2022 Most Outstanding SDOIN General Guidelines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent



I. Qualifications

a. Has rendered at least three years of continuous service as permanent employee;

b. Has a performance rating of at least Very Satisfactory or its equivalent for three
(3) rating periods prior to the nomination.
c. Has morality and integrity both in public and private life; and
d. Has not been suspended, charged, or found guilty of any administrative, criminal,
or civil offense/case.

II. Grounds for Disqualification

a. Recipient of any DepEd-initiated Outstanding Teacher Award

a.1. National;
a.2. Regional; and
a.3. Division (Highest Award);
b. Non-compliance of the candidate or nominee to submit the required documentary
requirements as listed in Section V on the dates prescribed by the PRAISE
c. Any misrepresentation made in any of the documents submitted;
d. Other acts that PRAISE Committee may consider deemed prejudicial to the
discharge of the candidate's duties and functions.

III. Categories of Awards:

1. Outstanding Elementary Teacher

Outstanding Secondary Teacher
Teacher I-III
Master Teacher I-II

“Ragsak ken Rag-omi ti Napudno nga Agserbi”

Giron St., Brgy. 7-B, Laoag City RO1-SDOIN-F08-03-00
(077)771-0960/(077)770-5963 Effectivity Date: May 11, 2020
ilocos.norte@deped.gov.ph Page 1 of 3
This award is granted to the employee who has met ALL the criteria and garnered
the highest score under Teacher I-III or Master Teacher I-II Category.

2. Outstanding Non-Teaching Personnel

a. Level I- A (drivers, security guards and others who are performing utility
b. Level I- B (performing clerical and accounting tasks)
c. Level II

This award is granted to the employee who has met ALL the criteria and
garnered the highest score.

3. Outstanding School Heads (Elementary & Secondary)

This award is granted to the school head who has met ALL the criteria and has
garnered the highest score under this category.

4. Outstanding Supervisor

This award is granted to the supervisor who has met ALL the criteria and
garnered the highest score under this category.

IV. Procedure of Nomination

a. The nominator can be any employee of the department with extensive

knowledge of the outstanding work performance and exemplary ethical behavior
of the official or employee.
b. The nominator shall use the attached nomination form.

V. General Requirements

a. Duly accomplished nomination form signed by the nominator;

b. Updated CS Form 212 or Personal Data Sheet with passport size (4.5cm x
3.5cm) photo with name tag taken within the last six months prior to the
c. Updated Service Record signed by the Record’s Officer of the Division Office;
d. Copy of Performance Ratings for the last three (3) rating periods duly signed
and certified by the immediate superior;

Rag-omi ti Napudno nga Agserbi”

Giron St., Brgy. 7-B, La RO1-SDOIN-F08-03-00
(077)771-0960/(077)770-5963 Effectivity Date: May 11, 2020
ilocos.norte@deped.gov.ph Page 2 of 3
e. Certification of no pending administrative or criminal case involving moral
turpitude issued by the Legal Officer of the Division Office; and
f. Certification of No Unliquidated Cash Advances and Disallowances for
previous accountabilities as of December 31 of the year prior to nomination
from the Finance Officer of the Division Office, if applicable.

VI. Procedure for Screening and Evaluation

Stage 1: Paper Screening and Validation

a. The PRAISE Committee shall screen, validate, and deliberate the nominations
using the criteria for paper screening using the submitted means of
verifications (MOVs) as bases for shortlisting the nominees per category.
b. A validation on the impact of accomplishment/s of each nominee (work
performance, initiated advocacies, research, innovation, programs, projects,
activities, exemplary deeds, and community involvements) shall be conducted
by the PRAISE Committee.
c. The PRAISE Committee shall forward the documents of the shortlisted
nominees to the external judges for evaluation.

Stage 2: Interview

a. Only the top three (3) ranking nominees shall be qualified for the interview by
the external judges using the attached rubric.
b. The points given by the external judges shall be added to the points of the
nominees from the paper evaluation and will be turned over to the PRAISE
c. The Chairperson shall submit the results to the Schools Division
Superintendent for approval.
d. All Committee Members are sworn to secrecy until the list of winners has
been approved by the Schools Division Superintendent.

VII. Criteria for Evaluation

Please see the attached documents for the criteria for evaluation.

Rag-omi ti Napudno nga Agserbi”

Giron St., Brgy. 7-B, La RO1-SDOIN-F08-03-00
(077)771-0960/(077)770-5963 Effectivity Date: May 11, 2020
ilocos.norte@deped.gov.ph Page 3 of 3

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