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* * * * * * FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2021 ~ VOL. CCLXXVIII NO. 102 HHHH $5.00
DJIA 35730.48 À 239.79 0.7% NASDAQ 15448.12 À 1.4% STOXX 600 475.16 À 0.2% 10-YR. TREAS. g 11/32 , yield 1.568% OIL $82.81 À $0.15 GOLD $1,801.60 À $3.80 EURO $1.1684 YEN 113.58

News Growth
Business & Finance
To 2% in
T he U.S. economy grew
at an annual rate of 2%
in the third quarter, sunk by
a surge in Covid-19 cases
and worsening supply bot-
tlenecks, marking the weak- Weakest pace of the
est pace since the recovery recovery reflects drags
began in mid-2020. A1
 Facebook’s Zuckerberg
related to supply-chain
said the company changed snarls, Covid-19 variant
its name to Meta to reflect
growth opportunities be-
yond its namesake social-
media platform in online
The U.S. economy grew at
digital realms known as
an annual rate of 2% in the
the metaverse. A1
third quarter, sunk by a surge
 Apple reported quarterly in virus cases and worsening
results that showed how supply bottlenecks, marking
supply-chain difficulties are the weakest pace since the re-

tripping up even some of covery began in mid-2020.

the biggest business win- Economists, however, ex-
ners of the pandemic era. B1 pect strong consumer demand
and an easing pandemic to
 Amazon posted lower-
boost growth in the coming
than-expected third-quar-
months despite lingering sup-
ter sales and signaled that
ply constraints.
a tight labor market and
The Commerce Depart-
supply-chain disruptions
ment’s report on seasonally
would weigh on earnings. B1
President Biden with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill Thursday as Democrats slimmed down their proposal. adjusted gross domestic prod-
 Shell’s CEO defended the uct for the July-September

President Pitches Revamped

energy giant’s business model, quarter was also colored by
setting up a showdown the change in earlier dynamics
with activist investor Third that helped GDP grow at a his-
Point, which has called for a torically fast rate in the first

$1.85 Trillion Spending Plan

breakup of the company. B1 half of the year: Government
stimulus is winding down,
 The S&P 500 and Nasdaq
businesses have been re-
gained 1% and 1.4%, respec-
opened for months, and vacci-
tively, to close Thursday’s
nation rates have slowed.
session at records. The Dow
Consumers have the appetite
industrials rose 0.7%. B11
WASHINGTON—Pushing to ing to pitch them on the new that plan in the evening in the House released the framework to spend. Spending on services
 China Evergrande avoided reach a deal after months of framework, a far slimmer face of progressive opposition, just hours before the president last quarter grew at an annual
default for a second time by talks, the White House released piece of legislation than the instead approving a short- boarded Air Force One for rate of 7.9%. But limited avail-
making an overdue interest a $1.85 trillion social-spending $3.5 trillion the party had term patch for transportation Rome, where he is set to meet ability of some products, par-
payment on dollar bonds and climate framework for a originally outlined. Democrats programs that were expiring with Group of 20 leaders before ticularly long-lasting goods
shortly before the end of have been rushing to complete at the end of the month. Pro- he attends the Glasgow, Scot- such as vehicles, restrained
a 30-day grace period. B10 By Andrew Duehren, negotiations on the bill so that gressives endorsed Mr. Biden’s land, climate summit. The overall spending. Consumer
Ken Thomas they can also move forward framework but said they still White House is eager to notch spending rose at an annual rate
 T. Rowe Price agreed
and Natalie Andrews with the public works legisla- needed to see more detail of Please turn to page A6 of 1.6% in the third quarter, a
to buy Oak Hill Advisors
tion, which passed the Senate the social-policy and climate sharp slowdown from a 12% in-
for as much as $4.2 billion
still-developing proposal, but over the summer but has lan- bill before they could support  Framework includes $555 Please turn to page A2
to enter the private-debt
it fell short of convincing pro- guished in the House. the infrastructure legislation. billion in climate measures... A6
investing business. B10
gressives to quickly approve a Party leaders initially sig- The developments frustrated  Mixed strategies eyed to fund  Leadership question looms
parallel infrastructure bill. naled they wanted to hold a Democrats’ hopes for a high- spending bill.................................... A7 large at Fed................................ A2
World-Wide President Biden met with vote on the infrastructure bill profile policy win as Mr. Biden  Stock buyback surcharge is  ECB sticks with negative
House Democrats in the morn- later Thursday, but abandoned headed to Europe. The White floated................................................. A7 interest rates........................... A16

 Pushing to reach a deal

U.S. Is in Talks to Pay Supply Woes

Facebook Rebrands
after months of talks, the
White House released a
$1.85 trillion social-spend- Hinder Apple
ing and climate framework
for a still-developing pro-
posal, but it fell short of
Families Split at Border Apple posted record results for
its fiscal year, but supply-chain In a Very Meta Way
convincing progressives to WASHINGTON—The Biden that crossed the border ille- disruptions hurt sales. B1
quickly approve a parallel administration is in talks to gally from Mexico to seek asy-
infrastructure bill. A1, A6-7 offer immigrant families that lum in the U.S. included one Apple's quarterly net profit
were separated during the parent and one child, the peo- BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN to web to phones, from text to
 The Biden administration
Trump administration around ple said. Many families would $30 billion 4Q $20.6B photos to video, but this isn’t
is in talks to offer immigrant
families separated during the $450,000 a person in compen- likely get smaller payouts, de- Facebook Inc. Chief Execu- the end of the line,” Mr. Zuck-
Trump administration about sation, according to people fa- pending on their circum- tive Officer Mark Zuckerberg erberg said at the social-media
stances, the people said. said the company changed its giant’s annual developer fo-
$450,000 a person in com-
By Michelle Hackman, The American Civil Liber- name to Meta to reflect growth rum called Facebook Connect.
pensation, as several agen-
Aruna Viswanatha ties Union, which represents opportunities beyond its name- “We believe the metaverse will
cies work to resolve law- 20
and Sadie Gurman families in one of the lawsuits, sake social-media platform in be the successor to the mobile
suits over the policy. A1
has identified about 5,500 online digital realms known as internet.”
 U.S. intelligence agencies miliar with the matter, as sev- children separated at the bor- the metaverse. Facebook is already invest-
failed to predict the rapid eral agencies work to resolve der over the course of the “Over time I hope our com- ing heavily in creating that
Taliban takeover of Afghan- lawsuits filed on behalf of par- Trump administration, citing pany will be seen as a meta- new reality of shared online
istan before the final with- ents and children who say the figures provided to it by the 10 verse company,” Mr. Zucker- spaces inhabited by digital av-
drawal of American troops, a government subjected them to government. The number of berg said Thursday. He unveiled atars, with projects ranging
review of summaries of clas- lasting psychological trauma. families eligible under the po- the new name for the company from virtual-reality glasses to
sified material shows. A16 The U.S. Departments of tential settlement is expected that also includes Facebook, In- an e-commerce platform. “We
Justice, Homeland Security, to be smaller, the people said, stagram, WhatsApp and other expect to spend many billions
 Former New York Gov.
and Health and Human Ser- as government officials aren’t products at Facebook’s annual of dollars for years to come,”
Andrew Cuomo is facing a 0
misdemeanor criminal vices are considering payments sure how many will come for- developer event, where he de- Mr. Zuckerberg said.
that could amount to close to ward. Around 940 claims have FY2019 ’20 ’21 tailed his vision for the meta- The company on an earnings
complaint alleging that he
$1 million a family, though the so far been filed by the fami- verse that he sees as key to the Please turn to page A4
forcibly touched a former Note: Fiscal year ended Sept. 25
final numbers could shift, the lies, the people said. Sources: S&P Capital IQ; the company social-media giant attracting a
executive assistant. A3
people familiar with the mat- The total potential payout younger audience.  Name change can pose
 The U.S. government will ter said. Most of the families Please turn to page A4 “We’ve gone from desktop corporate identity crisis...... A4
pay a total of $88 million
to families of those killed
Crypto Fans
$100,000 in Debt: Arbitrary INSIDE
in the 2015 shooting at a
Black church in South Car-
olina and to survivors. A3
Spark Run on
 Democratic lawmakers
went on the offensive
Metal Cubes Hospital Prices Hit Some Hard

against the oil industry,

challenging top executives
on whether they genuinely i i i
supported efforts to ad-
dress climate change. A4 Discover tangible Newly public data reveal how little control consumers have
 An Indian missile test was pleasures of tiny BY MELANIE EVANS of Ms. Kingsbury’s medical bills, insurance WORLD NEWS
seen by security experts as AND TOM MCGINTY statements and newly public data on hospi- U.S. intelligence
a warning shot to China af- tungsten blocks tal prices shows how the nation’s seemingly
agencies were divided
ter military talks between Barbara Kingsbury was diagnosed with arbitrary hospital pricing left the couple
the countries over a border BY HARDIKA SINGH cervical cancer two years ago and embarked with charges that in some cases would have over how quickly Kabul
dispute broke down. A16 on an aggressive course of treatment. The been far lower for other patients, through no would fall. A16
They bought the bitcoin bills piled up on the kitchen counter of her fault of their own.
CONTENTS Markets..................... B11 dip. They took GameStop to home in Volin, S.D., at one point hitting Ms. Kingsbury had insurance, but that’s
Arts in Review. A10-11 Opinion.............. A13-15
Business News B3,5-6 Sports........................ A12 the moon. Now the online in- $94,000 in unpaid fees and interest. With no guarantee of a competitive price. Hospi-
Crossword............... A11 Technology............... B4 vestor army has a new favorite debt collectors threatening a lawsuit, her tals and insurers negotiate prices to hit fi-
Equities....................... B7 U.S. News............. A2-7 thing to buy and hold: small husband, Dennis Kingsbury, emptied her re- nancial targets, and their bargaining benefits
Heard on Street. B12 Weather................... A11
Mansion.............. M1-12 World News...... A8,16
tungsten cubes. tirement savings in early May to pay most of some patients and disadvantages others, ac-
Even in a year that has fea- the amount due. cording to the Journal’s analysis and inter-
tured dog-meme cryptocurren- Bill collectors continued calling Ms. Kings- views with medical billing professionals and
> cies and rappers shilling bury when she entered hospice care in early researchers. MANSION
SPACs, tungsten cubes stand June, her husband said. She died on June 10, A weak negotiator can get stuck with a A Londoner buys and
out. They are as inert as they at age 62. In July, Mr. Kinsgbury received lousy deal. Trade-offs can give one insurance
sound: gray, an inch or two on another hospital bill for $10,000. plan the best deals for some hospital services,
renovates a cemetery
each side and 1.7 times as The costs, which overwhelmed the Kings- but not others. Hospitals often charge patients caretaker’s cottage for
s 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
All Rights Reserved dense as lead. A major selling burys and ruined their finances, didn’t have the highest rates of all when insurance his family home. M1
Please turn to page A9 to be so large. A Wall Street Journal analysis Please turn to page A9

A2 | Friday, October 29, 2021 **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Leadership Question Looms Large at Fed
Biden’s reticence on Because Mr. Biden hasn’t and a rotating group of four abeth Warren (D., Mass.) and


decided on who will run the other reserve bank presidents. other critics of Mr. Powell to
his pick for top spot Fed, however, analysts say U.S. bond markets have step up their campaign for Mr.
at the bank next year there is a potential for in- started to reflect expectations Biden to select someone else
creasing uncertainty over how of Fed interest-rate increases to succeed him. Ms. Warren
muddies policy outlook and when the central bank next year. Last week, the prob- last month said Mr. Powell’s
might raise interest rates from ability of at least two quarter- record favoring somewhat
BY NICK TIMIRAOS near zero next year. Recent percentage-point rate in- looser financial regulations
comments from Fed officials creases by the end of next made him a “dangerous man”
When Federal Reserve have indicated more internal year rose to 75%, according to to lead the central bank.
Chairman Jerome Powell steps divisions over this question. futures market prices tracked A controversy over disclo-
to the microphone at a news “This tension may occur in by CME Group. That was up sures of stock trades by senior
conference next week, he may concert with a possible leader- from around a 20% probability Fed officials, which resulted in
be unable to answer one of in- ship vacuum at the Fed,” said at the conclusion of the Fed’s the sudden retirements of the
vestors’ most pressing ques- Tim Duy, chief U.S. economist meeting last month. presidents of regional Fed
tions: Will he return for a sec- at SGH Macro Advisors, in a Mr. Biden has been con- banks in Dallas and Boston,
ond four-year term in note to clients. “The lack of sumed in recent weeks with has further polarized the fight
February? White House attention to the negotiations between congres- over who should lead the Fed.
Uncertainty over whom Fed creates potentially enor- Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and Fed governor Lael Brainard. sional Democrats over how to Ms. Yellen, Treasury secre-
President Biden will name to mous policy uncertainty winnow a $3.5 trillion social- tary, has voiced support inside
lead the Fed next year hangs [when] the Fed may be at a time to confirm their pick. For Brainard is widely seen as the spending and climate plan. the White House for Mr. Pow-
over the central bank’s loom- policy pivot point.” example, then-President Don- most likely candidate to take Another reason for the delay ell’s reappointment, according
ing policy decisions on what to A White House representa- ald Trump announced Mr. his place. Ms. Brainard has ar- on Fed personnel: The White to people familiar with the
do if the recent rise in infla- tive said, “The president is en- Powell to succeed Janet Yellen gued in recent months for the House is managing a mix of matter.
tion turns out to be more per- gaged on these issues with his on Nov. 2, 2017. Mr. Biden de- Fed to unwind its stimulus other appointments with an eye The fight over Mr. Powell’s
sistent than anticipated. senior economic team and will parted Thursday for a six-day policies at a marginally slower toward announcing a slate of future is coming at a delicate
The Fed is likely to detail at make decisions in a thoughtful trip to Europe, meaning he is pace than Mr. Powell, but the nominees simultaneously. moment for the institution.
its meeting next week its plans manner.” likely to make his announce- two are otherwise largely in There is one vacancy on the He, Ms. Brainard and other se-
to begin winding down its Mr. Powell’s term as Fed ment at a later date than his sync on monetary policy. Fed’s board, and there will be nior Fed leaders initially de-
$120 billion-a-month bond- chair expires in February, recent predecessors. A major policy shift is seen at least one more after Fed Vice scribed inflationary pressures
buying stimulus program and meaning he will lead the cen- “It’s starting to become ur- as unlikely if Ms. Brainard be- Chairman Richard Clarida’s this year as transitory, sug-
end the purchases by next tral bank’s policy meetings gent,” said Goldman Sachs comes chair because interest- term expires in January. Mr. Bi- gesting price increases would
June. Mr. Powell could use his next week, in mid-December chief economist Jan Hatzius. rate policy is agreed upon by a den also has to designate some- be short-lived. But some offi-
postmeeting press conference and in late January. “By this time, you should have group of up to 12 officials, one to a four-year term of vice cials are now bracing for a
to provide additional nuance Presidents have typically a pretty clear idea who” will called the Federal Open Mar- chairman of bank supervision. longer interval of higher prices
about how the Fed sees the announced their nominee in be leading on policy decisions. ket Committee. The body in- Initially, the ramifications as supply-chain bottlenecks
outlook for economic growth, October or by early November If Mr. Powell isn’t reap- cludes all seven Fed governors, of a delay were largely politi- worsen and as energy and
employment and inflation. to give the Senate sufficient pointed, Fed governor Lael the New York Fed president cal, as it encouraged Sen. Eliz- other commodity prices rise.

Economic the past month, business picked

up at Tamale Addiction, said
Adrian Paredes, co-owner of
U.S. GDP, change from
previous quarter*
Third quarter
Contributions to change in
real GDP, third quarter of 2021†
Available warehouse space
is shrinking near some of the
country’s busiest distribution
Rebound the company in the Austin,
Texas, area. That marked a shift
from over the summer, when

2% Services 3.4 pct. pts. hubs as demand for online
goods remains strong and re-
tailers seek to position prod-
Claims Fall
Slowed In Tight
the Delta variant caused the investment 0.24 ucts closer to their customers
cancellation of several events 10 for faster delivery. Supply-
where the vendor would nor- Government chain congestion, including

mally sell its organic tamales. spending 0.14 tight container-shipping ca-
Continued from Page One In early October at the Aus- pacity and backups at inland
crease in the prior quarter. tin City Limits Music Festival, –0.38 Housing rail hubs, has hurt inventory
Supply-chain disruptions Tamale Addiction sold 18,000 restocking efforts. BY GABRIEL T. RUBIN
such as backups at U.S. ports tamales of various flavors. The labor force decreased
and overseas manufacturing Crowds flooded the event, Mr. -20 in September, and some econ- Worker filings for unemploy-
–1.14 Trade balance
disruptions contributed to a Paredes said. omists have said labor-force ment benefits declined last
rapid increase in inflation and “I saw people gathering -30 participation, or the share of week to their lowest level since
pose a risk to the economic with joy,” he said. “It was a 2015 '20 –2.32 Goods people working or seeking a the coronavirus pandemic be-
outlook. Still, economists are normal event.” job, will never return to pre- gan, as employers competed for
forecasting a reacceleration in In the third quarter, pri- WSJ Economists Survey forecasts pandemic levels. With fewer employees in a tightening labor
growth as consumers spend vate-sector inventories added *Seasonally adjusted at annual rates; †Seasonally and inflation adjusted at annual rates
employees in the workforce, market.
lavishly this holiday season and 2.07 percentage points to GDP Sources: Commerce Department (U.S. GDP, contributions); Wall Street Journal Economic businesses are relying more on Initial unemployment bene-
businesses increase invest- growth, an improvement from Forecasting Survey (October forecasts) automation and increased fits, a proxy for layoffs, de-
ment. Unemployment claims the preceding months. Still, worker productivity to meet creased to 281,000 last week
are also at pandemic lows be- businesses have a long way to around the globe is keeping lated constraints would be less demand. from a revised 291,000 a week
cause employers are avoiding go to rebuild inventories after demand for its shipping ser- severe in the fourth quarter, A shortage of available earlier, the Labor Department
layoffs amid worker shortages. massive drawdowns this year. vices high. That is allowing but that the company expects workers is holding back sales said Thursday.
“We had a temporary set of Supply constraints—includ- the company to raise prices. to face pressure from rising growth at a Waltham, Mass., “You’re seeing continued
impediments coming from a ing supply-chain disruptions UPS is keeping an eye on mac- raw-material costs. residential remodeling com- progress back towards the aver-
resurgence of the coronavirus and a shrunken workforce— roeconomic challenges, includ- Spending on motor vehicles pany, Out of the Woods Con- age before the pandemic,” Nela
that should ease as we move might prove long-lasting and ing inflation, inventory levels and parts declined at an an- struction & Cabinetry Inc., Richardson, an economist at the
through the quarters ahead,” an impediment to economic and labor shortages. nual rate of nearly 54% over said Greg Antonioli, president. human-resources software firm
said Carl Tannenbaum, chief growth in the months ahead. “Despite these challenges, He is seeking to add two to Automatic Data Processing Inc.,
economist at Northern Trust. Several large companies in re- consumer demand is expected four carpenters to his 12-per- said before Thursday’s data.
Consumers are venturing cent earnings discussions said to be strong during peak sea- son business to meet demand, Hiring and demand both remain
out more this fall. U.S. hotel supply issues could hamstring son and in the fourth quarter,”
Growth in the third but he is struggling to fill the strong, making companies eager
occupancy was at 65% for the robust holiday demand. UPS Chief Financial Officer quarter was hit by a roles. Two workers quit after to hold on to the workers they
week ended Oct. 16, the high- Toy companies are racing Brian Newman said. he mandated vaccinations. have while trying to hire others.
est level since mid-August, ac- to get all their products onto Manufacturers are seeing
surge in virus cases Lead times for cabinets are The four-week average for
cording to data from STR, a shelves before Christmas, slower sales growth because and supply snags. up to 18 weeks, compared with weekly claims fell to 299,250,
global hospitality data and an- when the industry typically of component shortages ham- five to six weeks in normal holding well below a recent
alytics company. In the week logs about half of retail sales pering the production of fin- times. “I’m really somewhat peak of 424,000 in mid-July
ended Oct. 28, the number of for the year. Hasbro Inc. and ished goods. General Motors paralyzed by the amount of but remaining above 2019’s
diners seated at restaurants Mattel Inc. said they were able Co. continues to be hindered the summer, Thursday’s Com- work coming in,” he said. “I weekly average of 218,000. It
was down 4% from the same to overcome the supply-chain by computer-chip shortages, merce Department report said. should be thrilled that the declined through much of the
period in 2019—before the disruptions and get their with vehicle shipments in Prices for vehicles have risen phone’s ringing off the hook, summer despite an increase in
pandemic—a less severe de- products to retailers, albeit a North America down by nearly at a rapid pace this year, indi- and I’m almost at the point of Covid-19 cases due to the Delta
cline than in mid-September, bit later in some cases. half in the July-to-September cating strong demand, but a like, ‘Oh, my God, what are we variant and the economic un-
according to reservations site United Parcel Service Inc. period compared with the pre- shortage of autos drove down going to do?’ ” certainty that caused.
OpenTable. executives said this week that vious year. GM CFO Paul Ja- vehicle purchases in the third —Paul Ziobro Layoffs are decreasing at the
As the pandemic eased over strong economic growth cobson has said that chip-re- quarter, economists noted. contributed to this article. same time that record numbers
of workers are quitting their
jobs, showing worker confi-
U.S. WATCH dence in the labor market.
Around 4.3 million workers left
their jobs in August, the high-
FLORIDA be vaccinated by Dec. 8 interferes “The president has committed JUSTICE DEPARTMENT HEALTH est recorded monthly figure
with Florida’s employment policies to pulling every lever possible to since 2000.
State Sues Over U.S. and threatens economic harm save lives and stop the spread of Tougher Tack Taken Many Unvaccinated Companies are paying more
Contractors Mandate and the loss of federal contracts. the virus,” a White House official On Firms’ Wrongdoing Willing to Quit Jobs to attract and keep employees:
“The federal government is ex- said in response to the suit. The Average hourly earnings for all
Florida is suing the Biden ad- ceeding their power and it is im- Justice Department and Equal The Justice Department said Slightly under 40% of work- private-sector workers in Sep-
ministration over vaccine man- portant for us to take a stand Employment Opportunity Com- prosecutors would take a ers who are unvaccinated say tember rose 4.6% from a year
dates for federal contractors, Gov. because in Florida we believe mission have already determined tougher stance on companies they would leave their job if get- earlier, the fastest rate of
Ron DeSantis said Thursday. these are choices based on indi- that employers can require with long rap sheets and try to ting the Covid-19 vaccine was growth since February.
The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. vidual circumstances,” said Mr. Covid-19 vaccines, the official said. enhance efforts to make sure mandated by their employer or if “We aren’t seeing that wave
District Court in the middle dis- DeSantis, a Republican. Also Thursday, the U.S. De- guilty individuals are charged they were required to get tested of job seekers coming back, and
trict of Florida’s Tampa division, The requirement is part of a partment of Education filed a le- alongside companies. for the virus weekly, according that’s because, first and fore-
alleges the requirement for em- six-point initiative unveiled by gal complaint over Florida’s deci- Deputy Attorney General Lisa to the results of a new survey. most, we’re still in a pandemic,”
ployees at federal contractors to President Biden in September. sion to hold back federal money Monaco on Thursday said prose- Even more unvaccinated said AnnElizabeth Konkel, an
from two school districts over cutors would consider all prior workers—seven out of 10— economist at the jobs website
their mask mandates. The wrongdoing by corporations when would leave their jobs if their Indeed. “Employers are trying
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-
CORRECTIONS  state’s health department has
said parents have sole discretion
deciding how to resolve a new in-
vestigation. Previously, prosecu-
employers instituted a vaccine
mandate and there wasn’t an
to figure out, ‘how do I get the
workers I need?’ and using dif-
9660) (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western
Edition ISSN 0193-2241) in deciding whether their chil- tors were allowed to only review option to get tested weekly, ac- ferent tools to do that,” like of-
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 dren wear masks at school. cases whose facts were similar cording to results from the Kai- fering starting bonuses, higher
Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
The state Board of Education to the claims in the latest probe. ser Family Foundation Covid-19 pay and more benefits, she said.
Published daily except Sundays and general legal
holidays. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., The Dow Jones Industrial had punished districts in Alachua Corporations also won’t qual- Vaccine Monitor. The survey
and other mailing offices.
Average closed at 35741.15 on and Broward counties by with- ify for leniency programs unless took place Oct. 14-24 and polled New filings for jobless benefits
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall
Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020. Monday and at 35756.88 on holding funding equal to the sal- they provide information on all 1,519 adults in the U.S.
Tuesday. The label for the In- aries of school board members. employees or executives be- A quarter of workers say they Week ended Oct. 23
All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal 800,000
is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which
are available from the Advertising Services
dustrial Average was missing After the Biden administration lieved to have participated in are required by their employer to 281,000
Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of in the “Major U.S. Stock-Mar- awarded federal grant money to crimes such as fraud or bribery, get vaccinated against the virus,
the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal
reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s ket Indexes” table in the Mar- the districts to make up for Ms. Monaco said. the survey said. That figure is 16
order. Only publication of an advertisement shall kets Digest on Tuesday and those lost funds, the board di- Instead of taking companies percentage points higher than it 600,000
constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
Letters to the Editor:
Wednesday. rected the education commis- to court, the Justice Department was in June, according to the
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WSJ back issues and framed pages: only by email or phone, using legal concerns. conduct. Critics have said many Vaccine acceptance varies
Our newspapers are 100% sourced from the contacts below, not via “The U.S. DOE is acting un- big companies, including Wall based on factors such as a per-
sustainably certified mills.
U.S. Mail. lawfully,” said Jared Ochs, direc- Street banks, repeatedly get the son’s political party and where 0
tor of communications and ex- probationary treatment, showing people live, according to the re- Jan. Oct.
Readers can alert The Wall Street ternal affairs at the Florida that such outcomes don’t ade- sults from the Kaiser Family
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by calling 888-410-2667. —Talal Ansari —Dylan Tokar —Allison Prang Source: Labor Department via the St. Louis Fed

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Friday, October 29, 2021 | A3


U.S. to Pay
Policy Bets on Booster Shots’ Efficacy
BY STEPHANIE ARMOUR at the National Institute of currently offer good protec-


Biden administration health

Allergy and Infectious Dis-
eases. “Eight weeks after a
booster, neutralizing levels
tion against Delta and other
The effectiveness of cur-

Church officials are betting the cur-

rent mix of vaccines and
boosters will keep Covid-19
were five times higher than
eight weeks after initial im-
rently formulated doses has
been a boon for the U.S. vacci-
nation campaign because it

Shooting cases trending downward and

fend off the contagious Delta
variant, though the shots were
Some public-health leaders
say a variant-specific shot
could be necessary at some
meant the government was
able to launch boosters with-
out discarding doses it had on
BY SADIE GURMAN developed to target the origi- point, and the administration hand and straining manufac-
AND ARUNA VISWANATHA nal virus. is closely watching how vac- turing capacity.
After exploring whether cines hold up against a new Yet it was unclear in De-
WASHINGTON—The U.S. Covid-19 vaccines need to be Delta sub-variant that was re- cember whether vaccines
government will pay a total of reformulated to fight variants cently identified in the U.K. would need to be updated af-
$88 million to families of like Delta, U.S. health officials “It’s too early to tell, you ter the more infectious Delta
those killed in the 2015 shoot- said they decided already- have to take it variant by vari- variant emerged in India.
ing at a Black church in South available doses should work. ant,” said Anthony Fauci, di- By spring, data began
Carolina and to survivors, set- The decision underlies the rector of the NIAD. emerging indicating vaccines
tling lawsuits over a botched latest phase of the Biden ad- The U.S. is, however, ready already in use worked well
FBI background check that al- ministration’s vaccination to pivot toward rolling out dif- against new versions of the
lowed the gunman to buy his campaign, which recently be- ferent vaccines if a new strain virus. Vaccinated monkeys
weapon, the Justice Depart- gan rolling out newly autho- does emerge, he said. “It could that got boosters of shots
ment said Thursday. rized boosters while continu- happen; we just haven’t seen from Pfizer and partner BioN-
The families of the nine vic- ing to urge holdouts to get that.” Tech and from Moderna gen-
tims will receive between $6 vaccinated. While companies chart their erated higher levels of anti-
million and $7.5 million each, Administration officials own course, their researchers bodies than after their initial
and the five people wounded hope the campaign will help sometimes work with govern- doses.
in the shooting will get $5 further drive down Covid-19 ment scientists, and they will After reviewing the results,
million each, the agency said. case counts, which have been listen to the guidance of the federal health officials urged
In August, a federal appeals dropping in recent weeks after federal officials, especially drugmakers to continue pro-
court unanimously upheld the Delta-fueled surges, and posi- since companies depend on ducing current vaccines rather
conviction and death sentence tion the country to eventually regulatory clearances and gov- than work on Delta-specific
of Dylann Roof, saying his cal- move past the pandemic. ernment purchases of pan- boosters.
culated killing of the Black A strain able to evade the demic products. In late spring, the Biden ad-
worshipers at the historic virus-fighting powers of the Many vaccine experts out- ministration bought enough
Emanuel African Methodist shots would undermine the ef- side the government agree doses to provide boosters to
Episcopal Church in Charles- forts. Yet so far, there is no there isn’t a need to reformu- After exploring whether the current Covid-19 vaccines need to be fully vaccinated people in the
ton, S.C., was done with scarce evidence that such a variant late doses, though some en- reformulated to fight variants like Delta, U.S. health officials said U.S., administration health of-
signs of remorse, to torment has emerged, the officials courage a national effort to they decided already-available doses should work. ficials said.
the victims and others and in- said. develop a universal coronavi- Subsequent data supported
cite racial division. “The current boosters ap- rus vaccine. many places,” said Ramon Vaccine makers Moderna the decision.
Soon after the June 2015 pear to cover our current “What if we had updated Lorenzo-Redondo, a professor Inc. as well as Pfizer Inc. and Pfizer and BioNTech said
shooting, then-director of the strains, including the Delta the vaccines, for example, for of infectious diseases at its partner BioNTech SE are last week that a study found a
Federal Bureau of Investiga- variant,” said Dr. Bob Seder, the Alpha variant? That vari- Northwestern University’s testing variant-specific shots, third dose of their vaccine re-
tion James Comey acknowl- chief of cellular immunology ant is no longer present in Feinberg School of Medicine. but say the existing vaccines sulted in a 95.6% efficacy rate.
edged that federal investiga-
tors should have prevented

Cuomo Faces Misdemeanor Sex-Crime Charge

Roof from purchasing a hand-
gun in April of that year.
The FBI acknowledged that
an error made during a back-
ground check had failed to BY JIMMY VIELKIND a criminal action would be
disclose all details of the al- commenced only after she James Said to Run the governor sexually harassed
leged assailant’s criminal ALBANY, N.Y.—The Albany gave her informed consent,” women and that the state
background, which would have County Sheriff’s Office filed a Mr. Premo said in a statement. For N.Y. Governor Health Department under-
disqualified him from buying criminal complaint against An attorney for Mr. Cuomo, stated the number of Covid-19
the weapon. former New York Gov. Andrew Rita Glavin, said: “Gov. Cuomo deaths attributed to nursing

Roof, a self-professed white Cuomo on Thursday, alleging has never assaulted anyone, and New York Attorney General homes.
supremacist, had been ar- he forcibly touched a former Sheriff Apple’s motives here are Letitia James has told union The Democratic primary
rested for suspected drug pos- executive assistant. patently improper. Sheriff Ap- leaders in recent days that she election will be held in late
session weeks earlier and ad- Albany County Sheriff Craig ple didn’t even tell the District will challenge Gov. Kathy June, and the general election is
mitted to having drugs, an Apple said investigators filed Attorney what he was doing.” Hochul for the Democratic gu- scheduled for November 2022.
admission that would have the misdemeanor charge in Al- Mr. Apple didn’t respond to bernatorial nomination, poten- Ms. Hochul, who had been
been grounds for denying the bany City Court, and a summons a request for comment on the tially setting up a competitive lieutenant governor since 2015,
sale. A mix-up in the location was issued to Mr. Cuomo to ap- statement. primary after the resignation became New York’s first fe-
of the arrest records by the pear on Nov. 17. A spokesman Mr. Cuomo resigned from of former Gov. Andrew Cuomo. male chief executive when she
FBI employee assigned to the for the state court system pro- office on Aug. 24 following the Ms. James, who was was sworn in this summer. She
background check meant the vided the complaint and con- allegations by Ms. Commisso elected in 2018 after serving has already received endorse-
information wasn’t conveyed firmed a summons was issued. and 10 other women that were as New York City’s elected ments from the New York
to the gun store. The sheriff’s office has been detailed in a report by state At- public advocate, said during state Democratic Committee
Government officials “can’t investigating Mr. Cuomo, 63 torney General Letitia James. calls with those leaders that chairman Jay Jacobs and lead-
bring my father back…but years old, since Brittany Com- Mr. Cuomo allegedly groped she would run for governor, ac- ers of several upstate party or-
they are doing whatever they misso, one of Mr. Cuomo’s for- Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo Ms. Commisso’s left breast on cording to people familiar with ganizations.
can to acknowledge the fact mer executive assistants, spoke Dec. 7, 2020, on the second the matter. In the past week, Ms.
that this hurts, that this is with investigators in early Au- declined to comment further. floor of the Executive Mansion, Kimberly Peeler-Allen, a se- Hochul met with political clubs
pain that I am going to have gust, the sheriff has said. Brian Premo, an attorney for according to the complaint nior adviser to Ms. James’s and hosted campaign fundrais-
to live with for the rest of my Ms. Commisso said Mr. Ms. Commisso, said his client filed Thursday. The charge is campaign, said Wednesday ing events in New York City.
life,” said Eliana Pinckney, Cuomo reached under her shirt was also surprised by the filing based on testimony taken by night that the attorney general She has said she is focusing on
who was 11 years old when her and groped her breast during a but would continue to cooper- the attorney general’s office as had made a decision and “will her job as governor. A Hochul
father, the Rev. Clementa 2020 encounter at the state ate with the investigation. well as cellphone records from be announcing it in the coming campaign spokeswoman didn’t
Pinckney, was killed in the Executive Mansion in Albany. “It was my client’s under- Ms. Commisso and Mr. Cuomo, days.” A representative for Ms. immediately return an email
massacre, which happened The Democratic former gover- standing that the District At- according to the complaint. James declined to comment. seeking comment.
during Bible study. nor and his attorney have re- torney’s office would conduct The crime of forcible touch- Ms. James was a central If Ms. James won the
Since the shooting, the FBI peatedly denied her allegation. a thorough apolitical investi- ing is a class A misdemeanor. figure in Mr. Cuomo’s departure state’s highest office, she
has improved its background Albany County District At- gation into the matter and If convicted, Mr. Cuomo could from office this year. Her office would become the first Black
check process, the department torney P. David Soares said he then discuss all relevant issues face up to a year in jail. issued reports largely substan- woman elected governor of a
said. The bureau didn’t admit was surprised to learn that the with my client before any deci- —Deanna Paul tiating broad allegations that U.S. state.
fault as part of the settlement. complaint had been filed and sion was made about whether contributed to this article.

