriel and C Javin DeLaurier. Wartburg .............................. 20 27 7 13—67
Blake Soto; Lake Forest: Frank Janicke At Las Vegas
Major League Baseball Permanyer MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES —
Waived F Vincent Edwards.
Luther ...................................... 0 0 0 0—0
WAR—Caleb Dodd 0 blocked punt return
SD—Bell 5 pass from Camp (kick failed)
SD—Theis 4 run (Lorber kick)
SD—Galbreath 9 pass from Camp
(The Summit Club, par 72)
Third Round
Playoffs AT INDIANOLA (Kain Eagle kick)
WAR—Jace Moore 6 run (Eagle kick)
(Lorber kick) Rickie Fowler .............................. 66-66-63—195
Luther 1, Simpson 1 (2OT) FOOTBALL SD—FG 31 Lorber
LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES WAR—Braydin Farrell 27 pass from Rory McIlroy ............................... 68-67-62—197
Goals — Luther: Marcos Vila; Simpson: National Football League UNI—V. McShane 62 run (Cook kick)
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Moore (kick failed) Robert Streb................................. 61-72-65—198
Jordy Triana-Vasquez CHICAGO BEARS — Promoted RB Ar- UNI—Schnee 28 pass from Day (Cook Adam Scott................................... 68-63-67—198
Late Friday tavis Pierce and OL Dieter Eiselen to roster. WAR—Moore 24 run (Eagle kick) kick)
Houston 5, Boston 4 WAR—Drake George 35 pass from Moore Abraham Ancer.......................... 70-65-63—198
DALLAS COWBOYS — Signed TE Jer- SD—FG 45 Lorber
Friday emy Sprinkle and FB Nick Ralston. Waived T (Eagle kick) SD—Thomas 2 run (Lorber kick)
Keith Mitchell............................... 62-64-73—199
Saturday’s results WAR—Ben Bryant 30 run (kick failed) Tyrrell Hatton.............................. 67-65-67—199
IOWA COLLEGES Brandon Knight. UNI—Morancy 20 pass from Day (Cook Cameron Smith ........................... 66-67-67—200
Boston 9, Houston 5 DENVER BRONCOS — DB Mike Ford on WAR—Hunter Clasen 40 run (Eagle kick) kick)
Davenport (Mich.) 2, Upper Iowa 1 WAR—Austin Griffin 3 run (Eagle kick) Ian Poulter .................................... 66-67-67—200
(series tied 1-1) IR. John Brown and Tyrie Cleveland to roster.
Los Angeles at Atlanta, late WAR—FG 24 A. Muhamedagic Harry Higgs ................................. 64-67-70—201
AT FAYETTE DETROIT LIONS — WR Geronimo Allison INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Aaron Wise................................... 66-67-68—201
(series tied 0-0) and CB Nickell Roby-Coleman to roster. WAR—FG 28 A. Muhamedagic
Davenport 2, Upper Iowa 1 WAR—Griffin 13 run (Muhamedagic kick) Rushing — South Dakota: Travis Theis Erik van Rooyen......................... 67-66-68—201
GREEN BAY PACKERS — WR Juwann 29-113, Nate Thomas 14-59, Michael Man- Sam Burns.................................... 67-68-66—201
Today Goals — Davenport: Matt Whelan (2); Winfree to the active roster.
Upper Iowa: Italo Martins Soares INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS saray 4-8, Carson Camp 4-(-19); UNI: Vance
(Iowa times) INDIANAPOLIS COLTS — K Rodrigo McShane 4-65, Bradrick Shaw 6-27, Deion
Los Angeles at Atlanta, 6:38 p.m.
Assists — Upper Iowa: Tate Lofdahl Blankenship on IR. WR T.Y. Hilton, K Michael
Badgley and S Jordan Lucas to roster.
Rushing — Wartburg: Hunter Clasen
9-135, Austin Griffin 14-84, Ben Bryant 1-30,
McShane 1-9, Dom Williams 3-1, Theo Day
Pro soccer
Houston at Boston, 7:08 p.m.
Billiards MIAMI DOLPHINS — Activated QB Tua
Tagovailoa from IR. Promoted WRs Isaiah
Jace Moore 2-30; Luther: Vershon Brooks
19-30, Sam Ballesteros 1-5, Canon Reece 1-2,
Passing — South Dakota: Camp 16-20-0-
153; UNI: Day 25-35-2-303.
Major League Soccer
Avant Porter 1-1, Cody Hocker 5-(-39). Saturday’s results
Wednesday 7pm Open Ford and Kirk Merritt to the active roster.
MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Promoted TE Passing — Wartburg: Moore 9-12-0-150,
Receiving — South Dakota: Austin Goeh- Philadelphia 2, CF Montréal 2, tie
Tuesday 2nd Ave. Corner Pocket ring 3-41, Caleb Vander Esch 5-31, Kody Los Angeles FC 3, San Jose 1
Luke Stocker to active roster. Nile Mclaughlin 4-5-0-73; Luther: Hocker Case 1-25, Brett Samson 2-23, Carter Bell
Atlanta at Los Angeles, 4:08 p.m. 5&0 Golf-Pool 10’ Diamond PITTSBURGH STEELERS — OT Zach 8-14-1-114, Alex Griffeth 1-4-0-54. Columbus 4, Miami 0
Houston at Boston, 7:08 p.m. 3-18, JJ Galbreath 1-9, Theis 1-6; UNI: Quan
Winners: Game 1 — Dennis Walrob; Game Banner activated from IR. WR JuJu Smith- Receiving — Wartburg: Robert Califf 3-70, Hampton 9-108, D. McShane 7-82, Sergio
Wednesday 2 — Stuart Kee. Schuster placed on IR. Braydin Farrell 2-40, JoJo McNair 2-18, Today’s games
x-Houston at Boston, 4:08 p.m. Morancy 3-39, Isaiah Weston 2-38, Sam
SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — WR Phillip Drake George 1-35; Luther: Andre Atkins (Iowa times)
Atlanta at Los Angeles, 7:08 p.m. Thursday Noon Open Dorsett and QB Jake Luton to roster. the 6-163, Brooks 2-(-3), Parker Kizer 1-8.
Schnee 2-31, Daric Whipple 1-5, Williams 1-0.
New York City FC at New York, noon
Thursday 2&1/4 Golf-Pool 10’ Diamond A — 16,324.
practice squad. Placed QB Russell Wilson A — 405. Sporting Kansas City at Vancouver, 9 p.m.
x-Atlanta at Los Angeles, 7:08 p.m. Winner: Games 1,2,3 — Dennis Walrob and RB Chris Carson on IR.


CEDAR RAPIDS/IOWA CITY Highs are for today; lows are for tonight TRAVELERS’
Atlanta 67/48/sun
TOP WEATHER STORY Highlights from history,
trivia and events in weather Boston
Dubuque catching up with the 30s Cincinnati
Clear skies and a cool air mass in place allowed Dallas 74/49/pc
temperatures to dip into the 30s across most of Eastern Iowa Denver 73/41/sun
on Saturday morning. For some, this was the first time such Detroit 63/44/sun
readings were measured this season. Honolulu 86/72/sh
Houston 76/51/pc
Dubuque is in that group, which is well behind the average Indianapolis 64/45/sun
first day with a low in the 30s of Sept. 27. This late of a date Kansas City 73/46/sun
CEDAR RAPIDS DAYLIGHT hasn’t been seen in decades for the Key City, in fact. The last Las Vegas 81/58/pc
Normal high/low ......................................... 64/42 Sunset tonight ....................................... 6:22 p.m. time the first 30-something low was this late was in 1960. Los Angeles 75/54/pc
Record high ......................................... 86 in 1950 Sunrise tomorrow................................... 7:23 a.m. Although Cedar Rapids also reached the 30s on Saturday, it Memphis 70/47/sun
Record low .......................................... 22 in 1976 Today’s daylight ...............................11 hrs. 1 min. wasn’t the first time of the season. That took place Sept. 25, Milwaukee 65/46/sun
High/low temp Saturday .............................. 60/35 IOWA CITY which is only one day ahead of the average first date. Minneapolis 67/46/sun
24-hour high Friday............................................61 Normal high/low ......................................... 64/42 Nashville 66/45/sun
— Meteorologist Corey Thompson New Orleans 74/61/sun
24-hour low Friday.............................................37 High/low temp Saturday .............................. 63/38
Total precipitation for October....................... 3.39” New York 64/50/pc
24-hour high Friday............................................63
Normal precipitation for October ................... 2.83” 24-hour low Friday.............................................39 For up-to-date weather info, visit Omaha 75/47/sun
Normal precipitation through October .......... 33.58” Orlando 84/63/pc
Total precipitation for October....................... 2.45”
Philadelphia 64/49/pc
Total precipitation for 2021 ........................ 18.92” Total precipitation for 2021 ........................ 24.67”
(Precipitation totals at The Eastern Iowa Airport) (Precipitation totals at Iowa City Municipal Airport) Phoenix 89/61/cdy
Anamosa 61/36/none
St. Louis
Salt Lake City
CEDAR RIVER Lone Tree (16) 4.33 falling MISSISSIPPI RIVER Davenport 62/38/none San Francisco 64/51/cdy
Waterloo (13) 5.68 falling Columbus Jct (23) 10.09 falling La Crosse (12) 4.85 rising Decorah 59/36/none ACROSS THE STATE Seattle 56/45/rn
Cedar Rapids (12) 3.62 falling Wapello (21) 11.22 falling Lansing (17) 7.91 falling Dubuque 60/34/none Sioux Falls 73/45/sun
Conesville (13) 5.90 falling Ames 64/35/none
McGregor (16) 7.40 falling Independence 63/38/0.01” Council Bluffs 64/39/none Tampa 83/64/sun
IOWA RIVER Independence (12) 5.95 falling Guttenberg (15) 4.87 falling Manchester 63/38/0.01” Des Moines 64/39/none Washington, D.C. 66/50/sun
Marshalltown (19) 8.87 falling Anamosa (14) 7.28 falling Dubuque (17) 7.74 falling Monticello 61/36/none Fort Dodge 63/32/none sun=sunny, pc=partly cloudy,
Belle Plaine (15) 5.01 falling Bellevue (17) 4.92 falling Muscatine 63/41/none Mason City 62/33/none cdy=cloudy, sh=showers,
Marengo (15) 5.44 falling CORALVILLE POOL Quad Cities (15) 5.12 rising Tama 62/34/none Ottumwa 62/39/none tst=thunderstorms, rn=rain,
Iowa City (24) NA NA Above sea level 685.52 rising Muscatine (16) 6.30 falling Washington 63/37/none Sioux City 68/33/none sf=snow flurries, sn=snow
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 7B


Iowa running back Tyler Goodson (15) flexes after getting a first down and is congratulated by offensive lineman Jack Plumb (79) during the first half of their Big Ten Conference football game against
Purdue at Kinnick Stadium on Saturday in Iowa City. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette)

Purdue quarterback Jack Plummer (13) is brought down by Iowa defensive backs
Matt Hankins (right) and Jack Koerner (second from left) and defensive end Joe
Evans (13) during the first half at Kinnick Stadium. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette)

cheerleaders celebrate
as the team takes the
field before the first
quarter. (Geoff Stellfox/
The Gazette)
LEFT: Purdue
quarterback Aidan
O’Connell (16) throws
under pressure from
Iowa defensive lineman
Logan Lee (85) during
the first half. (Jim
Slosiarek/The Gazette)
RIGHT: Iowa defensive
lineman Zach
VanValkenburg (97)
drags down Purdue
running back King
Doerue (22) during the
first half. (Jim Slosiarek/
The Gazette)


Cowboys rally in fourth to beat Longhorns BIG 12 STANDINGS

School Conf All
Oklahoma.............. 3-0 6-0
Associated Press punishing run game behind The Cowboys allowed Texas Smith ran for 188 yards with Oklahoma State..... 3-0 6-0
Jaylen Warren took over for the just 317 total yards. Warren fin- three touchdowns, Baylor line- Baylor.................... 3-1 6-1
Tanner Brown’s fourth field Cowboys. ished with 193 yards rushing on backer and part-time fullback Texas Tech............ 2-2 5-2
goal of the game gave No. 12 It was the second straight 33 carries. Dillon Doyle — an Iowa City Texas .................... 2-2 4-3
Oklahoma State its first lead, week Texas surrendered a big Sanders pulled Oklahoma West grad and former Hawkeye Iowa State............. 1-1 3-2
and Spencer Sanders’ scram- lead in a tough loss. The Long- State within 24-22 with a 7-yard — scored on both of his offen- TCU....................... 1-1 3-2
bling 10-yard touchdown run horns led Oklahoma 28-7 before touchdown pass to Brennan sive touches and the Bears beat Kansas State ........ 0-2 3-2
with 2:18 to play capped a 32-24 losing 55-48 last week. Presley. Brown’s 29-yard field future Big 12 foe BYU in Waco, West Virginia ......... 0-3 2-4
victory over No. 25 Texas on Brown’s kicking and Jason goal put the Cowboys ahead. Texas. Kansas ................. 0-3 1-5
Saturday in Austin, Texas, to Taylor II’s 85-yard interception Texas still had time to pos- Baylor (6-1) led by only Saturday
keep the Cowboys undefeated. return for a touchdown in the sibly retake the lead, but the three points midway through Okla. State 32, Texas 24
Texas built leads of 17-3 and second quarter kept the Cow- Cowboys defense stuffed the the third quarter before Doyle Baylor 38, BYU 24
24-13 behind three touchdowns boys in the game while Sanders Longhorns on fourth down at caught a 2-yard TD pass. The Texas Tech 41, Kansas 7
from Bijan Robinson before and the offense were struggling the Texas 42. Cougars have lost back-to-back TCU at Oklahoma, late
Oklahoma State’s defense and early. BAYLOR 38, BYU 24 — Abram games after a 5-0 start. Iowa State at K-State, late
8B The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Iowa wide receiver Tyrone Tracy Jr. (3) walks off the field after the Hawkeyes’ Big Ten Conference football loss to Purdue on Saturday at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City. Purdue won, 24-7. (Jim Slosiarek/
The Gazette)

Hlas/For whom the Bell tolled

; FROM PAGE 1B Hawkeyes took the beating game with a turnover margin footing. Iowa is 6-1 and still can go
this time, not the fans’ ear- of plus-15. Then Iowa’s defense to Bell’s hometown for the
gives Phil Parker’s defense is drums. That defense didn’t do any slipped. Purdue responded Big Ten title game. But every
Brohm’s. It didn’t take long for the taking this day, and the score with a 75-yard touchdown game is hard, and the next one
This game gave the rest of game to have that uphill feel- tells you what happens in that drive of its own, with 65 of it is at Wisconsin.
the nation the opportunity, ing for Iowa, with Spencer Pe- event. coming on Aidan O’Connell The yardage was in Pur-
if it chose to accept it, to say tras’ overthrown pass getting Iowa had a great-looking passes. Seldom was he truly due’s favor by almost 200
“See, they weren’t for real as a deflected by the Boilermakers 80-yard touchdown drive to tie pressured. yards. The team that had been
playoff contender.” The nation and then intercepted by line- the game at 7 with 3:20 left. It “Throwing with comfort,” last in the nation in takeaways
accepted the opportunity, by backer Kieren Douglas. used just one forward pass, a was how Ferentz described had 4. The national leader had
the way. That was Iowa’s fourth play 22-yard connection between what O’Connell did in the first 1.
That fourth-quarter Big from scrimmage. It also was Petras and Sam LaPorta. Five half during his halftime radio Gong!
Noise that was heard here the just Purdue’s third takeaway different Hawkeyes had rush- interview with the Hawkeye
Saturday before when Iowa of the season, coming against ing attempts on the drive. It network. The comfort lingered Comments: (319) 398-8440;
rallied to beat Penn State? The an Iowa team that entered this felt like Iowa had found its after that.

Iowa/Hawks have bye week to regroup

; FROM PAGE 1B Purdue 19-yard line. The
Iowa offense went four-
through its first six and-out, though, after
games did not force a Petras ran for no gain on
turnover until late in the fourth down.
third quarter Saturday. It was one of three
The lone turnover was Iowa trips within the
the result of an obscure Purdue 10-yard-line, but
rule, as well. A Purdue the Hawkeyes scored just
receiver fumbled the ball once on those trips.
into the pylon, which re- Kicker Caleb Shudak
sulted in an Iowa touch- missed a 25-yard field
back. goal in the second quar-
The underwhelming ter, negating a 17-play,
defensive performance 68-yard Iowa drive.
was Iowa’s first without The Hawkeyes had
starting cornerback success on their next
Riley Moss, whom Iowa drive, though. Kelly-
head coach Kirk Ferentz Martin had a 3-yard
said Tuesday will be touchdown to cap off an
out for a “couple weeks, 80-yard drive.
hopefully.” Moss, who
Iowa’s offense didn’t
was not in uniform, had
get back into Purdue
a brace on his left knee
territory until the Kelly-
during Saturday’s loss.
Martin kickoff return
Iowa’s offense, mean- that ended in a four-and-
while, struggled against out.
Purdue’s defensive front.
The rest of the Iowa
Quarterback Spencer special teams unit that
Petras had one of his had been elite in the first
worst performances of six games had a setback
the season, completing Saturday amid windy
just 53 percent of his conditions at Kinnick
Iowa quarterback Spencer Petras (7) is brought down by Purdue’s Kydran Jenkins (44) on Saturday at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City.
passes for 195 yards and (Geoff Stellfox photos/The Gazette)
tossing a season-high Punter Tory Taylor
four interceptions. averaged just 40.7 yards matchups against Iowa. at a signature win that
Petras did not find per punt, although all This one likely hurts could bolster their post-
the end zone for the first three of his punts came even more, though, be- season resume.
time this season. against the 16-mile-per- cause of the postseason Ferentz knew there
hour wind. implications. Ranked No. was a chance this game
The running game
Shudak’s 25-yard miss 2 in every major poll, the might not go Iowa’s way.
didn’t go much better,
was his shortest miss of Hawkeyes appeared to “We could be crying
averaging 2.5 yards per
his career. Entering Sat- be on the trajectory for next week at this time
urday’s game, he made a College Football Play- or we could be really
Running back Tyler
11 of 12 field goals this off berth. But with the happy,” Ferentz said
Goodson had a 32-yard
season. Purdue loss, Iowa faces after last week’s Penn
run in the second quar-
Saturday’s heartbreak a tumble from the top of State win.
ter, but otherwise rarely
had much room to run. wasn’t new for Iowa fans. the charts. It was the former, and
Iowa appeared to be on The Hawkeyes have The Hawkeyes might now the Hawkeyes have
the way to a fourth-quar- plenty of painful memo- have to wait until the Big a bye week to wipe away
ter comeback when Ivory ries against Purdue. The Ten Championship Game those tears. Iowa running back Ivory Kelly-Martin (21) is brought down in the
Kelly-Martin returned Boilermakers have now — if they make it there — Comments: (319) 398-8394; backfield by Purdue linebacker Jaylan Alexander (36) on Saturday
a kickoff 67 yards to the won four of the last five for another opportunity at Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City.
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 1C


on dog
often no
State says unannounced
welfare inspections
aren’t always possible
By Clark Kauffman,
Iowa Capital Dispatch

State inspections at Iowa’s

dog-breeding facilities are
supposed to take place on a
“surprise” basis, but some of
Iowa’s biggest offenders have
their inspections scheduled
at their own convenience.
Although the federal U.S.
Department of Agriculture
handles the enforcement of
the federal Animal Welfare
Act, the Iowa Department of
Hannah Longmire, 14, reaches the 1-mile marker Tuesday during the final cross-country meet of the regular season at Cherry Hill Park in Cedar Rapids. Agriculture and Land Stew-
Hannah, an eighth-grader at Northwest Junior High School in Coralville, is a double amputee and the lead runner on her school’s cross-country team. (Geoff ardship also plays a role.
Stellfox photos/The Gazette) Under Iowa law, all USDA-

Blade runner finds her

licensed commercial dog
breeding facilities operating
in Iowa are also required to
have a permit or license from
the state ag department.
The state doesn’t conduct

‘family’ in cross-country
routine inspections at these
USDA-licensed facilities. The
state ag department has pub-
lished information saying if
it receives a complaint about
such a facility, it will relay
the complaint to the USDA
and may “assist the USDA
Girl who lost legs at age 2 among with an inspection” or take
“additional steps.”
fastest runners at Coralville school The Iowa Department of
Agriculture states in a guide
published for breeders that
By Erin Jordan, The Gazette its inspections of these facili-

ties are “unannounced.” But
e savage, not average” was the state records show that even
when dealing with breeders
quote Hannah Longmire decided
with a history of serious and
to put on her prosthetic running recurring violations, state
blades for the last cross-country inspectors are not only noti-
meet of the regular season. fying breeders of the precise
time and date of their upcom-
Hannah, 14, an eighth-grader at Northwest ing visits, they are consulting
Junior High, wanted other runners to know some- with the breeders as to the
thing about her besides that she has prosthetic times most convenient for
legs. And that she’s the fastest girl on her team, them.
running sub-seven-minute miles. For example, Kurt and
“I’m different and I need to show that off,” she Hannah Longmire and her teammates wait Tuesday to receive their race bib Hollie Pille of St. Anthony
said. numbers at Cherry Hill Park in Cedar Rapids. run a breeding operation that
Hannah, of Coralville, was born with a congeni- has been cited for numerous
tal limb difference, which caused her to have her issues and been listed among
legs amputated below the knee when she was 2. the 100 worst puppy mills in
For the first few years after the surgery, she had the nation.
ill-fitting prostheses that were uncomfortable and In January, state inspec-
heavy. She didn’t want to wear them and some- tors visited the Pilles’ facili-
times was pushed in a stroller. ties and reported that some
“I was a pretty lazy kid,” she said. dogs had no protection from
But when she was 10, Hannah was fitted for new the cold, and most had only
prosthetic legs. Lighter and with a piece of foam frozen water in their kennels.
between her leg and the plastic, the legs were more Other issues found during the
comfortable and opened a new world of mobility. inspection included a “lack
She also got a pair of running blades, which have of roofing” in an outbuilding
a curved piece of metal that rebounds a runner’s that put the dogs at risk, dirty
energy as it strikes the ground. conditions and dogs exposed
“I was trying out different sports,” Hannah said. to unfinished walls and ex-
“I did rowing, swimming, soccer, running and posed insulation that they
dance. I did enjoy the other sports, but I enjoyed were at risk of ingesting.
running the most. The more I won, the more I liked Iowa Department of Agri-
it.” culture inspector Stephanie
Hannah Longmire, 14, jokes with teammates Tuesday before the start of her
; RUNNER, PAGE 7C race at Cherry Hill Park in Cedar Rapids. ; BREEDERS, PAGE 8C

What Cedar Rapids wants for Christmas: An evergreen tree

Derecho decreased the number of potential trees for Greene Square
By Katie Mills Giorgio, made that task more chal- its space or has created
correspondent lenging, though. visibility issues, say, by a
And it can’t just be any driveway.”
CEDAR RAPIDS — Re- evergreen. The selection process
purposing has been a buzz- City Arborist Todd Fagan involves Fagan going out to
word in everything from said the tree needs to meet look at each candidate.
fashion to home design. For several requirements to be “I look to make sure that
the past 25 years, the city of considered. An eligible tree it is accessible. It might be
Cedar Rapids has applied must be planned for remov- a great tree, but if we can't
this concept to holiday al due to circumstances that physically get it out without
traditions. cannot be remedied; it must destroying it, then it's not
Each year the city’s be more than 25 feet tall; worth it to us.,” he said.
forestry division seeks a and it needs to be located in If selected, the tree will
homeowner to donate an a spot that is not difficult to be removed by crane so as
evergreen tree — fir, pine or access. not to damage any of the
spruce — to be used as the “Homeowners need to be canopy or any of the sides of
city’s Christmas tree placed looking to get rid of the tree, the tree. “If we have to drag
in Greene Square and deco- not just because they don’t it around, that’s no good,”
rated for the holiday season. want it anymore,” he said.
The August 2020 derecho “Maybe it has outgrown ; TREE, PAGE 7C A man walks by the city of Cedar Rapids Christmas tree on Dec. 9, 2019. (The Gazette)
2C The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


After delays, trial

in fatal crash
set for January
By Trish Mehaffey, The Gazette fense operating while
intoxicated by drugs;
BACKGROUND driving while barred;
CEDAR RAPIDS — A and possession of drug
Coralville man passed paraphernalia.
another vehicle last year He is accused in a
when he approached a hill complaint of “uninten-
where construction was tionally” causing the
underway east of Atkins and death of Stout.
crashed into an oncoming A judge set his bail
vehicle driven by a Cedar at $50,000 cash. After
Rapids woman. a bail review hearing,
Bryce James Wagehoft another judge lowered it
was headed west when his but had con-
car crashed head-on into an cerns about
eastbound vehicle driven Wagehoft’s
by Dawn Elaine Detweiler previous
Stout, 43, at 5:37 p.m. convictions
April 1, 2020, according to for driving John Deere Dubuque Works union employees Rick Heid (from left), Sheila Stirm, Kevin Hoftender and Craig Brandt picket outside
a criminal complaint. Stout under the the entrance to the plant Thursday in Dubuque. More than 10,000 Deere & Co. workers went on strike Thursday, the first major
died at the scene. influence walkout at the agricultural machinery giant in more than three decades. (Dave Kettering/Telegraph Herald via AP)
Wagehoft, 32, was and driv- Bryce
ejected and trapped beneath ing while Wagehoft
his vehicle, according to barred. IN THE NEWS Services Agency will deliver the latest Iowa crop report. Biden and Democrats, the
Deere workers go a second proposal to CIO resigns: Annette Democrats’ federal budget
authorities. He was taken Wagehoft also had been lawmakers by Oct. 21. Dunn, the state’s chief proposal, the media, even
to a hospital along with his on pretrial release on on strike: Deere & Co.
workers went on strike after Vaccine legislation: information officer, has Mitch McConnell and
passengers, Wendie Beard, a forgery charge at the Gov. Kim Reynolds said announced her resignation congressional Republicans,
23, of Vinton, and David time of the crash. union representatives did
not come to a tentative she’s having “great effective Oct. 22. She will and of course the 2020
Nelson, 33, of Palo. There Sixth Judicial District conversations” with pursue an opportunity in the election results — all
was no information in the Judge Andrew Chappell agreement with Deere by
the deadline of 11:59 p.m. legislative leaders about private sector, according to were targets of former
records on their injuries. agreed to lower his bail
Wednesday. It was the considering a bill during Gov. Kim Reynolds. President Donald Trump’s
Crash data from to $35,000, cash only.
first major strike by Deere the upcoming special ire during a rally attended
Wagehoft’s vehicle showed Wagehoft then pleaded THE WATER COOLER
workers since 1986. The session that would prohibit by a tens of thousands at
he was driving 84 mph five not guilty but remained
strike affects workers in workplace requirements for Special election: the Iowa State Fairgrounds.
seconds before impact. in jail pending a trial set
Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. COVID-19 vaccinations. Republican Jon Dunwell, It was Trump’s first public
He didn’t brake until one to start Nov. 2, 2020.
second before impact, Workers say the agriculture THEY SAID … a pastor and financial appearance in Iowa since
That trial was post- just before the 2020
hitting Stout’s vehicle at manufacturer is not offering services representative
poned because of the
about 71 mph, which was adequate wage and benefit “Every single day in the from Newton, won the Iowa election, stoking questions
pandemic. The Iowa about whether he plans
over the speed limit at increases as the company car, I cry.” House District 29 special
Supreme Court delayed
12001 Ellis Rd. in Palo. enjoys record profits. — Tara Erpelding, whose election. He replaces former to run for president again
all trials in March 2020, in 2024. He said nothing
Blood taken from Union members say they daughter Charly is one of two Rep. Wes Breckenridge,
then restarted them in about a potential run during
Wagehoft after the experienced mandatory
Quad Cities-area homecoming D-Newton, who stepped
mid-September before queens living with cancer his remarks.
crash revealed he had overtime, an increasing down last month to take a
postponing them again Sports betting: Iowa
amphetamines, marijuana workload and lack of state job.
in November 2020. Jury “Wealthy Iowans work, sports betting nearly
and opiates in his system, support from managers. Complaint filed: The
trials didn’t start again too.” doubled in September,
according to the complaint. Climate report: Iowans Iowa Democratic Party
until Feb. 1 of this year. with wagers exceeding
A Linn County sheriff’s are vulnerable to power — Iowa Sen. Jack Whitver, asked the Office of
Wagehoft’s trial first R-Ankeny, on whether Iowa $210 million, giving the
deputy said Wagehoft outages because of climate Congressional Ethics to
was reset to Aug. 2. His Republicans want state income
state a half-million-dollar
admitted that he was a change, and must be investigate U.S. Rep.
lawyer, before that date tax cuts specifically for middle-
payout. The surge was
heroin addict and that he prepared to pay higher income workers, or for all Mariannette Miller-Meeks’
in a case management re- fueled, in part, by betting on
smoked methamphetamine electricity bills so power 2020 financial disclosure,
port required by judges, ODDS AND ENDS
the morning of the crash. companies can harden saying the ophthalmologist the annual Cy-Hawk football
said all the evidence had game and a full slate of
Investigators found two infrastructure and bury Mask lawsuit: A federal representing Iowa’s 2nd
been reviewed and no college and professional
spoons, syringes and a pipe power lines to protect judge extended an order Congressional District
depositions were neces- games.
in Wagehoft’s vehicle, the against extreme weather, that will prevent state omitted information.
sary. Then, by agreement Franken running: Mike
complaint said. The pipe said the 2021 Iowa Climate officials from enforcing a Disclosures filed: U.S.
of defense and prosecu- Franken, a Sioux City
smelled of marijuana, and Statement signed by more law that prohibits school Rep. Cindy Axne, D-Des
tion, the trial was reset veteran and Democrat,
a spoon tested positive for than 200 Iowa scientists. districts from implementing Moines, filed financial
to earlier this month. announced his candidacy in
opiates. Special session: The mask requirements until a disclosure statements
The defense, in a Sep- Iowa’s 2022 U.S. Senate
His driver’s license was Legislature will meet Oct. federal lawsuit challenging whose absence came to
tember report, said depo- race. Franken, a retired
barred at the time of the 28 to consider a second the law can be heard. light in a recent watchdog
sitions now were going to
crash, and he had two plan for redistricting Crop report: Recent report, a spokesman for her three-star admiral in the
be taken this month. The U.S. Navy, also ran in the
previous convictions for congressional and rainfall slowed fieldwork, office said.
judge then reset the trial 2020 Democratic U.S.
being under the influence of to Jan. 11. legislative boundaries. but Iowa farmers still have
harvested nearly a third of
MORE IN THE NEWS Senate primary.
drugs or alcohol. Online records show Republican senators
Stout, who was born and rejected the first plan, so corn for grain and over half Trump in Iowa rails on
Wagehoft has a lengthy
raised in Cedar Rapids, the nonpartisan Legislative of soybeans, according to election: President Joe Gazette Des Moines Bureau
criminal history, mostly
enjoyed being a mother in Johnson County. He
of two, “giving her time has been convicted of
and love to her children,” drug possession, thefts,
according to her obituary. domestic abuse assault, ON E Y EA R A F TER : TH E D ERECHO REMEMB RANCE EXHI B I T
She also “loved spending probation violations and
time with her family and filing false reports, in
friends, quilting and addition to the driving-
exploring nature and enjoying related offenses.
a quality glass of wine next Wagehoft remains in
to a warm fireplace.” jail pending trial. If con-
victed of vehicular homi-
WHAT’S HAPPENED SINCE cide and other charges,
Wagehoft was charged he faces up to 42 years in
in June 2020 with vehicu- prison. His forgery trial
lar homicide — under is set for Jan. 4 in Linn
the influence of drugs; County District Court.
vehicular homicide — Comments: (319) 398-8318;
recklessness; third of-

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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 3C


Aid lets day cares hire, but not pay more

State awaits task force turnover rate is high. Iowa al-
ready lost more than 200 child
those being child development
or registered home-based child
see what those recommenda-
tions are so we know where
report before handing care facilities over the past
two years, and providers are
care providers and another
roughly 1,500 licensed child
our community partners say
they want us to be investing
out more relief funds struggling to attract workers
in a tight labor market. She
care centers.
“There’s always a constant
the money. With those stabi-
lization grants, we will have
to child care providers said the situation is perplexing ebb and flow that we experi- an eligibility protocol for folks
because state government just ence with our child care pro- to apply for the funding, and
By Rod Boshart, reported a $1.24 billion budget grams,” she added, noting that those are the kinds of details
Gazette Des Moines Bureau surplus, and state officials since Jan. 1, 2020, Iowa lost that we still have to work out
have nearly $400 million in less than 2 percent of licensed on how much programs can
DES MOINES — Iowa’s federal COVID-19 relief money child care centers “so when we access.”
child care providers continue
to tread financially troubled
for child care block grants that
has been obligated but not
have some closings, we also
have some other openings.”
The DHS official said her
Q: Is there a Catch-22 here
in that child care centers
need workers to stay open, but
waters after being thrown a
much-needed lifeline via fed- “We’ve seen child care set- agency is awaiting recommen- funding can be used to hire
eral COVID-19 relief funds. ting closures across our state dations from the Governor’s new workers but not raise ex-
Like all sectors of the because they’re unable to find Child Care Task Force. Gov. isting salaries with one-time
economy, the child care in- workforce that are willing to Kim Reynolds created the task money?

dustry was hard hit when Ryan Page is a team leader in the Iowa work for such poverty wages,” force by executive order and “We have to think about
coronavirus arrived in Iowa in Department of Human Services’ child Petersen said. appointed members in March a number of things like
March 2020. However, unlike care bureau policy division. “Staffing is Backers say raising wages to develop a comprehensive sustainability. If we have a
an issue” for child care providers, she for child care workers would strategy to address the child new policy, we need to look at
some businesses and services, says. (Supplied photo)
Iowa’s for-profit, nonprofit, advance equity for women care shortage and barriers to it long term if this funding is
group homes and others that and increase their labor force work. The panel’s report will not always going to be avail-
take care of small children also monitor best practices participation, lift families out direct how the federal money able. The volatility of the child
were allowed to continue as for the ratio of children per of poverty, boost the broader available through fiscal 2024 care market — it costs a lot of
essential operations. adults based on various ages economy and improve out- will be used, including about money for families to access
Various federal COVID- and program types under the comes for children. $227 million in “stabilization” child care but then the wages
related relief and recovery state’s purview. That’s an is- While child care provider money to assist child care of the child care employees
funding streams have pumped sue of concern particularly pay increases are an allow- providers with their operating don’t always match up to that.
more than $120 million into Io- in rural areas that legisla- able expense under the federal costs — of which about 80 per- To raise wages, typically in a
wa’s child care network. Reju- tors addressed in part by al- CARES Act, DHS officials said cent is staffing. Officials with free market there’s supply and
venation grants help providers lowing nonregistered child the Investing in Iowa’s Child the state Department of Eco- demand. It doesn’t really work
cover expenses and support care homes to expand by one Care program was intended to nomic Development, which like that with child care. Do I
qualifying low-income families school-aged child — from five help child care programs with houses the task force, did not have concern about stabiliza-
with stipends and reduced up to six slots. up-front expenses needed to in- respond to requests for infor- tion of the market pre- and
co-pay requirements. That “Child care is expensive crease their capacity. Increas- mation about the task force post-COVID? I have a concern
was separately supplemented to operate because when you ing wages for staff was not in- deliberations. about it in general. I think that
by direct child care tax cred- have low ratios to cluded due to concern the pay Page answered some ad- the market is complicated and
its that temporarily provide promote not just levels could not be sustained ditional questions from The without stabilized funding,
monthly help of $300. health and safety after one-time funding ended. Gazette about the use of federal then the infusion might be a
Ryan Page, team leader in but appropriate “It was recognized that relief funds and the outlook for short-term solution.
the Iowa Department of Hu- age and brain de- increasing capacity requires the child care industry in Iowa. “Staffing is an issue, in
man Services’ child care bu-
reau policy division, said state
velopment, you’ve
got to have those
new staff and that these staff
would need to be hired before
the children were enrolled and
Q: When do you expect to
release those additional
federal relief funds?
Iowa and nationally and in
multiple sectors, that is some-
thing we have not been able
officials also have funneled lower ratios to
federal money into some new
or expanded programs effec-
protect kids. So
staffing is a huge
Sen. Janet
D-Des Moines
parents were paying tuition,
therefore a formula account-
ing for three months of salary
A: “We’re anxiously await-
ing the child care task
force final report and their
to fix. But I do believe that the
money that we are putting
into the system is helping to
tive July 1. cost issue,” Page
Backers said those efforts said. and First Aid/CPR costs was formal recommendations. sustain our child care infra-
were designed to increase the To that end, Sen. Janet Pe- developed to support pro- That will help inform how we structure. I do think it’s going
child care workforce, increase tersen, D-Des Moines, raised grams paying new staff until potentially use some of the to improve it in some ways,
provider rates to maintain concern that Reynolds admin- child tuition payments could other federal funding sources but the work is not done, and
existing child care facilities, istration officials have decided take over that cost,” according that we do have. Whether there are certainly areas of the
provide incentives to develop not to use federal money to to the department. that’s for stimulus funding or system that are broken from a
new child care facilities, and cover child care provider pay Page said Iowa has roughly whether that’s part of our an- national perspective.”
help working families cover increases for existing staff 4,000 registered child care nual allocation to our block Comments: (515) 243-7220;
child care costs. State officials at a time when the employee providers, with up to 2,500 of grants. We’re just waiting to


Royyal Dog, a graffiti and street artist originally from South Korea, works on a mural Oct. 6 on the J&L
Staffing building on the east end of Sioux City’s West Seventh Street business corridor. According to
a city news release, the mural “will depict three girls who represent the African American, Southeast
Asian, and Jewish communities and businesses that have made their home in the West 7th Street
Corridor over the years.” The mural joins another mural that features a harrier hawk that was painted
across the street earlier this year by Sarah C. Rutherford. (Tim Hynds/Sioux City Journal via AP)

Artist hopes new mural makes

Sioux City wall ‘spring to life’
By Earl Horlyk, “I loved hip-hop music on the West Seventh
Sioux City Journal and culture,” he said. Corridor in the next year


“Graffiti was a big part
of that culture.”
or so.
“People do like watch-
$%)"!' *&#,('+
more than a week, a So was a style of pho- ing me paint,” Royyal
South Korean graffiti torealism that Royyal Dog said. “They will
artist has been trans- Dog uses for mural art. keep tabs on progress.
Saturday, October 23rd from 1:00-4:00pm
forming the side of a Using conventional It almost seems like
building into larger- paints as well as spray I’m putting on a bit of a Join us for the official Grand Opening of the new Vintage
than-life mural art. paint, his work is known show. My scaffolding be- Cooperative of Iowa City! This active 55+, maintenance-
On the outside wall for its color and atten- comes like a stage.”
of J & L Staffing and tion to detail. It is in this setting free community features 53 homes with floor plans that
Recruiting, 219 West Sev- “Nothing is more where the artist is en- range from 1050 sq.ft. - 1797 sq.ft.
enth St., are illustrations depress- tirely comfortable.
of three young women, ing than a SIOUX CITY First gaining atten-
dressed in traditional
Tour homes, common areas, and visit with co-op
black, gray tion for his art in the
Korean hanbok dresses, or white C.R. United States in 2016, members over refreshments. Find out what the co-op
surrounded by compass wall,” he I.C. Royyal Dog has created lifestyle is all about and how you can get on the waitlist
flowers. said. “Art a full-scaled mural in for future availability!
The girls, all of mixed can make a tribute to the late NBA
heritage, are meant to wall spring to life.” star Kobe Bryant in Los
represent the melting Local civic leaders Angeles as well as a spe-
pot that is Sioux City. seem to be in agreement. cial mural saluting for-
The work is expected to An all-day Alley Art mer first lady Michelle Active 55+ Living || Maintenance-Free || Spirit of Community
be completed soon. Festival was held in Obama in Chicago.
The Sioux City Jour- downtown Sioux City on Next up, Royyal Dog
nal reports the artist be- Sept. 25, giving local art- would like to complete a
hind the mural is Chris
*Masks Required for All Visitors
ists a chance to use brick mural of hip-hop legend
Changyang Shim, a walls as artistic canvas. Snoop Dogg he began a
32-year-old who grew up Royyal Dog’s own while back. 750 E Foster Road
in the countryside near salute to Sioux City — a Mostly, he’d like to
Seoul, South Korea. partnership between the continue to paint murals
Iowa City, IA 52245
Known professionally city and J & L Staffing that celebrate multicul-
as Royyal Dog, he ini- — is the latest piece of a turalism. (319) 430-7921
tially wanted to draw a multimillion-dollar, mul- “We all come from
graffiti style of art called tiyear project to revamp different heritages,”
Manhwa, which is simi- West Seventh Street. Royyal Dog said. “We
lar to Japanese Manga More murals are should be proud of
or comic book art. scheduled to be painted where we’re from.” VINTAGECOOPERATIVES.COM/IOWA-CITY
4C The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021



National Newspaper Week

Hardly anyone takes
note of the occasion,
including newspapers
By Diane Fannon-Langton,
It’s unlikely you’ll
ever see a Page 1 head-
line touting National
Newspaper Week —
which is no surprise.
National Newspaper
Week began in October
1940 but didn’t catch fire
with newspaper staffers.
As a whole, they rarely
toot their own horns,
having more important
stories to pursue.
This year’s National
Newspaper Week — you
likely missed it — was
Oct. 3 to 9. Its focus:
“Community Forum.”
The idea for a week
honoring newspapers
began with H.R. Helsby,
editor of the Olean, N.Y.,
Times Herald, who wrote This ad for National Newspaper Week ran in The Gazette on Oct.
of the incredible respon- 13, 1967. (Gazette archives photos)
sibility shouldered by a
free press and how news
gathering depends on the
public’s good will. WHAT ARE YOU
“A newspaper, to be
successful, must appeal INTERESTED IN?
to the rank-and-file of ● Have a suggestion of
people. It must provide where the Time Machine
information, entertain- should travel? We want to
ment and inspiration,” look back at key people,
Helsby wrote in 1939. places and events in Eastern
“It is entirely depen- Iowa and need your help.
dent upon the good will Email d.fannonlangton@
of the public; and noth-
ing its owners or its staff ● Time Machine is online,
can do can perpetuate it too, with additional time
if that good will is forfeit- This was the poster for National Newspaper Week in 1955, published in the Oct. 5 Gazette. The lines, photos and other
ed,” he said. “This unas- caption said the week “reminds you of the eternal battle the press wages with forces which would materials at
sailable fact is an irrefut- attempt censorship — direct or deviously — of any public action anytime and anywhere in this country.”
able answer to those who
continually charge that a Newspaper Week, Oct.
newspaper is ‘controlled’ 9-15, with “Freedom
by this or that interest.” in Our Hands” as the
FIRST OBSERVANCE Schools were provided
A newly formed with a program on the
Newspaper Association First Amendment to the
Managers set the first U.S. Constitution.
National Newspaper The last time The Ga-
Week for Oct. 1 to 8, 1940, zette mentioned National
as World War II was rag- Newspaper Week was
ing in other parts of the in an ad on Oct. 3, 2012,
globe. advertising a Gazette
The Gazette men- coffee with editors Zack
tioned that first obser- Kucharski and Annette
vance on Page 11, ex- Schulte.
plaining what the week
meant and why it was DIGITAL IMPACT
important. In 2021, fewer newspa-
“For generations, pers are landing in yards
Americans have taken and doorsteps, with more
their newspapers for people getting their news
granted, like pure water off laptops, tablets and
or fresh air. We have cellphones.
always had them,” the The Gazette has not
article read. “They have been immune to chang-
been easily available, In celebration of National Newspaper Week, Gazette readers were offered coffee and discussion on ing reader habits, closing
cheap, trustworthy. We Oct. 6, 2012. It was the last Gazette event for National Newspaper Week. its printing plant and
give lip service to a ‘free moving printing of the
press’ without the least paper to Des Moines.
understanding of its “A newspaper reader one year’s end to the Week at The Gazette Its reporting, editing,
meaning. isn’t going to acquire a next, it doesn’t have to featured editorials about advertising and circula-
“So, October 1st to sudden new appreciation tell him so. the value of newspapers, tion business remains in
8th has been designated of how vital a free press “The Gazette is not a the focus gradually Cedar Rapids and Iowa
as Newspaper Week. is to his freedom, secu- national newspaper. It turned to features about City.
Perhaps it is the war in rity and general welfare is an Iowa newspaper the carriers — usually “The industry’s fi-
Europe and threats to from a few words of edi- — more specifically an kids — who delivered the nancial fortunes and
our principles of freedom torial self-glorification,” eastern Iowa newspaper paper. subscriber base have
(freedom of the press the editorial stated. — edited and managed Flash forward to 1971. been in decline since the
being one of them) that “Unless his own paper primarily for what it con- A new program was A Gazette ad for National News- mid-2000s, but their web-
prompted this National is constantly on its toes ceives to be the interests introduced into schools paper Week ran on Oct. 10, site audience traffic has
Newspaper Week.” to reveal and battle the of the people of Cedar called “Newspaper in the 1977, with the theme “Freedom again begun to grow,”
At the end of the week, forces that threaten his Rapids and the sur- Classroom.” Using film in Our Hands.” the Pew Research Center
an editorial appeared interests, nothing it can rounding territory.” strips on current events, reported in June of this
expressing uncertainty say will convince him of news quizzes and class encouraged students to year.
about what to say about its indispensability. And CARRIERS, CLASSROOMS discussions, 364 newspa- read newspapers. So, there’s still plenty
a new national week if his paper is in there While the first five pers across the country, The program contin- to celebrate for National
honoring newspapers. pitching for him, from years or so of Newspaper including The Gazette, ued into 1977’s National Newspaper Week.

