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Brendalyn D. Gapasin
One Saturday morning, Raffy rose up early. He
stretched his arms and said his morning prayer. He
hurriedly fixed his bed and jumped out quickly. He was
excited to feed the chickens. He counted them and
whistled as he gathered some eggs to sell to his aunt Carol
in Pasaranay.
Raffy also promised his father to helped him in the
vegetable garden at the backyard. They pulled some
weeds and grasses. They watered and cultivated the
eggplants, okra, sili and tomatoes. They made some
trellis. “Father, why do we put trellis to these string beans
and squash?” “Raffy, these will support and help the
plants to grow up and you will enjoy picking their fruits.
You must know the value of vegetables for our health.”
“Yes, Father. I will always help you in your garden when
I finished my modules everyday so that we will soon have
enough vegetables for our foods.” “Thank you my dear
Raffy,” Father said.
After breakfast, Raffy carefully put his face mask and
delivered the eggs to his aunt. He was so happy that he
had some money for his load for next week’s distance
learning. “Father, Aunt Carol gave me some bamboo
shoots. What will we do? Are we going to plant again?
These are baby bamboos,” Raffy said.
“No Raffy, come, I will teach you how to clean this
bamboo shoot sand becomes food.” Raffy watched and
helped father as they cut the bamboo shoots. He
remembered that his mother cooked like these mixed with
saluyot and malunggay leaves which tasted good. “They
seemed like small pancit,” Raffy said. “Ha ha ha, yes,
that’s what we called Ilocano pancit.
Well, today we will cook since I didn”t go to the
office and we cannot go out because of ECQ.” Father and
son invaded the kitchen. Father cut a kilo of pork into
pieces and Raffy prepared the ingredients. They were so
happy while cooking and mother was excited to taste their
adobong labong. The family enjoyed their meals with
adobong labong and sinigang na bangus with camote tops.
Raffy learned a lot today with his father. Maybe a
little bit hard and tiresome but a memorable day to enjoy
and cherish.
1. Who rose up early?
A. Father
B. Raffy
C. Mother
D. Baby

2. What did Raffy promised to Father?

A. To jog with Father
B. To take care of Baby
C. To help Mother
D. To help Father in the garden
3. What did Father and Raffy do?
A. Cleaned the yard
B. Planted more vegetables
C. Worked in the vegetable garden
D. Cut the tall grass

4. Why are vegetables important to our health?

A. They give us vitamins and minerals.
B. They make us pretty and kind
C. They added beauty in our garden.
D. They are delicious to eat.
5. What kind of son is Raffy?
A. Respectful and loyal
B. Kind and obedient
C. Helpful and thrifty
D. Courageous and brave

6. Why do you say that Raffy is thrifty?

A. He helped Father in the garden.
B. He helped Father cooked labong.
C. He sold eggs and save the money.
D. He fed the chickens

7. How did Raffy observe health protocol?

A. He observed social distancing.
B. He sanitized his hands with alcohol.
C. He washed his hands with soap.
D. He properly wore face mask.

8. How did Raffy spends his day with Father?

A. He helped Father in the garden.
B. He enjoyed the whole day with him
C. He was so tired the whole day.
D. He sold eggs and saved the money.

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