The Spotlight Squad

Charlize Theron
Brad Pitt
Adam Driver


A4 | Friday, October 29, 2021 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X ** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Oil Executives Face Adversarial House Panel

BY KATY STECH FEREK the threat of climate change the group was lobbying makers. The executives said
AND CHRISTOPHER M. MATTHEWS and are cutting their carbon against Democrat-backed cli- they didn’t always agree with
emissions to minimize their mate change policies by saying every policy position taken by
WA S H I N G T O N — D e m o - contributions to it. the group supports market the industry’s trade groups.
cratic lawmakers went on the “At Chevron, we have been adoption of electric vehicles At the end of the roughly
offensive against the oil indus- very clear where we stand,” and renewable energy, but not six-hour hearing, Rep. Carolyn
try Thursday, challenging top Chevron Chief Executive Mike through government subsidies. B. Maloney (D., N.Y.), the com-
executives from Exxon Mobil Wirth said. “We accept the He said renewable energy will mittee’s chairwoman, said she


Corp., Chevron Corp., BP PLC scientific consensus: Climate be unable to replace fossil fu- would subpoena the companies
and Royal Dutch Shell PLC on change is real, and the use of els for the foreseeable future. to compel documents requested
whether they genuinely sup- fossil fuels contributes to it.” “One area where experts by Democrats that she said the
ported efforts to address cli- Democrats on the House agree is that oil and natural companies hadn’t provided.
mate change. committee said the companies gas will continue to be the Republican committee mem-
Democrats on the House publicly support climate- leading energy sources for de- bers, at times, came to the
Committee on Oversight and friendly policies and invest- cades to come, and it’s impor- companies’ defense and used
Reform accused the oil indus- ments but privately work to tant that we take action to re- the hearing as an opportunity
try of waging a yearslong derail regulations that would duce emissions while to criticize Biden administra-
campaign to spread disinfor- cut greenhouse gas emissions. providing that energy,” Mr. tion policies they said are caus-
mation about the role of fossil Rep. Ro Khanna (D., Calif.), Darren Woods, CEO of Exxon Mobil, testifies via videoconference. Sommers said. ing soaring energy prices. Rep.
fuels in causing global warm- chairman of the Subcommittee The wide-ranging frame- Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) said the
ing and lobbying against poli- on the Environment, said that supported policies that he said ing an impact,” Mr. Khanna work for social-spending legis- companies should increase
cies central to President Bi- the American Petroleum Insti- would reduce emissions, in- told the executives. “Could you lation detailed by Mr. Biden their production to alleviate
den’s $1.85 trillion social- tute—the industry’s main lob- cluding subsidies for electric tell them to knock it off for includes expanded tax credits energy shortages.
policy and climate framework. bying group, which is funded vehicles and a methane tax. the sake of the planet?” for electric vehicles, but a
All four companies said that by the companies—is currently “You’re funding these API president Mike Som- methane tax was dropped af-  Shell CEO defends business
they have long acknowledged lobbying against Democrat- groups, and they’re really hav- mers responded to allegations ter opposition from some law- model amid activist threat... B1

U.S. in our nation that must be fully

remedied,” said Lee Gelernt,
deputy director of the ACLU’s
woman declined to comment.
The Department of Health and
Human Services didn’t respond
have taken place over the past
few months among a group of
dozens of private lawyers rep-
a conference call that the pay-
outs could amount to more
than some families of 9/11 vic-
trial would be unpredictable,
with juries potentially award-
ing larger sums to the families,

Talks on immigrant-rights project and a

lead negotiator on one of the
lawsuits. “That remedy must in-
to a request to comment.
Some Republicans criticized
the potential payments on
resenting the families and gov-
ernment lawyers. Some govern-
ment lawyers have viewed the
tims received, one person said.
Other people said senior de-
partmental officials were in
legal experts said. “Damage
class actions in this kind of
case are pretty rare, it’s hard to

Migrants clude not only meaningful mon-

etary compensation, but a path-
way to remain in the country.”
Thursday afternoon after The
Wall Street Journal reported
on them. “The Biden adminis-
payouts as excessive for people
who had violated the law by
crossing the border, the people
alignment on the amount and
disputed the 9/11 comparison,
given that the U.S. government
think of a recent comparison,”
said Margo Schlanger, who ran
the civil-rights office during
In his first weeks in office, tration’s promises of citizen- said. One government lawyer hadn’t been responsible for the the Obama administration at
Continued from Page One Mr. Biden pledged to reunite ship and entitlement programs threatened to remove his name Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. the Department of Homeland
could be $1 billion or more. the separated families, describ- have already caused the worst from the case out of disagree- The 9/11 victim compensation Security and now teaches at
As part of a so-called zero- ing those actions undertaken by border crisis in history—a ment with the potential settle- fund averaged awards to the the University of Michigan law
tolerance enforcement policy, the Trump administration a huge cash reward will make it ment offer, the people said. dead of around $2 million, tax- school. She said class-action
immigration agents separated “moral and national shame.” even worse,” Sen. Tom Cotton In another instance, a De- free, at the time an unprece- compensation claims are more
thousands of children, ranging A DHS spokeswoman re- of Arkansas said. partment of Homeland Secu- dented payout, the administra- common in cases involving de-
from infants to teenagers, from ferred questions to the Justice At times, contentious dis- rity attorney involved in the tor of the fund has said. fective medical devices or
their parents at the southern Department, where a spokes- cussions about the payouts settlement talks complained on Trying to take the cases to other consumer products.
border in 2018 after they had “It is a complicated, complex
crossed illegally from Mexico piece of litigation” to try to re-
to seek asylum in the U.S. In solve hundreds of different law-
some cases families were force- suits at the same time, and
fully broken up with no provi- “sometimes even more complex
sions to track and later reunite to try the cases,” Ms. Schlanger
them, government investiga- said, adding that it made sense
tions found. The lawsuits allege to try to resolve them together.
some of the children suffered The Trump administration
from a range of ailments, in- in May 2018 implemented a
cluding heat exhaustion and zero-tolerance approach in

malnutrition, and were kept in which agents apprehended ev-

freezing cold rooms and pro- eryone crossing the border ille-
vided little medical attention. gally, including those seeking
Many of the lawsuits de- asylum. That practice meant
scribe lasting mental-health that children accompanying
problems for the children from those adults were separated
the trauma of the months with- from their parents and put on a
out their parents in harsh condi- separate administrative track.
tions, including anxiety, a fear of The overall goal, the Trump ad-
strangers and nightmares. The ministration said at the time,
lawsuits seek a range of pay- was to slow the number of peo-
outs, with the average demand ple crossing the border ille-
being about $3.4 million per gally, but several of those offi-
family, some of the people said. cials have since apologized for
In recent months, lawyers for the consequences of that policy.
the families and the government Immigration law gives chil-
have told courts overseeing the dren greater legal protections
cases that they are engaged in than adults, so while the
settlement negotiations and adults’ asylum cases could be
hoped to reach a deal by the dismissed quickly, allowing
end of November. them to be deported, children
“President Biden has agreed mostly remained in the U.S. in
that the family separation pol- child-welfare shelters or living
icy is a historic moral stain on People taken into custody for alleged illegal entry sitting in cages at a facility in McAllen, Texas, in June 2018. with relatives.

Facebook Name Change Can Pose

veer away from Facebook’s metaverse already exist. Roblox
move two years ago to revamp Corp. and Epic Games Inc. have
its logo and corporate identity hosted virtual concerts with

Rebrands and boost the name’s promi- millions of attendees who ap-

Corporate Identify Crisis

nence by attaching “from Face- peared as avatars. Similarly, vir-
book” to the various other tual-reality applications such as

As Meta brands the company started or

acquired over the years.
Other companies have re-
“Rec Room” and “AltspaceVR”
let people socialize as avatars.
Some tech-industry forecasters BY MEGAN GRAHAM times that does necessitate a negative feeling about that at
named or rebranded themselves have said in the future such ex- AND TALAL ANSARI name change,” said Phil Davis, the moment. And they clearly
Continued from Page One over the decades for many rea- periences will evolve to become president at naming agency want to launch this new strate-
call Monday already said that sons. Philip Morris changed its almost lifelike. Facebook Inc. said Thurs- Tungsten Branding. “They’re gic direction to say they’re
Facebook Reality Labs, which name in 2003 to Altria Group Mr. Zuckerberg has said it day it changed its name to saying: We’re not ‘that’ any- more than just Facebook,” said
encompasses augmented-real- Inc. amid widespread condem- would take time before the Meta, in an effort to rebrand more. We’re more ‘this.’ ” Patti Williams, a professor in
ity and virtual-reality products nation of Big Tobacco over ciga- metaverse becomes lucrative and reflect its expansion into But a new name alone can’t the marketing department at
and services, is becoming a rettes’ harmful heath effects. for his company. “Building the the metaverse, a concept do that job. Mr. Davis cited Ra- the University of Pennsylva-
separate reporting unit and Apple Inc. shortened its foundational platforms for the rooted in science-fiction nov- dioShack’s attempt to rebrand nia’s Wharton School.
that spending for it would re- name from Apple Computer in metaverse will be a long els that refers to an extensive as The Shack in 2009 as the Philip Morris’s 2003 re-
duce this year’s total operat- 2007 to reflect the growth of road,” he said on Monday’s online world. electronics retailer tried to stem branding as Altria was equally
ing profit by $10 billion. Mr. other products like iPods and call, adding, “Later in this de- A name change can be a a long decline that would end in panned by critics and branding
Zuckerberg at the time said iPhones. Google restructured cade is when we would sort of signal to the market, competi- bankruptcy six years later. consultants. The company said
Facebook was “retooling our in 2015 to create a parent expect this to be more of a tors and advertisers of a “RadioShack needed to be- the name change would better
teams to make serving young company named Alphabet Inc. real business story.” broader shift in a company’s come a different kind of busi- reflect the diversity of its port-
adults their North Star.” that housed its array of side At Thursday’s event, the focus and portfolio, even when ness, not just change their folio, beyond its association
The metaverse that he has businesses. Facebook chief took an im- its namesake product keeps name,” he said. “If you’re do- with tobacco. To spread the
been increasingly promoting Facebook traces its name to plicit swipe at rival Apple for the same title. ing [a name change] just to word, it announced an ad cam-
also gives him a comfortable the company’s origin, when the fees it charges on its App In that respect, Facebook’s change the conversation, that paign that spanned the web,
topic to focus on as Facebook Mr. Zuckerberg, then a student Store. “I believe that the lack rebranding may be most analo- TV, print and even direct mail.
faces intense criticism from at Harvard University, named of choice, high fees are stifling gous to Google’s move to create Other renamings designed
lawmakers, researchers and an early version of the site af- innovation and stopping peo- parent company Alphabet Inc. in to signal a shift in strategy
users over revelations in The ter the term for the school’s ple from building new things 2015, said Jay Jurisich, chief ex-
Renamings designed also haven’t gone smoothly.
Wall Street Journal’s Facebook student directories. “I used to and holding back the entire in- ecutive and co-creative director to signal a shift in When Kraft Foods Inc. de-
Files series, which showed love studying classics,” he said ternet economy,” Mr. Zucker- of naming agency Zinzin. Google cided to split in two in 2012, it
that the company knows its Thursday, “and the word berg said. He has groused for became a subsidiary of the new
strategy don’t chose Mondelez International
platforms are riddled with ‘meta’ comes from the Greek years that Apple holds too parent, which also encompasses always go smoothly. Inc. as the name for its global
flaws that cause harm. Mr. word meaning ‘beyond.’ For much sway over the social-me- its “moonshot” initiatives. snack-food business, which in-
Zuckerberg has said the criti- me, it symbolizes that there is dia giant’s business. Apple has “They realized that strate- cludes brands such as Oreo,
cism paints a false picture of always more to build.” defended its App Store policy gically, it made business sense Cadbury and Wheat Thins.
the company he co-founded. Bank of America analysts in as benefiting consumers. to separate all the businesses very rarely works. If you say “Monde” comes from the Latin
At Thursday’s event the an investor note Tuesday called “We want to serve as many they had gotten into…from we’re shifting the direction, word for “world,” and “delēz”
Facebook chief also addressed the metaverse a compelling people as possible,” Mr. Zucker- their core brand that every- there has to be an actual shift is a “fanciful expression of ‘de-
the decision to discuss emerg- concept that “has a reasonable berg said. “That’s the approach body knew, which was in direction.” licious,’ ” Kraft executives
ing plans while the company chance of mass market adop- that we want to take to help Google,” Mr. Jurisich said. Facebook has been the sub- said. But many branding ex-
faces such scrutiny. “I know tion with Facebook’s strong build the metaverse, too.” The tactic isn’t unusual in ject of scrutiny lately, includ- perts were baffled.
some people will say this is backing.” But they cautioned He said the company is the business world. Dunkin’ ing its pursuit of younger us- Mr. Jurisich, in a blog post,
not a time to focus on the fu- that the company’s ambitions in building a social platform for dropped the Donuts from its ers and how it responds to the called the name “unmemora-
ture,” Mr. Zuckerberg said, but this area would likely take the metaverse called Horizon, name in 2018 to signal an in- misuse of products. The atten- ble and unpronounceable.”
argued that it is important to many years to come to fruition. a beta version of which started creased focus on coffee and tion follows The Wall Street Still, some branding tricks
move forward even if mistakes Facebook is one of many rolling out last year. And Face- other areas. Apple Inc. dropped Journal’s Facebook Files se- can pay off. If Facebook’s new
are made along the way. big tech companies with meta- book is working to bring Mes- the Computer from its name in ries, based in large part on brand can solidify its standing
The company’s shares, start- verse-related objectives. Mi- senger calls to virtual reality, 2007 to reflect its moves into documents gathered by former in the metaverse space, that
ing Dec. 1, are slated to trade crosoft Corp., Nvidia Corp., enabling people to more easily home devices and phones. Facebook product manager might help its success there,
under the stock symbol MVRS, Unity Software Inc. and others explore virtual worlds or join “This transition from an Frances Haugen, who testified marketing experts say. “If [Face-
giving up the two-letter format have said they are developing games together, as well as cre- initial product or service of- in Congress this month. book] can somehow become
it had with FB. Facebook tools, services or content for ating a marketplace for its Ho- fering to a broader identity is “Both at the product level synonymous with the meta-
shares rose 1.5% Thursday. the metaverse. rizon platform and office-re- fairly typical for large compa- and at the umbrella-brand, par- verse, that’s a potentially large
The name change appears to Some early iterations of the lated features, he said. nies as they scale—and some- ent-brand level, there is a lot of head start,” Mr. Davis said.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | A5


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A6 | Friday, October 29, 2021 **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Framework Includes
About $555 Billion
In Climate Measures
BY ANDREW RESTUCCIA tion,” he said, according to a
AND SIOBHAN HUGHES person familiar with his re-
WASHINGTON—President Later in the meeting, House
Biden’s wide-ranging frame- Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Ca-
work for social-spending legis- lif.) said, “When the president
lation includes about $555 bil- gets off that plane we want
lion for climate-related him to have a vote of confi-
provisions, a proposal that the dence from this Congress,” ac-
White House said will help the cording to the person.
U.S. meet its pledge to halve The White House said the
domestic greenhouse-gas emis- $555 billion for climate-related
sions by the end of the decade. provisions is the largest such

Democrats haven’t formally investment in history.

signed off on the framework, The climate measures in-
and lawmakers expect that it clude:
could change as they hammer  $320 billion in 10-year ex-
out the details of the mea- panded tax credits for utility-
sure. It nonetheless gave Mr. and residential-scale renewable
Biden something to tout at energy development, improved
the international climate sum- electric transmission and stor-
‘We intend to vote for both bills when the Build Back Better Act is ready,’ said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, leader of the progressive caucus. mit in Glasgow that begins on age, electric vehicles and clean
Sunday. energy manufacturing;

Progressives Seize the Moment

The president and his se-  $105 billion to boost resil-
nior aides have been working ience to the effects of climate
behind the scenes for weeks to change, such as wildfires and
nail down a package of climate droughts;

In Blocking Infrastructure Bill

measures ahead of the sum-  $110 billion to grow U.S.
mit, eager to show skeptical supply chains for renewable
world leaders that the U.S. is energy technology;
serious about meeting its  $20 billion to motivate the
commitments to slash emis- government to purchase cut-
sions. Mr. Biden has pledged ting-edge energy technologies.
BY NATALIE ANDREWS posing the infrastructure bill in agreement with the presi- of 19 GOP senators, they likely to cut U.S. emissions 50% to The package also sets aside
until there is a clear agreement dent’s framework.” would withhold their votes un- 52% below 2005 levels by an unspecified amount of
WASHINGTON—Progres- on the social and climate bill, Thursday’s tensions marked til Democrats had enough votes 2030. money for a Civilian Climate
sive lawmakers again flexed according to aides. Those law- the latest turn in the tug of to pass it on their own. “This framework makes the Corps, with the aim of hiring
their muscles on Democrats’ makers want a commitment war between the party’s cen- Mrs. Pelosi, who previously most significant investment to 300,000 workers for projects
agenda, blocking party leaders’ that all 50 Democratic senators trist and progressive wings to called off a promised vote on deal with the climate crisis such as planting trees and
planned vote on infrastructure in the evenly split chamber advance the two packages. infrastructure in the face of that has ever, ever happened— cleaning streams.
even as they endorsed Presi- support the framework, and While the infrastructure bill progressive opposition, tried to beyond any other advanced The agreement doesn’t in-
dent Biden’s new framework they want the House to vote on waits for a vote, Democrats rally House Democrats in their nation in the world,” Mr. Bi- clude a $150 billion program
for a sprawling social-spending the two bills together. have struggled to put together morning meeting with Mr. Bi- den said in a speech at the opposed by Sen. Joe Manchin
and climate plan. Rep. Juan Vargas (D., Calif.) an outline on the parallel bill, den, telling lawmakers that “in White House on Thursday. (D., W.Va.) aimed at pushing
Liberal lawmakers have held left a meeting of the progres- with complex negotiations on order for us to have success, we The climate provisions in utilities to generate more elec-
up the roughly $1 trillion infra- sive caucus saying he’s a “no” the price tag and tax plans must succeed today.” She also the legislation alone likely tricity from clean sources.
structure package for months until he has more guarantees making for slow progress. tried to respond to demands wouldn’t be enough to meet Lawmakers said at least some
as leverage to ensure a sepa- on the social-spending package. Centrist Democrats and oth- from members for legislative the target, according to out- of the money from that pro-
rate, now-$1.85 trillion social- “I don’t trust what the senators ers who had pushed to pass the text, posting a version of the side analysts. White House of- gram—which one outside anal-
spending and climate package are going to do,” he said. infrastructure bill worried that bill and encouraging members ficials are planning a series of ysis said would have helped
also advanced. On Thursday, Passing the infrastructure by blocking the vote, the pro- to read its more than 2,400 climate regulations to help Mr. Biden meet up to one-
neither a new White House package, which includes about gressives had put the bill at pages. achieve the remaining reduc- third of his emissions-reduc-
framework laying out details of $550 billion in new spending, risk of never passing, and may “For those who said ‘I want tions, including methane rules tion goal—had been rede-
the spending plan nor a pitch would show momentum for Mr. to see text,’ the text is there,” for oil and gas production and ployed to achieve greenhouse-
from Mr. Biden himself could Biden’s agenda. she said, “for you to review, for more stringent emissions lim- gas reductions through
persuade them to back a quick Progressives said they were you to complain about.” its on vehicles. alternative means.
vote on the stalled public- concerned that Mr. Biden’s
Progressives insist But as progressives re- During a closed-door meet- The White House didn’t de-
works bill. framework failed to gain a ro- the social-spending mained unmoved, the party on ing with House Democrats on tail all of the climate provi-
“We intend to vote for both bust endorsement from Sens. Thursday again put off a vote, Thursday, Mr. Biden said the sions and Democrats were
bills when the Build Back Better Joe Manchin of West Virginia
and infrastructure instead opting for a short-term legislation was a test of the waiting to hear whether the
Act is ready,” said Rep. Pramila and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, bills move together. extension of highway funding. U.S. political system. framework also includes fossil
Jayapal, chair of the Congres- two centrists who have fought Progressives say they have “The rest of the world won- fuel-related measures meant
sional Progressive Caucus, us- to trim the overall cost of the already had to sacrifice some ders whether we can func- to appease Mr. Manchin.
ing the Democrats’ preferred bill as well as cut many pro- priorities they originally
name for their social-spending grams sought by progressives. have put the fragile House ma- sought, such as free community
and climate package. Both Mr. Manchin and Ms. jority at risk by denying Con- college and 12 weeks of paid
The caucus formally en- Sinema praised the progress in gress a bipartisan victory. family leave, as the social-
dorsed the framework, which the talks, but neither offered an “I am hopeful that, ulti- spending plan’s price tag was
includes funding for child-care explicit endorsement of the mately, common sense will pre- winnowed from $3.5 trillion.
subsidies, universal prekinder- framework. Democrats are ad- vail and a small faction of the They also wanted to give Medi-
garten, tax breaks for families, vancing the social-spending and party will join the broader ef- care broad powers to negotiate
in-home care for elderly and climate plan through the Senate fort to help pass President Bi- on drug prices and expand the
disabled Americans, as well as using a process called reconcili- den’s Bipartisan Infrastructure program to cover vision, dental
tax credits aimed at combating ation, which enables the party Bill, get shovels in the ground, and hearing coverage.

climate change. But members to pass the bill with just a sim- and people to work,” said Rep. Asked about progressives’
worried the bill wasn’t set in ple majority in the face of Josh Gottheimer (D., N.J.). concerns on Wednesday, White
stone and expressed unease united GOP opposition. Democrats can afford to lose House press secretary Jen Psaki
over where Democratic sena- “I think everyone is very only three votes in the closely said Mr. Biden was working to
tors stood, leading them to re- clear that the biggest problem divided House, meaning pro- get both packages passed, but
ject calls from House Speaker we have here is Manchin and gressives can easily sink a bill if would leave the sequence or
Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) for a Sinema,” said Rep. Ruben Gal- they remain opposed. While timing to Congress. She also
quick vote. lego (D., Ariz.). “They don’t some House Republicans have questioned whether any Demo-
Roughly 30 members of the trust them, we need to hear indicated they could support crats would vote against the in- The measures include $105 billion to boost resilience to the
caucus are committed to op- from them that they’re actually the bill, which drew the support frastructure bill. effects of climate change, such as wildfires and droughts.

Biden Offers sives who still wanted Demo-

crats to provide more clarity
on the social-policy and climate
gressional Progressive Caucus.
Progressives said they
needed more certainty about
Many of the changes Demo-
crats have made to the bill
have been the product of ne-
substance, and basically it’s
trust of Manchin and Sinema,
that’s the problem,” said Rep.
A new surtax in the White
House framework will be 5% on
adjusted gross income above

Slimmer bill before moving forward

with a vote on the infrastruc-
ture bill. Vice President Kamala
the social-spending bill’s con-
tents and its fate in the Senate.
But Ms. Jayapal said progres-
gotiations with two key hold-
outs in the Senate: Sens.
Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.) and
Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.).
The infrastructure bill,
which showers funding on
$10 million and a further 3% on
adjusted gross income over $25
million, senior administration

Legislation Harris was calling some law-

makers to try to persuade them
to back the measure.
sives would back off their in-
sistence that the Senate pass
the social bill before the House
Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.).
Neither Mr. Manchin nor
Ms. Sinema explicitly en-
highways, rail and water sys-
tems, would reauthorize a se-
ries of transportation programs
officials said. Those levies
would hit high-income people
but wouldn’t address billion-
Wrangling all factions of could move on infrastructure. dorsed the new framework. that are set to expire Sunday. aires who are seeing their
Continued from Page One the party behind a particular “We’re going to trust the “This is all in the hands of The reauthorization legislation, wealth increase without report-
wins on two central pillars of set of ideas has proven chal- president on the Senate vote,” the House right now, this is. I which the Senate quickly ad- ing much taxable income.
the president’s agenda to firm lenging, especially as congres- Ms. Jayapal said. “But we do have worked in good faith and opted, will extend the programs The plan will also include a
up his sagging poll numbers and sional leaders and the admin- need the text and we do need I look forward to continuing through Dec. 3, when Congress 15% minimum tax on profit-
bolster Democrats’ case with istration have jettisoned some the votes on both bills in the working in good faith,” Mr. will face several other major able corporations, higher taxes
voters, with a test coming next of progressives’ favored pro- House at the same time.” Manchin said. Ms. Sinema said deadlines on government fund- on U.S. companies’ foreign in-
week in gubernatorial elections posals in the face of objections House Democrats released a in a statement that Democrats ing and the debt limit. come and money to increase
in Virginia and New Jersey. from moderates. text of the social-policy and had “made significant prog- Democrats have been hon- the Internal Revenue Service
In a televised midday Mr. Biden headed to Italy on climate legislation, beginning ress on the proposed budget ing their mammoth spending enforcement staff. A 1% excise
speech, Mr. Biden said: “No Thursday to begin a series of the process for formally con- reconciliation package.” legislation for weeks, seeking tax on corporate stock buy-
one got everything they international meetings, and sidering it, though Mrs. Pelosi Those statements did little to both slim the package as backs is part of the plan.
wanted, including me, but Mrs. Pelosi told Democrats acknowledged she would likely to ease the concerns of House well as find revenue to pay for The tax plans do focus on
that’s what compromise is.” during the morning meeting amend it. “There’s some clari- Democrats who worry about new programs. high-income households and
The White House frame- that they should pass the infra- fications that will come forth the pair further paring back the The plan includes a one- corporations, but other reve-
work released Thursday called structure slice of Mr. Biden’s because it’s always moving a framework or ultimately oppos- year extension of the ex- nue-raising ideas proposed by
for major funding for child- agenda by the time he lands. bit,” she said. ing it entirely. “It’s about the panded child tax credit the administration appear to
care subsidies, universal pre- “The president has asked through 2022, plus a provision lack enough support for now.
kindergarten, tax breaks for for our vote today,” Mrs. A breakdown of the White House’s $1.85 trillion making that break perma- Those include a tax on billion-
families, in-home care for el- Pelosi told Democrats, accord- Build Back Better framework nently available to low-income aires’ unrealized capital gains,
derly and disabled people, as ing to the person familiar with families that don’t pay income a rule requiring banks to re-
well as tax credits aimed at the meeting. Clean energy and climate investments $555 billion taxes. It funds six years of uni- port account flows to the IRS
combating climate change. But progressives, who for versal prekindergarten, six and higher corporate tax rates.
400 Child care
Several party priorities were months have blocked the in- and preschool years of child-care subsidies, Democrats said they would
absent, including a national frastructure bill as leverage to and $150 billion to support continue to seek changes.
paid leave program, while the keep the social-spending bill 200 Child tax & earned long-term care for elderly and The framework didn’t in-
income tax credits
fate of others, including a on track, made clear they disabled Americans. clude a popular provision to al-
push to allow the government weren’t yet ready to drop their 150 Home care The framework also sets low Medicare to negotiate with
to negotiate drug prices, re- opposition. Their demand aside $555 billion for climate- drugmakers to lower the cost
150 Housing
mained uncertain. forced Democrats to delay a related provisions, including of prescription drugs, which a
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vote on the public works bill $320 billion in 10-year ex- senior White House official
130 ACA credits*
(D., Calif.) had pressed for an for the second time in two panded tax credits for renew- said reflected Mr. Biden’s as-
immediate vote on the infra- months, though progressives able energy, transmission, sessment of what could pass
100 Immigration
structure bill following the re- said they hoped to move the electric vehicles and clean en- Congress. But lawmakers said
lease of the framework, even as bills in the House next week. 90 Equity & other ergy manufacturing. the proposal could still make it
many progressive lawmakers “There are too many no investments A central challenge in the into the final bill.
indicated they weren’t ready to votes for the [infrastructure] Higher education talks has been crafting ways to —Kristina Peterson, Alex
support it. A person familiar to pass today,” said Rep. and workforce raise revenue for the package Leary, Richard Rubin
with the vote counting said Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), 35 Medicare hearing *Including in uncovered states after Ms. Sinema objected to and Lindsay Wise
there were about 30 progres- the chairwoman of the Con- Source: The White House many of the tax increases. contributed to this article.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * NY Friday, October 29, 2021 | A7


Strategies Are Mixed

To Fund Spending Plan
BY RICHARD RUBIN happening. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) and
Instead, Democrats are Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.),
WASHINGTON—President leaning on more IRS staffing, who each objected to different
Biden outlined $1.85 trillion in the corporate minimum tax, a proposals for different rea-
proposed tax increases and new 1% tax on stock buybacks sons. Republicans are unified
other revenue generators on and surtaxes on people making in their opposition.
Thursday to pay for his social more than $10 million and $25 The resulting revenue in-
and climate agenda, offering a million a year—the top 0.02% creases amount to a 3.6%


hodgepodge of strategies de- of earners, according to the boost above what the govern-
signed to navigate red lines administration. They say that ment was projected to collect
set by the administration and should generate enough over the next decade by the
congressional Democrats. money to pay for their pared- Congressional Budget Office
The plan relies on a 15% back agenda, which includes this summer. The plans would
corporate minimum tax, sur- climate-change initiatives and generate money from corpora-
taxes on the very highest prekindergarten programs. tions and high-income house-
earners, tougher tax enforce- Essentially, Democrats took holds, but they would do little Democrats are leaning on more staffing at the Internal Revenue Service, among other policies.
ment and higher taxes on U.S. the broad collection of tax to tax wealthy people who
companies’ foreign earnings. ideas they had been developing don’t sell their assets and thus that owners of closely held of the earned-income tax high-level outline. It doesn’t
Meanwhile, ideas that once for years, ran them through don’t report much taxable in- businesses pay it. credit and incentives for elec- include every tax provision
seemed like a clear consensus several filters and moved for- come. The financial-services The surtaxes on the sliver tric vehicles and renewable that might end up in legisla-
within the party—such as rais- ward with the mix of policies industry’s lobbying campaign of households making above energy production. It would tion that hasn’t been written
ing the 21% corporate tax rate that survived those obstacles. helped stop the IRS bank-re- $25 million would take the top extend the expanded child tax and completed yet. Items left
set by Republicans four years First, they navigated porting proposal. ordinary-income tax rate to at credit through 2022, providing out of the summary might still
ago—were set aside. Progres- around Mr. Biden’s own cam- Even the scaled-back plan least 45%, the highest since monthly payments totaling up end up in a final bill.
sives had hoped that unified paign pledge, that taxes won’t will mean some sharp tax in- 1986. And the top capital-gains to $3,000 a child during the In particular, it doesn’t men-
Democratic control of the gov- go up on households making creases for U.S. companies and tax rate would hit 31.8%, the year and $3,600 for children tion the $10,000 cap on the
ernment could change how the under $400,000, a promise high-income households. In highest in more than 40 years. under the age of 6. The child state and local deduction. Law-
very wealthiest Americans’ that doesn’t include the ef- addition to the 15% corporate And for all that, it still isn’t credit would be permanently makers from New York and
capital gains are taxed. Admin- fects of corporate taxes on minimum tax, the plan would clear that the framework an- fully refundable, which means New Jersey expect some
istration officials pressed to middle-income workers and also impose a separate 15% nounced Thursday will be that poor households could changes to end up in a final
have banks report annual ac- shareholders. Second, they minimum tax on U.S. compa- what gets through Congress. It get the money no matter how bill. One option under discus-
count flows to the Internal grappled with resistance from nies’ foreign income, as part needs to be turned into final little income they make. sion would repeal the cap for
Revenue Service to improve House Democrats to untested of the U.S. contribution to the legislative language, evaluated The framework includes 2022 and 2023 and reinstate it
enforcement. House Demo- ideas like the tax on billion- international deal negotiated by nonpartisan congressional spending on child care, but it for 2026 and 2027. That would
crats had planned to tighten aires’ unrealized gains pro- by Treasury Secretary Janet scorekeepers and accepted by doesn’t include an expanded have no significant effect on
the estate tax and pare back a posed this week by Sen. Ron Yellen to boost minimum taxes all Senate Democrats and child and dependent-care tax the overall size of the bill but it
Trump-era tax deduction for Wyden (D., Ore.). And, most around the world. The plan nearly all in the House. credit that the House passed, a would offer a major tax cut in
closely held businesses. importantly, they negotiated would also expand a 3.8% tax The plan also features tax senior White House official said. the near term for high-income
For now, none of that is for weeks with moderate Sens. on high-income households so cuts. It includes an extension Mr. Biden’s framework is a households in high-tax states.

High Earners Would Proposal Targets Large Companies

Face Additional Taxes BY THEO FRANCIS counting principles, or GAAP. serve business credits for haul—lets companies deduct
BY AMARA OMEOKWE while the top total tax rate on AND KRISTIN BROUGHTON Backers say the minimum tax spending on research, clean the full cost of some capital
capital gains would be 31.8%. would apply to about 200 energy and foreign taxes, and spending immediately, instead
The Biden administration The Internal Revenue Ser- Democratic lawmakers are companies, which they didn’t allow companies to carry for- of spreading it out over sev-
on Thursday unveiled a pro- vice received 22,112 tax returns pushing a proposal that would identify. ward at least some losses. eral years, as financial ac-
posal that would levy addi- that reported an adjusted seek to collect more taxes Last year, 236 companies in Those exceptions mean that counting requires. Over time
tional taxes on Americans gross income of $10 million or from dozens of large compa- the S&P 500 index reported some companies would still be the two approaches even out.
earning more than $10 million more for tax year 2018, the nies such as Inc. more than $1 billion in GAAP able to report tax rates below But a company’s taxes in a
annually, part of an overall most recent data available, ac- that record sizable profits but pretax income, and more than 15% or even zero. given year could be pushed
framework to pay for Demo- cording to agency figures. report little or no tax expense. 60 of them reported effective Amazon—the only company below the minimum-tax
crats’ social and climate- The surtaxes could be a The push for a new corpo- tax rates, or tax expense as a singled out by name when the threshold, tax experts say, es-
change agenda. substantial revenue generator rate minimum tax comes as share of pretax income, below proposal’s sponsors announced pecially at companies invest-
The surtaxes would apply to because they would apply to Democrats abandon plans to 15% in 2019 or 2020, according the measure—reported pretax ing heavily in expansion.
the top 0.02% of earners, ac- income sources that typically raise the 21% federal corporate income of $24 billion in 2020 Stock compensation could
cording to the administration, go untaxed for the wealthy be- rate to help fund spending on and an effective tax rate of push some companies into the
and are in line with President cause of deductions and dis- social programs and climate- 11.8%, according to the Jour- minimum tax because compa-
Biden’s stated goals to pay for counts, said Chuck Marr, di- change initiatives. Instead,
A 15% corporate nal’s analysis, which used data nies generally record the ac-
his policy ambitions by raising rector of federal tax policy at they hope to raise hundreds of minimum tax would from Calcbench, a financial counting expense first and tax
taxes on the wealthy. the progressive-leaning Center billions of dollars over 10 data firm. deductions years later, and
The White House said the on Budget and Policy Priori- years by setting a minimum
affect dozens of Among the factors reducing they can be different amounts,
surtaxes would generate $230 ties. Deductions for items such 15% federal tax rate on large S&P 500 companies. Amazon’s reported tax rate, said Robin Schachter, an exec-
billion in revenue over 10 as charitable donations and companies, based on the prof- according to its latest annual utive-compensation attorney
years. Nonpartisan congressio- mortgage interest aren’t in- its companies report to inves- report: significant foreign in- in Beverly Hills, Calif. The mis-
nal scorekeepers have yet to cluded in the calculation of tors. come taxed at rates different match means there are years
evaluate the plan. adjusted gross income. President Biden released a to a Wall Street Journal analy- than the U.S. rate; stock-based when a company will have
The proposal calls for in- “It applies across the board framework on the spending sis. compensation; unspecified tax lower income for tax purposes,
come above $10 million to be to a broad flow of income package on Thursday. The con- Among them: Amazon, Pfizer credits; and a deduction for making it more likely to trig-
taxed at an additional 5% rate streams,” Mr. Marr said of the tents of any tax bill put for- Inc., Stanley Black & Decker foreign-derived intangible in- ger the minimum.
and for income above $25 mil- plan. ward by congressional Demo- Inc., Archer-Daniels-Midland come, or FDII, established in Mr. Schachter said the net
lion to be taxed an additional One key difference between crats remain fluid, and some Co. and Xcel Energy Inc. Not all the 2017 tax overhaul. result of the stock compensa-
3% on top of that. Importantly, the latest plan and other tax proposals have encountered of these companies would ulti- Amazon’s tax rate is pri- tion treatment would probably
the surtaxes would apply to proposals Democrats have resistance among House Dem- mately be subject to the mini- marily driven by immediate succeed in raising tax revenue
adjusted gross income, includ- floated is that for capital gains ocrats. mum tax, even if it passes as deductions for business in- for the government while rais-
ing wages, dividends and real- on assets such as stocks or The corporate minimum tax drafted, thanks in part to the vestment, research tax credits ing tax costs for companies. “I
ized capital gains. artwork, the surtaxes would plan revealed this week tar- effects of other tax provisions and stock-based compensation don’t think it’s going to be a
That means the top tax rate apply only when profits are gets companies that report $1 and differences between tax effects, the company said. behavioral modifier,” he said.
on ordinary income would rise realized, meaning after the as- billion or more in profits un- and GAAP accounting. Immediate expensing—a —Richard Rubin
to 45%, plus 3.8% in other taxes, sets are sold. der U.S. generally accepted ac- The proposal would pre- feature of the 2017 tax over- contributed to this article.