)+((/ "'( -$$(3 .!0,12!&,,*1.#01#%

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Come explore the dark side of downtown architecture
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with this unique historic alley tour.
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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 5C

IN TODAY’S GAZETTE Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids
CEDAR RAPIDS: Robert J. Bucklin, Barbara Ann Chester, Barbara Ann Chester, 86, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
Charles L. Davisson, Barbara G. Engholm, Leo L. Barbara G. Engholm, 87, passed away on Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021, at Living Center
Halsch, John Robert Holley, Gail Leggett, Helen M. formerly of Cedar Rapids, West in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Per her request, there will
Mendenhall passed away on Oct. 13, 2021, be no services. Murdoch Funeral Home &
GUTTENBERG: William D. Linderwell in Naperville, Ill. Funeral Cremation Service of Marion is assisting
IOWA CITY: Helenjean L. Heck Mass: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. the family.
MARION: Velda (Eash) Chapman 19, at St. Matthew Catholic Barbara was born on Dec. 28, 1934, in
SPRINGVILLE: John Karl Gagliardi Church, Cedar Rapids. Spokane, Wash., the daughter of William
OTHER DEATHS: Byron Lester Hensch (Poteet, Texas), Visitation: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and Agnes (Olson) Woolsey. On Oct. 11,
Myrna Lu Myers (Avondale, Ariz.), Paul Harper-Shirk in the church’s Kearn Hall. 1953, Barbara was united in marriage to
(Gainesville, Fla.), Michael Paul Valley (Jacksonville, Burial: Mount Calvary Edward Chester. She was a friendly person
Fla.), Kenneth Vogel (Lake St. Louis, Mo.), Edward Cemetery, Cedar Rapids. who could strike up a conversation with
"Butch" White (Waverly) Stewart Baxter Funeral & anyone and had a great sense of humor. Barbara loved
Memorial Services, Cedar to travel, enjoying many adventures through the years.
OTHER NOTICES Rapids, is caring for Barbara She was a devoted Green Bay Packers fan. Barbara will
and her family. be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her.
MANCHESTER Friends and extended family unable to join in person Barbara is survived by her two sons, Michael
Anthony “Bud” John Goedken, 87, died Friday,
may watch the Mass via webcast. A link to the webcast Robertson and Douglas (Rebecca) Chester;
Oct. 15, 2021. Leonard-Muller Funeral Home,
and to share your support and memories with Barbara’s grandchildren, Patrick (Nikki Williams) Robertson,
family can be found on her tribute wall at Shane (Angela) Robertson and Kristi (Kyle) Pillard; under obituaries. seven great-grandchildren; sister, Alice Coldsnow; many
Barbara was greatly loved by her six children, Kathy special nieces and nephews including, Jealee Weber and
OBITUARY SUBMISSION (Jeff), Donna (Norm), Dennis (Kari), Dan (Tawni), Jill Kim (Kirk) Dighton; several extended family members;
GUIDELINES (Jennifer) and Carol (Paul); 12 grandchildren, Mike and many friends.
All obituaries for Monday-Friday publication in The (Matthew), Todd (Heather), Andy, Joel, Sarah, Eric, She was preceded in death by her parents, William
Gazette must be submitted by 1 p.m. the prior day; Clare, Matthew, Will, Mark, Ryan and Julie; and two and Agnes Woolsey; husband, Edward; brother, William
obituaries for Saturday and Sunday publication must be great-grandchildren, Abigail and Timothy. Woolsey; and sisters, Mary Lubbers and Jean Peterson.
submitted by 1 p.m. on Fridays. There may be an earlier She was preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth; Memorials in Barbara’s memory may be directed to
deadline for holidays. The obituary department is parents, Francis and Mabel Hanify (nee Gary); and Camp Courageous in Monticello, Iowa, or Noelridge
staffed Sunday-Friday, but not on Saturdays. brother, Gary Hanify. Christian Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Obituaries must be received via email Barbara was born in Toledo, Iowa, where she lived Please share a memory of Barbara at
( or web submission form until she graduated from high school. She attended Iowa under obituaries.
( State College, earning her bachelor’s degree in textiles
All submitted obituaries will be edited for correct and clothing. She and Ken met at the Newman Center in
grammar and spelling, libel, and Gazette and AP Ames and were married Aug. 10, 1957. They made their
newspaper style. For more information, email home in Cedar Rapids where they raised their family GAIL LEGGETT or call (319) 398-8221. and were very active in their church, schools and Cedar Rapids
ROBERT J. BUCKLIN An avid seamstress and baker, she also knitted, Gail was called home on
crocheted, and enjoyed playing bridge, bicycling,
Cedar Rapids gardening, attending symphony concerts, and was a
Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021, to be
with her loving Savior, Jesus
member of the Home Economics Club. She volunteered Christ. She was a loving,
Robert J. Bucklin, 66, of in many capacities over the years, including in her
Marion, Iowa, passed away loyal, and faithful wife,
children’s schools, Camp Fire Girls, St. Pius X and St. mother, sister, aunt and
peacefully in his home on Matthew Catholic Churches and Mercy Hospital.
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021, grandmother. Memorial
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to the service: 11 a.m. Monday, Oct.
surrounded by family. Alzheimer’s Association at
Visitation will be from 4 to 18, at Stonebridge Church.
6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22, at Friends may visit with the
Cedar Memorial Park Funeral family before the service at
Home. A Celebration of Life 10 a.m. Teahen Funeral Home
will be held at 6 p.m.
CHARLES L. DAVISSON is serving the family.
Saturday, Oct. 23, at Indian Cedar Rapids Gail was born on Dec. 13,
Creek Country Club. 1955, in Normal, Ill., the
Survivors include his wife, Charles L. Davisson, 82, of daughter of Elwood and Dorothy (Shipley) Breidenbach.
Wendy (Dankert) Bucklin; Cedar Rapids, died Monday, She graduated from Clinton High School in 1974. On
children, Max (Cathy) Oct. 11, 2021, at the University June 5, 1976, Gail married Jeff Leggett in Sioux Falls,
Bucklin of Marion, Mindi (Kent) Vangilder of Cedar of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, S.D. Gail was proud to do in-home daycare while raising
Rapids and Somer (Jeff) Sherwood-White of Santa of pulmonary complications her four children. In 1993, she started with the Cedar
Clarita, Calif.; grandchildren, Rylie Bucklin, Gabe of COVID-19. Per his family’s Rapids Community School District, where she took great
Bucklin and Oliver Sherwood; sisters-in-law, Renee wishes, only private joy in influencing the education of hundreds of
Bucklin, Jackie Bucklin and Evelyn Prasil; brothers-in- observances will be held. children’s lives until her retirement in 2017. After
law, Jerry Dankert and Roger Prasil; and many nieces Brosh Chapel and The retirement, she deeply enjoyed playing with and caring
and nephews and great friends. Avacentre in Cedar Rapids is for her grandchildren, and spending more time with her
He was preceded in death by his parents, Francis L. caring for Charles and his family. She had a cherished positive attitude; her smile
and Mary G. (Dwyer) Bucklin; four brothers, Bill family. and infectious joy will always be what she is most
Bucklin, Patrick Bucklin, Mike Bucklin and Tim Charles, the son of Charles remembered for.
Bucklin; two sisters, Mary Conger and Patricia Bucklin; and Wealtha Davisson, was Gail is survived by her loving husband, Jeff Leggett;
and brother-in-law, Bernie Conger. born on April 18, 1939, in her children, Amanda (Erik) Kohl of Grinnell, Adam
Robert (Bob) was born the son of Francis and Mary Perlee, Iowa. He attended a one-room schoolhouse in Leggett of Cedar Rapids, Aaron (Lydia) Leggett of Canon
Bucklin on Sept. 15, 1955, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He was Perlee and graduated from Fairfield High School in 1957. City, Colo., and Abby (Joe) Woodward-Wallig of Grimes;
united in marriage to Wendy on Dec. 22, 2001. Bob and He went on to earn both B.A. and M.B.A. degrees from four grandchildren, Sean and Mackenzie Kohl, Greyson
Wendy became friends when they were 12 years old, but The University of Iowa. and Easton Woodward-Wallig; her siblings, Larry
as adults they followed separate paths until they were He was united in marriage to Barbara Stopher on Breidenbach (Tim Michelsen) of Sarasota, Fla., Vicky
reunited in January 2000. Prior to that, Bob was married Dec. 28, 1958. He moved to the Cedar Rapids area in 1965 (Russ) Warner of Sioux City, Cindy (Mark) Martin of
to Sarah (Fahnle) Essig. and worked at Collins Radio until it was sold to Sebastian, Fla., Lindy (Pat) Killean of Cedar Rapids and
Bob sold insurance for a period, but the majority of Rockwell. He then became an entrepreneur, owning real Carla (Greg) Warner of Madison, Ind.; father-in-law, Rev.
his life’s work was dedicated to the car and truck estate, laundromats and built a transportation business John Leggett of Sun Praire, Wis., Christine Leggett of
industry. Bob began his career at Gene’s DX in Cedar that employed over 400 people throughout Iowa. He was Essexville, Mich., Joe (Wendy) Leggett of Sioux Falls,
Rapids as a teenager and ended his career after 17 years a long-time member of First Congregational Church in S.D., Jerry (Patsy) Leggett of Tubac, Ariz., and Joyce
with Hunter Engineering, where he was a Cedar Rapids. (Dave) Grigg of Sun Prairie, Wis.; and 25 nieces and
manufacturer’s representative. Bob had a quick wit and Charles strongly valued education and passed that nephews.
loved a good joke. He most enjoyed playing golf and along to his children who each earned post-graduate Gail is preceded in death by her nephew, Nathan
spending time with friends and family. degrees and are also entrepreneurs within their Breidenbach; sister-in-law, Suzanne Leggett; nephew,
The family is especially grateful to Dr. Ann Stroh and respective fields. He also loved to travel with his family. Andy Leggett; parents, Elwood and Dorothy
all the nurses and staff at Hall-Perrine Cancer Center; Some of his favorite spots were Colorado, Europe and Breidenbach; mother-in-law, Dottie Leggett; and
Dr. Tim Sagers; and so many other doctors and nurses the Cayman Islands. While he was quiet, he was known brothers-in-law John Langford, Jim Leggett and John
over the years who cared for Bob. as kind and gentle and was always willing to help Leggett.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given to the others. His presence will be sorely missed. Memorials may be directed to West Willow
family or to Mercy Medical Center Foundation, Hall- The family is extremely grateful to the Heart and Elementary (previously Coolidge) in Gail’s name for
Perrine Cancer Center. Vascular Center at the University of Iowa Hospitals and books to add to their library.
Online condolences may be directed to the family at Clinics for their outstanding care of Charles over three Online condolences can be left for the family at under obituaries. decades.
Charles is survived by his wife, Barbara; children,
Robin Davisson (David Skorton) of Washington, D.C., HELEN M. MENDENHALL
and Chuck Davisson and Monique Johnson (Larry), both Cedar Rapids
LEO L. HALSCH of Cedar Rapids; as well as two grandchildren, Gabriel Helen M. Mendenhall, 73, of Cedar Rapids, passed
Cedar Rapids and Roman. away on Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021, at St. Luke’s Hospital in
Leo L. Halsch, 81, of Cedar Rapids, passed away at He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Cedar Rapids.
home on Friday, July 9, 2021. Family and friends are Wealtha; and brother, Ray Davisson. Her Celebration of Life will be held at
invited to gather for a Celebration of his Life from 2 to In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19, at Springs of
6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 23, at Leo and Jane’s home in made in support of the UI Heart and Vascular Center, Life Church Fourth Square Gospel in Cedar
Cedar Rapids. University of Iowa Center for Advancement, P.O. Box Rapids. Dawson Funeral Services of Olin is
Read Leo’s full obituary at, 4550, Iowa City, IA 52244-4450. On the memo line, please caring for her family.
searching under the obituaries tab. indicate “Gift in memory of Charles Davisson.” Helen Marie was born on Oct. 19, 1947, in
Contributions by credit card can also be made at Cedar Rapids, to George Anthony and Helen Online condolences may be Marie (Platt) Van Dee Kerkove. She
JOHN KARL GAGLIARDI expressed to the family at graduated from St. Ludmila Catholic School.
Springville For many years, she worked as a TSA for the Cedar
John Karl Gagliardi, 59, of Springville, passed away Rapids Airport. She also was employed at Souvenir
on Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021, at Mercy Medical Center. Group making pens.
Private family services will be held at WILLIAM D. LINDERWELL Helen had a very devoted relationship with God and
Murdoch Funeral Home & Cremation Guttenberg enjoyed bible study. She was a loving mother, sister,
Service of Marion. William D. Linderwell, 82, of Guttenberg, Iowa, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was salt and
John was born on Nov. 18, 1961, in Cedar passed away on Oct. 12, 2021, at the Guttenberg Care light to all of those around her. Helen was loved and will
Rapids, Iowa, the son of Karl and Dorothy Center. be missed by everyone who knew her.
(Pagel) Gagliardi. He was a 1980 graduate Bill was born Sept. 23, 1939, in Dundee, Those left to cherish her memories is her daughter,
of Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids. Iowa. He married the love of his life, Alicia Kosman of Mount Vernon; four grandchildren,
He went on to serve honorably in the U.S. Sharon Bauman, Sept. 13, 1969. They just Christy Pate, Devin Burns, Kelsey Kosman and Josey
Army. John was a master painter and celebrated 52 years together. Kosman; three great-grandchildren, Troy Cryder, Josiah
worked for the Solid Waste Co. If he wasn’t watching His greatest loves were his family, deer Auston and Jeremiah Gardner; and her siblings, Emily
the Hawkeyes, Vikings or Twins he was riding his hunting, fishing, cutting wood and playing Ramirez of Sioux Falls, S.D., Mildred McGuire of North
Victory motorcycle. John will be greatly missed by all cards. English, Ann Berstler of Marengo, George Van Dee of
who knew and loved him. He was employed at LeFebure in Cedar Cedar Rapids, Florence Moellers of Cedar Rapids, Sarah
John is survived and lovingly remembered by his Rapids as a welder and he served in the Martens of Shellsburg and Carl Van Dee of Cedar
father, Karl (Terri) Gagliardi of Marion; mother, U.S. Army. Rapids.
Dorothy Kilpatrick of Marion; son, Anthony Gagliardi of Survivors include his wife, Sharon; his son, Jamie She was preceded in death by her parents; son, Mark;
Colorado; sisters, Lynn (Greg) Brown of Cedar Rapids (Sherri); daughter, Shelley Tharp; grandchildren, Randy and a son-in-law, John Kosman.
and Debby (Jim) Roth of Marion; step-sister, Laura Tharp, Sally Jones, Mark Fite, Daniel Kelchen and Memorials may be directed to the family in his
(Mark) Olinger of Anamosa; niece, Katy Richard of Austin (Mel) Kelchen; and great-grandchildren, Kaylie honor. Cards of condolences for the family may be
Cedar Rapids; and nephew, Phillip Roth of Cedar Kelchen, Kirra and Kyler Caples. directed to Dawson Funeral Services Attn: Helen
Rapids. Family and friends may celebrate his life from 1 to Mendenhall Family, P.O. Box 258, Wyoming, IA 52362.
Please share a memory of John at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 24, at the American Legion, 204 Online condolences may be left for the family at under obituaries. Franklin Street Manchester, Iowa.
6C The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Iowa City Avondale, Ariz. Jacksonille, Fla.

Helenjean L. Heck, 83, Myrna Lu Myers, 86, of Michael Paul Valley, 44 of

loving wife of Dale, died Avondale, Ariz., formerly of Jacksonville, Fla., formerly of
peacefully at home on Cedar Rapids, Iowa, passed Cedar Rapids, died on
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021, away Friday, Oct. 1, 2021. Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021, of
surrounded by her family. Services will be announced at natural causes. Funeral
A service of remembrance a later date. Myrna and her service: 10 a.m. Friday, Oct.
and celebration will be held husband will be entombed at 22, at St. Patrick Catholic
at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 23, Cedar Memorial Park Church by the Rev. Greg
on the Heck property on Cemetery. Bahl. Burial: Mound
Gathering Place Lane, next to Myrna was very proud of Cemetery, Watkins. Friends
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian her service in the U.S. Air may visit with the family
Church. Father Jeff Belger Force as a W.A.C.K. She from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday,
will officiate. Inurnment will always made time for her Oct. 21, at Teahen Funeral
be at a later date at Oak Hill friends, family and loved Home. Mike’s funeral service
Cemetery in Tiffin. ones. She was one of a kind. will be livestreamed through
Helen was born May 1, 1938, in Iowa City, Iowa, the She is survived by children, St. Patrick’s Facebook account at
daughter of Robert and Velda (Runyon) Rowe. She was a Stephen Sandquist, Jon (Jean) Sandquist,
1956 graduate of Iowa City City High School. After Julie Cole and Rob (Todd) Sandquist; Mike is survived by his son, Michael, and daughter,
highschool, Helen attended the University of Iowa eight grandchildren; four great- Abigail, both of Jacksonville; parents, Barbara and
College of Nursing from 1956 to 1959. On May 2, 1959, grandchildren; and all the kids who Stephen Valley of Cedar Rapids; aunts and uncles,
Helen married Dale Heck. Helen and Dale owned and called her mom. Judith (Brent) Robbins of Council Bluffs, Debra
operated Heck Candy and Vending Company for over 45 Myrna was preceded in death by her husband, Gerald (Thomas) Johnson of La Crosse, Wis., Daniel (Margaret)
years. C. Myers; infant son Jerry; two sisters, Leta and Esther; Valley of La Crosse, Wis., Cathryn Drugger of Cedar
Helen loved to garden and enjoyed the beauty of and parents, Wallace and Allice Bixby. Rapids and Kay Hauke of La Crescent, Minn.
nature. She was active in her community throughout The family would like to thank all of her medical He was preceded in death by his grandparents, John
her life; she was a Girl Scout leader, a 4-H leader, a doctors and Hospice Of Valley. and Garnetta Luethye, and Maurice and Betty Valley.
school PTO president, and never said no when In lieu of flowers, please send memorials to Sandquist Mike was born on March 25, 1977, in Cedar Rapids,
volunteers were needed. She was always engaged with Family, 4120 37th Ave. SW, No. B, Cedar Rapids, IA. son of Barbara and Stephen Luethye Valley. He attended
charities. She logged countless hours at baseball and 52404. Cleveland Grade School and graduated in 1995 from
softball diamonds over the years, missing very few of Jefferson High School. Mike was a 17 year military
her children’s and grandchildren’s events. Throughout veteran, first serving in the U.S. Navy and then in the
the years, Helen fostered many students attending the Army, serving as sergeant during the Iraq War. He
University of Iowa. She had an infectious smile, a larger worked for the Florida Department of Health.
than life personality and never knew a stranger. Her Mike loved his family and enjoyed going to his kids’
home doors were always open. many school and sporting events. He will be missed by
Most important to Helen was her family. She loved PAUL HARPER-SHIRK all who knew and loved him.
being Grammy. Helen is survived by her husband, Dale, Gainesville, Fla. The family would like to thank the Wounded
and their children, Dave (Suzy) Heck of Iowa City and Paul Harper-Shirk died on Oct. 8, 2021, in his home in Warriors Project for helping Mike.
Deb Heck of Phoenix, Ariz.; son-in-law, Marty (Pam) Gainesville, Fla., of heart failure. He would have been 46 A memorial fund has been established in Mike’s
Jones of Iowa City; five grandsons, Chris (Renee) Jones, on Oct. 9. name that will benefit his children’s future or to be used
Cutler Simpson, Braxton Simpson, D.J. Heck and Gage Paul was born in Iowa City, Iowa, on Oct. for masses at St. Patrick Catholic Church.
Heck. 9, 1975, to Paul Harper and Carol Case. He Online condolences can be left at
Helen was preceded in death by her daughter, Pam spent many of his early years in Kirksville,
Jones; her parents; and her siblings, Robert, LaVonna, Mo., and Sundance, Wyo., but returned to
LaVelda, and an infant sister, Clara LaVerna. Iowa City for junior high and high school.
Helen was loved and will be missed by everyone who Paul is an alumnus of CEC, an alternative
knew her. high school where much of who he became EDWARD "BUTCH" WHITE
Helen’s family would like to share their heartfelt was formed. At age 17, Paul found himself
homeless due to a difficult divorce situation.
gratitude with Drs. Rick and Ann Larew and Dr. John Edward "Butch" White, 77, of Waverly, Iowa, died on
Canady for providing loving and compassionate care for His mentors at CEC and advocates at United Action for
Sept. 1, 2021.
our Grammy until the end. Youth guided him through the difficult process of
A Celebration of Life will be held from 5 to 7 p.m.
Online condolences may be sent to emancipation, securing him housing and supporting
Friday, Oct. 22, at the Waverly Area him to finish his education while working full time.
Veterans Post. Donations can be made in
Despite his difficult beginnings, he managed to
Ed’s honor to the Veterans Post.
become a well-loved townie and friend of many. He
VELDA (EASH) CHAPMAN studied computer science at Kirkwood CC and later put
Ed was born Oct. 8, 1943, to Ray Farnum
and Margaret (Weger) White in Cedar
Marion himself through LaJames International. He would
Rapids. Ed was a 1961 graduate of Jefferson
Velda (Eash) Chapman, 79, of Marion, Iowa, passed become a beloved hairdresser known for his flamboyant
High School. After graduation, he enlisted
away on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021, at Dennis & Donna style and quick wit. He described his work as “hairapy”
in the U.S. Air Force. Upon return, he met
Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy. A public visitation will because he wanted people to feel they were just as
the love of his life, Sandra Koepsell, and
be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon on beautiful inside as their hair color was on the outside.
they married Aug. 19, 1967 in Cedar Rapids. Ed
Wednesday, Oct. 20, at The Church on He tried to inspire people to love themselves and others.
graduated from Wartburg in 1972.
Northland (First Baptist Church-Church of To take his love of his career and clients further, he
Ed played fast pitch softball in Cedar Rapids winning
the Brethren) with a memorial service to would return to LaJames as a teacher to give others the
many state tournaments, including the United States
follow at noon. The family ask that masks gift he received when he was a student in need of
National Tournament with Welty Way in 1971. In 1972
be worn at the church. A private family guidance and inspiration.
they went on to the Philippines for the World
burial will take place at Oak Shade In 2001, Paul connected with the love of his life and
Championship only to lose the final game to Canada 1-0
Cemetery. Murdoch Funeral Home & occasional partner in crime Jeffrey Harper-Shirk over a
in eleven innings. While managing Midwest Galleries,
Cremation Service of Marion is assisting dinner to protest being single on Valentine’s Day or, as
Ed was selected all star manager. He was inducted into
the family. Jeff called it “Glorified Rejection Day.” The spark was
the Softball Hall of Fame in 1992.
Velda was born on May 8, 1942, in Iowa City, Iowa, lit, they used the L-Word in the first week and married
In 1985 Ed and Larry Wendt became business
the daughter of William and Ruth (Miller) Eash. She was on May 1st, 2009. Over their time together, they owned
partners and remained best friends. He was an avid
a 1960 graduate from Iowa Mennonite School in Kalona. and managed a series of salons and spas and taught
Cubs, Bears and Iowa Hawkeyes fan.
On Sept. 1, 1961, Velda was united in marriage to James hairdressing and cosmetology. They enjoyed traveling to
Ed is survived by his wife, Sandra; daughter, Kristine
C. Chapman in South English, Iowa. Velda had a love sunny climates, attending music festivals, snobbing it
of Florida; son, Dan of Waverly; granddaughters,
for traveling, getting her hair and nails done, shopping up at book signings of their favorite authors (Paul’s
Kathrine and Trisha; and sister, Donna Cross of Cedar
and being a social butterfly. But what she loved most of secret love was for “Chick Lit: Paranormal Cozy
all was spending time with her family, especially her Mysteries,’’ but I didn’t tell you that -- officially he liked
He was preceded in death by his parents; infant son,
great-grandchildren. Velda will be greatly missed by all horror novels), going to fantasy conventions, playing
Brian; and sister, Esther White.
who knew and loved her. role playing games and cosplaying, cooking French and
Velda is survived by her two daughters, Susan Chinese cuisine, and spending time entertaining their
(Michael) Benedict of Embarrass, Minn., and Elizabeth many friends and family members.
(Carroll) Bogard of Victor, Idaho; grandchildren, Katie He is survived by his husband, Jeffrey Harper-Shirk;
(Todd) Tumilty, Joseph (Deena) Johnson, Samual his sister, Paula Mackey; his nephew, Joey Shirk; and JOHN ROBERT HOLLEY
Johnson and Mikaela Bogard; four great-grandchildren, niece, Katie Shirk. He was a beloved husband, brother, Cedar Rapids
Audrey, Tyler, Delilah and Ivy; brothers, Dennis uncle, friend, teacher, hairdresser and merry trickster. John Robert Holley passed away suddenly, Sept. 7,
(Nancy) Eash and Michael (Angie) Eash; and He touched every life he encountered and will be 2021, in Richfield, Minn.
sister-in-law Rose Marie Eash. missed. John was born Oc. 17, 1969, in Ottumwa, Iowa, to
She was preceded in death by her parents, William A memorial is being held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Larry L. (Faye) Holley and Margaret (Richard) Hamed.
and Ruth Eash; husband, James Chapman; and siblings, Oct. 31, at Gay and Ciha Funeral home in Iowa City. For John grew up in Cedar Rapid, graduating
Verla Kaalberg, Judy Yoder and William Eash. more information, please visit In lieu from Kennedy High School in 1988. John
Memorials in Velda memory may be directed to The of flowers, please consider a donation to United Action continued his education after high school,
Church of Northland, The American Baptist Conference for Youth, Iowa City, IA 319-338-7518, receiving his Bachelor’s degree from the
of Green Lake, Wis., and Mercy Dialysis Center. University of Northern Iowa and Master’s
Please share a memory of Velda at Please visit his memorial page at degree in International Business from the under obituaries. For further University of Wisconsin (Whitewater). John
information, Williams-Thomas downtown, (352) 376-7556. moved to Minnesota after graduation, where
BYRON LESTER HENSCH he resided in the Minneapolis area until his passing.
Poteet, Texas John’s professional career was in the treasury and
May/15/1936 - Oct./8/2021 financial services area. Most recently, he was employed
by FIS as Global Head of Professional Services.
Byron Lester Hensch of John enjoyed cooking, traveling, deep sea fishing and,
Poteet, Texas, passed away at most of all, family.
home early Friday morning, KENNETH VOGEL John is survived by his parents; sons, Keagen and
Oct. 8, 2021, with his wife and Lake St. Louis, Mo. Brennan Nelson-Talley; brother, Brian Hamed (Brenda
children at his side, after a Kenneth Vogel, 91, former Cedar Rapids-area resident, Hayes), Lexus Hamed, Cayden and Taylor Hayes; and
long battle with complications passed away Oct. 2, 2021, after a lengthy illness. sister, Susan Hamed, Jacob and Julia Cacioppo.
caused by cancer. Ken and Lea Vogel (Lake St. Louis, Mo.) grew up on He was preceded in death by his paternal and
Byron was born in Cedar farms in Iowa, and were married for 71 maternal grandparents.
Rapids, Iowa, to the late years. Ken graduated from Iowa State A celebration of John’s life will be held at a later
Robert and Mary Hensch. He University and had a diverse career in date.
was a loving and faithful dairy plant management, life insurance/ Per John’s request, his ashes will become living
husband of 66 years to investments, and land development. His underwater Memorial Reefs in Cozumel.
Rosalie who is still living in hobby in later years was wall treatments. Memorials in John’s name may be made to
Poteet. He was also a Ken sang lead for 43 years with "The
dedicated and loving father to Vigortones Barbershop Quartet" and was
their three children: Scott Alan Hensch of Selma, Texas, the last living member.
Dawn Hensch Snow of Myrtle, Mo., and Dana Hensch Surviving children include Carle Nicklas of Lake St. EMBLEMS
Owens of Boerne, Texas. He was a loving grandfather to Louis, Mo.; Lael Buchanan (Bob) of Sarasota, Fla.; Emblems to accentuate the deceased’s involvement in
five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Kenda Fuerst, and Roger Vogel (Joann) both of Kearney, various organizations are available at $10 each. Up to
He was a structural engineer in San Antonio from Neb; seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. three symbols may be used per obituary. Some examples
1960 to 2006. A long-time amateur photographer, he also Ken loved playing pinochle and was also a proud are shown. Emblems for other organizations and fraternal
owned a photographic supply store and gallery with a woodworker. He planted trees in all nine homes where groups are also available.
professional darkroom on Broadway and taught he lived, all kinds and sizes. He was a member of Living
darkroom procedure at the Southwest Craft Center in Lord Lutheran Church in Lake St. Louis.
the 1970s. A memorial reception is planned at the Heritage of
He was admired for his quick wit, sharp intellect and Hawk Ridge Clubhouse in Lake St. Louis on Oct. 24 at American
Flag Footprints Christian Legion Muslim
talents. He is and always will be loved. 4 p.m.
Services will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. Donations may be made to the National Arbor
21, at Camero Funeral Home in Von Ormy, Texas. In Foundation “Trees in Memory”
lieu of flowers, please donate to your local spay and ( or by
neuter animal clinic in his name. calling 1 (888) 448-7337. VFW Elks Jewish Lions AmVets
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 7C

Hannah Longmire (center) leads her team Tuesday in a huddle before they begin their final race of the regular season at Cherry Hill Park in Cedar Rapids. (Geoff Stellfox photos/The Gazette)

Runner/Wants to be in Paralympics
Hannah was home-
schooled from third
through sixth grades.
When she went to junior
high last year, she didn’t
know what her peers
would think about her.
Would they stare at her
prostheses? Would they
think she looked little
when she took them off?
“I had this thing when
I didn’t want to take off
my prosthetics,” she
said. “I don’t have the
shape of a regular foot.
Usually when you take
off your shoes and socks,
you have a foot. When
you take off mine, it’s
like the bottom of a heel.
I don’t know if I really
have an ankle. I’m defi- Northwest Junior High’s Hannah Longmire warms up with teammates Tuesday before a race at Cherry
nitely a lot tinier without Hill Park in Cedar Rapids. Hannah’s legs were amputated when she was 2 years old.
But she made friends
who didn’t care about “It’s really nice to be part of a team, a supportive
her legs. They cared
more about her style and one, a family.”
her stories and the laugh
that bubbles out when Hannah Longmire, Northwest Junior High runner whose legs were amputated ABOVE: Teammate Kate Van Waning helps Hannah Longmire
she talks. remove her race sensor after her race Tuesday at Cherry Hill Park
Because of COVID-19, designed for people with learn how to do baton Hannah also has mod- in Cedar Rapids. TOP: Hannah, who is unable to reach the bottom
Hannah’s seventh-grade disabilities. “There are handoffs. eled, advertising prod- of her prosthetics, receives help putting on her race bib.
cross-country season not many people like me, Her hands are shaped ucts for Disney, Claire’s
was canceled. When with two prosthetics be- differently and her left and GoGo squeeZ apple- when she grows up. Washburn Middle School
track season rolled low the knee.” hand has a weaker grip. sauce. She is the second- “I want to be profes- Statewide Cross Country
around, it didn’t take Now, competing But she adapted, the youngest of Mack and sional running coach to Meet this Saturday in
long for her peers to see against eighth grade same way she did with Lee Longmire’s eight people who want to go to Ankeny.
her skill in 800-meter and girls from across Eastern writing, using chop children, three of whom the Olympics and Para- “It’s really nice to be
1-mile races. Iowa, “I get first place be- sticks and texting. have disabilities. lympics,” she said. This part of a team, a support-
“When I do my para cause I earned it. I didn’t “I text faster than a lot Given Hannah’s ease is after she goes to the ive one, a family,” she
races, it’s not the same get first place because I of people can,” she said. doing a newspaper inter- Paralympics herself in said.
because you have to run was the only one in my “I hold the phone with view, it’s no surprise she high school or college.
against people like you,” category,” she said. my pointer fingers and has a quick answer about Until then, Hannah Comments: (319) 339-3157;
Hannah said of races Hannah did have to text with my thumbs.” what she wants to be was excited for the Dick

Tree/City wants to build its list for years to come

; FROM PAGE 1C rated in Greene Square park. the year if they have a tree to more challenging, along came to the loss of any tree. Trees
It’s a nice holiday spectacle.” be considered that they’d be last year’s derecho and the list decorated for the holidays
Fagan noted. In years past, trees have willing to keep until the city is of potential trees the city had are only used if they would be
The city removes the tree come from across the city, and able to retrieve it. going was depleted. removed anyway and can be
free of charge for the home- even from surrounding towns “Usually, we put out a press “We scrambled to find one repurposed,” said Gail Loskill,
owner and grinds the stump. like Ely. Fagan said the city release and we would get sev- for last year,” Fagan recalled. Parks and Recreation commu-
The city in turn saves on the especially appreciates when eral people to respond, so we’d “But we’d like to get back to nications specialist for the city.
cost of purchasing a tree. it works out to use a tree that have a list of trees we could the point where we aren’t “The homeowners have
Once the tree is selected and is located near Greene Square review. We might then have scrambling every year.” always been meant to drive
then is being cut down, Fagan because transporting the tree five trees, so we’d be set up for Fagan noted he believes this, not the other way
said it usually garners a lot of is quite the process. a few years. Most folks were the city has found this year’s around. It’s our hope that they
neighborhood attention. It also has been a tradition OK with leaving the tree until Christmas tree, but definitely will call us when they have a
“A lot of people in the neigh- for the last several years to we need it, and it worked out wants to build the list for tree that needs to come down.
borhood come out to watch be- have the homeowners who do- really well.” years to come. It can be mutually beneficial.
cause there’s all kinds of equip- nated the tree flip the switch A 35-foot Colorado blue While it has always been We are doing everything we
ment there and then there's a at the annual tree lighting cer- spruce was donated by the the intention of the city to take can not to take down trees
40-foot tree flying through the emony that happens the first Jenay Sullivan family for 2019, down only trees that needed to unnecessarily.”
air for a little bit before it lands weekend in December. the city reported at the time. be removed for some reason, Homeowners who have a
and trailer,” he said. “It's al- “Most people really get a A spruce was donated by the staff reiterated that healthy tree that might meet the condi-
ways kind of neat when people kick out of that,” Fagan said. Steepleton family for last year, trees will not and never have tions for donation are asked to
come out and watch that. Fagan noted that while the but the lighting ceremony was been considered for removal. email forestry@cedar-rapids.
“And then we always get a city is looking for residents held virtually due to the coro- “The city values every tree org with the owner’s name
positive response from people to contact it now, they also navirus pandemic. in Cedar Rapids, and now — and address as well as infor-
who see the tree up and deco- may reach out at any time in As if to make the process more than ever — is sensitive mation about the tree.
8C The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021

Breeders/No reinspection fee in Iowa

; FROM PAGE 1C possible. eyes on the facility, even by
“If we go there a certain means of scheduling an ap-
Black wrote in one January amount of times and we’re un- pointment,” there must be
report that “basset hounds do able to reach someone, then consequences for denying ac-
not appear to have adequate we may have to schedule a cess to the inspectors. Nebras-
cover from weather and wind. time,” she said. ka, she said, imposes a $125
It is the responsibility of the Animal advocates say that reinspection fee on breeders in
licensee to ensure that all process makes no sense: All a such cases, and also has them
animals are protected against dog breeder must do to avoid pay costs based on the inspec-
freezing temperatures and a surprise inspection by the tor’s mileage.
that bedding is not allowed to state is violate the federal
blow away.” regulation that guarantees in-
Later in January, Black PLAN FOR FEWER SURPRISE
spectors access to any licensed
returned and wrote that “the facility during regular busi- INSPECTIONS DREW CRITICISM
roof of the large outbuilding ness hours. Since that viola- Under the Trump admin-
remains at issue,” but added tion rarely results in a penal- istration, the USDA moved
the dogs inside the building ty, a breeder risks nothing by away from surprise federal in-
were “protected from falling simply refusing to come to the spections. In 2018, the agency
debris with sufficient struc- door or answer the phone. sent licensees a letter an-
tural change.” “We’ve often heard that nouncing a pilot project that
Black’s report suggested breeders who are not ready for would make use of scheduled,
there were too many animals Inspectors filed this photo taken during a visit to a Wayne County dog breeder
— Daniel Gingerich — facing state and federal sanctions for dozens of Animal inspection just will not answer announced inspections to de-
for Hollie Pille to care for, stat- termine whether they would
Welfare Act violations. In a description of the photo, inspectors note there was a the door and take a minor
ing: “The population is cur- lack of potable water for the dogs. (Federal court exhibit) ‘unavailable’ violation, as op- improve “the efficiency of our
rently 34 canines in the care of posed to getting more severe inspection program and im-
one adult. Reduction conver- violations,” said Mindi Cal- prove the humane treatment
sation will continue.” of animals.”
In early February, Black “We’ve often heard that breeders who lison of Bailing Out Benji, an
Iowa-based animal advocacy That proposal died after an-
was traveling to the facility to
conduct another inspection. In
are not ready for inspection just will group. imal-rights groups, including
the American Society for the
“This does a huge disservice
her notes on that visit, Black not answer the door and take a minor to the animals in their care Prevention of Cruelty to Ani-
indicated the visit was a pre- because the inspectors are mals, protested. At the time,
arranged appointment. She ‘unavailable’ violation, as opposed to not seeing how these animals the organization said planned,
wrote: “Scheduled for 10:30.
During drive, appointment getting more severe violations.” live year-round. We saw this
in the Daniel Gingerich puppy
announced inspections “give
puppy mills plenty of time to
was canceled due to personal, mill case where he denied clean up filthy conditions and
family emergency. Will at- Mindi Callison, of Bailing Out Benji animal advocacy group
entrance to an inspector and temporarily conceal suffering
tempt to reschedule for the said, ‘Just cite me for refusing animals.”
week of February 8, 2021.” the inspection.’ ” Asked how often Iowa’s
Black then emailed Hol- notes, Hollie never responded. the four dogs housed there Gingerich is a Wayne Coun- dog breeders are informed in
lie Pille and stated, “Thank In February, Black drove to were “protected by a cover of ty breeder facing state and advance of the precise time
you for having Kurt contact the facility. In her notes, she fencing sections.” federal sanctions for dozens and date of a state inspection,
me to reschedule today’s ap- wrote: “On this day Thursday, She also noted that walls of Animal Welfare Act viola- Compass said she would fol-
pointment. I currently have February 25, 2021, 10:54, I’m that once were lined with tions. Federal officials say low up on that question with
Monday or Wednesday of next attempting an unannounced exposed insulation were now that this summer, Gingerich the department’s “animal
week available, if 10:30 works inspection. The residence ap- covered in plastic sheeting, repeatedly refused to let them team” and report back.
for you. Just let me know pears occupied, with usual and that she had a “realistic inside a barn on his property The agency has yet to pro-
which day.” autos on site. The front door discussion” with the owner in Seymour, telling inspectors vide that information.
Hollie wrote back: “Let’s is not accessible by foot due about “heated water bowls or to just write him up for deny- The Iowa Capital Dispatch
do Wednesday at 10:30, I’ll see to loose canines. I attempted a buckets for winter 2021.” ing them access. recently requested access
you then.” text message and a phone call. Eventually, the inspectors to all of the emails Black ex-
Black responded: “Hollie: Ms. Pille appears to be avoid- STATE: SOME INSPECTIONS changed with the Pilles. An
got inside and found 27 dogs
My Wednesday is already ing regulation. I sat in vehicle MUST BE ANNOUNCED Gingerich had allegedly hid- Iowa Department of Agricul-
booked. My earliest opportu- in driveway twenty minutes.” Iowa Department of den there in “filthy” condi- ture representative said the
nity to your area is Friday the In March, Black returned Agriculture spokeswoman tions, including some dogs fee for access would be $25 an
12th or Tuesday the 16th of and found the facility to be Keely Compass said the that were dead, emaciated or hour to retrieve the emails,
February. Do either of those in complete compliance. She agency attempts to make all of left without water. plus 25 cents per page. The
mornings work for you at wrote that while the outbuild- its inspections unannounced, Callison said while it’s im- Capital Dispatch declined the
10:30?” According to Black’s ing roof was still in disrepair, but adds that this isn’t always portant for inspectors to “get offer.

