Bone and Muscular Health

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Edgielyn Alocilja BSA

Bones provide a variety of functions in the body, including

providing structural support, protecting organs, attaching muscles,
and preserving calcium. While it's critical to have strong and healthy
bones during childhood and adolescence, you may also safeguard your
bone health as an adult. New bone is formed every day, while old bone
is destroyed down. Your bone mass grows when you're young because your
body generates new bone faster than it breaks down existing bone.
Around the age of 30, most people reach maximal bone mass. Bone
formation continues after that, but you lose a little more bone mass
than you acquire.
There are so many ways to improve bone and muscular strength.
One of this is Eating lots of vegetables. A high-vegetable diet has
been found to help children develop healthy bones and protect bone
mass in young adults and older women. They're a good source of vitamin
C, which helps to promote the formation of bone-forming cells.
Furthermore, some research suggests that vitamin C's antioxidant
properties may help to protect bone cells from harm. Another way is,
Perform strength training and weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing
and resistance training exercises can help older persons, including
those with low bone density, boost bone formation during bone growth
and protect bone health. Strength-training exercises are beneficial
for more than just gaining muscle mass. It may also help women of all
ages, particularly those with osteoporosis, osteopenia, or breast
cancer, prevent bone loss. Another is, Avoid very low-calorie diet.
Even when accompanied with resistance exercise, low-calorie diets have
been shown to impair bone density. To maintain bone health, eat a
well-balanced diet with at least 1,200 calories every day. Diets that
provide fewer than 1,000 calories per day have been linked to reduced
bone density in those who are normal weight, overweight, or obese,
according to research. Maintaining a stable and healthy weight is
another way. Bone health can be harmed by being either thin or too
obese. Furthermore, maintaining a steady weight rather than losing and
regaining it can aid bone density preservation. When it comes to bone
health, maintaining a constant normal or slightly higher than normal
weight is your best bet.
There are so many ways of improving our bones and muscular
health, all we have to do is follow it and have discipline to
ourselves. We should take care of ourself because life is the most
important gift God has given us.

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