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AREVA T&D is on the cutting edge of development in new technologies. for very high voltage live tank circuit breakers. Over 80,000 have been installed worldwide and more than 1,000 new 245 kV ~ 800 kV circuit breakers are commissioned every year. ‘The largest utilities in the world acknowledge and select AREVA TaD live tank circuit breakers for their networks as the only choice for first class transmission technology. (Our R&D, production and commercalization units are certifed ISO 9001 2000. This implies that throughout the entire production process, all ‘employees, all equipment and all ofthe company's operations are dedicated to ualty contribution and permanent improvement In addition to the numerous standarized quality checks (R&D, type tests, purchasing quality, conformity tests on our suppliers’ parts, routine circuit breaker tests, packing, transportation, installation and commissioning), we increase aur quality process through the application ofthe fllowing > Supplier evaluation and selection flowchart, > Suppliers type test on samples, > Our awn production and contro ofthe insulated rods, > Annual inspection program which carries out tests on fully assembled Circuit breakers taken at random from the production line, and even some destructive tests on separate components. We make an effort to go beyond the usual testing situations and all these quality procedures assure that our customers receive the safest, most reiable circuit-breaker available on the market. BREAKING CHAMBER (1) Identical breaking chambers equip the whole range: > One single chamber for 245 KV and 300 KV, > Two chambers for 362 KV to 550 KV, > Four chambers for 800 kV. To reach the highest performances while reducing spring mechanism energy, the AREVA T&D Research Center has succeeded in > Perfecting the arcing contacts design, > Developing and enhancing a thermal effect, > Optimizing the puffer effect thanks to a specific guiding nozzle. FA 3 epring operating mechanism tired (aeerent 13 sprig operating mechani (9 Product Description: Design & Components INSULATED TIE ROD (2) {As this is one ofthe most sensitive components, linking the spring mechanism tothe interrupting ‘chamber, each insulated te rod is factory tested for strength and dielectric partial discharge. To permit 2 Quick, easy and safe on-site installation, AREVA ‘T&D circuit breakers are equipped with spring ‘operating mechanisms that are in direct link with the tie rod, thus avoiding additional site adjustment, SPRING OPERATING MECHANISM (3) ‘A dedicated AREVA T&D unit has been developing ‘and producing spring mechanisms sinee 1933, ‘Tne most recent state-of the-art evolution was the launch of the FK 3 spring operating mechanism" > The FK 3 equipes AREVA T&D Air and Gas Insulated Switchgears; > More than 70,000 FK 3 mechanisms are currently in operation world-wide (8,000 installed per year); > The FK 3 is tested and homologated for 10,000 operations (class M2 1EC62271-100} > The closing & opening springs are incorporated; > Balanced and simple kinematics permit fully stable operating times (at 800 KV, two FK per phase work in synchronization); > No adjustments requited during the installation phase: > Aluminium IP 85; > Direct ink betwaen FK 3 axle and circut-breaker insulated te rod, * CIGRE, analyzing world-wide circuit-breaker failures, advises the use of spring operating ‘mechanism in order to insure the highest reliability {CIGRE 1994 : Technical report 83, final report of the second intemational enquiry on high voltage circuit-breaker failures and defects in service). CLOSING RESISTORS (4) (optional) ‘Adding closing resistors to your system permits damping ‘of overvoltages due to clasing on unloaded long lines. AREVA TAD has a unique design that offers: > The possibilty to foresee the circult-breaker in ‘order to later easily add closing resistors, > Direct mechanical kinematics and a very simple electrical circuit. CAPACITORS (5) (depending on type & performance rating) Grading capacitors: > Improve the voltage repartition between chambers of the same phase for a multchamber crcui-broaker, > Improve the circut-breaker performance towards short ine fault application by decreasing the natural {réquency of the TRV. CENTRAL HOUSING (6) ‘Simple mechanical kinematics ensure perfect, ‘coupling between the insulated tie rod and the ‘moving interrupting contacts. ELECTRICAL CUBICLE (7) AREVA T&D