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Social media has made everything easier.

In the past, people were facing many difficulties while doing their different tasks, until
this era came, the era of technology. There was no way for people to apply for a job or search for
a scholarship unless they went out and visited different companies, schools, and universities
without wasting a lot of time, effort, and even money. But now, websites such as Indeed,
LinkedIn, Glassdoor, etc. offer all the details needed for the job such as required qualifications,
the given responsibilities, salaries, etc. in addition to finding jobs, we can also search for
different scholarships on academic stages, and Fast web are websites which
will help us to do so, information that once you had to rampage through hundreds of books to
find are now easily accessible with one convenient click.

Social media has created contemporary-oriented jobs like marketing, Film and Video Editing,
digital media supervising, and took advertisements to a whole next level of prestige, by
importing algorithms which collects data about your interests and offers you the best deals
globally! In addition to that, many people have their own small businesses from the comfort of
their houses, indulging in less paper waste and more flexibility with more business reach, and
equality evolving in supporting specifically global-causes and minorities small businesses.

Social media also plays a great role in raising people’s awareness in many important modern
issues such as “Blacks lives matter” when George Floyd, an African-American man was
murdered by a police officer injusticly and it made it as world-wide trend. Also, it reminds the
whole world of the Palestinian issues by covering the Israeli attacks on Gaza city and help
advocating for it because it reaches westerns as well.

From a questionnaire, we have made we found that there is a noticeable increase in the number
of users of the social media applications over the last ten years. We found that young people
whose ages between 18 and 24 spend more time using these applications. Also, they answered
that they use social media for many purposes like shopping, reading news, and mostly for
chatting with other people.
to shine light on a recent positive of social media, in the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic,
people are using social media more than usual routine because they rely on news sources from
online sources to seek health information for themselves and their loved ones, which empowered
people to evaluate health-related risks and manage global health concerns and offered
entertainments for the depression spread by the pandemic.

In fact, users can spend fun and productive time while using these applications. We use
Facebook sometimes to play a game and catch up with whoever we can’t reach in real world, and
use Snapchat to try some funny filters. Also, YouTube can be a nice friend who could show you
anything you want to see with over hundred millions of variant videos to suit your taste.

Last but not least, the development of technology generally and social media especially led to
great results which made our life much easier and happier. But in contrary to my opinion, here’s
zina’s take on this.

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