05 Kepler

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Phys 8610: Classical Mechanics Fall2008

Kepler's Problem
main January 25, 2000 14:26

3.4 Particle motion 71

Gravitationally bound orbital motiona

U(r) potential energy
G constant of gravitation
Potential energy GMm α
U(r) = − ≡− (3.99) M central mass
of interaction r r m orbiting mass ( M)
α positive constant
E total energy (constant)
α J2 α
Total energy E =− + =− (3.100) J total angular momentum
r 2mr 2 2a (constant)

Virial theorem E = U /2 = − T (3.101) T kinetic energy

(1/r potential) U = −2 T (3.102) · mean value

Orbital r0
= 1 + ecosφ , or (3.103) r0 semi-latus-rectum
equation r
r distance of m from M
(Kepler’s 1st a(1 − e2 )
r= (3.104) e eccentricity
law) 1 + ecosφ
Rate of
sweeping area dA J A area swept out by radius
= = constant (3.105)
(Kepler’s 2nd dt 2m vector (total area = πab)
r0 α a semi-major axis
Semi-major axis a= = (3.106)
1−e 2 2|E| b semi-minor axis

r0 J 2a
Semi-minor axis b= = (3.107)
(1 − e2 )1/2 (2m|E|)1/2 m
A r
 1/2  1/2 r0
Eccentricityb 2EJ 2 b2 φ
e= 1+ = 1 − (3.108)
mα2 a2 M

Semi-latus- J 2 b2 2b ae
rectum r0 = = = a(1 − e2 ) (3.109)
mα a rmax rmin
Pericentre rmin = = a(1 − e) (3.110) rmin pericentre distance
Apocentre rmax = = a(1 + e) (3.111) rmax apocentre distance
(J/r) − (mα/J)
Phase cosφ = (3.112) φ orbital phase
(2mE + m2 α2 /J 2 )1/2
 1/2 ! m "1/2
Period (Kepler’s m
P = πα 3
= 2πa3/2 P orbital period
3rd law) 2|E| α
a For an inverse-square law of attraction between two isolated bodies in the nonrelativistic limit. If m is not  M,
all explicit references to m in Equations (3.100) to (3.113) should be replaced by the reduced mass, µ = Mm/(M +m),
and r taken as the body separation. The distance of mass m from the centre of mass is then rµ/m (see earlier table
on Reduced mass). Other orbital dimensions scale similarly.
b Note that if the total energy, E, is < 0 then e < 1 and the orbit is an ellipse (a circle if e = 0). If E = 0, then e = 1

and the orbit is a parabola. If E > 0 then e > 1 and the orbit becomes a hyperbola (see Rutherford scattering on next
main January 25, 2000 14:26

72 Dynamics and mechanics

Rutherford scatteringa
b for α < 0

scattering x
a a

rmin (α<0)
for α > 0 rmin (α>0)
U(r) = − (3.114) U(r) potential energy
Scattering potential # r
r particle separation
energy < 0 repulsive
α (3.115) α constant
> 0 attractive
χ scattering angle
χ |α|
Scattering angle tan = (3.116) E total energy (> 0)
2 2Eb b impact parameter
|α| χ α
rmin = csc − (3.117) rmin closest approach
Closest approach 2E 2 |α| a hyperbola semi-axis
= a(e ± 1) (3.118) e eccentricity

Semi-axis a= (3.119)
 2 2 1/2
Eccentricity 4E b χ
e= +1 = csc (3.120)
α2 2
4E 2 2 y 2 x,y position with respect to
Motion trajectoryb x − 2 =1 (3.121) hyperbola centre
α2 b
 2 1/2
Scattering centrec α
x=± + b 2
4E 2

dΩ differential scattering
dσ 1 dN cross section
= (3.123)
Rutherford dΩ n dΩ n beam flux density
scattering formulad ! α "2 χ dN number of particles
= csc4 (3.124) scattered into dΩ
4E 2
Ω solid angle
a Nonrelativistic treatment for an inverse-square force law and a fixed scattering centre. Similar scattering results

from either an attractive or repulsive force. See also Conic sections on page 38.
b The correct branch can be chosen by inspection.
c Also the focal points of the hyperbola.
d n is the number of particles per second passing through unit area perpendicular to the beam.

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