Ignacio Midterm Exam

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City of Malabon University

Midterm Examination
1st Trimester 2022-2023
Teaching of Arts, PE, and Health in Elementary Level


Course: BEED3B

“Thus, when idealism is applied to physical education it instructs teacher

to be a role model for the students. Physical education not only looks
after the physical factor but also consists of those experiences which
fulfill the needs of the individual's nature and bring him the sense of
satisfaction or well-being.”

Physical Education

I. The Basic Principles of Physical Education

The Overload Principle is probably the most important principle of exercise and training.
Simply stated, the Overload Principle means that the body will adapt to the workload
placed upon it. The more you do, the more you will be capable of doing.

Make a table (1) One Week program exercise (Overload) for Grade 1 student.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:30am Stretching Stretching stretching 3pm Stretching Stretching Rest day Rest day
6:45am Running Running Running 3:15pm Running Running Rest day Rest day
7am High High High jumps 3:30pm High High Rest day Rest day
jumps jumps jumps jumps
7:15am Punches Back Squat 3:45pm Jumping Body Rest day Rest day
turns jacks rotations
7:45am Ski hops High knee Knee tuch 4:15pm Arm Arm Rest day Rest day
jacks crunches crossover circles
8am The High step Burpees 4:30pm Hip swirls Knee Rest day Rest day
windmill march push ups
8:15am Side Side deep Donkey 4:45pm Diagonal T plank Rest day rest day
bends squats kicks abs

II. Describe the Physical Education in Ancient period and today’s period. 10pts
 In the ancient period Physical training, which could be thought of as sport,
was the cornerstone of aristocratic culture. Under the supervision of a
paidotribes a physical education teacher, the children learned horse riding,
discus and javelin throwing, long jumping, wrestling, and boxing in
preparation for various competitions. Today's period physical education
provides cognitive instruction and content focused at developing behaviors,
knowledge, and motor skills for physical activity. Having schools implement
physical education on a daily basis can provide students the skills and
confidence they need to be physically active for the rest of their lives.
III. Detailed Lesson Planning: Topic. Bullying while in PE Activities. 10pts

I. Learning Outcomes
A. At the end of this session, the students should be able to:
 Students will learn what bullying is.
 Students will know that being bullied makes people feel bad.
 Students will know what bullying can cause.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Bullying while in PE Activities

Key Concepts:
Bullying is an inappropriate act of a person trying to harm other person
Possible cause of bullying while in PE Activities: Body shaming and Low
self esteem/ self confidence.

B. Materials:
Teachers Materials
 Lesson Plan
 Manila Paper

Students Materials
 Notebook
 Pen

III. Learning Outcomes

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A Routine Activities
Opening Prayer

Goodmorning class! Goodmorning teacher!

Alright, who wants to lead a prayer? (one of the student volunteer to lead a prayer)

(Checking Attendance)
Okay class, say present if I call your name Present ma’am!
B. Motivation
Before we start the lesson, i will show you an
illustration on how bullying affect a

(Shows a paper)
See this paper?
(Crumpled a paper)
Now it is crumpled do you think you still can
bring it back to it’s good condition? No ma’am

This paper is just like bullying, when you do

this to someone you don't know their feelings
but in their heart and in their mind they are
hurt, and they will never forget it. And
because of bullying, a person's personality

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

C. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-Activity Discussion.
A. Unlocking of terms difficulty (ways to
I will ask you few questions about the topic
that we will be tackled today

First question, What comes to your mind (a student raise a hand)

when you hear the word bully? someone who treats you badly or with
aggression, who uses power against you,
abuses you, verbally harasses you, threatens
you, basically anything bad
Okay very good! next question.
What damage does bullying do to a kids like (a student raise a hand)
you? can experience negative physical, social,
emotional, academic, and mental health

Great!, for the last question.

What message do you want to say for bullies? (a student raise a hand)
Love is life. You can’t function or be genuine
or likable without love. So try to grow some
of that love instead of your own fickle
Thankyou class for answering my questions.

