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Laura Houston FRIT 7330 - The Internet in the Classroom Issues Assignment #3 Summer 2011

Policy 1
Meford School Committee. (2010). Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Internet Safety. Retrieved from: The Medford Public Schools Policy on bullying and cyberbullying is detailed, easy to understand, and explains all parameters of the offense. It places the same emphasis on bullying and cyberbullying, explaining what each means so that all stakeholders are aware of what the offenses entail. It describes all the possible locations that these offenses can take place that fall under the policy. The policy includes a section dedicated to just cyberbullying. It gives a clear definition and includes examples of what acts may fall under the offense. It describes cyberbullying as bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which includes but is not limited ti any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by such things as electronic mail, internet communication, instant message, text message or facsimile. The policy stresses the importance of students, parents, and employees within the district to immediately report and possible acts of bullying and cyberbullying. It explains that all reports of cyberbullying will be immediately investigated. It states what protocol the administration will take in the matter. The school district states that it will provide age-appropriate instruction on bullying in general. Staff will also be trained and educated on these policies and how to educate students on bullying and cyberbullying. The Medford Public Schools policy does a great job at defining cyberbullying and ways that cyberbullying can occur. It gives examples so that parents and teachers know what to look for when cyberbullying may be occuring with their students or children. The policy also does a great job at informing stakeholders about how to offense will be investigated and the protocol that will take place when a report is filed. In the end of the policy, the school system has a section titled, Internet Safety. This section was one of the greatest strengths of the policy. This section includes a guide with more information on cyberbullying and how to keep children and students safe online. The guide is great for parents and students to use to prevent children from being a victim of cyberbullying and things that they should not do so that they won't be involved in bullying someone else. Overall the policy is solid, but there are areas of improvement that could be made to make the plan better. I think the policy could be organized better with headings that explain what the preceding paragraph is about. The policy is divided into paragraphs, but it all just runs together without having the organization needed to be most effective. Better organization would allow stakeholders to read key information that may pertain to their situation and make it easier for them to locate needed information. The policy also needs a more clear plan that explains consequences of the offense. The consequences are very vague which allows that school system flexibility to handle reports of offenses that have occurred. The plan needs to be more specific when it comes to offenses. It does a better job at explaining the offenses for someone who makes false accusations about bullying and cyberbullying. These minor additions and 2

adjustments would make the plan solid.

Policy 2
Bristol Public Schools. (2010). Policy 5131.913(a). Students - Bullying Cyberbullying. Retrieved from: The Bristol Public Schools policy includes an entire section dedicated to cyberbullying. The policy opens by stating that the board of education provides computers as tools to enhance our students' education. It explains that computers on and off campus may be used for different forms of harassment. They explain that these forms of harassment, known as cyberbullying, are unacceptable and are a violation of the districts policy. The policy explains that inappropriate use of the district's computer system is prohibited. It gives a list of examples of how cyberbullying may take place and through different avenues. The policy stresses the importance of not destroying or removing the information from the web or device. The district suggests that a copy of the material should be printed for evidence to provide to school administration. The policy also states that cyberbullying may occur on non-school computers or devices. These situations should still be brought to the attention of administration. The policy ends by explaining the possible disciplinary actions that may occur to individuals found guilty of cyberbullying. Although there are many ways to improve this plan, it also has a few strengths. The policy does a great job at explaining the may different ways that cyberbullying can occur. It states that it can happen on school networks and computers or it may occur on non-school computers but involve students within the school. It's important for schools to be involved even when the offense occurs outside of school. Another strength of the policy is the suggestion to not delete of remove information that may fall under cyberbullying. It's important to have proof of the offense so that the person can be appropriately disciplined. The plan has many good points, but is lacking important details. The policy is short, concise, and to the point. With such a growing problem with all the technology that school-aged children have at their fingertips, more emphasis needs to be put on the policy against cyberbullying. The policy doesn't have any information about how the school or staff plans to intervene or educate students about cyberbullying. Having protocol as to how the offense is reported and hoe staff will handle the matters is a very important details that the policy lacks. The policy could also benefit from organization into sections so that the proper information is easy to locate.

