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Education International School

Name: ……………………..………… Grade : 8 Date : / /

Literature Worksheet ( A )


Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. In the story “Hamadi,” where was Susan's father born?

a. Palestine
b. Lebanon
c. India
d. England

____ 2. In “Hamadi,” how does Susan's father stay in touch with his relatives in the Middle

a. He calls them on the phone every week.

b. He visits his relatives on holidays.
c. He travels back to his homeland once a year.
d. He writes frequent letters.

____ 3. In “Hamadi,” why does Susan find her uncles dull?

a. They always talk about business.

b. They mostly shop and watch television.
c. They talk only about the past.
d. They take no interest in her life.

____ 4. Hamadi chooses to live in an old hotel rather than in a more modern apartment. What
does this choice tell you about him?

a. He values simplicity more than outward appearances.

b. He regrets not being able to afford a newer place to live in.
c. He is embarrassed about not having much furniture.
d. He does not want to make the effort to move.

____ 5. What character trait does the author reveal about Susan when she writes, “Susan
didn't want a boyfriend”?

a. shyness
b. unpleasantness
c. snobbism
d. independence

____ 6. How would you describe Hamadi based on this excerpt from the story?

“A white handkerchief spread across a tabletop, my two extra shoes lined by the wall,
this spells ‘home’ to me, this says ‘mi casa.’ What more do I need?”

a. content
b. lazy
c. jealous
d. bitter

____ 7. Which of the following terms best describes Hamadi's relationship to Susan?

a. uncle
b. grandfather
c. role model
d. tutor

____ 8. What advice does Hamadi give to people he meets?

a. People should eat six small meals a day.

b. Everyone should read Kahlil Gibran's works.
c. It is important to sing carols loudly to attract listeners.
d. You must visit people in order to know them.

____ 9. Susan visits Hamadi, invites him caroling, and comforts her friend Tracy. What do
these things tell you about her?

a. She is a popular companion.

b. She is a generous and compassionate.
c. She makes friends easily.
d. She enjoys people of all ages.

____10. Why does Susan invite Hamadi to go caroling with her and her friends?

a. She feels sorry that he is all alone during the holidays.

b. She wants to teach him about American traditions.
c. She is tired of being with the same people all the time.
d. She misses her grandmother.

____11. How does Hamadi react to Susan's invitation to go caroling?

a. He is thrilled
b. He worries about traveling to her house.
c. He asks her to pick him up.
d. He says he read about the custom.

Vocabulary and Grammar

____12. Which sentence contains the past tense of a verb?

a. She finished the book yesterday.

b. She reads quickly.
c. He likes to read mysteries.
d. He rides his bike to school.

____13. Which word best describes the meaning of distinctions?

a. wealth
b. happiness
c. details
d. differences

____14. Which sentence contains the present participle form of a verb?

a. Melanie ate dinner with her friends.

b. Nate walks a mile each day.
c. James is raking leaves today.
d. Mary mowed the lawn last weekend.

____15. In which sentence is melancholy used correctly?

a. Jack felt melancholy when his team won the game.

b. The pleasant, sunny day at the beach made Judy feel melancholy.
c. I feel melancholy when I think of a friend who moved away.
d. Sue felt melancholy as she laughed at the comedy.

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