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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 1D


Downtown Farmersburg on July 23. (Lyle Muller / IowaWatch)

Despite declining population, rural areas make up Iowa’s soul

elaxing with a cup of coffee at Knowing people is the happy trade-off for all Figures from the 2020 census, released in
the hard work needed to keep a small business August, showed Iowa’s urban population in-
Madeline’s in Riverside, Iowa, going in a town the size of Riverside, population creasing to 64 percent of the state’s 3.16 million
you could hear Morgan Rod- 1,061 in the 2020 census. Rodgers at least is for- people. Urban residents had been around 61
gers chatting with customers tunate to be living in one of the few Iowa towns percent of Iowa’s population in both 2010 and
with 5,000 or fewer people that grew from the 2000, 58 percent in 1990 and 57 percent in 1980.
one recent August morning. She knew 2010 census, when Riverside’s population was But the way of life that appeals to people
them all. 993. in small, rural towns is at risk, according to
The hard work needed to be a vibrant small research into multiple data sets that include
“We just appreciate our customers and the town is a big reason Iowa’s government, busi- population, employment figures and school
continued support they’ve given us,” Rodgers, ness and civic leaders are worried when they performance; a series of IowaWatch interviews;
an 11-year resident of Riverside, said about the see rural Iowa losing people. and visits reporter Pat Kinney and I made
shop she and her husband, Andy, opened in If urban areas are Iowa’s heartbeat, the
May 2019. state’s rural areas are its soul. ; MULLER, PAGE 4D


A partisan pledge in a nonpartisan race

owa City’s supposedly non- man out. He is not support- and the media saw them that candidates isn’t coordinat- ly are divided along national
partisan city council race ing any other candidates and way. The left-leaning alterna- ing to the same extent as the partisan lines. Local parties
feels pretty partisan this he didn’t seek their support. tive magazine Little Village “Core Four,” but they have have become involved with
year. Not coincidentally, Glass is a captured the vibe nicely — its variously appeared at events nonpartisan races.
Three of the four candidates former Republican, while the postelection cover depicted the together, hoisted each other’s More than two dozen
— Bruce Teague and Megan other three are active Demo- four candidates as some kind signs and exchanged endorse- Johnson County Democrats,
Alter for at-large and Shawn crats. of medieval warriors. ments. Alter’s website lists including Harmsen, recently
Harmsen for District B — are It’s a bit of a throwback to I think candidates on the Harmsen as an endorser and signed a party loyalty pledge
mutually supporting one an- 2015, when the progressive same ballot supporting each also listed Teague until it was endorsing Alter and Teague,
other in one way or another. “Core Four”swept Iowa City other is unhealthy for our recently updated. “Democrats in good standing
The other at-large candi- elections. Candidates said they form of local government. The backdrop of all this is
date, Jason Glass, is the odd weren’t a slate, but supporters This year’s cadre of cozy that local elections increasing- ; SULLIVAN, PAGE 4D

Iowa City
Book Festival
October 18-24
2D The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021

Andrews would be a
“Our potential strong C.R. mayor
is limitless. The election for the mayor
of Cedar Rapids is important
Realizing that and deserves our attention.
potential requires While several of those run-
ning have held leadership
bold leadership, positions in our city, my
vote will be cast for Amara
and not just a Andrews.
Amara is a strong leader
modest upgrade.” with a rich background of
experiences in both econom-
Amara Andrews, candidate ic development and social
for Cedar Rapids mayor justice initiatives. Amara
can capably provide direc-
“During the next tion as we continue to grow
our economy and, at the
four years, with same time, bring opportu-
nity to those in our commu-
my experienced nity who have had no voice.
leadership, we Amara understands the need
for business initiatives and
will keep the know that many in our city
have been left out of those
momentum initiatives in the past.
moving forward.” Amara is actually the can-
didate for “all the people” as
Editorial cartoonist Joe Heller is based in Green Bay. Comments:
she understands the needs of
Brad Hart, candidate for
everyone in our community.
Cedar Rapids mayor
She can lead our city and creating a more vibrant com- City, Jason deserves your up his sleeves and fights for
provide representation for munity. I appreciate the time vote on Nov. 2. you, your family and our city
“Some days everyone. she has taken to connect with Terry and Jo Dickens every day, then Brad Hart
Please vote in the Nov. 2 the neighborhood associa- Iowa City should be your choice.
it seems like election and give Amara An- tions about what the city can I hope you will join me in
drews your strongest consid- do to expand, support and Hart’s record makes proudly voting Brad Hart for
we’re running in sustain diverse communities.
eration. A vote for Amara is him best pick for mayor mayor. We still need to have
place. I’m tired a vote for a progressive and
innovative future.
I hope you will take the time
to read more about her plans During the Flood of 2008, I
Gary Ficken
of watching other Mary Wilcynski and to meet her. I know when crossed paths with Brad Hart Cedar Rapids
you do, you’ll join me in vot- and was impressed that he
cities pass us by.” Cedar Rapids
ing for Tiffany on Nov. 2! was willing to help strangers Republicans take credit
O’Donnell is the right Amy Reasner muck out their homes. In the for bill they opposed
Tiffany O’Donnell, candidate aftermath of the derecho, I
person to be mayor Cedar Rapids
for Cedar Rapids mayor was impressed that he was In March, the American
While we are fortunate to Glass would provide at the crisis command center Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was
day despite having his signed into law by President
“It’s not just have four good people offer-
ing to serve us as mayor, Tif-
leadership in Iowa City every own house severely dam- Joe Biden. Only Democrats
treating medical fany O’Donnell is the right Your vote is important aged to the point where a voted in favor of the legisla-
person for the job right now. and we ask you to cast your tree hit his wife as it crashed tion. Included were provi-
needs. It’s Tiffany, through her experi- ballot Nov. 2 for Jason Glass through the roof. sions for emergency rural
for Iowa City Council. The fact that he has served development grants for rural
treating basic ence as COO and then as the
CEO of a women’s leadership Iowa City needs strong, on the boards of many non- health care, K-12 education,
needs, so they development organization, sensible leadership and we
believe Jason Glass is the
profits in this community
is something that I admire
child care, emergency assis-
tance for rural housing and
has not only been at the fore-
can be healthy front of driving diversity, right person for the job. Ja- about him the most, his em- broadband investment, to
equity and inclusion, but son is a proven collaborator, pathy for others. When you name a few.
and learn.” works every day to expand problem solver and an inde- look at the past four years, Only one representative
opportunity for women pendent thinker. despite a pandemic and a from Iowa voted for this
Sara Gordon, school nurse across the state. She knows He has spent 20 years derecho, I see progress. The legislation, and that was
at Metro High School in what the city can do to help working in human resource city has fixed miles of streets Rep. Cindy Axne of the 3rd
Cedar Rapids businesses retain their talent roles in various organiza- and flood protection is ex- District. Yet, our governor
and to create a welcoming tions in the area, and is cur- panding every day. You also is now touting the receipt of
funds for increasing broad-
“When we got environment for new talent.
Moreover, Tiffany has been
rently serving as vice chair
on the Iowa City Human
see the announcements of
new amenities such as Cedar band access in the state.
together with building the kind of relation- Rights Commission. He is Lake and First & First. There Look, I don’t know the rea-
sons given by members of
ships with business, indus- the equal opportunity leader is also continuous news of
the schools it try as well as local, state and for his National Guard unit business expansion, which Congress to oppose the legis-
lation, but it is particularly
was to make our national leaders that Cedar
Rapids needs to create a cli-
and also served a term
on the Iowa Human Rights
brings family-supporting
jobs and more housing devel- galling to take credit for
program even mate where businesses and Commission. opment projects. legislation that you opposed,
and it is also distressing
nonprofits can thrive and Jason loves Iowa City It is his track record and
better.” where all ages have plenty of and is committed to put forth experience that we need to that so many Iowans don’t
educational and recreational the time and energy it takes keep Cedar Rapids on the recognize that Democrats in
Brent Long, captain with opportunities. to serve on the Iowa City right path. Congress were the only ones
the Cedar Rapids Police As an owner and one of the Council. If you want a polished to vote to help the residents
Department, on recently leaders of a small business in With his vast experience, public speaker or a great of this state. Opposing leg-
approved changes to the downtown Cedar Rapids, I re- his strong record of service politician who never says islation is one thing; taking
department’s agreement spect Tiffany’s fresh perspec- and his ability to give a the wrong thing, Brad may credit for it is quite another.
with Cedar Rapids schools tive on speeding up the flood respectful and rational ap- not be your candidate. But, if Carolyn L. Stucker
and derecho recovery and proach to issues facing Iowa you want a mayor who rolls Springville
“We’re fully
housing stock

The full ache of autumn arrives

in Cedar Rapids
is extremely
low after the

derecho.” s I write this there are two small as hell shouldn’t be on a motorcycle. wait to ditch my football uniform to
rib-eye steaks smoking on my It has been a tough year for animals. spend a bit of time with my girlfriend
Sara Zejnic, director of outdoor grill. My side dish may The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has at her parents’ house after the game, a
refugee and immigrant be cottage cheese. I come from people proposed that nearly two dozen crea- sweetheart flute player with spearmint
services at Catherine wherein the women of the house tures be declared extinct, including breath. Full ache indeed.
McAuley Center in Cedar worked very hard and long on side dish- the spectacularly beautiful ivory-billed A week ago I was crossing a bridge
Rapids, on challenges of es, while the men stood by a grill, can of woodpecker, a bird last seen during from Iowa to Illinois and there was
placing new Afghan refugees beer in hand, perhaps drawing on light- World War II. a long diesel train rumbling heavily
into adequate housing ed nicotine, turning meat on occasion I predict that the fuzzy black and beneath my car, heading south along
and, invariably, receiving the compli- brown woolly bear caterpillar will be the Mississippi River, a three-engine
“It’s like the ments for his wonderful cooking. Why
women stood for this I have no idea.
extinct soon. The colorful little crea-
tures have been very common here
Burlington Northern Santa Fe freight
train carrying hundreds of thousands
system is having Another year has passed and once for years, foolishly crossing highways, of tons of cargo toward St. Louis and
again I was passed over for a MacAr- beginning in August and ending their New Orleans. At the time my car radio
a party with the thur Fellowship, the so-called “genius journey in late October or November. was playing Vivaldi, but it should have
grant.” How is this possible? Actually, This year I’ve encountered exactly one. been an old railroad song, Willie Nel-
people in the I’m not a genius by any stretch of the I wanted to stop my car and help her son, Jimmie Rodgers maybe.
alley below it.” imagination, but I’m smart enough to
realize that my plan to get back onto a
across the road. I hope she made it.
Yesterday a large flock of Canada
The sound of a train feels forlorn.
Not sure why. Hearing it I thought
Jason Snell, a local artist, motorcycle this year was a bad idea. geese flew low over the house, a chorus about those we’ve lost the past couple
on the new light display You see, some months back I pur- of honking and chatting it up, heading of years, 700,000 to COVID in the United
in an alley between South chased a riding tractor, my first, and north. I waved my arms and yelled, States alone, many thousands to other
Dubuque Street and South with only three hours on it I found wet “No, no! You’re going the wrong way!” causes and now I look for the ghosts of
Linn Street in Iowa City grass and a hill. Not a good combina- Not surprisingly the flock ignored me. those who have gone before, beautiful
tion, as I was tossed down the hill, It’s raining here and it feels like ghosts who make sure we are our best
tractor tumbling behind me, stopping we’re into the full ache of autumn, the selves. I welcome them.
“Stadiums and inches away. Even average Kurt is time of year when love takes us by Kurt Ullrich lives in rural Jackson County. His book
bright enough to realize that at age 70 if surprise. It did for me in high school
arenas across the he can’t handle a riding tractor he sure more than 50 years ago when I couldn’t
“The Iowa State Fair” is available from the University
of Iowa Press.

country that face

staffing shortages INSIGHT & BOOKS
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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 3D


Bold leadership, Our great city is Make a brighter

righteous energy on the right track city for everyone
re we better off incubator program for have had the great homes. I’m also proud have two big rea- I’m tired of watching
now than we entrepreneurs. I cur- honor of serving as of our police and fire de- sons for running for other cities pass us
were four years rently serve as a leader your mayor since partments for their hard mayor: Devon and by. I’m concerned that
ago? If your answer in one of the largest 2018. During that time, I work directly with our Lucci, my daughters. we’re “OK with being
gives you pause, then homegrown businesses have witnessed firsthand citizens as they support I’m a lifelong Iowan OK.” We need new
we must consider a in our city. Now, I hope the generosity, ingenuity and protect our city. and my husband, Mi- leadership that expects
change. As Iowa’s sec- to work for you. and resiliency of Cedar During the next four chael, is a fifth genera- more. I’m ready to be
ond largest city and one We are in the midst Rapidians. I brought to years, with my experi- tion Cedar Rapidian. that leader.
of the largest economic of extraordinary times, the mayor’s office almost enced leadership, we We moved home in As a 15-year news
engines regionally, our and we need leaders 40 years of experience as will keep the momentum 2001 to raise a family. anchor, the stories of
potential is limitless. with clear-eyed vision a business attorney and moving forward — mo- As our girls got older, Cedar Rapids were per-
Realizing that potential to help us navigate 30 years of serving this mentum that allowed we encouraged them sonal for me. For the
requires bold leader- massive recovery — community in volunteer Cedar Rapids to grow to pursue their dreams past six years, I’ve been
ship, and not just a from floods to the pan- leadership roles. its population at almost wherever they may be, advocating for women
modest upgrade. demic, to the derecho. Together we’ve twice the rate of Des hoping that someday and helping grow their
Some folks have These are tough chal- navigated through a pan- Moines. We will ensure they would return careers. Along the way,
suggested that because lenges, but with the demic and worked to re- derecho relief is finished home like we did. But I’ve been an active com-
I’m not a native Cedar right leadership, they cover from a devastating and “ReLeaf” our city will they? If they don’t, munity leader building
Rapidian, I can’t possi- can provide us opportu- derecho. Despite those as we recover from the who will? things like NewBo City
bly share Cedar Rapids nity, and a real shot at grave challenges, over loss of 65 percent of our If we want all our Market and more. I
values. The truth is, renewal. the last four years we’ve tree canopy. We’ll con- kids, and the workforce want to put that experi-
three out of the four can- It has been an honor held the line on the city’s tinue our ongoing street of tomorrow, to make ence to work for all of
didates were not born to run for mayor. I’ve tax levy rate, continued improvements, add to Cedar Rapids home, we Cedar Rapids.
here. We’re transplants, had the chance to meet to improve and fix our our flood control system need a new approach. I’m not a politician.
and that is something thousands of people streets, built key sec- and grow our tax base To see a future Cedar I’m a mom, a neighbor,
we should celebrate. who, at their core, tions of our flood control with quality jobs to help Rapids, just look at a small-business
My values were share our values. We system, and issued more make Cedar Rapids the our great past. There owner. I’m supported
passed down to me value community and than $1 billion to grow best place in Iowa to live, was a day when Cedar by Democrats,
from my father, who one another, no mat- our economy and our tax work and play. Rapids had diverse Republicans and
was raised in the seg- ter your race, creed or base. I’m proud that more neighborhoods like independents. One
regated South, and country of origin. We In addition, we’ve than 65 percent of our Czech Village and Time hundred percent of
my mother, who was all choose Cedar Rapids helped create family- residents believe our Check with affordable my donations come
born right here in the because we believe in supporting jobs by at- great city is on the right housing, shops and from individuals. It’s
Midwest. They both its potential. My prom- tracting new businesses track. It would be my restaurants all within about Cedar Rapids for
worked hard to provide ise to you if elected: I and by working with our honor to continue serving a 15-minute walk, sur- me. Let’s make Cedar
a loving home. I went to will lead with compas- existing small business- you. I’m proud of what rounding a vibrant Rapids that brighter
college and law school. sion, thoughtfulness es. We’ve significantly we’ve accomplished to- downtown. A city with city for everyone —
I worked as a teacher and a righteous energy increased affordable gether over the past four a place for everyone. together. I humbly ask
in the inner city, for a to move our community housing units, and are years, and I humbly ask What’s holding us for your vote on Nov. 2.
nonprofit that sought forward. committed to helping for your vote on Nov. 2. back? Leadership.
to close the achieve- Amara Andrews is a candidate people finish rebuilding Brad Hart is a candidate for Cedar Some days it seems like Tiffany O’Donnell is a candidate
ment gap and ran an for Cedar Rapids mayor. their derecho-damaged Rapids mayor. we’re running in place. for Cedar Rapids mayor.


I believe in the people Integrity and the ability to lead

e live in a time that feels another, listening to new perspec- here was no play- der construction are now I’ve worked diligently in
so divided by politics — tives, and working together to cre- book for an event opening. Our new flood my years on the City Coun-
“Are you a Democrat or ate solutions that work for us all. like last year’s control system has come cil to develop programs
Republican?” — as if that ques- We need leadership that really derecho, but our City online in parts of our city, that address gun violence
tion tells us everything we need listens to the needs of the people, Council and staff looked providing peace of mind to through innovative social
to know about a person. But deep that puts in the hard work to find to the lessons we learned businesses and citizens in services, jobs programs
down, we know that people are solutions that work for businesses, from past disasters and flood zones. and recreation opportuni-
more complex than their parties. industry, people and the environ- got right to work address- Yet there still is much ties. I’ve pioneered the
As a native Cedar Rapidian who ment; that does the work to find ing this one. Public works to do. We’re still working development of community
traveled the world doing research answers that balance the needs of crews went to the city’s to shore up the safety nets assets like Cedar Lake and
and working with local communi- each, but not at the expense of the well fields to secure and for people who are living our parks and trails. When
ties to create actionable policy, I other. protect our water and in poverty or with mental local restaurants needed
can safely tell you that there is no We’ve been through floods, sewer systems. Search illness. Our slow COVID flexible options for serving
better place than Cedar Rapids, derechos and a pandemic. And here and rescue teams visited recovery continues to customers outside because
and that’s why I came back. We we are, still. We have always risen countless buildings. Waste challenge us with labor of COVID, I helped make it
care about this town and the peo- to the occasion and absolutely no and debris collection shortages that impact happen.
ple in it, and we show up for each one in this state, country or world kicked into high gear. We businesses and supply- Experience, leadership,
other when things get rough. would dare question how resilient all worked together, and chain delays that impact integrity and the ability to
We are all allowed to disagree, we are. we survived with no loss of the marketplace. make tough decisions are
that’s the easy part. The hard part I believe in Cedar Rapids be- life in Cedar Rapids. As mayor pro tem and the traits I bring every day
is what we do after. We all have cause I believe in the people of In our ongoing recov- chairman of the Public to the City Council. I ask
something to learn from one an- Cedar Rapids. And I hope to har- ery, we’ve already made Safety and Youth Services for your support this No-
other. When we create space for ness the energy, intelligence and repairs and improvements Committee, my priority vember so we can continue
disagreement, we create space for compassion of our great city to be a to public amenities like has always been to make the citywide progress we
conversation and for reconcilia- conduit for the will of the people. our ice arena and Veter- sure that all people feel are making.
tion. That is how we build a united Tamara Marcus is a candidate for Cedar Rapids ans Memorial Stadium. safe as they live, work and Dale Todd is a candidate for Cedar
community — by challenging one City Council. Roads that have been un- prosper in our community. Rapids City Council.


Where we’ve been and what Develop a future vision to

we have yet to accomplish serve the whole community
have been a resident of Marion had the experience of managing am honored to be seeking re-elec- representatives to address critical issues
for 40-plus years. During that budgets that require close attention tion for Marion City Council. I was and fund community needs.
time, my wife Jean and I have to income and expenses, especially appointed to the City Council in 2016 Being in the insurance industry has
enjoyed watching the community in a rapidly growing community. and elected in 2017 to serve in one of exposed me to the risks and challenges
grow and prosper. Add the business development three at-large positions. experienced by our residents, business
We’ve also had the opportunity to experiences I have had to this list, My wife and I are longtime residents owners and senior citizens. Under-
have our family born and raised as and I feel well qualified to meet the of Marion, where we have raised our standing this helps me be of enhanced
a part of this growing community. needs of all Marion residents and children and grew our insurance busi- service to the City Council.
My sons William, John and David businesses. ness over the past 25 years. Being in Thankfully we have many positive
and now my daughter-in-law Sa- My community involvement has civic roles such as an on-call firefighter, projects and programs underway and
mantha have enjoyed Marion as a allowed me to develop strong rela- chair of the Marion Firefighters Associ- forthcoming. Hiring and onboarding
great place to live, play, work and tionships that will continue and ex- ation, Local Option Sales Tax Oversight our next city manager and starting
grow our family. pand as we come up with solutions Committee member and chair of the work on our upcoming budget are at the
I believe my background as an to meet our future needs. Marion Chamber Ambassadors, I have top of our “to-do” list while maintaining
administrator, current member While I have heard from many learned that community service is my oversight of the vital projects currently
of Marion Planning and Zoning of you the key discussion points for passion. underway. Helping our current projects
Commission, former chair of the community, I recognize the need As a certified elected municipal of- to be successful while fostering an en-
MEDCO and former chair of to continue to listen, learn and lead ficial, I am active in the Iowa League of vironment to develop the community’s
the Chamber of Commerce has while being cognizant of our city’s Cities. I also serve on Marion’s Hotel- future vision is foremost in my mind.
strengthened my understanding past and the impending future. Motel Tax Review Board and our Invest- Importantly, my re-election to
of where we have been and what With your vote, I will look for- ment Oversight and Marion Airport the City Council will offer stability in
we have yet to accomplish. My ward to continue serving Marion Advisory committees, and I am a repre- this pivotal time. I look forward to ap-
background in education and the and will use my demonstrated sentative on the Corridor Metropolitan plying my deep civic background to
various federal, state and local strengths of leadership to accom- Planning Organization. This experience support the introduction of our new city
funding streams add to my strong plish our goals. enables me to bring meaningful perspec- manager.
background in managing finances Dale Monroe is a candidate for Marion City tives to council proceedings. Notably, I
in a growing community. I have Council. visit our Statehouse, working alongside Randy Strnad is a candidate for Marion City Council.
4D The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Entrepreneurship: A gateway for immigrants

efore a pandemic crossed born in the U.S. connections in one area, and assist immigrants with entre- with a few hundred friends
the county line, before a This was certainly the case without the support of a men- preneurial endeavors. and watched the origin story
derecho caused a single for real estate agent Marie tor to shepherd her through Catherine McAuley Center of GreatAmerica Financial, a
leaf to quiver and before the Hancock. Marie arrived in the first year or two as is offers a child care business Cedar Rapids institution.
very first 2020 census-taker Iowa with an education fo- common in the real estate development program that The Metro Economic
rang a doorbell, I joined a cused on finance, and her industry. offers business planning and Alliance was presenting
crowd gathered at National corporate pursuits reflected “My peers will say to a cli- ongoing support in addition to GreatAmerica founder Tony
Czech & Slovak Museum & her schooling. However, she ent, ‘Talk to me once you have assistance with licensing in- Golobic with the Howard Hall
Library to hear the Gateways did not feel supported by her a preapproval.’ My role has home child care centers. Excellence in Business Award.
for Growth action plan for employers and felt ostracized been entirely different — my Sara Zejnic elaborated on Golobic had arrived in the
Cedar Rapids. by her colleagues. Although role has been, ‘This is what their strategy: “We work with United States an immigrant;
The plan’s purpose was to her superiors felt comfortable preapproval means.’ ” our clients to determine ca- his mother had been a guer-
address an issue that is both enough with her performance Marie has been teaching her reer and employment goals rilla fighter resisting Nazi
a challenge and an opportu- to grant her additional respon- clients about understanding and plan for the future. If an occupation. He began his life
nity for our community: Linn sibilities and a more complex credit, understanding what individual is interested in in America with very little
County is growing, and nearly workload, she received what qualifies as an asset and how going into business, we con- and built an enterprise that
half of that growth is due to were essentially promotions to apply for financing. She has nect them with community has changed the lives of
immigration. With nearly in title only. There was to be also served as an advocate resources. Among others, we thousands.
all our neighboring counties no additional compensation, with lenders on behalf of her have worked with the City We applauded his corporate
showing population losses, the and no ability to take enough clients, helping both to navi- of Cedar Rapids, the Metro and philanthropic contribu-
growth in our community is consecutive days off to allow gate cultural differences that Economic Alliance, Lutheran tions and the legacy he has
cause for celebration. Once the her to visit immediate family make becoming a homeowner Services and the Empower built, and I wondered then
new demographics data is re- abroad. so difficult. In a city filled program at Jane Boyd.” as I do now whether those
viewed, our population growth “Many immigrants in that with billboards showcasing Empower by GoDaddy in attendance recognize the
is cause for self-examination position would simply quit the smiling faces of real estate works in partnership with parallels between his story
as well. their job, go home to visit, agents, Marie has not used Jane Boyd to provide business and the experiences of more
The Gateways for Growth return and begin another job advertising to generate any of coaching and development recent immigrants striving for
plan outlined key opportuni- search. This is one of the rea- her business. Marie’s ability to support to entrepreneurs. a better tomorrow. If we are to
ties for Cedar Rapids to sup- sons advancement can be very bridge the divide has created Program Manager Maurice exalt these successes, we must
port immigrants in both social difficult,” Marie lamented so much organic interest in Davis described the evolution also exalt the initiatives and
services and economic growth over the phone. her services that she antici- of the program from “a social the people that foster future
— issues identified as barriers Rather than continue to pates needing an assistant in services program that helped success. We are better because
to success in conversations plead with employers who the near future. people through entrepreneur- of the immigrants who have
with immigrants living and didn’t see the value in creat- “So you are filling a gap in ship to an entrepreneurship helped to build this commu-
working in the city. ing a more functional work the market that other agents program with social service nity, and if we want our city to
Population growth is impor- environment, Marie decided haven’t yet tapped into be- capabilities. Now, we spend a win, we need to have the same
tant to economic growth and to take matters into her own cause they don’t understand lot more time focusing on the desire for foreign-born resi-
innovation. The immigrant hands and build a life that the population you are work- business acumen of the entre- dents to win as well.
community in Linn County ac- would reward her efforts. In ing with?” I asked her. preneur. I foresee Empower After an hour of conversa-
counted for over $21 million in March 2020, one week before “Exactly.” allowing more flexibility in tion with Marie, I posed a
state and local tax revenue in shutdown, Marie activated her In this microcosm of our the future, and serving as an final question. “If you were
2017. Contrary to misinforma- real estate license and began community, Marie’s ability to organization that can unlock standing in a room full of im-
tion regarding the contribu- to sell homes. recognize a problem and capi- resources for entrepreneurs.” migrants considering entre-
tions of those not born on U.S. Because of her connections talize on the solution while Davis has big goals for the preneurship, what would you
soil, immigrants also pay into with the immigrant commu- improving the lives of others future of Empower. The big- want them to know?”
Social Security and Medicare, nity and her understanding is the American dream in its gest need for Empower right Marie paused briefly and
although they are less likely of the challenges and barriers purest form. now is awareness of and con- exhaled before responding in
to draw on either Medicare or that exist for foreign-born However, this is one woman versation about the work that a steady voice. “We are more
Medicaid. newcomers to Cedar Rapids, in one industry. There are they are doing. “It is challeng- powerful than we think. Even
For many newcomers, cul- Marie Hancock sold $5 million certain to be other pain points ing to grow something when at our small demographic
tural differences in the work- in real estate in her first year. for foreign-born community the people that know we exist percentage, I would like to
place can make advancement She accomplished this feat members, and it is likely that aren’t mentioning our name in see you focused and hungry
difficult. This may be part of during a pandemic, a global more solutions and innovative the places that matter.” — hungrier than you’ve ever
the reason so many turn to en- uprising and a historic storm service models will come from Just a year before the Gate- been for anything, because
trepreneurship — in fact, Linn that nearly leveled half the within the immigrant com- ways for Growth plan was success is reachable.”
County immigrants are over town. She accomplished it munity rather than be created unveiled in October 2019, I sat Sofia DeMartino is a Gazette editorial
45 percent more likely to be without the extensive network on their behalf. There are a in the conference center at the fellow. Comments: sofia.demartino@
entrepreneurs than residents that comes with a lifetime of few organizations working to DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

Muller/Hard work, success Sullivan/Cozy candidates in I.C.

; FROM PAGE 1D from the 2010 count. ; FROM PAGE 1D ment should not be made up of a group of
This small-town background friends rotating in and out of various com-
during summer to 58 Iowa towns helped shape my interest in being who have spent years supporting local, munity and party positions.
with fewer than 5,000 people. part of IowaWatch’s small-town state, and national level Democratic I have known Glass for several years
IowaWatch included this in- reporting project. candidates.” through politics. We have similar back-
formation in a series of reports The loss of people creates con- I explained the gist of this column to grounds in the libertarian-Republican
about small Iowa towns that are cerns because local governments Harmsen and Alter, and they each ex- movement, but we’ve both grown disillu-
hanging in there by growing pop- still provide basic services, such plained their reasoning for backing fellow sioned at partisan politics. He eventually
ulation, having something other as public safety, roads, schools candidates. left the party and registered as no-party
than population growth to stay and general quality-of-life oppor- “If I wasn’t running, I would be out last year.
alive, or both. The series showed tunities. there saying the same things. These are The candidate has not shied away from
that relentlessly hard work by Yet, for all the dire trends two people [Alter and Teague] I’ve known his partisan history. He did the Demo-
residents, small business owners facing some of these places, say- for a long time, who I trust,” Harmsen crats’ opposition research for them, post-
and volunteers in these towns can ing that small Iowa towns no said. ing a lengthy blog post about his political
pay off, even though success is longer can thrive misses a few He also said, “We are our own individ- history and evolution.
not guaranteed. points. While vitality is affected ual people. There's no quid pro quo. It’s a Glass said leaving the party was “hard
“I don’t want that to sound pes- by the number of people sharing matter of values.” and freeing.” He’s glad to be out of the
simistic because we keep trying, it, population growth is not the “People look for shortcuts for values. GOP but also sees how our political sys-
but it’s a huge challenge,” Fayette only measure of success. Towns People look for who’s supporting whom tem makes it much more comfortable to
Mayor Andrew Wenthe said in with a sense of local awareness and so it’s one more piece of input for vot- align with a party.
one of the interviews. have shown this. ers to decide on,” Alter said. “Partisan offices are easier because
Wenthe, a former Democratic In western Iowa’s Audubon, She also said, “There’s an artificiality no matter what you do you always have
state legislator, said financial volunteers and businesses raised in all of a sudden, in a community that like 30 percent of the electorate that will
help from some combination of enough money to open in late 2018 already knows my views, to say I will not love you because you’re on their team. If
foundations, state government a $2.6 million community center endorse anyone or support anyone since you’re on school board, everyone can hate
or federal government is needed that they say already needs a that’s already out there and known. That you,” Glass said.
to keep small towns alive with planned $2 million expansion. seems disingenuous.” Glass promises he won’t accept en-
adequate housing, internet and Yet, Audubon lost population, Teague, on the other hand, didn’t want dorsements from current council mem-
other quality of life needs. Grant from 2,176 in 2010 to 2,053 in 2020. to talk about it. He told me part way bers or candidates during his council
programs exist at the state and Residents in Eastern Iowa’s La through our conversation that he didn’t service. He also said he won’t endorse or
federal level in Iowa. Porte City supported each other think it was on the record, even though I donate to any candidates nor register with
Weaken that support, Wenthe and local businesses when COV- told him ahead of time it was an interview a party.
said, and “you’re going to start ID-19 hit hard in 2020, the town’s for my column. I told him he could think Local Democrats’ recent collective
to see this hollowing out of these mayor, Dave Neil, says in a story about it, email me a comment instead, but endorsement calls Glass “problematic.”
smaller communities.” Kinney wrote. The 2020 census he didn’t take me up on it. It lists his past associations with the Re-
Fayette’s 2020 census count of showed it holding steady from Alter and Harmsen both mentioned publican Party and GOP candidates but
1,256 is down from 1,338 in 2010, 2010 to 2020 at 2,284. In southern values, but it’s hard to see what form does not mention any of Glass’ city policy
the new data for this small town Iowa, Humeston’s downtown lo- that takes in city government. All four positions. To do so, they would have to ac-
that is home to steady employer cal shop owners band together candidates are more alike on the big is- knowledge they agree with him on much
Upper Iowa University show. and promote each other to bring sues than they are different. Glass backs of it. They would show themselves guilty
Fayette County overall lost 1,371 people to their town — population the same progressive policy agenda as of associating with the wrong-thinker.
in population from 2010 to 2020 — 465 in 2020, 494 in 2010. his opponents — restructuring the police The one issue I have seen opponents hit
to 19,509. The story is similar in People still make things hap- department, expanding affordable hous- Glass on is local law enforcement’s use of
neighboring counties. pen in towns like these. They ing, funding excluded workers, mandating an armored vehicle — he wants to keep
Chickasaw County, next over do it through vision, a sense of masks by local order, the city’s climate the military surplus vehicle or replace
to the northwest, had 12,012 peo- community and persistence. Any- action plan. it with a civilian model. I disagree with
ple in 2020, 427 fewer than in 2010. thing less will shred the fabric Local elected bodies already are suscep- him on that, but majorities of the Johnson
I lived in that county in my teen that keeps rural Iowa strong as tible to groupthink — they get the same County Board of Supervisors and Iowa
years. Fredericksburg, where I the state becomes even more ur- presentations from city staff and they are City Council have the exact same position
graduated from high school 50 ban in the future. overwhelmingly inclined to agree with as Glass. Fellow loyal Democrats have not
years ago, had 987 people in 2020, them. I worry that’s made worse in a par- been eager to criticize them for it. Some
up 56 from 2010. New Hampton, Lyle Muller is a former Gazette editor and tisanized environment.
longtime Iowa journalist who was IowaWatch’s values.
where I lived before Fredericks- executive director-editor until retiring in 2019. By exchanging political support, politi- However independent-minded the
burg, had 3,494 people in 2020, He is a board member for the Iowa Center cians are hitching their wagons together. candidates think they will be on council,
down 77 from 2010. for Public Affairs Journalism and continues They may be reluctant to speak out surely a loyalty pledge is bad for local
The first small Iowa town to report and write while advising student against their friends or to agree with their politics.
where I lived when young, Clay- journalists at Grinnell College and the
University of Iowa.
campaign foes. Partisans are known to “I’ve had prominent Democrats, in-
ton County’s Farmersburg, had protect their own. cluding elected ones, who have told me
271 people in 2020, down from 302 IowaWatch — The Iowa Center for Public I acknowledge, as Alter and Harmsen privately they are supportive of what I’m
in 2010. It had 250 people when my Affairs Journalism is a nonpartisan, nonprofit
news outlet that strives to be the state's pointed out, that the candidates’ personal doing but can’t do so publicly because of
family moved away in 1967. Clay- leading collaborative investigative news and political connections predate their fear of retribution,” Glass told me.
ton County’s population of 17,403 organization. Read more or support its mission recent runs for office. They’re just friends
in 2020 was down 1,086 people at backing friends. But maybe city govern- (319) 339-3156;
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 5D


15 adult books for teens moving up

By Karen MacPherson, Washington Post A haunting but hopeful could not be more different.
work of speculative fiction, So, they decide on a challenge:
As a longtime children’s Waubgeshig Rice’s tale traces January will try writing seri-
and teen librarian, often I the tale of a family in northern ous fiction while Augustus
am asked when it’s time for Canada as it rebuilds follow- will pen a rom-com novel.
a reader to move up — for ing the collapse of society. Guess what happens? Teens
instance, from picture books Rice weaves his Anishinaabe looking for an opposites-
to chapter books or from heritage into an absorbing, attract romance will enjoy this
middle-grade to young-adult unique story that will interest tale by Emily Henry.
books. Lately, I’ve been talk- teens fans of this genre.
ing to teens about what seems CIRCE AND THE SONG OF
like an even bigger step: from NEUROMANCER NORMAL PEOPLE
young-adult to adult books. In this classic work of mod- What starts as a secret re-
It turns out (perhaps not sur- ern cyberpunk, a hacker faces lationship between two young
prisingly) that many teens down a powerful artificial in- adults becomes a painful yet
have already made that leap. telligence orbiting Earth. Wil- unbreakable connection that
Recently I asked a group of liam Gibson’s visions of the determines their future. The
teens what appealed to them democratizing ability of com- intense sexuality between
about adult books — in con- puters to dissolve geographi- Marianne and Connell might
trast to YA books — and got cal, economic and political worry parents, but many teens
some intriguing answers. boundaries — here in a com- will find themselves drawn
Though many teens said mon hallucinatory graphic to the emotionally-complex
that they liked young-adult interface called cyberspace — dynamics between the charac-
books, others felt that by age will fascinate teens who love ters by Sally Rooney.
14 or so, they had grown out of speculative fiction.
them. One reader told me that THE KITE RUNNER
young-adult books were too PARABLE OF THE SOWER
Set in Afghanistan, this
redundant of real life: We are Association’s Alex Awards, and indirect — experienced by In a world beset by climate stirring story of an unlikely
living in that world, he said, so which are given annually to 10 Blanche even as they enjoy a change and lawlessness, Lau- bond between two young men,
“we don’t need to read about books “written for adults that good mystery and Blanche’s ren Olamina was born with Amir and Hassan, has become
it.” Other teens said they like have special appeal to young irrepressible personality. the ability to feel others’ emo- a modern classic, and an es-
to mix it up and read both adults, ages 12-18.” Those are tions, especially their pain,
DIAL ‘A’ FOR AUNTIES pecially important and timely
young adult and adult books. great choices, and here are as her own. Although the book, nearly two decades since
“There’s a lot of romance some more, a wide selection of Part caper, part rom-com, book was published in 1993, its publication. “The Kite Run-
filler in YA,” one teen said. “I mystery, romance, non-fiction this page-turner of a mystery teens will readily relate to the ner” by Khaled Hosseini has
kind of get bored with that. … and science fiction selected by by Jesse Sutanto offers a themes of social injustice and some tough moments, espe-
There’s more character devel- me and my colleagues Jessica madcap plot, an irresistible environmental calamity in cially when bullies sets upon
opment in adult books.” Her Jones and Dave Burbank, as protagonist and a fascinating this book by Octavia Butler. Hassan, but teens will readily
friend added: “In adult books, well as teens themselves: look at Indonesian and Chi- relate to this poignant tale of
there aren’t as many basic nese culture. Teens looking for THREE ORDINARY GIRLS friendship and betrayal.
tropes as YA books. It’s a little LIBRARIAN a new twist on mysteries will A true story by Tim Brady
bit more wide-ranging.” RECOMMENDATIONS welcome this lighthearted, of- about how a group of ordinary RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE
Parents may worry that ten hilarious page-turner. teens helped the Dutch resis-
adult books could be inap- In this deliciously escapist
THE BEEKEEPER’S APPRENTICE tance against the Nazis. The novel, Alex Claremont-Diaz,
propriate for teens. Yet these DREAMS FROM MY FATHER book’s teenage protagonists
Sherlock Holmes meets his the charismatic son of the first
days, some YA books, espe- Former President Barack and their bravery will enthrall
match in the teenage Mary female U.S. president, gets to-
cially those aimed at older Obama writes movingly of young adults, who may find
Russell, in this story by Lau- gether with Henry, the Prince
teens, often can hold their own themselves inspired to take up
rie R. King. This is the first of his efforts to understand his of Wales — and sexual fire-
against adult books when it identity as a biracial man. their own causes.
a long-running series and a works ensue. Teens will enjoy
comes to sex and violence. In
perfect next step for fans of the Obama’s book will engage TEEN RECOMMENDATIONS the sometimes rowdy humor
fact, some adult books — light
Enola Holmes books by Nancy teens in the midst of their own as well as Casey McQuiston’s
fiction or cozy mysteries —
Springer. Teens will especially self-discovery. ACHILLES gift for witty dialogue.
actually may offer less sex or
enjoy the battle of wills be- THE FIFTH SEASON
violence than some YA books. In these two books, Mad- THE SEVEN HUSBANDS
tween Russell and Holmes.
If parents still are con- In the first book in the eline Miller delivers provoca-
cerned over the appropriate- OF EVELYN HUGO
BLANCHE ON THE LAM Hugo Award-winning Broken tive, imaginative retellings
ness of teens reading adult Earth trilogy, N.K. Jemisin de- of the story of the goddess When reclusive film star
books, one solution is to either In this first of a quartet of Evelyn Hugo chooses little-
books by Barbara Neely, a scribes a mother’s search for Circe and of Homer’s the Iliad,
pre-read the book or read a her daughter in the midst of making them accessible and known magazine writer Mo-
second copy alongside your Black housekeeper named nique Grant to finally tell
Blanche White becomes a cataclysmic geological events. exciting to the young, modern
teen. It could even spark some Teen fans of speculative fic- reader. her life story, everyone is
thoughtful conversations. prime suspect when there’s surprised, including Monique.
a murder in the house where tion will savor Jemisin’s fine
So, what are some good BEACH READ Taylor Jenkins Reid’s book
adult reading possibilities she’s working. Teens will find writing, the story’s setting and is a page-turner, with plenty
for teens? One great place to interest in Neely’s exploration the memorable characters. Romance writer January
of well-drawn characters and
of the racism — both overt Andrews and literary fiction
start is the American Library MOON OF THE CRUSTED SNOW author Augustus Everett sex.


