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sseribing ©! : jon wlachan The approach to writing a desert Lak to writing « descrip used is diff iow: oF a graph, Only the I Practice You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Iris often elainved that women have achieved greater freedom and have access to the same opportmities as men. The pie charts below show some employment patterns in Great Britain. Write a report for a university lecrver describing the information in the charts below You should write at least 150 words. Females Non-manuat | | E Giattor sir [2 Wanagertal and professional | Bl General labourers. §@ Gletical and related [Botner manuat WW Other non-manual Figure 10 IELTS Preparation and Practice Here are some notes uta of the essay, Timefiense Topic General trend... Magrl & prok, emit 2-< ¢. etre) Qed. othrmnl 2 = 6. Details Here is.a sample answer co this Practice for Task 1. The pie charts shaw the prpertionof males and fornates in emplapnent in-6 broad catego tmameal secapations. Ju general divided inte inanuat and new 4 greater percentage of wenen veork in next-manad eceipations than werk tn nana cccupations coud dhe reverse is. trae fo men, the weornnoal cecapains while a greter perentage of tan. men awe javrd in clerical-type positions ther Hler percrtage of remen thas men enpleyed x manage rial ane pnessiona. positions in other working meme The: percentage vf swomen cerpleyed upatious is slightly larger than the ? weupations. somal een yer contage of men i these In mainal employment the biggest difference ketween the tive pep get cA seaes fs the employment of enaft workers, where males. sake. up ate of the aweolferce- send feds jast 3%: “Furthornr, the percentage of women working as general labourers is very small nly 058%. There is nat a great deal of diference tetween thi percentage of mest doing ether ferms of rmanuad work (25%) and wwemen in other manual work (32%). In conclusion, the two charts clearly show that women do not have the same access as men to certain types of employment {192 words] EXERCISE 9 5 Write notes for Figure LL ‘ oe ‘There are sample notes in the Answer Key. Time target ~ 5 minutes Males Females 68% ce ee aie / Bi Aorerated 32% es BIS sa Reasons for most recent arrest (%) bo No answer Other reasons ” ‘Theft Assault Breach of order Public drinking Drink driving Figure 11. Persons arrested in past five years — reasons for most recent arrest, 1994 | IELTS Preparation and Practice Figure 12. Car colours When describing charts, the language of comparison is used, © Describing just one part of the chare | most popular | colour The carcolour is white. second most common. ised. | art more common, blue. than Jess popular i * Comparing ava parts of che pie i| | | | substantially: considerably | alot te | much | somewhar | significantly slightly fractionally bout twice | a | common | rere “The Writing Tes Note: We cannot say, ‘The least popular colour is other’. ‘Other’ is 1 colour but means all the other colours not mentioned here We can also interpret the chart and say, People buy more white cars than red cars’ But be careful. It is better not to say, ‘People prefer buying white cars t blue cats’, We cannot tell from the chart whether buyers have a restricted range of colours to choose from. Buyers may choose a colour based on availability rather than preference. EXERCISE 10 Time target — 5 minutes for each chart Look at the following charts in Figures 13 and 14 and write a simple description of each, ee oe Crime (cases per 10000 people) | Employment | Por) és 80 } | Full-time || ae 25 |e eeaae ) Pani || 20-| 1 Casual 0 Violence” Thett " Other Se hain rs Le aes : Figure 13 Figure 14 Look at Figure 12 and study these examples, White, which is 56.11%, is considerably more common than blue which makes up 12.72%, Red, which constitutes 28.05%, is about twice as popular as blue, which is 12.72%, The other colours, which constitute 3.12%, are considerably less popular than blue (12.72%). There are two ways of incorporating data: by using * brackets) * a relative clause (which + appropriate verb: is, makes up, constitutes, accounts for) Preparation and Practice 120 EXERCISE ft Look at the charts in Figures 13 and MM and rewrite your somences to in jude data Fime target ~ 3 minnies per chart Writing introductory sentences Look ar these examples, aph in Figure 1 shows the coral grain harvest aren in millions of hectares between. 1950 and 1996, The two pie-charts show the proportion of males and females in employ- iment in 6 broad categories. To write an introductory sentence, use your own words, If you copy the title of an illustration or the question word for word, the examiner will regard this as plagiarism and ignore the sentence, This could affect your Task 1 band score ‘Type of chase | Appropriate verh | Description 1 | The. | illustration shows the number of . | graph | ilostrares | che ptohiorson of pie chart presents | information on... | bar chare | damon. [jm eee anos To avoid plagiarism, change the words. Example ‘The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in émploy- ment in 6 broad categories L The two pie charts give the proportion of men and women employed in 6 broad areas Or, change the stracture. Example The two pie charts show the proportion of males and fermales in employ- ment in 6 broad caregories, The two pie charts show, in 6 broad categories, the proportion of males and females in employment, ‘The Writing ‘Test “e Describing Tables Practice You could change the way you express the time petioc Example The graph in Figure 1 shows the total grain harvest area in millions of hectares between 1950 and 1996. The graph in Figure 1 shows the total grain harvest area in millions of hectares over a 36-year period, EXERCISE 12 Look at Figure 11 and write a simple introductory sentence. Then, using Your notes, write a full answer to the task. Write on a separate piece of Paper. Time target — 20 minutes Review In this section you have learnt how to: © describe charts by using the language of comparison incorporate statistical data V write sentences to introduce the illusttation. Describing tables is similar to describing charts. The same structures of com- Parison and contrast are used. The most challenging aspect is dealing with considerable amounts of data When describing tables * donot describe all the data presented * Took for significant data; e.g. the highest, the lowest, etc * try and group the data. This may require you to use some general knowl edge of the world, such as recognising developed and developing countries. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The following table gives statistics showing the aspects of quality of life in five countries. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the table below You should write at least 150 words 'S Preparation and Practice | Country | GNP per head | Daily calorie | Lite expectancy | Infant mortality | (1982: supply per at birth rates (per 1000 i US dollars) head (years) live births) © | Bangladesh 140 1877 40 132 | Bolivia 570 2086 50 124 Egypt 690 2950 56 97 Indonesia 580 2296 49 87 USA 13 160 3652 4 12 Figure 15 Selected statistics showing aspects of the quality of life in 5 countries Here are some notes made during the planning stage. Topic General comment Details Conclusion

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