Stock Buyback Surcharge Is Floated Hammacher Schlemmer

Guaranteeing the Best, the Only, and the Unexpected for 173 years.
BY THEO FRANCIS Buybacks for the S&P 500 by sector for 3Q 2021 Financials 5.8 Others 0.2*
Communication Services Information Technology Industrials
The Biden administration is $29.8 billion 25.4 11
proposing a 1% surcharge on Exclusive Offer

corporate buybacks, a measure
that, along with higher taxes Consumer Discretionary 6.1
on corporate profits and Consumer Staples 4.1
wealthy individuals, seeks to Buybacks by company Materials 3.3
any purchase of $99 or more.
pay for its $1.85 trillion social- Use code WS11 by 12/23/21
spending and climate package. Facebook $15.0 billion
Alphabet $12.6
What is a buyback?
Many public companies use Oracle $8.8
cash flow to repurchase, or Microsoft $7.7
buy back, their own shares in
American Express $3.3
the market. The move reduces
the number of shares out- Procter & Gamble $2.8 ”
standing and can improve the HCA Healthcare $2.3 Makes practicing easy and fun.
per-share earnings companies

eBay $2.3 Simulates real conditions.
report each quarter to inves- Carmen, FL
tors. It can also push share UnitedHealth $1.8
prices up, research shows. Comcast $1.7
Wall Street generally wel-
comes buybacks as a sign that *Real Estate, Energy, Utilities Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices
Item 95750 - $169.95
a company’s board and execu- The Tour Professional’s Practice Putting Mat
tives are confident about the What is a buyback tax? backs] to enrich themselves “I don’t know how much rev-
• Used by PGA Tour Pro champions Dustin Johnson,
prospects of the business and The administration is pro- rather than investing workers enue this is going to raise,” said
Marc Leishman, Charles Howell III, and more.
have enough spare cash after posing a 1% excise tax on the and growing their businesses,” Rohit Kumar, Washington na-
• Unique velvet material simulates green speeds
investing in the business and amount companies spend to the summary states. tional tax services co-leader at
paying any dividends. Critics repurchase their own shares. It is unclear whether the tax and accounting firm Price- of 10-14 on the Stimpmeter.
say companies don’t always There is currently no such tax proposed tax would apply to waterhouseCoopers, speaking • Putts automatically returned via a wooden side chute.
use the strategy wisely, and on buyback activity, so the all buybacks, or include an ex- generally about a buyback tax • Rolls up for storage and portability.
that there are sometimes bet- measure, if it becomes law, emption for some or all of the before the Biden proposal was • Measures 9½' L x 1' W.
ter uses for the money. could cause boards and execu- shares used to offset equity- announced. “It seems like some
Companies and analysts say tives to re-evaluate how they based compensation. of this will end up in dividends,
public corporations also buy allocate capital. rather than buybacks.”
Every purchase backed by our rather famous
back shares to offset stock- The Biden administration, How much money would a Supporters of the buyback LIFETIME GUARANTEE
based compensation paid to a in a summary of the proposal, buyback tax raise? tax acknowledge companies Click:
range of employees in some said share repurchases are a The Biden administration can instead shift spending to
industries, in addition to exec- costly exercise that serve to estimates the 1% excise tax regular or special dividends, Call: 1-866-409-5548
utives. Issuing shares as pay enrich executives by driving up will raise about $125 billion which would be taxed to the Corp. Sales: 1-866-714-0530
would otherwise dilute the the price of shares that they over 10 years, but notes the recipients. Use Code WS11 at Checkout.
value of existing shareholders’ receive as compensation. Exec- figure is subject to revision —Kristin Broughton Visit for full terms and conditions.
stakes. utives “too often use [buy- with a more detailed analysis. contributed to this article.

A8 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Biden Aims to Ease Tensions at Summits
BY CATHERINE LUCEY ing in Rome and the Glasgow saying the other leaders under- den administration. At a mini- Mr. Biden will meet with ment among nearly 140 coun-
AND MATTHEW DALTON climate summit, Mr. Biden has stand the process takes time. mum, Mr. Macron wants back- other leaders during both sum- tries to overhaul global tax
worked to win agreement with The leaders of China and ing from the U.S. for his vision mits. Mr. Sullivan said he ex- rules, which is expected to re-
President Biden will push congressional Democrats on a Russia aren’t expected at either of strategic autonomy, in which pects a meeting between Mr. ceive backing from leaders.
allies to do more to confront social-policy and climate bill gathering. Mr. Biden’s foreign the European Union would Biden and Turkish President The reform sets out a
climate change and seek prog- and a separate infrastructure policy has focused on counter- build out its own defense capa- Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who global minimum corporate tax
ress on a global minimum tax package. The administration ing the economic rise of China. this week backed off a threat of 15%, targeted at preventing
during a foreign trip that fol- also hopes to show it can still Mr. Biden first heads to It- to expel the U.S. ambassador companies from exploiting
lows a bumpy stretch on the meet goals to cut emissions, aly, where the second Roman and the top envoys of nine low-tax jurisdictions. The Bi-
world stage and a late sprint despite setbacks in Congress. Catholic president is set to go
On his second foreign other Western countries who den administration has pushed
to advance his agenda at home. Mr. Biden’s priorities for the to Vatican City for an audience trip, the president called for the release of a jailed for the move, arguing that the
Following a celebratory trip trip include working with al- Friday with Pope Francis. They philanthropist. In recent years, floor set by the global mini-
overseas in June aimed at lies on climate change, energy are expected to discuss issues
will press tax, energy American-Turkish relations mum tax was a victory for the
strengthening U.S. alliances, Mr. prices, supply-chain issues and including climate, Covid-19 and climate issues. have cratered over clashing in- U.S. and its ability to raise
Biden’s five-day tour to Italy a new global minimum tax. and poverty. The visit comes terests over the war in Syria, money from companies.
and Scotland will include efforts White House national secu- amid controversy among U.S. human-rights issues within Mr. Biden is to attend the
to ease recent tensions. His ad- rity adviser Jake Sullivan played bishops over Mr. Biden’s sup- Turkey and Ankara’s purchases climate summit in Glasgow on
ministration is coping with frus- down any tensions, saying the port for abortion rights. bility and rely less on support of Russian arms systems. Monday and Tuesday, and is
tration over the U.S. exit from U.S. and Europe are “aligned Also on Friday, Mr. Biden from the U.S. Mr. Macron’s Mr. Sullivan said Mr. Biden expected to give an address
Afghanistan and a diplomatic and united on the major ele- will meet with French Presi- idea is controversial in Europe, also would attend a meeting of while there.
dust-up with France after it was ments of the global agenda.” Mr. dent Emmanuel Macron. and the U.S. historically has allies on how to bring Iran The president is hoping to
cut out of a deal to supply nu- Sullivan said the president France was furious at being been skeptical of Europe devel- back into compliance with the stress that the U.S. is serious
clear submarines to Australia. would make gains abroad even cut out of the Australia deal. oping a defense capability in- nuclear accord. about climate-change efforts,
In the weeks leading up to if the fate of much of his domes- Unknown are what steps dependent of the North Atlan- At the G-20, an important even if he is struggling to pass
the Group of 20 nations meet- tic agenda remained unresolved, France now seeks from the Bi- tic Treaty Organization. issue for the U.S. is an agree- his agenda in Congress.

Global Migration Plummeted During Pandemic

BY PAUL HANNON experiencing difficulty filling of permanent migration, and
roles, with shortages espe- that category fell by 35% in
Migration to rich countries cially acute in industries in- 2020, led by a halving of the
dropped last year as the cluding manufacturing, trans- numbers arriving in the U.S.
Covid-19 pandemic closed busi- port and financial services. Nonetheless, family mi-
nesses and borders, but a re- Many governments re- grants still accounted for
bound is under way as short- stricted movement across their nearly a third of the total,
ages of workers bite and borders as Covid-19 spread in twice as large a share of the
industries that had come to rely early 2020, while shutdowns 15% of migrants who arrived as

heavily on migrant labor over designed to contain the pan- workers. Across all OECD
the past two decades reopened. demic limited the demand for members the number of labor
In its annual report on the new workers. The result was a migrants fell by 24%, but there
movement of people across widespread and sharp decline was much variation, and new
borders, the Organization for in new migrants arriving in the arrivals to the U.S. were almost
Economic Cooperation and De- OECD’s 38 members, most of unchanged from 2019, although
velopment, a Paris-based re- which are rich nations. that reflected a change in sta-
search body, said the number The U.S. saw the second tus in already-arrived workers
of migrants arriving in its sharpest decline, recording a from temporary to permanent.
mostly rich-country members drop of 44% to 576,000, with There also were big drops in
fell by nearly a third to 3.7 Canada seeing the largest fall the number of migrants arriv-
million, the largest drop since at 46%. Migration to Germany ing through temporary work
records began in 2003. and France fell by 26% and programs. Japan and South Ko-
The OECD didn’t offer pro- 21%, respectively. The U.S. re- rea saw drops of 65% and 57%,
jections for this year, but said mained the largest destination respectively, while the U.S. and
with workers hard to come by for migrants, followed by Ger- Australia saw declines of 37%
in many sectors that tradition- Migrants from Yemen were seen in the woods near Grodek, Poland, earlier this month. many with 458,600 arrivals and Canada a fall of 43%. By
ally rely more heavily on mi- and the U.K. with 243,600. contrast, migration for farm
grants than the native-born, a tion, healthcare and hospitality. director for employment. to meet surging demand. However, much of the de- work dropped by just 10%
recovery is under way. Before “With the gradual reopening A pickup in migration should Recruitment firm Manpow- cline in migrant flows wasn’t across OECD members as a
the pandemic, migrant labor of the economy in the past help ease worker shortages erGroup surveyed 45,000 em- directly related to work. Fam- whole, and rose slightly in the
had become increasingly im- months we are seeing a rebound that are squeezing industries ployers in 43 countries about ily members joining recently U.S. and Poland. Migrants ac-
portant for industries ranging in international migration,” said world-wide, as economies re- hiring plans for the fourth settled migrants have long ac- cepted by host countries for hu-
from agriculture to construc- Stefano Scarpetta, the OECD’s open and companies scramble quarter and found 69% were counted for the largest share manitarian reasons fell by 23%.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | A9


Inside ceived an MRI in June 2019, the

price amounted to an 89% dis-
count. She owed roughly $94
Barbara Kingsbury’s bills
overwhelmed her and her
husband, at one point hitting

Hospital after her insurer picked up the

rest of the $469 rate, better
than any discount this year.
$94,000 in unpaid fees and
interest. Below, Dennis
Kingsbury at home in Volin, S.D.

Pricing No one insurance company

consistently got the best deals
at Avera McKennan Hospital &
especially for a serious condi-
tion. That’s why health insur-
University Medical Center in ance exists,” said Avera spokes-
Continued from Page One Sioux Falls, S.D., one hospital woman Ms. Meyers. “It is
doesn’t cover their medical where Ms. Kingsbury was important for consumers to un-
care, according to a previous treated. derstand what they are buying
analysis by the Journal. Avera Health, which owns and the coverage it provides.”
For many patients and their McKennan Hospital, declined to The Journal compared Avera
families, hospital fees are al- comment on price comparisons. McKennan’s 2019 PET CT price
ready complicated, opaque and Negotiated rates vary by insur- for Ms. Kingsbury with the
stressful. The Kingsburys show ance plan and discounts for in- price Medicare would pay, as
just how little control consum- surers are based on volume, calculated by price-comparison
ers have. “That’s the game,” said Lindsey Meyers, an Avera startup Turquoise Health Co.
said Mary Daniel, who worked spokeswoman. “We sympathize The hospital’s cash price for
for decades in healthcare bill- with families and individuals Ms. Kingsbury in 2019 was 5.7
ing and now helps patients ne- who are faced with serious dis- times the Medicare rate, ac-
gotiate prices with hospitals ease and loss,” she said. cording to the Journal’s analy-
and doctors. “Some people get When insurance didn’t cover sis using newly public data col-
penalized by that.” some treatments, the Journal lected by Turquoise. That’s one
For one of several services found, Avera McKennan Hospi- of the highest multiples of any
used in Ms. Kingsbury’s radia- tal set its own prices that of the more than 1,200 U.S.
tion therapy in June 2019, she ranked among the highest any- hospitals in the analysis.
was charged $2,728, which she where in the U.S. in the Jour- Under Avera, the scan was
paid out of her own pocket un- nal’s analysis. 1.9 times the hospital’s Medi-
der her insurance plan, her re- The Journal compared prices care rate, which ranked in the
cords show. That amounted to a made public this year by Avera bottom third of an analysis of
49% discount off the sticker McKennan Hospital with prices commercially negotiated prices
price, the rate set indepen- for Ms. Kingsbury’s care in by the Journal, which included
dently by hospitals as the full 2019 and 2020. Bills included in nearly 21,000 rates.
price of each service. The hospi- the analysis were those that For the second scan under
tal Ms. Kingsbury went to uses hadn’t been paid and were in Avera, the $2,876 cost fell un-
the sticker price in negotiations collections, amounting to about der Ms. Kingsbury’s deductible,
with some insurance companies $94,000 in fees and interest. so she owed the full amount.
to calculate final rates. The newly public rates include The couple struggled to pay.
Four insurance companies Avera’s average price across
got a better percentage dis- contracts for each insurer, in-
count there this year, based on cluding supporting services. To ‘I’m lost’
compare across years, the Jour- The Kingsburys applied for
nal used insurers’ discounts off financial aid from Avera, but
the sticker price. were denied, according to doc-
‘Somebody else is The Kingsburys met at a uments reviewed by the Jour-
literally negotiating wedding reception in October nal. “I’m lost,” Mr. Kingsbury
1995. They danced until the said in May. “I just don’t know
and purchasing on early morning, said the 68- what to do anymore.”
your behalf.’ year-old Mr. Kingsbury. Both Avera said its patient advo-
worked as cooks and he needed cates work with families to an-
equipment for a catering event. swer questions about insurance


He asked Barbara for help, a coverage and financial assis-
the newly public data. With ruse to see her again. “I just tance.
those discounts, the average got carried away after that,” he The hospital sent the Kings-
prices would amount to $440 said. They married in 2000. burys’ outstanding bills to Ac-
to $1,077 less than what Ms. Until she stopped working counts Management Inc.,
Kingsbury paid. this spring, Ms. Kingsbury Avera’s debt-collection arm.
None of this has been clear cooked for about 300 students Avera declined to comment on
to consumers—until this year. in the Vermillion School Dis- its collection efforts.
Hospitals and insurers have trict. She didn’t qualify for in- Mr. Kingsbury accompanied
long set prices through confi- surance on the job, so the cou- his wife to nearly every medical
dential negotiations. Starting ple shopped for insurance they appointment, he said. Early this
Jan. 1, hospitals were required could afford, her husband said. year, he said, a nurse ap-
to make their prices public un- Ms. Kingsbury earned proached him in the waiting
der a Trump administration roughly $17,700 last year, tax room and told him, “Dennis,
policy that sought to expose records reviewed by the Jour- you might want to come in.” He
the sector’s pricing to greater nal show. Her husband, who is Hospital Range health economist Zack Cooper. joined his wife as the doctor
market pressure. retired, received about $22,800 Other factors that lead to explained treatment might buy
Compliance with the rule in yearly income from Social Although a PET CT scan is a largely standard procedure, 2021 price differences are out of her more time but would no
has been spotty, but the avail- Security. They bought insur- prices vary widely across hospitals, as shown by the range of consumers’ control, he said, longer stop her tumors. Ms.
able data show that prices vary ance in 2019 from LifeShield costs for both insured and cash-paying patients. such as an insurance company’s Kingsbury decided to stop
widely among the plans that National Insurance Co. Number of listed prices for a PET CT* scan at U.S. hospitals bargaining strategy, he said. treatment, her husband said.
negotiate contracts with hospi- Her treatment in July that 6,000 prices “The market for healthcare “That was a bad day,” he said.
tals. While the data remain dif- year included a procedure to just doesn’t look at all like the Collectors continued to call
ficult for consumers to use, target the radiation therapy to market for tomatoes because and told Mr. Kingsbury the cou-
knowing the full range of rates protect normal tissue near the 5,000 somebody else is literally nego- ple faced a lawsuit over their
could ultimately help patients cancer. The LifeShield price of tiating and purchasing on your debt, he said. He said they
negotiate their bills. about $780 amounted to a dis- The $10,516 price for behalf,” Mr. Cooper said. emptied Barbara’s retirement
count of 53% off the hospital’s cash-paying patients at Ms. Kingsbury switched in- savings to pay roughly $90,000
Avera McKennan Hospital
charge. Ms. Kingsbury paid all surance plans in 2020, from of the hospital debt.
Steep prices of it because her plan’s benefits 3,000 this year is among the
nation’s highest rates† LifeShield to a more compre- Ms. Kingsbury’s daughter,
Healthcare economists note didn’t cover the rest of the bill. hensive health plan from Sarah Ewing, started a Go-
that prices in other sectors, The insurance was exempt from 2,000 Avera’s insurance arm. She had FundMe account for the couple,
such as airlines, can also vary some federal rules that protect imaging known as PET CT done though her mother balked. “It
for the same service, but hospi- healthcare consumers. once under each plan, to get a takes all your pride to ask for
tals’ steep prices mean the dol- LifeShield didn’t respond to re- 1,000 view of her cancer—illustrating money,” Ms. Ewing said. “It
lar difference between the quests for comment. just how much prices can differ. made me really mad. She’s the
highest and lowest rates can The best deal negotiated for 0 The cost for the scan under hardest, most dedicated
amount to tens of thousands of the procedure by an insurer $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000+ LifeShield was $1,497, almost worker. She was always very
dollars. “The order of magni- this year, Avera’s own insur- Note: *From base of skull to mid-thigh †Includes the cost of any supporting services
half the price charged under proud she had a decent amount
tude of healthcare costs is dif- ance company, had a 71% dis- Source: Wall Street Journal analysis of Turquoise Health Co. data. Avera. However, Ms. Kings- of retirement.”
ferent,” said Amanda Starc, an count. That would be $290 less bury’s plan at LifeShield was Ms. Kingsbury entered hos-
associate professor at North- than what Ms. Kingsbury paid. power, with higher prices have their revenue require- exempt from Affordable Care pice care in early June, when
western University’s Kellogg The range of prices is the where hospitals dominate. ments,” he said. Act rules to prevent gaps in her husband intercepted a call
School of Management. “It’s product of an interplay of mul- Avera McKennan operates in Consumers can make some coverage. LifeShield didn’t to her phone from bill collec-
higher stakes.” tiple payers and hospitals, and a competitive market, a spokes- choices that lower bills, such as cover this scan. So Avera tors. He insisted they call his
Even within an insurance a lack of competitive pressure woman said. selecting something called a charged Ms. Kingsbury the cellphone instead and pleaded
plan, prices aren’t consistently to hold down costs, economists Hospitals and insurers ulti- narrow-network health plan, price it sets for patients not for help working out remaining
low or high. A plan’s prices for said. Rates have been deter- mately bargain for prices to which limits coverage to a covered by insurance, at $8,451, bills, he said. Ms. Kingsbury
one service can be among the mined by trade-offs at the bar- meet financial targets, said Da- small group of providers and one of the highest prices in the died soon afterward.
lowest a hospital negotiates, but gaining table between hospitals vid Dillon, a healthcare actuary gives insurers more leverage Journal’s analysis of publicly Her husband still owes
among the highest for another, and insurers—such as an offer with the consulting firm Lewis with hospitals to win lower available rates nationwide. about $14,000 in fees and inter-
the Journal’s analysis found. of cheaper prices in return for & Ellis Inc. “It is kind of as sim- rates in return for more busi- “Healthcare is a service and est, according to records re-
When Ms. Kingsbury re- more business—and by market ple as both sides of the table ness, said Yale University it can be an expensive service, viewed by the Journal.

Investors Tungsten has one of the high-

est tensile strengths and melt-
ing points among metals.
me—keep going, keep work-
ing,” said Mr. Morris, who also
invests in cryptocurrencies.
for grilled meats. Lately, photos
of smoked brisket have given
away to pictures of cubes.
forces of nature, and it can
send you on an out-there-wan-
dering experience,” said Rabbi
did need to replenish invento-
“The universal response

Crave Metal Drew Morris, a 35-year-old

Florida lawyer at a blockchain
intelligence company, bought
“One day, I’ll be able to up-
grade to a larger-size cube.”
Cubists like Mr. Morris got
Nic Carter, founding part-
ner at the blockchain-focused
venture-capital firm Castle Is-
Michael Caras, an Albany-
based Jewish day-school
teacher, who uses the twitter
whenever we’ve had anybody
in our facility, and we’ve
handed them tungsten to hold,

Cubes his 1½-inch cube after friends

came across it on Twitter and
in Telegram group chats. He
recent inspiration from a niche
corner of online life: financial
Twitter. Fintwit, as it is called,
land Ventures, describes him-
self in his twitter bio as the
“original tungpiller.” He said
handle @thebitcoinrabbi. He
owns a 1½-inch cube.
“It’s kind of like a discon-
it’s kind of astonishment,” said
Mr. Anetsberger, a 36-year
veteran of the company.
found the density mind-blow- typically consists of investors the physical heft of the cubes nect between what your eyes While Mr. Anetsberger
Continued from Page One ing. small and large debating the contrasts with the intangible are seeing and what you’re won’t comment on how much
point, according to Ama- “I keep it on my desk as a direction of markets, the pros- nature of cryptomarkets. feeling and what you expect Midwest Tungsten has made’s product page, is reminder of what motivates pects for inflation and recipes “We’re just deprived of from something that fits in the from the recent sales, it last
that they are “extremely heavy physical totems of our affec- palm of your hand,” he said. week began accepting pay-
for their size.” tion, and so tungsten fills that There is a rallying cry: “We ments in bitcoin. The first or-
That also is their main hole in our hearts,” he said. like the cube.” That’s a play on der arrived eight minutes
source of appeal to crypto Demand intensified after the phrase “We like the stock,” later.
bros and other enthusiasts Neeraj K. Agrawal, director of often used on sites such as Daniel Matuszewski, co-
who caused a run on supplies communications at Coin Cen- Reddit’s WallStreetBets to founder of cryptocurrency in-
at a major tungsten provider ter, a nonprofit cryptocur- show support for buying vestment firm CMS Holdings,
in recent weeks. They are rency research and advocacy shares of GameStop Corp., asked Midwest Tungsten to
shelling out around $400 group, posted a joke mock-up AMC Entertainment Holdings make a 7-inch cube engraved
apiece for 2-inch cubes weigh- of a faked Bloomberg News Inc. or other meme stocks. with the company’s name in
ing around 5 pounds, or story claiming crypto traders The hype sparked a surge in comic sans. Mr. Matuszewski
$3,000 for the 4-inch version were behind an imaginary demand at Midwest Tungsten said the roughly 230-pound
as heavy as a low-horsepower global tungsten shortage. Service Inc., which sells the cube should arrive sometime
outboard motor—and almost “I’m gonna be buried with cubes, along with tungsten in around the winter holidays. All
three times the price. my cube probably,” said Mr. various industrial forms for in, the company has spent
While cube enthusiasts Agrawal. “It will be like a pha- use in things such as wiring more than $50,000 on branded
overlap with aficionados of raoh buried with his posses- and cutting tools. Midwest cubes, he said.
ephemeral varieties of digital sions, so the cube will have a Tungsten General Manager “We have a pretty interest-

money prone to heart-stop- place of honor.” Kevin Anetsberger said the $6 ing fight going on internally,
ping swings in value, their Cube enthusiasts often de- billion to $9 billion global whether or not somebody is
new paperweights, given their scribe them in quasimystical tungsten market can support actually going to be able to
density, are among the most- terms. “You kind of start won- the burgeoning demand for pick that up,” Mr. Matuszewski
tangible things on earth. Florida lawyer Drew Morris with his 1½-inch tungsten cube. dering about gravity and the cubes, though the company said.

A10 | Friday, October 29, 2021 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


‘Souvenir II’: The Honor Swinton

Byrne as Julie,

Past Spun Into Gold left, and Tilda

Swinton as
Rosalind, below

he Souvenir: Part II” is be equally disciplined as a direc-
Joanna Hogg’s sequel to tor. But Julie is beset by confusion
her semi-autobiographi- and fears. What does she, a child
cal 2019 feature “The of privilege, know about the work-
Souvenir,” which starred ing class? Fellow students tell her
Honor Swinton Byrne as Julie, a to deal with what she does know,
film-school student in 1980s Eng- to make a film about Anthony. (He,
land. Sequels are unusual in inde- in his turn, had expressed admira-
pendent film—no superheroes tion for Michael Powell and Emeric
available for marketing—but this Pressburger, the filmmaker part-
one represented a twofold risk. ners responsible for such sumptu-
How do you follow a film that ous classics as “The Red Shoes”
seemed perfect in itself, a model of and “Black Narcissus.” Their films,
compression and self-containment Anthony said, were “very truthful
about a ravaging love affair and the without being real.”)
growing pains of a young artist at a Naturalism versus fantasy.
pivot point in her life? The answer, Keeping tight control versus tak-
playing in select theaters, turns out ing risks. These are questions that
to be daringly intricate and beauti- concern everyone in the arts,
fully simple. Ms. Hogg has outdone
herself with an even stronger film
about grief, self-discovery, the
daunting uncertainties of the cre-
The sequel to Joanna
ative process and, before and after Hogg’s semi-
everything else, the mysterious
power of the movie medium.
autobiographical 2019
The story picks up shortly after feature shines.
it left off, with Ms. Swinton Byrne
once again at center stage and suf-
fusing her role with warmth, grace
and intelligence; more about her whether they’re writers or paint-
superlative performance in a bit. ers, film-school students or mas-
Julie’s lover, Anthony, who was ters of the medium like Federico
played by Tom Burke in the first Fellini, who dramatized his ago-
film, is gone, under circumstances nies—to lurid effect—in “8 ½.” It’s
that have left her shattered. (I’m thrilling to see Julie assert herself.
being vague here because you may “I don’t want to show life as it
not have seen the first part of Ms. plays out,” she tells her teachers.
Hogg’s diptych, which you should “I want to show life as I imagine
see in order to enjoy the second it.” And it’s harrowing to see her
part fully; it’s available on Amazon thrashing around in what may be
Prime Video.) The dutiful student creative chaos or simply chaos.
is back in school, determined to Anyone who has spent time on the
pull herself together and complete set of a big-budget Hollywood dent crew who’ve lost confidence Ms. Hogg made her own gradu- course in its own right, with an as-
her graduation film, a gritty drama movie knows something of the in her, and listening to their griev- ation film as a student in the sortment of party-ready regis-
with a documentary feel about pressure under which directors ances in agonized silence. (Mem- 1980s. It starred her friend Tilda trants in Julie’s school that would
dock workers. work. Yet the point has never been bers of the professional and con- Swinton, who plays Julie’s loving, make any venturesome young
Her teachers, all of them male made more eloquently than by the spicuously gifted crew include the affluent mother, Rosalind, in this spirit want to sign up immediately.
and none of them young, are sup- sight of Julie at a life-or-death production designer, Stéphane Col- part of “The Souvenir” as she did (One of them, Patrick, a student
portive. She has written a solidly moment in her production—sur- longe, and the cinematographer, in the first one. She is also Ms. director played by Richard Ayoade,
crafted script; they assume she’ll rounded by members of her stu- David Raedeker.) Swinton Byrne’s mother in real electrifies every scene he’s in with
life, so it’s no surprise that the his citric tongue and carbonated
dual casting works well, as it did cortex.)
before, or that Julie is a command- And the films within the film!
ing presence, as before. The reve- They include a stylish evocation of
lation, though, is Ms. Swinton the Richard Rodgers-George Bal-
Byrne’s growth in the part. She anchine ballet “Slaughter On Tenth
marks the stages of Julie’s grief Avenue”; a masked ball in which
over her lost love with searing the golden era of MGM is reflected
passion, yet unerring economy. murkily in a hall of mirrors; a mu-
Anthony once told Julie she was sic video with red shoes and a
fragile, and lost, and would always bright red car, all drenched in red-
be lost. Ms. Swinton Byrne allows blooded sexuality; a sequence of
us to see the contours of steadfast surreal symbolism that may be
strength behind her heroine’s meant to be meaningful or charm-
translucent terror, and then, with ingly awful, the gap between ge-
inspired support from Ms. Hogg’s nius and folly sometimes being
direction, gives us the spectacle of narrow. Exactly how many films
this dear soul in distress finding there are within the film is classi-
her way up from tragedy through fied information, and I won’t
her art breathe a word about Julie’s cli-
If all of that suggests some- mactic creation, except to say that
thing of a slog through emotional you should be prepared to be de-
swamps, the opposite is true. This lighted, bewildered, disoriented
ultimately optimistic film almost and eventually astonished by what
bursts with dramatic energy. “The keeps boiling up from the wishing-
Souvenir: Part II”—the title comes well depths of her subconscious.
from an 18th century Fragonard She’s on her way, but Ms. Hogg is
miniature of a woman, named Ju- already there with one of the most
A24 (2)

lie, carving her lover’s initials into fiercely and tenderly original mov-
a tree trunk—is a filmmaking ies in retrievable memory.

TELEVISION REVIEW | TERRY TEACHOUT are immensely pleasurable.
The cast is led by Karen Ziemba,

In Praise of Working Girls


who plays Mrs. Warren as a solid, no-

nonsense businesswoman replete with
self-assurance, and Nicole King, an off-
New York also a knowing spoof of the kind of Broadway debutante who is a real find

ime was when George Bernard Victorian play in which dandies utter as Vivie, at once beautiful and slightly
Shaw’s effervescent comedies of lines like “By Jove, what a lark!” Neither gawky-looking (cheers to Asa Benally,
ideas were seen on Broadway Vivie nor Mrs. Warren are having any the costume designer, who deserves
with fair regularity, but those days are of it, though: They know what they much credit for helping Ms. King carry
long past. All the more reason, then, to want, and it’s nothing that men can off the latter illusion). Mr. Staller, who
praise David Staller, the artistic director supply. That’s the point of the play, knows everything there is to know
of Project Shaw, a long-running series whose satirical targets are the institu- about Shaw, has not only staged the
of semi-staged concert readings of the tion of marriage and the place of play but edited the text with his accus-
playwright’s 60-odd shows. In addition women in a male-dominated world. tomed skill. Make haste to see it!
to Project Shaw, Mr. Staller’s Gingold Sprinkled with tart, school-of-Wilde ep-
Theatrical Group presented fully staged igrams (“There are no secrets better Mrs. Warren’s Profession
small-scale off-Broadway versions of kept than the secrets everybody Gingold Theatrical Group, Theatre Row,
“Heartbreak House” in 2018 and “Cae- guesses”) and overflowing with glitter- 410 W. 42nd St. ($69), 212-714-2442
sar and Cleopatra” in 2019, and now ing talk, it’s a foolproof vehicle for six x2, closes Nov. 20
they’re doing “Mrs. Warren’s Profes- accomplished actors and a director
sion,” which hasn’t been seen anywhere who, like Mr. Staller, knows better than Mr. Teachout, the Journal’s drama
in New York since the Roundabout The- to let the play become a static chat- critic, is the author of “Satchmo at the
atre Company mounted it 11 years ago. fest. Instead, he keeps the actors mov- Waldorf.” Write to him at ttea-
The production is completely satisfying, ing and the pace brisk, and the results
and the play gains immeasurably from
up-close presentation (it is being per-
formed in one of Theatre Row’s six 88-
seat houses).
Mrs. Warren’s “profession,” which
could only be alluded to by stealth and
with carefully chosen synonyms when
Shaw wrote the play in 1893, is prosti-
tution. She runs a chain of high-class
bordellos, and her goal is to put aside
enough money to buy Vivie, her daugh-
ter, a place in respectable Victorian so-
ciety. Naturally, none of Vivie’s beaux
The Holiday Tradition Returns have any notion of precisely how her
mother pays the rent, and Vivie herself
November 26 through January 2 is a well-starched prig, a Cambridge-
schooled mathematician with no inter-

VIP Sweet Seats Available

est whatsoever in sex, much less love.
Groups: 212-870-4200 This is a quintessentially Shavian or 212-496-0600
premise for a comedy, and what makes
it even funnier is that for much of its
length, “Mrs. Warren’s Profession” is Karen Ziemba and Nicole King in ‘Mrs. Warren’s Profession’

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | A11


Garbled But Good Looking

Anya Taylor-Joy, above, and Matt Smith, below, in ‘Last Night in Soho’

Bertie Carvel as Inspector Adam Dalgliesh, above; Amanda Root and Siobhan Cullen, below

hen you’re watching a good Hong Kong. Plus a live-action echo
film, it’s as if the filmmaker of “Spirited Away,” since this
TELEVISION REVIEW | DOROTHY RABINOWITZ has taken you by the hand Soho, indoors and out, is haunted

‘Dalgliesh’: Terror in
and said, “Come with me, I want to by a spectral group of men who
show you something special.” I was darken the hues of Eloise’s roman-
glad to go along with Edgar Wright tic fantasy.
as “Last Night in Soho” got under It’s easy to see why Mr. Wright

The Nurse’s Ward

way, and why not? He’s the man and his collaborators wanted to
who gave zombies and robots new take this tale of the supernatural to
leases on life in his classic comedy- another level. Tracking Eloise and
horror trilogy comprised of “Shaun Sandie through a series of intersec-

Of the Dead,” “Hot Fuzz” and “The tions is fine for a while, a way a
o stranger to the im- the surface thanks to his arrival World’s End.” way of reflecting on the odds
penetrable when it and upend the small world of His new film held me firmly in against dreams coming true, and of
comes to criminal this community. It is a place its grip with a promising premise. dramatizing Eloise’s fear that she’ll
plots, Inspector where people long accepted as A sweet and timid country mouse, follow in the footsteps of her
Adam Dalgliesh (Ber- part of the family have been hid- Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie), goes mother, who suffered from mental
tie Carvel) investi- ing out, their true histories un- to London to study fashion design illness and was overwhelmed by liv-
gates the case of a fatal poison- known, and where some are pre- and is promptly
ing at an institution for training pared to kill—and have killed—in transported, never
nurses in the latest TV saga de- order to conceal that past. mind how, to the
rived from the novels of P.D. When the details unfold, to- time and place
James. (This installment is titled ward the end, about those with she has dreamed
“Shroud for a Nightingale”; two something to conceal the tone of, swinging Soho
more adaptations, “The Black turns darker still, though in a in the mid-1960s.
Tower” and “A Taste for Death,” brightly illuminating way. (A new James
will follow.) The victim is a There’s all along a certain un- Bond is playing at
trainee on whom another stu- dertone—an attitude never far the cinema: It’s
dent demonstrates the insertion below the surface—that envi- called “Thunder-
of a feeding tube—a fatal exer- sions the world’s enemy as the ball.”) Soon Eloise
cise that pumps her full of tox- totalitarian dark, the antagonists crosses paths
ins. Mr. Carvel is the third actor A detective uncovers of justice and decency, as a with a local
to portray the detective (Roy dark pasts while crime committed in a small Eng- beauty who
Marsden who originated the role lish nursing school is suddenly seems to be her
in the 1980s). The tale, set in investigating a linked to the horrors of the alter ego. Sandie,
mid-1970s England—each install- poisoning. Third Reich. as she calls her-
ment spans a pair of episodes, And if here, in this place, self, could hardly
two of which roll out on Mondays there are people struggling to be more alter, since she’s played ing alone in London. But then what?
for three weeks—is never less hide such pasts, there is no miss- with a dazzling sense of purpose Rather than belabor the what
than gripping in its picture of ing the view that suggests justice by Anya Taylor-Joy that was chosen—the silly lather
medical procedures gone wrong, But for all their intrinsic is due to those who have commit- So far so good. But then Mr. the story works up—I’ll reflect in my
evidently by design. The visual power, these images of sudden ted—or abetted—some of the Wright’s film, which he wrote with turn on how fine “Last Night In
impact—the young trainee react- horror are mere details compared worst crimes known to man. The Krysty Wilson-Cairns, asked me to Soho” turns out to be when its co-
ing to the worst physical anguish with the storytelling that brings series’s most eloquent images cross a street into another genre stars are fully engaged in their ee-
imaginable, the chief medical in- this series to roaring life (the project the same sense of finality: that amounted to another movie. rily mysterious dance of identity.
structor covered in blood—is ter- script was written by Helen Ed- They’re the moments when Dal- That’s where I drew the line, and And on two extra treats—seeing
rorizing. The atmosphere of dread mundson). Dalgliesh (an im- gliesh exchanges long looks with this is where I cut loose from a Terence Stamp, an emblem of
and depression is pervasive in the mensely seductive performance the character he’s just arranged construction that threatens to sink 1960s Swinging London and a film
drama. We begin to suspect that by Mr. Carvel), a recent widower, to have carted off to whatever the review before I get to describe star of the period, as a silver-haired
any tube in a patient’s mouth may finds an admirer or two at the in- judgment awaits. how much fun the film can be un- gentleman (whose name in the
well not be delivering the medica- stitute, but his mind is fixed Needless to say the departing til it spins wildly out of control. credits is Silver Haired Gentleman),

tion the doctors had intended— firmly on the case. Though he is characters include war criminals, And how gorgeous it is. The and Diana Rigg, once the glamorous
that it just might be transmitting pleased to discover that someone Nazi helping hands and the like. cinematographer, Chung-hoon Emma Peel in the original TV ver-
a corrosive substance that kills. here has read and enjoyed his The details of Dalgliesh’s pursuit Chung, should have been given sion of “The Avengers.” She plays

