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Name Surname Class: 11th Evaluation

Date , 20

Signatures /
(Teacher) (Parent/E.E.)

Part A: Listening

Listen to the text on social media and complete the following table with the
information corresponding to the numbers.

500 million a.

40 billion b.

4.2 billion c.

95 million d.

117 million e.

Now listen to the text again and complete the sentences with one word.
a. It’s essential to teach digital and media literacy.
b. Teens spend hours photos before posting them.
c. deleted his account because of negative comments.
d. is by far the most popular male instagrammer.

e. Instagram is often criticised for being .

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Part B: Reading

Read the text.

The Most Popular Things for Teens in 2022

A marketing agency specializing in reaching teens and young adults has released a new report on teens.
At the start of a new year, it’s valuable for marketers to consider what is most popular with teens. So, to
kick the year off, Fuse asked 1,000 about their favorite things.
1. Technology: Teens and smartphones remain an unstoppable force
5 When it comes to what tech teens love the most, it’s no surprise that nearly half of the teens we surveyed
said they preferred their mobile phones above all other technology. And why wouldn’t they?
Smartphones can connect teens to everything they care about – from socializing with their friends on
messenger and social media apps to consuming all types of content and entertainment like gaming and
video streaming services.
10 2. Video Streaming: Teen YouTube vloggers create highly entertaining content
The rise of online streaming among teens is no surprise, but what is it about YouTube that make teens
love it the most? More than 52% of the teens surveyed favored YouTube above all other streaming
services. In fact, more than 72% of teens report visiting YouTube daily. Popular teen vloggers on
YouTube, like 15-year-old MattyBRaps who has over 10 million subscribers, are constantly creating
15 entertaining music videos, vlogs and challenges and posting them to their YouTube channels for young
and loyal fans to watch.

3. Celebrities: Real-life teen issues and comedy take the stage with teens
When it comes to teens, and which celebrities they think are cool or not, our survey found Selena
Gomez, Taylor Swift and Kevin Hart topping the favorites list. With more than 1.8 million teens battling
20 with mental health these days, most can identify with Selena’s recent highly-publicized hospitalization
and treatment for her battle with mental health issues. Taylor Swift recently wrapped up a successful
world tour, captivating millions with her songs about relationships and heartbreaks. Lastly, comedy
reigns king among teens with Kevin Hart.
4. Food: Teens love pizza, but tacos and sushi also topped the list
25 Teens just love pizza, there’s no disputing it – one girl even wrote an essay about it that got her into Yale!
In our survey, sushi, tacos and pasta also came up high on the list. With popular teen food chains like
Taco Bell and weekly traditions linked to food deals around ‘Taco Tuesday,’ it’s not a shock that tacos
are among the top as a teen favorite. Sushi continues to become more and more popular in the U.S.,
where teenagers are jumping on the sushi bandwagon.

abridged and adapted

Choose the correct option.

a. Teens unsurprisingly enough…
1. love all types of technology.
2. prefer smartphones to ordinary mobiles.
3. have a preference for mobile phones.
b. YouTube…
1. is an addictive video streamer.
2. has become teens’ most visioned streamer.
3. has 10 million subscribers.
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c. Teenagers believe that…

1. celebrities battle with health issues.
2. celebrities have the same problems as they do.
3. all celebrities are cool.
d. Taylor Swift and Kevin Hart…
1. had health problems.
2. sing and make jokes about real-life affairs.
3. are YouTube celebrities.
e. According to the text, teens…
1. love eating a variety of international dishes.
2. only love pizza and sushi.
3. eat everything that is put on their plate.

Find synonyms in the text for the following words:

a. inquired / questioned
c. absorbing
b. be fond of
d. devout

Part C: Use of English

Choose the correct option.

a. Anthony twisted his ankle when he to do a somersault.
1. tries 2. was trying 3. have been trying
b. Margaret going to South Korea on a gap year next fall.
1. contemplates 2. had contemplated 3. is contemplating
c. what you are going to do when you finish school?
1. Have you decided 2. Will you decide 3. Did you decide
d. The 11 grade is because there is more to study than in the 10 th grade.
1. difficulter 2. the most difficult 3. more difficult
e. Leonard, is my student, has not been studying lately.
1. which 2. that 3. who
f. If you want to learn a new language, you go to a language school in my
1. should 2. must 3. might
g. Unless you hard, you will find the 11th grade difficult.
1. don’t study 2. do study 3. study
h. It’s not to prefer learning English to French.
1. uncommon 2. incommon 3. commoner
i. Despite all day, James didn’t feel confident enough to write the exam.
1. to study 2. not studying 3. studying
j. Catherine likes series films.
1. not only / but also 2. and / also 3. but / too
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Circle the correct option.

TikTok’s skyrocketing a. over the last year is impressive, so what is Tiktok and is it safe?
Well, it’s a video-sharing app created in China in 2016, TikTok social media gained 60 million users in
the United States b. 2020, bringing it to more than 100 million users here and 689 million
internationally. TikTok is now the most c. downloaded non-gaming app, with 2020
revenue d. at $1 billion. TikTok even helped to e. the 2021 Super Bowl,
f. a TikTok Tailgate g. Miley Cyrus. The majority h. TikTok users
are teens and young adults. The biggest TikTok star i. is a teenager: dancer Charli Grace
D’Amelio, age 16, j. has 105 million followers.
Adapted from

a. 1. popularity 2. popular 3. publicity

b. 1. through 2. until 3. during
c. 1. deliberately 2. frequently 3. slowly
d. 1. estimated 2. found 3. valued
e. 1. knock down 2. touch down 3. kick off
f. 1. with 2. and 3. about
g. 1. features 2. featured 3. featuring
h. 1. of 2. with 3. in
i. 1. close up 2. so far 3. in focus
j. 1. who 2. that 3. which

Part D: Writing

In about 100-120 words, write about what your favourite things as a teenager are.

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