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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 277, No. 32, Issue of August 9, pp.

28836 –28840, 2002

© 2002 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Molecular Characterization of an Extended Binding Site for

Coagulation Factor Va in the Positive Exosite of
Activated Protein C*
Received for publication, May 3, 2002, and in revised form, June 8, 2002
Published, JBC Papers in Press, June 12, 2002, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M204363200

Andrew J. Gale‡, Alexander Tsavaler, and John H. Griffin

From the Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute,
La Jolla, California 92037

The anticoagulant human plasma serine protease, ac- teractions of this exosite with the APC substrate, FVa. Peptide
tivated protein C (APC), inhibits blood coagulation by inhibition studies clearly implicated the autolysis loop (resi-
specific inactivation of the coagulation cofactors factor dues 301–316, chymotrypsin (CHT) residues 142–153) in bind-
Va (FVa) and factor VIIIa. Site-directed mutagenesis of ing of APC to FVa (8). Alanine scanning of individual residues
residues in three surface loops of a positive exosite lo- in this loop was used to identify residues Arg306, Lys311, Arg312,
cated on APC was used to identify residues that play a and Arg314 as critical residues in the interaction of APC with
significant role in binding to FVa. Eighteen different FVa. Furthermore, these residues are primarily involved in
residues were mutated to alanine singly, in pairs, or in interactions with the Arg506 cleavage site on FVa, and muta-
triple mutation combinations. Mutant APC proteins tion of them has little effect on Arg306 cleavage (9). Another
were purified and characterized for their inactivation of study determined that the naturally occurring type II APC
FVa. Three APC residues were identified that provide
mutation of Arg352 to Trp (CHT 187) results in defective FVa
major contributions to FVa interactions: Lys193, Arg229,
inactivation as well (10). Residues in loop 37 (CHT 37–39) were
and Arg230. In addition, four residues made significant
also determined to be important for FVa Arg506 cleavage,
minor contributions to FVa interactions: Lys191, Lys192,
Asp214, and Glu215. All of these residues primarily con- whereas one mutation in the calcium binding loop (CHT 70 –
tribute to APC cleavage at Arg506 in FVa and play a small 80) at Arg229 (CHT 74) and mutations in loop 60 (CHT 60 – 67)
role in the interaction of APC with the Arg306 cleavage had little effect on FVa inactivation (11). Studies have also
site. In conjunction with previously published work, implicated this positive exosite in interactions with thrombo-
these results define an extensive FVa binding site in the modulin and heparin (12, 13).
positive exosite of APC that is primarily involved in As a continuation of our autolysis loop studies, we undertook
binding and cleaving at Arg506 on FVa. a complete alanine-scanning mutagenesis of the remaining
surface loops in the basic exosite of APC (Fig. 1). We inspected
the crystal structure of gla-domainless APC to verify that can-
Activated protein C (APC)1 provides a critical feedback didate residues were on the surface of APC and mutated every
mechanism to inhibit the coagulation pathway. Protein C cir- surface-exposed residue in these loops to alanine, either singly
culates in the blood as an inactive serine protease zymogen or in pairs. Additionally we made double and triple mutation
that is activated by thrombin when it is complexed with throm- combinations of some individual mutations that had negative
bomodulin on the surface of endothelial cells (1, 2). APC then effects. In loop 37, which contains residues 190 –193 (CHT
inactivates the procoagulant cofactors factor Va (FVa) and fac- 36 –39), residues Ser190, Lys191, Lys192, and Lys193 were mu-
tor VIIIa via specific cleavages of these proteins (3–5). tated. In loop 60, which contains residues 214 –222 (CHT 60 –
Recent evidence suggests that a basic exosite located on APC 68), residues Asp214, Glu215, Lys217, Lys218, and Arg222 were
is critical for recognition and inactivation of FVa. This exosite mutated. In the calcium-binding loop, which contains residues
was first recognized in a molecular model of the serine-protease 225–235 (CHT 70 – 80), residues Asp227, Arg229, Arg230, Trp231,
domain of APC and was proposed to be a likely candidate for Glu232, Lys233, and Trp234 were mutated. Combined with pre-
protein-protein interactions (6). The presence of the exosite was viously published work (9, 10), analysis of these mutations
confirmed in the x-ray crystallographic structure of the gla- allowed us to define an extensive binding site for FVa in the
domainless APC (7). The exosite is generally located in the positive exosite of APC.
same position as anion binding exosite I of thrombin, an exosite MATERIALS AND METHODS
that is involved in a variety of thrombin-protein interactions. Proteins and Reagents—FVa and Gln506-FVa were prepared as de-
Subsequently, studies have been done to characterize the in- scribed (14, 15). FXa was purchased from Enzyme Research Laborato-
ries (South Bend, IN). Phospholipid vesicles (80% phosphatidylcholine,
20% phosphatidylserine) were prepared as described (16). The chromo-
* This study was supported in part by National Institutes of Health genic substrate H-D-lysyl (g-Cbo)-prolyl-argininyl-p-nitroanilide (Pe-
Grants HL52246 and HL21544 and a fellowship from the Leukemia and
fachrome PCa) was purchased from Centerchem, Inc. (Norwalk, CT).
Lymphoma Society (to A. J. G.). This is article no. 14921-MEM from the
The chromogenic substrate CBS 34-47 was purchased from American
Scripps Research Institute. The costs of publication of this article were
defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must Bioproducts (Parsippany, NJ). Normal human citrate-anticoagulated
therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 plasma was purchased from George King Bio-Medical, Inc. (Overland
U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. Park, KS).
‡ To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 858-784-8220; Expression and Purification of Recombinant Protein C—Mutant pro-
Fax: 858-784-2243; E-mail: tein C expression vectors were constructed as described (17). Purified
The abbreviations used are: APC, activated protein C; FVa, factor recombinant protein C was prepared as described using a fast flow
Va; FXa, factor Xa; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; CHT, Q-Sepharose column (9, 17). Some preparations of recombinant protein
chymotrypsin; BSA, bovine serum albumin. C were purified further by chromatography on a calcium-dependent

