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Assignment No.

(Submit Solution Code/Corner-Corner Screenshots in single Doc File online)
Due date: 19-March-2022
(Solve Using Loop)
Q.No. 1 Write a program in which user enter every time any positive or negative number your program
should identify is it negative or positive and also show user when he/she press 0 it will end program and
show how many entries user entered? (Make function to count Positive and Negative)

Q.No.2 Show prime number from 1 to 50 also count, how many prime numbers in mention range and
also take product of all prime number?

Q.No. 3 Write a program in which user enters a range then tell even or odd numbers is specific range
and at end show smallest and largest value entered by user?

Q.No.4 Make a choice base panel using while loop and convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, Celsius to
Fahrenheit till user press end?

Q.No.5 Show the entered character is vowel or not? (Using List)

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