has designed a standardized control cubicle (Aluminium IP $5) to protect the low voltage ‘equipment while ensuring and monitoring pole operations. Performance & Options Ice >> Breaker type [aust4 00) Jeus15 (xo) [ets16 oo) foL317 coo) _|etst8 CXO) Number of breaks / phase q 1 2 2 b la Rated normal voltage kv as 300 62. azo isso [s00 Rated normal current la [310 (4000) [4000 [4000 [4000 000 [4000 Rated dielectric withstand (up to 1000 m) >>At power frequency kv l4s0/s30" }435isa0" |s2or700-—|erovrso* —_—feooreao 1150/1200" >> At lightning impulse (1,250 ys wave) lkv (peak) fr0sor1200- | 40501200" 1175/1300" |r4zsrtss0- frssavte00" | 2100/2400" >>At switching impulse __|kV (peak) [NA 350 950 1050 [1175 1425 Rated shor-cirult breaking capacity >>Periogic component (ems. value) ka Iso 40 \s0(63) ls0(63) I50(63) 50163) First pole-to-clear factor 1s 13 1s 1s hs hs Peak short-cireut withstand |xA (peak) [149 148 +70 170 hi70 170 current Rated line-charging ICiass c2 CiassC2 |Ciassc2 —[ciassc2_—olassc2_—|ciass.c2 capacitive switching Mechanical endurance [class m2 ClassM2__|Classm2 __[ClassM2___[ClassM2 [Class M2 Break-time/opening or oycies (2 2 2 2 kh 2 closing Characteristics given for 50 He for information ‘Thanks to breaking chambers and spring operating 60 Hz versions also available. mechanisms, we can now propose an extended “Non-standard value for specific application range of circuit breakers for rating performances For others value, please consult us Up to 63 KA and 800 KV. As an example of ‘extended performance: we can achieve 420 KV / This range can be used in extreme operating '50 KA -30°C with 2 chambers without capacitors. conditions such as: > Low temperature to 60°C. ‘Another key strength is our strict compliance with > Seismic withstand: up to 0,59 IEC / IEEE / the latest IEC 62271-100 standard covering the ENDESA demonstrated by shaking table tests. most severe class concerning line capacitive > High pollution level: 25 mmkV standard creepage switching (class C2) and mechanical endurance cistance, Available also for vary high pollution (class M2: 10 000 CO), level regions. > igh insulation level fr attude installation. In all ranges, the porcelain insulators can be replaced by composite insulators on request The GL range development was supported by the previous AREVA range of spring operating mechanism circuit breakers. The main focus was to increase: Type Description: > Overall ctcuit breaker performances, Relabilty (reducing spring operating mechanism Gas-insulated circuit breaker. power). Live Tank breaker design. rd generation breaking chamber. 114 for 245 KV oF 300 kV, oF 15 for 362 kV, oF 16 for 420 kV, or 17 for 550 KV, oF 18 for 800 KV. for high breaking capability. closing resistor option). MONITORING SYSTEM: CBWatch-2 This relay module, located inside the circuit breaker control cubicle, racoras and analyzes all key parameters (thanks to sensors installed on the breaker), ‘The result ofthis analysis is compared by the (CBWatch-2 process with the proprietary data base. ‘The CBWatch-2 permits predictive maintenance: it informs the user about the condition ofthe circuit breaker and trends in operating parameters. ‘These advanced signals allow the users to: > plan all actions required before actual failure occurs, > recuice preventive maintenance visits by remote ‘access to all data describing the status of the breaker. A\linformation can be consulted locally or remotely. ‘The circult breaker can be equipped in the factory with sensors in order to later configure and install the CBWatch-2 relay, a eee © RPHZ SYNCHRONIZATION: Point on wave controller RPH2 ‘The controlled switching during opening andlor closing operations performed withthe Point on Wave relay RPH2 allows: > Limitation ofthe over voltage or over current generated during switching of transformers, reactors or capacitor banks, > Guarantees a longer life for associated switchgear, > Avoids expensive over insulation for the EHV switchgear. Closing Resistor SWITCHING EXTRA HIGH VOLTAGE LINES: Closing resistors [D option] ‘The energizing of long no-load lines can lead to very high and damaging over-voltages in the network. The most improved solution to limiting them is to insert resistors inthe circuit during Closing of the circuit breaker. ‘The AREVA T&D system (patented and unique) accomplishes the folowing > Integrates the closing resistors directly inside the interrupting chamber, > Permits circuit breaker