Journalist chronicles a year like no other

By Colette Bancroft, Tampa Bay Times as well. Darlene Krawetz of Syracuse,
N.Y., is a 52-year-old nurse who con-

oices from the Pandemic” is tracts COVID-19 and tells him about
an eerie reading experience: her overwhelming symptoms in care-
It seems both painfully im- ful detail. After she dies, Saslow inter-
mediate and an account of a past we’ve views her son and daughter.
already started to forget. Another subject, Kaitlin Denis,
The book’s 27 interviews with a survives the coronavirus but is inter-
wide range of Americans were con- viewed nine months later, when she’s
ducted during the first year of the still suffering “long COVID.” When
coronavirus epidemic, from January she caught the virus, she was 30, a new
2020, when it seemed little more than a bride, an “insanely healthy” runner
rumor, to January of this year, as vac- with a high-powered job in finance.
cines were rolled out and hope seemed Now she suffers such severe fatigue,
possible despite more than half a mil- brain fog and other symptoms that she
lion deaths. can’t work and gets winded from tak-
The interviews are drawn from a ing a shower.
series of articles that journalist Eli “A few months ago,” she says, “I
Saslow wrote for the Washington Post was making million-dollar trades and
during that year. The series earned traveling all over the country. Now I
him the 2020 George Polk award for draw little scarecrows and tape them
oral history. up on the wall.”
Saslow’s last book, “Rising Out of A cyclist rides his bicycle down the middle of a main road March 22, 2020, in downtown New York. Florida makes several appearances
Hatred,” won the 2019 Dayton Literary That day, New York City’s mayor was preparing to order his city behind closed doors in an attempt to in the book. Roger Desjarlais, county
Peace Prize for its recounting of the slow a pandemic. (Associated Press) manager in Lee County, talks about
story of Derek Black, a young white the disastrous bumbling of the initial
supremacist leader whose life was dra- zero to sixty-two in less than a month.” place left to put them. vaccine rollout in December 2020,
matically changed when he attended And he does much more. Some of the interview subjects are when the federal government handed
New College in Sarasota, Fla. Saslow, Another is New York City paramed- people whose jobs bring them into con- it off to the states and Florida in turn
a longtime Post reporter, won the Pu- ic Anthony Almojera. He talks about flict with anti-maskers and conspiracy dropped it on the unprepared counties.
litzer Prize for explanatory reporting his shockingly poorly paid co-workers: theorists of various stripes. Lori Wag- Fort Myers resident Marlene Roehm
in 2014 and has been a Pulitzer finalist “There are EMTs on my team who’ve oner is a retail clerk in North Carolina talks about she and her husband
several times. been pulling double shifts in a pan- who is menaced so viciously when she making 248 calls to the vaccine ap-
“Voices from the Pandemic” is a di- demic and performing life support for asks customers to wear masks that the pointment hotline before they “hit the
verse chorus: first responders, medical sixteen hours, and then they go home store’s owners begin locking the doors jackpot.”
professionals, government employees, and they have to drive Uber during business hours, and Johnny Rivero of Brandon, Fla.,
nursing home residents, business own- to pay their rent.” He’s pull- she keeps pepper spray at whom Saslow interviewed in May 2020
ers, coronavirus survivors and the ing those shifts too, and then the register. as he stood in line at a food bank, is a
families of those who don’t survive. trying to help suicidal col- Amber Elliot is a county Coast Guard vet who’s never needed
If there’s an overarching theme in leagues. “Heroes, right? The health director in Missouri assistance before, but the long-lasting
these interviews, it’s that the pandem- anger is blinding.” who is blindsided by the breakdown of Florida’s unemployment
ic has brought out the best in many Saslow talks to doctors hostility of people who rage system in the first part of the pandem-
Americans and the worst in others. and nurses about their against her at meetings and ic leaves him desperate.
One of the heroes Saslow interviews nightmarish experiences: A on social media. “It’s true,” “Voices from the Pandemic” ends
is Burnell Cotlon, a New Orleans man Chicago doctor who is work- she says. “I do have an agen- with some voices of hope: a virologist
who opened a neighborhood market ing six nights a week, 14 da. I want disease transmis- who consulted on the development of
in the Lower Ninth Ward to help the hours a night, doing nothing sion to go down. I want to vaccines, a nursing home resident who
community recover from the devasta- but intubating patients. An keep this community safe. celebrates finally getting a shot.
tion of Hurricane Katrina. When the emergency nurse who nor- I want fewer people to die.” That was in January, before the
pandemic hit, Cotlon’s customers were mally oversees four patients Her county is a COVID-19 delta variant and the anti-vaxxers.
among the first to lose their jobs. Even trying to handle two dozen, all of them hot spot at the time of the interview, Saslow has done a sterling job of cap-
though he operated on a shoestring critically ill. An ER nursing manager but she’s so disturbed by people fol- turing real people’s experiences of the
himself, he began giving them grocer- who talks about patients sitting in the lowing her children and making death start of the pandemic. It’s going to be
ies on credit for the first time: “I’ve got waiting room for a full day after ad- threats against her that she resigns. interesting to read the chronicles of
sixty-two tabs in the book now. From mission because that chair is the only Saslow talks to coronavirus patients the second year.
6D The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Stanley Tucci opens his recipe book

1. “The Lincoln
Highway” Towles
2. “The Wish” Sparks
3. “Cloud Cuckoo By Jennifer Reese, the coq au vin he ate on food is what gives Tucci’s Manhattan eateries that Since 2012, Tucci has
Land” Doerr Washington Post his first date with his book its sweetness. He sustained him as a strug- been gradually moving
4. “Crossroads” first wife, Kate (who died writes of his family’s gling young actor, places food to the center of his

Franzen f you’re looking for of breast cancer in 2009), rituals with tenderness, like Big Nick’s, which professional life. He’s
5. “The Butler” Steel detail on the career magnificent breakfasts from the Christmas tim- sold “enormous, greasy, written two cookbooks
6. “Apples Never Fall” of the great character on German film sets pano (a mighty pastry bloody burgers on plump and earlier this year won
Moriarty actor Stanley Tucci, you (“Someone please em- drum stuffed with ziti, buns.” There will always an Emmy for his TV se-
7. “The Jailhouse should probably pass on ploy me there again”) salami, cheese, eggs and be a place in his heart ries “In Search of Italy,”
Lawyer” Patterson/ his lovely new memoir and how he is passing meatballs) to the epic In- for the Carnegie Deli, a tantalizing tour of the
Allen “Taste: My Life Through family culinary tradi- dependence Day picnics where towering pastrami country’s distinctive
8. “Billy Summers” Food.” Nowhere in its tions onto his children, at which guests played sandwiches nourished regional cuisines. But in
King 300 witty pages will you one salami sandwich at bocce, sang body and soul the darkest of ironies, in
9. “The Last Thing He learn what inspired a time. “Yankee Doo- “when you the book’s penultimate
Told Me” Dave Tucci to become an ac- And what rich tradi- dle,” drank jug popped in late chapter, Tucci reveals
10. “Harlem Shuffle” tor or how it felt to wear tions they are. Tucci wine and feast- at night after a that in 2017 he was di-
Whitehead a lavender bouffant wig grew up in semirural ed on sausages few too many agnosed with salivary
in “The Hunger Games” Westchester County, and peppers. at a cheap gland cancer. The grue-
NON-FICTION or to kiss Colin Firth in N.Y., where he once Of his mother, downtown bar, some treatment didn’t
1. “The Storyteller” “Supernova.” found his immigrant Ital- Tucci writes, en route to the just nauseate him, it also
Grohl At age 60, “edging ian grandmother skin- “I can honestly one-bedroom made even water burn
2. “Peril” Woodward/ toward the mid-to-late ning a squirrel on the say that on the apartment his mouth “like battery
Costa autumn” of his years, porch. Bottles of tomato four-burner you thought acid.” For six months, he
3. “I’ll Take Your Tucci finds that food sauce, simmered over an electric stove you’d be liv- poured his food directly
Questions Now” — specifically, the way open fire and strained she used ing in for the into his stomach via a
Grisham food connects him to the through a pillowcase, throughout rest of your feeding tube. Happily,
4. “Taste: My Life people he loves — means lined the shelves of the my childhood life if some- Tucci is once again able
Through Food” Tucci more to him than show damp basement where and on the gas hob that one didn’t give you a job to savor favorite dishes
5. “Where Do We Go business. A handful of his grandfather made replaced it many years soon.” that he lists on a page to-
from Here?” Jeremiah celebrity co-stars make cloudy purple wine. later, she has never Apparently, someone ward the end of the book,
6. “Feeding the Soul cameos in “Taste,” but “Was it the best wine in cooked a bad meal. Not gave him a job fairly from “chili con carne
(Because It’s My only because they hap- the world?” Tucci asks. once.” The book includes soon because within a (extremely mild!)” to “a
Business)” Brown pened to be sitting across “No. Was it the worst? a handful of recipes, in- few chapters Tucci is fried egg on a very thin
7. “American Marxism” from him at a memorable Very close. Did it mat- cluding the meaty Tucci supping at glamorous toasted bagel.” Reading
Levin meal. This book focuses ter? No. It was part of my family ragu that I am restaurants in far-flung this book will make you
8. “Jesus Listens” on Tucci’s more intimate grandfather, whom we eager to try. locales like Vancouver, more attentive to the glo-
Young food experiences: the adored, and that made it Tucci adores restau- Normandy and Reykja- rious food on your table,
9. “Vanderbilt” Cooper/ eggplant parm hoagies the sweetest liquid ever rants almost as much as vik. Even when the food and to the people with
Howe his mother packed in his to pass our lips.” home cooking. He loving- isn’t fabulous it makes a whom you are privileged
10. “The Dying Citizen” childhood lunchboxes, This fusion of love and ly describes the defunct good story. to share it.


John Lewis’ final meditations on activism
FICTION/NON-FICTION By Peniel E. Joseph, Washington Post farm boy born near Troy, Ala., Aug. 28, 1963, March on Wash- he imbibed at the feet of King
in 1940, who preached to chick- ington. “Carry On” is at its best and the mentoring he received

1. “Once and Future arry On: Reflections ens as a child, came a long way when Lewis casually discusses from countless Black women
Witches” Harrow for a New Generation” from his modest beginnings. A the intricacies behind this his- and men in the movement.
2. “Lincoln Highway” is a small, powerful letter written to Martin Luther tory, including parts of his Lewis’ very presence was a
Towles and deeply observed King Jr. while Lewis speech that were censored by reminder of both the distance
3. “Dune” Herbert book of rumina- was in high school be- concerned allies who thought traveled since the Jim Crow
4. “Cloud Cuckoo tions written by gan a friendship that his words were too incendiary. regime placed a stranglehold on
Land” Doerr John Lewis, the civil would change both “I believed in nonviolence, and American democracy and the
5. “A Solitude of rights activist turned men’s lives. I didn’t need to use that imag- journey that remained in the
Wolverines” Henderson congressman who Lewis joined the ery,” he concedes. age of Black Lives Matter.
6. “State of Terror” died last year at the civil rights struggle Black Lives Matter demon- He found a renewed spirit of
Penny/Clinton height of the national as a Freedom Rider strations in 2020; the police kill- activism in the age of Trump
7. “Out of Love” Hayes political and racial and endured a brutal ings of Floyd, Breonna Taylor and became a north star for
8. “The Wish” Sparks turmoil unleashed in beating outside a bus and other Black Americans; multiple generations of grass-
9. “I’ll Take Your the wake of George station in Anniston, and the national thirst for a new roots activists who found hope
Questions Now” Floyd’s murder. Ala., on May 14, 1961. beginning serve as through- in his story.
Grisham At 80, Lewis had His courage, tenacity lines for Lewis’s reflections on “Carry On” represents a final
10. “The Light in long crossed over and humility became activism, spirituality, courage, literary gift to a new generation
Hidden Places” into the category of hallmarks. As chairman of the politics and love. Gravely ill of activists who have taken the
Cameron living legend. Humble, kind, Student Nonviolent Coordinat- with the cancer that would take responsibility to move America
Barnes & Noble, Cedar authentic and passionately ing Committee, Lewis was the his life, Lewis remained a hope- closer to the Beloved Commu-
Rapids committed to social justice, the youngest keynote speaker at the ful optimist, steadfast in lessons nity.


SNOOZEFEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Trenton Charlson, 25, is a full-time crossword constructor in Columbus, Ohio. He loves words with unusual letter combinations, 18 19 20 21
like 63-Across here, which he’s been trying to use in a puzzle for years. He says, “I value the sort of ‘X-factor’ that makes a puzzle feel
playfully and distinctly ‘human’” — the fill included. With advanced crossword software and databases available now even to first- 22 23 24 25 26
time constructors, it takes special effort, like Trenton’s, to display a personal style. — W.S.
27 28 29 30
ACROSS 51 Pre-euro currency 95 Francis’ tenure, e.g.12 Many a
1 Goes wherever the 52 National tree of the 96 Lively, on a score collaboration 31 32 33 34 35 36
wind blows? U.S. between Louis
97 Collect little by little Armstrong and Ella
6 Person who likes 53 Paradise lost 99 Makes Fitzgerald 37 38 39 40 41
all your FB posts, 54 Scatterbrains 101 ‘‘Which Disney
perhaps 13 ‘‘C’est magnifique!’’
56 Grandma, to Brits Princess Are You?’’ 14 Spanish composer
42 43 44 45 46 47
9 Key with five sharps: 57 Frenzy and the like
Abbr. Isaac
59 Rattlesnake’s 104 Big Ten 15 ‘‘How to ____ a
48 49 50 51 52
13 Western film, in old warning powerhouse, for
slang short ____’’ 53 54 55 56 57 58
18 Harriet’s partner on 60 Ambrose Bierce (popular Google
defined it as ‘‘A 107 Eye shade search)
1950s-’60s TV minor form of 110 Basic skateboard 59 60 61 62
19 China’s Chou 16 One of the Gabor
despair, disguised trick sisters
En-____ as a virtue’’ 111 Quick nap . . . or a 63 64 65 66 67
20 Paul Simon’s ‘‘____ 17 Radiation unit
62 Totally over it all playful description
Rock’’ of the 64-Down 23 Member in the 68 69 70 71 72 73
63 Final creature genus Troglodytes,
21 Tree that Athena encountered in here
gifted to Athens so named for its
‘‘Dr. Seuss’s ABC’’ 113 Conflagration tendency to enter 74 75 76 77 78 79
22 Inaptly named bear 68 Far-right state 114 Diamond who dark crevices
of a tongue twister 70 Buckskin, e.g. went platinum 80 81 82 83 84 85
24 ‘‘Jeepers!’’
25 Spanish rice 71 Something 115 Scottish denial 25 Generational divide
26 Letter-shaped stretched out in a 116 Popeye creator 86 87 88 89 90 91
construction piece yoga class Segar 29 Former queen of
27 Endeavor 74 Has over 117 Footnote abbr. 92 93 94 95
30 Nintendo princess
28 Winter weather 75 Go after 118 Icelandic work that
hazard influenced Tolkien 31 Order of roses 96 97 98 99 100
78 Like varnished
31 Little black ____ wood 119 Key for getting 34 Kilt-wearing Greek
32 Art of verse out, not in infantryman 101 102 103 104 105 106
79 ‘‘Pretty please?’’
33 Jurisdiction of a 120 Like May through 35 Fixed, as tiling
80 Sci-fi travelers 107 108 109 110 111 112
Catholic church August, unlike the 36 Northern California
official 81 Pan-fries other months of town once home
37 Get closer and 84 Violated a code of the year to the palindromic 113 114 115 116
silence ____ Bakery
85 Sportscaster Jim DOWN 37 Chain that sells 117 118 119 120
40 Mapmaker’s subj. with the classic chains
41 Literary traveler opening ‘‘Hello, 1 What ‘‘piano’’ can
to Lilliput and friends’’ mean 38 ‘‘Jeepers!’’ No. 1010
Brobdingnag 86 Opportunities to 2 Côte d’____ 39 Levels 69 Birthplace of the 85 Reason to hang up 103 One of the Nereids
60 They’re taken out in
42 Transfixed win a vacation on 3 Nickname for Isabelle 40 Old fogy alleys Franciscan order 87 Victoria Falls river of Greek myth
43 Former telecom ‘‘Wheel of Fortune’’ or Isidore 41 Quiet valley 71 Kind of ray
giant that merged 4 Fashion designer 61 Six-Day War leader 88 Uniform adornment 104 Eleven, en français
90 Stocking stuffer 43 Partner of glamour Weizman 72 Bit of tomfoolery
into Verizon 91 Actress Ana of Lange 89 Center of L.A., once
44 Comedian Fields 62 No-nonsense TV 73 Nervous state 105 Parts of snowmobiles
45 Ostentatious display ‘‘Love, Victor’’ 5 Actress Amanda 94 Sufficient, informally
of 2012’s ‘‘Les 46 ____ garden judge 74 Seven: Prefix 106 Exploits
48 Kicked back 92 ‘‘Alas . . . ’’ 95 Aphids, to ladybugs
Misérables’’ 47 When repeated, 63 Unsightly spot 75 Football sideline
49 Singer Lisa 93 Bistro sign word one of the Gabor reporter Kolber 97 Beyond cold 107 ‘‘The White Lotus’’
6 What B. B. King was 64 Sleep indicators
king of sisters 76 Brand of pretzels and 98 Woman’s name airer
Find answers to today’s New York 7 Rattles 50 Mercedes-____ 65 Counterfeit chips meaning ‘‘night’’ in
Hebrew and Arabic 108 View from Lake
Times Crossword puzzle, 8F 8 Opposite of flatness 54 Stupor 66 Spike the Beanie Baby, 77 Electric ____ Como
9 Members of bevies 55 Multitude e.g. 79 Kvetches 99 Pound and others
Find your regular Sunday crossword and broods 57 Pac-Man navigates 67 Having some pep 81 Pointy-eared dog 100 Worshiper of the rain 109 Country music’s ____
in Living, 10L through one god Tlaloc Brown Band
10 Tie the knot 68 Alternative to Advil or 82 Big name in car parts
● ONLINE: Share tips: 11 Mine: Fr. 58 Wood-shaping tool Aleve 83 Break away 102 Took off 112 In a bad way
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 7D

This weekly fishing
report is compiled from
information gathered from
local bait shops, angler
creel surveys and county
and state parks staff. You
can check the activity of
your favorite lake or stretch
of river within each district,
including which species are
being caught, a rating of
the bite (slow, fair, good or
excellent), as well as a hot
bait or lure pattern.

Water levels are low
above Nashua, but relatively
stable. Use caution when
boating. Clarity is good.
Channel catfish are “good.”
Chubs and crawlers fished
on bottom under a bobber
work well. Two to three
pound catfish are common.
Anglers are doing well
on smallmouth bass and
walleye from Nashua to
La Porte City. Walleye
Two deer run through a farm field in this file photo. Minnesota is cracking down on deer farms to halt the spread of chronic wasting disease. (Associated Press) are “excellent.” Try a jig

Halting captive
and plastic tipped with
half a crawler or casting

Clarity is good to

deer movement
excellent on most streams.
Trout anglers using any kind
of lightweight rods and reels
with spinnerbaits or a hook
tipped with small piece of
crawler, cheese or dough
can be just as successful as
fly anglers.
Deer farms may be The concern about Minnesota deer farms that the disease has ever been
Brook and brown trout are
“good.” Hoppers, beetles
spreading CWD was heightened earlier this year when The Beltrami farm had pur- and anything that looks
chased deer from an infected buggy work well this time of
researchers detected chronic wasting farm in Winona County. Most year on brownies. Rainbow
By Tony Kennedy, Minneapolis Star Tribune
disease on a Beltrami County deer farm, alarming was evidence that
dead, infected deer from the
trout are “excellent.” Use
hair jigs, spinnerbaits
Minnesota Natural Re- the farthest north in the state that the Beltrami farm were dumped or small shallow water
sources Commissioner Sarah illegally on nearby public land crankbaits for aggressive
Strommen has stepped up her disease has ever been found. that has since been fenced off fish.
campaign to protect wild deer by taxpayers as a biohazard to Area river levels are
against the spread of chronic last as long as 15 months, up to “It’s going to take a while wild deer. University of Min- stabilizing and clear due to
wasting disease (CWD) by once a year longer than the previous to get this work done,” Meier nesota researchers have found minimal rainfall. For current
again halting the movement of two movement bans combined. said. loads of CWD contagions there, fishing information, call the
captive deer among deer farms. The action comes as the Tim Spreck, a lobbyist for on the ground. Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish
Her third emergency action DNR investigates CWD’s the Minnesota Deer Farmers “This disease poses a clear, Hatchery, (563) 382-8324.
against deer farms has the po- known spread in Minnesota Association (MDFA), did not immediate and serious threat
tential to last much longer than and possible other exposures. comment. Previously, the as- to Minnesota’s wild deer, and UPPER IOWA RIVER
the previous two, and it arrived Meier said pausing the trade sociation has strongly objected these actions reflect what’s
five days after she put the Min- of captive deer will allow time to the bans, filing lawsuits in at stake,” Strommen said in a Water levels are
nesota Board of Animal Health for investigators from Wiscon- both cases. news release. stabilizing with elevated
on notice that the DNR won’t sin, Minnesota and the U.S. “We are still processing the The Minnesota Legislature flows. Clarity is good to
hesitate to exercise its new au- Department of Agriculture to current order, and I have not this year gave DNR shared excellent. Use caution when
thority over the industry. unravel the “spiderwebbing” of had a chance to discuss its authority over the state’s 253 paddling. Smallmouth bass
In Minnesota and elsewhere, CWD transmission set in mo- implications with the MDFA captive deer herds, encroach- are “good.” Try spinnerbaits
scientists have traced the geo- tion by a Wisconsin farm. The Board,” Spreck said. ing on governance previously or jigs tipped with plastics
graphic spread of CWD to the operator shipped 387 farmed A phone call and email made dominated by the Board of Ani- along rock ledges, seams
commercial trade of infected, deer to farms in seven states, directly to the deer farmers as- mal Health. and eddies.
farmed deer. including five to three farms sociation were not answered. The movement ban takes
Assistant DNR Commission- in Minnesota. DNR Fish and The concern about Min- place at a time when breeders MAQUOKETA RIVER
er Bob Meier told reporters last Wildlife Division Director Dave nesota deer farms was height- of genetically modified, big- Anglers are catching
week the latest ban against the Olfelt said it’s possible more of ened earlier this year when antlered bucks often sell their smallmouth bass and
intrastate movement of farmed the suspected animals landed researchers detected CWD on animals to other deer farmers walleye. River levels have
deer and the ban against im- in Minnesota via resales from a Beltrami County deer farm, who promote fenced-in hunts bumped up with recent
ports from out of state could farms in other states. the farthest north in the state for trophy seekers. rainfall. Walleye are “fair.”
Use a jig and plastic tipped
with half a crawler or cast

Pheasants Forever still boosting conservation efforts

Area streams remain
By Dennis Anderson, CEO, Bue joined PF and QF in excellent conditions,
Minneapolis Star Tribune in 2006 to expand its strategic providing many angling
partnerships with companies opportunities for rainbow
If you’re tramping a Minne- like Nestle Purina Petcare Co. and brown trout.
sota wildlife management area (“Purina.”) Interior rivers may likely
(WMA) looking for pheasants Long an advertiser in the bump up with recent rainfall.
on the season’s first weekend, conservation groups’ maga- Conditions remain favorable
or following your dog on an- zines and supporter of their and are providing great
other piece of public ground or annual PheasantFest, Purina angling opportunities. Fishing
perhaps on private property, has expanded its partnership should improve during
you might or might not find a with PF and QF to include an autumn. Reports of good
limit of birds. emphasis on climate resiliency walleye and smallmouth
Regardless, take comfort in and supply sustainability. bass fishing on the interior
knowing a lot of people, some The effort culminated re- rivers.
of whom perhaps couldn’t iden- cently with a $1 million dona- Call the Manchester
tify a rooster ringneck from tion by Purina to PF and QF to Hatchery, (563) 927-3276,
a hen, are working to ensure improve soil health and con- for more information.
habitats supporting pheasants serve strategic wildlife lands in
and other upland wildlife — the Dakotas. MISSISSIPPI RIVER
grasslands especially — will be Pheasants Forever has more on its plate than pheasants. (Minneapolis Star “The prairie pothole region Upper Mississippi River
present on the American land- Tribune) is a special area for conserva- levels remain stable. Check
scape for a long time to come. tion and for farming,” said boat ramp conditions before
That’s the picture that groups, PF and QF took a hunter-members it attracts. Joe Sivewright, Purina CEO, you go; water levels are low.
emerges from an evolving financial hit during the pan- Now employing some 280 announcing the grant. “This Pool 9 — Yellow Perch
Pheasants Forever, the Minne- demic when the groups’ more wildlife biologists — second in partnership will find ways to are “excellent.” The bite is
sota-based conservation group than 700 chapters were forced number nationally only to the enhance both so that native picking up with some sorting
that since 1982 has organized to cancel their fundraising ban- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plants and cherished wildlife needed for larger fish. Drift
hunters — its “orange army” quets. As a result, their com- — PF and QF are leveraging can flourish alongside healthy hair jigs with a piece of
— to advocate for better and bined membership dropped significant new government ingredients like those used crawler in 6 to 8 feet of
more intensified conservation about 22,000 from its pre-pan- and corporate funds to multi- in Purina’s complete and bal- water.
on state, federal and private demic mark of 143,000. ply their conservation reach. anced formulas.”
lands. More positively, the groups’ “More and more Fortune 500 Given climate change’s Pool 10 — Smallmouth
The primary intent always leaders say, its unaffiliated companies, and even Fortune possible effects on natural re- bass are “excellent.” Use
has been to increase pheasant membership is at an all-time 100 companies, are develop- sources, including soil health spinners or crankbaits fished
numbers and boost pheasant high and membership is expect- ing ways, or want to develop and water availability, compa- in main channel rock piles
hunting prospects, twin goals ed to rebound as chapters begin ways, to reach sustainability nies like Purina that depend along the tips of islands.
that were broadened nation- again to hold fundraisers. goals,” said David Bue, PF and on uninterrupted shipments of Pool 11 — White bass
ally in 2005 when PF formed a Yet the transformation in QF chief development officer. grains and other crops increas- are “good.” Cast inline
companion organization, Quail recent years of PF and QF that “They need partners to do that ingly realize their bottom lines spinners in areas of current.
Forever (QF). has occurred, and is occurring, and we’re filling that role.” depend on sustainable supply Look for schools of white
Like other conservation extends beyond the number of A former regional bank chains. bass feeding on minnows.
8D The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


John Lawrence Hanson’s kayak rests at the Painted Rocks landing. (John Lawrence Hanson/correspondent)

A day on the river

A quiet trip down Maquoketa was just what was needed
By John Lawrence Hanson, correspondent

ompared to what?
My friend and pad-
dling companion told
me about the upstream
river gauge. It was in
Manchester, we were going to pad-
dle starting at Monticello.
On Saturday noon that gauge
read 111 cubic feet per sec (cfs). I
didn’t know what that meant. He re-
lated it meant the river was pretty
low. As in, be prepared to get out
and drag the boats.
Cool water be darned, I planned
to wear my river sandals accord-
You know our rivers run year-
round. But how often do people
interact with our rivers after Labor
Day besides just looking at them?
Our interior rivers generally
flow from the northwest to the The Maquoketa River can be a popular place in the summer. But in the fall, after Labor Day, it can be serene. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette)
southeast. Many of them drain our
magnificent yet degraded “Prairie
Pothole Region.” The Maquoketa I later learned the Manchester ing track because I ran out of bank to bank. Compared to me, that
doesn’t drain the Prairie Pothole gauge that day was 109 cfs. Two fingers. I suppose I could have em- chipmunk was crossing a mighty
Region from the last glacier, but an fewer cfs is the difference of about ployed my toes. But my feet were and vast river.
area to its east from a much more 13 gallons. Maybe that doesn’t seem deep in a kayak and I was deter- We neared the Painted Rocks
ancient ice sheet. like much, but a faucet that puts out mined to keep them there and dry area and the depth of the forest
The stretch from the Mon-Maq just that volume would make short as they had become. grew. Now and then an especially
dam in Monticello to the Painted work of filling the bathtub. Paddle, pay attention, watch my large tree stood out among the sec-
Rocks landing is a popular summer The Maquoketa has a sister line, repeat, became my unspoken ond and third growth. In particular
float. On a given summer weekend river, the Wapsipinicon. It parallels mantra. one was a sycamore, another was a
hundreds of canoes, kayaks, and the Maquoketa and seems similar The river was quiet; it flowed cottonwood.
even tubes, put in for the almost in so many ways. On the same day, lazily. Calm winds made it easy to The high palisades of ancient
8-mile lubricated gravity ride. the Wapsi was flowing at 245 cfs ac- hear all the nothing I so coveted. coral reefs were just gaining more
That’s not my scene. I wanted an cording to the Independence gauge, I anticipated noise from farm ma- visibility from their screen of trees,
empty river. a difference of 225 percent. chinery harvesting nearby fields, some leaves had fallen, some had
About 11:30 Sunday morning, Compared to what? Well, here there was none. No modern sounds turned colors. In another week or
I managed to plop into the kayak was my answer. at all save a moment when a small two, I’m sure it’d be even prettier.
with only getting one foot wet. The flows for both rivers were in airplane passed at a distance. At 1:46, I rewet one foot and then
Brian launched his one-man canoe the normal range for October, de- The river felt so real and authen- stood on the landing. It was glorious
and kept both his feet dry. That is spite the drought. The Cedar River tic instead of the backdrop for sum- all the same. The sun was overtak-
all you need to know about the gulf by comparison was flowing at 1,640 mer carnivals. Serene. ing the clouds, the clear water had
between his skill level and mine. cfs by way of the 5-in-1 Dam gauge. And then it happened. The been a gentle transport, and a good
With one wet foot and one dry, Compared to the Red Cedar, the weight of my backside pressed the paddling companion made memo-
I took notice of the launch site. It Maquoketa was just a stream. But kayak’s bottom into a rifle from ries to share.
too was a study in contrasts. The a stream with enough water to float whom the now insufficient draft I suppose a lot of people have a
gust and sound of water over the a kayak and soak a Continental became an immovable impediment. glorious experience in the summer.
dam contrasted with the smooth Marine. I was stuck. But you need to try the river at both
and gently flowing water taking Birds were the active feature: Efforts to push a little with my times or you might be left asking
us downstream. And then we were shorebirds, wood ducks, eagles and hands and “sit light” were futile about the quality of your experi-
away and I heard the dam no more. vultures abounded. And just when and undignified. Brian glided by. ence — “compared to what?”
Would we see anyone else on the they thought they had the place to With two wet feet I was back go- Looking up, looking ahead, and
river? Would I get a full baptism themselves. ing with the flow. I chalked that up keeping my pencil sharp.
treatment this Sunday? The former I thought the kingfishers stole to hopefully the only unplanned
John Lawrence Hanson, Ed.D., of Marion teaches
question was trifling, the latter was the show. They are flamboyant exit of the kayak I needed. U.S. history with an emphasis on environmental
realistic — my life jacket was fas- birds in dress, dance and voice. I At 12:44, a chipmunk passed in issues at Linn-Mar High School and sits on the
tened accordingly. counted 10 but then stopped keep- front of my bow as it swam from Linn County Conservation Board
Sunday, October 17, 2021 The Gazette 1E


Movin’ on up
When deciding which rooms to tackle first, choose the rooms you use the most, like the living room. (Dreamstime photos/TNS)

How to furnish, fill and decorate your new, larger home

By Jura Koncius, Washington Post

ou just bought your
first home.
Now what?
Upsizing from a
small apartment to
a two- or three-bedroom row
house or bungalow is an excit-
ing move.
But after closing, you might
go into a bit of a panic when
you have to make decisions
about furnishing and decorat-
ing the place. You probably al-
ready own the basics, but their
scale may be off — or you may
be sick of that hand-me-down
chintz sofa that you’ve hauled
around since college. Take
your time, though. Designers
say there’s no reason to dump Some designers say painting all the
everything right away and rooms a light neutral or white will
rush to buy items simply to fill make your home feel light and airy.
up space.
“You can’t just offload your

Q: Where
furniture because you want Upsizing from a small apartment to a two- or three-bedroom bungalow is an exciting move. But it also means making do I begin?

A: tape measure.
all new things,” says Jessica decisions about furnishings and how to decorate the place. First, pull out a
Davis, owner of JL Design
in Nashville. Even if you did be overwhelming to go from ment, think about furnishings Measure all the rooms in
have the budget, there are of- a small apartment to a larger as an investment, too.” your new home, as well as
ten complications and delays home. Begin by thinking about We asked Davis, Low, Hay large pieces you already own,
when ordering furniture, es- the purpose of each room, and Risdon to share their best such as your sofa and beds.
pecially during the pandemic, she says, to help guide your design tricks for first-time Keep all this information,
with delivery times often run- choices. homeowners, with an eye to- including your floor plans,
ning six months or more. “So And don’t just rush to a big- ward budget. Here are their in your phone, so you can
you have to live with your old box store and buy everything answers to some common reference it quickly while
stuff a bit longer. You can’t on your list, says Toronto questions. shopping. Risdon says spaces

move in with nothing,” Davis designer Rebecca Hay. Think What should I get rid of should evolve, but you need
says. Consider replacing your full-size bed sustainably and reuse what before moving? an initial strategy to begin.
with a king, if you have the room. The you can. Whatever you do buy,
“Often, when people move, Take a good, hard look “Create a plan for how furni-
they tell me, ‘It’s a differ- full-size bed can go into the guest ture should be laid out, along
make sure it’s the best quality at your furniture, bed-
ent place and different vibe, room. with color schemes,” he says.
you can afford. Washington ding and accessories, and
and I want something new,’ ” designer Byron Risdon says donate or toss anything torn, Execute that plan as time and
says Shaolin Low, an interior should go through what they that, “since this is the first worn or not often used, as well budget permits. Don’t rush to
designer at Studio Shaolin have and figure out if they time you are buying a home as anything you bought as a
in Honolulu. “But first, they still love it.” Low says it can and making this sort of invest- temporary fix. ; UPSIZING, PAGE 2E

The Gazette 1S
Sunday, January 31, 2021



Each quarterly issue looks at a variety of health and wellness topics,

sharing information to help us each live our best life.

Be a part of our next issue.

Use of telemed icine soars during pandemic

to be popular
To advertise, contact Debbie Scott or
reach patients’ proving
‘Different way to with nurs-
clinic is a blended model, The nurse
By Dorothy de Souza Guedes,
video conferencing,
a smartphone
es and other staff on-site. then calls INSIDE HEALTHY YOU
app or phone call. sees the patient in person, with 2
for The Gazette About 2,500 telehealth
visits oc-
the physician who interacts on di-
Free medical clinics ...................
in 2
the norm curred with Mercy providers patients through high-definiti Cracking your knuckles ..............
Telehealth has become 2019. Between March
and Decem-
agnostic technology
tools. .... 2
for health care visits
during the
i And b Mercy providers connected Like many other providers, Liver transplants ....................
2E The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


How to pick the conservative about their
house colors. It’s a big
paint all the woodwork
around the door red and
right color, style investment and decision.
If your house is white or
then the woodwork on
the other parts of the
for a front door light gray, you can do
any color you want.
house is white. It looks
careless. But if I only
The one color I don’t paint the door, and I love
By Marissa Hermanson, like for a front door is that color and I want to
Washington Post white. It looks unfin- use more of that color,
ished. You would never in that case, if you have
Washington-based have white shutters shutters, you can match
designer Annie Elliott against a white house. the shutters to the door.

Q: Q:
knows all about first Are there color Are there excep-
impressions. It’s an im- rules for the storm tions to this rule?

portant part of her job, door, too? Rules are made to

dressing interiors so This is driven by be broken. There
homes properly reflect practicality for me. are two exceptions. If
the residents. And the If your screen or storm your door is a stained
designer says the exte- door is made of wood, I wood and the sidelights
rior of the home is just suggest painting it the are all stained wood,
as important. Neighbors, same color as the main then that looks fine. It’s
passersby, the gen- door. That helps de- all one piece. It’s also OK
eral public: They all can emphasize the outer door to have painted sidelights
make judgments based and keeps the color front with a stained front door.
on the condition of your and center. The other exception is
home’s exterior. If you have a metal ironwork. If you have
Curb appeal sets the outer door, though, those ironwork around your
tone for your home, and are tricky to paint, so I door, both the ironwork
the entryway helps to es- think it’s fine to leave and the door can be high-
tablish the mood, consid- them metal. Ideally, gloss black. Sometimes
ering it’s the focal point you’ll have white or sil- the door itself is iron
of your exterior. Door ver if your front door is with glass behind. Only
style, paint color, hard- a light color and black if black, no other color!

ware and decorations all the door color is darker. How do you pick
work together to create You want the outdoor a front door style
an overall scene. door to be as inconspicu- that echoes the architec-
Here, Elliott shares ous as possible. tural style of the house?
her rules for creating a
beautiful entryway, with Q: Should the side-
lights be painted,
Or does door style not
a focus on the front door.
This interview has
or just the door?

A: People do it both
ways. I usually
A: I think it matters a
lot. Any multi-pan-
eled door, like a six-panel
been edited for length
and clarity. say, in the interior de- door, that’s a very classic

Q: What can the front sign world, there is more door. Traditional styles
door convey about than one right answer. are best for traditional
a home’s residents? Usually that is true, but houses.

A: It reflects the in the case of sidelights, I And when you get

personality of the strongly believe the side- into modern houses, you
people who live there. It lights should be painted need a slab door with
telegraphs to the world the color of the house no detail at all. It could
who you are and what trim, especially if the have a window, but only
your priorities are. trim is white. something very simple
You may have a very Transoms (or win- and plain.
traditional white Colo-
nial house with black
shutters. It’s safe to paint
dows) over the top of the
door, they are detailed
and pretty and intricate.
Q: How do you select
the right door
The style and color of your front door says a lot about you, says designer Annie Elliott. (Milwaukee If they are painted dark,
the front door black or
navy blue. That says a
lot of things about the
Journal Sentinel/TNS)
you can’t see the detail.
By painting the transom
A: You don’t think
about hardware
until you have to replace
owner: “I’m just playing more than one way to be your front door always is across from orange, and sidelights a light col- it. Chances are, if your
it safe. This is a classic classic.” Those are just works. (Complementary green is across from or, matching them to the house is super modern,
house. I respect tradi- different interpretations. colors are across from red.) If you have a yellow trim color of the house, it your hardware is going
tion.” If you paint it pink
or bright orange, that
says other things, like:
Q: How do you choose
a paint color for
the front door?
each other on the color
wheel.) So if you have a
brick house, you can’t
house, a violet front door accentuates the pattern.
would look nice.
Houses are painted a
Then it leaves the color
to the door. It makes the
to be some tone of silver.
I prefer nickel. But if
your house is contempo-
“I’m going to have a little
fun,” or, “I think there’s A: Choosing a comple-
mentary color for
go wrong with a blue
or green door. (Blue
million colors. In gen-
eral, people are pretty
door itself truly special.
It looks goofy if you
rary, you might go with
brushed steel.

Upsizing/Furnishings are an investment, so take your time

; FROM PAGE 1E minimum of a 12-by-15-
foot bedroom to
finish it. accommodate a king
Q: Which room should
I tackle first?
“Go big and invest in
A: “Focus on the
rooms you use the
most,” Risdon says. “The
a mattress you will love
long term,” Low says.
“It’s overwhelming to
bedroom is very impor- move, and you will need
tant. It should be a sort of your best sleep, so treat
safe haven and place of yourself to extra space.”
respite.” Your current queen or
Low suggests going to When deciding which rooms full can be used in your
a retailer, such as Macy’s to tackle first, consider the guest room, if it’s in good
or Bed Bath & Beyond, bedroom because it should shape. And if it’s not?
where you can get your be a safe haven and place of Don’t move an ancient,
basic bedding and mat- respite. saggy mattress you in-
tress pad in one stop. A herited from a long-ago
plain white comforter is for a full-size mattress. roommate into your new
a good place to start. “A double bed can look home.
Your upsized home
probably has two or
three bedrooms. If there
like a toddler bed in a
town house bedroom
— just too small for the
Q: What design as-
pects should I take
my time with?
are one or two people
living in the house, one
room is usually the (Dreamstime photos/TNS)
scale of the room,” Hay
You probably already own the basics to decorate a new, larger home, but their scale may be off. says.
Davis advises her cli-
A: In a word: every-
thing. “The biggest
mistake you can make
primary bedroom, the ents to get a king-size bed is hurrying to purchase
second is the guest room your spaces. Cover, a warm greige, as a fresh look by painting if their primary bedroom something you don’t love
or office, and the third Low suggests an off- a good backdrop for art or staining it. dimensions will support or doesn’t fit right,” Low
can be used for storage, white, such as Swiss and furniture. If your new home has it. says. Then you waste
an office, craft space or a
workout room. If you are
Coffee, Alabaster or
Simply White, all by Q: What do I do with
my dining table?
a formal dining space After all, you might
and you aren’t planning one day have dogs, cats
money on replacing it.
“The more expensive the
hoping to start a family,
a pullout couch may be
a good purchase for the
Benjamin Moore. “Look
at the paint with lots of
natural lighting,” she
A: Moving from
an apartment
to a small home often
to host sit-down holiday or kids trying to squeeze
dinners for 12, put your themselves into bed with
small table in there, and you. She says you need a
item is,” Low adds, “the
more you should take
time with it.”
smallest bedroom. (You says, to make sure it’s a includes more dining turn the dining room
can add a crib later.) good fit for your space. space. But the small ta- into an office.

Q: Should I worry
about paint colors?
If you have white up-
holstery, though, Low
ble you have been using If all else fails and you
might come in handy for can’t find a place for it

A: With more rooms

to think about, you
might be uncertain about
says, you might want to
rethink the white walls.
“A solid white wall will
another room, so don’t
give yours away.
A smaller table is a
in your new home, post
your table on Facebook
Marketplace or a neigh-
paint color choices. Now look dingy if you have great work-from-home borhood group.
you have to think about
how colors work togeth-
er. Some designers say
white furniture. One will surface that can be
always look dirtier than tucked into a corner of a
the other,” she says.
Is this the time to
upgrade my mat-
room. “You can use it as tress quality and/or size?
Windsor Apartments
124 34th Street Dr. SE
285 Robins Rd, Hiawatha
11BR units available close to 1BR & 2BR Units, wooded area, close to
painting all the rooms
a light neutral or white
will make your home feel
Davis often uses High an end table, a table at
Reflective White by
Sherwin-Williams. “It
the back of a sofa, or also
as an entry hall table,”
Yes. Moving to
larger quarters is
the perfect opportunity
HWY 151, central air,
keyed entry $445
I-380, eat-in kitchen, select units with patio.
1BR $365 / 2BR $425
light and airy. Later, you adapts to any other color Risdon says. “Put a lamp to upsize your full- or
can go bolder with paint you put in the room,” she on it and some family queen-size mattress.
Explore our properties for rent at
or choose a statement says. Hay recommends photos to give it new Your studio apartment 319-365-3156
wallpaper for some of Benjamin Moore’s Cloud life.” You can also give it may have only had room 2750 1st Ave. NE, Suite 230
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 3E


ColorBlaze Coleus offers easy


color scheme companions

By Norman Winter,
Tribune News Service

ColorBlaze El Brighto
Coleus will make its de-
but in 2022, and make no
mistake about it, award-
winning color scheme
opportunities await as
you select flower part-
ners. At the Young’s
Plant Farm 2021 Garden
Tour in Auburn, Ala.,
this summer it made a
memorable impression
on me.
The last 30 years I
have fancied myself as ColorBlaze Royale Brandy
a guru of color. I talk Coleus and Luscious Royale
about color schemes to Cosmo lantana create a mono-
Master Gardeners and chromatic partnership of color.
have put artist color
wheels in the books I
have written. This day at Nearly Noir at one end,
the garden tour, I got su- the color at the other
These 13-inch table lamps are better in terms of scale for this
buffet. Previously, lamps double the size and with a larger shade percharged again on the end would be the pink
were there and it looked off. (Erin Owen) use of color, particularly of the Luminary Opales-
incorporating coleus. cence phlox.

