Elective Rev

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Principles for Effective Persuasive

Three sections of logical speech
What is Persuasive Writing?
1. Introduction – Present the argument
- Influences the readers to the authors’ 2. Body – Supporting evidence
point or stand 3. Conclusion – Restatement and
1. Editorials in newspaper
2. Songs and poems - Is used when you want the audience
3. Letter used to convince the reader to act
4. Speech and literature - Most effective manner in motivating
5. Commercial & print advertisements the audience
6. Junk emails
Understandable Language
7. College magazine
- It is very necessary for the writer to
know the audience language for
Writing Style which he/she is writing because it
increases awareness.
1. Write the point that needs to be
- Use language the readers can easily
claimed in the beginning
understand. Avoid using technical
2. State the arguments on the next
and slang
3. Explain all the supporting arguments Analysis of Audience
that support the main point in the last
- Know the type of audience
Credibility of the Author
Absolute Research
- A confident speaker is a believable
- A strong claim needs to be backed up
by strong facts to be more believable
- Show that you know what you are
- Evaluate their legitimacy with:
Quality, bias, and appropriateness
Visuals and Graphics
Logic and Emotion
- Easier to understand as it takes less
- Most audience will develop an
time to read
opinion based on logical or
emotional approach
- Motivates the audience
- Logical arguments rely on cold, hard
facts, and indisputable facts.
Types of Speech Guidelines for Informative Speech
According to Purpose In preparing and writing an informative
speech, one of the most common mistakes
students make is to think that they must be
- Provide useful information comprehensive in covering their topic, which
- Impart knowledge based on the isn’t realistic.
speakers’ expertise
It is easier to share info about things you are
Be Accurate, Clear, and Interesting
familiar with. Play to your strengths
- Keep the audience attentive, while
providing accurate and clear info
- Reinforce or change beliefs, or move
Keep in Mind Audience Diversity
the audience into taking an action
- Uses facts, logic, and reasoning - If the information in a speech is too
complex or too simplistic, it will not
Speech for Special Occasions
hold the interest of the listeners
- Prepared for a specific purposed
Good sources include:
dictated by a given occasion
- Can be informative and persuasive - edu//.org//.com
- Joyous - Authors
- Introduction to an event - Citations
- Date of publication
According to Delivery
- Manuscript is prepared
- Fully read
- Free of notes
- Memorized by the speaker
- More conversational and interactive
- Little to no preparation
- Short and casual

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