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Name:_Ethan Chiang______________________

Chapter 2 Reading Guide (B)

Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business
Take detailed notes on vocabulary and content from each section.
Public -consumerism: All activities undertaken to protect the rights of consumers
Responsibilities of
Business The Basic Rights of Consumers:

The right to safety

The right to be informed

The right to Choose

The right to be heard

The right to consumer education

The right to service

Public Health:

Businesses have a basic responsibility to contribute to the general wellbeing of the public

Employment -minority: A group isolated from a larger group because of various reasons, usually containing unfavorable
Practices treatment

-affirmative action program: A plan designed to increase the employment of minority people

-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC):

A government agency with the power to investigate complaints of employment discrimination and the
power to sue firms that practice it

-hard-core unemployed: Workers with a little education and a long time unemployment

Programs to Reduce Sexual Harassment and Abusive Behavior:

The Workplace Bully Institute ( WBI )

Unlike bullying, sexual harassment is illegal.
Providing programs, much like the ones used to foster more ethical conduct in the workplace, and creating
formal policies that define and prohibit unacceptable abusive conduct.

Environmental -pollution: Dirty environments created by human society

Effects of Environmental Legislation:

Legislation and regulations play a crucial role in pollution control.

The creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Business Response to Environmental Concerns:

Finding alternative uses for waste
To recycling as much as possible

-recycling: converting used materials into new products to reduce waste

-green marketing:
creating, making, delivering, and promoting products that are environmentally safe

Implementing a Commitment of Top Executives:

Program of Social Securing the commitment of top executives
Appointing a director
Preparing a social audit

The Social Audit:

A way of measuring, understanding, reporting and ultimately improving an organization's social and ethical

-social audit:

A report of what an organization has done and is doing with regard to social issues that affect it

Answer each question below using information from your textbook, research, and from visuals.
1. Review the basic rights of consumers and give one example of you or your parents’ consumer rights being violated or upheld.

One time, my parents bought expired milk in a convenience store, and the employees there refused to make a refund. This violated
the right to safety since drinking expired milk could lead to illness.

2. How many rights do consumers have today? Please list them out and explain how it helps consumers.

There are six rights of consumers, which are the right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose, the right to be heard,
the right to consumer education, and the right to service. These rights protect consumers from being lied to, misunderstood, and
the safety of their own health.

3. What can happen to a business if consumer complaints are mishandled?

Consumer complaints that are mishandled may result in loss of customers and cause a deep dent in the company's reputation.

4. How many hits (views) did “United Breaks Guitars” have?

It has roughly 21 million views in 2022

5. Why does Taiwan’s government tax cigarettes so heavily, and what does the government do with that revenue?

Taiwan’s government tax cigarettes so heavily to reduce smoking. And the tax revenue will be used for the long-term care service
development fund established in accordance with the Long-Term Care Services Act.

6. Could any Taiwanese group be considered hard-core unemployed?

People who include mental or physical disabilities or those whose skills have become obsolete.

7. How many employees have been bullied at the workplace according to WBI’s survey?

According to the 2021 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey, conducted in January 2021, 30 percent of Americans have suffered
abusive conduct at work

8. Is bullying illegal? Why or why not?

Bully is not illegal because the law does not require that your boss or coworkers be nice, kind, or fair. It is not illegal for your boss
or coworker to harass you unless it is done for an illegal reason.

9. What is the most common federal offense committed by organizations?

The most common offenses committed by organizations were fraud (29.0%),

10. Give one example of a recent environment disaster?

The nuclear reactor explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Soviet Ukraine in 1986.

11. Name a company that is considered to be very environmentally conscious and how does this affect your view of the company?

An outdoor clothing company, Patagonia, is considered to be very eco-friendly. It affects my view of the company by seeing it a
helping the environment and being willing to buy more of its products.

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