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Written by Paul Domanski (512 623)

82 Kerry Rd Parkview 082 740 9262

EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY RYNO RIET, a small man with a bright orange cap and a rascally smile sits in the drivers seat of his red Renault. He bounces his body and bobs his head to the rhythm of upbeat French nu-wave MUSIC. He slams his gear-stick into reverse as a catchy chorus bubbles up from his stereo. As if at the apex of an explosive orgasm, he rears his head back and slams on the reverse pedal, failing to notice the shining black Mecrcedes behind him. A cacophonous CRASH is the result and he immediately turns his stereo off and stares straight ahead; paralyzed in shock. After a few seconds, he leaps out of his car and rushes over to the Mercedes. A massive dent spattered with red paint from his own car is there to greet him. Ryno glances around with urgency and upon realizing that no one has bourn witness to his crime; puts his hands behind his back and whistles while walking back to his car and getting inside. He glances around once again and turns on his stereo before driving off. Black paint stains the ruby-red exterior of his boot. FADE TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - LATER DYLAN DIEPSLUIT marches down towards his black Mercedes. Fat golden chains are wrapped around his thick neck and bulky muscles adorn his massive body. He reaches his car, clicks off the alarm and is about walk to the drivers door when the dent catches his eye. He walks around the car and stops in front of the impact-zone. Dylan stands still for a few seconds; staring at the dent. He removes his shades and steps in for a closer look. His face contorts in rage as he realizes the extent of the damage.


He runs his index finger along the dent and stares at the red paint that comes off onto it. He smells it, looks around quickly and clenches his fists with devastating intent. FADE TO: INT. DYLANS WAR-ROOM - NIGHT Dylan stands over a plethora of complex maps and charts. One contains a list of cars and their available colors. Renault Ruby Red is circled in broad black marker. Dylan smiles wryly and rubs his hands together. He raises a small sheet of clear glass with a sample of the red paint on it and closes one eye as if looking through a lens. FADE TO: INT. RYNOS ROOM - NIGHT Ryno dances to the rhythmic bop of Japanese POP in front of his mirror, wearing comically large shades and a light blue sleeveless vest. CROSS-CUT DYLAN AND RYNO Dylan benches a massive weight to the ROAR of industrial metal music, GRUNTING in lupine wrath upon every successful rep. Ryno curls a single two kilogram dumbbell with all of his might, his J-Pop still PUMPING in the background. Dylan cross-references vehicle IDs on a massive flowchart that overlays a giant map of Johannesburg. Ryno paints a picture of an aqua blue unicorn on a backdrop of lush meadowlands. Dylan SNATCHES his car keys up from a table and storms out the door. Ryno dims his bedside lamp and goes to sleep. FADE TO:


EXT. RYNOS HOUSE - NIGHT DYLAN steps out of his Mercedes, a backpack on his shoulders. His pectorals are almost exploding from the post-workout pump. He closes the door behind him and walks towards the fence with intent. FADE TO: INT. RYNOS ROOM - NIGHT Ryno smiles, deep in a dream, his bedside lamp illuminating his blissful expression in a coat of dim yellow. He sleeps right through the THUD from outside. MATCH CUT TO: INT. RYNOS YARD - NIGHT THUD. Dylans boots slam into the ground on the other side of the fence as he lands. He retrieves a flash-light from his backpack and shines it in the direction of Rynos parked car. He only needs one glance to identify the tell-tale spattering of black paint on its rear. FADE TO: INT. RYNOS ROOM - NIGHT Ryno awakens to the sound of his window being FORCED open. He backs up in his bed while staring at the window. Dylan leaps through the window, POUNDING his palm with his fist in anticipation. DYLAN You should have left a note bru. He comes upon Ryno and hurls a punch that causes his world to CRASH into darkness. QUICK REWIND TO:


EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY Ryno rears his head back and slams on the reverse peddle, causing his car to CRASH into the black Mercedes behind him. He turns off his stereo, stares ahead of him and gets out before gazing upon the huge dent. He sighs, heads back to his car and retrieves a piece of paper and a pen. He jots down a note saying: Sorry man! Hit your car. 082 822 6264. Well sort it out. Ryno places the note onto the windscreen of the Mercedes, gets into his car and drives away. FADE TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - LATER Dylan strides down towards his car, notices the dent in it and begins to become enraged before seeing the note on the windscreen. He plucks it off, folds it and places it into his pocket before sighing in resignation and getting into his car. TEXT ON BLACK - Leave a note. FADE TO BLACK.

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