Introduction To Management

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Q. NO 1: What is management? Define management.
Answer : Management is defined as the process of planning, organising and
controlling an organisation.It’s also the art of getting things done through other

Q NO 2 : Explain the functions of management.

According to George & Jerry, “There are four fundamental functions of
management i.e. planning, organizing, actuating and controlling”.
According to Henry Fayol, “To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize,
to command, & to control”.
Whereas Luther Gulick has given a keyword ’POSDCORB’ where P stands
for Planning, O for Organizing, S for Staffing, D for Directing, Co for Co-
ordination, R for reporting & B for Budgeting.
But the most widely accepted are functions of management given by KOONTZ
1. Planning : Managers must plan for future conditions, develop strategic
objectives and secure the achievement of future goals. A manager has to
decide what to produce, where to produce, how to produce, for whom to
produce etc. before starting the business in an efficient manner to reach its
2. Organizing : Managers must organize the workforce in an efficient manner
and structure and align the activities of the organization.
3. Staffing : This is another important function of management. Employment
manager has to assign tasks based on each team member’s knowledge,
skills and abilities. This is to ensure that their assigned tasks match their
skills. So right people should be in the right place according to their
knowledge, skill and ability. He must also train and recruit the right people
for the job always try to recruit skilled and educated work force.
4. Directing: Directing function of management refers to the process of
instructing, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading people in the
organisation to achieve its objectives. It is one of the key managerial
functions performed by every manager.
5. Controlling : Managers must control that whether the company activities
are in line with general company policies and objectives or not. So, here
controlling does not mean control of his sub- ordinates but control the
quality of the products. Any deviation of quality is not tolerable by the

Q NO 3: What are the principles of management? Explain

Answer: Henry Fayol's Principles of Management are as follows:
1. Division of work: This is nothing but the principle of specialization
necessary for proper and efficient work performance in all spheres of
activity, technical and managerial.
2. Authority and responsibility : They go hand in hand and correlated, co
terminus and co-equal. Any responsibility without authority is of no
significance. Management should never ignore this fact.
3. Discipline : Discipline has three requisites, i.e. good supervisors at all
levels, clear and pair agreement and judicious application of penalties.
4. Unity of Command :This principle requires that an employee should
receive orders from one superior only. Otherwise dual or multiple
command will create havoc in authority, discipline and order.
5. Unity of Direction : This principle enunciates that for the accomplishment
of a group of activities with the same objectives, there must be one head
and one plan. Because "a body with two heads is in the social as in animal
sphere a monoester and has difficulty in surviving.
6. Subordination of individual Interest to general interest: This principle
demands that general interest must supersede the individual interest and it
is the duty of management to reconcile them when these are found to differ.
7. Remuneration: Remuneration and methods of payment to staff must be
fair and satisfactory and afford to maximum satisfaction both to employees
and employers.
8. Order :This is the principle of arrangement relating to the things and
persons requiring placement of right thing or a person in right place.

Q NO 4: Short notes on Management and administration.

Answer: Administration is a determinative function while the management is an
executive function. For smooth running and regular functioning of large size
manufacturing concern, it is very essential to distribute the administrative and
managerial duties and other powers to different officers of various departments.
Again we know that chief aim of any manufacturing concern is to produce
maximum at minimum cost and to sell at large profits an therefore, to achieve
this, "Board of Directors" appoints a team of administrative staff, which have
some function of administration.
Therefore, "administration is that function of enterprise which determines the
overall policy and objectives." It decides the general purpose of an enterprise and
frames the major policies. This is done by the "Board of Directors." On the other
hand management is an executive function which is mainly concerned with
carrying out the broad policies laid down by the administration.
Hence administration chalks out the general policies while management works
for bringing these policies into effect.

Q NO 5 : Short notes on organisation.

Answer : Organisation The term organization has been defined by various
authors in various ways. Every business needs to be organized for better
performance. For a business there are three essential requirements, such as man,
material and machinery. Hence, "the term organization unapplied the co-
ordination of man, machine and material in such a way that maximum output at
ease and efficiency under minimum total cost is assured."
For example, as in sports a group of players is organized to achieve better
performance. A number of laborers are organized for building construction under
experienced supervisor. In the same way a factor is organized for production or
any other task.
Hence basically, "organization is a form of human association to produce
cheapest products of better quality."
According to Mr. Dalton E. McFarland, organization is "an identifiable group of
people contributing their efforts towards the attainment of goals."

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