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Student name: Diana Lizbeth Domínguez Lopez

Teacher name: Ariana Marisol Tapia.
Module name: Idioma extranjero IV
Student ID: 21026330
Date: 07/10/22

What euthanasia is?

Oxford advanced American dictionary explains euthanasia is
the practice (illegal in most countries) of killing without pain a
person who is suffering from a disease that cannot be cured,
and Cambridge dictionary mentions is the act of killing
someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer
any more
My opinion
I'm neither for nor against, in one hand, we have the fact that
are diseases without cure and cause a lot of pain, a pain that
will never disappear and will be a trouble for the person and
for his family to see him suffer. in the other hand the movie a
reason to live, based on real life tell the story of Robin
Cavendish who was affected with the polio virus disease that
left him bedridden and had to breathe through a tube, above
all this, he built a wheelchair that allowed him not only to be in
bed and allowed him to enjoy life a little more with his
daughter and his wife. in other words he was resilient.
Robin Cavendish biography
Nietzche said about this, to die with pride when it is no longer
possible to lived with pride. The freely chosen death, the
death carried out on time with lucidity and joy, between
children and witnesses: so that a real farewell is still
possible, to the one who says goodbye still attends.

Sadhguru mentioned that in his opinion nobody has a right to

hold an opinion on euthanasia because it's your opinion,
you’re not making a judgment. It's not an informed judgment, it
is an opinion.

I think he have reason because we don’t know how much pain

is person going through.

Prasoon Joshi with Sadhguru

Euthanasia is a very delicated topic, and I’m neither for nor
against my opinion is the same as Sadhguru nobody has a
right to hold an opinion because it’s your opinion and you’re
not making a judgment, everyone is passing through different
situation and feeling different feelings, and we can’t judge the
actions of the people
Andrea Diaz Genis (mayo 2019). La diaria opinión. La defensa de la eutanasia como buen
vivir. recuperado el 07 de octubre del 2022, de:
Sadhguru (creador). Euthanasia: Is "Mercy-Killing" Right or Wrong? - Prasoon Joshi with
Sadhguru. [youtube]. Recuperado de:
Ana D. (junio de 2019). Biografias e historia. Robin Francis Cavendish. Recuperado el 07
de octubre del 22, de:
Cambridge dictionary.   Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus. [ Version
en linea]. Recuperado el 07 de octubre de 2022, de:
Oxford Dictionary. Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. [version en linea] recuperado el
07 de octubre de 2022, de:

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