28836 This paper is available on line at

This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license.

Factor Va Binding Site on Activated Protein C 28837
Km and kcat of APCs for pefachrome PCa
Mutant APCs were reacted with the chromogenic substrate pefa-
chrome PCa at an APC concentration of 5.7 nM and substrate concen-
tration from 0.045 to 1.43 mM in HBS, 0.5% BSA, and either EDTA or
5 mM EDTA 5 mM CaCl2
Km kcat Km kcat

mM sec⫺1 mM sec⫺1
Wild-type .39 45 0.43 64
S190A .40 66
K191A .42 68
K192A .33 54
K193A .40 59
K191A/K192A/K193A .45 90
D214A/E215A .35 71
K217A/K218A .49 75
FIG. 1. Location of APC surface loops in positively charged R222A 1.37 105 1.41 124
exosite. A schematic structure of the serine-protease domain of APC in D227A 1.41 86 .88 129
the standard orientation is shown. The active site triad is black and the R229A .52 50 .44 69
three loops of the positive exosite that were mutated are highlighted in R230A .43 37 .45 53
gray. The APC structure was based on Mather et al. (7) and was created R229A/R230A .40 60 .46 79
with Molscript (26) and rendered with Raster3D (23). W231A .37 78 .44 102
K233A .45 53 .40 63
E232A/W234A .46 45 .49 71
sheep polyclonal anti-protein C antibody-Sepharose column (18) as
described (9). Final concentration of protein C was determined using
the Asserachrom Protein C enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) assay from American Bioproducts (Parsippany, NJ). RESULTS
Functional Assays—Protein C was activated by thrombin. Protein C Production and Characterization of Protein C Mutants—
in HBS (50 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl) with 2 mM EDTA and 0.5% BSA, Wild type and mutant recombinant protein C were recovered at
pH 7.4, at a concentration of 600 ␮g/ml was incubated for 2.5 h with 12
levels varying from 0.1 to 1.5 mg/liter of conditioned medium.
␮g/ml thrombin at 37 °C followed by the addition of 1.1 units of hirudin
per unit of thrombin to inactivate the thrombin. Controls were done in After purification, recombinant protein concentrations were
amidolytic assays, clotting assays, and FVa inactivation assays to verify determined by ELISA. Silver-stained gels showed that the pro-
that the thrombin and hirudin used had no effect on subsequent assays. teins appeared to be 75–95% pure (data not shown) and also
All APC mutants were quantitated using an active site titration showed no apparent changes in molecular mass (62 kDa) for
adapted from Chase and Shaw (19) using APC at ⬃8 ␮M in HBS and the mutants with respect to wild type recombinant protein C.
p-nitrophenol-guanidino benzoate at 0.1 mM with an extinction coeffi-
Protein C was activated with thrombin as described under
cient for p-nitrophenol of 11,400 M⫺1 cm⫺1 calculated for pH 7.4. Km and
kcat for the chromogenic substrate, Pefachrome PCa, were determined “Materials and Methods,” and concentration of APC was deter-
by varying substrate concentration from 1.43 to 0.0446 mM in HBS, mined by active site titration with p-nitrophenol guanidino-
0.5% BSA, 5 mM CaCl2, pH 7.4 with APC at 5.7 nM. Michaelis constants benzoate. Following active site titration, standard curves for
were derived using Eadie-Hofstee plots. Alternatively, the 5 mM CaCl2 activity with the amidolytic substrate Pefachrome PCa were
was replaced with 5 mM EDTA for similar determinations. Color devel- performed, and this amidolytic assay was used to determine
opment was measured with an Optimax microplate reader (Molecular
the activity of samples immediately prior to use in all subse-
Devices, Sunnyvale, CA) (16).
Dilute prothrombin time clotting assays were performed according to quent assays. Km and kcat for the substrate Pefachrome PCa