What happened to the big con- published poetry. of the case against them are best star billing too. A native of South Ms. Collins, the elderly proprietress
tainer of antiseptic that was in Neither he nor anyone else disclosed in the series. Korea, he uses the magical intan- of a musty Soho boardinghouse.
the bathroom?, someone asks. A has any way of knowing about gibles of color and light to make This is the final film Ms. Rigg made
question now that has special the undercurrents, political and Dalgliesh the nighttime Soho exteriors look before her death last year. It’s half
meaning. social, that are going to burst to Begins Monday, Acorn TV like a cross between Seoul and of a worthy memorial.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
40s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 61 Fourth book
12 13
40s Edmonton
30s of the Book of
40s 40s 0s
Calgaryy 50s 14 15 16
50s Seattle
Winnipeg 17 18 19 62 Argument
Portland 50s
Down 28 Areas on a Clue
60s Montreal 50s 30s 20 21 22
Eugene Bismarck Ottawa 1 Billionaire board
Helena Billings 40s Bezos
70s 40s
23 24 25 29 “Don’t dilute it”
40s Boise
40s Mpls./St. Paul Toronto Albanyy Boston 50s 2 MLB league order at a bar
26 27 28 29 30 31 30 Dance outfits
Pierre Sioux Falls
Milwaukee Detroit Buffalo
60s 3 Observatory
60s Neww York
Reno Salt Lake Cityy Des Moines
Chicago Cleveland 40s
70s 32 33 34 sighting 31 Milky Way
Cheyenne Omaha Pittsburgh Philadelphia ingredient?
Sacramento 50s 80s 4 Enthusiasts with
50s Springfield Indianapolis
35 36 37
San Francisco
Denver D
Washington D.C. binoculars 32 Quarterback
Topeka Kansas Louisville 90s
70s Las 40s Colorado Cityy Charleston Richmond 38 39 40 5 Writer of Pennington
Springs Wichita St. Louis 100+
40s Nashville 60s Raleigh praiseful poetry 33 Surefire
Los Angeles 80s Charlotte 41 42 43 6 Runs to 36 Reduce the
Santa Fe Memphis
San Diego
Phoenix Albuquerque Oklahoma City Columbia
44 45 46 7 Queens stadium force of
90s Little Rock 50s Atlanta
Dallas Birmingham Warm Rain dedicatee 37 Spoken
Ft. Worth Jackson
El Paso
Jacksonville 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 8 Descriptive wd. 39 Chiffchaff, e.g.
70s 60s Mobile Cold T-storms
10s Austin 54 55 56
9 Preambles 40 Doesn’t get to
Houston 70s
Neww Orleans Orlando
Stationary 10 Second-largest the point
20s 80s Tampa Snow
San Antonio
80s 57 58 59 Portuguese- 42 Oscar winner
Honolulu for “West Side
30s 80s Miami speaking country,
70s Showers Flurries 60 61 62
40s after Brazil Story”
11 Gives in to 45 Lot flop
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 TRICK OR TREAT | By Mike Shenk gravity 46 Site of an 1836
12 Painter who siege
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
The answer to 20 Check kiter, e.g. 40 Take place
taught at the 47 Horror movie
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; this week’s contest 22 Shot amount repeatedly
Omaha 59 33 s 63 38 s Frankfurt 57 43 s 57 48 r Bauhaus offering
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow;
Orlando 81 64 c 76 59 pc Geneva 60 43 s 55 47 r crossword is a 23 Understands 41 ___ personae
Today Tomorrow Halloween costume 24 Painful shower 13 Hang out, say 48 “Don’t Matter”
Philadelphia 60 56 r 65 53 sh Havana 85 67 t 83 65 s 43 Father of Phobos singer
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Phoenix 91 61 s 87 62 s Hong Kong 80 72 pc 78 72 pc choice. 18 Ormandy with
26 She was one of 44 Some a baton 50 Castaway’s
Anchorage 35 32 r 45 42 r Pittsburgh 56 47 r 53 48 r Istanbul 61 53 pc 63 53 s
Across the witches in extractions home
Atlanta 56 50 c 57 51 sh Portland, Maine 50 41 pc 53 49 r Jakarta 90 76 t 91 77 t 21 Country singers
Austin 74 41 s 79 44 s Portland, Ore. 58 44 r 58 45 pc Jerusalem 78 59 pc 70 56 c 1 Painter “The Witches of 45 Butcher shop buy Akins and Miller 51 Feature of
Baltimore 62 55 r 64 52 c Sacramento 71 56 pc 67 51 pc Johannesburg 72 56 pc 75 54 s Vermeer Eastwick” 47 Duds Frankenstein’s
Boise 69 45 pc 63 42 s St. Louis 55 49 r 58 46 pc London 60 51 r 57 48 r 25 Home of Iowa
Boston 54 49 c 59 56 r Salt Lake City 63 43 s 65 47 c Madrid 61 56 sh 67 62 r
4 Posh Florida city, 28 Leftovers 49 Polish sausages State monster
informally 32 Some are cleft (which play no 52 Lot buy
Burlington 55 40 s 52 48 r San Francisco 65 57 pc 64 54 c Manila 90 78 pc 89 79 r 26 Place to park
Charlotte 66 49 sh 63 48 c Santa Fe 66 36 s 69 37 s Melbourne 57 44 c 59 44 pc 8 Site of 16-Across 33 Score units part in solving your butt 53 Worry
Chicago 56 51 r 59 44 c Seattle 52 40 r 52 38 s Mexico City 70 50 t 72 50 t 14 Brooding music 34 Call at home the contest)
Cleveland 57 48 r 56 49 r Sioux Falls 59 36 s 60 34 s Milan 62 48 pc 57 53 r 27 “Sabrina the 54 NFL units
15 Answers after 35 Schoolteacher 54 Bumpkins Teenage Witch”
Dallas 70 46 pc 76 52 s Wash., D.C. 63 55 r 64 53 c Moscow 50 45 r 55 40 pc 55 Issuer of
Denver 70 43 s 67 34 s Mumbai 95 77 c 95 78 pc two rings? caught by the 56 Shaving mishap aunt nine-digit nos.
16 National park British 57 Takers of some
57 48 r
86 72 pc 86 70 c
56 44 sh
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
50 sh
69 sh
60 50 r
74 69 c that’s larger 36 Drives with the overhead shots
Today Tomorrow Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Houston 72 47 s 77 48 s Riyadh 93 72 pc 89 71 pc than five states foot 58 Togo’s capital F O C U S E S R E S E A L S
Indianapolis 59 50 r 56 46 c City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 69 52 pc 69 55 pc
Kansas City 54 39 r 61 42 s Amsterdam 62 49 pc 58 50 sh San Juan 89 75 s 89 76 s 17 Down with the 37 “La Dolce ___” 59 Satisfied a I R O N H A T
Las Vegas 80 60 s 80 61 pc Athens 67 56 c 68 57 sh Seoul 68 49 pc 66 49 c flu, maybe 38 Source of some grumbling L O R E S A R A A G E
tuition E L E C T R I C D A Y B E D
Little Rock 58 48 c 66 45 s Baghdad 87 66 pc 90 70 pc Shanghai 72 58 pc 73 58 s 19 Rolling Stones stomach D O R K Y L AM H U E Y S
Los Angeles 87 58 s 75 57 pc Bangkok 91 78 t 91 78 t Singapore 87 77 t 87 77 c name 39 Puts in the oven 60 Lady of Spain U P S O I L R I G A L E
Miami 86 72 pc 82 65 pc Beijing 68 41 s 69 45 pc Sydney 91 60 s 65 58 c S U S S N O U N
Milwaukee 58 51 c 58 46 pc Berlin 58 44 pc 59 48 pc Taipei City 79 67 pc 79 70 pc Email your answer—in the subject line—to I R A H U N G O N C AM

Minneapolis 56 37 c 57 38 s Brussels 62 51 c 58 51 r Tokyo 65 53 s 65 57 pc O S A K A E A U L I O N S

by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time Sunday, Oct. 31. A solver selected at random M O N I S T A S S A S S I N
Nashville 57 52 sh 60 49 r Buenos Aires 80 69 s 80 61 s Toronto 54 46 sh 50 44 r
New Orleans 67 55 pc 72 56 s Dubai 93 76 s 92 78 s Vancouver 49 39 s 51 39 s
will win a WSJ mug. Last week’s winner: Bruce Graves, Briarcliff Manor, A L F K E R N WW I I
New York City 57 53 r 62 54 r Dublin 54 44 sh 53 45 sh Warsaw 59 40 pc 60 43 s NY. Complete contest rules at (No purchase necessary. A T O N I N G A L UMN A E
Oklahoma City 64 38 s 68 44 s Edinburgh 54 43 r 53 38 sh Zurich 57 38 pc 55 44 sh Void where prohibited. U.S. residents 18 and over only.) S E M A N A S C E L E S T E

A12 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

JASON GAY too talented not to triumph, and

The Nets, Lakers Start Slow

that any rotation of James, Davis
and Some Other Guys on the Court
will ultimately be enough to take
the Western Conference.
Is it? Neither James nor Davis is
immune to injury—Davis going
down last spring is what initiated
Brooklyn and Los Angeles are starry picks but the road to the finals might be rockier than expected Phoenix’s Finals ascension, and the
conference has other Laker-track-
ing outfits, like 4-0 Golden State,
Utah, Denver, Dallas and Memphis.
(My boss, a long-suffering Minne-
sota Timberwolves die-hard, would
surely like me to point out the
Timberwolves are 3-1, so let me
just point out…the Timberwolves
are 3-1. Raise the banner.)
In Brooklyn, it’s awkward.
There, the primary issue is the ab-
sence of Kyrie Irving, who is not
permitted to play basketball in
New York City because of the local
vaccination mandate. Irving is un-
vaccinated, and the Nets decided
they would be better off without
him than in some sort of split exis-
tence where he would play games
on the road. Now they have no
Kyrie, and protesters outside their
rusty arena at Flatbush and Atlan-

It’s an asymmetrical standoff—

not Kyrie versus the Nets, or the
NBA, but Kyrie versus NYC’s pub-
lic-health officials and epidemiolo-
gists. He might be waiting a while.
Last I checked, public-health offi-
cials and epidemiologists do not
play in the Eastern Conference.
Still, the Nets should have more
than enough. There’s Durant, who
is probably the NBA’s top player,
and former MVP Harden, as well
as ex-All Stars like Blake Griffin
and LaMarcus Aldridge and prom-
ising veteran adds like Patty Mills.
Last year’s Durant-led run to Game
7 of the conference semis versus
Milwaukee—without an injured Ir-
ving, and Harden on a bad ham-
It’s the obvious, glam- The Los Angeles Lakers and Russell string—showed their depth.
orous, and honestly— Westbrook, above, and the Brooklyn Like the Lakers, they’re feeling
kind of boring pre- Nets and James Harden, left, have it out. The Nets are tweaking rota-
season pick—for this 2-3 records to start the NBA season. tions, and the offensive effort has
season’s NBA champi- been sludgy, especially for Harden,
onship. ing it out. In the Game 1 unveiling, who says he is still rehabbing that
Nets and Lakers. Brooklyn vs. a loss to Golden State, Westbrook hamstring and not at full capacity.
Los Angeles. Kevin Durant and Le- had 8 points and looked as if he’d The Bearded One, whose herky-
Bron James and James Harden and wandered in from the loge section. jerky, step-back style was a mag-
Kyrie Irving and Anthony Davis James has missed L.A.’s two most net for drawing shooting fouls, ap-
and Russell Westbrook and all that recent games with an ankle injury, pears to also be wrestling with the
and more. and in the first one, Westbrook NBA’s crackdown on such madden-
Still might happen. Entirely stepped up to be a familiar flurry, ing calls.
possible. scoring 33 in an overtime victory Meanwhile Irving’s absence
But…maybe not? over San Antonio. looms. After a 106-93 home loss
Look, there’s nothing more an- On Wednesday, however, he Wednesday to Miami, Durant
noying than a sports blabber- shot 8-of-20 as his original club, laughed and acknowledged the re-
mouth flying off the handle with a the previously winless Oklahoma ality: “Yeah, we do miss Kyrie. We
major proclamation after the first City Thunder, roared back from a do.”
week of play. There are injuries 26-point deficit to prevail. To top Both the Nets and the Lakers
and mitigating factors and even a it off, Westbrook wound up getting will preach calm here: These are
public-health issue at play. There ejected in the final seconds when savvy, veteran clubs, loaded with
are many months for the Nets and he objected to a ferocious dunk by experience and rings, and none of
Lakers to get it together before (now the Cowboys are actually Star point guard Russell West- OKC’s Darius Bazley. this matters until the spring, any-
the truly meaningful hoop happens good, it seems, go figure). brook, a trade that had Again: early. Again: no need to way. Life in the modern NBA is
in May and June. Still, the Nets and Lakers are sentimental warmth (Westbrook is lose it. about protecting player health as
And let’s acknowledge a hardly struggling. The NBA season’s first an L.A. native) but was perplexing No need to make a big deal much as possible until the real
secretive sports media secret. week—even just Wednesday from pretty much every other about events like Davis’s pushy games happen, and using the regu-
Nothing moves the Sports night’s play—has shown it isn’t go- standpoint. Westbrook is an elec- skirmish on the sideline with lar season as a tune-up and test
Schadenfreude needle quite like a ing to be the easiest road for these tric, ball-dominant player who his- teammate Dwight Howard. James track.
starry, presumed champion bum- two soap operatic basketball fasci- torically has shown little evidence will come back, and Davis is still Time to worry? Not yet. Panic?
bling out of the gate. It may be nations, both 2-3 and trying to he can step aside in an offense Davis, and the Lakers have plenty Not even close. But the Nets and
petty, and small-minded, but it’s find their groove. where he is not the primary op- of time. Lakers have miles to go before all
true. Sports Schadenfreude is how The Lakers are a jumble. The tion, and the Lakers are nothing if But there’s something so pre- those obvious, kind-of-boring pre-
the Dallas Cowboys stayed rele- 2020 bubble champion’s big off- not loaded with options. sumptuously Best Coast Death Star season predictions have a chance
vant in these recent arid decades season move was to land the All- Unsurprisingly, they’re still feel- Lakers about this—that L.A. is just of coming true.

Frustration Mounts Over Washington Football Team Scandal

BY ANDREW BEATON though the NFL had been in ble to publicly release findings
possession of them for months. while omitting, redacting or
AFTERSHOCKS from the National Davis said he learned of them anonymizing names when
Football League’s investigation into only after the Journal con- needed.”
workplace misconduct at the Wash- tacted the team on Thursday, The controversy around the
ington Football Team are prompting Oct. 7 before publishing an ar- investigation was re-energized
some team owners to take the rare ticle the next day. The league in recent weeks after the Jour-
step of questioning the league’s subsequently shared the emails nal first reported on an email
handling of the investigation. that led to Gruden’s resigna- in which Gruden described
Although the NFL unveiled its tion the following Monday. NFL Players Association chief
conclusions from that investigation “I believe that if we would DeMaurice Smith with a racial
back in July, the controversy roared have gotten the information trope. The NFL said during the
back to life in the middle of this earlier in the summer when Washington Football Team
season after offensive emails con- they learned about it, it would probe the league learned of
nected to the probe, first reported have been a lot easier for ev- emails that “raised issues be-
by The Wall Street Journal, led to eryone involved,” Davis said. yond the scope of that inves-
the resignation of Las Vegas Raid- The league has so far de- tigation.”
ers coach Jon Gruden. clined to produce a written re- The contents inside the
In the weeks since, various par- port, a decision that commis- 650,000-plus emails the league
ties including Congress and women sioner Roger Goodell defended looked at, sent to and from
who previously worked for the this week. former Washington Football
Washington Football Team, have “We were very conscious of Team president Bruce Allen,
amplified the pressure to hold the making sure we’re protecting eventually led to Gruden’s
franchise and owner Dan Snyder those who came forward,” resignation.
accountable. Goodell said. A bigger problem for the
Those tensions were reflected in One owner expressed con- Raiders owner Mark Davis criticized the NFL for how the WFT investigation was handled. NFL may come from an even
the Midtown Manhattan hotel cern that the league has been more powerful Washington in-
where the league’s owners met in unable to stymie the problem and used to work for the team experi- stead of a written report. Public stitution: Congress. The House
person for the first time since the that it should have been handled enced sexual or verbal harassment written reports were available after Committee on Oversight and Re-
start of the pandemic. As they met better. while working for the club. Later it many prior NFL investigations, form sent a letter to Goodell last
on Tuesday, two women who for- “It seems unsatisfying,” said emerged that Snyder had reached leading to criticisms that the league week and said it was launching its
merly worked for the Washington Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad an undisclosed 2009 settlement was obfuscating the details about own investigation into how the NFL
Football Team arrived in the lobby Khan. with a woman; Snyder has denied everything that happened inside the handled the Washington Football
to drop off letters to the owners That was echoed by another per- wrongdoing and apologized for the team—and who was involved. Team investigation.
seeking a written report on the in- son familiar with the owners’ think- team’s workplace culture. That decision received a pointed Rep. Carolyn Maloney, the com-
vestigation’s findings—something ing, who said that some are increas- The franchise hired attorney juxtaposition Tuesday when the mittee’s chairwoman, and Rep. Raja
the NFL has refused to provide. ingly frustrated that the league is Beth Wilkinson to lead a probe into NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks released Krishnamoorthi, chairman of the
The next day, Raiders owner continuing to absorb criticism while the workplace misconduct, an in- a 107-page report about the team’s subcommittee on economic and
Mark Davis held court in the same shielding the details of what hap- vestigation that was later taken response to allegations of sexual consumer policy, asked for docu-
lobby, where he also called for a pened within the team. over by the NFL. The league un- misconduct by a former coach, ments and information relating to

written report and blasted the The public consternation wasn’t veiled its conclusions this summer, leading to the resignation of the the probe. They also asked a series
league’s handling of the issue. “Ask universal, however, with Dallas saying the workplace environment club’s general manager. of questions, including why the NFL
the NFL: They’ve got all the an- Cowboys owner Jerry Jones saying was “highly unprofessional,” partic- Lawyers representing former em- chose to receive the findings orally
swers,” Davis said. “We really he approved of the league’s han- ularly for women, and that numer- ployees issued a statement disput- instead of via a written report.
don’t.” dling of the situation. ous female employees reported hav- ing this logic Wednesday, saying The chairs asked for those docu-
In his first extensive remarks on The original investigation into ing experienced sexual harassment. many reports—including the one is- ments and answers by Nov. 4.
the issue, Davis criticized the league the Washington Football Team be- The team was fined $10 million. sued about former New York Gov. Goodell, on Tuesday, said the league
for not telling the Raiders about the gan in 2020 after the Washington The NFL chose to receive a series Andrew Cuomo’s alleged miscon- looks forward to cooperating with
offensive Gruden emails even Post reported that 15 women who of oral reports from Wilkinson in- duct—“have shown that it is possi- the inquiry.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Friday, October 29, 2021 | A13

The Left’s Climate Humiliation BOOKSHELF | By David Papineau

President Bi-
den promised
any business, big or small,
that claims even tenuous in-
The Agony
And the Ecstasy
progressives volvement in producing solar
that his bud- or wind power or electric ve-
get bill would hicles. The White House brags
finally deliver that money will even go to
POTOMAC them their companies that aren’t in the
WATCH long-sought
climate stick.
renewable sector, via “grants,
loans, tax credits and procure-
Games People Played
By Kimberley
What they’re ment” for “existing industries By Wray Vamplew
A. Strassel
getting in- like steel, cement and alumi-

(Reaktion, 454 pages, $27.50)
stead is the num” to help them with “de-

same old carrot: corporate carbonization.” Progressives ports would count for nothing without history.
welfare. want to tax billionaires like Tradition is the only thing that raises athletics above
Mr. Biden’s newest frame- Elon Musk. This bill would idle pastime. Tiger Woods may be good at hitting a
work promises $555 billion to make them richer. tiny ball into a little hole, but his significance to the game
combat climate change. A The White House claims is measured by the long line of golfing heroes before him,
White House fact sheet boasts sisted for decades that the or generate a certain additional that its souped-up subsidies stretching back past Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer,
this is the “largest single in- subsidies the U.S. uses to coax amount of renewable energy will largely make up for the through Walter Hagen and Bobby Jones, all the way to
vestment” in U.S. history, and companies toward green en- every year. Companies would loss of enforcement mecha- Young and Old Tom Morris in Scotland in the late 19th
the Beltway press is dutifully ergy, and consumers toward get federal payments if they hit nisms. They won’t, though century. In boxing, we not only have the official title holder,
propagating that message. energy-efficient products, the mark and face steep fines if they stand to do real damage but also the lineal champion—the man who beat the man
aren’t enough. The only way they didn’t. Natural gas to energy reliability and the who beat the man, going back to the first undisputed
to reduce U.S. carbon emis- wouldn’t count as “clean.” economy. It also promises conquerors of the sport. The point applies across the board.
They were expecting sions sufficiently, they say, is Democratic leaders explained progressives a raft of execu- The achievements of today’s star athletes are given
via a federal enforcement again and again this enforce- tive actions and agency regu- meaning by our memories of their predecessors.
mandates, but they’ll mechanism—a program that ment mechanism was neces- lations that will force compa- The present-day sport that claims one of the longest
have to settle for more imposes mandates or pricing sary, the primary way Mr. Bi- nies into carbon compliance. histories is sumo wrestling, as Wray Vamplew tells us in
policies that require carbon den would achieve his promise At least some congressional “Games People Played,” his comprehensive history of sports
corporate welfare. cuts. of reducing U.S. carbon emis- Democrats are playing along, across the world. Some records suggest sumo contests were
They’ve labored for decades sions 50% by 2030. proclaiming the framework a held as far back as 2,000 years ago; it was certainly a
to get one. Sens. John McCain Some Democrats—including climate victory. major part of Japanese culture by the ninth century. Of
Outlets assured that this “mas- and Joe Lieberman introduced Sen. Joe Manchin of West Vir- But behind closed doors course, the Olympic Games
sive” new spending on green- “cap and trade” climate legis- ginia and several Texas repre- they are unconvinced—and are even older, but they
energy subsidies would give lation in 2003. A similar bill sentatives—said no to CEPP, steaming. They know the huge have a gap in their story.
the president credibility as he passed the House in 2009 (and and they meant it. Activists risks of attempting to impose First held in ancient Greece
arrives at next week’s climate helped Nancy Pelosi lose her tried cajoling them with prom- any enforcement mechanisms in 776 B.C., the Olympics
summit in Glasgow. majority the following year). ises to make the program by executive fiat. President continued every quadrennial
In fact, the climate deal is a Democrats have since then in- friendlier to coal-and gas-pro- Obama tried the same thing for more than a millennium.
humiliating loss for both the troduced all manner of climate ducing states, but they failed. with his Clean Power Plan, But the Roman emperor
president and congressional legislation, with provisions Progressives then suggested a only to get blocked by the Su- Theodosius I closed them
progressives—as further-left ranging from clean-energy carbon tax. No dice. They preme Court. Thanks to Donald down around A.D. 394, and
media organizations acknowl- standards to carbon pricing turned to other enforcement re- Trump’s judicial makeover, ap- it was not until 1896 that
edged over the past week. and taxes. It all went nowhere, placements, including a border- pellate courts will look skepti- the modern version of the
“The Centerpiece of Biden’s as Republicans and centrist adjustment tax (a fee on car- cally on White House attempts games was revived in Athens.
Climate Agenda Is All But Democrats alike understood bon-intensive imports), a to pre-empt Congress. The way the modern games
Dead,” Mother Jones railed. their potential to jack up methane fee, and a tax on in- All this explains why pro- were explicitly modeled on
“Progressive lawmakers seem prices, undermine the reliabil- dustrial pollution. The White gressives like Sen. Bernie the ancient ones itself testifies
resigned to losing their clean ity of the electricity supply, House briefing sheet on this Sanders aren’t yet signing on to the power of tradition.
energy program,” Jacobin and destroy U.S. jobs and en- week’s framework made no to the framework. The ques- Without that background, a
complained. “Biden’s Incredi- ergy competitiveness. mention of these changes. tion is whether climate will new international tournament of track and field and other
ble Shrinking Climate Plan,” The Biden presidency was What it does include is a prove a deal breaker. Progres- assorted events wouldn’t have had the same resonance.
the New Republic groused. supposed to be the climate boatload of pork for corporate sives have said repeatedly Perhaps it is unsurprising, given this need for history,
Several activists from the crowd’s opportunity. The origi- America. In an effort to claim they’d never agree to a bill that sporting traditions sometimes enter the realm of
Sunrise Movement, an origi- nal climate portion of the rec- climate victory, the White that didn’t give them their cli- fabulation. Every four years the rugby-playing world
nator of the Green New Deal, onciliation package was built House ramped up its top-line mate demands, and they got competes for its world cup, the Webb Ellis trophy. The
are staging a hunger strike around the Clean Electricity number for climate tax credits rolled. We’ll now see if they award is named after the schoolboy in Rugby, England,
outside the White House. Performance Program, which and subsidies. The bill is now meant it. who is said to have first picked up the ball during a
Climate warriors have in- would require utilities to buy an even bigger pig trough for Write to game of soccer in 1823 and so invented a new game.
But, as Mr. Vamplew explains, the story is entirely bogus,
with not a shred of evidence beyond some vague claims

My Gentile Father’s Jewish Legacy made by an old man 50 years later. Mr. Vamplew gives
similarly short shrift to the idea that the Hall of Fame
in Cooperstown, N.Y., marks the locale where Abner
HOUSES OF Lathrup Vil- of art. The first was made of A mezuza traveled into the with a familiar quip: Two Doubleday invented baseball in 1839.
WORSHIP lage, Mich. white rounded ceramic with a heavens when astronaut Jef- Jews, three opinions. He also Sporting authorities often face a difficult balancing
By John J. When my fa- floral pattern. The second was frey Hoffman attached one said that he thought there act when contemporary demands pull against traditional
Miller ther died in a flat ceramic colored in pur- beside the window of a space was nothing wrong with keep- practices. Their natural tendency is to resist, but this can
May, he left ple and blue that showed a shuttle, but on Earth they’ve ing mezuzas in a gentile often spill over into irrational rigidity. The formats of
behind a scene of a village by a river. been caught in controversies house, provided they are baseball and golf have scarcely changed in more than a
house filled with stuff accu- The third was gold-colored involving religious freedom treated with honor. He added century, but the strength of modern players and advances
mulated from nearly nine de- metal with a heraldic lion. and property rights. In sev- that doing so could serve as a in technology increasingly favor power over skill. Perhaps
cades of living—furniture, They all bore the Hebrew let- eral cities, Jewish condomin- sign of the mutual respect these games could learn from sports that have bent to
tools, photographs, an old ter shin, which looks roughly ium owners have posted them that many Christians and the demands of the present. Cricket authorities have
briefcase, my late mother’s like a W. It stands for “Shad- next to hallway doors, only to Jews have tried to show introduced shorter forms of the game alongside the
wedding dress and more. He dai,” a name of God. be told by management asso- lately. “I’m frankly very traditional multiday contests, and in November billions
had in fact done a good job When I asked my dad what ciations that this violates moved by this gesture if you of viewers will watch the world’s cricket-playing nations
of paring down his posses- he planned to do with the wish to do so,” he wrote. contest the Twenty20 World Cup in matches that last a
sions, but it still took much mezuzas, he said he was I explained all of this to my mere three hours. Even the world of Japanese sumo has
of the summer to disperse thinking about taking them He left behind three father. He said he would keep adapted to globalization and come to accept the influx
what remained. down. I wondered about this. the mezuzas, “at least for of Hawaiians, Mongolians and East Europeans who now
Among the last items to go Would removing them be an mezuzas when he now.” Whenever I visited him, dominate the sport.
were three mezuzas, small ob- act of disrespect to the faith died, and I set out I checked on them. For the
long cases containing a parch- that is the forerunner of my last three years of his life,
ment with passages from the own? Would keeping them up to honor them. they stayed up. For many people, sports go far beyond mere
Torah. They came with the
house—nailed to the frames
in a non-Jewish home be its
own kind of desecration? I
Before the house went on
the market, I worried about
fun and enjoyment. The results can be a source
of the front door, the back urged him to let me do a little rules against clutter. Judges what a new owner might do. I of both deep pride and utter disappointment.
door and the garage door— research. have come down on both consulted again with Rabbi
when my dad bought it three As I studied, I came to ap- sides of these disputes, and Goodman. He repeated some-
years ago from the estate of a preciate the long history of several states have passed thing he had said in our ear- Mr. Vamplew, a professor emeritus of sports history at
Jewish woman. She was main- mezuzas as well as the com- legislation that explicitly per- lier exchange: If you remove the University of Stirling in Scotland, is the author of many
taining a traditional Jewish plexity that surrounds their mits the displaying of mezu- them, take them to a syna- books, including “How the Game Was Played,” and was a
practice, fulfilling the use. Trained scribes write the zas. More than a decade ago gogue. That’s what I did. co-editor of the six-volume “Cultural History of Sport.”
commandment of Deuteron- prayer that goes on the Rep. Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.) When I dropped them off, I “Games People Played” is the culmination of a life spent
omy 6:9: “Write them on the parchment. Rules govern their proposed a federal law, but learned that either they working on the history of sports, and it ranges far and
doorposts of your houses and display: A case should go on his bill never came up for a would go to a family that wide. But sporting enthusiasts might feel there is some-
on your gates.” the right side of a doorway as vote. wanted them or their parch- thing missing at its heart. There are few descriptions of
I first noticed the mezuzas you enter, at about shoulder All of this was interesting ments would be buried in a sporting events as such. The book says far more about
when helping my dad move height. Some believers posi- but didn’t solve our mezuza Jewish cemetery—and I was the surroundings of sports than the achievements of the
in. We’re not Jewish, and nei- tion them vertically (the Se- problem. Around the time of pleased to know that after athletes themselves. Mr. Vamplew is happy to allow, as he
ther of us knew much about phardic way) and some slant my puzzlement, serendipi- leaving my dad’s house, they tells us on the first page, that sports can be a source “of
mezuzas beyond that some them (Ashkenazi). Many peo- tously, I was swapping emails would still have a good home. personal fun and enjoyment.” But the task of good sports
Jews affix them to doorways ple touch them as they pass about a different matter with history, he explains, is to place sporting activity “in a
as Catholics hang crucifixes and kiss their fingers. Others Rabbi Daniel Ross Goodman. I Mr. Miller is director of the wider social, political, economic or cultural environment.”
on walls. considered this unhygienic asked for advice. He consulted Dow Journalism Program at By these lights, Mr. Vamplew is as informative and
Each case was a little work even before the pandemic. colleagues and came back Hillsdale College. comprehensive as one could want. But the result can
sometimes seem odd, like a book on art history that is
excellent about the social standing of the artists and the

Drilling in Yellowstone Could Save America cost of their materials, but tells you nothing about the
Perhaps part of the problem is Mr. Vamplew’s underlying
By Jacob R. Borden eruption would exceed that of Fortunately, the JPL also Horizontal drilling in particu- attitude toward sporting activities. He says little about
an asteroid 1½ miles wide points to a potential solu- lar can be used to reach en- their intrinsic worth, beyond the possibility that they can

t’s not often that nature crashing to Earth. tion—horizontal drilling for ergy sources miles from where be “personal fun.” To my mind, this radically undervalues
provides a win-win for it In 2014 the U.S. Geological geothermal energy extrac- a well is bored into the earth, the significance of sporting achievements. It is not an
and humanity, but the Survey modeled the likely ash tion—that would siphon off almost completely eliminating accident that lasting traditions have formed around all
caldera system under Yellow- distribution from a Yellow- excess energy, producing the ground-level impact di- mainstream sports. For many people, sports go far beyond
stone National Park is cer- stone super-eruption. They enough electricity to power as rectly above geothermal re- passing fun and enjoyment: They provide an arena in
tainly one. If harnessed, it found that the ash radius many as 20 million homes for sources. which humans can display unnatural levels of physical skill
could power much of America would reach New York, with a few thousand years at only A volcanic winter would and mental resolve, and the results can be a source of both
for generations. Ignoring it as much as 3½ inches of ash 10 cents a kilowatt-hour. create global mass starvation deep pride and utter disappointment. When Tiger Woods
means a guaranteed eruption That’s less than Texans paid and the effect on America of gritted his way round Torrey Pines on a fractured leg to
and the destruction of a for electricity in 2019. Consid- Yellowstone’s caldera erupting win the 2008 U.S. Open, it was magnificent, but it certainly
great portion of the U.S. and A plan for generating ering that the energy in the would be far worse. For the didn’t look like fun. Still, I suspect that most of Mr.
Canada. Yellowstone caldera is carbon- sake of everyone, Congress Vamplew’s readers won’t need him to explain why sports
In 2017 scientists at NASA’s carbon-free energy free, you have to wonder why should amend the Geothermal are important, and beyond that he remains an outstanding
Jet Propulsion Laboratory and staving off a we aren’t already doing it. Steam Act to allow the re- guide to their role in history.
evaluated the caldera’s energy The reason is the Geother- sponsible extraction of energy
flows as well as the potential caldera explosion. mal Steam Act of 1970. The from national parks. It may be Mr. Papineau is a professor of philosophy at King’s College
damage and probability of a law was meant to spur the use the best way to make sure Yel- London and the City University of New York. He is the author
super-volcanic eruption, which of geothermal resources for lowstone survives. of “Knowing the Score.”
has happened at Yellowstone falling as far east as Lincoln, energy production, but it cate-
three times previously. The
last such eruption was 631,000
Neb. Cropland across the U.S.
and Canada would be de-
gorically excluded national
parks from development. The
Mr. Borden is an associate
professor of chemical and bio- Coming in BOOKS this weekend
years ago; the one before that stroyed, and the release into technology available at the process engineering at Trine George III, the last king of America • The young H.G. Wells
was 669,000 years prior. It’s the atmosphere of sulfate time would have destroyed University in Angola, Ind., and • Life and death in vice-ridden Karachi • Orwell’s roses •
not a matter of if it’ll erupt aerosols would create a parks’ ecosystems. But geo- was formerly a principal engi- David Copperfield’s history of magic • Barton Swaim on
but when. The JPL found that global “volcanic winter” last- thermal methods have im- neer for BP’s alternative en- our cities and their leaders • Sam Sacks on fiction • & more
the devastation of such an ing generations. proved over the last 50 years. ergy unit.