Tilt the design

This particular bed CorlorBlaze Coleus
featured two new flow- varieties can work just
ers for 2022: Ladybird ColorBlaze El Brighto Coleus makes its debut in 2022. In this like flowers in your
Sunglow, a Calylophus colorful combination it is partnered with Ladybird Sunglow Ca- color schemes, whether

scale in the
hybrid selection of Texas lylophus or Texas primrose, Luscious Citron lantana and Vermil- they be analogous, com-
primrose and Luscious lionaire cuphea. (Norman Winter photos/TNS) plementary, monochro-
Citron lantana. That matic or even slightly
would have worked as a more challenging like a

right direction
monochromatic plant- triadic harmony, three
ing, but the addition of colors equally split on
Vermillionaire Cuphea the artist color wheel.
and ColorBlaze El Brigh- Two of my favorite
to coleus turned it into a colors are fiery orange

hen something mathematical sequence dazzling analogous color and lime green. So when
in a room looks often found in nature, scheme. the opportunity to grow
off, but it’s including the human An analogous color Color Coded Orange You
hard to express why, the body. In architecture, scheme is designed Awesome echinacea and
reason is likely related think of the Parthenon with colors next to each ColorBlaze Lime Time
to a misuse or omis- in Greece. other on a color wheel. It Coleus together, I could
sion of the principles of The golden ratio for doesn’t have to be exact, not pass it up. The third
design. These are the interior designers trans- but within close prox- partner in the combina-
tools to determine why lates into 60/30/10. This imity. In this case the tion was Dolce Wild-
a room is visually pleas- means the dominant col- red-orange of both Ver- berry Heuchera. It still
ing rather than just say- or occupies 60 percent of millionaire Cuphea and is one of my favorites
ing a room looks pretty. the room, a secondary ColorBlaze El Brighto ColorBlaze Lime Time Coleus, ColorBlaze Wicked Hot is an today.
These principles are the color fills 30 percent Coleus was perfect. They Color Coded Orange You award-winning coleus that Using ColorBlaze
why behind the pretty. and an accent pops up offered more than that, Awesome echinacea and Dolce made its debut in 2020 and Coleus in your combina-
The combination in 10 percent. Furniture however, in that the yel- Winterberry heuchera create a indeed looks flaming as it gets tion plantings offers one
of wanting to finish a should fill 60 percent of low tips of the Cuphea three-part or triadic harmony of backlit by the sun. Here it is other game-changing
blossoms and the yellow color. partnered with golden needle- trait: They will perform
room and working with the room. Larger rooms like foliage of the Fluffy arbor-
existing furnishings need larger pieces of fur- gold margins of the Co- until frost. The perenni-
leus echoed the colors of all means, don’t be shy vitae. als and annuals both will
led to a narrow buffet niture. In a 15- by 20-foot
being overwhelmed by living room, a grouping both the lantana and the on this one. ColorBlaze cycle in bloom through-
two table lamps. The of furniture could be primrose. Nearly Noir will offer a also would have been a out the long hot growing
symmetry of the lamps around 10 feet by 13 feet. Just talking about this total contrast in which- great choice. season, but the Coleus
was a nice element, but Then there is the rule demonstrates how fun ever color you combine I have used Nearly stays camera-ready.
the lamps overwhelmed of thirds. Photographers it can be incorporating it with. Noir with Alocasia up- Come spring, look for
the surface and adjacent use this idea to visually foliage plants like Color- When we have a right elephant ears and the ColorBlaze series
art. I see that clearly divide the frame with Blaze Coleus into your total contrast, we typi- Luminary Opalescence and the new El Brighto,
now. The scale was two horizontal and two flower and foliage part- cally refer to that as a phlox. While a great con- and Nearly Noir intro-
wrong. vertical lines. They nerships. ColorBlaze has complementary color trast with the phlox, you ductions. Regardless of
Taken together, capture the subject of another new selection scheme. Nearly Noir could tell there was a what you choose, incor-
proportion and scale a photo in one-third of for 2022 called Nearly will enhance every- color relationship. If you porate them into your
are one of seven design the frame, ideally where Noir. It is such a dark thing around it. In the had a paint chip card color schemes and you’ll
principles. Interior de- the lines intersect, and burgundy it really does planting above with El from the home improve- find your neighbors
signers use these prin- leave two-thirds open. look nearly black. By Brighto, Nearly Noir ment store that had looking for advice.
ciples to develop a room. This draws attention to
I wrote about contrast in the subject.
this column published Interior designers
Sept. 19 and thought it can similarly divide a
might be helpful to con- room to determine a
tinue writing about the furniture plan or how
remaining principles. the space will be used.
At the start of the A living room’s main
interior design program,
we were asked to find
furniture would occupy
two-thirds and the last

pictures in magazines
and evaluate them based
on design principles.
third could be for a
secondary related use.
The rule of thirds can be
The Gazette Gives Back
This was one of my
favorite tasks. Designers
can break down why
used to determine the
proper size of art and
furniture. A coffee table,
program throws our
a room is appealing
regardless of if they
like the material or
for instance, should be
two-thirds the size of the
organization a lifeline
furnishing choices.
Taste is subjective, but
the design principles are
It all starts with
knowing the guidelines
of design principles.
of support.”
objective. Then breaking a prin-
Proportion and ciple is a purposeful “At a time when our non-profits continue to struggle, The Gazette Gives Back program throws our
scale are all about size. decision and not just a organizations a lifeline of support. This program has been our biggest cheerleader and our best
Proportion is the size mistake. Just make sure friend.” We love you all and are so grateful.
relationship between to train your eyes to – Jan Erceg, Critter Crusaders
the parts that make up spot the mistake.
a whole. Scale focuses
on the size of objects in Erin Owen graduated from
relation to each other. the interior design program at #GazetteGivesBack
There is a measure- Kirkwood Community College.
She has worked as a commercial
ment, the golden ratio, and residential interior designer.
to evaluate proportion. Comments: erin.n.owen@gmail.
The golden ratio is a com

Looking to buy or
sell your home?
The Gazette Gives Back will provide forty Eastern Iowa nonprofits with $525,000 in free
advertising credits throughout 2021. Discover the stories of this incredible community at
Call us!

319-378-8760 Supported by The Gazette and Collins Community Credit Union

4E The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Fall foods and moods, 2021 edition

By Erin Thorburn, Lamb Shanks, White
Tribune News Service Chili with Chicken, or
Mozzarella Baked Gnoc-
The pandemic has chi (visit HonestCooking.
made us hyperaware of com for full recipes).
many things, including
the state of our homes, GET CREATIVE
waistlines, and the way AND CRAFTY
we interact with people. There’s something
As fall approaches, about the crisp autumn
it’s an opportune time to air and changing colors
cast any negative notions that inspire creativ-
that may have been tied ity. What better time to
to these areas of life in invite your friends and
favor of foods and moods family to a fall-focused
that promote positivity, crafting session? If
abundance and unity. you’re fortunate to live
It’s a time to explore all in an area ensconced
the things we love about with vibrant foliage,
the autumn season with encourage your guests
our closest friends. Read to bring a variety of
on for a few ways to pair colorful leaves of their
some of the top seasonal choosing. Press them
decorative accents and into scrapbooks, use
bites for a memorable them to make jewelry,
fall experience. or have your partygoers
make them into a string
CULTIVATE COZY of garland.
CABIN VIBES For a more ambitious
creative outlet, try your
Not everyone can es-
hand at homemade can-
cape to a cabin this fall,
but that doesn’t mean Fire pits are coveted right now, especially for those who love to entertain. Treat your guests to special treats like s’mores. (Jim Slosia- dle-making. Udemy even
rek/The Gazette) offers a how-to course.
you can’t bring the cabin
Finished products double
to you. Better yet, there
as take-home gifts for
is a way to achieve a dif-
guests, and you can use
ferent type of cabin at-
yours for the next time
mosphere for everyone.
you entertain.
Whether your taste runs
While your guests are
woodsy-lumberjack or
making their creations,
lake house fishing, there
serve a platter of grab-
is a means to bring forth
and-go options such as
flavors of fall for all.
Grilled Apples with Pro-
While the last few
sciutto and Honey, Lem-
years have reflected a
on Herb Cheese Bites,
fascination with furry
and Cajun Sausage Puffs
throws, pillows and
with Bourbon Mustard
rugs, this year, cabin
trends are more about
for full recipe).
quilts, afghans and wo-
ven blankets. These can GO ON AN ADVENTURE
be stacked on a hearth,
draped over couches If you’d rather not
Choose both form and function
and chairs and spread by stacking your favorite throw retrofit your home to
over ottomans. Red-and- blankets and show off your imbibe fall foods and
black buffalo plaid is also plaids. (Handout/TNS) moods — or at least not
making its way to many for an entire evening
cabinesque spaces, and — consider gathering
can effortlessly add a pop tertaining: an elaborate everyone for a little caf-
of color to otherwise neu- After not being able to entertain for a while, elaborate table settings are trending, beckoning guests table setting. As people feine first, followed by
tral areas (think about a to the dining table. Plaid and pumpkins are perfect this fall. (Handout/TNS) embark on gathering in an “off-roading” expe-
throw pillow or two). person again, the dining rience. You can begin
Include soft accents bit more, you can pur- toes wrapped and cooked table beckons. In place your fall festivities with
like vanilla-wood scented for recipes). And noth- chase a Breeo Smokeless in foil, Caprese Brie of the usual fall fodder a full coffee and hot
candles, woodland ani- ing says cabin-cozy like Firepit (, which cooked on a skillet or Ca- such as crisp, bright foli- chocolate bar, providing
mal decor, and stacks of fresh pie straight out of may be a worthy and ide- jun Shrimp Kebabs (visit age such as gourds and everything from mini-
outdoor-themed books the oven for dessert. al investment for enter- for recipes). leaves, rustic lanterns, marshmallows to fall
on mantels, coffee tables taining guests who love And don’t forget S’mores tarnished candelabras, syrups and spices (pump-
and hutches. TAKE IT OUTSIDE a good campfire without with fun additions such velvet table runners and kin, maple, cinnamon
While your guests Fire pits are widely the fragrant, stick-to- as Nutella, sliced straw- lots of vintage vases and and nutmeg). Then take
savor your autumnal coveted at present. If you your-clothes aftermath. berries and peanut centerpieces are serving your crew to a local corn
atmosphere, invite them don’t have a permanent While conversing butter. as popular table maze, harvest festival
to a feast of Manhattan one in your outdoor liv- around the campfire, adornments. or apple orchard. End
Fish Chowder or Baked ing space, you can get treat friends and family FEAST YOUR EYES After dressing your the evening by serving a
Tilapia and Vegetable one on to tasty offerings like One major mood that’s table, address taste buds glass of mulled wine and
Casserole (visit for under $100. For a Cheesy Campfire Pota- trending in home en- with options like Braised spiked apple cider.

Stainless steel or cast-iron are good material choices for a round bar sink. (Kohler/TNS)

Don’t wait around if you want

to install a round bar sink
By Ed Del Grande, Tribune News Service with the material choice. I like stain-
less steel or cast-iron bar sinks.

Q: We’re having a kitchen island

complete with a bar sink in-
Checking to see what colors or fin-
ishes are available can help with your
stalled. I don’t want a standard square material choice.
sink; I’d like a round bar sink. What Then decide if you want a drop-in
prep work can I do to help this project or undermount-style sink rim. Also
run smoothly, and any helpful tips add some entertainment options like
for choosing my bar sink? — Pat, New ice molds, sink racks and cutting
York state boards.

A: A good plan is to have the sink

at the job site before you start
Finally, draw up a countertop plan
so you and your contractor are on the
the project. This way your contractor same page. If the contractor can have
can order the countertop, faucet and the actual sink in hand and knows its
base cabinets to custom fit your spe- exact location before the job begins, it
cial sink. should be smooth sailing for your new
When choosing your fixture, start kitchen island.
The GAZETTE Classifieds, It Works for You! The Gazette, Sunday, October 17, 2021 5E

THE GAZETTE Customer-assisted calls: 319-368-8600 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

ƣ 1 Bedroom SW starting at $425
2 Bedroom SW starting at $595
Garages Available; 319-396-3817
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Oct 13, 2021
Choice Strs& Hfrs: 122.00-130.00
Cows: 50.00-78.00
LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Premium Whites and Hfrettes:
1 Bedroom Marion starting at $365 Goldfinch Meadows 75.00-81.00
2 Bedroom Marion starting at $525 1 bedroom starting at $460 Acreage in Anamosa Walker Sale Barn Thin, Slow, Cripple
3 Bedroom Marion starting at $635 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, 49.00 and down
Call 319-373-0186
2 bedroom starting at $630
near Wapsi, no pets/smoking, Sat. Oct. 23rd LAND AUCTION Bulls: 71.00-87.00
Washer & Dryer included COWS & BULLS AT 11AM GRUNDY COUNTY, IOWA
319-390-7600 available now. 319-462-5660 170± Acres •L-2100650
FEEDERS AT 12:30PM Special Cattle Sale
1 Bedroom Marion starting at $370 EARLY LISTINGS: LAND AUCTION •PUBLIC AND ON-
1 Bedroom NE starting at $395 EARLY LISTINGS: LINE BIDDING Monday Nov 1, 2021-11:00 am
2 Bedroom Marion starting at $555 15 CALVES 450-600# 2RDS LTW Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 10AM 85 Red Angus Strs and Hfrs 550-750#
Regal Townhomes To Register and Bid on this Auction, go -GT and Weaned
Call 319-377-5383 2 bedroom townhomes starting at $695 Find the 12 CALVES 400-500# WEANED/VACC
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3 bedroom townhomes starting at $995
Washer, Dryer, Garage included Employment section MORE CATTLE BY SALE TIME
For additional information, please con-
tact: Roger L. Johnson, Agent Phone:
-GT and Weaned
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319-377-5383 in the - 2 rounds shots, yearlings
2 Bedroom SW starting at $515 WEDNESDAY @630PM (319) 230-0389
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Call Today 319-396-1865 RESIDENTIAL FOR RENT on SEE UPDATES ON IOWA COUNTY, IOWA 45 Blk Strs and Hfrs 550-600#
-GT, booster, weaned 45 days
3 bed ranch home with 2 car garage on
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LAND AUCTION •PUBLIC AND 40 Blk Bwf Strs and Hfrs 475-550#
1/2 acre, 1 mile off paved highway, un- 40 Red Angus Strs and Hfrs 450-600#
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To Register and Bid on this Auction, go -GT and Weaned
lease, call 319-533-4036. 15 Blk Strs 500-650#
-GT and Weaned
contact: John and Kathy Van Zee, 12 Blk Strs and Hfrs 600#
Agents Phone: (641) 521-0151 -7way, right off cow
or (641) 521-5305 10 Angus X Strs and Hfrs 550-600#
or Eric Van Zee, Agent
-GT and Weaned

Phone: (515) 971-2633 Special Cattle Sale Monday Nov. 15, 2021 - 11am
µ Real Estate Sales µ Auctions
µ Farm and Ranch Management Tama Livestock • Tama, IA
281.05 Acres, M/L
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104.20 Acres, M/L Grundy County, IA Benton County, IA
• Consultations Jason 1-641-484-2380
• Oil, Gas and Renewble 641-484-3465
NW of Keystone µ Energy Management
Within western city limits of Grundy Center • Forest Resource Management
103.87 FSA/Eff. Crop Acres with 91.49 CSR2 Parcel 1: 123.05 Acres m/l • Hunting Lease Network
121.97 FSA/Eff. Crop Acres m/l with an 83.33 CSR2 • FNC Ag Stock
Sealed bids must be received by Parcel 2: 158.00 Acres m/l KALONA
November 2, 2021 * 12 Noon CST 149.69 FSA/Eff. Crop Acres m/l with an 88.80 CSR2 CATTLE RECEIPTS
1,263 HEAD 10/14/2021
At Hertz Real Estate Services Monday, November 8, 2021 @ 10:00 a.m. Choice Steers: $122.00-133.75
Turner Hall, 91 2nd St., Keystone, IA 52249 Select Steers: $114.00-121.50
6314 Chancellor Dr./P.O. Box 1105, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Choice Heifers: $122.00-131.00
Select Heifers: $114.00-121.50
Choice Hol: $110.00-115.00

Cedar Falls Office • 319.234.1949 • Cedar Falls Office • 319.234.1949 • Select Hol: $105.00-109.50
Market Bulls: $ 62.00-94.00
Market Cows: $ 20.00-77.00
10/14/21 - RECEIPTS: 413

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SM SQ ALF/GRASS: $5.50-7.00
SM SQ GRASS: $4.50-5.50
284.97 Acres, m/l - Jack
Jacksonson County
County 81.48 Acres, m/l - Washing
ton County
County LG SQ ALFALFA: $35.00-72.50
LG SQ ALF/GRASS: $32.50-70.00
Located 4 Miles Northwest of Sabula, Iowa LG RD ALF/GRASS: $37.50-70.00
OPEN HOUSE • High-Quality Farm - CSR2 of 91.80 SHEEP & GOAT MARKET 10/13/2021
Sheep Receipts: 898
Sunday, October 17 from 2:00 to 5:00
Wednesday, October 20 from 3:00 to 6:00
• Located 1¾ Miles West of Highway 1 Results per CWT:
Lambs: 50-59#
Includes 118.74 cropland acres with a 42.11 CSR2, • Open Lease for the 2022 Crop Year 77-78#
92.00 acres m/l of pasture, 73.00 acres m/l of timber, 92-98#
and house with buildings. Wednesday, November 3, 2021 @ 10:00 a.m. Ewes:
$ 91.00-123.00
$ 95.00-118.00

Friday, October 29, 2021 @ 10:00 a.m. Washington County Fairgrounds Goat Receipts: 593
Results per HEAD:
Sabula-Miles VFW, Sabula, IA Washington, IA Kids: 40-45#
70-79# $145.00-225.00
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80-89# $180.00-230.00
Mount Vernon • 319-895-8858 Washington • 319-382-3343
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121- 9th St, Kalona, IA 52247
BARN: (319)656-2222
DEVIN MULLET: (319)936-0675
Here are just a few stories we helped tell... OXFORD SALE BARN
Special Cattle Sale
Tues. Oct. 19th 12:00
Partner with The Gazette and 60 Blk strs 2Xvac on roughage #875
43 Blk strs off grass #800
24 Blk strs 2Xvac on roughage #900


20 Blk strs vac on roughage #800
18 Blk strs off grass #825
15 Blk hfrs off grass #800
55 Blk strs-hfrs vac weaned 75 #550-650
30 Blk strs-hfrs vac weaned green cond
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20 Blk strs-hfrs vac weaned 45 #400-500
16 Blk strs-hfrs vac weaned 90 #650-750
4-Blk-Red young cows bred Blk bull to
calve in Mar
Expecting More Cattle

Renewable Fuels Upcoming Special Cattle Sales
Fueling Iowa’s Future Tues. Nov. 9th
the opening of the

  Tues. Nov. 30th
Spring Street Addition Tues. Dec. 14th
Running on empty? Think ethanol
the next time you gas up
The Gazette • October 18, 2015
Chuck Cochran • 319-936-2045
When the fuel gauge is nearing
“E,” what’s the There is no doubt that enough
first thing that comes to mind? grain is produced
How far is the annually to supply the world’s
next gas station? Where can need for food
I buy the cheapest

Tom Cochran • 319-430-0011

and fuel. Even after accounting
used for biofuels, there is more
for the grain • E15 is a blend of 15 percent
grain available
The next time the fuel needle
hovers near “E,” today for food and feed use than
at any time in
ethanol and 85 percent gasoline
think about E15. It’s the newest
history. In addition, through
ethanol blend
available, and it’s the lowest-cost facturing process, one-third of
the ethanol manu- — that’s just 5 percent more
fuel on the every bushel of
market. corn processed into ethanol is
converted into
ethanol than the E10 fuel that
livestock feed. Last year the ethanol
E15 is a blend of 15 percent ethanol
and 85 produced enough livestock feed
industry has been around since 1978.
percent gasoline — that’s just to provide seven
5 percent more quarter-pound hamburgers for
ethanol than the E10 fuel that
has been around the planet. There is no doubt
every person on • E15 is approved for use in all
since 1978. It’s approved for the world’s grain
use in all 2001 and supply has grown large enough 2001 and newer cars, trucks and
A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words
newer cars, trucks and SUVs. to satisfy both
E15 also will save increased demand for food and
you money because it’s priced
less than E10 and animal feed, as
well as increased biofuel production. SUVs.
is significantly cheaper than All of this
gasoline without boils down to the availability
plies and affordable fuel.
of record food sup- • E15 is priced less than E10 and
Ethanol-blended fuel has been
ing consumers money because
credited with sav- Since there is a correlation between is significantly cheaper than
blending more food prices
cost-competitive ethanol with
gasoline lowers
and oil consumption, the more
ethanol used, the gasoline without ethanol.
the price of fuel. The U.S. renewable less impact on food costs. The
fuels pro- Renewable Fuel
gram is credited with saving Standard (RFS) was originally
motorists between implemented in
$0.50 and $1.50 per gallon on 2005 to create increased blending prevent some harmful pollutants
fuel purchases. of biofuels from reaching
That gives every American more in our nation’s gasoline. And the atmosphere. Last year, by
dollars to put since that time, using ethanol, mo-
toward food, clothing, a night food prices have risen more slowly. torists helped reduce of greenhouse
out, or a summer Food price gas emis-
vacation. inflation has averaged 2.8 percent sions by 40 million metric tons.
annually since That’s the same
2005, the year the RFS was enacted, effect as taking 8.4 million cars
This added value is all made compared off the road. And
possible by the to an average 3.5 percent from that’s not all. Ethanol reduces
innovation and efficiency of the 1980 through dependence on oil
ethanol industry 2004, according to the U.S. Department imports. Because ethanol is blended
and Iowa farmers. Iowa’s ethanol of in 98 per-
industry sup- Agriculture. The World Bank cent of all the fuel sold nationwide, oil imports
plies about 30 percent of the reports that most of
nation’s ethanol, the contribution to food price have dropped to 28 percent. Last
making Iowa the nation’s ethanol changes, starting year, ethanol
capital. Com- in 1997 through 2012, comes use is credited with replacing
bined with the increasing production from the price of 512 million barrels
efficiency crude oil. Through these years, of crude oil — that’s slightly
of Iowa corn growers, this partnership ethanol produc- more than the oil
provides tion has risen while annual food imported annually from Saudi
enough products to both feed price inflation Arabia.
and fuel the world. has declined. So ethanol is not
This is all made possible by using only helping keep Ethanol. It’s clean, it’s
fewer acres food prices affordable, it’s also driving Iowa’s economy,
because corn yields have doubled lowering fuel it’s saving motorists money at
over the last prices. the pump, and
(319) 351-1720 • 40 years. And research indicates
yields may even Ethanol is the lowest-cost, cleanest
it’s helping feed and fuel the
world. So, the next
double again by the middle of time your gas gauge hovers near
this century. octane empty, don’t
source in the world. This environmentall hesitate to reach for the ethanol
Sept. 9, 2015 y handle. You’ll
A feature of The Gazette • Wednesday, friendly, biodegradable octane be doing yourself, your family, your car, and the
booster helps
environment a favor. Choose

A vendor supported section provides tremendous exposure and FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT
good will for your business – just ask our many past clients. FA R M LA N D FO R SA LE
CEDAR CO. – NEW LISTING! 110.26 Acres located 1.5 miles south
We offer turn-key support from writing and photography of Mechanicsville. 107.60 cropland acres with a 92.03 CSR2. Includes
storage bin. $16,100/acre.

to sales and distribution. IOWA CO. – NEW LISTING! 156.00 Acres located west of Marengo.
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Furniture, hall tables, bedroom set with

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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 7E


By Bob Weber, Tribune News Service

Q: Every now and then

when coming to stop
signs the brakes on my 2014
Hyundai Sonata will shudder.
The dealer mechanic tells me
my pads are OK. Is this some-
thing I should be concerned
about? Is it a dangerous condi-
tion? — D.B., Las Vegas

A: Occasional shuddering is
no big deal. But at your
car’s age, you may be ready for
a brake job. A complete brake
job — rather than just replace-
ment pads — includes all the
essential hardware (pins,
shims, anti-rattle clips etc.).
I have a hunch your shudder
will be gone for good.
The 2022 Lexus NX compact SUV offers a pair of gasoline engines, a hybrid and a plug-in hybrid. (Detroit Free Press photos)
Q: I have a 2006 Lexus SC430
with 74,000 miles on it.

Welcome to the party

Recently I replaced run-flats
with new standard tires, which
were aligned and balanced.
Front struts were also recently
replaced. Between 55-70 mph
only, there is some vibration
in the steering wheel. This also
occurred prior to the new tires
New compact SUV boasts but is less pronounced with
the new tires and is not always
36-mile plug-in hybrid constant. Any ideas as to the
source of the vibration? — F.B.,
By Mark Phelan, Detroit Free Press Chicago

HOENIX — Lexus
adds a welcome plug-
A: Vibration at a specific
speed is almost always
due to imbalance. But other
in hybrid, among factors may be the cause. For
other useful features, instance, one of the wheels may
to its 2022 NX com- not be true. The wheel hub may
pact SUV. Brief tests also sug- be a contributor. Or, one of the
gest significantly improved new tires may be the problem.
infotainment and connectiv- Have your shop swap the front
ity systems. tires to the rear and see if the
The new NX should join vibration goes away or moves
its big brother — the RX, to the rear of the vehicle. Other-
without which no higher-end wise, a suspension inspection is
preschool pickup lane is com- called for.
plete — as the mainstays of
Lexus’ lineup in a post-sedan,
increasingly electrified auto
Q: I thought I would pass
along my experience with
random TPMS warnings pop-
industry. ping up. I discovered that those
The NX is already popular. USB chargers that go into the
It sold 62,079 in the U.S. in 12-volt socket trigger an alarm.
2020. The new lineup, which I plugged in the device and after
includes two gasoline-pow- a while the low-pressure alarm
ered models, a hybrid and came on. Unplugging the device
the plug-in hybrid, as well would, after a few minutes of
as both front- and all-wheel- driving over 20 miles per hour,
drive models, should increase reset the alarm. The solution
the NX’s appeal. The 2022 Lexus NX compact SUV offers an optional 14-inch touchscreen. came to me after maybe a dozen
Competitors include the trips to the dealer for recalibra-
Acura RDX, BMW X2, Cadil- The 450h+ plug-in hybrid All NX models benefit from tion of the tire sensors. When I
lac XT5, Lincoln Corsair,
Infiniti QX50 and Mercedes
AT A GLANCE also has an electrically pow- a cloud-based infotainment picked up my vehicle, the USB
charger was unplugged and
ered rear axle, CVT and 239 system Toyota developed in
GLC. • What: 2022 Lexus NX Hybrid total hp. Estimated 0-60 time Texas. laying in the cup holder. They
I drove varieties of the • Base price: $37,950; price as is 6 seconds. Prices start at Reliant on touch screens never wrote it up on the service
NX from suburban Phoenix tested: $59,61 $55,560. EPA fuel economy and voice commands, it’s ticket or mentioned the USB
through neighborhoods and • On sale: December 2021 estimates will be available a huge improvement from device to me when picking up
desert scrub to quirky sundi- • Powerplant: 2.5L four-cylinder before sales begin. quixotic previous Lexus con- the car, but eventually I would
als and sculptures of nearby engine and two electric motors; trols that included a joystick need the charger and plug it
Carefree. Electric rear axle IMPRESSIONS and a touch pad. back in and would get a low
• Total system output: 239 hp; The NX 350 is the sporty The climate controls in- tire alarm shortly after. — B.R.,
torque not available member of the family. The clude dials for temperature, Apple Valley, Minn.

The 2022 NX is 183.5 inches
long, on a 105.9-inch wheel-
base. Both figures are 1.2
Transmission: Continuously
variable automatic
• Estimated EPA fuel economy
350h hybrid’s acceleration
is adequate, but its gasoline
but rely on the touch screen
to adjust fan speed. Audio A: We have recently had
several readers reporting
mysterious low tire pressure
engine is a bit noisy when ac- controls have a physical vol-
inches longer than the 2021 rating: Not available. 91 octanecelerating hard. The PHEV’s ume dial and touch screen warnings and you may have
model. or higher fuel recommended; more powerful batteries de- tuning. solved the mystery. By the way,
The NX uses a new plat- Estimated battery range: 36 miles
liver acceleration with less In addition to Google with colder temperatures com-
form that makes the new • Cargo space: 27.4 cubic feet fuss. searches for destinations, ing, your tires’ cold inflation
models significantly lighter behind rear seat, 46.9 with rear Only the normally aspi- menus, operating hours and pressures may drop. Pressure
than their predecessors. seat folded rated base engine — which the like, the cloud-based usually drops about one psi for
The 2022’s styling is sup- • Towing capacity: Not advised Lexus did not make available system can store multiple every 10-degree drop in outside
posed to embody Lexus’ new • Assembled: Cambridge, Ontario to test — achieves its pub- drivers’ preferences for temperature. Be sure to bring
dedication to performance lished performance with 87 audio, climate and more. the tires up to the proper cold
and handling, but it’s an evo- octane regular gasoline. Both Bonus: Those preferences inflation pressure shown on the
lution of the outgoing SUV. HOW MUCH? sticker at the driver’s door.
hybrids and the turbo recom- will be available when you
Obvious changes include
moving the L-shaped daytime
running lights from below to
The base NX 250 model has mend 91 octane or higher.
a 203-horsepower normally
aspirated 2.5L four-cylinder
The base suspension pro-
get into any Lexus or Toyota
equipped with the new info- Q: I recently walked away
from my 2018 GMC Aca-
dia and carried the key fob
vides a smooth ride. Avail- tainment system.
above the headlights. engine, front-wheel drive able adaptive shocks reduce The base touch screen with me. The car automati-
The current hybrid — EPA and an eight-speed automatic body roll and improve stabil- measures a generous 9.8 inch- cally locks itself, and under
rating: 33 mpg city/30 high- transmission. Prices start at ity in enthusiastic driving. es, with a gargantuan 14-inch normal circumstances this is
way/31 combined — accounts $37,950. All-wheel drive raises 2022 Lexus NX safety and one available. fine. However, in this instance
for 23 percent of NX sales. the price to $39,950. Accelera- driver assistance features: The navigation system a passenger was locked in the
Lexus estimates the 2022 hy- tion is a leisurely 8.6 seconds blind spot and cross traffic stores the destination when vehicle and could not exit. I
brid will score 41/37/49 when with front drive, 8.2 seconds alerts; right or left turn and the connection to the cloud had no idea that the passenger
testing is complete. for AWD. intersection; oncoming pedes- gets tenuous. Activated by could not unlock the car from
Lexus expects the 2022 NX The sportiest NX is the 350, trian and vehicle detection/ the command, “Hey, Lexus,” the inside. Warnings about this
350h hybrid to snag 25 per- which comes with a 275-hp braking; dynamic radar adap- the new digital assistant were not explicit either from
cent of sales, the NX 450h+ turbocharged 2.4L engine, tive cruise control with curve consistently filled requests the manual or the dealership.
PHEV another 5 percent. The all-wheel drive and the eight- speed management; road quickly and accurately. — R.L., Spring Valley, Ill.
450h+ will be available mostly
in California and other states
that incentivize zero-emission
speed automatic. The quick-
est in the lineup, it acceler-
sign recognition; emergency
steering assist; collision alert;
ates to 60 mph in 6.6 seconds. with front automatic braking;
Just about every interior
surface is padded. Wireless A: All vehicles are sup-
posed to have a means of
manually unlocking the doors
Apple CarPlay and Android
vehicles. Lexus estimates it’ll Prices start at $41,550. pedestrian and cyclist detec- Auto are standard. Wireless from the inside. Otherwise, as
go about 36 miles on a charge, The $41,050 350h hybrid tion; lane centering; lane charging is an option. you discovered, a person could
everything many drivers has a 2.5L engine, electrically departure alert with steering A configurable 10-inch be trapped. Try this: Pull the
need on a daily basis. powered rear axle and con- assist; automatic high beams; head up display presents in- door handle once. This usually
Official EPA figures for tinuously variable transmis- digital latch and safe exit as- formation clearly, and can be releases the lock. Pull it again
the PHEV and all the rest of sion. Total power is 239 hp. sistant; digital rear view mir- adjusted from a convenient and the door will usually open.
the ’22s will be available later The 350h reaches 60 mph in ror vastly improved controls, thumb pad on the steering Send questions along with name and town
this year. 7.2 seconds. digital assistant. wheel. to
8E The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Why does gutter cleaning matter?

Ask Angi

Your gutters do so
much more than just
direct water away from
your house. They’re an
essential defensive mea-
sure that protects your
yard, foundation, roof
and basement from long-
term water damage. It
can be easy to forget
to keep them clean, but
gutter cleaning is a
vital step in home
When gutters get
clogged, they overflow
and back up the water
instead of depositing it
several feet away from
the house.
When this happens,
water spills directly
onto the yard, causing
erosion of your soil and
increasing pressure
on the basement or
foundation. If standing
water remains in your
basement or crawl space,
you might experience
mold or other damage. It
also can fall behind the
gutters, causing fascia
boards to rot.
During cold weather,
water overflow can
freeze and cause
foundation cracks or
back up onto the roof,
causing ice dams and
eventual roof damage.
You can prevent this
with regular gutter Leaves, dirt and other debris can cause serious problems if they block up your gutters. (Dreamstime/TNS)
cleaning. How often
you need it depends
on numerous factors, get very busy in the fall, reach. If your gutters more. It’s possible to clean ers’ comp insurance,
including the region so it’s a good idea to get haven’t been cleaned out Installing gutter gutters yourself, but if which protects you in
where you live and the on the schedule as early in a while and require guards means you you do so, make sure you the event of damage to
number and type of as possible. extra time to clear out may not have to hire take all proper safety your home or injury to
trees near your home. In Gutter cleaning costs the debris, the job might gutter cleaners as often. precautions, including a worker. This is always
most cases, experts say between $115 and $225. also cost more. In most However, when that wearing protective eye- a good idea when hiring
you should clean your Most jobs take an hour cases, downspouts won’t job does take place, you wear and work gloves any home service, but
gutters twice a year — or two. The exact price require much if any might be charged extra and having a spotter to it is particularly vital in
once in spring and the will vary based on the cleaning, but in cases because of the additional hold the ladder sturdy. work that involves risky
next time late in fall, size of your home and where debris has clogged time they must take to When hiring a pro, activities like climbing
once all the leaves have the number of stories the downspout, expect to remove and reinstall the verify that your cleaner ladders or going on the
fallen. Gutter cleaners the cleaners have to pay between $50 and $100 guards. has liability and work- roof.

How to replace hard-wired smoke detectors

By Jeanne Huber, saying “Fire!” to alert a you get a replacement
Washington Post sleeping child, or a sen- that is as fresh as pos-
sor with a strobe light for sible. And look for a

Q: My home has
hard-wired smoke
detectors. How often do
someone who is hard of
If you have indepen-
button that allows you to
poke a broom handle at
the device to get it to stop
I need to replace them, dent sensors and a large making noise when there
and what kind of replace- multistory house, where is a false alarm.
ments do I need? Can I interconnected detectors Do you need to call
do it myself, or do I need would be especially use- in a pro to install new
a professional? And if I ful to ensure that every- smoke detectors? In most
need a pro, what kind? one hears an alarm trig- cases, no, unless they are

A: Manufacturers
typically use the
term “smoke alarms”
gered in a distant room,
you might want to spring
for replacement detec-
too high to reach from a
ladder or stepstool that
you feel comfortable
to refer to the kind that tors that interconnect via using.
blare and “smoke detec- radio signal. They don’t Get a stepstool or lad-
tors” for ones that both depend on Wi-Fi and will der, wear a headlamp if
blare and send an alert work even if the power necessary, and grab a
to a security company is out. Examples include screwdriver and possibly
or your cellphone. But First Alert’s hard-wired wire strippers. Write the
whatever you call them, smoke alarm with pho- date on the back of the
they should be replaced toelectric sensor ($35.74 new detector. Turn off
every 10 years, according on Amazon) and Kidde’s power to the circuit, and
to manufacturers and the 10-year worry-free hard- confirm it’s off by check-
National Fire Protection wired smoke detector ing the LED light; use a
Association, a nonprofit with intelligent wire-free noncontact voltage de-
organization funded by Test smoke alarms twice a year and check the batteries to be sure they’re in optimal condition. voice ($49.97 at Home tector if you have an old
the fire-protection indus- (Dreamstime/TNS) Depot). detector that connects
try that provides code It’s also possible to in- directly to the house wir-
language for local build- when you press the test consumer help line, probably work. If you corporate “smart” home ing. Twist off the detec-
ing departments and cer- button, just replace that which you can find on switch, you’ll probably technology, so you can tor (look for an arrow
tification programs for one. the company’s website. need to install a new know something’s wrong showing the direction).
people in various safety- Which replacement But if you have indepen- mounting bracket (typi- even if you’re not home. If the mounting plate
related roles. model you need depends dently wired detectors, cally included with new Short of contracting with doesn’t work with your
Many smoke alarms partly on whether the the replacement doesn’t devices and easy to set a home-security com- new detector, loosen the
now come with sealed existing devices are need to match. It just up) and you may need an pany or installing a DIY screws holding it in place
lithium-ion batteries wired independently or needs to be a wired-in adapter plug (an extra version, such as a Sim- just enough to twist off
designed to last for 10 are interconnected. If model. expense). pliSafe security system the old plate and install
years, and some building you aren’t sure what you Consumer Reports Beyond that, there are (, you can a new one. Retighten the
codes are moving toward have, press the test but- magazine, an advertis- performance issues to get detectors that link to screws.
requiring these in new ton on one. If all devices ing-free publication that consider. One is whether a cellphone. A wired-in Depending on your
construction. A 10-year go off, they are intercon- regularly tests alarms, to get a dual-sensing de- Google Nest combination situation, you can then
battery eliminates the nected, typically linked reported in a recent tector, with both a pho- smoke and carbon mon- plug in the new detector,
hassle of waking up in with a red or orange wire review that although it toelectric eye to quickly oxide detector is $114.99 install an adapter plug or
the middle of the night to carry a direct current has found problems with detect smoke and an on Amazon. There are use wire nuts to connect
to the incessant chirping signal in addition to reg- carbon monoxide detec- ionization sensor, often also workarounds that the new detector to the
of a worn-out battery. ular alternating current tors, it has never found called a heat detector, add smartphone alerts to house wiring after you
It also reinforces the wires for power. If only a smoke detector that to quickly detect flames. regular alarms. The Kid- first strip excess insula-
advice to replace alarms one sounds, they are failed its tests. But there Both types sense both de’s RemoteLync smart tion from the ends of the
every 10 years. Once a wired independently. are issues other than types of fires, but the home monitor ($73.50) detector wires. Tuck
10-year battery fails, the If you have intercon- reliability to consider be- speed of detection differs. also listens for alarms excess wiring into the
whole device needs to be nected alarms, check the fore you buy. Especially in a bedroom, and relays them to a cell- ceiling box.
replaced. When detec- specifications to ensure Modern detectors a dual-sensing detector phone using Wi-Fi. Before you twist the
tors are about that old or you get a compatible re- typically have a specially is best. There are also some new detector into place
older, replace them all placement — or replace designed plug, which But if you’ve had prob- basics to consider before against the backing
at the same time. But if all the devices in your the industry calls a wir- lems with false alarms, buying a replacement plate, remove the tab
they are just a few years home with a single model ing harness, that links you might want a pho- detector. It should have that would keep the bat-
old and one keeps chirp- or with ones listed as be- to house wiring. If you toelectric sensor in the a label from a respected tery from working. Turn
ing even after you’ve ing mutually compatible. stick with the brand you kitchen, an ionization testing laboratory, such the power back on, and
replaced the backup If the package isn’t clear, have, the existing mount- sensor in the garage, as UL. Check the manu- test the detector to en-
battery or fails to sound call the manufacturer’s ing bracket and plug will the ability to add a voice facture date to ensure sure it’s working.
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 1F



Is your
arket fluctuation can
be viewed as the price
investors have to pay
for being involved with the
wealth-building power of the
financial markets.
But rationalizing market
fluctuations doesn’t make them
any less nerve wracking, espe-
cially if you’re nearing retire-
ment age.
It is important to build your
financial home during good
weather when you can evalu-
ate priorities in an objective
manner. Acknowledging the
An employee works in a fulfillment center in Monee, Ill. (Chicago Tribune) weather will not always be sun-

Warehouse jobs
ny and preparing in a proactive
manner will alleviate anxiety
when a storm does occur.
Some investors react to vola-
tility as if they were living in
the path of a hurricane. They
board up the windows, gather
the essentials, stay put and
hope the storm passes without

are hard to fill

hitting too hard.
Their approach is to hope
things go well and sometimes
prefer not to acknowledge what
is happening.
Others may get nervous
and want to leave their home
and run from stormy weather.
These are the investors that
sometimes sell their invest-
ments at a less than ideal time.
‘10 hours on your feet’ The truth is, if you have pre-
pared appropriately for market
Washington Post volatility, then normal market
fluctuations shouldn’t be a con-

arehouse jobs were cern, and you should be able
supposed to be the to continue to pursue the im-
future of the retail portant things in your life and
industry, offering opportuni- spend as you normally would
ties for displaced employees during times of mild weather.
and reshaping the American There are several important
workforce. issues to keep in mind when, Target, building your financial home:
Walmart and other compa- CREATE A WEALTH PLAN THAT
nies pledged to create hun-
dreds of thousands of these COVERS ALL YOUR BASES
positions at competitive No wealth plan is totally
wages — and increasingly immune to market fluctua-
with perks such as free col- tions. But by diversifying your
lege — so they could fill the investments across stocks,
deluge of online orders that bonds, and other financial
began with the pandemic and vehicles, it alleviates the expo-
continue unabated. sure that a single market event
But the industry is facing is going to jeopardize your
an unexpected problem: Far long-term security.
too few people are willing to It also is helpful to have both
take on the often-grueling long- and short-term savings
work, according to industry “buckets” that can be used de-
officials and economic data. A United Parcel Service driver sorts boxes in New York. (Bloomberg News) pending on your age, goals
It is the latest sign that and how close you are to
the job market is being buf-
feted by unexpected trends
“Given high unemployment, you’d expect portation industry had a re-
cord 490,000 openings in July This combination of diversi-
that are leading workers to that it would be easy to attract labor, — a gap that experts predict fied assets and adequate liquid-
ity provides stability. It also
reconsider the types of posi- will widen in coming months.
tions they want — and up- but it’s been the opposite.” The dearth of willing provides flexibility that can be
ending industries across the workers is hitting companies used to address potential prob-
economy. Sabrina Wnorowski, vice president of human resources at Radial just as they’re preparing for lems or to take advantage of
“Every year we say, ‘Wow, a fraught holiday season. opportunities that might ben-
this is really difficult’ — and Supply chain hiccups, efit your overall portfolio.
every year, it gets more and iPads, as well as pizza already has cycled through shipping delays and out-of- Understanding your overall
challenging,” said Sabrina parties and on-site food trucks millions of workers, some of stock products are expected plan and how your spending
Wnorowski, vice president of in a bid to attract 27,000 ware- whom say they’ve sworn off to cut into retailers’ sales goals are met through your
human resources at Radial, house workers this year, up warehouse jobs altogether. and profits, and analysts say various cash flows may allow
which operates fulfillment 30 percent from 2019. That, labor economists staffing shortages make the you to get through any storm
centers for brands such as “Given high unemploy- say, is creating new challeng- outlook even more uncertain. that may occur in the future.
Cole Haan, Aeropostale and ment, you’d expect that it es for retailers scrambling The number of seasonal Looking at your plan as a
the Children’s Place. would be easy to attract la- to fill crucial jobs unloading postings advertising “ur- “home” that has money flow-
The company, she said, bor,” she said, “but it’s been trucks, picking orders and gent” or “immediate” ing in and out based off of your
is offering daily raffles with the opposite.” delivering packages.
prizes such as PlayStations The warehouse industry The warehouse and trans- ; JOBS, PAGE 2F ; PLANNING, PAGE 3F