the following procedure. Plasma (50 ␮l) was incubated with 50 ␮l of were derived from titrations of substrate in HBS with 0.5%
APC in HBS with 0.5% BSA at APC concentrations from 8 to 32 nM BSA and 5 mM CaCl2, pH 7.4 (Table I). For APC containing
(2.7–11 nM final concentration) for 3 min at 37 °C. Then clotting was mutants in the calcium-binding loop, Km and kcat were also
initiated by adding 50 ␮l of Innovin (Dade Behring Inc., Newark, DE) determined in the same buffer except that the CaCl2 was re-
diluted 1:60 in HBS, 0.5% BSA, and 25 mM CaCl2. The clotting time was
placed with 5 mM EDTA. Negligible changes in Km and kcat for
measured using an ST4 coagulometer (Diagnostica Stago, Asnieres,
France). APC inactivation by serpins present in plasma was measured this small chromogenic substrate are taken to suggest that
essentially according to the protocol of Heeb et al. (20). mutation did not result in a major structural defect in the
Inactivation of FVa was measured according to the following proce- protein that would complicate interpretation of any functional
dure. A mixture of 1 nM FVa with 25 ␮M phospholipid vesicles was made results.
in 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 100 mM NaCl, 0.5% BSA, 5 mM CaCl2, and 0.1 Most of the mutant APCs did not significantly differ from
mM MnCl2. Inactivation was initiated by the addition of APC. One-
wild type in their Km and kcat for Pefachrome PCa. Only four
microliter aliquots were removed at time points and added to 40 ␮l
containing 1.25 nM factor Xa (FXa) with 31 ␮M phospholipid vesicles, mutants had notable differences. First, the mutation W231A
followed by the addition of 10 ␮l of 3 ␮M prothrombin (final concentra- had an increased kcat both in the presence and the absence of
tions: 1 nM FXa, 20 pM FVa, 25 ␮M phospholipid vesicles, and 0.6 ␮M CaCl2; however, the Km was unchanged. The APC mutant
prothrombin). After 2.5 min a 15-␮l aliquot of this mixture was K191A/K192A/K193A also had an increased kcat. The mutant
quenched by the addition to 55 ␮l of HBS containing 10 mM EDTA, 0.5% R222A had a large change in both Km and kcat in the presence
BSA, pH 8.2. Chromogenic substrate CBS 34-47 was added, and the
and absence of CaCl2. Finally, the mutant D227A had signifi-
rate of thrombin formation was assessed by measuring the change in
absorbance at 405 nm. cantly altered kinetic parameters for cleavage of Pefachrome
Curve fitting of the pseudo-first order time courses of FVa inactiva- PCa, but in this case the difference in Km from wild type was
tion was done according to Nicolaes et al. (21) as described (9). k506 is the smaller in the presence of CaCl2 than it was in the presence of
apparent second-order rate constant for cleavage at Arg506 in native EDTA. This suggests that this mutation had some effect on
FVa, k306 is the apparent second-order rate constant for cleavage at calcium binding. In fact, the backbone carbonyl of Asp227 is

Arg306 in FVaint, and k306 is the apparent second-order rate constant for
⬘ proposed to be a calcium ligand (6), so it is not unexpected that
cleavage at Arg306 in intact FVa. k306 was determined from the inacti-
vation time courses of Gln506-FVa fit to a single exponential and was mutation of this residue could affect calcium binding. Alter-
taken as a constant in determination of k506 and k306. Data were fit to ations in the APC amidolytic activity caused by these two
the equations using nonlinear least-squares regression analysis. mutations (Arg222 and Arg227) suggest that the conformation of
28838 Factor Va Binding Site on Activated Protein C