A14 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


A Jerry-Rigged Budget ‘Framework’ The Mexican Government Replies to O’Grady

othing like an artificial political dead- They also claim $400 billion in revenues Like others before her, Mary Anas- so in close collaboration. Our nations’
line to concentrate the warring liberal from $80 billion in IRS “investments”—a 66% tasia O’Grady believes there will be a energy planning is done in accor-
conflict between Mexico and the U.S. dance with the security needs and en-
minds. Before departing Thursday for budget increase—including to hire more audi-
over the constitutional reform bill on ergy balance of each country.
next week’s climate gabfest, tors to harass taxpayers. CBO
President Biden declared he The $1.75 trillion cost is has estimated this would
electricity that President Andrés Ma- NORMA ROCÍO NAHLE GARCÍA
nuel López Obrador has put forward Secretary of Energy of Mexico
has sealed an agreement with phony, but the social and only yield $200 billion in rev- (“Mexico Moves to Seize American Mexico City
Democrats in Congress on a enue for a net $120 billion. Assets,” Americas, Oct. 18). Nothing
“framework” for a spending fiscal damage are real. The $1.85 trillion in tax could be further from the truth: Mex- Ask Talos Energy, an independent
bill that he declares will increases include a 15% ico’s relationship with the U.S. is an Houston oil company, about the con-
make a “fundamental change minimum tax on book in- excellent one at this time. We are up- tinuing attempt by Mexican authori-
in America.” come of large corporations, which will be- dating our mechanisms of coopera- ties to achieve the regulatory expro-
He’s right about that last bit, but the blue- come Swiss cheese after Democrats add tion in various areas to reflect the priation of its Zama reservoir, the
print the White House released is more frame carve-outs for progressive interests. Corpo- enormous complexity of the relations largest oil discovery in Mexico in a
between our two countries, as both generation. Talos announced the dis-
than work. The jerry-rigged plan is an enor- rations will also be taxed 1% on stock buy-
partners and neighbors. covery in July 2017, but four years
mous expansion of government with quarter- backs (which is another way of taxing The electricity reform bill now be- later the Energy Ministry designated
baked entitlement programs that will retard shareholder dividends). Instead of buying ing debated in Congress seeks to sat- Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) as the
work and $1.85 trillion in tax increases that back their shares, companies may hold more isfy the basic supply needs of all Mex- operator of the reservoir despite the
will distort and limit investment. The $1.75 earnings in cash or channel them into un- icans. Therefore, the bill reserves 54% absence of any down-hole evidence
trillion cost that Democrats have assigned productive investments. of the market for the Federal Electric- that Pemex is entitled to any share
their bill is an illusion. They use phony ac- Despite its anti-corporate advertising, the ity Commission, with the private sec- of it. Talos remains hopeful, despite
counting to finance a few years of new spend- bill represents the biggest expansion of cor- tor able to operate in the other 46%. the lack of public support by Team
ing with 10 years of tax increases. porate welfare in history. Much of the $555 Contrary to the column’s headline, Biden and the American Petroleum
For example, the plan extends the $3,600 billion for climate spending will go to busi- the bill provides for the participation Institute.
of private companies in the sector, AMLO, the Mexican president, also
child tax credit for one year at a cost of $110 bil- nesses for investing in renewables, nuclear,
and active contracts will be reviewed seeks to acquire the Deer Park refin-
lion. But Democrats will inevitably extend the hydrogen, carbon capture, electric vehicles, in accordance with the law. ery near Houston. He wants to buy
credit next year. If Republicans oppose this or batteries and transmission lines. This is on Further, and again contrary to the Shell’s controlling interest, never
try to scale the credit back, they will be attacked top of tens of billions in green-energy hand- columnist’s assertions, it is precisely mind that Pemex is an unqualified
for raising taxes on middle-class families. The outs in the Senate infrastructure bill. the dispute-settlement mechanisms buyer. I write “unqualified” because
true 10-year cost is about $1.1 trillion. And don’t believe Mr. Biden’s malarkey that contained in the United States-Mex- Pemex has not yet made any institu-
The agreement drops the House’s proposed taxes won’t go up for non-millionaires. Small ico-Canada Agreement that would tional preparation for assuming oper-
Medicare vision and dental expansion. But it business owners will get slammed by a 3.8% channel any disagreements arising atorship of the Deer Park refinery. In
preserves a new hearing benefit, which the Medicare surcharge on active-investment in- from the reform. The treaty includes the Pemex business plan for 2021-25,
White House claims will cost a mere $34 bil- come. A 5% surtax on income over $10 million procedures for private investors to Deer Park is not mentioned once.
lion and start in 2024. The annual cost of the and 8% above $25 million will hit the ephem- dispute what they consider to be a vi- AMLO believes that additional re-
olation and, if the decision is in their finery capacity owned by Pemex
hearing benefit once fully phased-in is some eral rich who experience a windfall, say, after
favor, to receive remediation. This equates to greater energy security for
$16 billion. Congress will invariably make it cashing in stock compensation after decades does not imply a risk: Legal certainty Mexico. Shell thinks that selling the
permanent. True cost: $160 billion. of work. is essential for economic prosperity refinery will make the oil company
Democrats also plan to extend ObamaCare These surtaxes will raise the top marginal and the USMCA offers a clear path look greener in the eyes of Dutch reg-
subsidies through 2025 for higher earners and personal income tax rate to 45% or so and for settling any controversy with any ulators. This folly should be stopped
broaden them to low-income folks in states that around 60% in New York and California, which company. by the Committee on Foreign Invest-
rejected the Medicaid expansion. The White would be higher than in European welfare For many years, our countries have ment in the U.S., chaired by Treasury
House says this will cost $130 billion, but the states. The top rate in the U.K. is 45%, Italy exchanged electricity along our bor- Secretary Janet Yellen.
Congressional Budget Office has estimated that 47.2%, Germany 47.5% and France is 55.4%. der while respecting each other’s reg- GEORGE BAKER
providing coverage to these folks would cost Congrats, Mr. President, you’ve won the tax ulations, and we will continue to do Houston
north of $500 billion over a decade. race to the top.
These programs are merely illustrative of i i i
how Democrats are desperately trying to The best we can say about this exercise is
squeeze a menagerie of spending into their that it could have been worse. Sens. Kyrsten Unions Know to Strike While the Iron Is Hot
negotiated $1.75 trillion top-line cost, with the Sinema and Joe Manchin managed to purge Regarding “Big Labor and the Sup- trying to get home, 200,000 railroad
real cost likely to be closer to $4 trillion. drug price controls, some tax-rate increases, ply Shortage” (Review & Outlook, Oct. workers went on strike. Labor unions
At the same time Democrats are inflating and a renewable energy enforcement measure. 18): James P. Hoffa of the International saw opportunity.
the revenue estimates to pay for it. They claim Those excisions have progressives upset, and Brotherhood of Teamsters sees “op- In 1950 President Harry Truman
$145 billion in phantom savings from repeal- there’s still a chance all of this collapses when portunity” in “a new militancy” among had to seize the railroads because of
ing a controversial Trump Medicare drug re- the fine print arrives. It would be far better union members. Militancy is what an impending strike during the Ko-
bate rule that was unlikely to take effect. for the country if it does. unions have always done in times of rean War. In 1959 the United Steel-
opportunity; the American trade-union workers went on strike and help
movement has a long history of put- bring about a recession. In 1970

More Russian Energy Bullying ting its knee on the neck of commence
when such opportunity appears.
200,000 postal workers went on
strike. In 1981 the Professional Air

In 1942 the CIO’s John L. Lewis Traffic Controllers Organization went
ladimir Putin can smell weakness like a with the EU and delay energy market reforms took the opportunity to take 400,000 on strike and shut down the nation’s
wolf, and these days he’s preying on Eu- agreed with Brussels.” Moscow wants to keep coal miners out on strike—in what airline industry.
rope’s energy emergency to increase his its monopoly on gas while coercing Moldova to was one of the coldest winters of the “Opportunity” sometimes comes
influence at the European Union’s periphery. Con- sign up for its Eurasian Economic Union. century, despite organized labor’s no- with risk—and consequences. Now,
sider Moscow’s pressure on Moldova. Europe should retaliate against this Russian strike pledge during the war. In 1943 we have the supply-chain and Covid-
The small country’s gas contract with Rus- bullying, but the Continent is consumed by its there were 13.5 million lost produc- vaccine-mandate opportunity. More
sia’s state-owned Gazprom expired in Septem- own energy problems. Germany has spent years tion work days due to strikes and in to come, I’m sure.
1944 there were 4,950 illegal wildcat MICHAEL BENNETT
ber. Moscow, which had provided 100% of the pushing for deeper European dependence on
strikes. In 1946, with millions of GIs Gulf Breeze, Fla.
country’s gas, promptly cut supplies by a third. Russian gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipe-
Gazprom then asked for a major price hike to line, a project President Biden conceded to. Re-
keep the gas coming, and Moldova eventually
declared a state of emergency.
ducing nuclear power as European economies
invest heavily in unreliable solar and wind proj-
A Statutory Path for the Global Tax Treaty
Mr. Putin says the idea of Russia weaponiz- ects has made the problem worse. Your editorial “Dodging the Consti- treaty obligations is not “dodging
ing the European energy crisis is “complete Much of the former Soviet Union is turning tution for a Global Tax” (Oct. 23) is proper constitutional procedure” be-
rubbish.” Yet the Financial Times reports that toward the West, but Western Europe’s strate- mistaken in arguing that approval of cause the Constitution grants Con-
in exchange for cheaper gas, “Gazprom has pro- gic incompetence, with White House assistance, the new Organization for Economic gress authority to pass laws “to regu-
posed that Moldova adjust its free trade deal is making that harder. Cooperation and Development tax late Commerce with foreign Nations.”
treaty by statute constitutes an “end- Further, employing the congressio-
run around the Constitution.” Using a nal-executive agreement to sign on to
The Facts on Trump’s Fraud Letter statute to approve and implement this
treaty is hardly a “legislative ploy,”
and implement a new tax treaty hews
to the procedural requirement in the

and the statutory method would not Constitution that “all Bills for raising
he progressive parsons of the press are out. This was debunked as a misunderstanding be questionable in other countries as Revenue shall originate in the House
aflutter that we published a letter to the of the files. to whether it is a “proper treaty.” of Representatives.”
editor Thursday from former President Mr. Trump says Attorney General Bill Barr After all, the global trade treaty, PROF. STEVE CHARNOVITZ
Trump, objecting to our editorial pointing out “ordered U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain to stand the World Trade Organization, was George Washington University
that he lost Pennsylvania last year by 80,555 down and not investigate” the election. Mr. Mc- approved by Congress in 1994 using Washington
votes. We trust our readers to make up their own Swain claims as much. Yet Mr. Barr, who’s no lib- only a statute. A statutory path for
minds about his statement. And we think it’s eral patsy, has said it’s “false,” and Mr. McSwain undertaking U.S. multilateral tax
news when an ex-President who may run in 2024 is running for Governor. Mr. Barr said Mr. Mc- No One Can Accuse Bernie
wrote what he did, even if (or perhaps especially Swain “told me that he had to do this because
Online Services May Work Of Not Exercising Influence
if) his claims are bananas. he was under pressure from Trump.” We believe
Mr. Trump’s letter is his familiar barrage, Mr. Barr. For You, but How About God? Regarding William McGurn’s “Ber-
nie Sanders Is a Bad Salesman” (Main
with 20 bullet points about alleged irregularities This is how it goes for election truthers. First People ask: “What do I get out of Street, Oct. 19): Sen. Sanders is dis-
that he says prove “the election was rigged.” It’s the allegation was ballots marked with Sharpies, church?” They conclude: “I can get tinctly charismatic, in his supporters’
difficult to respond to everything, and the asym- then voting machines tied to Venezuela, then that at home.” But they forget: “To view. His effect on Hillary Clinton’s
metry is part of the former President’s strategy. more votes than voters. Now Mr. Trump appar- God be the glory” (“Are Internet Ser- candidacy handed the presidency to
He tosses off enough unsourced numbers in 30 ently thinks his own Attorney General did an in- vices as Good as Church?” by Paul Donald Trump. Four years later his
seconds to keep a fact-checker busy for 30 days. side job. Electoral fraud does happen: A Pennsyl- Glader and John Semakula, Houses of momentum scared Democrats into an
When one claim is refuted, Mr. Trump is back vania man received five years of probation this Worship, Oct. 22). abrupt pivot toward Joe Biden. The
They forget the glorifying reality senator has made quite an impact
with two more. spring after voting for Mr. Trump on behalf of
of voices raised collectively in prayer, and apparently gained influence with
To highlight a few, he objects to the way the his dead mother. The price of liberty, as they say, and in worship, and in song to our the Biden administration. Communi-
Pennsylvania Supreme Court rewrote the dead- is vigilance. But the evidence doesn’t show any- lord and savior. You can’t do that on- cating with West Virginians may be
line for mail ballots. We do too. But he insinuates thing real that could dent Pennsylvania’s 80,555- line. It’s not only about what we can more about promoting the senator
that the presidential results include thousands vote margin. get out of it, but what we can give to than influencing the state’s residents.
of tardy votes, and “none of these should have Even if it did, Mr. Trump would be two states the one who loved us and gave him- EDWARD ABAHOONIE
been counted.” They weren’t, per a directive by short of victory. Georgia’s ballots were counted self for us. Sparkill, N.Y.
Justice Samuel Alito. “Those ballots were segre- three times and a signature check done. The Ari- TIM WIESNER
gated as the court ordered,” says a spokeswoman zona audit was a dud. A Michigan inquiry led by Wichita, Kan.
for the Pennsylvania Department of State. “They a GOP lawmaker ended up keelhauling “willful Pepper ...
are not included in the vote totals.” ignorance” and grifters who use misinformation I played 11 years of football and I
like watching it on TV. But I certainly
And Salt
Mr. Trump says that “25,000 ballots were re- “to raise money or publicity.” Mr. Trump’s law-
never confuse the two experiences. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
quested from nursing homes at the exact same yers who made baseless claims have been sued One was real, the other readily avail-
time.” His citation for this—no kidding—is a for defamation—twice. They’ve been sanctioned able and pleasurable.
Nov. 9 cable-TV hit by Sen. Lindsey Graham. Mr. by a federal judge. Does Mr. Trump imagine a During the pandemic absences
Trump is alleging 25,000 fake votes in Pennsyl- conspiracy so deep that practically everybody from Divine Service in person, I pre-
vania, based on a stray remark by someone from is in on it? ferred doing the Office of Morning
South Carolina. Breaking news: A politician on Mr. Trump is making these claims elsewhere, Prayer at home with my wife. That at
TV repeated a rumor. We emailed to follow up, so we hardly did him a special favor by letting least was real. Christians believe in a
and Mr. Graham’s office tells us this was “an alle- him respond to our editorial. We offer the same God “deep in the flesh.”
gation, one of many others,” but it now “can be courtesy to others we criticize, even when they RAYMOND J. BROWN
laid to rest.” make claims we think are false. Londonderry, N.H.
Some of Mr. Trump’s figures appear to come As for the media clerics, their attempts to
Letters intended for publication should
from amateur spelunking into voter data. Caveat censor Mr. Trump have done nothing to diminish be emailed to Please
emptor when this is done by motivated partisans his popularity. Our advice would be to examine include your city, state and telephone
unfamiliar with election systems. The “audit” their own standards after they fell so easily for number. All letters are subject to
team in Arizona asserted that Maricopa County false Russian collusion claims. They’d have more editing, and unpublished letters cannot “I’m binge ignoring everything
be acknowledged.
received 74,000 more mail votes than were sent credibility in refuting Mr. Trump’s. you’re binge watching.”

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | A15


Net Zero By 2050? Don’t Plan on It Where Did

By Tom Switzer nipulating the price of
The ‘N’

s leaders prepare to
gather in Glasgow for the
the gas Russia pro-
vides to Germany and
other parts of Europe.
In ‘NGO’ Go?
United Nations climate- This has pushed
change conference, you prices up to a point By Benny Avni
may think the world has where not only do-

agreed to reduce and eventually mestic customers but hat does the N in NGO
eliminate its dependency on fossil industrial ones find stand for? Also known as
fuels, stepping up its reliance on re- energy costs reaching “civil society,” nongovern-
newable energy. Even Australia’s prohibitive levels. In mental organizations help keep rul-
Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who Britain, ceramics ers in check—especially in places
won an election opposing costly cli- manufacturers have where unelected governments fail
mate policies, now proudly embraces told a hapless govern- to attend to citizens’ needs. The
net-zero emissions by 2050. ment that they may world’s most admirable NGOs are a
But the timeline for the transfor- have to shut down be- thorn in the side of authoritarians.
mation is entirely unrealistic. The cause they can’t af- Which brings us to the brouhaha
politicians who make promises ford Mr. Putin’s about Israel’s designation of six
about how energy will be delivered prices. Arab organizations operating in ar-
within three decades can be fairly In Australia, Mr. eas under the Palestinian Author-
certain that they will be merely Morrison feels com- ity’s jurisdiction as terrorist
footnotes in history. British Prime pelled to announce groups.

Minister Boris Johnson claims that net zero so he doesn’t “We believe respect for human
all cars sold in Britain will be elec- let down Canberra’s rights, fundamental freedoms and a
tric by 2030. But he doesn’t ac- Aukus partners, the strong civil society are critically
knowledge that on current trend U.K. and the U.S., important for responsible and re-
there won’t be enough electricity to For decades the developed world basis of coal, which powered its fac- which enthusiastically support uni- sponsive governance,” said U.S.
power all of these cars. has implored these countries to tories and later its railways. lateral decarbonization. Yet by State Department spokesman Ned
Climate enthusiasts admit that trade with the West and not simply Other countries did the same. weakening the economies of the Price, after Israeli Defense Minister
achieving net-zero emissions by rely on handouts from richer coun- Now the West uses its supposed West, net zero is a boost to a rising Benny Gantz announced his govern-
2050 presents some difficulties. But tries. In many cases, these rising moral and economic superiority to China. ment’s decision last week.
they quickly shift to talking up the countries can trade thanks to manu- lecture other countries on the need Instead of rhetoric designed to
exciting technological challenge, be- facturing processes and energy to curb their behavior, even if it make environmentalists feel smug,
cause, according to Australia’s iron- sources no longer considered ac- means retarding their own economic Western governments need proper ‘Nongovernmental
ore billionaire Andrew Forrest, ceptable in polite Western society, progress and making themselves contingency plans for their own en-
“there are tens of billions of dollars namely coal. more dependent on richer countries. ergy supplies. Politicians should organizations’ in the
around the world looking to invest This is a form of colonialism, which avoid relying too heavily on renew- Palestinian territories
in renewables” and eventually in in- makes the left’s attraction to it all ables, even if that means using coal
dustries such as hydrogen. Activists Politicians promise an the more bizarre. to power generators or a renais- toe the authorities’ line.
also suggest that dissent is an af- Renewable energy sources, such sance of nuclear power to keep the
front to international opinion. unrealistic transformation as wind and solar power, aren’t up world’s lights on. And the develop-
Yet as the West strives to cut that would deny poor to the job of powering the world’s ing world deserves the same chance Mr. Price has been at odds with
emissions, the developing world economies. There isn’t enough wind the developed one had. Jerusalem since, claiming in several
doesn’t, particularly India and countries a chance to grow. in much of the world to get the tur- One day, with technological press briefings that the designation
China, the two most populated coun- bines turning. Fossil fuels may well breakthroughs, it will be possible to caught Washington by surprise. “I
tries on the planet. Global energy be damaging to the health of the power the world without fossil fuels. certainly updated the U.S. about
consumption is expected to increase The West would do well to re- planet, but the retreat around the But that day isn’t coming soon, and our intentions,” said Joshua Zarka,
50% by 2050, a rise fueled mostly by member that it became prosperous world from nuclear power was it’s foolish to pretend otherwise. the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s dep-
developing countries that want en- through industrialization, a process shortsighted, especially in countries uty director-general. He told Army
ergy not to spite the planet or to of- that relied heavily on fossil fuels. that lack viable alternatives. Mr. Switzer is executive director Radio that ahead of the move he
fend international opinion, but to When Britain led the industrial revo- Europe is weathering an energy of the Centre for Independent Stud- spoke about it with the State De-
raise living standards as best they lution in the late 18th and early 19th crisis because of the caprice and ies in Sydney and a presenter at the partment’s acting coordinator at
can. centuries, it did so entirely on the spite of Vladimir Putin, who is ma- Australian Broadcasting Corp. the Bureau of Counterterrorism,
John T. Godfrey.
Someone isn’t telling the truth,

Fed Tapering Won’t Beat Inflation but hopefully the dispute will be
resolved. A more difficult genie to
return to the bottle is a near-uni-
By Alexander William Salter But in extraordinary circum- average rate of dollar turnover—fell The second is for monetary-policy versal negative global reaction,
stances, nonmonetary factors can precipitously. This means money makers to pick a more sensible rule, which the State Department joined

nflation is higher than it has cause inflation. The maxim that in- supply and money demand rose at such as a total spending target. By almost gleefully.
been in a decade, and house- flation results from too much the same time. In addition, Octo- stabilizing nominal gross domestic European Union members,
holds and businesses are fret- money chasing too few goods ber’s underwhelming jobs report product—output valued at current United Nations officials and organi-
ting over their diminished purchas- means there are two possible suggests the labor market isn’t in market prices—the Fed can fight de- zations like Human Rights Watch
ing power. Monetary-policy makers sources: too much purchasing good shape, more evidence for sup- mand shortfalls without sucker- and Amnesty International mounted
insist price hikes are transitory, but power or too few things to pur- ply problems. punching the economy during supply their high horses in defense of the
there is pressure on the Federal Re- chase. Right now, the latter is the The Fed wants to hit its average shortfalls. A spending target works six organizations. So did left-wing
serve to begin tapering. Many ex- concern. Major transportation prob- inflation target of 2%. Price growth the same as an inflation target when Israeli politicians.
pect the Fed will reduce bond pur- is currently 5.4%, significantly demand is weak. And when supply is The Palestinian Authority also
chases by $15 billion a month above the Fed’s rule. Through ta- weak, a spending target works bet- issued several strong rebukes. “This
starting in November. Supply issues are mostly pering, it can bring inflation down. ter: The Fed can tolerate higher false and libelous slander is part of
Monetary-policy normalization is But if the Fed pulls back too prices, which absorb some of the a systematic campaign against Pal-
a good thing, and we should be ea- to blame for rising prices. quickly or fails to manage market shock, rather than compounding the estinian civil society for daring to
ger for the Fed to revert to pre- Deregulation is a crucial expectations, it could cause in- damage by forcing down inflation. expose the occupation’s crimes,”
Covid operations. But tapering isn’t comes to fall and unemployment to When supply conditions worsen, the wrote Riyad Mansour, the Palestin-
a panacea for surging prices, be- part of the remedy. rise. This is the great weakness of Fed’s motto should be “Do no harm.” ians’ permanent observer to the
cause widespread supply-chain inflation targeting: The policy re- A spending target would help it U.N., in a letter to members of the
problems, which are out of the cen- sponse to lowering inflation makes abide by that mantra. Security Council. The U.N. (but not
tral bank’s control, are contributing lems and a dearth of crucial inputs things worse when the economy is This isn’t a Volcker moment. To the U.S.) considers Palestine a state
to price increases. like semiconductors have wrenched constrained by supply rather than beat inflation, we need targeted and the Palestinian Authority its
Normally, inflation is caused by the economy’s gears. This makes demand. regulatory and monetary policies. government.
loose money. When the Fed buys as- production and distribution harder. There are two ways to fight sup- This means removing government Which brings us back to the
sets, the money supply rises, put- The result is obvious: Goods have ply-side inflation. The first is to roadblocks on the supply side and original question: If the agenda of
ting upward pressure on prices. But gotten more expensive. loosen and repeal regulations that embracing a better monetary target the six groups in question is all but
a growing Fed balance sheet isn’t The right response depends on make it more costly to produce on the demand side. identical to that of a body they
enough to cause inflation. For policy makers’ identifying the real goods and services. Despite ideolog- consider their government, are they
prices to rise, the money supply cause of inflation. Fed tapering is ical resistance from progressives, Mr. Salter is an associate profes- really “nongovernmental”?
must grow faster than money de- appropriate if easy money is the the Biden administration should sor of economics in the Rawls Col- From detailing real and imagined
mand. When this happens, money cause. But that isn’t clear. While the embrace “supply-side liberalism” lege of Business at Texas Tech Uni- evils of the occupation to supplying
becomes less valuable and the price money supply skyrocketed last for the good of the economy and for versity and a senior fellow with the the International Criminal Court
level rises. spring, the velocity of money—the its own political interest. Sound Money Project. with materials for prosecuting Is-
raeli officials, there’s almost no
daylight between Palestinian NGOs

The Obsolete Science Behind Roe v. Wade and the Palestinian Authority.
The Israelis say the six groups
are a front for the Popular Front
By Grazie Pozo Christie claim about science. I was joined by put a human face on the person once evaluations. The fetal spine is a mar- for the Liberation of Palestine, rec-
two other female physicians, a neo- dehumanized as a mere clump of vel of intricacy, and it is most often ognized as a terrorist organization

he Supreme Court will soon natologist and an obstetrician, who cells. gently curved as the fetus rests by the U.S., Canada, the EU, Austra-
reconsider the decision in Roe also value their youngest patients, Perfectly apparent now, to the against the mother’s uterine wall. lia, Japan and Israel. But the PFLP
v. Wade (1973), which made believing that whether inside their justices sitting on today’s court as Often, I watch as babies plant their is also a member in good standing
abortion legal in America through all mothers or born, premature or full- well as the public, are the liveliness feet against the uterine wall and of the Palestine Liberation Organi-
nine months of pregnancy. At that term, they are worthy of respect and and humanity of babies at 15 weeks stretch vigorously. Sometimes a deli- zation, whose chairman, Mahmoud
“point in the development of man’s protection. of gestation—the age at which Mis- cate hand—with all five fingers—ap- Abbas, is also president of the Pal-
knowledge,” as Justice Harry Black- Ultrasound technology was in its sissippi proposes to protect them proaches the face and appears to estinian Authority. The PFLP com-
mun put it in Roe, there was simply infancy in the 1970s, when there was from elective termination. scratch an itch. Fingernails aren’t mitted the headline-grabbing 2001
no consensus about when life be- much more uncertainty about life be- visible, but they are present. We can assassination of Israeli politician
gins. In other words, the fetus could fore birth. The first ultrasound ma- see how the bones of the leg meet Rehavam Zeevi and in 2019 planted
not be said with any certainty to be chines, introduced in 1958, were enor- My youngest patients are the tiny ankles and the many-boned a bomb that killed 17-year-old Rina
alive and therefore wasn’t worthy of mous, and the images were feet. Shneb.
legal protection. rudimentary. It was only in the later unborn babies, and today’s At 15 weeks, the brain’s frontal Details on overlapping member-
As a diagnostic radiologist— 1970s that fetal ultrasound became ultrasounds show they are lobes, ventricles, and thalamus fill ship, headquarters-sharing, and
whose youngest patients are fetuses, widely available, with increasingly de- the oval-shaped skull. The baby’s joint fundraising between the PFLP
who are very much alive—I submit- tailed images of recognizably human fully alive and human. profile is endearing in its petite per- and the six organizations have been
ted a friend-of-the-court brief in babies. Black-and-white ultrasound fection: gently sloping nose, distinct published sporadically in the Israeli
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health images are now found on refrigerators upper and lower lips, eyes that open press for years. Israel has dis-
Organization urging the justices to of expectant parents across America. Nestled within their mothers, and close. With the advent of 3D ul- patched a delegation of intelligence
rethink Roe, a case premised on a New three-dimensional images have these fetuses on average are 6.4 trasound, we can now see the fetal and Foreign Ministry briefers to
inches long and weigh 4.1 ounces. face in all its detail. Washington to convince American
They have the proportions of a new- These are the patients I encoun- counterparts that the organiza-
born—seemingly all head and ter daily in my work as a radiologist. tions’ fundraising finances PFLP
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY rounded belly. The major organs are Clearly human, clearly alive, no lon- terrorism.
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson formed and functioning, and al- ger mysteriously hidden from the Several Israeli organizations ve-
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp
though the child receives nutrients eyes and knowledge of man, they hemently oppose the Israeli govern-
Matt Murray Almar Latour
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
and oxygen through the mother’s ask us to consider them not dispos- ment’s policies. So do—surprise—
Neal Lipschutz Karen Miller Pensiero
umbilical cord, the fetal digestive, able nonhumans but valuable mem- most Palestinian counterparts. But
Deputy Editor in Chief Managing Editor Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer;
urinary and respiratory systems are bers of our human family. a healthy civil society needs watch-
Jason Anders, Chief News Editor Mae M. Cheng, SVP, Barron’s Group; David Cho, practicing for life outside the womb. Yes, our understanding was dif- dog groups to expose malfeasance
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, Coverage; Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, General The sex of the child is easy to dis- ferent in 1973. But in Roe’s own in its own government, not in the
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Anthony Galloway, Video & Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo, cern by this point. The baby swal- terms, we have arrived at a much one it considers an enemy. Mr. Ab-
Audio; Brent Jones, Culture, Training & Outreach; Chief People Officer; Frank Filippo, EVP, Business
Alex Martin, Print & Writing; Michael W. Miller, Information & Services; Robert Hayes, Chief lows and even breathes, filling the different “point in the development bas’s authority more often prose-
Features & Weekend; Emma Moody, Standards; Business Officer, New Ventures; lungs with amniotic fluid and expel- of man’s knowledge” about life in cutes such Palestinian opponents
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Matthew Rose, Aaron Kissel, EVP & General Manager, WSJ; ling it. The heart is fully formed, its utero. The Supreme Court’s judge- than tolerates them.
Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief Revenue Officer,
Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi, Investigations four chambers working hard, with ment should reflect that advance- Must America, then, so cavalierly
WSJ | Barron’s Group; Christina Van Tassell,
Paul A. Gigot Chief Financial Officer; Suzi Watford, EVP, the delicate valves opening and ment and put an end to the casual join a false designation of six
Editor of the Editorial Page Consumer & Chief Marketing Officer closing. cruelty of unfettered abortion. highly suspect groups as “nongov-
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page;
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
A healthy baby at 15 weeks is an ernmental” organizations?
active baby. Unless the child is Dr. Christie is a diagnostic radiol-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 asleep, kicking and arm-waving are ogist and a policy adviser for the Mr. Avni is a New York-based
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES commonly seen during ultrasound Catholic Association. foreign-policy columnist.

A16 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Agencies Missed Fast Fall of Kabul Indian

U.S. intelligence were all performance, while ac-

split over the strength

of Afghan government,
knowledging that events un-
folded faster than predicted.
“There’s a very sobering pic-
Test Seen
military, documents say
ture that we painted of some
very troubling trend lines” in
Afghanistan, he said last week.
As China
“So does that mean that we,
with mathematical precision,
can say that, you know, former
WASHINGTON—Leading U.S. President Ghani in Afghanistan BY SHAN LI
intelligence agencies failed to is going to flee his office and
predict the rapid Taliban take- not tell his senior-most aides NEW DELHI—An Indian
over of Afghanistan before the on the 15th of August? No.” missile test was seen by secu-
final withdrawal of American Mr. Ghani fled the country rity experts as a warning shot
troops and instead offered as the Taliban entered Kabul. to China after military talks
scattershot assessments of the Current and former officials between the countries over a
staying power of the Afghan said that intelligence agencies’ border dispute broke down
military and government, a re- ability to track the course of the this month.
view of wide-ranging summa- war outside Kabul eroded rap- India’s Defense Ministry
ries of classified material by idly as U.S. troops began leaving said it successfully launched

The Wall Street Journal shows. Afghanistan under Mr. Trump on Wednesday the Agni-5, the
The nearly two dozen intelli- and closing far-flung bases used country’s longest-range mis-
gence assessments from four as collection platforms. That di- sile, with the power to hit a
different agencies haven’t been minishing intelligence-collec- target up to 3,100 miles away.
previously reported. The assess- tion capacity became a growing Security experts said the
ments charted Taliban advances concern among lawmakers in launch of the missile, the only
from spring 2020 through this the months leading up to the one in India’s arsenal capable
July, forecasting that the group A Taliban fighter stands guard as displaced women get supplies at a center in Afghanistan. fall of Kabul, a Senate aide said. of reaching Beijing, was a
would continue to gain ground “As you pull troops back, pointed reminder to China that
and that the U.S.-backed gov- said the Afghan government the performance of the intelli- Tens of thousands of Afghan you’re not able to have collec- the South Asian nation has the
ernment in Kabul was unlikely would hold Kabul, said a per- gence community, after the allies and about 200 Ameri- tors forward,” said Army Col. firepower to fight back if ten-
to survive absent U.S. support. son familiar with the report. administration was blindsided cans were left behind. Thomas Spahr, who helped sions flare up again. The nu-
The analyses, however, dif- The intelligence shortfalls by the Taliban’s rapid advance. The Journal reviewed titles, manage the drawdown of mili- clear-armed neighbors have
fered over how long the Af- underpinned some of the policy Assumptions that the Af- dates and summaries of reports tary intelligence assets in Af- been in a tense standoff along
ghan government and military failures that resulted in chaotic ghan security forces and gov- from the CIA, the DIA, the Of- ghanistan from summer 2019 to their 2,000-mile border, with
could hold on, the summaries mass-civilian evacuations in ernment could hold out for fice of the Director of National summer 2020. The CIA, he said, tensions escalating after a
show, with none foreseeing the deadly final weeks of the some time were central to the Intelligence and the State De- ceased to conduct annual dis- bloody Himalayan clash in June
the group’s lightning sweep U.S.’s 20-year Afghan war. administration’s withdrawal partment’s intelligence bureau. trict-by-district assessments. 2020 left 20 Indian troops and
into the Afghan capital by The summaries of the re- plans. Those called for the U.S. Representatives of the CIA, Sen. Mark Warner, the Vir- four Chinese soldiers dead.
Aug. 15 while U.S. forces re- ports, which start in April military to draw down rapidly, the DIA, the State Department ginia Democrat who chairs the “India doesn’t speak out
mained on the ground. 2020, provide the most de- while the embassy remained and the Office of Director of Senate Intelligence Committee, through words, they speak out
A month after President Bi- tailed picture to date of what well staffed to provide visas National Intelligence, which said that after reviewing intelli- through their actions, in sym-
den announced his decision to the U.S. intelligence commu- coordinates all U.S. intelligence gence reports and holding clas- bolism in the form of these
withdraw all U.S. troops, for in- nity was telling Mr. Biden, and agencies, declined to comment. sified hearings, “the intelligence kinds of tests,” said N.C. Bipin-
stance, the Central Intelligence President Donald Trump be- “Directionally, they were all was fundamentally accurate dra, an independent New
Agency issued a May 17 report fore him, as each leader sought
Shortfalls led to correct that things were going and on-point in predicting the Delhi-based strategic-affairs
titled “Government at Risk of to end the war that killed some policy failures to deteriorate,” said a senior trajectory of the Taliban take- and defense analyst.
Collapse Following U.S. With- 2,400 U.S. military personnel. administration official, while over.” That a rapid withdrawal India has tested the Agni-5
drawal.” The report estimated Policy makers across the na-
that resulted in acknowledging that the agen- would be chaotic “should have seven times, he added.
that the government of Afghan tional security apparatus rely chaotic withdrawal. cies provided a “mixed picture.” come as no surprise.” These tests are especially
President Ashraf Ghani would on such intelligence reports to Mr. Biden promised to with- Bill Roggio, a senior fellow important because India is
fall by year’s end, a summary shape their decisions. While draw from Afghanistan when he who follows Afghanistan at trailing China when it comes
said. Less than a month later, varied and conflicting assess- ran for president, and the U.S. the Foundation for Defense of to missile capabilities, Mr. Bip-
the agency issued another ments are common, the dispari- and other support to Afghan officials with knowledge of the Democracies, a hawkish think indra said. China has intercon-
analysis titled: “Afghanistan: ties may complicate efforts allies weeks and months after policy planning said the varying tank in Washington, said intel- tinental ballistic missiles with
Assessing Prospects for a Com- among decision makers to American troops left. intelligence assessments had ligence agencies and policy a range of at least 7,500 miles,
plete Taliban Takeover Within reach consensus. For the Af- When the Afghan govern- little impact on his decision. makers bear responsibility for more than twice the distance
Two Years,” said a summary. ghan withdrawal, contingency ment cratered, the U.S. mili- National security adviser being blindsided by the Tali- of the Agni-5. India’s other
A June 4 Defense Intelli- planning, including the evacua- tary—much of which had left Jake Sullivan said in August ban’s swift battlefield success. missiles can travel up to only
gence Agency report, mean- tion operations, relied heavily the country by August—re- that the administration would After then-President Trump 1,900 miles or less.
while, said the Taliban would on the intelligence assessments, versed course, sending thou- conduct a “hotwash” of the in February 2020 agreed with India and China have en-
pursue an incremental strat- said U.S. officials with knowl- sands of troops to evacuate withdrawal to determine the Taliban to withdraw U.S. gaged in military talks in an
egy of isolating rural areas edge of the policy planning. the embassy and Afghans. In “where we can find holes or troops from Afghanistan by effort to cool the standoff, but
from Kabul over the next 12 Members of Congress have the ensuing rush, a suicide weaknesses and plug them.” May 2021, a CIA report the latest high-level military
months, according to a sum- been scrutinizing many as- bombing and other violence CIA Director William Burns, warned that the U.S.-sup- negotiations this month ended
mary. In an “Executive Memo- pects of the tumultuous exit killed scores more Afghans among others, has defended ported government in Kabul with no new agreements and
randum” on July 7, the DIA from Afghanistan, including and 13 U.S. service members. the intelligence agencies’ over- was unlikely to survive. both sides pointing fingers.
The nations are digging in
as winter approaches, with

ECB Sticks With Negative Interest Rates

troop deployments in the bor-
der region reaching their high-
est level in decades. Both coun-
tries built infrastructure in the
BY TOM FAIRLESS to keep their monetary stimu- than expected, while stressing ened 0.5% against the dollar. ing inflation. area this year, including insu-
AND ANNA HIRTENSTEIN lus in place long enough to en- it would be temporary. She Canada’s central bank sig- Ms. Lagarde said high en- lated cabins and huts to keep
sure a strong recovery from said investors were wrong to naled Wednesday that it could ergy prices likely would stabi- troops stationed there through
FRANKFURT—The European the Covid-19 shock, but not so expect the ECB would increase increase interest rates as soon lize as inventories are rebuilt, the frigid Himalayan winters.
Central Bank is likely to keep its long that consumer-price interest rates next year. as April, earlier than expected, and that supply-chain bottle- China’s People’s Liberation
key interest rate in negative ter- growth becomes unmanage- Eurozone bond markets and warned that inflation would necks and shortages would Army gradually has increased
ritory for at least another year able. Inflation has surged to sold off as Ms. Lagarde spoke, stay above target through much ease over time. The ECB said it its troop presence to at least
despite surging inflation in the multidecade highs in the U.S. suggesting that investors of 2022. In the U.S., where a key would hold its key interest rate 50,000, up from about 15,000
eurozone, signaling a divergence and other countries in recent doubt the ECB’s commitment inflation measure hit a 30-year at minus 0.5% and continue last year, according to Indian
with central banks such as the months, driven by booming to easy money. Sovereign high in August, Fed officials buying bonds under a €1.85 intelligence and military offi-
Federal Reserve that are moving demand and supply-chain bot- bonds issued by Southern Eu- have signaled they would soon trillion (equivalent to $2.16 tril- cials. Those moves have been
to phase out easy-money poli- tlenecks as economies reopen. ropean governments declined start to scale back their bond- lion) asset-purchase program matched by India, which has
cies amid rapidly rising prices. ECB President Christine the most, with Italy’s bench- buying program. And Bank of at least through March 2022. sent thousands of troops and
A combination of high infla- Lagarde acknowledged on mark 10-year bond yield rising England Governor Andrew Bai- Analysts were skeptical that advanced artillery to the re-
tion and softening economic Thursday that a recent rise in above 1% for the first time ley signaled this month that the inflation would fall back as gion, officials said.
growth is posing a dilemma eurozone inflation, to 3.4% in since August. Yields rise when bank could soon boost U.K. in- sharply next year as the ECB —Rajesh Roy
for central banks. They want September, would last longer prices fall. The euro strength- terest rates in response to ris- expects. contributed to this article.