preparation in order to ‘easily add closing resistors later, > Assures a direct mechanical kinematics and very simple electrical circuit, This solution has been field proven for more than 30 years. Clients RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT > Experienced engineers > 3D design sofware > Finite element calculation sofware for structural and seismic design > Electrical are behaviour software > Electrostatic field and electromagnetic feld calculation by finite element method > 3D electrostatic calculation by frontier integral method > Type tests laboratories From the identification ofthe client's needs to product disposal, four quality validation stages are respected and all departments are involved in each step. TYPE TESTING AREVA TAD circuit breakers are tested using world Testing Liaison) such as Kema, Cerda, Cesi, ana are in full compliance with latest IEC and ANSI standards. Some clients request us to follow specific qualification processes (additonal tess, spectic reports..), and we have special homologation from EDF, Hydro-Quebec, Russia (Gost), Mexico (LAPEM) gE pe: GL318 in tests laboratory class laboratories, all members of STL (Short-crcuit To Best Serve Our CONTRACT HANDLING For each contrac, a dedicated project manager with his contract engineering team follow a strict project managment procedure. The project manager is responsible for > Ensuring all contract milestones are met > Coordinating the various unit departments involved in the project executon > Ensuring on-time delivery — Breaking chamber TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL TENDER ‘A worldwide sales network covering 120 counties is present to listen and counse! our clients on their needs. > Each technical specification is fully studied by the dedicated technical tendering department > Every year, thousands of projects are examined ‘and quoted for all worldwide utlties which gives Us outstanding experience and a total overview of the HV circuit breaker field PRODUCTION AREVA TAD is proud ofits HV CB assembly team. Production line technical employees have a proven experience in HV CB assembly. > For each step of the production, detailed ‘operational instructions are at workers’ disposal > Complete tracabilty is achieved by means of ‘monitoring sheets, labels, marks, Routine tests laboratory INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING For each project, a complete instruction manual is. Created forthe client it describes how to erect, ‘commission, operate and maintain the circuit breaker. > Specific erection and commissioning tools are provided with the circuit breaker. > The AREVA T&D global network of technical ‘exper are available to supervise and accompany the client during this crucial stage. >The GL range has been designed to optimize the work needed for instalation making it shorter, easier and safer. >There is no mandatory supervision required on G314(%), > Final site testing completes the validation of each circuit breaker and concludes our total quality production process. pitt Le by GL317 in KAZAKHSTAN Production Ine ROUTINE TESTS All the assembled circuit breakers are individually ‘and routinaly tested according to a dedicated procedure, based on the strictest IEC & ANSI ors. > AREVA has special technicians piloting and Controlling our automatic testing equipment (mechanical bank, tightness module, dielectric laboratories, > Relevant acceptance criteria have been defined based on detailed analysis of previous test results, experience on cicult breaker life and in complement of international standards. > All delivered circuit breakers respect 100% of these criteria > Customers wishing to witness this process and to visit our production lines, are welcome to do so. Installation on site CIRCUIT BREAKER LIFE AREVA TAD circuit breakers are designed and ‘manufactured to last as long as possible under the ‘most dificut conditions, Through our commercial and service networks, our specialists stay at our cusomers' disposal to offer support throughout the circuit breaker life-cycle, ‘The GL range from 245 kV to 800 kV Pr me aera ces Eeonaa 800 kV er OE MCT Tey Rca MCE EATS 0] romeo ‘You find the same AREVA T&D breaking chamber technology in all the circuit breakers inthe GL Series. ‘Tel: 444 (0) 1785 250.070 Pee stant EN AREA 2 AVA Da EVA dy tara ve we dh a natAREVA Ande ee dees es he crease eaony canes ios nS AS

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