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Subject: OOSE

Arena Case Study

Introduction to software engineering

 Explain Arena Case:

The design or implement of different contents of overall the software

engineering process or project or we can define it as a single comprehensive
case study that describing the development of a whole system called ARENA.
Arena is a Multi-user, web-based system which organize different tournaments
for different games. It is a game independent such that the organizer can adapt
a new game and can put it in the Arena Server, then conduct and create
tournaments which are located in the Internet.
Organizers define different styles in the set of matches; compute the ranking of
players, by adding up their victories and losses. They also have the access to
invite sponsors to display their advertisement during the game.
Ch# 2
Modeling with UML

Use Case Diagram:

State Diagram:
Activity Diagram:
Chap# 4:

Requirement Elicitation

 Problem:
Redundancy leads to problem
Players of games
Company (different concepts cause inconsistency)
Game (need to develop from scratch)

 Objectives:
Provide framework for tournament organizers
Framework for game developers
Provide infrastructure for advertisers

 Scope:
This is multi-user platform.
Used by different companies or high-level organization
Tournament Style (Formula to calculate ranking on basis of scores).

 Functional Requirements
Spectators must be able to watch matches
Operators must be able to add new games
League Owner must be able to organize and announce new tournaments
Players must be able to play match

 Nonfunctional Requirements:
Low operating cost
Low bandwidth network
Operations and legal
 Constraints:
Delivery constraints
User environment
Software (IDE)
Target Platform constraints

 Target Environment:
1. Users must be able to run Arena games on applets on any web
browser(Cookies, JavaScript, and Java Applets)
2. Arena should run on any operating System like (Linux, UNIX, and Macros)

 Actors + Scenarios:

Tic Tack Toe Tournament
 Actors:
1. Operators
2. Players
3. Spectators
4. League Owner
5. Advertiser
 Use Case Diagram:
 Usability:
Spectators must be able to access games
 Reliability:
System must be reliable by means of 24/7.
League owner should be able to start tournament.
 Performance:
Players should be able to play a game via analogue medium.
System must support kick off many parallel tournaments.
 Sup portability:
Operator must be able to add new games and new tournaments styles.
System temporary shutting down.
Modification should require.

 Implementation Requirements:
 All users should be able to access an Arena with a web browser supporting
cookies, JavaScript, and Java applets.
 Administration functions used by the operator are not available through
the web.
 ARENA should run on any UNIX operating system (e.g., Macros X, Linux, and
Solar is).
 Interface requirements:

 An Advertiser should not be able to spend more advertisement money than

a fixed limit agreed beforehand with the Operator during the registration.
 Offers to and replies from Advertisers require secure authentication, so
that agreements can be built solely on their replies.
 Advertisers should be able to cancel sponsorship agreements within a fixed
period, as required by local law.
 Fully Dressed Use Case:

Scenario name Tic Tc Toe Tournament

Actors Alice: Operator
Joe: League Owner
Bill: Spectator
Marry: Player
Flow 1. Joe: Volunteers to organize
2. Alice register Joe
3. Winner takes all formula
4. Tournament for 16 players
5. Joe sends mail and on web
announces about games
6. Bill and marry receives mail
7. Marry is interested and 19 other
players involve
8. Joe schedule tournament for 16
9. Players receive electronic
10.Others take notice of tournaments
11.Joe kicks off tournament
12.Winner accumulates rating
awarded them with prize.
 Working Glossary:
Game is competition among players. Team refers game to software that specifies
rule and conditions in arena.
Match is competition between 2 or more players. Outcome is single, winners and
losers all are involve.
Tournaments series of matches among number of players. Tournaments end with
single winners.
Tournament Style:
Tournaments style define numbers of matches and their sequence for a
Chap #: 5
 Entity Objects:
 League Owner
 Tournament
 List of advertisers
 League
 Account
 Arena
Entity objects Attributes and Definition
Account  Balance An account represents the
 History of pending history of charges
Advertiser  Name Actor who will advertise
 Tournament banners.
 Account
Arena  No of tournaments A single, comprehensive
 Leagues case study that describing
 Interested groups development of system in
the content of software
League  Game Responsible for running of
tournaments and players
registered with league.
League owner  Name Creating league
 Email Create tournaments
Tournament  Name Series of match among the
 Start and end date players.
 Number of players
 Boundary Objects:

Boundary Objects Description

Tournament form It is the form which is used to depict the

characteristics. Give information about
players and others participants.

Request sponsorship form Form used by the League Owner to

request sponsorships from interested
Sponsorship reply Notice received by league owner whether
sponsorship or not.

Interest group notice Notice received by interested users about

creation of new tournaments.

 Control Objects:
Control objects represent the coordination among boundary and entity objects.
In Announce Tournament, we identify a single control object called Announce
Tournament Control, which are responsible for:
 sending and collecting notices to Advertisers
 checking resource availability

Class Diagram:
 Sequence Diagram:
Chap # 6
System Design
Decomposing the system



Operators Advertiser Players League Owner

 Manage user  Upload new  Register in  Define new

account advertisemnt arena league
 New expert  Check  Drop out  Organize and
rating balance tournament conduct
formula  Select  Playing tournament
 Manage advertiseme match  Declare
component nt scheme winners

Information about players and

Tournament Form other participants

Notice received by interested

Interest Group Notice users

Advertisers upload and cancel

Advertisement advertisements

Leading sponsor of bill

Sponsorship form
Artistic event in return for
Tree Structure:


Operators Advertiser Players League Owner

 Manage user  Define new

 Upload new
account  Register in league
 New expert arena  Organize and
 Check balance
rating formula  Drop out conduct
 Select
 Manage tournament tournament
component  Playing match  Declare

In advertisements, Interested group notice In tournament form,

(Upload and cancel (Notice received by (information about players
advertisements owned by players and interested and other participants
the advisers) users) owned by league owner)

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