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KINDER 3, 4 and 5

Topic: Parts of the House

Welcome: Hello Song

Motivational Hook: The teacher sticks a picture of Mr Strech on the board and she asks the
kids if they remember them. Then, she asks the students to remember the events that
happened throughout the story.

Pre activity: Then, she will show the students posters about the different parts of the house
that we learnt last class: BATHROOM, KITCHEN, BEDROOM and LIVING ROOM. The teacher will
ask what things can they see on the pictures and we will start learning the names about the
objects that we can find on those rooms.

Brain Break: Animal Brain Breaks – 5 minutes

Main Activity: To end up the lesson, the teacher will have prepared a game for the kids to play.
There will be many objects of the house hiding around the classroom. The teacher is going to
call some of the students to look for one and they have to stick it on the house that will be on
the board.

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