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Ok, hello everyone, hope you’re doing well.

I would like to start this presentation with this small

exercise, so I’m going to say one word and I will be choosing an individual randomly and ask
them to share what was the first thing that came to their mind. For example, I might say pizza,
and I expect to hear some words like (margritta, Italy, bread, Mozzarella cheese) and so on ... so,
let’s start with social media, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

Great, thank you all for participating,

“Social” refers to the instinctual trait which humans have to communicate with other humans,
“Media” is what we use to make connections with other humans through different methods, so
we can define Social media as interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of
information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expressions through virtual communities and
networks, and develop a personalized network of friends, colleagues or organizations
There any many usages for social media: some for publishing like Wikipedia, some for sharing
art-work and entertainment, like Spotify and TripAdvisor, and some for massaging like imo or
Gmail. We can also use ask fm as a discussion forum, Microsoft teams for collaborating and
inclusive meetings, and tinder for expanding social-networks!
To speak about social-media let’s pause for a second and reminisce about the past days, what
were the alterations in-place? for more precise outlook let’s compare between foundational social
aspects in the past and the present!

1- Postal Service; messages were hand-picked and traveled all over the world, depending on
horse-pulled carriages as a vehicle, letters took months at least to reach destination, in
comparison to now you have social media apps, such a messenger and WhatsApp to do
the trick in seconds!
2- Socializing
Gatherings, social clubs, parties and outdoor activities were the secret to increase your social
network and meet new partners, but energy draining and exhausting, in contrast to now’s
contemporary method, socializing became easier and not limited to your region or time!

In this picture, you can see the social media broken down to its main 6 applications with the
names of popular companies for each. Upon observing, you see that all of these converge to a
main and extremely popular set of apps (facebook, whatsapp, youtube, ....), And the statistic of
the most used applications and the purpose of using them. These apps unite all of usages and
companies, into what we simply call as "social media". let’s see what’s the general public’s
favorite apps and why do they use them?
Today, more than 97% of young adults (aged 18-29) use social media compared to 12% in 2005.
Adults aged 30-49 jumped from 8% use to 85% in 2021, This hugely expanding of users didn’t
happen coincidently, let’s talk about the benefits of social media to understand the great
importance of it and why has it become an era it-self

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