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User's Manual - Vital Micro Series A-1


A.1 External keyboard

If required, an external PC-keyboard can be used instead or in conjunction with the integrated
keyboard on the instrument. The advantages of using an external keyboard:

ƒ You can use all keys on a normal PC-keyboard, in particular the available special characters
such as %, $, § and so on

ƒ You can switch between small and capital letters

ƒ Data entering is easier with an external keyboard.
A.1.1 Install the external keyboard

Put the male PS/2 connector of the keyboard in the female PS/2 socket on the rear of the in-
strument; refer to chapter 3., System description to locate the PS/2 port. Now switch on the in-
strument and do as follows:

1. Choose PROGRAM from the main menu using the cursor keys and then press Enter. Alter-
natively, press the corresponding number on the keyboard.

2. In the PROGRAM MENU choose SYSTEM SETTINGS using the cursor keys and then
press Enter. Alternatively, press the corresponding number on the keyboard.

3. Another field appears on the screen that instructs you to enter a password. Enter your
password and then press Enter.

4. In the SYSTEM SETTINGS screen select the category HARDWARE using the cursor key
Down and press Enter. The following screen is indicated:


A-2 User's Manual – Vital Micro Series


5. The cursor now focuses on the field EXT KEYB. This field shows the type of external key-
board for installation. Use the Up/Down cursor keys to select the type of keyboard you
have, for example, <United States> means a keyboard with the US key assignment. Press
Enter to confirm.

6. Press the softkey MAIN to open the main menu. Then select SHUT DOWN using the cursor
keys. After a possible end of the day maintenance procedure you can switch off the instru-

7. Switch the analyser on again. You can now use the external keyboard instead or in con-
junction with the integrated keyboard. When you have attached the keyboard for the first
time and you press any key, the instrument will give a recognition signal (three beeps).

A.1.2 Key occupancy

All keys work as a on a normal PC-keyboard and you can use them all. For example, the key
SHIFT switches between small and capital letters, Enter confirms all selections or entries in the
software. The following exceptions are important:

Key Function

PgUp Increments the contrast on the instrument's screen. It corresponds to the key
"+" on the integrated keyboard. To use the genuine function PageUp, e.g., in a
list, you first have to press the space bar once. This function will be active until
you press the space bar again.

PgDn Decrements the contrast on the instrument's screen. It corresponds to the key
"-" on the integrated keyboard. To use the genuine function PageDown, e.g., in
a list, you first have to press the space bar once. This function will be active
until you press the space bar again.

F1 to F6 Represents the softkeys on the integrated keyboard from the left to the right

F7 Represents the key "flush" on the integrated keyboard

F8 Represents the key "prime" on the integrated keyboard

F9 Represents the key "meas" on the integrated keyboard

F10 Represents the key "paper" on the integrated keyboard

F11 Has no function


F12 Represents the silver sipper key on the left of the instrument

For a detailed explanation of the system components and the integrated keyboard, please refer
to chapter 3. System description.

User's Manual - Vital Micro Series A-3


A.2 Order information

The following consumables and spare parts you can order from your distributor:

Item Order No.

Printer ribbon 3073-105

Paper roll 3073-025

Fuse glass 1.6 A slow-blow for 220 V 3348-175

Quartz-iodine lamp 12 V / 20 W 3380-018


A-4 User's Manual – Vital Micro Series

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