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Board Update 2011 Budget Improvements done in 2010 Improvements planned for 2011 Interest in Board Service Code Enforcement Upcoming HOA Events Questions, Comments, Suggestions? Door Prizes!!!

Board of Directors

Brent Orton Amanda Gigray Sharon Porter Karla Baker Joanna Bartrop

Special Thanks to Jim Porter (Pres. 2008-2010) Board meets quarterly

All are welcomed to attend!

Dues + Interest

Budget 10 Actual 10 $12,229.42 $9102.99 $4,488

Budget 11 $13,488

2010 Remaining Past Dues:

Interest is being charged on these accounts. To avoid enforcement such as certified mailings, liens on your home, and further litigation:

Please set up a payment plan!

We want to work with you and your family budget!


Budget 10 Actual 10 Administrative $2,119.00 $1,233.06

Budget 11 $2,054.00

Postage: We purchased extra in 2009 to be used in 2010 Post Office Box: 2 year renewal Tax Preparation was done for free Community Events: $450 = increased to include more fun for our Subdivision in 2011

Expense: Contracts:

Budget 10 Actual 10 $ 4,575 $ 4,193.75

Budget 11 $ 4,575

We are renewing contract with JayDubs Lawnmowing

They provide year-round maintenance at a great price. Thanks for the great job at mowing, fertilizing, sprinkler maintenance, and landscape maintenance!

Expense: Budget 10 Common Area: $ 7,500

Actual 10 $ 7,727.86

Budget 11 $ 9,060

Landscape Upgrade:

In 2010 We are adding several trees

Thanks to all who helped at Spring Clean Up Day

Sprinklers were Repaired Fence was Painted and looks great!

Expense: Enforcement:

Budget 10 $ 1500

Actual 10 $ 1500

Budget 11 $ 1500

Thanks to all home owners who are making payments and paying your dues! We are slowly recovering past dues.

We are willing to work with you and your family budget! It is your responsibility to contact the board! Email: Mail: P.O.Box 1516, Caldwell, ID 83606 If dues are not paid or you do not keep your payment arrangements : 1st : 12% Interest is charged on Past Due amounts 2nd: Certified Mailing is sent 3rd : Lien placed on home for the amount outstanding 4th: Further litigation as needed to seek collection of past dues

Expense: Miscellaneous:

Budget 10 Actual 10 $ 350 $ 257.33

Budget 11 $ 900


our Dues Incentives!!!

Planned Improvements 2011

Interested in Serving?

We need new Board Members!!!

Neighborhood Watch Committee Parks Committee Newsletter Committee Activities Committee

Please sign-up!

Code Enforcement

Self Checklist! Complaint-based Enforcement?

April 2nd Annual Subdivision Spring CleanUp Day and Potluck Lunch, 10am-12pm

Meet at front entrance on Ustick. Get to know your neighbors We need MAN- POWER!

Yard Sale Summer BBQ National Night Out

Events HOA Membership would like to see.

Stonegate Homeowner's Association

2011 Budget Proposal

Annual Dues Past Due Accounts Incidental Income (int, transfer fees, etc.)

2010 Budget 9,000.00 3,229.42 0.00 12,229.42

2010 Actual 6,598.30 2,423.69 81.00 9,102.99

2011 Budget 9,000.00 4,488.00 0.00 13,488.00

Total Income

Administrative Annual Meeting Insurance Bank Fees Postage Post Office Bos Rental Printing and Office Supplies Tax Preparation Community Events State Tax Total Administrative Common Area Landscape Contract Power Common Area Repair Sprinkler Repair Landscape Upgrade Irrigation Total Common Area Enforcement CCR Enforcement / Attorney Collections / Small Claims Certified Mailing Liens Total Enforcement Miscellaneous Neighborhood Good Will Dues Incentives Uncategorized Expense Total Miscellaneous 80.00 1,050.00 15.00 250.00 44.00 200.00 0.00 450.00 30.00 2,119.00 13.76 1,032.77 5.00 0.00 86.00 95.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,233.06