B. Procedure of the Activity

A teacher ask the students about the topic and
they need to give the answers correctly by
raising their hands.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

2. Activity Proper
a. Performance of activity
b. Observation and analysis

I will show a sample picture to you class, to
be your guide for the activity.
(show a picture)

For your activity, give four things that a bully

does to someone specially when we take pe
Yes ma’am!
activities such as running,playing etc. Put them in
four circles like above. Do you understand?

Okay, now answer your activity.

(10mns later)
Are you done class? Yes ma’am!

Okay can you give me examples of your Okay ma’am!

works? Your underarm stinks
You can’t run as fast as i can because you are
You are so thin, how can we play if you are
too weak?

Okay that’s enough. Thankyou for answering.

Now do you think the words that comes out to No ma’am

your mouth are good to hear?

Okay good because of that activity, I just

want you to know that things like that are not
good work and not good to hear. I want you
to know for yourself that it is not good so I
hope you don't do it, ever! because it is not
good for you and for everyone. Do you
understand? Yes ma’am we understand
D. Generalization:
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or
perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over
time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
Bullying that focuses on a lack of physical fitness, body shape or perceived lack of sporting
ability can leave a severe dent in a student’s self-confidence that lasts a lifetime.
Whilst bullying in any realm of education is never acceptable and can have terrible consequences
when it happens in PE, it can also result in the avoidance of physical activity not just in the short
term, but in the long term too.

E. Application
(student must know how to act when they have encounter on their surroundings)

F. Values Integration
Always take care of yourself, know the people who surrounds you, trust the good one!. Hope you
all understand what I discussed for today, that’s all thankyou have a great day!

IV. Evalutaion
BULLY-FREE WORD SEARCH! Find and Encircled the words below.

V. Agreement
Make a slogan about a person who needs to motivate against the bully, take a picture and paste
on your notebook.
IV. Attachment: Video. 10pts
a. How will you handle the situation.
 I will handle the situation by talking to the person who get bullied and the
person who starts the bullying in my class, in that case, I will tell them the
next time the bullying happens again in my class, I will call their parents
especially the bully.
b. What will be the classroom environment”
 Chaotic, because in the first scenes i can definitely see the teasing in the
new classmate, it seems that the two children did not stop each other,
while other students were getting involve, some also reported it because
they witness the scene, but the bully boy was tough and the teacher are be
patience, not just for the two but for everyone in the class,
c. What is the attitude of the teacher?
 She have patience in her class, and she handled the situation very nicely
and politely.
d. Is there a need to report in the Principal Office
 At first, I thought it could be reported specially the bully, but when I
finally saw how the teacher scolded them and reprimanded them outside
the classroom, it seemed that the two of them settled. For me, what
happened in the class should not reach to the principal because with the
help of the teacher she solved it.
e. Is there a need to talk with parents.
 Yes, especially for the boy who is the bully, because bullying is not fair to
anyone, even to his classmates, especially when he is in the school, this is
so that the parents know what their child is doing, not to be scolded but to
be reprimanded and so that, bullying will never happen again.

I. Direction: Think and Draw the 4 Characteristics of Artist Mindset below

and explain. 5 pts each
A. Forget your assumptions

Forget your assumptions, it's okay to fly around the sun but don't
forget to take calculated risks. be with what makes you happy, stay
close to what burns your passion.
B. Delay Judgement

Delay judgement, try things, feel things, it doesn't matter if you'll be

hurt, it's the experience that makes us human, be with the moment.
C.Have an open mind

an open mind equates to open eyes. we are unique; art is acceptance.

C. Be Patient

Be patient, everyone has their own pacing. don't rush yourself, be your
own butterfly.

II. In given statement below. What is your opinion? 10 pts

I’d argue that you’ll improve faster by thinking and drawing like a
child than you would thinking and drawing like an adult.

I do agree with the statement for the reason that, thinking and drawing like a
child can be your stepping stone. If you draw and think like a toddler you’ll be
able to improve your day by day basis. In children they do have what we called,
"milestone” therefore, if you start in the beginning of that milestone you won’t
miss any step that can delay your development. Children have a very wide
imagination, thinking and solutions to every problems. I therefore conclude that
you’ll improve faster by thinking and drawing like a child.

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