Policy 3
Warwick School District. (2011). Bullying / Cyber-Bullying Policy. Retrieved from: The policy starts by explaining the purpose of the policy adoption by stating that the district wants to provide and maintain an educational environment free of bullying and cyberbullying. It states that anyone who engages in these offenses will be appropriately disciplined. It states that all bullying and cyberbullying cases should be reported to a staff member immediately and will be investigated promptly. The policy goes to to define the definitions of bullying and cyberbullying and the different methods where the offenses may take place. The policy explains the responsibility of students and staff members when cyberbullying has taken place. In this section it states that The building principal will inform the parents or guardians of the victim and also the parents or guardians of the accused. The policy then describes the procedures for filing a complaint. The complaint can be reported by the student or parent in writing or orally. Administration will then investigate the incident and document the case with appropriate written documentation. This policy from Warwick School District is a great example of what should be included in a policy regarding bullying and cyberbullying. The policy is divided into different coded sections, which makes it very easy to follow and very easy to reference parts of the document. This policy and the organization of it makes it easy for staff members to communicate necessary information. The policy does a great job at defining cyberbullying by explaining what the effects of cyberbullying are and how they may effect the parties involved. The plan also effectively explains the process and the responsibility of parents, staff, and students. The plan ends by explaining the proper procedures for reporting a complaint on bullying and cyberbullying and the possible repercussions. The policy is very strong, but there are areas that could improve the policy to make better. The policy has a very short section on what disciplinary action may take place. It is very vague by saying that student's who have broken the policy may be subject to the following: suspension, expulsion or notification to the appropriate authorities. Also the plan would be better if they provided information and resources for internet safety for students.

Newly Developed Policy

A. Policy Adoption for Cyberbullying 1. Montgomery Elementary will provide a safe learning environment for all students. Any form of bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated. Computers and devices will be used for instruction and to enhance student learning. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated and will be a violation of this policy as well as the acceptance use policy by DeKalbCounty Schools. 2. Cyberbullying may also occur away from school. If technological devices are used to transmit hurtful information to or about enrolled students of Montgomery Elementary, student can receive dis action against them. 3. Each year students will be involved in cyberbullying instruction. Staff will be trained on the proper procedures and information to deliver to students. B. Cyberbullying Defined 1. Cyberbullying is bullying through the use of computers, or any technological device through electronic communication. Cyberbullying can take place through, but not limited to, the following: blogs, created websites, social networking sites, email, text messages, digital images, etc. Cyberbullying may have any of the following effects on students: 1. Emotionally or mentally hurting the affected student. 2. Student feeling a sense of fear from the offense of others. 3. Student feeling intimidated or that they are in a hostile enviroment. 4. Any feeling that may effect the student's academic opportunities. C. Responsibility of Staff and Students 1. Staff and Administration should provide a safe environment free of all types of bullying to ensure instruction is not being disrupted. 2. Teacher should provide opportunities for students to learn about the effects of cyberbullying and what signs to look when cyberbullying may occur. Teachers should provide students with procedures of how to report cyberbullying if they are affected, or if they are aware of 5

others that have been affected by cyberbullying. 3. Students should report cyberbullying immediately to a staff member orally or through written communication. 4. Staff members that receive complaints should document the situation and contact a member of administration immediately. 5. The principal will review the information, deciding if the situation falls under the cyberbullying policy, and will contact the guardians of the accused student(s) and the victim. D. Procedures for Complaints of Cyberbullying 1. Students and teachers will report any cases of cyberbullying immediately. The report will be given to administration. 2. The school principal will then investigate the report, questioning all parties involved, and contacting guardians of the victim and accused. 3. If the accused student is found guilty of the offense, the student will be appropriately disciplined. The severity of the cyberbullying incident will determine the disciplinary action taken against the student. Students found guilty of any type of bullying or cyberbullying will be enrolled in a at least 4 guidance lessons with our school counselor to ensure the student understands the severity of cyberbullying and the effects it has on others. Students could face in school suspension, pit of school suspension, expulsion, or turned over to the appropriate authorities. E. Internet Safety The follwing websites are available for students and parents to learn how to keep children safe when using technology and the internet.

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