115.00 1,050.00 15.00 150.00 44.00 200.00 0.00 450.00 30.00 2,054.00

4,575.00 225.00 1,500.00 100.00 750.00 350.00 7,500.00

4,193.75 243.69 1,856.91 435.00 680.84 317.67 7,727.86

4,575.00 250.00 1,500.00 435.00 2,000.00 300.00 9,060.00

500.00 750.00 150.00 100.00 1,500.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

500.00 750.00 150.00 100.00 1,500.00

150.00 200.00 0.00 350.00 11,469.00 $ 760.42 $

257.33 0.00 0.00 257.33 9,218.25 (115.26) $

300.00 600.00 0.00 900.00 13,514.00 (26.00)

Total Expenses

Net Change

Stonegate Annual Meeting

March 9th, 2011 6:30 PM Caldwell Public Library
1. Opening a. 6:17pm Roll Call i. Board members present: Brent Orton (new President), Sharon Porter (new Treasurer), Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker, Joanna Bartrop ii. Homeowners present: Amy Lopez, Jim Porter, Brad Bartrop, Tonya Orton 2. Introductions a. Mr. Orton handed out agenda and financial. b. Mr. Orton introduced the Board members past and present. c. Power point slides d. Mr. Orton thanked Mr. Porter for his service during the last year. 3. Financial Report a. Ms. Porter presented the Budget information b. Past due is higher at the end of 2010 than 2009 c. Line item for annual meeting increased d. Postage reduced e. Trying to keep line items as close to real as possible f. Landscaping JDub will continue this year at the same price g. Sprinkler repair we spent more on repairs last year, some due to vandalism h. Landscape upgrade will be discussed in meeting later i. Increase in misc for neighborhood good will, dues incentives, attempts to make it more fun and convenient to be part of the neighborhood. j. Sprinkler blow outs were paid for those who were current, volume discount from JDub k. Deficit of $26 plan is to make these up 4. Landscaping a. Mr. Orton mentioned the comment in the newsletter for need manpower for neighborhood cleanup day, next on this year on April 2nd 9th b. Dead trees the nursery will replace trees that die within one year c. Improvements planned for this year to replace dead or missing trees d. Last year - JDub - fixed the pressure irrigation valve that was leaking on Ross. e. Options for future replacement of front and playground- perm bark, rock, sand, pea gravel, expense and issues such as cats 5. Storm Pond a. Mr. Orton has had discussions with Pioneer b. They have agreed to pack the canal with Bentonite c. Pond and drywell still need to clean out d. Mr. Orton gave an explanation of the pond and why there is a problem. 6. Enforcement a. Didnt actively enforce CCNRs b. Sent out self checklist seemed effective c. Board wants to know if owners want us to be more stick on enforcement. Mr. Orton asked for input on this d. Mr. Orton asked Ms. Lopez if she had any thoughts on enforcement, she encouraged handling issues between neighbors, trying to resolve before approaching board e. Mr. Orton felt that in large members keeping areas clean f. Currently responding to complaints

Stonegate HOA Meeting Notes

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7. Incentives a. Board hopes that the free sprinkler blow out incentive will encourage more people to pay on time this year 8. Service a. Board service - looking for more to serve! 9. Annual Cleanup Day discussion a. Trees - replace two more trees at storm basin b. Trees add two shade tree in playground - fast growing and not littering c. Tree new front (one free) d. Ms. Gigray will get treats for cleanup day e. Ms. Baker will reserve the auger, Mr. Bartrop and Mr. Porter will pick it up f. Need more quotes on bark replacement options 10. Prizes a. Mr. Orton and the Board thanked Mr. Porter for his excellent service to the Board as President. Mr. Porter was presented with a $25 Cabelas gift card. b. Door prizes Ms. Lopez won the $25 Albertsons gift card and a door prize for attending the meeting. 11. Close a. 6:55 P.M. Motion: Ms. Bartrop motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved.

Stonegate HOA Meeting Notes

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