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1. Yeast helps in the production of

a. Sugar b. Alcohol c. Oxygen
2. The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is called:
a. Fermentation b. decomposition c. nitrogen fixation
3. Which of the following is a chemical preservative?
a. Streptomycin b. Alcohol c. Sodium Benzoate
4. Carrier of malaria causing pathogen is:
a. Housefly b. Cockroach c. Female anopheles
5. The microorganism which lives in the root nodules of leguminous plant is:
a. Bacterium b. Virus c. Fungus
6. An agriculture practice used to sow seed is called
a. Harvesting b. Sowing c. Weeding
7. The process of loosening and turning up the soil is known as:
a. Sowing b. Ploughing c. Harvesting
8. A man-made inorganic compound which provides specific nutrients to the soil is called
a. Manure b. Fertilizers
9. A traditional method of irrigation is
a. Moat b. Sprinkler c. Drip system
10. Transfer of seedlings from nursery to the main field is
a. Harvesting b. Transplantation c. Weeding


1. Two fertilizers
2. Any 4 harvest festivals
3. Any 4 traditional methods of irrigation
4. Two examples of
a. Kharif crops b. Rabi crops
5. Name an animal product that is rich in Vitamin D
6. Any 2 Protozoa
7. Any 2 Algae
8. Any 3 Fungus
9. Two biological nitrogen fixers
10. Two examples of Weedicides
11. Any 2 modern methods of irrigation
12. Two examples of Carriers
13. Name few substances in plants and animals having nitrogen as their essential constituent
14. Name the first vaccine

1. What are crops

2. What are pathogens?
3. What is tilling? Write its three advantages.
4. Name the agricultural implements used for
a. Ploughing b. Sowing c. Harvesting
5. Give reason: Organic manure is considered better than fertilizers. Why?
6. Write any 4 differences between fertilizer and manure
7. Why is irrigation necessary in agricultural fields?
8. Name any 2 diseases caused by
a. Bacteria b. Virus c. Protozoa
9. What are antibiotics? Name any 4 antibiotics
10. Name the carrier and pathogen of
a. Malaria b. Dengue fever
11. Write any 2 plant and animal diseases and its causative organism
12. What are communicable diseases? Two examples
13. What is fermentation?
14. Define animal husbandry
15. Define agricultural practices
16. Give Reason: Yeast is used in baking industry for making breads and cakes. Why?
17. Write any 2 advantages of using
a. Seed drill b. Cultivator
18. Define pasteurization
19. Why do farmers cultivate plants of pea family?
20. Where is large scale storage of grains done?
21. Draw and name:
a. Any 2 Protozoa
b. Any 2 Algae
c. Any 3 Fungus
22. Identify the diagrams:
a. Cultivator
b. Plough
c. Hoe
d. Seed drill
e. Traditional methods of irrigation
f. Modern methods of irrigation

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