President Confirms Facebook Questioned
U.S. Deployment Over Hate Speech
Taiwanese President Tsai Ing- India’s government has asked
wen acknowledged the presence Facebook Inc. for details about
of U.S. troops on the island, de- how it monitors and removes in-
scribing the deployment as part flammatory content on its plat-
of broader defense cooperation form in the country, according to
with the U.S. government officials.
Ms. Tsai confirmed in a CNN The Ministry of Electronics
interview a Wall Street Journal and Information Technology
report this month that a small wrote to Facebook’s top execu-
contingent of Marines and a tive in India this week, the offi-
special-operations unit had been cials said. The letter follows
training Taiwanese forces. news reports including a Wall
Ms. Tsai declined to specify Street Journal article that said
the number of U.S. service mem- Facebook researchers had deter-
bers in the territory, but said mined the company’s services are
there were “not as many as peo- rife with inflammatory content in
ple thought.” India, much of it anti-Muslim.
The deployment of U.S. Based on the response from
troops to the island signals Facebook, the government will
growing concern in the Pentagon decide if it needs to seek more
over the vulnerability of Taiwan information, one of the officials

amid Beijing’s military buildup said, adding that the information

and actions perceived as threat- sought was a preliminary inquiry.
ening the island, the Journal re- Separately, the Journal last
ported, citing U.S. officials. month reported that Facebook
After the CNN interview aired, researchers had set up a test
a spokesman for Beijing’s Taiwan WAR ZONE: Residents sifted through rubble in Mekele in the rebel Tigray region after an airstrike that the Ethiopia government said account as a female Indian user.
Affairs Office, Ma Xiaoguang, re- hit a weapons facility. A Tigray spokesman said a residence was struck, killing six people and wounding more than 20. It became “a near constant bar-
iterated Beijing’s stance on Tai- rage of polarizing nationalist
wan and urged Ms. Tsai’s gov- SUDAN The diplomats pledged their two days after Gen. Burhan dis- over because of quarrels be- content, misinformation, and vio-
ernment to stop efforts that he support for the now-deposed solved the transitional govern- tween political parties that he lence and gore,” they wrote in
said were aimed at achieving General Fires Envoys government of Prime Minister ment and detained the prime claimed could lead to civil war. one internal document.
Taiwanese independence. Who Opposed Coup Abdalla Hamdok. minister, many government offi- However, the coup also comes A Facebook spokeswoman de-
China’s Communist Party con- Also fired by Gen. Abdel-Fat- cials and political leaders in a just weeks before Mr. Burhan clined to comment. A spokesman
siders Taiwan part of its territory Sudan’s strongman fired at tah al-Burhan late Wednesday coup condemned by the U.S. and would have had to hand over said in response to earlier Journal
despite never having ruled it. Al- least six ambassadors, including were the Sudanese ambassadors the West. The military allowed the leadership of the Sovereign reports that it has a comprehen-
though there is no sign of immi- the envoys to the U.S., the Euro- to Qatar, China and the U.N. mis- Mr. Hamdok to return home Council, the ultimate decision sive strategy to keep people safe
nent conflict, Beijing has made pean Union and France, after sion in Geneva, according to the Tuesday after international pres- maker in Sudan, to a civilian, in on its services, and that it has in-
clear it intends to bring Taiwan they condemned the military’s official, who spoke on condition sure for his release. a step that would reduce the vested in technology to find hate
under its control eventually. takeover of the country, a mili- of anonymity. Gen. Burhan said the military military’s hold on the country. speech across languages.
—Courtney McBride tary official said Thursday. The ambassadors were fired forces were compelled to take —Associated Press —Rajesh Roy



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Apple Warns of Production Delays Amazon

iPhone maker posts businesses of tech giants in its
early stages because people
ing price increases. McDonald’s
Corp. is raising menu prices to
disruption are comparably new.
Chief Executive Tim Cook had
expectations. After the market
closed Thursday, the company
12-month profit near who stayed at home during keep pace with rapidly growing largely helped the tech giant reported total revenue of $83.4
$100 billion despite lockdowns needed more of their costs, with wages increasing navigate the turbulent waters billion for the July through
products. But as the pandemic’s 10% so far this year at its U.S. of the pandemic and avoid a hit September quarter, a 29% rise
disappointing sales
economic disruption has drags restaurants. to its financial results during from a year earlier but lower
on, it is creating problems that Kraft Heinz Co. can’t keep up the past year as other compa- than the $85 billion expected by
BY TIM HIGGINS even the strongest companies with demand for kids’ meals nies struggled with chip short- analysts surveyed by FactSet.
are struggling to reckon with. and other flagship products and ages. The company’s profit rose in
Apple Inc. on Thursday re- Late last year, the automo- said that similar hurdles would But that changed in the sum- line with expectations to $20.6
ported quarterly results that tive industry was left scram- remain in the coming months. mer. In July, Apple cautioned a billion in profit for the quarter, BY SEBASTIAN HERRERA
showed how supply-chain prob- bling to untangle supply-chain Some companies saw reve- global shortage of computer or $1.24 a share, from $12.7 bil-
lems are tripping up even some woes. Computer-chip shortages nue and profits expand even as chips would extend to its lion a year earlier. Inc. posted
of the biggest business winners dented factory output and con- the challenges intensify across iPhone production. During the first three quar- lower-than-expected third-
of the pandemic era. tributed to a steep drop in many industries. Microsoft In actuality, the supply- ters of its fiscal 2021, from Oc- quarter sales and signaled
Apple, which had record 12- third-quarter profits for Gen- Corp. shares have risen about chain disruptions during the tober 2020 through June of this that a tight labor market and
month profit nearing $100 bil- eral Motors Co. and Ford Motor 5% this week after the company fiscal fourth quarter were year, Apple earned $74 billion. supply-chain disruptions
lion, warned that supply chain Co. Meanwhile, shortages of reported continued growth in worse than expected, Apple That is already far more than would weigh on earnings.
disruptions are hindering dishwashers and refrigerators its cloud-computing unit. Al- Chief Financial Officer Luca what was previously its best The Seattle-based tech
iPhone and other product man- are likely to stretch well into phabet Inc.’s Google nearly dou- Maestri said. The problems entire year, in fiscal 2018, when company has been navigating
ufacturing and would bring in- next year, Whirlpool Corp. said. bled its profit in the third quar- were two- fold: the chip short- the company’s profit totaled substantial shifts in the econ-
creased challenges during the The Covid-era pain has ex- ter as its ad business withstood age roiling everyone and an un- $58.5 billion. omy in recent months. Online
important holiday shopping panded to other industries be- market changes that had anticipated spike in Covid-19 Even before the results were sales have surged since the
quarter. Apple shares fell 3.7% yond manufacturing as well, crimped earnings for social me- cases in Southeast Asia that af- released, investors were con- start of the Covid-19 pan-
in after-hours trading. leaving stores and restaurants dia companies. fected manufacturing. cerned about how supply-chain demic, boosting Amazon’s
The pandemic lifted the looking for workers and weigh- For Apple, the effects of the Revenue fell short of analyst Please turn to page B6 profit, but sales growth has
slowed while labor and sup-
ply-chain shortages make it
Wait times for semiconductor harder to meet demand. The
orders to arrive, monthly company says it has spent
heavily to build out its fulfill-
25 weeks October ment network.
21.9 weeks In its first quarterly earn-
ings report covering a period
20 primarily under new Chief
Executive Andy Jassy, who on
July 5 succeeded founder Jeff
15 Bezos in the top job at Ama-
zon, the online retailer
posted sales of $110.8 billion
and generated a profit of $3.2
billion, down from the $6.3
billion the company made
during the same period a
5 Please turn to page B6

2021 Shell CEO
Source: Susquehanna Financial Group

The $464 billion semiconductor

industry has faced hot demand
on top of supply shortages and
production hiccups. A cleanroom
at chip maker GlobalFoundries
in Malta, N.Y. Strategy
Chip Wait Times Get Longer, Costing Sales

LONDON—The chief execu-

tive of Royal Dutch Shell PLC
Almost a year into a global Schoenfeld said. able to keep pace, leading to Chip makers say the lack of defended the energy giant’s
chip shortage, the problems The global semiconductor By Stephanie Yang in lost revenue across the board. supplies has caused them to business model on Thursday,
are increasing for many cus- shortage is worsening, with Taipei and Jiyoung The pain is spreading beyond lose sales. “Trust me, we setting up a showdown with
tomers as delays get even lon- wait times lengthening, buyers Sohn in Seoul the initially affected—like car would be shipping a lot more activist investor Third Point
ger and sales are lost. hoarding products and the po- makers and home appliance if we weren’t constrained by LLC that has called for the
Manuel Schoenfeld placed tential end looking less likely trying to place new orders are manufacturers—to makers of the supply chain of these breakup of the company to im-
an order in May for transmis- to materialize by next year. getting delivery dates in 2024, other products, including med- other components in the in- prove its environmental and
sion chips for the utility-moni- Demand didn’t moderate as said Ian Walker, operations di- ical equipment and smoking dustry,” Intel Corp. Chief Exec- financial performances.
toring devices made by his expected. Supply routes got rector at electronic-compo- devices. The smartphone in- utive Pat Gelsinger said last Ben van Beurden said that
New York-based company clogged. Unpredictable pro- nents distributor Princeps dustry will grow by just 6% week on an earnings call. Mr. the needs of Shell’s customers,
PowerX. He was told the chips duction hiccups slammed fac- Electronics Ltd., which helps year-over-year, or half the ini- Gelsinger has said he expects and the company’s efforts to
would arrive by summer, then tories already running at full companies find chips. tial forecast from earlier this shortages to last until 2023. pivot away from fossil fuels,
fall, then winter and now capacity. “It really feels as if we are year, because of chip woes, ac- Wait times for chip deliver- Please turn to page B2
doesn’t expect to get them un- What’s left is widespread running out,” Mr. Walker said. cording to Counterpoint Re- ies have continued to climb
til May 2022. confusion for manufacturers The $464 billion semicon- search, which tracks handset above a healthy threshold of  Heard on the Street: Splitting
“This is far from over,” Mr. and buyers alike. Some buyers ductor industry has been un- shipments. Please turn to page B2 Shell won’t help..................... B12

Robinhood’s Growth INSIDE Chinese Junk-Bond Issuance

Tripped Up by Crypto Dives 90% Following Defaults
BY CAITLIN MCCABE they have charted for much of BY FRANCES YOON $14 billion Issuance of dollar-denominated
the past 18 months, will the Chinese junk bonds, monthly
This was supposed to be company be able to keep up? Junk-bond issuance by 12
Robinhood Markets Inc.’s big “If you’re constantly track- China’s riskier companies has
year. ing fads, it’s a tough business nearly ground to a halt, creat- 10 October*
The trading platform model,” said Larry Tabb, head ing more challenges for the $352M
started 2021 with the kind of of market-structure research at country’s real-estate developers
following some companies can Bloomberg Intelligence. that need to roll over more 8
only dream about. It had Investors on Wednesday than $40 billion in dollar debt
amassed more than 12 million punished Robinhood after the BUSINESS NEWS by the end of next year. 6
customers with funded ac- results. Shares tumbled as Starbucks posts strong Sales of new junk bonds in
counts since launching in 2015 much as 13% before finishing dollars by Chinese borrowers 4
and was reaping the benefits the day down 10% at $35.44,
U.S. sales but China this month have fallen about
of a retail-trading boom. A below the company’s initial drags on the coffee 90% from their five-year aver- 2
highly anticipated public-trad- public offering price of $38 for company’s revenue. B3 age to $352 million as of
ing debut was in the offing. the first time since early Au- Wednesday, Dealogic data
But the company said this gust. On Thursday, Robinhood show, reflecting just two deals
week that third-quarter reve- shares were up 0.1% to $35.47. from smaller developers. 2016 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21
nue fell 35% quarter over quar- Part of the stock perfor- With investors rattled by *Through Oct. 27.
ter, weighed down by a 78% mance might have been af- China Evergrande Group’s dif- Source: Dealogic
drop in revenue tied to cus- fected by an additional 62 mil- ficulties and a string of de-
tomers’ cryptocurrency trad- lion shares that became faults by smaller property de- a year, which makes their refi- about $40 billion of interna-
ing. New funded accounts fell tradable Wednesday, analysts velopers, Chinese junk bonds in nancing needs more pressing. tional bonds due from this

to 660,000 from 5.1 million the said. Those shares are owned dollars were yielding about With this source of funding month to the end of 2022.
quarter before. Robinhood ex- by some employees as well as 21.6% as of Wednesday, accord- mostly shut and revenue from Concerns about refinancing
pects revenue to decline again by some of the companies that ing to an ICE BofA index—in- home sales likely to stay weak, risk prompted Fitch Ratings
quarter over quarter in the fi- provided Robinhood emer- terest rates that effectively industry participants are con- and S&P Global Ratings on
nal three months of the year gency funding during the make issuing new debt too ex- cerned that more Chinese prop- Wednesday to downgrade their
and projects that new funded GameStop Corp. frenzy earlier pensive for many companies. erty developers could struggle already low ratings on Kaisa
accounts will roughly match this year. Developers dominate China’s to repay dollar debt that comes Group Holdings Ltd., further
July through September. The company declined to international high-yield bond due in the coming months. pressuring the developer’s
While the company doesn’t comment. On its earnings call INVESTING market, making up 80% of its More than $6 billion of junk- bonds, which already trade at
expect to sustain the growth it Tuesday, Robinhood’s chief fi- Bets on Tesla flood total $197 billion of debt out- rated debt from the sector ma- distressed levels. Both ratings
had seen earlier this year, the nancial officer, Jason Warnick, standing, according to Goldman tures in January alone, Gold- companies cut Kaisa by two
results highlight a question said the company doesn’t ex-
options market with Sachs. These companies have man says. notches to CCC+, near the bot-
that has swirled around Robin- pect its growth to be linear. traders thinking stock’s typically relied on shorter-term This week, S&P Global Rat- tom of the junk ratings scale.
hood: If financial markets don’t Year over year, the company rally isn’t over. B5 borrowing, including in some ings said developers to which it In 2015, Kaisa was an early
continue on the ebullient path Please turn to page B11 cases issuing debt due in under assigns credit ratings have Please turn to page B10

B2 | Friday, October 29, 2021 **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople

Shortages Slam Most Auto Makers

in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Ford Motor ... B2,B11,B12 Q

Activision Blizzard......B4 Futu...........................B10 Qualcomm.................B12
Alphabet.........A4,B5,B12 G R
Altria...........................B3 Gamestop....................A1,B4,B5
Robinhood ................... B1 Continuing disruptions from
General Motors Roku ............................ B4 the Covid-19 pandemic and a
American National....B10 ........................A2,B2,B12 Royal Dutch Shell
Anheuser-Busch InBev worsening global semiconduc-
H ................ A4,B1,B11,B12
............................. B3,B11 tor shortage hammered the au-
Hasbro.........................A2 Royal Philips...............B2
Apple.........A4,B1,B5,B12 tomotive industry in the third
AT&T..........................B12 Hertz......................B3,B5 S
Home Depot................A7 Samsung ..................... B2 quarter as the world’s largest
Huawei......................B12 Sony...........................B12 car makers reported steep falls
Bank of America.........A4
BioNTech.....................A3 I Spotify.......................B12 in earnings and production and
Starbucks....................B3 dealers struggled to source
Blackstone.................B10 Intel.............................B1
Stellantis.....................B2 models.
BP.........................A4,B12 K
Brookfield Asset T
Management...........B10 Kaisa............................B1 Taiwan Semiconductor
L By William Boston in
C Manufacturing..........B2
Lovevery......................B5 Target..........................A7 Berlin and Nick Kostov
Carlyle ....................... B10 in Paris
M Tencent......................B10
Charles Schwab ........ B11 Macy’s ......................... B2 Third Point..................B1 In Europe, the two largest
Chevron................A4,B12 Mattel......................... A2 T-Mobile....................B12


China Evergrande........B1 Microsoft...............A4,B5 manufacturers, Volk lkswagen AG
Christie's.....................B6 Moderna......................A3 and Stellantis NV, said Thurs-
Coinbase....................B11 U
Modern Land.............B10 day that production of new ve-
Comcast.......................B4 Uber........................B3,B5
Cox Communications..B4 N United Parcel Service.A2
hicles plunged 35% and 30% re-
E Nvidia..........................A4 Universal Music........B12 spectively in the three months
O V to Sept. 30, as the dearth in
Epic Games.................A4 Oak Hill Advisors......B10 Verizon Communications semiconductor components
Exxon Mobil ... A4,B2,B12 P ...................................B12 caused unfinished cars to pile
F PayPal..........................B2
Volkswagen..........B2,B12 up in factories. The supply of chips needed for core components for vehicles slowed to a trickle in the third quarter.
Facebook...A1,A4,A7,A16 Pfizer.....................A3,A7 W The supply of chips needed
Fantasia.....................B10 Prologis ....................... B6 Warner Music...........B12 for core components for vehi- ductor manufacturing industry operating return on sales be- and third quarters, said sales
cles slowed to a trickle in the time to expand capacity. tween 6.0% and 7.5%. However, fell 14% world-wi
wide to €32.6 bil-
third quarter, affected by dis- “We should be through the it lowered its fu
full-year g
uidance lion. The company confirmed
INDEX TO PEOPLE ruptions of chip production in
Asia and the U.S. from the im-
worst now,” he said. “The situa-
tion will ease but this will be a
for deliveries to customers,
which are now expected to be
its profitability goal for the
pacts of the pandemic, fierce continuing struggle for us.” unchanged from last year. The lack of new vehicles on
A Houten, Frans van......B2 Page, Larry..................B5 storms in Texas, and the fallout The impact of the shortages VW
V W said revenue is expected dealer lots has led to a boom in
J Palmer, Richard...........B2 from a fire at a supplier in on earnings was mixed.
Antlitz, Arno...............B2 to be considerably higher than used-car sales, which was a big
August, Glenn...........B10 Jacobson, Paul............A2 R Japan earlier this year. VW
V W operating profit before in 2020, but VVWW Chief Financialal profit driver for V
W in the thi
B Jassy, Andy.................B1 Roberts, Brian.............B4
Rolph, Jessica.............B5
“This all slowed down the special items fell 12% to 2.8 bil- Officer Arno Antlitz stressed quarter through higher financ-
Beurden, Ben van.......B1 Johnson, Kevin............B3
Ryan, Devin...............B11 strong recovery we had in the lion euros, equivalent to $3.25 that the chip shortage showed ing revenues at V VWW’s in-house
Bezos, Jeff.............B4,B5 K first half of the year,” V
VWW Chief billion, with a corresponding the company needed to press bank, Mr. Diess said.
Bonfield, Andrew........B5 S
Kotick, Bobby..............B4 Executive Herbert rt Diess told re- margin of 4.9% for the period, harder to improve productivi vity. To adapt to the shortage,
Brin, Sergey................B5 Shah, Sachin.............B10
L Sharps, Rob...............B10 porters Thursday. the company said in its interim “After a record result in the VW
V W also reallocated chips to
C Lawler, John................B2 Shell, Jeff....................B4 In the U.S., General Motors report. Revenue fell 4.1% to first half of the year, the semi- higher-margin vehicles and
Cheung, Kenny............B3 Lee, Kewsong............B10 T
Cook, Tim....................B1 Co. and Ford Motor Co. said €56.93 billion but beat anal
alysts’ conductor shortage in the third raised prices.
M Tabb, Larry..................B1
D Wednesday that third-quarter expectations of €54.66 billion quarter made it clear that we —Kim Richters in Barcelona
Maestri, Luca..............B1 Tannenbaum, Carl.......A2
profit and output fell sharply as compiled by FactSet. After-tax are not yet sufficiently resilient and Mike Colias in Detroit
Diess, Herbert.....B2,B12 Maldonado, Cliff.......B12 W
Doukeris, Michel.........B3 McRaith, Michael......B10 a result of the chip crunch, say- profit was up 5.6% to €2.90 bil- fluctuations in factory utili-
to fl contributed to this article.
Warnick, Jason ........... B1
F-H Moghadam, Hamid ..... B6 Watson, Dave ............. B4 ing the lack of chips woul uld con- lion. zation,” he told reporters.
Farley, Jim...................B2 N-P Y-Z tinue to dent production and For 2021, Volkswagen reiter- Stellantis, which typically  Heard on the Street: Bumpy
Fields, Mark................B3 Newman, Brian...........A2 Yim, David.................B10 leave dealership lots nearly ated its forecast to achieve an doesn’t report profit in the first road for Volkswagen........... B12
Gelsinger, Pat ............. B1 Olsavsky, Brian...........B6 Zuckerberg, Mark..A1,B4 empty well into next year.
Looking ahead, auto execu-
tives expressed some optimism Ford Dividend’s day increased its financial guid- automaker General Motors Co.

Shell CEO eral times over the past year

and would continue to listen
to their feedback as it does
that chip supplies have begun
to stabilize but stressed that
the shortages and their impact
Return Lifts Stock
ance. The company projected it
will earn an operating profit of
between $10.5 billion and $11.5
are benefiting from record pric-
ing and a more lucrative mix of
higher-profit SUVs and trucks

Defends with all of its shareholders.

Third Point had given Shell
a preview of its thesis ahead
on production would continue
to be felt in 2022.
“The visibility on semicon-
Ford Motor Co.’s stock
jumped to its highest level in
billion for 2021, up from an ear-
lier projection of $9 billion to
$10 billion.
with inventory levels at dealer-
ships still constrained and buy-
ers paying top dollar for what

Strategy of issuing its investor letter,

saying it believes in the com-
pany but thinks there is a dis-
ductors continues to be a diffi-
cult subject for the industry
and for us. I thiin
k now we’re on
years following an upbeat fi-
nancial projection and optimism
that the automaker is reinstat-
Ford also said it would start
paying out a quarterly dividend
again for the first time since the
models they can secure.
Shares of GM, which also
reported earnings on Wednes-
connect with the shareholder a better track and we’re seeing ing its quarterly dividend. beginning of the pandemic. It day, were slightly down on
Continued from page B1 base that a split could address, some stabilization of supply Shares rose as much as 13% had suspended the dividend in Thursday.
were better served by keeping people familiar with the mat- and improvement in our month on Thursday before trimming March 2020 to conserve cash. Jim Farley, chief executive
its range of assets and busi- ter said. Shell responded in an over month production,” Stel- gains in afternoon trading. At “The dividend reflects our at Ford, told investors during
nesses. In particular, he said open-ended way, as is typical lantis Chief Financial Officer its intraday high, the stock confidence in the improving run the earnings call that the auto-
the company’s legacy oil-and- for a company at this stage of Richard Palmer told reporters traded at its highest level since rate of the business and our maker is continuing to invest in
gas assets were needed to an activist campaign, indicat- on Thursday. September 2014. It closed up ability to fund all of our calls electric vehicles, highlighting its
fund its investments in lower- ing it appreciated Third Mr. Diess saiaid the chi
hip short
rt- 8.7% at $16.86. on capital,” Ford Chief Financial $7 billion investment in Ken-
carbon energy. Point’s perspective and would age likely peaked in the third Despite a challenging envi- Officer John Lawler said on the tucky and Tennessee battery
On Wednesday, New York- give it some thought, the peo- quarter, but constraints would ronment related to supply-chain company’s earnings call. plants.
based hedge fund Third Point, ple added. continue at a reduced level be- disruptions, Ford on Wednes- Both Ford and rival Detroit —Omar Abdel-Baqui
run by activist investor Daniel Urging companies to break cause it will take the semicon-
Loeb, said it had taken a stake up to allow faster-growing op-
in Shell and suggested it erations to shine on their own
should split into different com-
panies—for instance, separat-
ing its legacy oil business from
has long been a common de-
mand of activists. Several
high-profile campaigns have
Backlogs ress from beginning to end.
Basic building-block materi-
als such as substrates are in
years to become operational.
The auto industry, hit hard
and early by the chip short-
Even companies considered
to have well-established sup-
ply chains, such as Apple Inc.
its liquefied-natural gas and re-
newable energy operations—to
retain and attract investors.
centered around this idea, in-
cluding Carl Icahn’s 2014 bid
to get eBay Inc. to spin off
Lengthen short supply. Mishaps from
bad weather and fires have in-
terrupted wafer production.
age, has been the most vocal
in calling for increasing sup-
ply. The world’s largest con-
and Tesla Inc. have noted chal-
lenges in meeting customer
demand, as a lack of critical
Analysts said Thursday that
while the activist’s suggestion
might appeal to some share-
PayPal, which he and others
considered its crown jewel.
Third Point in 2018 urged in-
For Chips The final stage of manufactur-
ing has been undercut by virus
outbreaks and subsequent fac-
tract chip maker, TSMC, has
boosted auto-chip production
by 60% this year, but car
components has weighed
down production and been a
drag on revenue growth. Other
holders, they were skeptical dustrial conglomerate United tory closures in Malaysia, makers have struggled to re- businesses have also begun to
about the benefit of a breakup Technologies Corp. to split Continued from page B1 which specializes in product cover as factory closures con- warn investors of a prolonged
or that any major change into three companies when it 9-12 weeks. Over the summer, packaging. tinue and estimated losses impact.
would ensue. was already considering such the wait stretched to 19 weeks Global shipping constraints mount. Royal Philips NV, which
Still, Third Point’s ideas a move. UTC changed course on average, according to have added to disruptions and On Wednesday, General Mo- makes medical equipment,
highlight a growing debate the following year by unveiling Susquehanna Financial Group. delays. Chip assembly can re- tors Co. and Ford Motor Co. slashed its sales and profit
within the energy industry as a merger with Raytheon Co. But as of October, it has bal- quire that parts travel up to each reported steep drops in growth outlook this year, as it
to how the world’s largest oil- that Mr. Loeb criticized. looned to 22 weeks. It is lon- 25,000 miles before becoming third-quarter profit as the suffered €150 million, the
and-gas companies should In recent weeks, fellow ac- ger for the scarcest parts: 25 finished products, according to computer-chip shortage equivalent of $174 million, in
play the transition to lower- tivist Jana Partners LLC called weeks for power-management a report by Accenture and the dented factory output. Both missed sales in the third quar-
carbon energy. Oil majors are on Macy’s Inc. to separate its components and 38 weeks for Global Semiconductor Alliance. companies said they see the ter, said Chief Executive Frans
coming under growing pres- fast-growing e-commerce the microcontrollers that the Sourcing chips has turned semiconductor situation grad- van Houten during the most
sure from investors, environ- business from its bricks-and- auto industry needs, the firm almost into a lottery, leading to ually easing next year. recent earnings call.
mental groups and govern- mortar business, similar to a said. over ordering that creates
ments to accelerate their shift move Saks Fifth Avenue has Scott Wren, senior global more supply strain, industry
out of fossil fuels and ramp up already taken. equity strategist at Wells experts say. ADVERTISEMENT
investments in cleaner energy. Aside from investors, Shell Fargo Investment Institute, “People are buying a lot of
At the same time, some
shareholders have questioned
how oil companies will transi-
is also facing growing pressure
from environmental groups
and others to move faster to
said he would have thought six
months ago that chip short-
ages would start easing by
parts to have just in case, and
that’s exacerbating the short-
age,” said Willy Shih, a profes-
The Marketplace
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
tion profitably in areas where decarbonize. In May a Dutch this time. But now he said sor of management at Harvard
they don’t have a competitive court ruled that Shell must they will likely last until 2023. Business School, who special- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PUBLIC NOTICES
edge, and think they should curb its operational emissions Wells Fargo Investment Insti- izes in semiconductors and
stick to fossil fuels and focus by 45% by 2030, compared tute recently revised down its supply chains. )/35 !3"6, #"15+ . !$$&'%) 22
on returns to investors. with 2019 levels, while making U.S. GDP forecast to 6.3% from Stockpiling could also lead 90L/17 =/227LE305 K'A +/0E4F "'>322F +DEDN2 ;D0J
8@." ?&5351;) 9 *33 ,#?&3 76?+&%?5/1) ,90 (6ML3N2 -3HD3JNE3/0* ,E47 %=/1.N0B#*
Earlier this year, Exxon Mo- best efforts to also achieve this 7% as the chip shortage lim- to an inflated sense of demand, "47 =/1.N037F ?LE ,?F &7C3F7J*
bil Corp. came under pressure on its products. ited the supply of consumer analysts warned, which has
=44- - %4!+ ) '2/ ,13(0 )/E3L7 /6 ?../30E170E /6 8/30E (6ML3N2
-3HD3JNE/GF N0J )/E3L7 /6 ;3GFE +77E305
from activist shareholder En- While Shell is appealing the goods. raised concerns that an indus- >@<7A<2*. >*2" (770.' /6 =G7J3E/GF
:GN0J =/DGE =NDF7 )/ ;$< K@@ /6 I!IK ,<<8*
gine No. 1 to do more to tran- Dutch ruling, on Thursday it “This is playing out consid- trywide ramp-up in supply ,2A 9 $:!0 ! "66+45 $3&4*(1+* #3.% :B^( ?>:b+( .T[. ZG 30XW0 3V .TW $0[4X +3Q0.
3V .TW +[G5[4 b/6[4X/ 5[XW 34 ]] >Y.3ZW0
sition to lower-carbon fuels. pledged to halve its carbon-di- erably longer than we initially could lead to a chip glut. Major "-.444.0--.*-0(! RaR]% b4Y35W +366WY.S4U ]#P @34.T/ :#-S66/
Now Shell, which has moved oxide emissions from its oper- thought,” Mr. Wren said. chip makers such as Taiwan @Q.Q[6 &Q4X% 0WUS/.0[.S34 4Q5ZW0 P]FNLJ%
KT3/W 0WUS/.W0WX 3V_YW S/ /S.Q[.WX [. (\ +[G5[4
faster than Exxon to remake ations by the end of the de- A supply bounceback this Semiconductor Manufacturing A.X!% JR &30Q5 A[4W% +[5[4[ -[G% =!>! -3I L]a%
$0[4X +[G5[4% ^\]#]]aJ% +[G5[4 b/6[4X/% K[/
its business and reduce emis- cade compared with 2016 year relied on rosy assump- Co., Samsung Electronics Co. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 30XW0WX .3 Y34.S4QW Q4XW0 .TW /Q2W0OS/S34 3V .TW
$0[4X +3Q0. S4 [YY30X[4YW KS.T .TW +352[4SW/
sions, is being criticized by levels. The new pledge didn’t tions that already maxed-out and Intel have announced am- BY. ,B/ <WOS/WX*!
Third Point for trying and fail- include emissions linked to the production wouldn’t face fur- bitious investments to increase &9<:"(< :B^( ?>:b+( .T[. @0! ^WS0[4

ing to meet competing de- use of its products. ther setbacks. But the chip- production, but such facilities M5"KNC 3#(# "Q.YTS/34 3V (\ +[G5[4 A.X!% JR &30Q5 A[4W%
+[5[4[ -[G% =!>! -3I L]a% $0[4X +[G5[4% ^\]#
]]aJ% +[G5[4 b/6[4X/ [4X @0! bU[6 8SE5[4 3V
mands from shareholders. Earlier this year, Shell said making process is under du- cost billions of dollars and take (\ -[T[5[/ A.X!% +[OW/ +30230[.W +W4.0W% 8W/.
43O6-O49K2 56K/))) -[G ;.0WW. M -6[7W <3[X% =!>! -3I ?#PRP]% ?WK
On Thursday, Mr. van Beur- it would gradually reduce its
7021 -K52( 8/ =03OSXW4YW% :TW -[T[5[/% KW0W [223S4.WX [/
den said he disagreed with the oil output and expand in elec- `3S4. >V_YS[6 AS1QSX[.30/ 3V .TW +352[4G!
JA!@J!AJ B?) &9<:"(< :B^( ?>:b+( .T[. .TW `3S4.
notion that splitting up Shell tricity and biofuels, while re- >V_YS[6 AS1QSX[.30/ S4OS.W 23.W4.S[6 Y0WXS.30/
.J=#;>L7 : ?G -94 .3 /QZ5S. Y6[S5/ S4 .TW 6S1QSX[.S34 [4X /T3Q6X
would benefit the energy tran- ducing the carbon intensity of
&O37))) Y34.[Y. .TW `3S4. >V_YS[6 AS1QSX[.30/ .3 3Z.[S4 .TW
[220320S[.W V305/ .3 X3 /3!
sition or the company. the energy products it sells by
5M- 7(135' 5MK9 B?) &9<:"(< :B^( ?>:b+( .T[. Y0WXS.30/ 3V
“We are able to do things 20% by 2030 and 100% by .TW +352[4G [0W 43.S_WX .T[. .TW _0/. 5WW.S4U
4K(92( +5 651 3V Y0WXS.30/ 3V .TW +352[4G KS66 ZW TW6X 34 .TW
with the collections of assets, 2050. However, that strategy ]/. 3V )WYW5ZW0 RaR] [. ]]Daa [5 ,+[G5[4
-9KK O& 651 JLLG b/6[4X/ :S5W* OS[ .W6W2T34W Y34VW0W4YW Y[66!
business models [and] cus- has drawn a lukewarm recep-
9$3((98K( BYYW// XW.[S6/ KS66 ZW 203OSXWX Q234 Y34_05[.S34
tomer-facing businesses that tion from investors, partly be- 3V [..W4X[4YW! :TW 2Q023/W 3V .TW 5WW.S4U S/ .3
/WW7 .3 Y34/.S.Q.W [ 6S1QSX[.S34 Y355S..WW% .3
we have that is very hard to cause the uncertainties around ?L>%<<;%A>?L 203OSXW [4 Q2X[.W 34 .TW /.[.Q/ 3V .TW 6S1QSX[.S34

[4X XW[6 KS.T /QYT 3.TW0 5[..W0/ 30 0W/36Q.S34/

replicate if you were just [to] the energy transition make it ,5BFID!8DEHID* [/ .TW 3V_YS[6 6S1QSX[.30/ .TS47 _. 30 KTSYT .TW
$0[4X +3Q0. XS0WY./! B4G Y0WXS.30 KS/TS4U .3
split up in a number of other difficult to predict profits. [..W4X .TW 5WW.S4U /T3Q6X /W4X K0S..W4 43.SYW
companies,” he told reporters. Shell reported a third-quar- 3V .TWS0 S4.W4.S34 .3 X3 /3 .3 .TW Y34.[Y. W5[S6

“A very significant part of ter loss on a net current-cost- +,-%$&-- )'.# *". ('!& [XX0W// ZW63K ZG LDaa 2!5! ,+[G5[4 b/6[4X/
.S5W* 34 ;Q4X[G% RH.T ?3OW5ZW0 RaR]!
)[.WX .TS/ RF.T X[G 3V >Y.3ZW0 RaR]
this energy transition that we of-supplies basis—a figure C<K0,16? -/ 5A%=7613 @<?14 )?4K3(8 #&&EC+ !6( #/7+ 9,.)7;* !6( "3,67; $025-,4:;* `3S4.
are talking about is going to similar to the net income that :KID4I?.38 <K04<<6 06=ID16'7<?0=I?16 9=6GI?.(
>V_YS[6 AS1QSX[.30/
&:;2752 1:6 %;80,6,34' $W0[0X ;35W0/%
be funded by the legacy busi- U.S. oil companies report—of (\ +[G5[4 A.X!% JR &30Q5 A[4W% +[5[4[ -[G%
ness,” he added. $988 million, compared with a -=DD A%;*A!"*$%A% H"$> =!>! -3I L]a% $0[4X +[G5[4% ^\]#]]aJ% +[G5[4
b/6[4X/! :W6W2T34WD '] PNL H]N HFaR% (5[S6D
Shell said it had held dis- profit of $177 million in the JJ14162,I.,D=?43K99DF(7<B UW0[0X!/35W0/C7G!WG!Y35

cussions with Third Point sev- same period last year. Components are assembled at CSI Electronic in Witham, U.K.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Friday, October 29, 2021 | B3


Posts Strong
U.S. Growth
China drags on results had a resurgence of the
Covid-19 virus over the sum-
amid resurgence of mer, prompting a slowdown in
Covid-19 cases in the consumer spending as the


country locked down.
Asian country Starbucks and other chains
are also grappling with rising
BY HEATHER HADDON costs, particularly for labor.
The company said Thursday
Starbucks Corp. said its U.S. that spending on wages will de-
sales were strong during its press its profit margins next
most recent quarter, though year, and it expects to boost
the pandemic’s resurgence in prices to help compensate.
China dragged on the coffee Starbucks executives said the
chain’s revenue. labor spending was necessary
For its fourth quarter ended to attract and retain the em- Same-store sales fell in China during the quarter. A Starbucks location in Shanghai has attracted attention.
Oct. 3, Starbucks said Thursday ployees it needed to run its U.S.
that its U.S. same-store sales restaurants. reported earnings adjusted for Restaurants are increasingly other recent ones constitute compensation.
were up 22% compared with “This is an opportunity to one-time items of $1 a share. passing along their growing overall an additional $1 billion The National Labor Rela-
the same period last year, and move now. We can’t wait,” said The company’s sales missed costs to consumers through in spending on employees, tions Board decided Thursday
up 11% over pre-pandemic lev- Kevin Johnson, Starbucks’s analysts’ expectations, but higher prices. Starbucks said. to allow the union election to
els. But same-store sales in the chief executive, referring to the earnings were roughly in line Starbucks is boosting aver- Starbucks workers have go forward at three Buffalo
company’s crucial China mar- wage increases. with projections. age U.S. employee pay to $17 complained about having to area stores. Ballots will be col-
ket fell 7% in the quarter com- The Seattle-based coffee Starbucks shares fell 4% in an hour from roughly $14 an keep up with a high pace of or- lected by mail through Dec. 8
pared with last year. company reported quarterly after-hours trading. hour. It is also paying $200 re- ders, particularly mobile ones. and counted the following day,
For global companies such net income of $1.76 billion, up McDonald’s Corp. and other ferral bonuses and beefing up The company is dealing with a the board said. A Starbucks
as Starbucks, the pandemic 349% from the same quarter a restaurant chains are paying recruiting efforts across the rare union drive in Buffalo, N.Y., spokesman said the company
continues to affect sales in dif- year earlier. Sales totaling $8.15 more for labor as they hunt for country. where baristas are asking for had just received the ruling and
ferent parts of the world. China billion climbed 31%. Starbucks workers to staff their stores. That wage increase and two better training, staffing and was evaluating its options.