Ice Cube Press publishes dreams

Its books can show how have to do it myself.”
Semken, 57, was ICE CUBE PRESS
No matter the day
best to ‘live in the Midwest’ just in his mid-20s ● Owner: Steve Semken
job, when he came
with a degree in ● Phone: (319) 626-2055
home from work,
English and history ● Website: icecubepress.
Semken wrote.
By Steve Gravelle, correspondent from the University “I kept writing
of Iowa when he be- and writing, and I
Ice Cube Press’ 30th year kind came a publisher. thought, ‘I really
of sneaked up on its proprietor, “I was really kind of jumping want to stay with writing,’ ” he
Steve Semken. around,” he said. “I was working said.
“It is really strange to think at a cable company in Lawrence, So in 1991, Semken published
about,” Semken said one morn- Kan., and I never really knew his own work as a chapbook, a
ing this past week. “Who’s going what I was going to do. I was kind Steve Semken has been publishing books through his company,
to give me my watch? Oh, yeah, I of on something every couple of ; ICE CUBE, PAGE 2F Ice Cube Press, for 30 years. (Jim Slosiarek/The Gazette)
2F The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021

Jobs/Warehouse workers under more pressure

; FROM PAGE 1F into account things like time cardo, who asked to be identi-
in role, experience and their fied by his first name because
vacancies on the jobs site In- safety and well-being.” he fears losing his job.
deed has grown tenfold from She also noted that many “You know when you’re
a year ago, according to com- employees look to Amazon worked to the bone, and you
pany economist AnnElizabeth for short-term work “to make just want to go home, eat and
Konkel. some extra income when they sleep? It’s like that all the
Many more employers also need it.” time.”
are advertising hiring incen- A “large percentage” of Analysts note warehouse
tives such as signing bonuses workers, she said, are “re- and delivery workers are un-
and cash, she said. hires,” though she declined to der increased pressure this
Gap is touting around-the- share specifics. year, given widespread prod-
clock telehealth appointments The company, which is hop- uct shortages and shipping de-
and 50 percent discounts on ing to hire 125,000 warehouse lays that are complicating an
its clothing. Aldi has bumped and logistics workers before already stressful environment.
up the average starting pay at the holidays, is offering $3,000 “Workers are exhausted,
warehouses to $19 an hour. bonuses and starting hourly and they’re working very
Walmart is promising extra wages of as much as $22. It physical jobs,” said Ellen Re-
pay for supply chain employ- recently dropped marijuana ese, chair of labor studies at
ees who show up to all sched- An employee pulls a pallet jack carrying plastic crates at the fulfill- testing requirements. the University of California at
uled shifts. ment center in Robbinsville, N.J. (Bloomberg News) Riverside.
And Sleep Number is of- A ‘STAGGERING’ VOLUME “Add in the long hours and
fering sign-on bonuses of as asked to be identified by his senior researcher and policy “Coming out of COVID, quick pace of the holiday sea-
much as $1,000 at distribution first name only because he analyst for the National Em- there’s been a major shift in son, and that can lead to a lot
centers in Ohio and California,fears retribution at work. ployment Law Project. the willingness of workers of additional risks.”
plus free mattresses for all “The job is brutal — 10 “Amazon is the standard- to take on jobs,” said David In Colorado, uniform com-
new hires. hours on your feet,” he said. bearer, and it is dragging Niekerk, a former vice presi- pany UniFirst has for months
The country’s largest retail-
“Half the people quit after down working conditions for dent of human resources for been posting job openings
ers are going a step further. their first day.” everybody.” global operations at Amazon. promising life insurance,
Walmart, Target and Amazon A spokeswoman for Ama- The company, which pays “The volume of workers employee discounts and week-
announced this summer that zon declined to comment on a starting hourly rate of $15, (warehouses) are looking to ends off. But so far, hardly
they would begin offering free the worker’s claim or on the often requires employees to hire are pretty staggering at a anyone is interested.
college tuition and textbooks company’s overall turnover work 10-hour shifts with rigid time when the whole country “We are overwhelmed,
to employees. rate. founder Jeff quotas. seems to be having trouble understaffed and without ap-
“There is a lot more ur- Bezos owns the Washington A recent Washington Post staffing.” plicants,” said a driver for the
gency this year,” Konkel said. Post. analysis of Occupational Walmart is seeking 20,000 company, who spoke on the
“But on the flip side, when Labor experts say the na- Safety and Health Administra- logistics workers ahead of the condition of anonymity be-
we look at job seeker interest,tion’s 1.5 million warehouse tion data found that rates of holidays, while UPS, Kohl’s cause he fears losing his job.
we’re really not seeing a jobs have been reshaped by serious injury at Amazon are and Target are planning to “The only applicants we’ve
rebound.” the industry’s biggest player, nearly double those of other hire about 100,000 apiece. been getting are middle-aged
Amazon, which has 950,000 U.S. warehouses. But labor experts say actu- men in their 50s and 60s. When
60-HOUR WORKWEEKS U.S. workers, making it the And this summer, officials ally finding those employees we do get anyone younger
In interviews with more country’s second-largest pri- in Washington state concluded will be tough in a labor market than 30, they’re usually here
than a dozen current and vate employer. that there was a “direct con- where there already are more no more than a month.”
former warehouse workers Amazon, according to ex- nection” between injuries at job openings than unemployed While competitors have
across the country, nearly all perts, has had a mixed impact Amazon warehouses and its Americans. raised wages, starting pay at
described being overwhelmed on local job markets. The com- “employee monitoring and dis- “Employers came into this the facility remains $15 an
amid staff shortages, with few pany has created hundreds of cipline systems.” holiday season already deep hour, he said.
prospects for moving up. thousands of fulfillment jobs, “Employers have to wake up into a labor shortage,” said UniFirst spokesman Adam
Many spoke of 60-hour often at better pay than what’s to the fact that these jobs are Andy Challenger, senior vice Soreff said the company pro-
workweeks and requests to offered in the local community. not sustainable,” Tung said. president at staffing firm Chal- vides competitive pay and
take on even more shifts dur- At the same time, critics “People can’t stay because they lenger, Gray and Christmas. benefits. But “like many com-
ing the peak holiday season. say, it also has dragged down get injured or because their “It’s slamming every indus- panies in today’s market, we
Some longtime employees — working conditions and wages bodies just give out.” try, but particularly positions are operating in a difficult and
particularly those who worked for the warehouse industry, Barbara Agrait, a spokes- in retail, transportation and challenging environment.”
through the early days of the where starting pay has gener- woman for Amazon, said the warehousing — those are by The employee said he is try-
pandemic — say they’re re- ally been higher than in other company has invested hun- far the hardest jobs to fill right ing to keep pace by clocking 14-
sentful of newcomers who are sectors, including retail and dreds of millions of dollars now.” hour shifts, five days a week.
being wooed with large signing hospitality. in worker safety, including a Four months into his job at But after 18 years in the in-
bonuses and higher wages. In counties with an Amazon staff of nearly 8,000 safety per- a warehouse in El Paso, Ricar- dustry, he’s considering leav-
But even those incentives, warehouse, turnover often is sonnel and ongoing training do is already thinking of quit- ing it altogether.
they say, haven’t been enough double the national industry tools and technology. ting. He makes $10 an hour “Morale is low,” he said.
to keep workers from leaving. rate, according to the National “The safety and well-being preparing orders for customer “Nearly every day, I’ll sit in
“People quit every single Employment Law Project. of our employees is always pickup and delivery, and says my car for 10 minutes in the
day,” said David, who works “Once Amazon gets to town, a top priority,” she said in a he’s exhausted. employee parking lot and say
at an Amazon fulfillment cen- turnover skyrockets and wag- statement. “When setting (em- “I feel like I’m doing the to myself, ‘Just get through
ter in Washington state and es decline,” said Irene Tung, ployee) expectations, we take work of six people,” said Ri- another day.’ ”

Ice Cube/Ice Cube Press has dozens of titles in print

small paperback of about 40
pages. About 18 months later,
he launched a magazine, Syca-
more Roots, that lasted about
three years.
“I called that the MFA (mas-
ter of fine arts degree) I never
got,” he said. “I wanted to be An Iowa true crime book that Steve
a famous New York Times- Semken published through his pub-
bestselling writer, but I fig- lishing company is seen in his stock
ured out that was never going room/shipping area at his home.
to happen.
“But I found I loved lay- had a strict business plan, al-
ing out the newsletter. It was though he’s taken some mana-
just learning how to meet real gerial courses at the Univer-
writers and learn about the re- sity of Iowa’s Tippie College of
ality of being a book publisher Business.
and an author, and that’s what “I don’t have a state grant
I wanted to know.” and I don’t have university
Semken pored over the funding, so it’s just been me,
Literary Marketplace, a direc- with a rudimentary under-
tory for writers, publishers standing of business in some
and book sellers, at the local ways,” he said. “But in other
library. ways, it’s not rudimentary at
“It was kind of like the Yel- all.
low Pages,” he recalled. “I’d “I’ve been amazed, watch-
go home and I’d write those ing other literary enterprises
people. come along, and they’re just
Steve Semken shows some of the books he’s published through his publishing company, Ice Cube Press, on Wednesday unwilling to ask people to buy
“You’d figure out who were at his home in North Liberty. (Jim Slosiarek photos/The Gazette)
the writers you really liked, things. What you have to do is,
and how to get in touch with find out what they’re looking
them. You really have to dig job as an office manager for many books you’re going to With titles on his schedule for.”
in, and I’m still doing that to Lutheran Campus Ministry. print at a time has just been through 2023, Semken doesn’t And there still are plenty
this day.” “I’ve never really disliked amazing.” worry about finding new proj- of great books yet to be
Ice Cube’s first book in 1995 any job I’ve had,” he said. “I Ice Cube’s titles include a ects. He fields four or five “re- published.
was “River Tips and Tree think part of the reason is range of styles and genres, but ally good” submissions each “At first, I didn’t take peo-
Trunks,” a collection of Sem- because I’ve always known I its focus remains regional. week. ple’s submissions as seriously
ken’s own essays and short was going to do something like “My mission is to use the “More people trust you, and as I should have,” Semken
stories. He listed the book on what I’m doing now.” literary arts to better under- I’m getting better projects,” said. “Now that I realize how
an online site he’d heard about Ice Cube Press lists dozens stand how we can best live in he said. “Lucky for me, at much time and energy goes
—, then just a of titles still in print, including the Midwest,” Semken said. this point I can choose people into writing a book, after a
year old. some of its earliest. Changes “That can be poetry, biogra- whose books are pretty much person’s family or their health
By 1999, Semken was work- in the printing industry enable phy, graphic novels — it’s the ready to go, or close to it.” or their work, the thing that
ing with Humanities Iowa and shorter press runs, allowing works. Last year’s COVID-19 shut- they send to me is usually the
the Iowa Arts Council on an Semken to keep older titles in “I do stray from that from down may be a factor in con- thing that they’ve put so much
annual lecture tour covering circulation. time to time, but that’s the tinued submissions. energy in. It’s their dream and
the state’s natural environ- “There was no such thing heart of what I do. There’s “It’s one of those strange their passion, and I started re-
ment and resources, with an as print-on-demand when definitely an amazing amount things about the pandemic,” alizing that ... .
accompanying book. I started,” he said. “About of interest in it.” he said. “Everyone kept say- “I really do work with peo-
“I was really over- 2001, I had a book I thought Semken remains his sole ing, ‘It must be a great time ple’s passions and sincerity
whelmed,” he said. “I started was good but there’s no way full-time employee. to read.’ What was happen- and dreams, and it does kind
getting more submissions than I’m going to sell that many of “I have some readers that ing was, everyone finally got of keep me in my place.”
I could take.” them. That’s half of what I do help me with editing, and I a chance to write. It hasn’t
Know a Corridor business that just might
The part-time pursuit be- now, at least — short runs and have a sales guy who helps me slowed down a lot.” make for an intriguing “My Biz” feature?
came full time in 2001-02 when print-on-demand. in Chicago,” he said. “But ev- Semken’s never taken out a Let us know by emailing michaelchevy.
Semken resigned his last day “The ability to control how eryone’s just commission.” business loan, and he’s never
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 3F


‘As seen on TikTok’ is

the new ‘As seen on TV’
It’s becoming
a shopping
Passengers board a train at the Amtrak train depot in Mount
Pleasant in 2018. (Rebecca F. Miller/The Gazette)
Associated Press

Passenger trains Near the Twizzlers

and Sour Patch Kids at

could receive
a New York candy store
are fruit-shaped soft
jelly candies that earned
a spot on the shelves be-

a big expansion
cause they went viral on
A flood of videos last
year showed people bit-
ing into the fruit gum-
New routes would fore the pandemic.
mies’ plastic casing,
Officials would be
include through Iowa tasked with boost- squirting artificially
ing passenger service colored jelly from their
Chicago Tribune without disrupting mouths.
existing service, said Store staffers at
Passenger train A column of candy featured in TikTok videos is displayed at a candy store in New York City. (Associ-
Peter Schwartz, chief of the candy store chain
service across the Mid- ated Press)
project engineering and It’Sugar urged it to stock
west could get a huge transportation planning up, and the gummies
boost in the coming at the Federal Railroad did so well that TikTok with free stuff, hiring “This is a real person, $37 billion market in the
decades, with multiple Administration. became part of the com- them to appear in com- telling me a real story,” United States, according
new routes and more pany’s sales strategy. mercials or buying up she said. to eMarketer, mostly
frequent trains running They also could look
at reconfiguring Chi- The chain now has signs ads on TikTok. Instagram, YouTube coming from Instagram
out of Chicago, under a with the app’s logo in “It was a little bit of a and other platforms and its parent company
concept envisioned by cago’s Union Station
and potentially adding stores, and goods from head scratcher at first,” connected people with Facebook.
the Federal Railroad TikTok make up said Jenny Campbell, friends or random funny By the end of 2025,
Administration. tracks, he said.
“There’s no question 5 percent to 10 percent the chief marketing videos before marketers that number is expected
The concept, unveiled of weekly sales. officer of Kate Spade, realized their selling to more than double, to
this past week, is in ear- that there’s a lot more
that could be done with “That’s an insane remembering when potential. $80 billion.
ly stages and is intended number,” said Chris searches for “heart” For TikTok, losing the Last month, TikTok
to be a 40-year frame- the (Union Station) foot-
print that’s here today,” Lindstedt, the assistant spiked on Kate Spade’s veneer of authenticity began testing a way for
work. It also depends on vice president of mer- website earlier this year. as more ads and ways brands to set up shop
state and federal fund- he said.
The concept also is chandising at It’Sugar, The culprit turned to shop flood the app within the app and send
ing. But as envisioned, it which has about 100 out to be a 60-second could be a risk. If ads are users to checkout on
would include service in intended to better serve
rural areas, said Sharon locations. clip on TikTok posted by “blatant or awkward, it’s their sites. But TikTok
at least a dozen new cit- TikTok, an app best 22-year-old Nathalie Co- more of a problem,” said has hinted that more is
ies including Columbus, Negele, the rail commis-
sion’s financial officer known for dancing vid- varrubias. She recorded Colin Campbell, an as- coming.
Ohio; Fort Wayne, Ind.; eos with 1 billion users herself in a parked car sistant professor of mar- It eventually may
and Madison, Wis. and Indiana representa-
tive. She touted the en- worldwide, also become gushing about a pink keting at the University look more like Douyin,
It calls for a new a shopping phenomenon. heart-shaped purse she’d of San Diego. TikTok’s sister app in
route from Chicago to vironmental benefits of
increased rail travel. National chains, just bought. Influencers who get China, where products
the Quad Cities, extend- hoping to get TikTok’s Others copied her paid to shill for brands can be bought and sold
ing on to Des Moines The Federal Railroad
Administration’s Mid- mostly young users into video, posting TikToks are getting better at without leaving the
and Omaha, Neb. its stores, are setting of themselves buying the pitching goods to their app — just as you can
Another new route west idea complements
an Amtrak vision for ex- up TikTok sections, bag or trying it on with followers, telling them on Facebook and
could connect a train reminiscent of “As seen different outfits. The that even though they Instagram.
line out of Dallas to panded service nation-
wide the rail service put on TV” stores that sold $300 heart-shaped purse get paid, they’re recom- “Over the past year,
Wichita, Kan., and on products hawked on sold out. mending a product they we’ve witnessed a new
to Chicago, said Laura out in the spring.
Amtrak’s idea in- infomercials. “I couldn’t believe it actually like. kind of shopping experi-
Kliewer, director of At Barnes & Noble, because I wasn’t trying “They feel like they ence come to life that’s
the Midwest Interstate cluded 39 possible new
routes and improve- tables display signs with to advertise the bag,” are our friend, even been driven by the Tik-
Passenger Rail #BookTok, a book rec- said Covarrubias, a though they aren’t,” he Tok community,” said
Commission. ments to 25 existing
routes by 2035, intended ommendation hashtag makeup artist from Sa- said. TikTok General Man-
The rail commission on TikTok that has linas, Calif., who wasn’t Channah Myers, ager Sandie Hawkins,
also could explore ser- to create more frequent
and reliable service. pushed paperbacks up paid to post the video. a 21-year-old barista who works with brands
vice to Canada, most the bestseller list. “I really was so excit- from Goodyear, Ariz., to get them to buy ads on
likely between Detroit Along with the rail has a ed and happy about the bought a pair of $50 Ae- the app and help them
and Toronto, Kliewer service’s vision, Amtrak section of its site it calls purse and how unique it rie leggings after seeing boost sales.
said. Other cities in the CEO William Flynn sent “Internet Famous,” with was.” several TikTok videos “We’re excited to
12-state area studied a letter to Congress in lists of products that Kate Spade sent Co- of women saying the continue listening to our
could get more frequent late May calling for anyone who has spent varrubias free items in cross-banding on the community and building
passenger service. action including provid- time on TikTok would exchange for posting an- waist gave them a more solutions that help them
Chicago would be a ing “dedicated, predict- recognize. other TikTok when the hourglass-like figure. discover, engage and
major rail hub under able and sufficient The hashtag #Tik- bag was back in stores. “It’s funny, I shop re- purchase the products
the vision, and smaller funding.” TokMadeMeBuyIt has That video was marked ligiously at Aerie and I they love.”
hubs could be created “Intercity passenger gotten more than 5 bil- as an ad. had no idea they existed That includes the
in Indianapolis, Kansas rail has been under- lion views on TikTok, It turned what was until I saw them on Tik- Pink Stuff, a British
City and Minneapolis, funded for decades as and the app has made a supposed to be a limited Tok,” Myers said. cleaning product that
Kliewer said. federal funding has grab-bag of products a Valentine’s Day purse After those Aerie leg- wasn’t available in the
“While America’s in- prioritized highways surprise hit — leggings, into one sold year-round gings went viral on Tik- United States last year.
terstate highway system and aviation despite the purses, cleaners, even in different colors and Tok in 2020, the teen re- That all changed when
and commercial avia- clear strengths offered feta cheese. fabrics, such as faux fur. tailer expanded the same videos of people using it
tion industry are vital by rail service in certain Videos of a baked feta TikTok is a powerful design to biker shorts, to scrub rusty pots and
and indispensable, rail markets,” Flynn said in pasta recipe sent the purchasing push for Gen tennis skirts and bikini greasy countertops went
can and must play a key the letter. “Amtrak and salty white cheese fly- Z because the creators bottoms, all of which viral on TikTok, pushing
role in our multimodal our state, local and host ing out of supermarket seem authentic, as op- can be found by search- the brand to cross the
transportation system,” railroad partners need refrigerators earlier this posed to Instagram, ing “TikTok” on Aerie’s Atlantic.
said Amit Bose, deputy increased funding levels year. where the goal is to post website. It launched in the
administrator of the and new, more pre- It’s hard to crack the the most perfect looking It wouldn’t say how United States in January
Federal Railroad dictable mechanisms, code of what becomes selfie, said Hana Ben- many of the leggings on, with
Administration. such as an Intercity the next TikTok Shabat, the founder of sold. 1.3 million tubs sold
That concept could Passenger Rail Trust sensation. Gen Z Planet. TikTok, along with monthly, and is getting
have implications for Fund, like what virtu- How TikTok decides Her advisory business other tech companies calls from major stores
the Chicago area’s exist- ally every other mode of who gets to see what focuses on the genera- such as Snapchat, is wanting to stock it, ac-
ing commuter, freight transportation already remains largely a mys- tion born between the gearing up to challenge cording to Sal Pesce,
and Amtrak routes, and enjoys, to fund annual tery. Companies often late 1990s and 2016 — a Facebook as a social- president and chief oper-
for Chicago Union Sta- grants and the Federal are caught off guard and group that practically shopping powerhouse. ating officer of the Pink
tion, which served more Railroad Administra- tend to swoop in after lives on TikTok. Shopping on social Stuff U.S.
than 3 million Amtrak tion’s discretionary their product has taken Users trust the recom- media sites, known as “I’ve never seen any-
passengers annually be- grant programs.” off, showering creators mendations, she said. social commerce, is a thing like this,” he said.

Planning/Don’t try to make changes during the ‘storm’

; FROM PAGE 1F not at the expense of comfort. long-term wealth-building. It is important this person evolve over time and is a long-
Identifying these issues up- Overly optimistic investors knows you, your history and term ongoing project. Evalu-
needs and overall allocations front lessens the likelihood of may see “buy” signs every- your goals before you let bad ating your goals on a regular
will create a more objective emotional reaction later. where they look and get in over news or scary headlines dis- basis and making adjustments
view of your long-term finan- Unfortunately, fear and their heads. Creating a plan tract you from a well-thought- will allow you to handle any
cial path. greed are the primary emo- ahead of time allows clients to out plan. troubling weather that comes
Using a process that in- tions that drive financial deci- weather the storm knowing your way.
cludes interactive tools that sions at the extremes. Building they have prepared for it. FOCUS ON LONG TERM And knowing your plan is
allows the simulation of future a plan proactively when these The goal is not to make There always seems to be customized to your needs may
“storms” and how they af- emotions are not present will changes during the storm but some issue or event the mar- allow you to sleep soundly
fect your financial home will help create an objective disci- to build a home that will with- ket appears to focus on and each night.
lessen the anxiety level and pline for your plan. stand the volatility along the create fluctuation in your
decrease the “surprise” factor This article is provided by Pete Alepra,
Market volatility can trig- way that is within an accept- portfolio. a financial adviser at RBC Wealth
when they do occur. ger some emotional decisions able comfort zone. Managing your plan with Management in Cedar Rapids; peter.
Identifying what you feel at both ends of the scale. Having someone in your a long-term perspective will The opinions in this
is a comfortable level of fluc- During extreme down mar- life who understands your help lessen the importance of article are for general information only and
tuation before it happens is a kets, worrisome investors may attitudes toward money can these movements and allow are not intended to provide specific advice
or recommendations for any individual.
priority when building your feel the need to over-allocate be one of the biggest benefits you to focus on what is impor- RBC Wealth Management is a division of
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Return is important, but low-yield options that cripple plan. Your financial home will NYSE, FINRA and SIPC.
4F The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


How I.C. Facebook worker unfriended a giant

Frances Haugen established Olin College
of Engineering, outside
an online dating platform
to put like-minded mates
There already has been,”
said Ifeoma Ozoma, a
part of rise in social Boston, to join its first together, a template the whistleblower at Pin-
media whistleblowers class of 75.
Many had declined
partner later turned into
dating app Hinge.
terest now trying to
encourage others in tech
offers from top universi- Haugen returned to to expose corporate mis-
Associated Press ties, attracted by Olin’s Google, before moving on conduct.
offer of a free education to jobs at Yelp and Pin- “In that way there’s
Less than two years to the first arrivals, and terest, at each stop work- a chilling effect through
after Facebook hired the chance to join in ing with the algorithms the increased surveil-
Frances Haugen to help creating something new, engineered to under- lance that employees will
correct dangerous distor- said Lynn Andrea Stein, stand the desires of users be under.”
tions spilling across its a computer science and put them together Within the larger com-
platform, she had seen professor. with people and content munity of whistleblow-
enough. But the school that fit their interests. ers, many are rooting for
The idealism she and Former Facebook data scientist Frances Haugen departs after an
Oct. 5 hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transporta- couldn’t get its accredita- In late 2018, she was Haugen, praising what
countless others had tion until it began pro- contacted by a recruiter they see as her gutsiness,
tion Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety and
invested in promises by ducing graduates, mak- from Facebook. calm intellect and the
Data Security, on Capitol Hill. (Associated Press)
the world’s biggest social ing it a non-entity in the In recent interviews forethought to take the
network to fix itself had eyes of some employers on “60 Minutes” and with paperwork that reinforc-
been woefully misplaced, the company’s own re- about your company’s and presenting a hurdle the Wall Street Journal, es her case.
she decided. search — may well be the failings and revealing for Haugen and others Haugen recalled telling “What she did right
The harm Facebook most damning. them to the world. There like her. the company that she was she got all her docu-
and sibling Instagram But she is just the is a price to be paid, and “The Google folks ac- might be interested in mentation in a row and
were doing to users latest to join in a grow- Haugen certainly knew tually threw out her ap- a job if it involved help- she did that upfront. …
was rivaled only by the ing list of workers from that. plication without reading ing the platform address That’s going to be her
company’s resistance to across tech determined “It absolutely is ter- it,” Stein said. democracy and misinfor- power,” said Eileen Fos-
change, she concluded. to speak out. Nearly rifying, terrifying to Stein helped persuade mation. ter, a former executive at
And the world beyond all are women, and ob- get to the point of doing the company to change She said she told Countrywide Financial
Facebook needed to servers say that’s no what she did. And you its mind, sending an managers about a friend who struggled to find an-
know. coincidence. know that the moment email that described who had been drawn to other job in banking af-
When the 37-year-old Even after making you start your testimony, Haugen as a “voracious white nationalism after ter exposing widespread
data scientist from Iowa inroads, women and es- your life is going to learner and an absolute spending time in online fraud in the company’s
City went before Con- pecially women of color change,” said Wendell can-do person” with ter- forums, and her desire to approval of subprime
gress and the cameras remain outsiders in the Potter, a former health rific work ethic and com- prevent that from hap- loans in 2008.
earlier this month to heavily male tech sector, insurance executive who munication and leader- pening to others. Sophie Zhang, a for-
accuse Facebook of pur- said Ellen Pao, an ex- blew the whistle on his ship skills. In June 2019, she mer Facebook employee
suing profit over safety, ecutive who sued Silicon own industry’s practices. At Google, Haugen joined a Facebook team who last year accused
it was likely the most Valley investment firm Since coming before worked on a project to that focused on network the social network of
consequential choice of Kleiner Perkins in 2012 Congress, Haugen has re- make thousands of books activity surrounding ignoring fake accounts
her life. for gender discrimina- ceded from public view. accessible on mobile international elections. used to undermine
And for a still-young tion. A representative said she phones, and another to But she has said she foreign elections, said
industry that has mush- That status positions and her lawyer were un- help create a fledgling grew frustrated as she she was surprised the
roomed into one of soci- them to be more criti- available for comment. social network. became more aware of company had not caught
ety’s most powerful forc- cal and see “some of the The daughter of a Google paid for Hau- widespread misinforma- Haugen when she was
es, it spotlighted a rising systemic issues in a way doctor and an academic gen to get a graduate tion online that stoked going through company
threat: The era of the Big that people who are part turned pastor, Haugen business degree at Har- violence and abuse and research.
Tech whistleblower has of the system and who arrived in the spotlight vard, where a classmate that Facebook would not “I think they’ve fallen
most definitely arrived. are benefiting from it with sparkling creden- said even then they were adequately address. into a trap where they
“There has just been the most and who are tials, including a Har- having deep discussions She resigned in May, keep making denials and
a general awakening entrenched in it, may not vard business degree and about the societal effects but only after working hunkering down and
amongst workers at the be able to process,” she multiple patents. of new technology. for weeks to sift through becoming more incendi-
tech companies ask- said. “Smartphones were internal company re- ary,” she said. “And this
ing, ‘What am I doing In recent years, work- RECRUITED BY FACEBOOK just becoming a thing. search and copy thou- causes more people to
here?’ ” said Jonas Kron ers at companies includ- Long before she be- We talked a lot of about sands of documents. come forward.”
of Trillium Investment ing Google, Pinterest, came a whistleblower, ethical use of data and Still, she told congres- Still, Haugen’s actions
Management, which Uber and Theranos, Haugen was something building things the sional investigators, could well make it im-
has pushed Google to as well as others from of a local wunderkind. wrong way,” said Jona- she is not out to destroy possible for her to land
increase protection for Facebook, have sounded Raised near the Uni- than Sheffi, who gradu- Facebook, just change it. another job in the indus-
employees who raise the alarms about what they versity of Iowa campus ated with Haugen in 2011. “I believe in the po- try, Foster said. And if
alarm about corporate say are gross abuses in Iowa City, where her “She was always tential of Facebook,” she Facebook goes after her
misdeeds. of power by those in father taught medicine, super-interested in the said during testimony. legally for taking docu-
“When you have control. Haugen was a member of intersection of people’s “We can have social ments, it will have the re-
hundreds of thousands Their new outspoken- a high school engineer- well-being and technol- media we enjoy, that con- sources for battle that a
of people asking that ness is ruffling an indus- ing team ranked in the ogy.” nects us, without tearing lone employee can never
question, it’s inevitable try that touts its power country’s top 10. Sheffi said he laughed apart our democracy, hope to match.
you’ll get more whistle- to improve society, while Years later, when the when he saw social me- putting our children in Foster recalls how her
blowing,” he said. earning billions. Work- local newspaper wrote dia posts in recent days danger, and sowing eth- boss at Countrywide, an
Haugen is by far the ers, many well educated about Haugen’s landing questioning Haugen’s nic violence around the ally, begged her to give
most visible of those and highly paid, have at Google, one of her ele- motivations for whistle- world. We can do better.” it up.
whistleblowers. And her long embraced that ethic. mentary school teachers blowing. Maybe, but those who “He said, ‘Eileen, what
accusations that Face- But for a growing recalled her as “horrifi- “Nobody puts Frances know the industry say are you doing? You are
book’s platforms harm number, faith in the com- cally bright,” while not up to anything,” he said. Facebook and other tech just a speck. A speck!’
children and incite politi- pany line is fading. at all self-conscious. While at Harvard, giants will dig in. And I said, ‘Yeah, but I’m
cal violence — backed up Still, there is a differ- In the fall of 2002, Haugen worked with “There’s going to be a a pissed-off speck,’ ” Fos-
by thousands of pages of ence between stewing she left for the newly another student to create clamp-down internally. ter said.

Jolene Mauer joined WEBSITES
EDC Inc. as marketing
and communications Linn County’s website
director. is now www.LinnCoun-
Skywalk Group hired Linn
Beth Henderson as a County email addresses
recruiter. Danielle Kim Tara Alex Ted Beth Matt Ruth also have changed, to
Andrews Dougherty Funk Gade Graves Henderson Hickman Hospodarsky firstname.lastname@
RSM US promoted in The Iowa Go-To-
its Cedar Rapids office in Market Accelerator's
consulting services Kim new website is
Dougherty as manager; Applications
Tara Funk, supervisor; have now opened for the
Alex Gade, supervi- next program start in
sor; Ted Graves, senior February 2022. For more
associate; Matt Hick- information, contact
man, senior associate; Amanda Jolene Laurie Jo Cherrie Scott Micah
Amanda Lyons, senior Lyons Mauer Montgomery Scanlon Spurlin Towler Van Deusen
associate; Matt McGraw, INSIGHTS
supervisor; Scott Tow- Watch interviews with
ler, director; Micah Van McAuley Center, Iowa OPENINGS this year’s Gazette Busi-
Deusen, supervisor; and Giving Crew and Pros- Dupaco Community ness Award recipients
in internal client ser- pect Meadows. Award Credit Union will expand — plus the keynote in-
vices Danielle Andrews winners will be recog- services in Coralville terview with Rand Corp.
as project management nized at Good Morning with a new branch office economist Kathryn Anne
senior associate, consult- Cedar Rapids on Nov. 10 at 2530 Corridor Way. Edwards — at thegazette.
ing support; Christel at The Hotel at Kirkwood A learning lab branch com/businessawards.
Gustafson, report pro- Center. To register, go office using live video Award recipients discuss
cessing specialist senior; to teller technology will business decisions they
Ruth Hospodarsky, events/Good-Morning- open in fall 2022. made over the past year
project manager, con- Cedar-Rapids-2021-5596/ and what they see in the
sulting tech; Laurie details. years to come. TrueNorth
Montgomery, billing su- MEETINGS is presenting sponsor.
pervisor; Molly Rooney, Working for Eastern Iowa: NewBoCo’s 2021 an- Also, The Gazette’s
HR director; Jo Scan-
lon, senior director, con- Informatics Inc. has
nual meeting will start
at 4:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at the
Iowa Ideas In-Depth
week series’ focus on
sulting operations; and been named an AWS Se- Olympic Southside The- workforce issues —
Ryan Schultz, report pro- lect Consulting Partner. ater. The meeting will be panel discussions plus
cessing specialist senior, Companies receiving hosted by touring musi- a national overview
consulting. executive director of the the Cedar Rapids Metro that status must obtain cian and visual artist from Andy Challenger
western Illinois and Iowa Economic Alliance to a certain number of Alisabeth Von Presley, of global outplacement
APPOINTMENTS office. Cedar Ridge Winery, In AWS professional certi- owner and founder of and executive placement
MRA-the Management Tolerance and Suburban fications and complete TINT. firm Challenger, Gray &
Association announces AWARDS Lumber. Community a minimum number of For more information Christmas — can
Cherrie Spurlin, BRAVO awards were Spotlight Awards will be AWS cloud migration about the event and to be viewed at www.
SHRM-CP, as the new will be presented by given to the Catherine projects. purchase tickets, go to

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please submit new hires, promotions, meetings and seminars at or email information to
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 5F


Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell ordered a systemwide review of ethics rules and
since has asked the Fed inspector general to take a look at the trading of “certain senior officials.”
(Associated Press)

Ethics probe spurs calls

for more Fed oversight
Chairman Powell: even more during the
nance and relationships
between directors and
‘No one is happy’
Celebrate your
The search for new presidents are hard to
leaders in Dallas and discern.
Bloomberg News Boston, which on Tues- Bloomberg News in
day announced it has 2016 sought the annual

The Federal Reserve’s begun looking for a new evaluations of the 12
most embarrassing eth- president, may shift regional chiefs via Free-
ics scandal in years has more influence in that dom of Information Act
cast a harsh spotlight on process to Washington, requests.
D.C. The banks declined,
the world’s most pow-
erful central bank and Democrats such as
Sen. Robert Menendez of
with one citing court rul-
ings that “performance
In the Gazette Milestones
the arm’s-length gover-
nance of its 12 regional New Jersey are urging evaluations are intensely
branches. Powell to improve di- personal and not subject
Their chiefs are versity among the Fed’s to public disclosure.”
among America’s most leaders. The Boston Fed board
influential public offi- Regional presidents chairman through a
cials, helping to set bor- are currently almost all spokesman declined to
rowing costs for the white and only three are comment on whether
$23 trillion economy. women. there was an internal
But the process of Republicans wrote review of Rosengren’s
picking them, and assess- to the boards of both investment decisions.
ing their performance reserve banks Tuesday, The Dallas Fed board
in office, has long been urging them to remain chair and general coun-
shielded from public independent of partisan sel both reviewed Rob
scrutiny and account- politics and pick candi- Kaplan’s investment
ability — something dates that adhere to the activities and found they
that’s now drawing “narrow statutory mis- “were in compliance
mounting sion” of the Fed with the rules and poli-
criticism. without regard to cies of the Federal Re-
When Dallas Fed political pressure. serve System,” said the
President Robert The fight for bank’s spokesman James
Kaplan stepped sway over the cen- Hoard.
down last month tral bank and its Peter Conti-Brown,
in the wake of influential region- an associate professor
disclosures about al branches goes at the University of
Robert back more than a Pennsylvania, said local
his trading activ-
Kaplan century and is as boards have “zero
ity, his board of
directors said his complicated as its accountability.”
investing was in peculiar public- “The idea that they
line with the rules private structure. would have a serious
and it lauded his Created in role akin to the U.S. Sen-
contribution. 1913, the Fed ate in determining who
Jerome Powell system was a our central bankers are
struck a different compromise. and how they are behav-
tone. Banks wanted a ing I think is wrong,”
“No one is hap- Eric reserve backstop said Conti-Brown.
py,” the Fed chair- Rosengren after enduring a “It is not good demo-
man told reporters damaging run of cratic hygiene.”
days before news of the financial crises. Popu-
departure of Kaplan and lists were suspicious of
Boston Fed chief Eric Wall Street, and Presi- The trading contro-
Rosengren, who retired dent Woodrow Wilson versy is the latest embar-
citing ill health after wanted a supervisory rassment for the Fed.
his trading also drew board in Washington. Richmond Fed Presi-
scrutiny. The result was a net- dent Jeffrey Lacker re-
Powell ordered a sys- work of a dozen regional signed abruptly in 2017
temwide review of ethics banks — each with as he announced his role
rules and since has asked shareholders and direc- in a leak of confidential
the Fed inspector general tors — and a politically information about policy
to take a look at the trad- appointed seven-member options the central bank
ing of “certain senior Board of Governors. was considering in 2012.
officials.” “The Fed still lives The New York Fed
with this original sin. also came under fire dur-
WHO OVERSEES THE FED? It is not clear who the ing the financial crisis af-
reserve banks are ac- ter it granted a waiver al-
The contrasting re-
countable to,” said Kaleb lowing a Goldman Sachs
sponses point to a ques-
Nygaard, a senior re- board member to stay on
tion present since the
search associate at the as a member of the New
Fed’s creation: Who
Yale Program on Finan- York Fed board after
really governs its semi-
cial Stability. Goldman Sachs became a
autonomous regional
“It is something that bank holding company in
has been an issue from September 2008.
While the questions
the very beginning.” The change in status
about financial dealings
Reserve banks initial- put it under New York
have broadened — Sen.
ly had significant auton- Fed supervision.
Elizabeth Warren includ-
omy, until legislation af- Past congressional ef-
ed transactions by Fed
ter the Great Depression forts to revamp the Fed
Vice Chairman Richard
concentrated power over system haven’t gone far.
Clarida in urging the Se-
monetary policy with the Lawmakers, just as they
curities Exchange Com-
Washington Board. did when the institution
mission investigate for
Reserve banks are was created, like hav-
possible insider trading
governed by regional ing a regional balance of
— regional Feds remain
directors, but who holds power to offset the influ-
in focus.
real governance power is ence of Washington and
“The notion of a quasi-
public private institution
opaque. Wall Street. 319-368-8873
that has a direct vote There is no public vet- Six former Fed presi-
on monetary policy and ting of Fed bank chiefs, dents interviewed by
such a low level of trans- unlike Washington Bloomberg News also
parency undermines Board members, who are defended the current
democratic accountabil- nominated by the U.S. structure.
ity,” Brookings Institu- president and confirmed They argued it pro-
tion senior fellow Sarah by the U.S. Senate. tects Fed independence
Binder said. Search committees to
She said the Fed needs select regional presidents
because the regional
presidents are not politi-
a degree of transparency are run by each board, cal appointees, while lo-
that matches its expand- but they don’t produce a cal directors provide on-
ing footprint in the public report. the-ground insight into
economy, which grew Day-to-day gover- the regional economy.
6F The Gazette, Sunday, October 17, 2021 The GAZETTE Classifieds, It Works for You!

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Company inspired by crash Top reasons workers quitting

Detroit Free Press venile jail for robbery, found Christ By Karla L. Miller, Washington Post who had been ordered back to the
and became a Christian hip-hop office after “doing everything right

There are now six brands of rent- artist known as E-Fetti. o say my recent column on for 18 months” of remote work end-
al e-scooters cruising the sidewalks Since COVID-19 hit, Detroit has “The Great Resignation” ed up with breakthrough cases of
and streets of Detroit, up from none been the only city where Boaz’s fleet touched a nerve is an under- COVID-19.
four years ago. of 400 scooters operates. However, statement. Hundreds of online com- For Katherine Vickery of Tam-
All but one are stand-up scooters. the company plans to deploy in Los ments and dozens of emails from pa, who was hospitalized in 2015
For the casual rider, those brands Angeles later this fall, then expand readers who identified with the for flu-induced pneumonia, it was
are more or less interchangeable, to other cities next year if and when piece related how pandemic work- frightening being called back to
aside from differing color schemes, it can obtain more investment. ing conditions finally drove them work inside a busy campus build-
logos and smartphone apps to down- Nnani’s idea for Boaz came after out of jobs they would otherwise ing. “Working in an environment
load and constantly update. witnessing an e-scooter crash in have stayed in. where vaccines and masks were not
The other company, Boaz Bikes, Dallas in 2018. He recalls seeing Some readers said they quit required terrified me,” she said in
is unique in its design. Most no- blood everywhere and the injured because of acute health concerns an email.
ticeably, it’s the only e-scooter in rider leaving by ambulance. during the coronavirus pandemic. The university where Vickery
the city with a seat for riders and “I was thinking, man, how unsafe Others described a long-simmering worked called employees back to
a basket for carrying things. The these scooters were and for this per- but barely tolerable state of discon- campus because “deans wanted to
company says its sit-down scooters son, life was going to be different,” tent in which the pandemic abrupt- see bustling buildings again so stu-
are safer than regular scooters and Nnani said. ly cranked up the heat, making the dents could have a ‘normal’ experi-
accessible to more potential riders. Boaz is still very much an under- situation “jump or boil.” ence,” according to Vickery.
Boaz also is one of the few Black- dog compared to the big nationwide Some people set off on new career Employees with health concerns
owned e-scooter companies in the e-scooter companies such as Bird paths; others decided to speed up were required to apply under the
country, and one of only two that and Lime and Ford-owned Spin. their retirement by a few months or Americans With Disabilities Act to
are headquartered in Detroit and “It’s really just a relationship years. keep working remotely. After sub-
not the West or East Coast. model and it’s all about who you Many departing workers said mitting documentation from two
Boaz founder and CEO Emil know,” Nnani said. “If you’re not their employers didn’t take the doctors, Vickery was offered the
Nnani, 32, has had one of the most in that network, if you didn’t go to COVID-19 threat or their concerns “accommodation” of a solo office in-
unique journeys to becoming an that school, if you don’t know the about it seriously. side a busy academic building.
e-scooter company founder. connections from the people who One 15-year government em- Vickery left for another universi-
He is a former Bloods gang mem- graduated from that school — I was ployee said they now plan to put in ty that lets her work fully remotely
ber who, after serving stints in ju- completely out of that circle.” their notice after several colleagues with better pay and benefits.

