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Words of Wisdumb – Funny. The More the Manyer!

October 31, 2009

I am fan of funny and corny quotes. I love being shallow and digging up funny one liners.

I was going through my old Multiply blog and I found this old post I made of Filipino Words
of Wisdumb.

I really want to credit the original author but my old link on my old post only leads to this
page. If you know who owns this, just leave a comment or send me an email if you want me to
link to you or if you want this taken down.

The More the Manyer!

“the more the manyer: pinoy cliches and other words of wisdumb”.. i’m a big fan of it.. do

1.) “I would like to thanks God, my mother, my father, but most of all my parents. “
~ The Anon Pinoy

2.) “For my EN11 students: remember to always English correctly!”

~ E.O.

3.) “I’m only human nature.”

~ The Anonymous Pinoy

4.) “First and for all. “

5.) “For all intense and purposes I find your argument mute and academic. Therefore, I
adjourn this meeting as anulled and void.”

6.) “All of a suddenly…”

7.) “That’s what I’m talking about it!”

8.) “Thanks and advanced!”

9.) “Forget it about it! What are friends are for?”

10.) “It’s as brand as new!”

11.) “Keep that bear in mind.”

12.) “When it rains, it’s four.”

13.) “Every cloud has a silver lightning.”

14.) “..grab the bull by the balls!”

15.) “Dont just do something! stand there!”

16.) “My answers have been prayered!”

17.) “You’re barking at the wrong dog.”

18.) “Wherever you go….there you are.”

19.) “That’s the way the cookie jars.”

20.) “How are you there?”

21.) “Lets give them a big hand of applause!”

22.) “Well well well, look do we have here.”

23.) “Hi I’m Bhoy. what’s yours?”

24.) “So…what’s a beautiful girl like you?”

25.)”hello? for a while…please hang yourself…My boss is out of town. Would you like to

26.) “And where do you think you are off to running to?”

27.) “Why won’t you cut me some slacks?”

28.) “How dare you are!”

29.) “Please me alone!”

30.) “The nerves!” / “The nerd!”

31.) “I can’t take it anymore of this!”

32.) “Eat your hat out!”

33.) “I couldn’t care a damn.”


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