Hertz Turns Profit on Travel Rebound; Revenue Up 76%

BY DAVE SEBASTIAN “As the U.S. welcomes an able growth by combining its 50,000 Teslas available in company defines as “the new 2022,” Mr. Fields said in pre-
increasing number of interna- fleet-management operations Uber’s ride-sharing network Hertz,” which focuses on elec- recorded remarks. “We expect
Hertz Global Holdings Inc. tional inbound travelers, we’re with new technology and in- by 2023. The Teslas it intends trification, shared mobility that, over time, supply will re-
said it turned a profit for the optimistic about the momen- vestments in electrification to add to the Uber network and a digital-first experience, turn, and we will continue to
third quarter as a continued tum this would bring to our and shared mobility, said Mark will come from the 100,000 the company said. Hertz’s new rotate out older vehicles.”
rebound in leisure travel business,” Mr. Cheung said in Fields, Hertz’s interim chief owners seek to overhaul the Hertz said its corporate li-
pushed its revenue higher. prerecorded remarks Thurs- executive. Mr. Fields, a former century-old company, imple- quidity was $3.8 billion as of

The car-rental company day. Ford Motor Co. CEO, took the menting new software to im- Sept. 30. It said it expects li-
Thursday posted net income International travelers who role earlier this month. prove inventory management quidity of $3.9 billion to $4.1
attributable to Hertz of $605 are fully vaccinated and can The company this week said and better forecast customer billion at the end of the year.
million, compared with a loss show proof of vaccination can it ordered 100,000 autos from demand. Hertz emerged from bank-
of $222 million in the same travel to the U.S. starting Nov. Tesla Inc. to be delivered by Hertz’s corporate liquidity as But Hertz also has warned ruptcy protection in late June
period last year. Revenue rose 8. Unvaccinated Americans re- the end of next year, a bulk of Sept. 30. that efforts to electrify its under new ownership. It filed
about 76% to $2.23 billion. entering the country will have purchase that promises to ex- fleet could be hampered by for bankruptcy in May 2020 as
The company is seeing what to show proof of a negative pose more mainstream drivers factors outside its control such the debt-laden company suf-
it deems as strong bookings Covid-19 test within a day of to Tesla’s electric-vehicle tech- as the shortage of semicon- fered from a collapse in reser-
for the holiday season and is travel, the Biden administra- nology. vehicle order and future or- ductor chips. vations. The company has said
also betting on international tion has said. On Wednesday, Hertz said ders as the program grows. “We believe the semicon- it anticipates relisting on a
travel returning, finance chief The Estero, Fla., company it is linking up with Uber The expansion into electric ductor chip shortage will con- major stock exchange by the
Kenny Cheung said. sees the path toward profit- Technologies Inc. to make vehicles is part of what the tinue to be a factor well in end of the year.

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The Budweiser brewer said revenue rose 7.9% as drinkers turned to pricier beers. A U.K. bottling plant.

AB InBev Robust Sales Get

Boost From South America
BY SAABIRA CHAUDHURI Inc.—a large AB InBev share- consumer tastes in the U.S., AB
holder—took a $6.2 billion im- InBev has been investing in
Budweiser brewer An-
heuser-Busch InBev SA sold
more beer at higher prices in
pairment charge on its invest-
ment in the brewer, saying
that while it planned to retain
spirits brands and on Thursday
said sales of its canned cocktail
brand Cutwater had grown by
Compare at $1,395
the third quarter, as strong its stake and expects shares to a triple-digit percentage.
demand in South America recover, it would take longer Elsewhere, the company
helped make up for weakness than previously expected. said it had seen a resurgence
in the U.S., where drinkers In the U.S., AB InBev’s larg- in demand across South Amer-
switched away from beer and est market, the company re- ica during the quarter. In Bra-
supply chains were disrupted. ported a 0.8% drop in revenue, zil, revenue jumped 15.3%
The world’s largest beer which it partly attributed to driven by growing sales made
company Thursday said reve- supply-chain disruptions it directly to consumers, and the
nue rose 7.9% in the period, said had left some of its adoption of an app that lets
with volumes up 3.4%, as drinks out of stock. Chief Ex- retailers place digital orders.
drinkers reached for pricier ecutive Michel Doukeris In Colombia, AB InBev re-
brews. Both those figures beat pointed to big storms in the ported record volumes in the
analyst forecasts and south of the U.S. and a cyber- third quarter as Covid-19 re-
prompted the company to attack that impacted a big strictions eased, resulting in
raise its full-year earnings glass supplier. the country’s highest beer per
guidance. AB InBev’s shares He also said the company’s capita consumption level in
rose over 10% in Europe. U.S. business was up against a more than 25 years.
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headwinds and higher infla- brands, including Michelob Ul- company logged a loss tied to
tion. Separately Thursday, cig- tra, which it also owns. the hedging of its share-based Item #933748
arette giant Altria Group In response to changing payment program.

B4 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Comcast’s Profit Boosted by Olympics

Strong growth at Year-to-date performance scribers. Comcast’s U.S. smart-
TVs, which were launched ear-
NBCUniversal came as 20%
S&P 500 lier this month, come with a
company’s broadband one-year free subscription to
NBCUniversal’s Peacock to give
business slowed 15
a boost to the streaming ser-
vice, which has lagged behind


BY LILLIAN RIZZO competitors in customer
Comcast Corp. said its Chief Executive Brian Rob-
third-quarter net profit dou- 5
erts on Thursday called the
bled, boosted by strong reve- company’s push into smart-
nue growth at its NBCUniver- TVs “the embodiment of what
sal media empire, which 0 Comcast we do well, which is aggrega-
benefited from the Tokyo tion.”
Olympics and an influx of re- The company didn’t provide
turning visitors to its Univer- –5 specific metrics regarding Pea-
sal Studios theme parks. cock’s subscriber base on
The Philadelphia-based Thursday, but NBCUniversal
company reported third-quar- –10 CEO Jeff Shell said the stream-
ter net profit of $4.04 billion, 2021
ing service added a few million
or 86 cents a share, compared more monthly active accounts.
with $2.02 billion, or 44 cents Many of its businesses that were affected by Covid-19 curbs, such as theme parks, are rebounding. Sources: FactSet In July, the company said
a share, a year earlier, sur- Peacock had more than 20 mil-
passing FactSet analysts’ esti- ness slow down in the third 300,000 broadband subscrib- Overall, the company’s ca- ter. Comcast Cable CEO Dave lion monthly active accounts
mates. Revenue rose 19% to quarter after experiencing ers, less than half as many as ble communications unit, Watson said the company has and 54 million sign-ups. Com-
$30.3 billion. strong user growth for several it did in the same period last which comprises its pay-TV, added more than 1.1 million cast has yet to disclose other
Comcast’s results show how quarters, when many Ameri- year. Its cellphone business, broadband and mobile-phone broadband customers year-to- details such as the proportion
customer habits changed dras- cans were spending most of Xfinity Mobile, had its best business, was still Comcast’s date, and that Comcast has of customers paying for Pea-
tically during the height of the their time at home because of quarterly result since it largest revenue contributor, added more than one million cock’s premium $4.99 or
Covid-19 pandemic and how Covid-19 restrictions. launched in 2017, adding accounting for $16.12 billion of each year for the last 20 years. $9.99-a-month tiers. The
they are slowly reverting to On the other hand, many of 285,000 customers. Comcast’s the company’s $30.3 billion in Comcast is making a foray $4.99-a-month ad-supported
normal. its businesses that were once pay-TV business, meanwhile, revenue. into the smart-TV industry, version is free to customers
The company, which oper- deeply affected by these re- continued to lose subscribers. Comcast executives said placing a bigger bet as a dis- with cable bundles or Flex
ates Xfinity-brand cable ser- strictions, such as movie pro- The 408,000 cable-TV custom- Thursday that the slowdown in tributor of apps and taking on boxes, as well as those using
vices, NBCUniversal and the duction and theme parks, are ers it lost during the quarter broadband-subscriber growth incumbent players including Cox Communications Inc.
U.K. pay-TV company Sky, saw rebounding. were nearly 50% more than was partly due to fewer people Roku Inc., as media companies Peacock will also launch on
its broadband-internet busi- Comcast said it added what it lost a year earlier. moving during the latest quar- push for more streaming sub- Sky next month.

Activision CEO Cuts Pay, Pledges Changes Amid Probes

BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN In a letter made public lived up to its reputation as a vestigation into Activision’s tor has said the proposed set- have relied on the value of their
AND KIRSTEN GRIND Thursday, Mr. Kotick said that great place to work,” Mr. Kotick handling of allegations of sex- tlement amount is too low and investments in their companies.
he asked Activision’s board to said in the letter. “Clearly, in ual misconduct and workplace that the agreement includes Mr. Kotick’s 2020 pay pack-
Bobby Kotick, the longtime reduce his salary to the mini- some vitally important aspects, discrimination, and has subpoe- provisions harmful to victims age of $154 million was in part
chief executive of videogame mum allowed under California we didn’t.” naed Mr. Kotick. and its case. due to a performance-based
publisher Activision Blizzard law for salaried workers— An Activision spokesperson An Activision spokeswoman A spokesman for the EEOC award related to his 2016 em-
Inc., told employees Thursday $62,500—and that he would declined to comment beyond previously said the company declined to comment. In a court ployment agreement. In March,
he would take a pay cut and forgo bonuses and equity Mr. Kotick’s letter. was cooperating with the SEC. filing earlier this month, the the board approved an exten-
end mandatory arbitration for grants. Activision, which owns hit The company moved in court to federal agency said the Califor- sion of that agreement, slated
internal harassment and dis- The announcement was part franchises such as “Call of pause the lawsuit by Califor- nia regulator’s objection could to expire this year, through
crimination claims amid regula- of a series of changes Mr. Duty,” “World of Warcraft” and nia’s DFEH, but the request was potentially derail relief for hun- 2023.
tory probes into the company’s Kotick said were aimed at mak- “Candy Crush,” is facing a law- denied, court filings show. Ac- dreds of people. The Activision boss also
culture. ing the company more diverse suit by the California Depart- tivision has said it would fight Mr. Kotick isn’t alone in Sili- wrote to employees that he is
Mr. Kotick, 58 years old, was and safer for employees. ment of Fair Employment and the suit from the California con Valley in volunteering to implementing a new company-
the second-highest paid chief “Over the last decade, as Housing alleging the company agency. significantly reduce his com- wide antiharassment policy.
executive nationwide, earning we’ve brought in new compa- ignored employee complaints of Activision has agreed to pay pensation. Founders such as “We need tougher rules and
$154 million in 2020, according nies, grown our workforce, and sexual harassment, discrimina- $18 million to settle an investi- Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook consistent monitoring across
to The Wall Street Journal’s an- expanded our business, we be- tion and retaliation, and main- gation by the U.S. Equal Em- Inc. and Jeff Bezos of Ama- the entire company to make
nual ranking of pay and perfor- lieved we had the systems, poli- tained a “frat-boy” culture. ployment Opportunity Commis- Inc. have also opted sure reports are being handled
mance for leaders of S&P 500 cies, and people in place to en- The Securities and Exchange sion into its workplace against collecting large stock correctly and discipline is ap-
companies. sure that our company always Commission also opened an in- practices. The California regula- grants and salaries and instead propriate and swift,” he wrote.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | B5


Bets on Tesla Flood Options Market

Nearly half of all Share-price and index performance Tesla options volumes strategy at Susquehanna Fi-
activity involves car 60% 2.5 million contracts
nancial Group. “What stock
Thursday has the most momentum right
maker as traders keep +52.7% now?…You’d probably say
faith its rally will go on 50 2.0 Tesla.”
Mr. Murphy said that some
BY GUNJAN BANERJI 40 1.5 traders appeared to be posi-
tioning for rapid gains during
Almost one out of every two 30 1.0 the day through the options,
dollars spent in the U.S.-listed opening and closing their po-


options market through sitions within hours.
20 0.5
Wednesday went to Tesla Inc., The company’s journey to a

according to Cboe Global Mar- S&P 500 $1 trillion valuation has been
Tesla’s new CFO Zach Kirkhorn. kets data. 10 0 dizzying at times, marked by
On Monday, traders spent big swings. On Monday alone,

EV Maker
0 Tesla 0.5
more money on Tesla bets, in the stock jumped 13%. None of
what’s known as options pre- the other four companies
mium, than they did on every –10 1.0 worth that much—Apple Inc.,

Aims for single other option in the mar-

ket combined. There are more
than 5,000 stocks and ex-
–20 1.5
Microsoft Corp.,
Inc. and Google parent Alpha-
bet Inc.—has recorded moves

Jan. 2021 Oct. Jan. 2021 March May July Sept.
change-traded funds to trade. greater than 10% in a single
Roughly one of every two Sources: FactSet (performance); Cboe (options) session this year.
dollars traders spent in the Call options tied to the

Ratings U.S.-listed options market on

Monday and Tuesday went to
Tesla options, according to
to Cboe and preliminary Fact-
Set data. That is based on the
options’ notional value, a mea-
ported record third-quarter
profits last week. On Monday,
the stock jumped after Hertz
much of the past two years.
That translates to quicker and
bigger profits for traders than
shares jumping to $1,100 or
$1,200 have been among the
most popular trades recently,
BY NINA TRENTMANN Cboe Global Markets data. On sure of how much the shares’ Global Holdings Inc. ordered if they had just bought the according to data from Shift
Monday, traders spent more underlying option contracts 100,000 autos for the rental- stock. For example, one Tesla Search. On Thursday, calls
Tesla Inc. has won over eq- money on Tesla bets, in what’s are worth, a figure that fluctu- car company, sending Tesla’s call option—covering 100 pegged to the shares advancing
uity investors, but it still has known as options premium, ates with daily moves in the market value above $1 trillion shares—tied to the stock to $2,000 were actively traded.
work to do to convince ratings than they did on every single stock price. for the first time. On Wednes- jumping to $900 traded for And some investors said
firms. other option in the market Options give investors the day, Hertz said that it was around $2,800 last week. By they expect the stock to keep
The electric-car maker on combined. There are more right to buy or sell shares at a linking up with Uber Technol- Monday, it had more than tri- soaring. Mike Ogborne,
Monday joined a small club of than 5,000 stocks and ex- specific price, by a stated date. ogies Inc. to make 50,000 Tes- pled, according to Cboe data. founder of hedge-fund firm Og-
companies valued above $1 change-traded funds to trade. Calls give the right to buy, las available in the ride-shar- Options typically require a borne Capital Management,
trillion. It’s the only manufac- By one measure, activity in while puts give the right to sell. ing network by 2023. smaller upfront investment, or which manages around $400
turing company in the group, Tesla options has surpassed The stock rose 3.8% to Tesla options have morphed an options premium, than million, said Tesla is his big-
alongside technology firms Al- trading in its shares. More $1077.04 on Thursday, a record. into one of the biggest casinos stocks. gest holding and he has no
phabet Inc., Inc., than $900 billion in Tesla op- The shares are up 53% this year. on Wall Street because the “You want to use options to plans to sell. He thinks that if
Apple Inc. and Microsoft tions have changed hands this Tesla investors have bene- value of bullish call options lever up and get exposure to Tesla becomes a leader in self-
Corp. Stock-market investors’ week, roughly five times the fited from a steady stream of can rapidly multiply if the momentum,” said Chris Mur- driving software, the shares
strong confidence in the com- total for its shares, according good news. The company re- stock advances, as it has for phy, co-head of derivatives could jump even higher.
pany is in stark contrast to the
junk ratings on Tesla’s debt

Construction Boosts Caterpillar’s Earnings

from S&P Global Ratings and
Moody’s Investors Service.
Tesla’s trillion-dollar peers all
have triple-A ratings, accord-
ing to data provider FactSet. BY AUSTEN HUFFORD
S&P has increased Tesla’s
credit rating by five notches Caterpillar Inc.’s quarterly
over the past year and a half, to profit more than doubled as
BB-plus on Friday, which is one construction and industrial
level below investment grade, equipment customers placed
though with a positive outlook. new orders in a growing
Moody’s upgraded Tesla’s rat- global economy, though sup-
ing to Ba3 in March, a category ply-chain problems held user
sales below the company’s ex-
The company flagged
Despite its high higher manufacturing costs,
valuations, Tesla’s especially increased shipping
rates, and said it was continu-
debt is still below ing to face supply-chain chal-
investment grade. lenges.

“The good news is that de-

mand remains strong,” said
Andrew Bonfield, Caterpillar’s
that describes debt that is chief financial officer. “The
somewhat speculative in nature challenge for us was around
and has some exposure to risk. supply,” he said.
Tesla’s high stock price—its Caterpillar’s sales to equip-
shares closed at $1,077.27 ment users grew 14% in the
Thursday, up almost 4% from quarter ended Sept. 30, below
Wednesday’s close—enables its expectations of at least
the company to sell equity, as 15%, driven by constraints to The company flagged higher manufacturing costs and shipping rates and said it was continuing to face supply-chain challenges.
it did in December 2020, when the company’s supply chain,
it sold $5 billion of its common Mr. Bonfield said. facturers are dealing with con- ity to produce enough to fulfill year earlier. Total profit was ers. Higher prices added $256
stock, or offer new convertible “When the chain starts get- gestion at ports, higher truck- the demand. $1.43 billion, up from $668 million to operating profit
notes, analysts and investors ting as stretched as it is, it ing and airfreight costs and The Deerfield, Ill.-based million. while higher manufacturing
said. Tesla’s stock started trad- doesn’t take a lot for one or difficulties finding many types maker of mining trucks and On an adjusted basis, Cater- costs reduced it by $267 mil-
ing at $17 when the company two things to put you in a sit- of parts, including computer construction bulldozers said pillar’s profit was $2.66 a lion, the company said.
went public in 2010. uation where you have to chips. revenue grew 25% to $12.4 bil- share. Analysts surveyed by Construction sales climbed
“I expect they would get change production schedules,” Manufacturing executives lion in its third quarter, driven FactSet had forecast adjusted 30% to $5.26 billion while
better pricing if they were to he said. have said the problems are by higher prices and volumes. earnings of $2.31 a share. mining sales grew by 32% to
offer debt to the market,” said Caterpillar’s shares rose 4% driven by strong orders of The company earned a Higher manufacturing costs $2.41 billion. The company’s
Eli Pars, co-chief investment Thursday. goods across the board, profit of $2.60 a share, com- offset price increases Caterpil- energy-and-transportation
officer and head of alternative Caterpillar and other manu- stretching the industry’s abil- pared with $1.22 a share a lar implemented for custom- sales rose 22% to $5.08 billion.
strategies at Calamos Invest-
ments LLC, an investment firm
that has bought some of
Tesla’s convertible debt. Mr.
Pars lauded the company’s Subscription Toy Company
Lovevery Raises $100 Million
balance sheet, adding that
Tesla has turned the corner on
improving its operations and
scaled up production.
“The equity market might by
be quicker in rerating the BY CORRIE DRIEBUSCH
stock [than the ratings
firms],” said Seth Goldstein, a Lovevery raised $100 mil-
senior equity analyst at Morn- lion in its latest funding
ingstar Inc. round, valuing the trendy sub- Introducing an
Moody’s and S&P said that scription toy company at more
market valuation isn’t a factor than $800 million and setting
Ergonomic Heat
that contributes directly to a it up for an initial public offer- and Massage
company’s rating. While the ing in the next two years.
company currently has the fi- The Series C funding round Chair for Work
nancial profile of an invest-
ment-grade company, it faces
was led by venture firm TCG,
with additional money from
and Home
several business risks, said existing investors Reach Capi-
Nishit Madlani, a senior direc- tal, the Chan Zuckerberg Ini-
tor at S&P Global Ratings. tiative, Google Ventures and
Among those are competition SoGal Ventures.
from other electric-car mak- Lovevery subscribers re-
ers, whether it can meet de- ceive boxes of toys every two
mand for its products as well or three months on average,
as its exposure to future along with a parent packet

downturns as it produces that describes the toys, the

more cars at an affordable developmental milestones to
price point, Mr. Madlani said. watch for at the child’s age, The Montessori-inspired service has an app and plans an IPO.
“Right now, the story here and other suggested activities
is that this is a company that’s caregivers can do with their The Montessori-inspired dreamed up an early-learning
done extremely well by mini- children. It boasts more than toy manufacturer was program for children and their 0% '*# /% -1! (+& .*,$)"
mizing its financial risk,” he 220,000 active subscribers, launched by Ms. Rolph and parents.
said. and in the last 12 months it Roderick Morris in 2017. Ms. The company is riding the
Tesla in its most recent shipped more than one million Rolph has experience in the trend of Montessori education,
quarter spent $1.5 billion on play kits, the company says. baby startup space—she is a which emphasizes hands-on
lease repayments and to pay This week, the company is co-founder of organic baby- independent learning. There is
down debt, leaving it with launching the Lovevery App, a food company Happy Family, a “Montessori Mafia” of suc-
cash and cash equivalents of mobile platform with develop- which was acquired by Danone cessful entrepreneurs who say
$16.1 billion, up 11% from the mental tips and question-and- SA in 2013. A parent herself, they were raised on this phi-
Free Shipping & 30 Day Risk Free Trial
prior-year period. answer sessions with experts. she said she was inspired to losophy, including Google
Tesla didn’t immediately re- “We knew we could do launch Lovevery after reading founders Larry Page and Save $100 Now! And, Use code Ergonomic
spond to a request for com- more for parents,” said Jessica a doctoral dissertation on neu- Sergey Brin and Amazon’s Jeff
ment. Rolph, one of Lovevery’s co- rological development in ba- Bezos, who has pledged $2 bil-
For Free X-Wheel Casters
*$50 per month based on purchase of $89999 for 18-months 0% interest
—Kristin Broughton, Mark founders, adding that it is bies. Ms. Rolph started making lion in part to help fund Mon-
Maurer and Sam Goldfarb hard for parents to know what her own toys and with Mr. tessori-inspired preschools in
contributed to this article. type of toy to use when. Morris, a longtime friend, underserved communities.

B6 | Friday, October 29, 2021 ** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


NFT Artist
To Auction
Real-Life Art
Christie’s plans to traditional and digital art.
More NFT artists are starting
bring Beeple’s work to adopt the real-life materi-
for sale Nov. 9 for an als of the art establishment
rather than stick to pixels.
estimated $15 million This month in London, So-
theby’s sold a $2.8 million
BY KELLY CROW acrylic box by digital artist
FEWOCiOUS that contained a
The artist known as Beeple cartoonish blue, life-size fig-
launched the art world’s craze ure wearing clothes designed
for nonfungible tokens by sell- by the artist for its owner to
ing one of his digital collages wear. (The house discouraged
at Christie’s for $69 million doing so for preservation pur-
this spring. Now Beeple has poses.)
something even more surpris- Dealers say such experi-
ing for sale—a real-life sculp- ments could be a way for digi-
ture. tal artists to extend their col-
Christie’s said it plans on lector base and raise their
Nov. 9 to auction the first price points even more.


physical work of art by Beeple, In less than a year, NFT
whose real name is Mike Win- buyers have grown from
kelmann, for an estimated $15 amassing a vast menagerie of
million. The sculpture, called slightly varied characters like
“HUMAN ONE,” is a 7-foot-tall, CryptoPunks, Mr. Davis said,
white mahogany column cov- to valuing one-of-a-kind digital The sculpture, called ‘HUMAN ONE,’ depicts a life-size astronaut. One of Beeple’s NFTs sold for $69 million at auction earlier this year.
ered in LED screens that de- works the same way old-guard
picts a life-size astronaut collectors prize rarity in art same technology used to track tie’s marquee 21st Century he sees his shift into sculpture looping video feed for each
dressed in a mirrored helmet works. Mr. Winkelmann’s cryptocurrency to tokenize evening sale. (His record-set- as an extension, rather than a screen that gives the illusion
and silvery suit. The monolith- sculpture, for example, is one their JPEGs, making them as ting NFT, “Everydays: The rejection, of his digital prac- that the digital astronaut
like pillar is designed to of one, he said. “Collectors are unique as any painter’s canvas. First 5,000 Days,” sold in an tice. He cited Damien Hirst’s character at the center of each
slowly rotate so that viewers getting sophisticated,” Mr. Da- Each NFT’s price and owner- online-only sale in March.) shark tanks and Jeff Koons’s is encased in a see-through
standing before it will see the vis said. “They want to flex ship details are logged on a Mr. Winkelmann will attend metallic “Rabbit” as influenc- container yet moving through
figure appear to stroll through their individual tastes rather digital ledger known as the the New York auction—his ing the aesthetics of “HUMAN a backdrop of ever-changing
sci-fi landscapes. The artist than buy something that’s one blockchain. In the past year, first, he said. ONE,” an idea he got over the scenery.
plans to alter these backdrops of 10,000.” roughly $1.8 billion worth of “People gathering in a big summer after he noticed a cart Painters have long experi-
several times a day and update Traditional collectors and NFT artworks have sold, ac- room to buy things made by of upturned television screens mented with trompe l’oeil
them during his career. It also established artists are also cording to market data tracker other people—it’s the weirdest in his hangar-like studio in techniques, but he said digital
comes with a corresponding taking a closer look at NFTs, ritual of transaction if you re- South Carolina. technology gives him an ad-
NFT. particularly hybrid versions of “HUMAN ONE” will serve as ally think about it,” Mr. Win- Relying on projection-map- vantage because he can alter
“It has such a gravitas, and so-called “phygital” artworks a fresh test of collectors’ ap- kelmann said. “I’m excited to ping skills he gleaned from his elements whenever he wants
it sucks you in,” said Noah Da- that contain both physical and petites at the high end. It also go.” past work designing digital by layering additional codes to
vis, Christie’s head of digital digital elements. marks the first time a Beeple Mr. Winkelmann’s entree stage elements for music con- its corresponding NFT on the
art and online sales. NFTs started gaining trac- will be offered alongside into the blue-chip art world certs, he said he wrapped a blockchain. Each time he does,
The work is the latest sign tion last year as digital artists heavyweight painters like hasn’t been easy, but he is mahogany armature in the screens on the physical
of a historic merger between realized they could apply the Jean-Michel Basquiat in Chris- catching up quickly—and says screens. Then he created a piece will alter, remotely.

Apple $9.2 billion while iPads rose

21% to $8.3 billion. Analysts
had expected growth of 1.3% by
Prologis CEO Expects
Warns of Macs and 6.6% by iPads during
the period compared to a year
Extended Supply Jam
Disruption Since the pandemic began,
disrupting normal operations,
Apple has stopped giving de-

The head of industrial real-

tion as it relates to the holiday
shopping season,” he said in an
tailed guidance. estate company Prologis Inc. email. “But the inventory short-
Continued from page B1 Investors are also looking at expects disruptions and con- age will continue for longer
issues might affect Apple’s im- how Apple is dealing with ris- gestion that have tied up sup- than people are expecting.”
portant holiday quarter. ing costs associated with in- ply chains to likely last into “The systemic issues that
There are multiweek waits in creasing inflation. The newest 2023, a break from many fore- are driving today’s supply chain
some areas for delivery of cer- iPhones didn’t have a starting casts that suggest the global headaches will not be fixed

tain models of the iPhone and price jump when revealed in stresses should ease next year. quickly,” Mr. Moghadam said.
other products, and even with September, though the com- “I think it’s going to take a “It’s going to take several years
supply chain delays, investors pany has benefited from higher while,” Prologis Chief Executive for supply chains to catch up
are eager to see if the contin- selling prices in part because of Hamid Moghadam said at a with the changes in shopping
ued allure of 5G technology and deals being offered by cellular supply-chain forum hosted by patterns brought about by the
new camera capabilities will phone service providers in the the company. “If I were going pandemic.”
help fuel another big year. U.S., which are fighting to keep to bet on a date, I would say The pandemic-fueled shift to
Mr. Maestri acknowledged customers. middle of 2023, end of 2023.” online shopping and compa-
that wait times for some Apple Mr. Cook’s success navigat- Many economists and logis- nies’ rush to rebuild inventories
products were longer than they In the quarter, iPhone revenue rose 47% to $38.9 billion. ing the turbulent waters of the tics industry executives expect have been a boon for ware-
would like. Supply constraints Covid-19 pandemic helped Ap- widespread shipping bottle- house owners like Prologis. The
during the fiscal fourth quarter Some investors argue Apple the first nine months of the fis- ple lead other big tech compa- necks and shortages of manu- San Francisco-based company
hurt potential revenue by $6 is naturally going to see a cal year, iPhone revenue rose nies in enjoying outsize profits facturing parts and finished reported Tuesday that U.S. lo-
billion, he said, and will be tougher year in fiscal 2022 and, 38% to $153 billion. In the July- during uncertain times. That goods to continue through gistics space “is effectively sold
worse in the current period. to make their case, they point to-September quarter, iPhone success and broader questions year-end, with relief likely to out.”
Mr. Maestri said the iPhone to previous years that followed revenue rose 47% to $38.9 bil- about the power of these tech come only after the first quar- That lack of space is driving
maker still expects to see year- the company benefiting from lion, missing the $41 billion ex- companies have also put them ter of 2022 as supply-side out- up rent rates for retailers, e-
over-year revenue growth dur- hot iPhone introductions that pected by analysts. under scrutiny. put catches up to demand. commerce companies and
ing the period that ends in De- have resulted in larger than The strength of Apple’s Apple emerged mostly un- Mr. Moghadam expects third-party logistics providers.
cember. “We fully expect to set normal results. Others see con- other products throughout the scathed from an antitrust law- strong retail demand and shifts Commercial real-estate ser-
a new December quarter record tinued momentum from 5G. Covid-19 pandemic has helped suit in September brought by in consumer behavior, including vices firms CBRE Group Inc.
for revenue,” he said. “But we Apple is expected to have fuel record profit. The company Epic Games Inc. that centered the accelerated growth of e- and Cushman & Wakefield Inc.
also expect the supply con- delivered a record 238 million has benefited from workers and on its App Store’s role as the commerce during the Covid-19 recently reported record-low
straints will be greater than the iPhones in the past fiscal year, students at home wanting new gatekeeper for customers on its pandemic, will continue and vacancy rates across the U.S.,
$6 billion. …We expect most of according to analysts’ esti- laptops and iPad tablets. iPhones and its required in-app that strains in supply chains pushing third-quarter indus-
our product categories to be mates. They expect 233 million Those results continued to payment system that gives it as will last longer as a result. trial rents up by 10% and 8.3%,
constrained during the Decem- this year. The company doesn’t grow in the fiscal quarter. Sales much as a 30% cut of digital “Everyone’s currently talking respectively, over the same pe-
ber quarter.” disclose unit sales but, during of Mac computers rose 1.6% to revenue. about the supply chain disrup- riod of last year.

Amazon pected to be between break-

even and a $3 billion profit,
down from $6.9 billion a year
Amazon's net profit
$8 billion
$3.2B on extra pay and incentives
as well as other constraints
related to its supply chain, he

Sales earlier and trailing expecta-

Amazon shares, which 6
said. With the arrival of some
goods disrupted, Amazon
warehouses for the first time

Disappoint closed up 1.59% in Thursday

trading, fell 3.8% after the
bell with the results. 4
since the start of the pan-
demic aren’t squeezed for
space, he said.
Amazon’s cloud-computing Mr. Olsavsky said labor is
Continued from page B1 business, which offers server the company’s main capacity

Trust your
year earlier. Wall Street ex- capacity and software tools constraint, calling the devel-
pected $111.6 billion in quar- and generates a significant 2 opment “new and not wel-
terly revenue and profit of portion of the company’s op- come.” The company, he said,

$4.6 billion. erating profit, has continued hopes the situation will re-
In the current quarter, “we to grow at a fast clip. Ama- 0 solve itself through this quar-
expect to incur several billion zon has also seen strong de- 2018 ’19 ’20 ’21
ter going into next year.
dollars of additional costs in mand for its digital advertis- “We’ll adapt as we need to,

Trust your
our consumer business as we ing business, which has Sources: S&P Capital IQ, the company to remain competitive,” Mr.
manage through labor supply increasingly competed with Olsavsky said.
shortages, increased wage Google and Facebook’s pow- its profit in its third quarter, The quarter’s growth also

costs, global supply chain is- erful ad platforms. Sales for as smaller businesses poured was dented by Amazon’s deci-
sues, and increased freight the cloud unit continued to money into ads. sion to hold its annual Prime
and shipping costs—all while climb sharply, totaling $16.1 Amazon Chief Financial Of- Day sales extravaganza dur-
doing whatever it takes to billion in the third quarter, ficer Brian Olsavsky, in a call ing its second quarter, taking
minimize the impact on cus- up about 38% from a year with reporters Thursday, said away the revenue boost from
tomers and selling partners earlier. Amazon’s unit that the company has had to re- the event that has typically
this holiday season,” Mr. primarily includes ad sales route products to meet de- been held during its third
Jassy said. grew by 50%. mand as it deals with labor quarter.
For the fourth quarter, the Amazon’s technology peers and supply-chain issues, The nation’s second-larg-
company projects sales be- showed robust results this which increased costs. est private employer has said
tween $130 billion and $140 week. Microsoft Corp., the He said the company also it plans to hire about 275,000
billion, compared with a Wall No. 2 in the cloud behind Am- has seen inconsistent staffing permanent and seasonal em-
Street expectation of $142.2 azon, on Tuesday reported a levels in its operations be- ployees amid a tight labor
© 2021 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 2DJ8622
billion. Amazon said operat- 48% jump in quarterly profit cause of the labor shortage. market, partly to deal with
ing income in the three to $20.5 billion. Alphabet The company spent $2 bil- the anticipated online holiday
months ending Dec. 31 is ex- Inc.’s Google nearly doubled lion during the third quarter shopping surge.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * Friday, October 29, 2021 | B7


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
35730.48 s 239.79, or 0.68% Trailing P/E ratio 23.06 25.89 4596.42 s 44.74, or 0.98% Trailing P/E ratio * 30.45 38.25 15448.12 s 212.28, or 1.39% Trailing P/E ratio *† 35.47 37.62
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.93 24.01 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 22.17 25.55 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 28.95 31.31
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.79 2.31 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.32 1.73 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.68 0.74
All-time high 35756.88, 10/26/21 All-time high 4596.42, 10/28/21 All-time high: 15448.12, 10/28/21