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resume by e-mail to Volga, Marquette and McGregor 215 50th Ave. SW, Services, (319) 335-2660 or approximately 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. on or mail to: For jobs in UI Health nights assigned to work.
Application deadline is Monday, Cedar Rapids
P&K Midwest - Human Resources Contact: Jeff Pearson October 18, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
or Call (319) 366-3010
care, please contact UI Health care
Apply online at:
P.O. Box 2655 A complete job description is available Leave & Disability Administration at
Waterloo, IA 50704
319-551-3212 online at 319-356-7543.
Pre- Employment Screening Required


Independent Contractor positions.
These are during the very early
18 to $24 morning hours. The Decorah Food Pantry seeks a full-time
Director to lead the Pantry in its mission. The
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We are accepting bids to transport
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Submit bids. to grow with an organization that provides
needed services.
Single Copy Bundle Haul with delivery in the
Cedar Rapids/Marion area to retail outlets Visit
This involves inserting four days per week. for a complete job description.
Estimated profit $1740 month.
Email the Pantry for more info.
To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to
Submit bits or interest to by November 12.
Apply in person at
3790 3rd Ave, Marion • 22802 Co Rd E-34, Anamosa or call The Decorah Community Food Pantry is
or email today! our recruitment line 877-233-3716 an Equal-Opportunity Employer.
The GAZETTE Classifieds, It Works for You! The Gazette, Sunday, October 17, 2021 7F
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CONTRACTOR ability to bring pieces together

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MOTOR ROUTES or digital formats. Our ideal reporting about business and 319-398-8234
candidate blends editing for economic trends in Iowa and
P&K MidP&K Midwest, your local **$500 Sign on Bonus** grammar & clarity with within the region.
John Deere dealer in Mount Vernon is
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SALES REPRESENTATIVE $1,100 Monthly Profit design skills that bring content to turn daily stories, but enjoys
Sells John Deere equipment!!! $13,200 Yearly Profit life for our audience. Working in taking a few steps back and look DELIVERY, DISTRIBUTION DELIVERY, DISTRIBUTION
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equipment and experience in selling detail and cool under pressure. wide variety of sub-beats
equipment is necessary. Candidates
must have a valid driver’s license and You’ll understand editing for both ranging from workforce,
a driving record that meets insurance $1,150 Monthly Profit digital and print audiences as agribusiness, start-ups and
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Join our team and you will receive a
competitive wage and an excellent
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NW CR by Ellis Park/
pieces come together to create
an impactful presentation.
A Bachelor’s degree in
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$900-$1,000 Monthly
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journalism, English,
communications or a related field NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTOR
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Profit captions and content, designing
Apply online at
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prior reporting are required.


Responsible for the
e-mail to
Profit with style, as well as using strong
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Small bundle drops SW
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grammar, proofreading and
editing skills/command of AP
style to edit content.
EOE. Pre-employment
management of
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Including delivery to motor
route tube subscribers Candidate must be familiar with
design software (InDesign) and
background check, MVR and
drug screen required. newspaper delivery
have awareness of editing,
In accordance with the Iowa Civil Rights
Delivery deadlines Mon-Sat
6:00am/7:00am Sundays
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design and cultural trends.
This position is required to work
and contracting of
Independent Contractors
Act, employment advertising nights, weekends and holidays as
expressing a preference as to age, assigned. The opportunity for
race, color, religion, creed, sex, Email
sexual orientation, gender identity, Call Dawn G 319-533-5596 or remote work exists. This position
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accepted by The Gazette unless the
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Contact: Jeff Pearson

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$500 SIGN ON

The Southeast Iowa Union is a 5-day-per-week,

regional newspaper searching for a reporter The Southeast Iowa Union is looking for an Editor to
Iowa City / Coralville
to cover stories throughout Southeast Iowa lead our Mt. Pleasant newsroom as well as assist in
Route 1790 Motor Route 9524
making all of our publications shine. Responsibilities
including the county seat communities of Fairfield, include managing the news staff and news content Hills From Swan lake area to
Mt. Pleasant, and Washington, Iowa. of the publications, particularly as it relates to the Mt 380 to Greencastle, parts of
Pleasant coverage area. You would collaborate with $371.00 monthly
This position will be based in our Fairfield office. the other Community Editors to merge all content town of Tiffin to IWV
Our newest team member will be aggressive, into a cohesive regional, 5-day-per-week publication Route 2450 $839.00 monthly
and other affiliated print and digital news offerings.
hard-working, and a self-starter willing to work The position will also require writing / reporting, page Riverside Route 2291
together as a team to produce exciting print and layout, and regular meetings with the management
team to help determine the direction of our
$180.00 monthly North Liberty
digital news products. You will cover a wide variety publications. $468.00 monthly
of topics, from government meetings to community This is a full-time position with benefits including Motor Route 9528
celebrations throughout Southeast Iowa. We are a health, dental, vision, 401k, and participation in the North Liberty/Solon Route 2292
employee stock ownership program. North Liberty
part of a progressive print and digital media company area
including the Southeast Iowa Union as well as our You should have an undergraduate degree in $280.00 monthly
journalism, English, communications or a related $890 monthly
parent company, the Gazette in Cedar Rapids. course of study. Whether you have been an Editor Route 1852
and are looking for a new challenge or you are a Motor Route 9520
seasoned reporter looking to advance, all applicants Off Sycamore Street to
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: will be considered. You’ll need a valid driver’s license, Hwy 1 to Lakeside Dr. to Hwy 6 E
Undergraduate degree in journalism, English or related course of study. a dependable car and a history of safe-driving Sharon Center Road $450 monthly
Must have valid driver’s license and history of safe driving habits. habits. EOE pre-screening drug and background
Must demonstrate ability to work quickly and accurately and must have tests required. to Back road
ideas on how to present news in an ever-changing media landscape. Route 1864
Some video, photography skills are preferred. To learn more and to apply for this position, into Hills to Off Mormon Trek to
please visit and click the
“Careers” link at the bottom of the page.
Old Hwy 218 Rohert Rd to Melrose Ave
EOE pre-screening drug and background tests required.
EOE pre-screening drug and background tests
$776.00 monthly $250 monthly
For a more detailed description, and/or to apply, please visit required. and click the “Careers” link at the bottom of the page Contact Jeff Pearson at


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oo d ccond
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Call or stop in today!
*In person or phone only.

Contact: $900/monthly, Route 1065 28th Ave, Prairie Bend Circle,

including Summitview on English Glen - Driveway Delivery
500 3rd Ave SE
Jeff Pearson Contact Dawn at 877-233-3716 or
319-551-3212 Delivery deadlines by 6am Mon-Sat/7am on Sun. All Gazette
routes require a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance!
8F The Gazette, Sunday, October 17, 2021 The GAZETTE Classifieds, It Works for You!

Sunday’s Crossword Solved
©2014 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 10/17/21
All rights reserved.


10/17/21 ANSWERS

Today’s Answer
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 1L


Known as “palmito” in Brazil, hearts of palm are popular in Central and South American cuisine. (Alexandra Olsen)

The dressing
1 lemon, juiced
3 tablespoons of red wine
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon of honey
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 teaspoon of dried oregano
Salt to taste
The salad

1 1/2 cups of canned hearts

Brazilian cooking
of palm, diced
1 cup of fresh tomatoes,
Greens of your choice, to
First, make the dressing.
I personally like to combine
all ingredients in a jar and
then shake well, but you
can also stir them together
Hearts of palm can be eaten many ways, including right out of the jar in a bowl.
Then, combine all your

salad ingredients in a large
f there is one ingredient in this In Brazil, hearts of palm are usu- bowl. Use as much or as
Known for their world that immediately trans- ally served as a side dish with a little of the greens as you’d
ports me back to my childhood heartier lunch or dinner. They are like, the real star here is
‘meat-like’ texture, home in Brazil it is hearts of often seen sharing dish space with the palm.
Add salad dressing to the
hearts of palm palm.
Known as “palmito” in Brazil, this
pickled quail eggs, radishes and
beets, all of which I love dearly. bowl and toss well before
are often found in vegetable is popular in Central and They are also typically served in serving.
Serve as a side or as
South American cuisine. their basic tube shape, not chopped
vegan recipes here In truth, I’ve never tasted this or sliced, simply removed from the your main course. You also
can add any type of protein
in the States and vegetable in an American recipe. I
know there must be some, as canned
can or jar and placed on the plate.
Sometimes I still like to eat them this to this simple and easy
used as a meat hearts of palm are easy to find in way, as a snack, straight out of the salad.
any canned food aisle, but to me this can. Source: Alexandra Olsen
replacement. unassuming vegetable tastes like my
grandmother’s house. ; HEARTS OF PALM, PAGE 2L

HISTORY Creep the Alley ● Where: Alliant Energy PowerHouse Arena, 1202 Third St. SE, Cedar Rapids
Come explore the dark side of downtown 370 First Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids ●Cost: $15 advance, $20 door
● Cost: $30 to $65
architecture with this unique historic alley tour
by The History Center’s Mike Bryant. Included OUTDOORS Full Moon Night Hike
are stories of how alleys function as service HOBBY The Eastern Iowa Orchid Show Lace up your hiking shoes and venture out at
and utility access, how they provided secret and Sale: Orchids are a Scream dusk to join a small group of adventurers for
entrances for Prohibition-era businesses as Come see hundreds of blooming orchids a guided night hike.
well as clever retail store designs. ● When: 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday
exhibited by orchid societies from around the
● Where: Indian Creek Nature Center, 5300
● When: 6 p.m. Tuesday Midwest and displays of orchid-related crafts
● Where: Town Centre Plaza, Third Avenue SE and collectibles. Otis Rd. SE, Cedar Rapids
● When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and ● Cost: $5 to $7; free kids under 12
and Third Street SE, Cedar Rapids
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 24

● Cost: $5 to $7
● Where: Elks Lodge No. 251, 801 33rd Ave. HOLIDAY The 5th Realm
SW, Cedar Rapids Enter the Cedar Hills Sanitorium for a
MUSIC Stone Temple Pilots ● Cost: Free haunted attraction that is an interactive,

TO DO Alternative rock band Stone Temple Pilots

with hits such as “Plush,” “Creep” and
“Interstate Love Song” is touring after
MUSIC Day of the Dead Halloween Bash
Celebrate the Day of the Dead with a bash
immersive theatrical experience.
● When: 7 to 11 p.m. Thursday, Friday and
THIS WEEK releasing its eighth studio album last year,
“Perdida.” Opening for the group will be Tyler
that will feature The Mixtape. Don’t forget to
wear your costume for the contest.
● When: 8:30 p.m. Saturday
● Where: Lindale Mall, 4444 First Ave. NE,
Cedar Rapids, inside the entrance next to Von
Bryant and the Shakedown. Maur
POWERED BY HOOPLA: ● When: 8 p.m. Wednesday ● Where: The Olympic South Side Theater, ● Cost: $15
2L The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


A Greek-inspired sheet-pan meal

G. Daniela Galarza, SHEET PAN CHICKEN garnish (optional)
Washington Post OR CAULIFLOWER Position a rack in the
middle of the oven and pre-
WITH LEMONY POTATOES heat to 425 degrees.

’m not sure where I AND KALAMATA OLIVES
read it, but someone In a large bowl, mix to-
Active time: 15 minutes gether 3 tablespoons of the
recently pointed out Total time: 1 hour
that recipes today have olive oil, the garlic, lemon
4 to 6 servings zest, oregano, salt and pa-
to be both incredibly Oregano, lemon zest
precise and entirely prika or black pepper. Add
and garlic infuse chicken the chicken or cauliflower
adaptable. quarters — or, a quartered
Home cooks — myself and, using your hands, rub
head of cauliflower — with the mixture into the meat or
included! — want and de- aromatic flavors.
serve to be set up for suc- vegetable.
Storage Notes: Leftovers On a large, rimmed bak-
cess. That means know- may be refrigerated in a
ing how many ounces of ing sheet, combine the po-
covered container for up to tatoes and artichoke hearts.
chopped yellow onion to 4 days.
use — and exactly what Drizzle with the remaining
NOTE: Many chicken leg olive oil, and toss.
to do if you don’t have or quarters are quite large. If
eat onions. Lay the quarters atop
they weigh significantly more the potatoes and artichoke
The pandemic is than 2 pounds total, you
partially to blame, but hearts and roast for 30
may need to increase the minutes. Toss the potatoes
these new metrics for bake time to 1 hour or more.
recipe success also speak and artichoke hearts so they
5 tablespoons olive oil, divided brown evenly. Rotate the
to our varying skill 4 cloves garlic, minced or
levels in the kitchen, the pan, then roast for an addi-
finely grated tional 20 to 30 minutes, or
inconsistent availability 2 tablespoons finely grated
of ingredients and our until the chicken is cooked
Sheet Pan Chicken or Cauliflower with Lemony Potatoes and Kalamata Olives. (Washington Post) lemon zest (from 2 large — an instant-read ther-
increasingly global lemons)
pantries. mometer should read 165
1 1/2 teaspoons dried degrees when inserted into
Some cooks have little with Potatoes, Arti- A generous sprinkle of would be nice instead, or oregano, or 2 tablespoons the thickest part of the thigh
access to fresh food, chokes and Olives. freshly chopped parsley you could use a lemon- chopped fresh oregano — or cauliflower is crisp on
others are limited by You start with either adds a peppery finish. pepper spice blend in- 3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt, the outside but fork-tender
long commutes or rising chicken quarters — the But as always, I have stead of the salt, pepper plus more as needed all the way through.
prices, while others are ones where the leg and even more suggestions and lemon zest. 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika Remove the pan from the
overwhelmed by options thigh are attached — or for how to make this No oregano? Use fresh or cracked black pepper oven and add the olives,
at megamarkets stocked a whole, large quartered with the flavors you pre- or dried parsley or dill. 4 chicken leg quarters olive brine and lemon juice.
with fresh and shelf- cauliflower. These get fer and the ingredients The small amount of (about 2 pounds total; Use a spatula or wooden
stable ingredients from rubbed with spices and available to you. paprika or pepper goes see NOTE), patted dry, or spoon to help mix any
all over the world. (The herbs and roasted atop This recipe was de- a long way though you 1 large head cauliflower browned bits into the sauce,
internet has further in- a medley of chopped signed for omnivores and can use more or less if (about 2 pounds), trimmed top with chopped fresh
creased availability potatoes and artichoke vegetarians, though, if desired. and quartered parsley, if using, and serve
for some, but not every- hearts. As it turns out, you make it with cauli- Not into potatoes? 4 Yukon Gold potatoes family style.
one has access or the two pounds of chicken flower, it’s actually veg- How about butternut (about 1 1/2 pounds), Nutrition information per
credit necessary to shop quarters (about 4 an. Here are other ways squash or just using all scrubbed and cut into serving (3/4 piece of chicken
online.) medium-sized) and a to adapt it: artichoke hearts? 1-inch cubes or cauliflower, 1 cup of roasted
Aside from the easy two-pound cauliflower, Instead of olive oil Instead of artichoke One (13.5-ounce) can whole vegetables), based on 6 | If us-
swaps like what to use if quartered, take the same you can use any neutral- hearts you could use artichoke hearts, drained ing cauliflower: Calories: 293;
you’re out of fresh lemon amount of time to cook. tasting oil or melted all potatoes, substitute and halved Total Fat: 14 g; Saturated Fat:
juice (lime juice, white The potatoes roast butter. whole fresh green beans 1/3 cup kalamata olives, 2 g; Cholesterol: 0 mg; Sodium:
wine vinegar or rice vin- and caramelize as the Garlic adds lots of fla- or chopped cabbage or halved or smashed 926 mg; Carbohydrates: 38 g;
artichoke hearts soften. vor to this, but skip it if kale instead. Dietary Fiber: 9 g; Sugars: 4 g;
egar) or if you hate cilan- 1/4 cup Kalamata olive brine
Protein: 8 g. If using chicken:
tro (omit it, or use scal- Then, once it’s out of the you don’t like it, or use 2 Kalamata olives and or 2 tablespoons water Calories: 463; Total Fat: 27 g;
lions instead), I think a oven, you add smashed teaspoons of garlic pow- their brine are great here and 2 tablespoons red Saturated Fat: 5 g; Cholesterol:
lot about how to make a olives and some of their der instead of the fresh but you could skip them, wine vinegar 91 mg; Sodium: 969 mg; Car-
dish vegetarian or vegan. brine. Once it mixes with cloves. or use any oily olive. 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice bohydrates: 30 g; Dietary Fiber:
That’s how I approached the pan juices, it turns The lemon zest in com- Out of lemon juice? (from 1 or 2 lemons) 6 g; Sugars: 1 g; Protein: 25 g.
the development of this into a tangy and rich bination with the herbs Use more brine or an- Small handful (about 1/2 Source: G. Daniela Galarza
recipe, for roasted Greek sauce — whether your gives this dish its Greek other splash of vinegar ounce) fresh parsley
Chicken or Cauliflower meal is meaty or vegan. flavor though orange zest instead. leaves, chopped, for
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Hearts of palm/Common in vegan recipes in U.S. IC 339-4416

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; FROM PAGE 1L found in pastel, a savory fried this can be problematic, when according to Michelin Guide. • Free Estimates
pastry usually filled with meat sourced from wild or single- The recipe I developed is in- DON’T GET STUCK
Known for their “meat-like” or cheese. “Palmito con queijo” stemmed palms, hearts of palm spired by the simplicity of the IN THE SNOW!

texture, hearts of palm are often is a popular combination, from multi-stemmed palm trees Brazilian side salad, which is
found in vegan recipes here in
2 Stall $
“hearts of palm with cheese.” in Costa Rica and Ecuador are often just a way to get greens in
the States and used as a meat A great source of fiber and the most consumed in the world your system along with what- Garage
replacement. zinc, hearts of palm are har- and many companies source ever salty protein has been pre- INCLUDES:
• Vinyl siding • Insulated raised panel overhead door
In Brazil, they often can be vested from palms. Although their hearts from these farms, pared as the main course. • Insulated service door
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The Gazette

Food and Drinks will be available for purchase. EASTERN IOWA LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 3L


Homemade pumpkin spice Try creamy tomato

pumpkin soup for an
is what fall should taste like extra dose of comfort
By Becky Krystal, Washington Post By Ellie Krieger, finely grated
Washington Post 2 teaspoons finely grated
Before there was pumpkin fresh ginger
spice latte — and pumpkin spice With all the fuss over 2 cups low-sodium vegetable
Oreos and cereal and deodorant pumpkin spice, it’s easy or chicken broth
and pumpkin spice everything to forget that the orange One (15-ounce) can no-salt-
else — there was pumpkin squash is a nutritious added diced tomatoes
spice. Or pumpkin pie spice, de- vegetable that can also with their juices
pending on who is talking about lean savory. Pumpkin 1 cup pumpkin puree
it and marketing it. Either way, can be used just like any 1/2 teaspoon table salt or
this aromatic blend has been other winter squash, cut fine sea salt
maligned and mangled until it’s into wedges or cubes and 1/4 teaspoon ground
often no longer recognizable or roasted, or simmered cinnamon
even good. for side dishes salads 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
At this point, even the su- and soups. Just don’t 1/2 cup plus 2 teaspoons
permarket shelf jar of pumpkin bother cooking that light coconut milk, divided
pie spice seems like a purer big carving pumpkin. I 2 teaspoons honey or maple
distillation of the concept, so far learned the hard way, syrup
from its origins as we now are. when I was just out of Freshly ground black pepper
Those origins? A 1936 recipe for college, that the flesh of (optional)
Pumpkin Spice Cake, which we that variety is bland, wa-
updated for modern tastes and Pumpkin Spice. (Washington Post) In medium pot over me-
tery and fibrous. dium heat, heat oil until
techniques. Instead, get the
The original and updated rec- my opinion. Instead of nutmeg, to suit your taste and pantry shimmering. Add onion and
smaller kind labeled cook, stirring occasionally,
ipes have in common that they try mace, which is actually a supplies. That’s the beauty of a “sugar” or “pie”
don’t call for a premade mix. case around the nutmeg seed homemade blend. until softened, about 3 min-
pumpkin, which utes. Stir in garlic and gin-
Instead, you combine individual that tends to run a bit sweeter cooks up creamy and
spices out of the pantry. With a and softer. I struggle with the ger and cook until aromatic,
dense with a delicate 30 seconds.
pumpkin (pie) spice blend from sharpness of cloves, so I found PUMPKIN SPICE MIX sweetness. Those
the store, the work is done for allspice a very good substitute. Total time: 10 minutes Add broth, tomatoes,
qualities are brought pumpkin, salt, cinnamon
you. My advice: Take it a step Which you choose is up to you. Servings: 12 into play in this velvety
above by making your own Consider including one ad- We’ve started with a fairly tradi- and allspice and bring to
tomato soup, adding a a boil. Reduce heat to low
blend to have on hand. By doing ditional spice on top of the basic tional cinnamon-led base that al- dynamic layer of interest
so, you gain the convenience of four ingredients. My go-to is lows for you to choose between nut- and simmer, uncovered,
to a pot that’s brimming stirring occasionally, until
a premade blend but one that’s cardamom. In a batch of muf- meg or mace and allspice or cloves, with warming flavors.
fresher and more vibrant than fins in which I tested the blend, depending on your taste. flavors have melded, about
While you can cer- 15 minutes. Stir in 1/2
what’s at the store, with plenty it brought a subtle, piney sweet- Storage Notes: The spice blend tainly use fresh-cooked,
of room for personalization. ness to the party. My other can be stored in an airtight con- cup of coconut milk and of
pureed pumpkin to make honey, and remove from
Plus, you can make as much or twist is granulated orange peel. tainer at room temperature, prefer- it, taking advantage of
as little as you want, likely with But knowing that orange zest ably in a dark pantry, for up to 6 heat. Using an immersion
canned pumpkin works, blender, puree until
spices you already have, with- would render the idea of a shelf- months. too, and it makes the
out buying yet another jar. stable blend moot, I turned to smooth. (Alternatively, let
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon soup a completely pan- cool slightly and puree
While some formulations granulated dried orange peel 1 tablespoon ground ginger try-friendly recipe.
call for a variety of spices in (not pieces or strips). McCor- in batches in a regular
1 1/2 teaspoons freshly grated/ blender.) Divide among 4
equal amounts, I prefer a more mick is one grocery store brand ground nutmeg or mace
nuanced approach that uses that sells it. The citrus flavor bowls, garnish with a drizzle
1 1/2 teaspoons ground allspice or CREAMY TOMATO of coconut milk and pepper,
cinnamon as the backbone with adds an appreciated brightness
ginger playing a strong sup- and floral delicacy to the mix.
ground cloves PUMPKIN SOUP if using. Serve hot.
1 teaspoon ground cardamom or 1 Active time: 20 minutes
porting role. I include smaller Want to try both? Just make the teaspoon granulated dried orange Nutrition information per
amounts of nutmeg and cloves full recipe below, divide it in Total time: 35 minutes serving (1 1/4 cup), based on
peel) 4 servings
relative to the cinnamon and half, and use half the amount of 4 | Calories: 117; Total Fat: 6
ginger (a 4:2:1 ratio), because I cardamom for one mini-batch Combine cinnamon, ginger, nut- 1 tablespoon neutral g; Saturated Fat: 3 g; Choles-
find they can easily overwhelm and half the orange peel for the meg or mace, allspice or cloves oil, such as canola, terol: 0 mg; Sodium: 368 mg;
grapeseed or safflower Carbohydrates: 15 g; Dietary
other flavors, especially in other. and, if using, cardamom or orange Fiber: 3 g; Sugar: 7 g; Protein:
store-bought blends. I played You should feel just as em- peel in a small bowl. Stir until thor- 1 small-to-medium onion
around with alternatives that powered, though, to change oughly incorporated and transfer to (about 5 ounces), diced
are a little mellower, at least in any of the ratios or ingredients a jar or other airtight container. 2 cloves garlic, minced or Source: Ellie Krieger

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Supported by The Gazette and Collins Community Credit Union 319.377.9000 LONG-TERM CARE
4L The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Best apples for making apple pie

By Aaron Hutcherson, Washington Post

ou can use any apple to
make an apple pie. Full
stop. However, some
are better than others when it
comes to flavor and texture.
And instead of choosing just
one type of apple, a combina-
tion of at least two or three is
a smart way to get more com-
plex flavors and textures into
your pie.
There are thousands of
varieties of apples across the
globe, so which are best when
it comes time to slice or dice
them into a pie filling?
For starters, you don’t want
an apple that’s soft or mealy,
because it might break down
too much and turn into some-
thing resembling the texture
of baby food. (For example:
McIntosh apples are great for
eating out of hand, but they
don’t hold up well in baking.)
And then there are others that
are either lacking in the flavor
department completely or sim-
ply one-dimensional. (Red De-
licious, we’re looking at you.)
Thankfully, there are plenty
of other options. Below are 10
we recommend you seek out
the next time you’re ready to
bake an apple pie.
• Braeburn. This apple is a
Granny Smith (top left and bottom); Pink Lady (both top left); Golden Delicious (top left and center left); Braeburn (center right); and Honeycrisp (top right and
descendant of Granny Smith,
but slightly sweeter. Some bottom right). (Washington Post photos)
say it tastes almost like a pear
when cooked. the best flavor when used as flavor can be hard to beat.” crisp apple certainly is sturdy
• Cortland. Some might the sole cultivar in an exten- •Jonagold or Jonathan. enough to hold its shape when
shun Cortlands for baking sive apple pie test for Serious Crunchy and sweet-tart, Jo- baked. It’s a nice mix of sweet
because they can get a little Eats. nagolds are a cross between and tart and boasts a vibrant
soft compared to others, but •Granny Smith. Firm and Jonathan and Golden Deli- pink skin (hence the name).
in pies, they hold their shape very tart, this variety is the go- cious apples. They’re one • Winesap. This heirloom
decently and can be a great to for many when it comes to of pastry chef Paola Velez’s cultivar is said to have been
textural addition when used pie because it keeps its shape favorite apples to use in pie around for centuries. “Wine-
with firmer apples. extremely well. But it isn’t along with Granny Smith and sap apples are highly aromatic
• Crispin (Mutsu). In- exactly known for its flavor, so Honeycrisp. with a balanced sweet-tart
troduced in 1949, Crispins
One recipe for apple pie suggests using
five or six different types of apples. Granny Smiths are best used •Northern Spy. Not al- taste and get their name due to
are a cross between Golden in conjunction with sweeter ways the easiest to find, but their distinctive spicy winelike
Delicious and Indo cultivars. and/or more flavorful apples. when you do, these beauties flavor,” per the store Specialty
They have a nice tartness is the variety many would rec- •Honeycrisp. These apples will have you wanting to grab Produce in San Diego.
that works well to balance the ommend. My colleague Becky can be a little pricey at times a bushel or two. My colleague Now, the only question that
sweetness of desserts. Krystal likes it for its acces- because they’re more diffi- Daniela Galarza says this is remains is: Who’s getting the
• Golden Delicious. If you sibility and reliability, and J. cult to grow and have a lower one of her favorites. vanilla ice cream to scoop on
had to pick just one apple, this Kenji Lopez-Alt found it had yield, but as Krystal said, “The •Pink Lady. This super top?

Supported by The Gazette and Collins Community Credit Union
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 5L


A spicy chicken sandwich is better for you

By Ann Maloney, breast (see NOTE)
Washington Post 1 avocado, peeled, pitted
and thinly sliced
Seems like just about 4 whole-wheat rolls, toasted
every fast-food restau- 4 slices Monterey Jack
rant in America has cheese, plain or pepper
jumped on the chicken 1/4 cup mayonnaise
sandwich bandwagon, 1 tomato, thinly sliced
and I’ve tried many of (optional)
them. (My favorite is also 4 large iceberg lettuce leaves
nearly everyone else’s (optional)
favorite: Popeyes.) In a medium bowl or
Still, it is rare for resealable container, whisk
me to stop at fast-food together the oil, lime juice,
restaurants, especially chipotle powder, smoked pa-
when the thing I’m crav- prika, garlic powder, cumin,
ing can be made just as coriander and salt to create
quickly and almost as a thick paste. Add the chick-
cheaply at home. This en and turn and, using your
Chipotle Chicken Sand- hands, massage until fully
wich with Avocado from coated. Cover and refriger-
cookbook author Toby ate for 15 to 20 minutes or
Amidor can be on the up to 2 hours.
table in about 30 min- When ready to cook,
utes, and it definitely lightly oil a large grill pan or
scratches my chicken saute pan and set it over
sandwich itch. medium heat until the oil
is shimmering. (Turn on
No, it’s not deep fried the vent over your stove
like Popeyes, but it still because the spicy marinade
packs a lot of spicy flavor is pungent.) Working in
because it is marinated batches if needed, add the
in a hot rub and then Chipotle Chicken Sandwich with Avocado is healthier than fast food and easy to make. (Washington Post) chicken in a single layer,
sauteed in a pan on the and cook until the internal
The sandwich calls for trol the spiciness here keep it light and fresh. chicken breasts handy, you temperature reaches 165
In “The Family Immu- degrees, 3 to 4 minutes per
chicken cutlets, which because you are making can thinly slice the larger
nity Cookbook” (Robert
makes it a bit thriftier the rub. If you use it full- chicken breasts into cutlets. side. Discard any remaining
Rose, 2021), Amidor,
as well, especially if you spice, as I did, turn on CHIPOTLE CHICKEN Use a sharp chef’s knife to marinade.
a registered dietitian,
slice your own cutlets the vent or open a win- SANDWICH WITH carefully and evenly slice Place several slices of
shares the sandwich as
from breast halves. (See dow because when the through the equator of each avocado on one half of
one of the 101 recipes AVOCADO breast half so the breast each roll and top with chi-
that she says incorpo- instructions for how to chicken hits the hot pan, Active time: 20 minutes |
do that in the NOTE be- it fills the air with pep- opens like butterfly wings. potle chicken and a slice
rate healthier choices in Total time: 35 minutes
low.) pery scents. Or, adjust Separate the halves into of cheese. Spread 1 table-
ingredients. Her goal is 4 servings
Amidor uses light as Amidor advises: To two cutlets and trim away spoon of the mayonnaise
to help people eat well, Tip: To up the heat level,
mayonnaise and reduced add spiciness, increase any visible fat. on the other half of each
which helps to support increase the chipotle pow-
their immune system. fat cheese to keep the fat the chipotle powder and der and smoked paprika by 3 tablespoons canola or roll and top with lettuce and
Amidor offers insights and calories in line, but I smoked paprika by 1 tea- 1 teaspoon total. To make another neutral oil, plus tomato, if using. Press the
into the health benefits prefer full-fat, and spoon. To decrease the sandwich halves together
a milder sandwich, cut back more for greasing the pan
of certain foods, as well I used pepper jack in- spiciness, cut back on the on the two spices by 1 tea- 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice and serve.
as strategies for shop- stead of plain Monterey two spices by 1 teaspoon. spoon total. (from 1 to 2 limes)
Jack cheese, for a little The recipes calls for 15 Nutrition information (per
ping, prepping and por- Make Ahead: The chicken 2 teaspoons chipotle powder sandwich) | Calories: 545; Total
tioning. She notes that extra kick. The spicy minutes to 2 hours of must be marinated for at 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
marinating, but keep in Fat: 36 g; Saturated Fat: 3 g;
part of making healthful chicken cutlet on the least 15 minutes or up to 2 2 teaspoons garlic powder Cholesterol: 106 mg; Sodium:
home cooking more ac- toasted whole wheat mind that the longer you hours. 2 teaspoons ground cumin 470 mg; Carbohydrates: 16 g;
cessible is removing the bun gets creaminess marinate the chicken, Storage Notes: Leftover 2 teaspoons ground Dietary Fiber: 2 g; Sugar: 3 g;
stress in the kitchen by from sliced avocado, the spicier it may get. chicken can be refrigerated coriander Protein: 40 g
using few bowls and pans making it is easy to go Skip the fries or chips, for up to 3 days. 1/4 teaspoon table salt or
and keeping the prep to light on or even skip the and serve this sandwich NOTE: If you cannot find fine sea salt Source: Adapted from “The Family
around 30 minutes. This mayonnaise. with a green or fruit chicken cutlets at your 4 (5-ounce) thinly sliced Immunity Cookbook” by Toby
dish does that. It also is simple to con- salad instead, so you can grocery or have full-size boneless skinless chicken Amidor (Robert Rose, 2021)

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Supported by The Gazette and Collins Community Credit Union Supported by The Gazette and Collins Community Credit Union
6L The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Black Forest icebox cake is no-bake

By Aaron Hutcherson, Turn off the mixer, add
Washington Post the heavy cream, cherry
preserves and kirsch
The icebox cake is an and whisk on low until
ideal dessert for the hot- incorporated. Gradually
ter parts of the year, but increase the speed to
why limit it? At its sim- medium-high and whisk the
plest, all you need mixture until it holds stiff
are cookies, whipped peaks, 1 to 2 minutes,
cream, a little assembly making sure to scrape
and some time in the the bowl with a rubber
refrigerator (aka icebox) spatula so that it is fully
to create this cool confec- incorporated.
tion. Spread a layer of
Black Forest cake is a whipped cream mixture
delightful combination of on the bottom of the pan
chocolate cake, whipped and cover with a layer of
cream, cherries and cookies, filling any gaps with
kirsch or kirschwasser, broken cookies (breaking
a clear cherry brandy. them, if necessary). You
Instead of chocolate want a reasonably solid
cake, this recipe uses layer where the pieces
store-bought cookies touch or overlap a little bit,
(though you could cer- but it doesn’t need to be
tainly bake your own completely solid. Scatter
from scratch) that soften 2/3 cup cherries on top
as they sit between lay- of the cookies. Continue
ers of cream and take on layering with the whipped
a light and fluffy texture. cream, cookies and cherries
Thin and crispy cookies, two more times, ending with
such as the icebox classic a final layer of cream.
Nabisco Famous Choco- Cover the top of the cake
late Wafers, are best in and refrigerate for 6 to 8
this kind of cake. (In my hours or overnight. Crumble
recipe testing, the 365 any remaining cookies and
by Whole Foods Market store in an airtight container
Brownie Cookie Thins Black Forest Icebox Cake (Washington Post)
at room temperature.
were easier to source,
and one box was just of almond extract in its want to attempt clean has set up in the refrig- 3 cups heavy cream To serve, remove the
enough for this recipe.) place to complement the slices of cake — pop- erator, tightly wrapped 3/4 cup cherry preserves sides of the pan and peel
Instead of a plain cherry flavor. ping it in the freezer to in plastic wrap and alu- 2 tablespoons kirsch away the parchment strip.
whipped cream, I used Fresh cherries are firm up a bit also helps minum foil, for up to 1 50 thin chocolate wafer Place the cake on a serving
cream cheese for a tart, a great option when in — otherwise, a large month. Defrost the cake cookies plate, sprinkle the top with
more stable cake. It is season, but thawed, pre- casserole dish, such as a in the refrigerator over- 2 cups stemmed, pitted and the reserved crumbled cook-
sweetened with cherry viously frozen fruit will 9-by-13-inch pan, works night before you plan to halved sweet cherries, ies, garnish with whole cher-
preserves and spiked work just fine during for scooping out more serve it. plus optional stem-on ries and slice as you would
with kirsch for extra other parts of the year. rustic portions. Wait to Storage Notes: Left- cherries for decorating a layer cake.
cherry flavor. Kirsch is Aside from whipping sprinkle the top with the overs can be wrapped in
traditional in this des- cream and pitting cher- crushed leftover cookies plastic wrap or placed in Grease the sides of a NOTE: If you want to cut
sert, but you could omit ries (if you’re using fresh until just before serv- an airtight container and round 9-inch springform pan the cake into thin pieces to
it to make the recipe al- fruit), the only other ing to add a little bit of refrigerated, and are best that is 3 inches deep with get 16 slices, it is best to
cohol-free or if you don’t work required is as- crunch to smooth cream, within 1 day. cooking spray. Line freeze it for about 30 min-
want to buy an entire sembling this chocolate softened cookies and the sides with a strip of utes first.
bottle of the alcohol just and cherry icebox cake. firm fruit. parchment.
BLACK FOREST Nutrition per serving based
for this recipe. (Though Just add layers of cream, Make Ahead: The Add the cream cheese to
I’ve learned that it makes cookies and cherries to unsliced cake will keep, ICEBOX CAKE the bowl of a stand mixer
on 16: Calories 336; Total
Non-stick cooking spray for Fat 26 g; Saturated Fat 15 g;
an excellent adult cherry a pan and then chill it loosely covered with fitted with the whisk attach- Cholesterol 85 mg; Sodium
cola when mixed with in the fridge for a few plastic wrap, in the the pan ment. Whisk on medium 171 mg; Carbohydrates 24 g;
Coke or Pepsi.) You hours. A springform pan refrigerator for up to 3 12 ounces cream cheese, at speed until smooth, about 3 Dietary Fiber 1 g; Sugar: 17 g;
could also add a splash is your best bet if you days, or frozen, after it room temperature minutes. Protein 3 g

Supported by The Gazette and Collins Community Credit Union
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 7L


Grey Poupon
uncorks its own
wine — with
mustard seeds
By Karu F. Daniels, deskside speed snack-
New York Daily News ing,” Kraft Heinz brand
manager for sandwich

ne of the condi- enhancers Danielle Coo-
ment world’s persmith said with the
“finest plea- announcement. “Here
sures” has upped the at Grey Poupon, we
ante with a brand ex- want lunch to feel wor-
tension into the booze thy of savoring again.”
business. Now on sale for $30
Grey Poupon has for a standard bottle
introduced new white (including a jar of Grey
wine, La Moutarde Vin, Poupon mustard)
which is now on sale. through the website
The name translated,
from French to English La Moutarde Vin is
means mustard wine. intended for “making
Stuffed Vegetables in Tomato Sauce. (Washington Post) Earlier this month, lunch feel like a feast.”
Kraft Heinz announced During the mid-1800s,

Peppers aren’t the only

the limited-edition alco- Dijon mustard manu-
holic beverage as a “cel- facturers Maurice Grey
ebration” of the white and August Poupon
wine used in its famous partnered to mass pro-
mustard recipe. duce the wine-infused

vegetable worth stuffing

The full-bodied wine condiment in Dijon,
is infused with Grey France.
Poupon mustard seeds Grey Poupon mus-
and uses Viognier tard grew in popularity
grapes from southern in the United States in
France. The company the early 1980s when
By Joe Yonan, Washington Post
a hefty dose of chopped end off the bell pepper; pan and nestle the reserved said the wine features people wanted more
parsley and a full table- reserve these bits. Halve cut stem ends against “bright hints of spice than conventional

once thought only spoon of spices: I used each vegetable lengthwise. squash and zucchini, and and pronounced citrus” American yellow
peppers could be a Lebanese seven-spice Using a spoon or corer, place stem-end top back on and “floral character- mustards.
stuffed. My Midwest- blend from Maureen remove flesh in a channel the bell pepper, to prevent istics” making it ideal The condiment be-
ern mom stuffed them Abood’s online store, from zucchini and squash filling from spilling out too to pair with meat and came ensconced in pop
with a mixture of ground but baharat would work and chop flesh. Discard much during cooking. cheese charcuterie culture thanks to a
beef, rice and (minimal) well, as would a pinch seeds from bell pepper. In a large measuring boards, Dijon maple- savvy marketing cam-
seasonings before bak- each of a handful of com- Use a fork or skewer to cup or bowl, mix together glazed salmon, ham and paign touting it as “one
ing them in a tomato mon spices. poke holes all over the out- the diced tomatoes with Gruyere cheese sand- of the world’s finest
sauce. I’ll be honest: With the spices, the side of the vegetables. remaining 1 cup of water, wiches or even Grey pleasures” and a 1981
I preferred the filling tomatoes, the long sim- Set a shallow Dutch tomato paste, remaining 2 Poupon itself. commercial featuring
over the vessel, mostly mering and the one-pot oven, or other oven-safe, tablespoons of lemon juice, “We’ve watched a snooty British man
because I wasn’t (and nature of the dish, it lidded pan that can hold remaining 1/2 teaspoon as leisurely lunches asking “Pardon me,
still am not) a big fan of proved warming and the vegetables in one layer, of salt and pepper. Pour it have been replaced by would you have any
green peppers. homey — just what I over medium heat. Pour in over stuffed vegetables. food delivery apps and Grey Poupon?”
At some point, she want for fall. olive oil, and when it shim- Set pan over medium-
started rolling the filling mers, add onion and cook, high heat and bring mixture
in cabbage leaves in- stirring, until it softens and to a boil. Reduce heat to
stead, and I was hooked. STUFFED VEGETABLES IN lightly browns, about 5 medium-low, cover and cook
What else could be TOMATO SAUCE minutes. Add soaked rice until vegetables are tender
stuffed? Active time: 45 minutes and lentils, the chopped and rice and lentils are
So many vegetables, | Total time: 1 hour 30 vegetable flesh, 1/2 cup cooked, 30 to 45 minutes.
of course — and in so minutes, plus 1 hour or of the water, the parsley, Garnish with additional
many cultures. One of more of soaking time quinoa, 1 tablespoon of the whole parsley leaves and
my favorite Mexican 4 to 6 servings lemon juice, spice mix and serve hot.
dishes is chile relleno, This recipe originally 1/2 teaspoon salt. Cook, Nutrition per serving (half a
another stuffed green called for the use of stirring frequently, until rice stuffed vegetable plus 1/4 cup
pepper — although a po- “vegan mince,” or meat- and lentils start to soften sauce), based on 6 | Calories:
blano is a pretty far cry less crumbles, and you can slightly, about 10 minutes. 236; Total Fat: 6 g; Saturated
from a plain bell. And Remove from heat, let Fat: 1 g; Cholesterol: 0 mg; So-
certainly use them instead dium: 548 mg; Carbohydrates:
what doesn’t taste good of the lentils here, if you’d mixture cool slightly, then
when you coat it in a bat- like. We tested this using fill zucchini and squash 38 g; Dietary Fiber: 8 g; Sugar:
8 g; Protein: 9 g
ter and fry it, especially a Lebanese seven-spice halves with it, and place
after you stuff it with blend, but you can also one half on top of the other
cheese? look for baharat or use to close them up. Fill red Source: Adapted from “The Vegan
The squash family of the combination of spices bell pepper with stuffing. Iraqi Cookbook” by Lamees Grey Poupon uncorks its very own wine. (Business Wire/Kraft
vegetables is full of great listed. Feel free to vary the Place vegetables in same Ibrahim (Babylon Books, 2020) Heinz)
candidates for stuffing. vegetables or use all of a
In the winter, pumpkins single vegetable, as long as
can be hollowed out and you keep the total weight to
baked to showstopping 2 pounds. Serve with rice or
effect. But this time of another grain or a salad.

