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Activity 1 Human Body Care

Eduardo Luis Valdivia Amezcua


1. Make an image of a human skeleton in the anatomical position, and then

describe the characteristics of the anatomical position.

The person stands erect, facing the observer,

with the head level and the eyes facing
forward. The feet are flat on the floor and
directed forward, and the arms are hanging at
the sides, with the palms facing forward.

2. Divide the skeleton into sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes, labeling each
one on the image, and then use the planes to complete the following

a. The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right equal sections.
b. The frontal plane divides the body into anterior and posterior
c. The transverse plane divides the body into superior and inferior
3. Label the following body cavities on your image: cranial cavity, vertebral
cavity, thoracic cavity and abdominal pelvic cavity.

Body cavity Organ found inside Body membrane found inside

Cranial cavity Brain  Mucous 

Vertebral cavity  Spinal Cord Meninges 

Thoracic cavity  Heart and Lungs  Serous Membranes

Abdominal pelvic cavity  Viscera  Serous Membranes

4. Fill in the table with a body membrane and an organ that is found in each of
the body cavities.

5. Label the following anatomical terms on your image, and then use each one of
them in a sentence to compare two body parts (bones, organs, or joints):
lateral, medial, anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, proximal and distal.
E.g. The stomach is inferior to the lungs.
The stomach is inferior to the lungs

The phalanges are distal to the carpals

The esophagus is posterior to the trachea

The ribs are superior to the lungs

The lungs are lateral to the heart

The sternum is anterior to the heart

The humerus is proximal to the radius

The ulna is medial to the radius

Part 2
6. Make a conceptual map for epithelial and connective tissues that include their
characteristics, classification, functions, and examples for each.


7. Compare the different types of muscle tissue by filling in the table:

  Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle

Location in the body Attached to bones of the  Found in the walls of Found in the wall
skeleton  hollow internal of the heart 

Shape of cells and  Cylindrical shape, several Spindle-shaped, with a Usually have a
number and location of nuclei located in the periphery central nucleus  central nucleus 
nuclei of the cell

Presence or absence of Have striations  Nonstriated  Is striated 


Voluntary or Voluntary  Involuntary  Involuntary 

involuntary muscle

8. Draw a neuron, and then label and describe its three parts (cell body,
dendrites, and axon).
Cell body: Is the spherical part of the neuron that contains the nucleus. The cell
body connects to the dendrites, which bring information to the neuron, and the
axon which sends information to other neurons.
Dendrites: Appendages that are designed to receive communications from other
Axon: Portion of a nerve cell that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body.

9. Write a reflection on the similarities and differences among the different

human tissues.

Part 3

10. In teams integrate the information collected in parts 1 and 2 and design an
illustrated book that includes the following topics:

a. Anatomical terms
b. Human body cavities
c. Human body tissues
Anatomical Terms

 Body Positions

 Directional Terms

 Body Planes
Human Body Cavities

 Ventral cavity

 Dorsal cavity

 Thoracic cavity
 Abdominopelvic cavity

 Abdominal cavity

 Pelvic cavity

 Cranial cavity

 Spinal cavity
Human Body Tissues

● Types of Tissue

● Epithelial tissue or epithelium

● Connective tissue cells

● Muscle Tissue

● Nervous Tissue
EPITHELIUM. (2015, 19 marzo). Clinical Gate.

Tortora, G. & Derrickson, B. (2006). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. (11th ed.) USA:
John Wiley & Sons. Inc.

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