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A bus trip to 5T school

The day was sunny. I was wearing a green kurta and black jeans. Hurriedly I locked my room, ran and
went to the main gate, where the bus was waiting for all of us. We boarded the bus, attendance was
taken, and the bus started. The bus ride was 20 to 30 minutes. We reached the school, deboarded
our bus. The formalities was done and we headed to the class where students were waiting.

As we reached there, we were instructed to be quick as the students were waiting after school only
for us. We were given an hour in which a skit was also included. In total we got somewhat between
30 – 45 minutes.

Our group consisted of 10 students. We further made a team of 2 each so that we can cover the
whole class.

The class was co ed. There were boys as well a girls. They were more comfortable in speaking odiya,
although they understood hindi a little bit and English to some extent. We had prepared a
questionnaire. We asked them questions in odiya. The main questions proposed in the questionnaire
were aimed to see how much has 5T as a policy succeeded in the field of education.

We started out with basic know how questions, like name, class, age to make them feel comfortable.
We asked questions like how much parental support is given to them for studying, are they able to
understand things in class, how good teachers solve their doubts, how is the evaluating method, and
how innovations under 5T has made there education life better. Their responses were in affirmative.
They were happy, atleast the ones we interviewed.

Then we move on to sports and sanitation availability especaiily for the girls. Regarding sports we
have seen a basketball court in the campus. When asked from the girls, they told us that they did
played but not as much. Regarding the hygiene thing, they did have washrooms. But when we visited
the boy’s washroom, it was in a delipitated and non-hygienic state.

After interacting with students, we moved on to teachers and asked them about how they feel about
the school, the developments under 5T policy, and what changes they would suggest which would
make all of their life better. Regarding how they felt, they told us that they feel good, they have
ameneites, as well as students are also proactive. Adding to 5T policy they were quite happy about
the infrastructure. Their response was also affirmative.

So in all everyone’s response was affirmative. The school was clean, had dustbins, a decent

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