FIG. 3. Comparison of anticoagulant activity of all APC mu-

tants to wild type APC. The anticoagulant activity of each mutant
FIG. 2. Functional activity of select APC mutants. A, dilute was determined by dilute prothrombin time assays and converted to a
prothrombin time assay of APC anticoagulant activity over a concen- percentage of wild type by averaging together the percent of wild type
tration range of APC. B, FVa inactivation assay. Factor Va was inacti- activity at each concentration of mutant APC tested using data aver-
vated by APC for various times, and residual factor Va activity was aged from 2– 8 experiments.
assayed in a prothrombinase assay as described under “Materials and
Methods.” Wild type APC (⫹); R229A, (䡺); R230A (E); R229A/R230A
(⌬). Data shown are averages of three to eight experiments.
each mutant is shown in Fig. 3 as a percentage of wild type.
Although, in the calcium-binding loop mutations at residues
the mutant is compromised in some way such that it is not Arg229 and Arg230 markedly decreased APC activity, mutation
possible to definitively ascribe changes in anticoagulant func- of residues Trp231, Glu232, Lys233, and Trp234 did not have any
tion to altered APC-FVa interactions. Therefore, we cannot negative effect on anticoagulant activity. Therefore, it would
draw firm conclusions about the interactions of these two res- appear that these residues do not have a significant role in FVa
idues with factor Va. recognition by APC. As seen in Fig. 3, specific Lys residues in
To further confirm that the mutations with effects on FVa loop 37, especially Lys193, are essential for normal anticoagu-
inactivation rates did not have significant changes in APC lant activity, whereas Ser190 has no role in anticoagulant ac-
active site functional activity, several mutants and wild type tivity. In loop 60, residues Asp214 and Glu215 moderately con-
APC were assayed for their rate of inactivation in plasma, tribute to anticoagulant activity, while Lys217 and Lys218 have
which primarily reflects inactivation of APC by the serpins, no significant role in anticoagulant activity. Mutation of Arg222
␣-1-antitrypsin (AAT), and protein C inhibitor (22). Wild type to Ala greatly reduced anticoagulant activity, but, as noted
APC activity had a half-life (t1⁄2) for inactivation in plasma of above, this mutation altered amidolytic activity, so it likely
21.4 min. The APC mutants D214E/A215A (t1⁄2 ⫽ 24.1), R229A caused a global structural perturbation of APC. Although the
(t1⁄2 ⫽ 18.8), R230A (t1⁄2 ⫽ 23.6), R229A/R230A (t1⁄2 ⫽ 27.5), and reduction in anticoagulant activity observed for R222A may be
K191A/K192A/K193A (t1⁄2 ⫽ 21.0) had half-lives in plasma that because of loss of a specific binding interaction between APC
were very similar to that of wild type APC. In contrast, the two and FVa, we cannot draw any conclusion because global struc-
APC mutants that appeared to have perturbations of the active tural perturbations could have the same effect. In the calcium-
site, R222A (t1⁄2 ⫽ 208 min) and D227A (t1⁄2 ⫽ 83.0 min), were binding loop, mutation of Asp227 also had a moderate effect on
clearly defective in their inactivation by serpins, further con- anticoagulant activity, but, as was the case for R222A, this
firming that these proteins have global conformational changes mutation altered amidolytic activity and appeared to cause
that affect active site interactions with various substrates. structural perturbations of APC. Furthermore, it is likely that
Functional Activity of Mutant APCs—All of the mutant APCs this mutation affected calcium ion binding. Therefore, we can-
were evaluated for anticoagulant function in a dilute prothrom- not draw any conclusions about the role of Asp227 in FVa
bin time assay as described under “Materials and Methods.” inactivation.
This assay is highly sensitive to factor V activity in plasma, but To define effects of mutations on specific cleavages in FVa by
controls were done to verify that it is insensitive to factor VIII APC, we studied FVa inactivation in a purified system. Fig. 2B
activity as well as factor IX activity (data not shown), confirm- shows results from experiments using normal plasma-derived
ing that this assay reflects APC inactivation of FVa. Fig. 2A FVa. Cleavage rate constants for Arg506 and Arg306 cleavages
shows the anticoagulant activity of selected APC mutants. by each APC mutant were derived from inactivation time
Mutation of Arg229 or Arg230 to Ala significantly decreased the courses according to established equations (9, 21). Wild type
anticoagulant activity with a somewhat greater effect for APC had a value for k506 (Arg506 cleavage) of 93 ⫻ 106 M⫺1
R229A. The double mutation of R229A/R230A had an even sec⫺1. Fig. 4A shows k506 values for wild type and mutant
larger decrease in anticoagulant activity. APCs. Wild type APC had a value for k306 (Arg306 cleavage
The anticoagulant activity of each APC mutant was esti- following Arg506 cleavage) of 3.0 ⫻ 106 M⫺1 sec⫺1. Fig. 4B shows
mated from Fig. 2A and from identical experiments for other k306 values for wild type and mutant APCs. The cleavage rate

