MKT602 International Marketing - Assignment Question Guideline Aug 2022

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(E S G C I)


1. Assignment Task in Brief

The assignment requires the student to prepare a 3,000-word strategic marketing plan and
conduct market research regarding based on the case study.

2. Objective
This assignment helps to enhance knowledge of various international marketing practices,
concepts, theories, and principles learned. International marketing issues do provide an
opportunity for students to apply marketing concepts in the solution of complex business

Problem-based learning (PBL) assignments help to enhance student understanding of the

integrative nature of management decisions. The objective of embedding PBL assignments
in this module is to give the students an opportunity to see first-hand how the concepts they
learn in different areas can be applied together to solve a problem in the dynamic real-world
situation. According to the objectives of PBL, this opportunity is supposed to create greater
interest, deeper understanding, and longer retention of concepts learned in the course. In
addition, this assignment provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate innovative
ideas, research skills, and creative abilities that they have gained during their coursework.

Therefore, this assignment will provide an avenue for students to apply functional
knowledge in an integrative way, and at the same time develop students’ abilities to
properly collect and synthesize information about complex global situations, and to think

3. Learning Outcome

This assignment is designed for students to achieve the following:

• Define the marketing strategies of the organization
• Direct the marketing effort of the organisation to meet the organisation's objectives
• Deliver value and customer satisfaction
• Creating long-term growth for the organisation.

4. Assignment Task
You are an international marketing consultant and have been approached by a large
organisation in your domiciled country to advise them on how to enter an international
market which they have targeted. They have asked you to suggest TWO different forms of
market entry method. You are to write a report to the CEO of your chosen organisation on
the main factors you think they need to address when going international.
In particular, you must address the following factors: -

1. Critically appraise the considerations that have to be made when selecting either one
of the above market entry methods which you have suggested.

(600 words)

2. Critically analyse the external and internal audit factors affecting the firm.
(600 words)

3. Critically assess for your client company the key environmental factors that should
be understood and that must be included in the foreign market entry plan. Then, use
examples to illustrate the key points of your assessments with reference to your
proposed market entry method for a targeted international market.
(600 words)

4. Critically evaluate for your client the commonly held belief that there is no single
market entry strategy which is appropriate in all circumstances throughout the
international product lifecycle. Provide answer with reference to the selected market
entry model.
(600 words)

5. Critically discuss the typical barriers to market entry which may be experienced and
the ways to overcomes these barriers or to reduce their impact upon your client’s
market entry ambitions.

(600 words)
5. Task Consideration
• You can use relevant analytical tools to analyze information. Original authors of
any publication should be properly cited by using APA style.
• You need to recommend an innovative marketing campaign for the proposed
• You need to identify a specific PRODUCT/SERVICE for your proposed task.

6. Report Writing Requirement

The report must be word processed and submitted in softcopy. The recommended length
of the complete report is 3,000 words (+/- 10%). The number of words does not include
the table of contents, references and appendices.
7. Format of Report
• Cover page
• Table of Contents: List all the major sections, with page numbers
• Executive Summary (Abstract): a brief summary of the report
• Introduction: a clear identification and discussion of the main task of the
• Body of Report: include all the tasks given in No. 5
• Summary and Conclusion: strong and relevant summary of the report
• References: full referencing of citations, consistently following APA style guide
• Appendices
• Plagiarism with threshold of 30% is allowed.

8. Marking Allocation

Marks will be allocated as follows:

1. Part A-Review of the Literature 30 marks

2. Part B-Industries and Marketing Strategies 30 marks
3. Part C-Proposed Marketing Campaign 30 marks
4. Presentation, Referencing and Grammar/Spelling 10 marks
Total 100 marks

9. Marking Criteria Grid

The grading of marking follows the MARKING CRITERIA GRID, which will be
available on the Student Learning Portal.

10. Deadline of Assignment:

This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your
mark. The marks available for each criterion are shown. Lecturers use a similar format to comment on the
achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit
from development/improvement.


Common Assessment Criteria Applied

1. Research-informed Literature
Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions.

Inserting your references (quality texts and published articles) into the appropriate
places in the text. Listing these at the end of the assignment (APA Method)
Your work must embed and be informed and supported by relevant and credible
scholarly material that is accessible in the learned journals listed on the module
schedule. You should refer to at least 25 such sources. Additionally, you should refer
to text books, current news items and benchmark your organisation against other
organisations to ensure your assignment is current and up-to-date. High-level
referencing skills using the APA Method must be demonstrated throughout your
work and all sources listed alphabetically within your bibliography.

2. Knowledge and Understanding of Subject

Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline.
Demonstrating insights into selected academic concepts and models. 20
The relevance of these in the context of the set questions.
Your work must demonstrate the growing extent of your knowledge and
understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the subject
area. This means that within your work, you should provide evidence of your
growing mastery in critical awareness of current challenges, new insights and the
constant need for innovation within the field. Furthermore, a critical awareness of
the ambiguities and limitations of knowledge and even understanding, should be
considered and examples of such, illustrated within your work.

3. Analysis
Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence

Developing the potential value of the concepts/models. 20

Establishing a conceptual base to be applied in the next section of the assignment.
To be considered DBA worthy, your work must contain evidence of analysis,
evaluation and synthesis. This means not just describing “What!” but also justifying:
Why? How? When? Who? Where? And at what cost! At all times, you must provide
justification of your arguments and judgements. Evidence that you have reflected
upon the ideas of others on matters occurring in the real world of business is crucial
to you providing a reasoned and informed debate within your work. Your choice of
methodologies to gather data and information must be rigorously defended.
Furthermore, you should provide evidence that you are able to make sound
judgements and convincing arguments in the absence of complete data, since within
the real world of work, we rarely have access to, or know all the information!
Persuasive conclusions are especially necessary and must be derived from the
content of your work – there should be no new information presented within your
conclusion. Your work should aspire to resemble work which is of journal publishable

4. Practical Application and Deployment

Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions
to solve problems.
Applying the concepts/ models in order to provide valuable and meaningful solutions 35
and make recommendations to your chosen organisation.
It is essential that you rationalise how you decided upon certain methods, materials,
tools and techniques to inform and complete your work. You must demonstrate
what informed your decision(s) to apply certain concepts that enabled you to
formulate innovative and creative solutions to the challenges presented to you or
that you identified for yourself. Plausible, costed and justifiable recommendations
are demanded and where these are absent, your work is undermined. Your work
should provide evidence that you are growing in mastery in developing cutting edge
processes and techniques within the subject area.

5. Skills for Professional Practice

Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and
Written in report style. Directed at your reader(s) and flows well throughout. 10
Your work must provide evidence of your attributes in the application of professional
practice. This includes demonstrating that you are highly capable of individual and
collaborative working. Regarding the presentation of your work, you must
demonstrate your ability to select and deploy the appropriate media that is “fit for
purpose. Additionally, you must exhibit your ability to: communicate with an
exceptionally high level of professionalism; work professionally, autonomously and
within a team; develop leadership skills; and produce/present work that is coherent,
cogent and specifically addresses the challenges set for you or you have set yourself.
Importantly, your work should be easily understood by specialists and non-specialists
in the field

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