Breaking news
year, I’ve got yellow Make Ahead: Rice and
summer squash (still) lentils need to be soaked at
coming out of my back- least 1 hour and up to over-
yard garden faster than night in advance of cooking.
I can use them, and now Storage Notes: Stuffed

never stops
that the nights are cool- vegetables can be refriger-
ing down, it feels right to ated for up to 5 days.
stuff them. 1/2 cup long-grain white rice
Dishes like these are a 1/3 cup brown lentils
staple of Iraqi and other 1 medium-to-large zucchini
Middle Eastern cooking,

(and neither do we).

(12 ounces)
and it was in an Iraqi 1 medium-to-large summer
cookbook that I found squash (12 ounces)
my latest method. The 1 large red bell pepper (8
book, by Lamees Ibra- ounces)
him, a Baghdad-born 2 tablespoons extra-virgin
Londoner, has recipes olive oil Unlock instant access to breaking news, the latest scores,
for stuffed zucchini,
stuffed cucumber and,
1 medium yellow onion (8 award-winning photo galleries, videos, and more.
ounces), chopped
my pick, stuffed mixed 1 1/2 cups water, divided
vegetables — all of them 1 cup lightly packed fresh Download the Green Gazette app or learn more at:
simmered in a tomato
flat-leaf parsley, chopped,
sauce. plus more leaves for
I love the combina- garnish
tion approach, because 1/4 cup red or white quinoa
it offers the most flex- 3 tablespoons fresh lemon
ibility. I used a yellow juice, divided
squash from my garden, 1 tablespoon baharat or
plus a zucchini from Lebanese seven-spice
the farmers market and (may substitute a scant
a bell pepper from the 1/2 teaspoon each
grocery store. If I had of ground coriander,
run across any appro- cinnamon, cloves, cumin,
priately sized (that is, nutmeg, turmeric, ginger)
not gigantic) eggplants, I 1 teaspoon fine sea salt or
would’ve subbed in one table salt, divided
of those instead. Ibra- One (14.5-ounce) can diced
him’s recipes are vegan, tomatoes and their juices
so she calls for using 2 tablespoons tomato paste
“vegan mince” (or what 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground
we might see marketed black pepper
as crumbles) and grains In a small bowl, combine
in her stuffing, and that the rice and lentils and add
would work just fine, but water to cover. Soak for at
I wanted to use up some least 1 hour and up to over-
of the (many) lentils in night, then drain.
my pantry instead. Cut off the stem ends of
My favorite aspects of the zucchini and summer
her recipe are the use of squash and cut the stem
8L The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


Pizza salad features

tomatoes, mozzarella
and marinated beans
By Joe Yonan, Washington Post

If you’re a fan of the con-

venience and versatility of
canned beans but you’ve
thought they could use a fla-
vor boost, I’ve got two words
for you: Marinate them.
Beans can soak up the fla-
vors in a simple combination Pizza Salad with Marinated White
of vinegar, olive oil, garlic, Beans. (Washington Post)
basil and red-pepper flakes
— and they can do it even Make Ahead: Beans can be
more quickly with the appli- refrigerated for up to 5 days be-
cation of a little heat. The fol- fore assembling the salad.
lowing use of this idea comes
from Jenny Rosenstrach’s FOR THE MARINATED BEANS
new book, “The Weekday 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Vegetarians” (Clarkson Pot- 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
ter, 2021), which is full of her 1 garlic clove, halved
ideas for eating meatless five Fine sea salt
days a week and then being Freshly ground black pepper
free for carnivorous splurges 8 fresh basil leaves, chopped, or
The pink box is optional, but very effective for Ted Lasso messaging purposes. (Bloomberg News) on two. Rosenstrach calls 1 rosemary sprig, left whole
for marinating the beans in Pinch crushed red pepper flakes

How Milk Bar makes the

the refrigerator for as little 3 cups cooked white beans,
as 15 minutes and as long as such as cranberry, cannellini,
five days. She doesn’t call for or great northern, or two
warming, but I knew — and (15-ounce) cans, rinsed and

addictive Ted Lasso biscuits

verified in testing — that it drained
jump-starts the whole affair FOR THE SALAD
so effectively it’s worth in- 5 ounces lettuce, such as bibb,
corporating into the method. little gem or baby greens of
Marinated beans have all your choice (about 8 cups)
By Kate Krader, Bloomberg News wind, check what kind of pan, biscuit and roll it in doughnut sorts of uses, from simple 1 pint quartered or sliced
does he have a stand mixer, sugar. I think about the 50 dif- side dish to grain-bowl top- tomatoes, preferably grape or
By all accounts, the Emmy how is he cutting them,” she ferent things I can do with it.” ping, but Rosenstrach tosses ripe heirlooms
award-winning British soccer says. The following recipe is from them into what she calls 1 large shallot (3 ounces), thinly
show has been an overwhelm- To celebrate the season fi- Christina Tosi, founder of “pizza salad.” The brilliant sliced
ing hit. nale on Oct. 8, Tosi introduced Milk Bar. thing about it is that the 6 ounces bocconcini (small
In September, Apple re- the Ted Lasso x Milk Bar bis- beans’ marinade becomes mozzarella balls) or 1/2-inch
leased an official Ted Lasso cuit, for free. At the Milk Bar TED LASSO X the salad dressing; unlike cubes fresh mozzarella
biscuit recipe. Consisting of flagships in New York and MILK BAR BISCUITS with meat marinades, there’s 1/2 cup (2 ounces) shaved
just four ingredients — flour, Los Angeles, 500 orders of the Makes 12 Lasso-size slices no need to worry about food- Parmesan cheese
butter, powdered sugar, salt sweets were available in, yes, 2 sticks (1/2 pound) unsalted safety issues in the reusing. 8 large fresh basil leaves,
— the cookies hit the but- little pink boxes. butter, softened By the way, you can in- chopped
tery notes but didn’t provide For those who missed out 1 3/4 cup powdered sugar terpret the “pizza salad” Make the marinated beans:
the compulsive adulation as on the limited offerings, the 3 tablespoons light brown sugar name any way you like here. In a small skillet over medium
seen on TV; many tasters pro- way to sample the dead-simple 3 large egg yolks Rosenstrach calls it that be- heat, whisk together olive oil,
nounced it old-fashioned, like biscuit is to make it yourself. 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour cause it reminds her of her vinegar, garlic, salt, black pep-
the show. Tosi’s version does inspire 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt family’s tradition of topping per, basil and red pepper flakes.
One of the country’s best the kind of stop-everything- Heat oven to 315 degrees and tomato pizza with salad. And Toss in beans, bring mixture to a
bakers saw the opportunity to else fixation portrayed on the prepare an 8-inch square baking this would work beautifully simmer, then remove from heat,
make a more compelling ver- show; they’re superior to the dish with cooking spray. for that — or on the side. I transfer to a bowl, and let come
sion of the viral sweet. Chris- official version. That’s because In a medium bowl, mix the like the name because with to room temperature, about 30
tina Tosi, founder of Milk Bar, Tosi adds egg yolks and a few butter and sugars vigorously until tomatoes, mozzarella and minutes. (If desired, cover and
a bakery embodying the same spoonfuls of brown sugar to smooth. Parmesan, you’ve got many refrigerate overnight or up to 5
unabashed positive energy as the equation, giving her rect- Stir in the egg yolks. Add the of the elements of a simple days.)
the show, is a Ted Lasso fan. angular cookie a terrific, cara- flour and salt, mix just until the pizza, except the crust. Add Make the salad: In a large
“When Season 1 came out, it melized wave of flavor, along dough comes together. (“The some croutons, if you like, shallow bowl, toss together let-
made positivity cool again,” with an addictive chew that less you mix the dough, the more and you’d get even closer. tuce, tomatoes, shallot, mozza-
says Tosi. “And the stickiest enhances the melt-in-your- positive vibes your biscuits will rella, Parmesan and basil. Toss
part of it was the power (of the mouth tenderness. have,” according to Tosi.) Using PIZZA SALAD WITH in beans with marinade and
biscuits) in a tiny little pink The Lasso biscuits will damp hands, press the dough in MARINATED WHITE BEANS serve.
box. It’s a show with the secret not be for sale at Milk Bar an even layer in the pan and bake Active time: 15 mins Nutrition: Per serving (a generous
undertone of the power of stores. Tosi shies away from for 40 to 45 minutes until a thin, Total time: 45 mins (or up to 1 3/4 cups) | Calories: 357; Total
baked goods.” straightforward classics — her golden brown layer forms on top. overnight for marinating) Fat: 21 g; Saturated Fat: 7 g; Cho-
Tosi says she paid particu- chocolate chip cookies include Let cool completely before cutting 6 servings lesterol: 23 mg; Sodium: 226 mg;
lar attention whenever the cornflakes and marshmallows. into two even columns and then To make it vegan, substitute Carbohydrates: 28 g; Dietary Fiber: 7
biscuits appeared on screen, But, she says, “I am confident six even rows. Arrange in pink g; Sugar: 3 g; Protein: 18 g
baked tofu for mozzarella and
studying them like a crime it will inspire something at boxes, if you have them. leave out Parmesan, or choose Source: Adapted from “The Weekday
scene pathologist. “I would re- Milk Bar. I want to take that Source: Christina Tosi of Milk Bar a vegan version such as Violife. Vegetarians” by Jenny Rosenstrach

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Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 9L


A Yellowstone trek?
No prob-llama
By Mary Winston Nicklin,
Washington Post

was walking along a
trail in Yellowstone
National Park, medi-
tating on mountains,
breathing in the scent
of pine and sagebrush,
when a llama sneezed in
my ear. With bear spray
strapped to my waist, I
had been expecting to be
startled by another kind
of animal. But Sarek, the
llama I was leading on
our hike, had evidently
inhaled an unwanted ele-
ment as he snacked on
grass and brush. I yelped
as loud as a coyote.
Thus began an adven-
ture that took us off the
traffic-clogged circuits
of Yellowstone into the
majesty and solitude of
Montana wilderness.
Over the course of three
glorious summer days in
the backcountry, I didn’t
think about the pandem-
ic or politics or the un-
certainty of the autumn
ahead. I thought mostly
about llamas, the came-
lids first domesticated by
the Inca in the high-alti-
tude Andean mountains
some 5,000 years ago, a
calm and gentle beast of
burden whose presence
delighted our children
Hikers and llamas traverse the Daly Creek trail in Montana. (Mary Winston Nicklin photos/Washington Post)
and eased the weight on
our backs.
I can’t take credit the trail; Dewey made a
for this llama trekking IF YOU GO humming noise with the
epiphany. That flash of kids’ hugs; and Granite,
brilliance is owed to our
friends who organized
• Yellowstone National the easygoing champion
who could carry the most
Park, 2 Officers Row,
the expedition. It all Yellowstone National Park, weight, had a thing for
started, many moons Wyo.; (307) 344-2860; www. eating spiky thistle.
back, with an email — A word about bears:
poetic in its brevity. Covering about 3,500 When hiking in the
Subject line: “guys i’ve square miles mostly in backcountry, it’s impor-
figured out our plans for Wyoming and famed for tant to be prepared. We
Montana.” Body: “we its geothermal activity, carried bear spray and
are going backpacking, Beyond the well-traveled learned the rules (if you
WITH LLAMAS.” road circuits, it offers more encounter a bear, make
Wait ... what? than 900 miles of trails a lot of noise and stand
But our friend Dan to explore. The park has your ground). But with a
was onto something. Un- five entrances, named for group of our size, bears
beknown to us, he had points on the compass: could hear us from miles
embarked on a llama ini- North, Northeast, East, away, and there was no
tiation with Dennis Due- South and West. Annual chance of surprising a
nas of Montana Llama pass $70, seven-day pass grizzly.
Guides, an outfitter with for noncommercial vehicle We worried, how-
a farm outside Bozeman. $35. Permits required for ever, whether the llamas
When you haven’t seen all overnight stays in the would be safe at night
good friends in nearly backcountry and must be in the meadows where
two years, separated obtained in person; guests we tethered them near
from your adventur- our tents, more than 100
The writer’s youngest daughter, Cecilia, embraces Dewey. The children developed a deep affection must pay the park entrance yards away from the food
ous travel buddies by a fee and backcountry permit
for the llamas. area. Duenas assured
pandemic and an ocean, fee. Nightly permits for stock
you go all out. And in our parties $5 per person. me that it’s not an issue.
case, “all out” meant that
our group of four adults
is small and compact,
even touted as the clean- pack.”
ture is going to be able to activity is legendary;
sitting atop a massive
Montana Llama Guides, • “Llamas smell differ-
ent and look different;
and five kids was going est on earth. (A three- The husbands left dormant volcano, Yel- (406) 600-3835. than any kind of food
to do it ourselves, rent- compartment stomach before dawn with two of lowstone has the world’s Just outside Bozeman, source. A bear’s not go-
ing llamas and wrangling allows for regurgitating the most eager kids to highest concentration this llama ranch offers a ing to mess with them.”
them without a guide. and chewing cud. It’s this pick up the trailer with of hot springs and gey- number of activities. Take The biggest bear-related
There was a lot of substance that a llama the llamas from Duenas sers. Needless to say, the part in ranch tours and challenge was hoisting
prep: taking a llama will spit if angry with outside of Bozeman. To- park is always popular, learn about the breeding our containers of food by
packing class with Due- another llama.) But it’s bie, Dan’s wife, the other but interest has sky- program, sign up for a rope over the bear poles
nas, gathering all the more than these quali- kids and I met them at rocketed following the guided hike with llamas or at the campsites every
camping equipment and ties, Duenas explained to the Daly Creek trailhead, 2020 pandemic year. A rent llamas for your own self- night: a test of strength,
navigating Yellowstone’s me later: “I call it llama situated in the far north- record-breaking number guided expedition. First-time endurance and physics.
byzantine reservation therapy.” A calming western corner of Yel- of visitors inundated the renters must participate On that last night,
system for backcountry immersion in nature is lowstone, outside of the park this summer. In in a “packing with llamas” pitching our tents at the
campsites (fax machine complemented by time official park entrances. fact, July was the busi- training course ($125). campsite on the Black
required!). The national bonding with the llamas. From here, we unloaded est month in the park’s One- to four-day hike $80 Butte Trail known as
park maintains 293 “People start to care for the llamas and moved history and the first time per llama and per day, with WF1, I crawled into my
such campsites, mostly them.” one car down the road, the number of monthly a two-llama minimum. Trailer sleeping bag giddy on
limited to one group at There’s an increasing following the famous visits has surpassed rental $35 per day for up to stars. No campfires were
a time with a permit, interest in llama trek- Gallatin River, to where 1 million. two llamas; $50 per day for allowed because of the
and reserving them is a king, amplified by social we would finish the 10- But Yellowstone isn’t up to four llamas. wildfire risk, so we fo-
competitive sport. Yel-
lowstone rangers helped
media and television per- mile hike.
sonality Randy Newberg, Then we commenced
just Old Faithful. Sprawl-
ing across more than
Details: www.nps. • cused our attention on
the sky. Above the mead-
us determine an itiner- the Bozeman, Mont.- the llama care, which 2.2 million acres, the backcountryhiking.htm ow strewn with Indian
ary that would take us based hunter who has would become a soothing park offers more than paintbrush flowers, the
on trails easy enough featured pack llamas on ritual. First, you must 900 miles of trails worth constellations seemed
for a 4-year-old to hike his show (as a means to brush the llamas to re- exploring, yet we en- pany in llamas. We got to to swirl together in a
but also permissible for haul elk meat). In recent move any burs or straw countered only two other know their personalities, swallowing immensity.
stock animals, alongside years, llamas have even that could create saddle hikers. Under the never- quirks and herd dynam- I fell asleep listening to
a creek. become trendy. “They’re sores. The kids loved ending Montana sky, ics: Sunfire didn’t like a wolflike bark echoing
The beauty of hiking the new unicorn,” Due- this task, affectionately fortunately unmarred to get his feet wet; Sarek in the trees, the sound of
with llamas is the ability nas said. “Alpacas and petting them while re- by wildfire smoke, needed to see another the rushing water in the
to pack large amounts llamas have only been moving huge amounts of we contemplated the llama in front of him on creek.
of camping gear and in the country since the hair that we would pack metaphysical vastness
gourmet provisions. In late 1970s, and if you out with our trash. Wa- of the wilderness. We
our case, our children saw them beforehand, tering and feeding were adapted to our young-
couldn’t be expected to it would’ve been in the followed by saddling and est hiker’s rhythm and
carry big backpacks, and zoo or circus, seen as attaching the panniers, embraced the mantra of Dec. 1-2
we had grand ambitions an exotic animal.” Now a process we soon real- slow travel — less than
that llamas have become ized created more than a 2 mph — which allowed
Mall of America and Mystic Lake Casino.
for open-air feasts far
from the usual freeze- mainstream, he added, physical attachment. In the opportunity to no- With Christmas right around the corner we will all be shopping for our loved ones. We want to
make it as easy as possible with an excursion to the nation’s largest retail and entertainment
dried camping meals. visitors “show up for this symbiotic relation- tice the wildflowers, the complex with over 520 stores and 50 restaurants. With as much variety as you will find at the
Plus, llamas have less en- ranch tours wearing lla- ship, we cared for the chittering chipmunks, Mall Of America your Christmas shopping chores will be accomplished in one fun filled day.
Put together a group of friends or neighbors and make this a party. There is no sales tax in
vironmental effects than ma socks and T-shirts.” creatures facilitating our the trickle of a creek’s Minnesota on clothing.
other stock, weighing But Duenas empha- journey. currents on glacial rocks Let’s make this tour even more fun by spending the evening at the famous MYSTIC LAKE
CASINO. We can look forward to a beautiful resort accommodation, $10 free play and
around 400 pounds com- sized the importance of Created in 1872 as the and, to the hilarity of the breakfast in the morning.
For those that would like to spend more time at the mall or Casino, the Casino provides
pared with a horse’s 1,000 trekking with llamas country’s first national kids, the (glacially slow) regular shuttle service between each facility.
pounds, with padded feet that have been prop- park, Yellowstone has time it takes for a llama $299 pp.dbl.oc. $364 Sig.oc.
rather than hard hoofs. erly trained. “Not every served as inspiration for to urinate. Please check our website for a detailed summary of these tours or call for a hard copy sent via U.S.P.S. mail or Email
An efficient digestive llama is created equal. national parks around And through it all, we
system means their dung Not every llama in a pas- the globe. Its geothermal had the best kind of com-
10L The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021

THE Sunday Crossword

Edited by Rich Norris & Joyce Nichols Lewis

© 2014 Tribune Media Services, Inc 10/17/21

All rights reserved

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-
3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9.

Daily and Sunday puzzle answers can be found online at


Check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Today’s Birthday (10/17/21). Pursue pas- louder, with Jupiter direct. Insights inspire
sion to grow this year. Develop skills, talents
and arts with dedicated discipline. Guide
shared finances around autumn obstacles,
your meditation, reflection and introspec-
tion. Benefit through transition and change
for nine months.
Man’s unkempt look is
before netting winter prizes with communi-
cation and creativity. Spring profits benefit
family cash flow, before a summer income
Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is
an 8 -- Collaborations surge ahead, with
Aquarius Jupiter stationing direct tonight
driving wife out the door
boost. Cherish who and what you love. for the next nine months. Friendship and
ear Abby: My husband is nothing to do with his “protest.” I
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 9 community ties bring opportunities and ben-
a wonderful man. We’ve am ready to leave. The last straw
-- You’re energized. Romance flowers, with efits. Launch team efforts. been married 31 years and was when he started quoting How-
Aquarius Jupiter direct. Encourage passion. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is an have been retired for the past six. ard Hughes.
Advance creative plans. Harness inspiration 8 -- Launch professional plans, with lucky He takes care of most of the house- Do you think my husband has
and enthusiasm. Play and have fun with Jupiter direct for nine months. Step into work, and I work at a part-time lost it? Because I’m about to.
someone special. leadership. Take charge of your career, and job. We have no children or nearby — Embarrassed in Illinois
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is an 8 step lively. You’re in growth mode. relatives. We are pretty much all Dear Embarrassed: A mar-
-- It’s a good time to launch home improve- Gemini (May 21-June 20) -- Today is a 9 we have to depend upon. riage to someone you can no longer
ment projects now that Jupiter’s direct. -- Grow professionally. Travels, adventures My only complaint is something stand to be near isn’t much of a
Take action to advance long-anticipated and studies take new ground, with Jupiter that has driven me crazy for years marriage.
now, and I need your advice. When If your husband is quoting How-
plans. Nurture your family, pets and garden. direct. Launch or widen an exploration.
a certain political candidate was ard Hughes, you know his long-
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today Visit uncharted territory. Expand your ter- elected, my good-looking husband term memory is intact. However,
is an 8 -- Communications flow more free- rain. decided to grow out his hair and it may be time for you to make an
ly, with Jupiter direct for nine months. Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- Today is a 9 beard in protest. I let it slide, but appointment for the two of you
Participate in a bigger conversation. -- Grow family fortunes with steady contri- he knew how I felt about it. I fig- for your annual checkups. When
Network and strengthen communities. bution. Now that Aquarius Jupiter is direct, ured it would last only a few years. you do, relate your concerns to the
Expand creative collaborations and projects. it’s easier to save money. Work together to Well, that politician has been out doctor in advance. If it turns out
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a realize long-term dreams. of office quite a while now, and my that your husband’s mental status
9 -- Get creative with marketing. Finances Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- husband still looks like Tim Allen is normal (although, who knows
improve, with expansive Jupiter stationing Advance to the next level in a partnership. in “The Santa Clause.” He looks what is “normal” these days),
like he’s indigent. It’s so embar- you may have to issue your hairy
direct for the next nine months. Find lucra- Teamwork comes easier now that Jupiter’s
rassing, I don’t want to be seen hubby an ultimatum. A word of
tive opportunities. Grow your business and direct. Collaborate, negotiate and compro- with him. This is a man who was warning though: Do NOT issue one
profits. mise. Expand and grow together. very good looking. unless you are serious about fol-
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 9 I have begged, pleaded, nagged lowing through.
a 9 -- Stand for what you love, with Jupiter -- Collaborate. Physical energy grows, with (his term) and kept quiet, hoping
direct in your sign. You’re empowered to lucky Jupiter direct for nine months. Add he would surprise me with a hair- ● Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren,
also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was
make things happen. Your influence is structures to manage increased demand for cut. Nothing. I even tried insulting founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
expanding. Use it for good. your work. Strive for excellence. him, telling him his credibility was Write Dear Abby at or
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is an 8 trash because, obviously, this has P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
-- Consider possibilities. Your intuition gets
Sunday, October 17, 2021 ● The Gazette 11L


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AZA 4 (HDTV) (TVG) (HDTV) (TVG) (HDTV) nection (HDTV) (TVG) the Bible (HDTV) tries Special Foster. On the night of her retirement, Suzanne faces a crisis.
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ESPN2 25 30 25 31 143 209 High School Basketball Champ. Drive 30 for 30 World of X Games (N) Baseball Tonight World of X
GOLF 211 46 211 46 401 218 PGA Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) (TVG) Å PGA Tour Golf The CJ Cup at Summit, Final Round. Å PGA Champions
NBCSCH 44 44 44 72 429 665 Natl Dog Show Bensinger Poker Night Heartland Poker Tour American Ninja Warrior (TVPG) Football Aftershow Poker Night
NBCSN 69 43 69 49 159 220 Superbike Cornhole National Championships. From Omaha, Nebraska. Å Cornhole National Championships. From Omaha, Nebraska. Å Mecum Auto Auctions “Dallas”
FS1 42 52 42 50 150 219 PBC Collection PBC Collection From May 1, 2021. PokerStars Shark Cage (N) Å PokerStars Shark Cage (N) Å PBA Bowling CP3 Celebrity Invitational. Å
A&E 30 63 30 85 118 265 The First 48 Homicide Squad Atlanta Homicide Squad Atlanta Homicide Squad Atlanta Homicide Squad Atlanta Homicide Squad Atlanta
ANPL 38 99 38 153 184 282 North Woods Louisiana Law: Defending Creatures-Forrest Galante Lone Star Law (TV14) (:01) Lone Star Law (TV14) Creatures-Forrest Galante
BET 57 57 94 124 329 Nutty Prof. 2 (6:57) Tyler Perry’s Meet the Browns ›› (2008) Tyler Perry, Angela Bassett. Å Martin (TVPG) Martin (TVPG) Martin (TVPG) Martin (TVPG) Martin (TVPG)
BRAVO 46 50 46 190 129 237 Housewives The Real Housewives of Potomac The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City (N) (TV14) The Real Housewives of Potomac Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Real Housewives
COM 45 45 91 107 249 (6:00) The Other Guys ››› (2010) Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg. Å Dumb & Dumber ››› (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly. Å South Park South Park
CMT 58 58 248 166 327 (5:45) Daddy Day Care ›› (2003) Eddie Murphy. Overboard ›› (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Edward Herrmann. Å Mr. Deeds › (2002, Comedy) Adam Sandler. Å
DEST 204 27 226 154 286 Holmes/Home Holmes on Homes (TVG) Å Holmes on Homes (TVG) Holmes on Homes (TVG) Holmes on Homes (TVG) Holmes on Homes (TVG) Å
DISN 43 34 43 133 172 290 (:15) Zombies 2 (2020) Meg Donnelly. (TVG) Å Zombies Gabby Duran (:05) Disney’s Magic Bake-Off Big City Greens Big City Greens Big City Greens Big City Greens
DSC 29 100 29 144 182 278 Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush People (N) (TVPG) (:01) Homestead Rescue Marty constructs a massive yurt. (TVPG) Å (:02) Homestead Rescue (TVPG) Alaskan Bush People (TVPG) Å
E! 74 55 74 93 114 236 (:15) Sister Act ›› (1992) (ESP) Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith. Å Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit ›› (1993) Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy. Å Clash of the Bradshaw
FOOD 64 105 64 202 110 231 Guy’s Games Halloween Wars (TVG) Å Halloween Wars (N) (TVG) Å Outrageous Pumpkins (N) (TVG) Halloween Baking Championship Halloween Wars (TVG) Å
FREE 48 26 48 138 180 311 (:20) Hotel Transylvania 2 ›› (2015) Voices of Adam Sandler. Å (:25) Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation ›› (2018, Children’s) Å Toy-Terror! (:05) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
FX 35 56 35 78 136 248 (4:30) Deadpool Venom ›› (2018, Action) Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams. Å Venom ›› (2018, Action) Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams. Å Halloween ›› (2018, Horror) Å
GAC 56 119 78 247 165 326 Coffee Shop Å Welcome to Great American Christmas (TVPG) Å Coffee Shop (2014) Laura Vandervoort, Cory M. Grant. (TVG) Å Great American Christmas
GSN 67 96 116 233 America Says America Says America Says America Says America Says Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud

HALL 50 58 50 211 185 312 Advice to Love Chesapeake Shores (TVG) Å Sweet Autumn (2020) Nikki Deloach, Andrew Walker. (TVG) Å (DVS) The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
HALLDR 128 186 564 (6:00) Rose Hill ›› (1997) Jennifer Garner. (TVG) Å The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005) (HDTV) Keri Russell. (TVPG) Å The Waltons (HDTV) (TVG) Å The Waltons (HDTV) (TVG) Å
HGTV 47 25 47 199 112 229 Fixer to Fab. Property Brothers: Forever Home Property Brothers: Forever Home Renovation, Inc: Home Sweet Home Property Brothers: Forever Home Property Brothers: Forever Home
HIST 60 86 60 160 120 269 Built America Engineering That Built the World Engineering That Built the World (:03) When Big Things Go Wrong (:05) When Big Things Go Wrong Engineering That Built the World
LIFE 28 23 33 177 108 252 (4:30) Enough The Fight That Never Ends (2021, Drama) Allen Payne. Premiere. Å (:03) Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: The Kristine Carlson Story (2021) Å (:01) The Fight That Never Ends
NGEO 65 74 65 149 197 276 Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks (TV14) Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks (TV14) Storm Rising (N) Å Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks (TV14) Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks (TV14)
OWN 203 28 203 188 189 279 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN (TV14-V) 20/20 on OWN (TV14) Å 20/20 on OWN (TV14) Å 20/20 on OWN (TV14-V) 20/20 on OWN (TV14) Å
SYFY 70 71 70 81 122 244 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ››› (2005) Daniel Radcliffe. Voldemort lays a trap for Harry at the Triwizard Tournament. Chucky (TVMA) Å (DVS) Day of the Dead (TVMA) Å
TBN 92 21 92 258 260 372 Pastor Robert Joel Osteen Turning Point Huckabee (TVPG) Å Eric Metaxas Creflo Dollar Praise “July 8, 2021” (TVG) Å Praise (TVG) Å
TBS 66 61 66 76 139 247 (6:00) MLB Baseball NL Championship Series, Game 2: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Postseason Superbad ››› (2007) Jonah Hill. Å (DVS)
TLC 40 98 40 189 183 280 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way “Selective Virtues” (N) (TV14) (:01) I Love a Mama’s Boy (TVPG) 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way (N) 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way
TNT 36 57 36 77 138 245 Avengers: War (:03) Avengers: Endgame ››› (2019) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans. The Avengers prepare for an epic showdown with Thanos. Å (DVS) (10:58) A Star Is Born ›››
TRAV 63 24 63 205 196 277 Paranormal Ca. Paranormal Caught on Camera A witch taunts investigators. (N) (TV14) The Osbournes Want to Believe (N) The Osbournes Want to Believe Paranormal Caught on Camera
TRU 77 72 77 86 242 246 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes
TVL 26 26 220 106 304 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men (:45) Two and a Half Men Å Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men
USA 31 62 31 79 105 242 Law & Order Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chucky (TVMA) Å (DVS)
VH1 37 37 242 162 335 (5:30) Ride Along ›› (2014, Comedy) Ice Cube. Å All About the Benjamins ›› (2002, Action) Ice Cube, Mike Epps. Å Black Ink Crew: Chicago (TV14) Black Ink Crew: Chicago (TV14)
WE 61 69 61 183 128 260 (6:00) NCIS NCIS “Recovery” (TVPG-L,V) NCIS “Phoenix” (TVPG-L,V) NCIS “Lost at Sea” (TVPG-L,V) NCIS (TVPG-L,V) Å (DVS) NCIS (TV14-L,V) Å (DVS)
WGN-A 78 53 75 239 307 Dan Abrams Live NewsNation Prime (N) (Live) Å NewsNation Prime (N) (Live) Å Banfield Å On Balance With Leland Vittert NewsNation Prime Å
YOUTO 215 215 219 (6:00) Jacob’s Ladder ››› (1990) Tim Robbins. Jacob’s Ladder ››› (1990, Horror) Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peña. Life of Cards Talking Pictures Sidewalks Ent
MOVIES MC IMO IC SS DSH DTV 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
(:45) Fear the Walking Dead “Bonus Edition: 06016: The Be- Fear the Walking Dead “The Beacon” (:09) The Walking Dead: World Beyond (:11) Talking Dead (N) (TV14-L,V) Å (:11) Fear the Walking Dead “The Bea-
AMC 41 60 41 226 131 254 ginning” (N) (TVMA) Å (TVMA-L,S,V) Å “Exit Wounds” (N) (TVMA-L,V) con” (TVMA-L,S,V) Å
(:10) Those Who Wish Me Dead ›› (2021, Action) (ESP) Succession (Season Premiere) (N) (ESP) Succession (ESP) (TVMA) Å Last Week Tonight- (:35) Succession (ESP) (TVMA) Å (:40) Axios (TV14)
HBO 301 250 301 300 300 501 Angelina Jolie, Finn Little, Jon Bernthal. Å (TVMA) Å John Å
(:36) Everybody (:08) Everybody (:40) Everybody (:12) Everybody (:44) Everybody Loves Raymond “The (:16) Everybody (9:48) Everybody (:21) Everybody Everybody Loves (:25) Everybody
IFC 219 73 219 227 133 333 Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Family Bed” (TVPG) Å Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Loves Raymond Raymond (TVG) Loves Raymond
(5:23) Down a Dark Showtime › (2002, Comedy) (ESP) Robert De Niro. A TV (:36) Drumline ››› (2002) (ESP) Nick Cannon, Zoe Saldana, Orlando Jones. (:35) Argo ››› (2012) Ben Affleck. A CIA agent poses as a
MAX 325 256 325 325 310 515 Hall (2018) crew follows two real-life police officers on the job. Rivalry between two drummers threatens a college band. Å producer to rescue Americans in Iran. Å
(6:00) American The Circus: Inside The Circus: Inside Buried George Franklin is charged with American Rust Harris travels back to Desus & Mero (N) American Rust Harris travels back to Desus & Mero
SHOW 351 200 351 310 318 545 Rust (TVMA) the Greatest the Greatest murder. (N) (TVMA) Å Pittsburgh. (N) (TVMA) Å (TVMA) Å Pittsburgh. (TVMA) Å (TVMA) Å

(:04) BMF (ESP) BMF “Heroes” Lamar’s reign of terror (7:58) Hightown Jackie is out to prove (8:57) BMF “Heroes” Lamar’s reign of (9:53) Hightown Jackie is out to prove (10:53) BMF “Heroes” Lamar’s reign of
STARZ 401 270 401 335 350 527 (TVMA) Å continues. (N) (TVMA) Å herself as a cop. (TVMA) terror continues. (TVMA) Å herself as a cop. (TVMA) terror continues. (TVMA) Å
(:07) Bloodshot ›› (2020) (ESP) Vin Diesel. A reanimated Tales From the Hood ›› (1995) (ESP) Clarence Williams III. (:41) Paranormal Activity 2 ›› (2010, Horror) (ESP) Katie Featherston, Micah (:17) The Medallion
STZENC 420 160 420 345 340 535 soldier tries to recover his true memories. Å Inner-city tales with supernatural twist. Å Sloat, Brian Boland. Supernatural occurrences plague a family. Å ›› (2003)
(5:46) White House Down ›› (2013) (ESP) Channing Tatum. Ray ››› (2004, Biography) (ESP) Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King. Ray Charles over- (:35) Big Trouble in Little China ›› (1986, Action) (ESP)
STZENL 424 162 424 346 346 537 Paramilitary soldiers take over the White House. comes hardships to become a legend. Å Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun. Å
(:10) Black and Blue ›› (2019, Suspense) (ESP) Naomie The Burnt Orange Heresy (2019) (ESP) Claes Bang. An art (:41) 3000 Miles to Graceland ›› (2001, Action) (ESP) Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner, Courteney Cox.
STZENS 426 161 427 348 344 539 Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Frank Grillo. Å critic is asked to steal a valuable work of art. Å Fake Elvis impersonators stage a casino heist in Las Vegas. Å
(5:15) Crossing Poltergeist ››› (1982, Horror) Craig T. Nelson, JoBeth Williams. A suburban fam- Burnt Offerings ›› (1976, Horror) Karen Black, Oliver Reed, Bette Davis. A (:15) Roaring Road (1926) Kenneth Mac-
TCM 75 70 75 222 132 256 Delancey ››› ily’s lives are disrupted by vengeful ghosts. Å haunted house casts a fearful pall over a young family. Å Donald, Jane Thomas. Premiere.
(5:00) Full Metal The Fighter ››› (2010, Drama) (ESP) Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale. Two broth- Embattled (2020, Drama) Stephen Dorff, Darren Mann, Karrueche Tran. The son of Drive Angry ›› (2011) (ESP) Nicolas
TMC 380 220 380 319 327 553 Jacket ››› ers reunite to train for a historic boxing match. Å an MMA champion tries to end a cycle of abuse. Å Cage, Amber Heard. Å
Guide to Symbols: (N)=new show; Å=closed caption; (DVS)=descriptive video service; D=dialogue; L=language; S=sexual situations; V= violence

Saycon Sengbloh on ‘The Wonder Years’ reboot

By Rodney Ho, “Eclipsed,” in which Sengbloh
Atlanta Journal-Constitution WATCH IT!
was nominated for a Tony.
“Jennifer is so beautiful,
ATLANTA — The original What: “The Wonder Years” •
so talented,” Sengbloh said.
beloved version of “The Won- When: 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays •
“There were some days we
der Years” debuted 33 years
ago and ran six seasons, a
Where: ABC and available the •
were sitting in the audience
and I was thinking, ‘I get paid
next day on Hulu
warm nostalgia bath back to to watch Jennifer Hudson
the late 1960s featuring fresh- sing?’ ”
faced suburban 12-year-old on ABC Family. He played my The Tri-Cities High connec-
Kevin Arnold crushing on grandfather in a flashback. tion: Sengbloh went to school
Winnie Cooper. Dule and I also knew each oth- at Tri-Cities High School in
ABC has brought the show er from Broadway. In between the mid-1990s in East Point,
back using the same time takes, he’s constantly tapping Ga., overlapping with mem-
frame but focuses instead on his feet. We both have rhythm. bers of OutKast and Xscape
12-year-old Dean Williams (El- We get along so well. I’m glad and graduating with “Satur-
isha Williams), part of a mid- he has so much experience day Night Live” star Kenan
dle-class Black family in 1968 on TV. He’s got all the advice. Thompson.
living in Montgomery, Ala. He’s a very thoughtful, giving “There was definitely some-
(Fred Savage, who played the Saycon Sengbloh plays 12-year-old Dean’s accountant mom in the reboot of actor.” thing in the water. Those were
original Kevin, is an executive “The Wonder Years.” It airs at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on ABC. (ABC) So much respect: Her roots some talented music acts and
producer of this reboot.) for 1960s music runs deep. actors.” She later worked with
Atlanta resident and Tony- “You get to see my character the first version: “I hope they She has previously performed Kenny Leon at the Alliance
nominated actress Saycon come to life and learn what can open their minds to a new in “Hair” and “Motown the Theatre and performed with 7
Sengbloh, in her first regular makes Lillian tick.” experience. And even if they Musical” on Broadway. So Stages.
TV series role, plays Dean’s Here are highlights from say they won’t watch it, I hope hearing all those classics on Why she left Agnes Scott
accountant mom Lillian, who the Atlanta Journal-Constitu- they secretly do anyway!” “The Wonder Years” has been College: She departed junior
is married to professional mu- tion interview with Sengbloh: Working with Dule Hill: “I a blast for her. year to do a play that she
sician Bill, played by Dule Hill Her memories of the origi- was so excited. The first movie She also played one of said “crashed and burned.”
(“Psych,” “The West Wing”). nal show: “I loved it. I had a I ever did, Dule and I were Aretha Franklin’s sisters But soon after, she joined the
Her role is augmented from crush on Fred Savage. And I both in it, but we weren’t in in the recent film “Respect” new national tour of “Rent”
the mom role in the original wanted the bangs like Winnie the same scenes. It was called starring Jennifer Hudson as as Mimi. This led to 10 other
show. but somehow that blow dryer ‘The Ditchdigger’s Daughters.’ Franklin and directed by Liesl Broadway productions includ-
“I’m not just an accouter- couldn’t quite do it!” We were in North Carolina. It Tommy, who also directed ing “Aida,” “Wicked” and
ment for the kid,” she said. The backlash from lovers of was a sweet movie, something the 2017 Broadway play “The Color Purple.”
12L The Gazette ● Sunday, October 17, 2021


60th Anniversary
Dennis & Mary
Possehl will be cele-
brating their 60th Wed-
ding Anniversary. They
were married at Hope
Lutheran Church in
Littleport, IA on Oct.
21, 1961. They have
two daughters, DeAnn
Possehl & Denise
(Dennis) Grove, & four
grandchildren, Nolan,
Brady, Ella & Grace.

Carly Ambrisco. Beautiful at 18 and 90.

Happy 90th birthday to the matriarch and grand dame of our family. Here’s to many more
special days. Much love to you Mom, Gram, Great-Grammy, Wee One, Fun Size and Pillow Top.
Love, your family and friends

Laser Cataract Surgery:
Only at
adjacent to our clinic

Buelow 50th Wedding Anniversary

Wayne and Melonie (Alden) were married in
Center Point at St. John’s Lutheran Church on
Oct. 23, 1971. Their children, Jeremy (Vicki)
Buelow, Ranae (Chris McGovern), Michelle
(Scott) Kopf, Jennifer Buelow and Serena
Buelow will host an open house on Sunday,
Oct. 24, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at Wakema Park
in Center Point.
Please come and help them celebrate. We also • LASEK Laser Correction
will be celebrating Wayne’s 70th birthday! • Cataracts-Trifocal Lens Implants
The Family of Lavern Greve • Glaucoma
Thank you for all the prayers, cards and flowers Dr. Birchansky • Macular
IN REMEMBRANCE on the passing of our Husband, Father, Degeneration
Grandfather and Great-Grandfather. It has been has performed • Diabetes
Phyllis Ritchie deeply appreciated! Also, a special thank-you to over • Cornea
the nurses and doctors at St. Luke’s for the 35,000 cataract • Avastin
care you gave our loved one. Injections
of Life The Family of Vern Greve
surgeries • Botox
There will be a • Fillers-Lid Tucks
celebration of life in • Eye Exams
memory of Phyllis
Ritchie on Saturday,

Oct. 23, from 2 to
6 p.m. at the
Chrome Horse, Milestones Deadline
1201 Third St. SE.
Everyone welcome. Deadline for the Oct. 31st Milestones LASER & COSMETIC INSTITUTE
is NOON on Friday, Oct. 22 “We set the standards for excellence”
THANK YOU 1136 H Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids
319.362.9855 •
Thank You
Marcella Listebarger and her family would like
to thank everyone for the thoughtful cards and
warm wishes for her 95th birthday.

Breaking news
Your kindness is greatly appreciated!

Thank You
Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate
my 90th birthday. I enjoyed all the cards, calls,
visits, and gifts very much. Your thoughtfulness
was greatly appreciated.
never stops
Bonita Wilson
(and neither do we).
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award-winning photo galleries, videos, and more.
Download the Green Gazette app or learn more at:

Thank You
The family of Kenny Coder would like to express
our heartfelt appreciation to family and friends
for all the warm wishes and support during our
time of sorrow. We are so grateful to everyone.
We would especially like to extend our
appreciation to Pastor Kevin Coder, Kenny’s
dear friend John Mac, caretaker Teresa Coder,
Solon American Legion #460, the family and
friends whom Kenny relied on so much in his
neighborhood, and our wonderful family
members who joined together and were so
helpful during this time.

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