APC mutants (data not shown), and anticoagulant activity of for Arg306 cleavage in the absence of Arg506 cleavage (k306 ) was
Factor Va Binding Site on Activated Protein C 28839

FIG. 4. Effect of APC mutations on rate constants for cleavages at Arg506 and Arg306 in FVa. A, cleavage rate constants for Arg506. B,
cleavage rate constants for Arg306. Cleavage rates are apparent second-order rate constants in units of M⫺1 sec⫺1, which were determined as
described under “Materials and Methods.” C, ratio of the cleavage rate constant for Arg506 to that for Arg306 (k506/k306). The ratio for wild type APC
is presented at the top of the bar graph and the dashed vertical line indicates the ratio for wild type APC (ratio ⫽ 31).

also determined for all APC mutants by measuring cleavage of this is apparently because of an increase in the Arg306 cleavage

plasma-derived Gln506-FVa. The value of k306 for wild type rate rather than a decrease in the Arg506 cleavage rate.
6 ⫺1 ⫺1
APC was 1.7 ⫻ 10 M sec . This value was about 60% of the
value of k306, and all APC mutants gave similar values for k306
relative to their respective k306, values (data not shown). Con- Mutational analysis using conservative alanine mutations to
sistent with previously published data (9, 21), this suggests probe protein-protein interactions is a well established method
that cleavage at Arg506 modestly enhances the rate of cleavage for characterizing the molecular details of the interaction (9,
at Arg306. 24). However, it cannot be conclusively ruled out that muta-
From Fig. 2B and Fig. 4A it is clear that both the R229A and tions alter folding properties of the protein or exert their effects
the R230A mutations had large effects in decreasing the FVa at a distance from the interaction site rather than alter a
Arg506 cleavage rate constants, and the double mutation specific protein-protein interaction. To minimize this possibil-
R229A/R230A had an even larger effect. Fig. 4A also shows ity, we analyzed the kinetic parameters of mutant APCs for
that the mutation K193A had a large effect on the Arg506 cleavage of a small chromogenic substrate (Table I), and for
cleavage rate constant, whereas the mutations K191A and selected APC mutants we also measured the rate of inactiva-
K192A had only moderate effects. In contrast, the double mu- tion by plasma serpins. In both cases, kinetic parameters
tation D214A/E215A increased the rate constant for Arg306 equivalent to those of wild type APC suggest that no gross
cleavage but not for Arg506 cleavage. With that exception, the structural changes were caused by the mutations. As excep-
effects of most of these mutations were largest for cleavage at tions, significant changes in these parameters for two mutants
Arg506 (k506) and apparently much less for cleavage at Arg306 (R222A and D227A) caused us to remove them from consider-
(k306, Fig. 4). This selective effect of these mutations in APC on ation in our structure-function analysis. In support of this, the
the Arg506 cleavage is illustrated in Fig. 4C, where the ratio of x-ray crystallographic structure of APC (7) illustrates that all
the Arg506 cleavage rate constant (k506) to the Arg306 cleavage of these mutated residues are fully surface exposed, except for
rate constant (k306) is shown for wild type and mutant APCs. Arg222 and Asp227, which are only partially exposed, so muta-
Wild type APC cleaves Arg506 (k506) 31⫻ faster than it cleaves tion of them might be expected to have structural conse-
Arg306 following Arg506 cleavage (k306). APC mutants that had quences. Therefore, for the remaining mutants, it is reasonable
reduced activity mainly lost activity for Arg506 cleavage. This is to assume that functional changes caused by mutations are the
reflected in the reduced ratio (k506/k306, Fig. 4C). This reduced result of alteration of specific protein-protein interactions.
ratio is clear for the mutations K193A, R229A, and R230A. The Accordingly, our results provide insights into APC exosite
triple mutation, K191A/K192A/K193A, had an even greater interactions with FVa. Residues Arg229, Arg230, and Lys193 play
reduction in ratio in an apparent additive effect of the three the largest role in FVa interactions, whereas residues Lys191,
individual mutations. The double mutation R229A/R230A also Lys192, Asp214, and Glu215 appear to play minor roles. The rate
manifested an additive effect of the two individual mutations. of cleavage at Arg506 in FVa is significantly affected by muta-
This graph indicates that the double mutation D214A/E215A had tion of each of these residues, whereas cleavage at Arg306 is
a significant effect on the ratio of k506 to k306. But, as noted above, only mildly affected. Conversely, residues Lys217, Lys218,
28840 Factor Va Binding Site on Activated Protein C
Trp231, Glu232, Lys233, and Trp234 do not appear to play any APC that were measured in plasma were virtually identical. It
significant role in FVa interactions with APC. is possible that the proximity of these residues to the catalytic
Friedrich et al. (11) mutated Arg229 (CHT 74) to Gln, a triad, both in sequence and in tertiary structure, plays a role in
naturally occurring type II protein C mutation, and concluded the difference between clotting activity and FVa inactivation
that this residue played, at most, a minor role in the interaction activity. We suggest that residues Asp214 and Glu215 may have
of APC with the Arg506 cleavage site of FVa. This is in contrast a minor role in FVa interactions.
to the significant reduction in APC activity we observed here It is intriguing that most of the mutants presented in this
for the R229A mutant. But the mutation was not the same, so work and others (9, 11) that were defective in FVa inactivation
direct comparison is not possible. In fact, both naturally occur- primarily affected Arg506 cleavage rather than Arg306 cleavage
ring mutations of Arg229 (R229Q and R229W) are still potential in FVa. Pellequer et al. (25) modeled APC bound to the Arg506
hydrogen bond donors. In contrast, the mutation R229A re- cleavage site, and the model showed extensive contacts be-
moves all hydrogen bonding possibility at residue 229. There- tween the positive exosite of APC and FVa with Arg506 bound
fore, it is possible that these mutations (R229Q and R229W) in the S1 site of APC. This APC/FVa model allowed for contacts
maintain part of the functional contact provided by Arg229, with certain basic residues of the APC autolysis loop that were
which could also involve hydrogen bonding. Thus, mutation to suggested by mutation to be involved in FVa binding (9) and it
these naturally occurring mutants, while reflecting what hap- also allowed that Arg229 and Arg230 could interact with FVa. In
pens in individuals with these mutations, would not necessar- addition loop 37 (Lys191, Lys192, and Lys193) was modeled to be
ily elucidate the normal functional role of the wild type Arg229 in contact with FVa. The data in this paper are consistent with
in FVa interactions. We conclude that Arg229 does indeed play Pellequer’s APC/FVa complex model because we show that
a significant role in interactions of APC with FVa. Further- Lys193, Arg229, and Arg230 are all critical for interactions with
more, Arg230 clearly plays a significant role in interactions of FVa during cleavage of Arg506.
APC with FVa. Thus, the calcium-binding loop is central in the In summary, including our previous work (9), we have now
interaction of APC with FVa. identified a total of seven residues in the positive exosite of
Friedrich et al. (11) also concluded that residues Lys191, Lys192, APC that appear to play a major role in FVa binding (Lys193,
and Lys193 (CHT 37–39) were involved in cleavage of Arg506 in Arg229, Arg230, Arg306, Lys311, Arg312, and Arg314) and at least
FVa by APC, whereas residues Lys217 and Lys218 (CHT 62 and four that appear to play a minor but significant role (Lys217,
63) were not involved in this interaction. This agrees well with Lys218, Lys307, and Glu308), with two more at the periphery of
our results, but we mutated residues 191, 192, and 193 individ- the positive exosite that may play a minor role (Asp214 and
ually as well as together, whereas Friedrich et al. (11) only Glu215). These results serve to outline an extensive FVa bind-
mutated them all at once. From these individual mutations we ing exosite on the surface of the protease domain of APC. In
were able to determine that the three Lys residues did not con- future work it will be interesting to see how this FVa binding
tribute equally to this interaction. Rather, Lys193 played the exosite compares to exosites for other APC/PC molecular part-
largest role in the interaction of APC with FVa. ners such as thrombomodulin and FVIIIa.
In a previous study (9), we identified several residues in the
Acknowledgment—We thank Cynthia Kos for technical assistance.
autolysis loop of APC (residues 301–316, equivalent to chymo-
trypsin 142–153) that also play a very significant role in FVa REFERENCES
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