Current divisor 0.15188516925198

35750 4600 15500

35250 4525 15200

34750 4450 14900

Session high 34250 4375 14600

65-day Session open Close

moving average 33750 4300 14300

Close Open

Session low 65-day moving average 65-day moving average 14000

33250 4225

Bars measure the point change from session's open

32750 4150 13700
July Aug. Sept. Oct. July Aug. Sept. Oct. July Aug. Sept. Oct.
* Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 872,397,231 16,430,789
Industrial Average 35742.25 35545.41 35730.48 239.79 0.68 35756.88 26501.60 34.0 16.7 13.1 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 598,572,120 11,640,500
Transportation Avg 15926.96 15719.52 15921.69 198.17 1.26 15943.30 11106.19 42.4 27.3 16.9 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 266,624,558 4,288,385
Utility Average 921.83 913.43 921.15 6.34 0.69 952.62 795.61 6.2 6.5 8.1 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,458 278
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 47601.23 47233.71 47593.04 520.40 1.11 47593.04 33541.92 40.0 21.4 20.3 Advances 2,316 156
Apple AAPL 12,529.0 147.10 -5.47 -3.59 155.80 144.40
Barron's 400 1066.04 1048.05 1065.84 17.78 1.70 1074.00 719.73 47.0 25.1 16.9 Declines 1,014 103
Cadence Bancorp CADE 7,267.5 20.60 0.50 2.49 20.74 20.10
Unchanged 128 19
Nasdaq Stock Market ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 5,963.3 7.01 0.11 1.59 7.08 6.88 New highs 139 4
Nasdaq Composite 15452.30 15290.31 15448.12 212.28 1.39 15448.12 10911.59 38.1 19.9 29.2 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 4,646.9 457.60 -0.72 -0.16 458.48 453.94 New lows 45 4
Nasdaq-100 15784.00 15650.01 15778.16 179.77 1.15 15778.16 11052.95 39.0 22.4 32.0 Invesco QQQ Trust I QQQ 4,237.6 382.27 -1.95 -0.51 384.61 380.00 Closing Arms† 1.06 0.37
BancorpSouth Bank BXS 3,477.6 29.15 0.39 1.36 29.25 28.76 Block trades* 4,652 166
Kadmon Holdings KDMN 3,429.7 9.46 … unch. 9.46 9.45 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
500 Index 4597.55 4562.84 4596.42 44.74 0.98 4596.42 3269.96 38.9 22.4 20.0
iShares Russell 2000 ETF IWM 3,404.9 228.50 0.39 0.17 228.82 223.65
MidCap 400 2793.92 2755.45 2793.41 44.04 1.60 2809.72 1900.18 45.8 21.1 15.9 Total volume*5,590,386,076 202,108,890
SmallCap 600 1379.45 1357.31 1378.71 25.50 1.88 1414.12 876.59 55.1 23.2 13.9 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*4,303,852,099 143,460,500
Ramaco Resources METC 71.6 17.75 1.86 11.71 18.25 15.89 Decl. volume*1,205,487,147 53,802,510
Other Indexes
A10 Networks ATEN 66.3 15.30 1.45 10.47 15.50 13.85 Issues traded 4,777 1,601
Russell 2000 2298.76 2253.90 2297.98 45.49 2.02 2360.17 1538.48 47.2 16.4 15.7
Atlassian Cl A Advances 3,231 1,201
NYSE Composite 17077.52 16920.38 17077.00 156.61 0.93 17169.07 12429.28 36.6 17.6 12.6 TEAM 144.2 450.00 32.67 7.83 456.96 396.29
Declines 1,307 381
Value Line 672.71 664.43 672.71 8.28 1.25 685.08 460.71 44.7 18.3 9.1 US Steel X 2,075.7 25.05 1.67 7.14 25.43 23.28
Unchanged 239 19
NYSE Arca Biotech 1.80 6319.77 Carlyle Group CG 188.7 60.00 3.68 6.53 60.00 56.32
5668.38 5560.47 5668.12 100.36 5212.89 7.7 -1.2 7.7 New highs 151 87
NYSE Arca Pharma 773.36 760.47 769.87 9.40 1.24 811.41 613.07 25.2 11.7 10.9 ...And losers New lows 101 20
KBW Bank 139.51 138.06 139.50 1.69 1.23 142.61 76.00 83.6 42.5 13.7 Zendesk ZEN 384.6 97.00 -22.01 -18.49 122.00 96.88 Closing Arms† 0.69 1.47
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 135.46 133.16 133.50 -1.63 -1.21 166.01 117.06 -3.2 -7.4 27.0 MicroVision MVIS 1,273.8 7.80 -1.19 -13.24 9.02 7.38 Block trades* 36,923 820
PHLX§ Oil Service 62.33 61.16 62.31 0.91 1.48 69.77 27.07 130.2 40.6 -20.2 Western Digital WDC 567.7 51.80 -5.48 -9.57 57.28 51.25 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 3440.58 3402.97 3438.83 78.54 2.34 3473.60 2246.15 50.6 23.0 43.9 HCW Biologics HCWB 647.3 4.29 -0.44 -9.30 4.88 4.15 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 17.16 16.23 16.53 -0.45 -2.65 38.02 15.01 -56.0 -27.3 -11.9 Hannon Armstrong HASI 449.2 58.00 -2.98 -4.89 60.98 58.00 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
§ Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 746.98 5.23 0.71 15.6 HCW Biologics Rafael Holdings Cl B
HCWB 4.73 1.81 61.99 7.78 2.36 ... RFL 8.09 -22.08 -73.19 66.44 5.90 -53.7
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 350.15 0.93 0.27 7.3 Glimpse Group VRAR 14.68 4.97 51.18 18.45 6.75 ... IronNet IRNT 12.39 -3.95 -24.17 47.50 9.37 24.1
MSCI World 3179.44 27.39 0.87 18.2 InflaRx IFRX 4.06 1.20 41.96 6.88 2.23 -1.5 Brightcove BCOV 9.40 -2.46 -20.74 25.26 9.20 -29.1
MSCI Emerging Markets 1276.07 –6.82 –0.53 –1.2 Triterras Cl A TRIT 8.11 2.08 34.49 15.45 4.68 -21.0 Proto Labs PRLB 58.64 -15.08 -20.46 286.57 57.54 -50.6
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1781.69 17.39 0.99 21.4 Wolfspeed WOLF 121.04 30.17 33.20 129.90 60.56 91.5 Siyata Mobile SYTA 4.28 -1.02 -19.25 15.75 2.60 -27.3
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 21197.53 242.54 1.16 21.6 LendingClub LC 42.07 10.45 33.05 44.66 4.40 789.4 Twilio Cl A TWLO 284.93 -60.73 -17.57 457.30 254.82 -1.3
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2149.25 –21.73 –1.00 –12.3 Impinj PI 71.01 15.08 26.96 79.05 24.36 157.0 Up Fintech Holding ADR TIGR 7.34 -1.51 -17.06 38.50 4.30 54.9
Brazil BOVESPA 105704.96 –658.14 –0.62 –11.2 Digital Brands Group DBGI 3.80 0.77 25.41 8.80 2.32 ... Galera Therapeutics GRTX 2.00 -0.41 -17.01 12.99 1.63 -77.2
Chile S&P IPSA 2686.87 –12.74 –0.47 –6.0 Fluence Energy FLNC 35.00 7.00 25.00 35.95 28.00 ... Zovio ZVO 1.87 -0.35 -15.77 7.34 1.77 -50.8
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 51248.84 –465.76 –0.90 16.3 Lightbridge LTBR 9.93 1.95 24.44 10.73 2.47 261.1 Alnylam Pharm ALNY 162.14 -29.02 -15.18 212.00 119.29 31.5
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 475.16 1.12 0.24 19.1 OSTK 93.00 15.84 20.53 112.30 46.75 49.5 Diebold Nixdorf DBD 8.58 -1.52 -15.05 17.30 5.97 31.4
Eurozone Euro STOXX 471.79 1.49 0.32 18.7 Marpai MRAI 5.70 0.95 20.00 5.88 3.80 ... DBV Technologies ADR DBVT 3.06 -0.54 -15.00 7.38 1.35 118.6
Belgium Bel-20 4283.81 73.39 1.74 18.3 Quantum Computing QUBT 6.36 1.05 19.77 25.07 3.00 76.7 Gentherm THRM 76.40 -12.11 -13.68 89.59 45.03 61.8
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1842.72 0.87 25.8 Kopin KOPN 5.40 0.89 19.73 13.62 1.17 325.2 Stem STEM 23.03 -3.62 -13.58 51.49 9.60 137.4
France CAC 40 6804.22 0.75 22.6 Amtech Systems ASYS 14.85 2.41 19.37 14.95 5.10 177.1 Bakkt Holdings BKKT 25.60 -3.80 -12.93 37.49 8.00 ...
Germany DAX 15696.33 –0.06 14.4
Israel Tel Aviv 1849.50
–12.84 –0.69 23.4
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 26890.35 84.16 0.31 20.9 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 812.23 –3.06 –0.38 30.0
Russia RTS Index 1880.37 –10.91 –0.58 35.5 Meten Holding Group METX 427,529 795.0 0.60 44.34 4.27 0.28 Triterras Cl A TRIT 60,910 23521 8.11 34.49 15.45 4.68
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 67759.76 284.67 0.42 14.1 Ford Motor F 214,655 233.8 16.86 8.70 17.58 7.61 Model Performance Cl A MPAC 4,102 22249 10.57 5.81 11.65 9.69
Spain IBEX 35 9025.80 0.60 11.8 HCW Biologics HCWB 171,094 110436.6 4.73 61.99 7.78 2.36 Rafael Holdings Cl B RFL 24,336 14458 8.09 -73.19 66.44 5.90
Sweden OMX Stockholm 0.22 27.4 Farmmi FAMI 125,747 -1.3 0.36 -0.97 2.47 0.20 Glimpse Group VRAR 18,796 6991 14.68 51.18 18.45 6.75
978.68 2.17
0.54 InflaRx IFRX 120,744 19059.5 4.06 41.96 6.88 2.23 Gores Metropoulos II Cl A GMII 5,837 5854 10.01 0.70 11.00 9.69
Switzerland Swiss Market 12153.10 65.65 13.5
Turkey BIST 100 1522.04 2.79 0.18 3.1 Digital Brands Group DBGI 117,232 4940.7 3.80 25.41 8.80 2.32 Waldencast Acqn Cl A WALD 356 3915 9.72 0.21 11.32 9.60
U.K. FTSE 100 7249.47 –3.80 –0.05 12.2 ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 96,221 3.1 6.90 -3.23 25.78 6.88 Cadence Bancorp CADE 30,750 3097 20.10 -1.03 23.88 10.79
U.K. FTSE 250 23199.87 27.83 0.12 13.2 Apple AAPL 95,011 27.4 152.57 2.50 157.26 107.32 DiamondHead Holdings DHHCU 217 2960 9.88 -0.50 11.68 9.73
Sundial Growers SNDL 61,175 -28.2 0.66 1.30 3.96 0.14 VanEck Indonesia IDX 410 2617 20.45 -0.39 22.08 16.43
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 198.80 –0.78 –0.39 –0.6
Triterras Cl A TRIT 60,910 23521.0 8.11 34.49 15.45 4.68 Alpha Cap Acqn Cl A ASPC 200 2606 9.73 0.10 9.89 9.60
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7430.40 –18.31 –0.25 12.8
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 3518.42 –43.89 –1.23 1.3 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 25555.73 –73.01 –0.28 –6.2
India S&P BSE Sensex 59984.70 –1158.64 –1.89 25.6
Track the Markets
Japan NIKKEI 225 28820.09 –278.15 –0.96 5.0
Compare the performance of selected
global stock indexes, bond ETFs,
Singapore Straits Times 3203.82 –14.35 –0.45 12.7 currencies and commodities at
South Korea KOSPI 3009.55 –15.94 –0.53 4.7 Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 17041.63 –32.92 –0.19 15.7 U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1624.31 –3.30 –0.20 12.1 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes and track most-active stocks, new US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data highs/lows and mutual funds. Available free at Thurs YTDchg Thurs YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Vietnam dong .00004395 22755 –1.4
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0100 99.6886 18.5 Europe
Brazil real .1771 5.6462 8.7 Czech Rep. koruna .04539 22.033 2.6

Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark

Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race
Canada dollar
Chile peso
.8099 1.2348
.001241 805.89
Denmark krone
Euro area euro
.1570 6.3674
1.1684 .8559
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates and
Yield toRates
maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000265 3777.25 10.4 Hungary forint .003232 309.45 4.2
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007800 128.21 0.3
A consumer rate against its Five-year ARM, Rate Mexico peso .0491 20.3778 2.5 Norway krone .1200 8.3335 –2.9
benchmark over the past year 2.50% Uruguay peso .02289 43.6950 3.2 Poland zloty .2525 3.9603 6.1 avg†: 2.87% 10% Russia ruble .01423 70.275 –5.1
5-year Credit Union of New Jersey 2.38% 2.00 Australian dollar
Sweden krona .1174 8.5158 3.5
.7545 1.3254 1.9
adjustable-rate 4.00% Ewing, NJ 609-538-4061 Tradeweb ICE 5 Euro China yuan
Switzerland franc 1.0965 .9120 3.1
.1564 6.3919 –2.2

mortgage (ARM) 1.50

Thursday Close Turkey lira .1048 9.5434 28.3
East Cambridge Savings Bank 2.38% Hong Kong dollar .1286 7.7775 0.3
t 3.00 Ukraine hryvnia .0380 26.3500 –7.1
0 India rupee .01337 74.787 2.4
Cambridge, MA 866-354-3272 1.00 UK pound 1.3793 .7250 –0.9
Indonesia rupiah .0000706 14173 0.9
2.00 Citizens Equity First Credit Union 2.50% –5 Japan yen .008805 113.58 9.9 Middle East/Africa
One year ago 0.50 s
5-year Treasury Peoria, IL 309-633-3603 s Kazakhstan tenge .002338 427.75 1.5 Bahrain dinar 2.6525 .3770 –0.01
t WSJ Dollar Index
note yield 1.00 0.00 Yen Macau pataca .1248 8.0145 0.3 Egypt pound .0636 15.7121 –0.2
t Citadel Federal Credit Union 2.63% –10
Malaysia ringgit .2410 4.1500 3.2 Israel shekel .3160 3.1649 –1.5
Exton, PA 800-666-0191 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2020 2021
0.00 New Zealand dollar .7202 1.3885 –0.2 Kuwait dinar 3.3163 .3015 –0.9
Royal Savings Bank 2.63% month(s) years
N D J F M A M J J A SO Pakistan rupee .00581 172.100 7.3 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 ...
Chicago, IL 773-768-4800 maturity Philippines peso .0198 50.587 5.4 Qatar rial .2746 3.641 –0.01
2020 2021
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7439 1.3442 1.7 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7513 –0.01
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0008558 1168.50 7.6 South Africa rand .0661 15.1339 3.0
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0049510 201.98 9.0
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 0.00 l 0.25 -2.00 Taiwan dollar .03598 27.794 –1.1
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .03012 33.200 10.5 WSJ Dollar Index 87.84 –0.32–0.36 3.35
Prime rate* 3.25 3.25 3.25 l 3.25 -2.00 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Libor, 3-month 0.13 0.12 0.11 l 0.25 -2.39 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2392.650 1.140 1.190 1.190 0.540 –2.861 4.867
Money market, annual yield 0.07 0.07 0.07 l 0.21 -0.40
Five-year CD, annual yield 0.41 0.41 0.41 l 0.61 -1.46 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 4436.240 1.950 2.100 2.400 1.390 –7.075 10.417 Commodities Thursday 52-Week YTD
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.16 3.21 2.83 l 3.37 -1.71 Aggregate, Bloomberg 2253.270 1.660 1.720 1.720 1.120 –0.827 5.452 Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 2.45 2.48 2.28 l 2.64 -1.81 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 2210.450 1.900 1.960 1.960 1.180 –0.604 3.869
Jumbo mortgages, $548,250-plus† 3.16 3.22 2.85 l 3.41 -1.80 DJ Commodity 962.48 -0.90 -0.09 972.68 629.15 52.98 31.56
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3447.401 3.734 3.675 4.823 3.162 8.863 6.144 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 238.47 -0.48 -0.20 241.18 144.73 64.68 42.12
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 2.87 2.90 2.83 l 3.43 -1.67
Muni Master, ICE BofA 597.162 0.996 1.002 1.157 0.687 2.033 4.857 Crude oil, $ per barrel 82.81 0.15 0.18 84.65 35.79 128.95 70.67
New-car loan, 48-month 3.59 3.58 3.58 l 4.14 -0.98 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 921.642 4.846 4.942 5.068 4.295 4.022 6.329 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 5.782 -0.416 -6.71 6.312 2.305 75.16 127.73
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Gold, $ per troy oz. 1801.60 3.80 0.21 1952.70 1677.70 -3.43 -4.83
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services

B8 | Friday, October 29, 2021 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg

Metal & Petroleum Futures March'22 203.80 205.95 201.40 202.70 –1.35 85,318 Dec .8790 .8833 .8785 .8817 .0025 252,990
Agriculture Futures Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Contract Open March 19.70 19.83 19.50 19.62 –.08 393,015 Dec .8090 .8111 .8076 .8099 –.0002 154,096
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. May 19.31 19.43 19.16 19.26 –.05 142,435 March'22 .8080 .8108 .8074 .8097 –.0001 1,994
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Dec 556.50 568.75 554.00 562.75 5.50 595,216 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Nov 4.3865 4.4540 4.3540 4.4375 0.0485 2,519 March'22 565.00 577.00 562.75 571.25 5.25 371,308 Jan 37.00 … 1,547 Nov 1.3730 1.3814 1.3724 1.3790 .0044 533
Dec 4.3885 4.4635 4.3525 4.4385 0.0490 123,107 Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 36.50 … 3,237 Dec 1.3741 1.3815 1.3721 1.3789 .0043 151,892
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Dec 715.25 717.25 705.75 710.50 –.50 3,392 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
March'22 684.25 691.00 s 680.25 686.75 6.75 1,311 Dec 110.56 114.20 109.50 113.73 3.21 104,282
Nov 1795.50 1807.30 1795.50 1801.60 3.80 424 Dec 1.0904 1.0984 1.0888 1.0980 .0066 54,678
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March'22 108.00 112.20 107.58 111.83 3.19 101,376
Dec 1798.70 1812.70 1793.10 1802.60 3.80 398,610 March'22 1.0946 1.1012 1.0921 1.1010 .0066 343
Feb'22 1799.90 1814.60 1795.20 1804.70 3.90 70,123
Nov 1238.50 1249.50 1229.50 1233.75 –5.50 38,166 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
Jan'22 1249.75 1260.00 1241.25 1246.00 –3.75 260,762 Nov 123.50 124.00 119.45 120.80 –1.60 988
April 1800.60 1814.80 1797.20 1806.40 3.80 13,317 Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Nov .7485 .7556 s .7481 .7540 .0013 175
Jan'22 125.75 126.95 122.20 123.55 –1.60 9,559
June 1805.80 1816.40 1798.80 1808.00 3.80 16,780 Dec 331.00 334.40 328.50 330.90 … 145,220 Dec .7520 .7557 .7481 .7540 .0013 164,795
Aug 1815.50 1819.30 1814.00 1809.60 3.70 2,437 Jan'22 328.90 332.80 326.40 329.20 … 99,859 Interest Rate Futures Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Nov .04901 .04922 .04890 .04890 –.00027 9
Nov … … … 1995.20 15.10 Dec 61.43 61.73 60.52 60.87 –.55 122,214 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec .04892 .04904 .04864 .04869 –.00026 163,052
Dec 1967.50 2011.00 1951.50 1989.40 15.10 8,439 Jan'22 61.25 61.52 60.36 60.70 –.56 94,659 Dec 195-300 197-020 195-030 195-210 –23.0 1,215,763 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. March'22 194-260 –23.0 1,079 Nov 1.1602 1.1696 1.1586 1.1689 .0075 2,290
Nov 13.30 13.35 13.28 13.28 –.02 669 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec 1.1614 1.1703 1.1592 1.1695 .0075 655,221
Nov 1018.40 1025.00 1015.40 1022.70 4.50 70 Dec 160-210 161-080 160-090 160-160 –15.0 1,167,457
Jan'22 13.56 13.65 13.56 13.57 .01 6,781
Jan'22 1012.40 1035.70 1008.90 1023.90 4.60 54,584 Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March'22
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
158-300 –15.0 877 Index Futures
Dec 760.00 780.00 751.50 772.50 12.75 188,937 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Nov 24.210 24.245 24.210 24.117 –0.076 892 March'22 773.00 792.50 764.50 785.50 12.50 105,138 Dec 130-315 131-025 130-195 130-240 –13.5 3,948,076 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Dec 24.130 24.310 24.020 24.120 –0.071 111,693 Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March'22 129-290 –13.5 14,081 Dec 35423 35681 35388 35613 224 106,999
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Dec 781.25 797.25 s 776.00 790.00 7.25 113,928 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% March'22 35363 35585 35306 35527 225 971
Dec 82.25 83.21 80.58 82.81 0.15 393,620 March'22 783.25 800.00 s 779.25 793.25 7.50 68,196 Dec 121-272 121-315 121-180 121-232 –6.5 3,623,754 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Jan'22 81.05 81.85 79.37 81.46 –0.02 295,166 Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'22 121-027 –6.5 54 Dec 4548.75 4589.75 4545.25 4587.50 43.00 2,331,214
March 78.54 78.97 76.86 78.62 –0.22 130,126 Oct 156.750 156.775 156.000 156.675 .175 1,022 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% June'22 4536.50 4574.00 s 4529.00 4572.25 43.25 46,938
June 75.78 76.05 74.00 75.69 –0.23 156,468
Jan'22 159.350 159.375 157.300 157.575 –1.375 21,194 Dec 109-197 109-220 109-156 109-198 –.7 2,082,638 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'22 109-098 –1.5 40 Dec 2747.50 2794.40 2743.00 2787.90 44.00 40,790
Dec 71.75 72.02 70.03 71.69 –0.17 207,399 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Oct 127.250 127.250 124.000 124.500 –2.725 419 March'22 2796.90 44.00 2
June'23 68.49 68.78 67.10 68.48 –0.19 113,438 Dec 131.425 131.550 130.175 130.325 –1.250 117,563 Oct 99.9200 99.9225 99.9200 99.9200 –.0025 128,064 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. July'22 99.7250 99.7450 t 99.6750 99.7200 –.0150 121,947 Dec 15595.00 15777.00 s 15591.75 15764.75 177.50 244,740
Nov 2.5093 2.5449 2.4513 2.5165 .0017 14,817 Dec 72.425 75.375 71.800 75.200 3.225 94,839 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% March'22 15602.00 15777.75 s 15590.00 15768.75 179.00 2,117
Dec 2.4969 2.5008 2.4428 2.4848 –.0214 140,878 Feb'22 74.500 77.300 74.050 77.200 2.875 50,447 Dec 101-070 –6.0 178,034 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% Dec 2254.00 2302.90 2249.50 2295.10 45.60 459,307
Nov 2.4480 2.4480 2.3925 2.4350 –.0147 16,284 Nov 621.70 632.40 610.70 613.60 –16.40 520 Nov 99.8425 99.8450 99.8325 99.8375 –.0050 217,532 March'22 2254.20 2299.60 2248.00 2293.00 45.80 425
Dec 2.3698 2.3776 2.3178 2.3589 –.0203 132,657 Jan'22 692.80 705.50 672.30 678.00 –22.00 1,136 Dec 99.7900 99.8000 99.7700 99.7950 … 1,288,014 Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Dec'22 99.1500 99.2150 t 99.0600 99.1500 –.0200 1,527,954 Dec 2563.00 2574.50 2551.10 2574.40 25.70 14,257
Oct 17.85 17.86 17.85 17.85 –.02 4,031 Dec'23 98.5250 98.5950 98.4650 98.5350 –.0100 1,231,376
Dec 6.138 6.206 5.713 5.782 –.416 167,178 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Nov 18.85 18.90 18.52 18.55 –.29 4,647 Dec 93.89 93.97 93.27 93.33 –.47 57,930
Jan'22 6.221 6.279 5.809 5.871 –.406 218,011
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. Currency Futures March'22 93.81 93.89 93.20 93.27 –.48 2,052
March 5.687 5.751 5.354 5.418 –.337 155,534 Dec 2,600 2,618 2,563 2,571 –32 72,797
April 4.238 4.238 4.079 4.149 –.107 113,413 March'22 2,634 2,651 2,605 2,611 –23 77,106
Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Nov .8789 .8830 .8784 .8816 .0025 200 Source: FactSet
May 4.100 4.104 3.962 4.037 –.082 125,377 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
Oct 4.180 4.180 4.049 4.124 –.071 84,987 Dec 201.00 203.20 198.60 199.95 –1.40 113,412

Bonds |
Cash Prices | Thursday, October 28, 2021
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
months. highs and lows for different types of bonds
Thursday Thursday Thursday Total Total
return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 113.2 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u n.a.
Energy close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m n.a. Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 8.1600
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 75.500 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 1890 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 10.7500 Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 13.250 Battery/EV metals -1.6 U.S. Aggregate 2210.45 -0.9 Mortgage-Backed 1.900 1.180 1.960
Food 2253.27 1.660 1.120 1.720
Metals BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,k 28675
BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,k 28400 U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 2147.27 -1.4 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 1.960 0.680 2.010
Beef,carcass equiv. index
Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 12400 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 226.27 3422.96 -1.1 U.S. Corporate 2.220 1.740 2.320 1307.49 -0.7 Fannie mae (FNMA) 1.890 1.230 1.940
Engelhard industrial 1803.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 5658 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 205.35
Handy & Harman base 1803.50 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 530 3082.65 -1.0 Intermediate 1.670 1.080 1.700 2005.81 -0.8 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 1.890 1.210 1.950
Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.0240
Handy & Harman fabricated 2001.89 Fibers and Textiles Butter,AA Chicago 1.9400 5129.62 -1.2 Long term 3.070 2.780 3.580 597.16 0.2 Muni Master 0.996 0.687 1.157
LBMA Gold Price AM *1783.85 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 182.75
LBMA Gold Price PM *1795.25 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.8075 691.18 -1.5 Double-A-rated 1.930 1.400 1.990 421.52 -0.05 7-12 year 1.039 0.687 1.156
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 172.25
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1872.83 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 1.1248 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 155.25 Triple-B-rated 485.46 0.6 12-22 year 1.346 1.000 1.663
920.51 -0.2 2.430 2.010 2.570
Maple Leaf-e 1890.84 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *118.20 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.9787
American Eagle-e 1890.84 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 477.46 1.9 22-plus year 1.829 1.443 2.359
Coffee,Colombian, NY 2.5867
Mexican peso-e 2179.22 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 0.8650 517.78 4.5 High Yield Constrained 4.201 3.796 5.701 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Austria crown-e 1768.14 Grains and Feeds Flour,hard winter KC 23.00
502.81 10.1 Triple-C-rated 7.381 6.304 11.530 599.46 -2.6 Global Government 0.960 0.530 1.030
Austria phil-e 1890.84 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.50
Silver, troy oz. Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u High Yield 100 826.02 -4.4 Canada 1.660 0.790 1.690
77.79 3447.40 3.5 3.734 3.162 4.823
Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 170 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u
Engelhard industrial 24.1000 n.a.
Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 5.3300 459.20 2.6 Global High Yield Constrained 4.612 3.968 5.700 407.66 -3.1 EMU§ 0.440 0.010 0.579
Handy & Harman base 24.1050 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.9626
Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 158.1 France
Handy & Harman fabricated 30.1310 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 125.72 348.48 3.2 Europe High Yield Constrained 2.767 2.304 4.122 762.69 -3.9 0.340 -0.160 0.450
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 536.7
LBMA spot price *£17.4700 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 162.25
Cottonseed meal-u,w 300 U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 537.10 -2.7 Germany -0.150 -0.530 -0.010
(U.S.$ equivalent) *23.9550
Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 165 Fats and Oils
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 19935 1844.90 -1.2 U.S Agency 1.010 0.460 1.020 294.48 -0.2 Japan 0.340 0.260 0.420
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 225
Other metals Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 7.0250 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w 64.4600 1610.35 -1.0 10-20 years 0.900 0.350 0.910 596.23 -3.6 Netherlands 0.010 -0.450 0.130
LBMA Platinum Price PM *1023.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 27.75 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.6100
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1020.0 Lard,Chicago-u n.a. 4187.72 -2.1 20-plus years 2.170 1.520 2.460 1040.74 -5.0 U.K. 1.000 0.510 1.340
Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a.
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2003.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 331.40 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.7131 2891.84 -1.5 Yankee 1.860 1.370 1.900 921.64 -1.3 Emerging Markets ** 4.846 4.295 5.068
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2704.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 11.9800 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.7050
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Copper,Comex spot 4.4375 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 11.7750 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan

KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark Mineral Intelligence; Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
W=weekly; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 10/27
Source: Dow Jones Market Data Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Exchange-Traded Portfolios | Country/
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2
Yield (%)
3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago
Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Latest Prev Year ago
Closing Chg YTD 0.375 U.S. 2 0.499 s l 0.491 0.305 0.149
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) 1.250 10 1.568 s l 1.528 1.534 0.780
SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 508.87 1.58 21.2
Thursday, October 28, 2021 Closing Chg YTD 5.500 Australia 2 0.470 s l 0.207 0.027 0.124 -3.0 -29.8 -2.8
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR S&P 500 SPY 458.32 0.96 22.6
Closing Chg YTD 1.000 10 1.859 s 1.830 1.490 0.796 28.1 2.4
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR S&P Div SDY 123.50 1.08 16.6 l 29.1
iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 76.74 1.05 12.3
TechSelectSector XLK 160.84 1.00 23.7
ARKInnovationETF ARKK 121.77 2.60 –2.2 iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 51.67 0.10 ... 0.000 France 2 -0.661 t l -0.655 -0.694 -0.706 -116.2 -115.9 -85.9
VangdInfoTech VGT 432.19 1.02 22.2
CommSvsSPDR XLC 80.05 0.33 18.6 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 52.40 0.71 11.0
VangdSC Val VBR 177.66 1.59 24.9 0.000 10 0.207 s l 0.169 0.155 -0.324 -136.1 -138.0 -109.5
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 200.63 1.33 24.8 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 115.86 0.03 –1.1
VangdExtMkt VXF 192.24 1.68 16.7
EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 57.85 0.71 52.6 iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 54.29 –0.02 –1.6
VangdSC Grwth VBK 295.10 2.06 10.3
0.000 Germany 2 -0.618 s l -0.643 -0.682 -0.784 -111.9 -114.7 -93.6
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 40.42 1.23 37.1 iShPfd&Incm PFF 39.23 0.03 1.9
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 296.45 1.12 22.9
VangdDivApp VIG 163.98 0.65 16.2 0.000 10 -0.133 s l -0.176 -0.196 -0.623 -170.1 -172.5 -139.5
HealthCareSelSect XLV 132.53 0.84 16.8
VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 52.51 1.02 11.2
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 104.46 1.25 18.0 iShRussell1000 IWB 257.91 0.97 21.7 0.000 Italy 2 -0.122 s l -0.207 -0.441 -0.313 -62.3 -71.1 -46.5
VangdFTSE EM VWO 51.30 –0.10 2.4
InvscQQQI QQQ 384.22 1.11 22.5 iShRussell1000Val IWD 164.70 0.91 20.5
InvscS&P500EW RSP 158.04 1.02 23.9 iShRussell2000 IWM 228.11 1.99 16.3
VangdFTSE Europe VGK 69.42 1.11 15.2 0.950 10 1.035 s l 0.938 0.861 0.767 -53.3 -61.1 -0.5
iShRussell2000Val IWN 166.66 1.64 26.5
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 63.18 0.73 8.3
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 53.09 0.85 18.5 0.005 Japan 2 -0.102 s l -0.108 -0.127 -0.126 -60.2 -61.3 -27.8
iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 82.88 1.21 20.9 VangdGrowth VUG 312.74 1.01 23.4
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 76.96 1.05 11.4
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 63.24 0.08 1.9 iShRussellMCValue IWS 119.70 1.32 23.5 VangdHlthCr VHT 256.40 1.04 14.6 0.100 10 0.088 t l 0.098 0.075 0.025 -148.0 -145.1 -74.7
iShS&P500Growth IVW 80.15 1.15 25.6 VangdHiDiv VYM 108.54 0.91 18.6
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 73.65 0.72 9.6
0.000 Spain 2 -0.582 s l -0.595 -0.579 -0.553 -109.9 -70.5
iShS&P500Value IVE 152.41 0.75 19.1 VangdIntermBd BIV 88.85 –0.16 –4.3 -108.2
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 460.12 0.96 22.6
iShCoreS&P MC IJH 278.38 1.58 21.1 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.46 0.00 –0.1 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 93.88 –0.15 –3.4 0.500 10 0.522 s l 0.474 0.446 0.187 -104.5 -107.5 -58.5
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 113.23 1.94 23.2 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 129.00 –0.87 1.1 VangdLC VV 214.63 1.04 22.1
iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 85.84 0.01 –0.6 VangdMC VO 252.25 1.30 22.0 0.125 U.K. 2 0.642 s l 0.557 0.407 -0.054 14.2 5.3 -20.7
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 104.83 1.14 21.6
VangdMC Val VOE 146.53 1.23 23.2 4.750 10 1.008 s l 0.985 0.900 0.217 -56.5 -55.5
iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 53.14 –0.11 –2.6 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 147.24 –0.34 –6.7 -56.0
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 114.67 –0.08 –3.0 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 119.31 1.29 16.2 VangdMBS VMBS 53.10 –0.11 –1.8
iShSelectDividend DVY 118.70 0.79 23.4 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 26.45 –0.26 –2.9 VangdRealEst VNQ 110.28 1.40 29.8 Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
JPM UltShtIncm
VangdST Bond
Corporate Debt
iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 190.34 1.63 18.0 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 152.90 3.28 68.2 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 81.90 –0.04 –1.6 Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 140.80 0.94 21.2 SPDR Gold GLD 168.08 –0.02 –5.8 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 52.06 –0.29 1.9 expectations
iShEdgeMSCIUSAVal VLUE SchwabIntEquity SCHF VangdSC VB 229.91 1.69 18.1
iShGoldTr IAU
–5.6 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB
21.7 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 54.61 –0.04 –1.1 Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 133.55 –0.15 –3.3 SchwabUS Div SCHD 77.54 0.82 20.9 VangdTotalBd BND 85.36 –0.13 –3.2 Spread*, in basis points
VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 56.85 –0.23 –2.9
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 87.16 0.25 –0.2 SchwabUS LC SCHX 111.05 0.99 22.1
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 110.26 –0.19 –4.9 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 160.37 1.07 24.9 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 65.63 0.74 9.1 Toyota Motor Credit 0.500 June 18, ’24 –14 5
TOYOTA 0.80 3
iShMBSETF MBB 107.81 –0.14 –2.1 SchwabUS SC SCHA 104.68 1.91 17.6 VangdTotalStk VTI 236.60 1.07 21.6
iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 105.60 0.87 16.4 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 63.09 –0.90 1.6 VangdTotlWrld VT 107.32 0.90 15.9 Brighthouse Financial Global Funding … 1.000 1.08 April 12, ’24 31 –5 n.a.
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 80.96 0.97 11.0 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 357.30 0.65 16.8 VangdValue VTV 142.96 0.92 20.2 Wells Fargo WFC 4.300 2.00 July 22, ’27 84 –5 91
Caterpillar Financial Services … 0.450 0.69 May 17, ’24 –5 –4 2

Borrowing Benchmarks | Daimler Finance North America DAIGR 3.250 1.09 Aug. 1, ’24 32 –4
HSBC Holdings HSBC 3.500 0.92 June 23, ’24 17 24
Novartis Capital NOVNVX 3.400 0.86 May 6, ’24 9 –4 n.a.
Money Rates October 28, 2021
UniCredit UCGIM 7.830 1.40 Dec. 4, ’23 n.a. –4 97
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a …And spreads that widened the most
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.
HSBC Holdings HSBC 4.250 1.45 March 14, ’24 69 11 60
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK— Pricoa Global Funding 11 30
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
… 1.200 1.52 Sept. 1, ’26 35
Sept. index Chg From (%) Coca–Cola KO 2.875 2.63 May 5, ’41 64 10 61
level Aug. '21 Sept. '20 Federal funds Libor Cooperatieve Rabobank RABOBK 4.625 1.04 Dec. 1, ’23 59 9 48
Effective rate 0.0800 0.0800 0.1000 0.0500 One month 0.08638 0.08925 0.15863 0.07263
U.S. consumer price index High Three month Citigroup C 4.450 2.26 Sept. 29, ’27 112 8 106
0.0900 0.0900 0.2000 0.0700 0.13163 0.12388 0.25388 0.11413
All items 274.310 0.27 5.4 Low 0.0500 0.0300 0.0900 0.0000 Six month 0.19363 0.17025 0.26663 0.14663 American Honda Finance HNDA 1.300 1.49 Sept. 9, ’26 30 8 24
Core 279.884 0.13 4.0 Bid 0.0700 0.0700 0.7000 0.0300 One year 0.37063 0.29650 0.37063 0.21950 Shell International Finance 8 n.a.
RDSALN 2.500 1.45 Sept. 12, ’26 27
Offer 0.0900 0.1000 0.1200 0.0500
International rates Euro Libor Daimler Finance North America DAIGR 3.300 1.42 May 19, ’25 25 7 n.a.
Treasury bill auction One month -0.570 -0.571 -0.562 -0.607
Week 52-Week 4 weeks 0.055 0.050 0.085 0.000 Three month -0.562 -0.559 -0.530 -0.574 High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
Latest ago High Low
13 weeks 0.055 0.055 0.100 0.015 Six month -0.536 -0.546 -0.512 -0.548 Bond Price as % of face value
26 weeks 0.060 0.060 0.110 0.030 One year -0.473 -0.484 -0.453 -0.511 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Prime rates
Ford Motor F 4.750 4.10 Jan. 15, ’43 109.125 1.63 105.795
U.S. 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 Secondary market Secured Overnight Financing Rate
Canada 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 0.05 0.03 0.11 0.01 Transocean RIG 7.450 15.35 April 15, ’27 71.500 1.50 n.a.
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Fannie Mae 0.77
FirstEnergy FE 7.375 3.14 Nov. 15, ’31 136.200 135.375
30-year mortgage yields Value 52-Week
Policy Rates Latest Traded High Low Marks & Spencer MARSPE 7.125 5.07 Dec. 1, ’37 122.469 0.66 120.330
30 days 2.546 2.639 2.710 1.836
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Navient 5.875 Oct. 25, ’24 0.53 107.280
60 days 2.583 2.682 2.754 1.875 DTCC GCF Repo Index NAVI 3.35 107.125
Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Treasury 0.057 54.860 0.132 -0.008 Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 7.721 5.11 June 4, ’38 128.950 0.48 127.220
Britain 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Other short-term rates MBS 0.088 26.250 0.142 0.002
Australia 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.10 Lumen Technologies LUMN 7.250 1.88 Sept. 15, ’25 119.968 0.47 119.750
Week 52-Week 0.45
Overnight repurchase Latest ago high low Weekly survey Xerox XRXCRP 6.750 5.89 Dec. 15, ’39 109.450 109.870
U.S. 0.04 0.01 0.12 -0.04
Call money
Latest Week ago Year ago
…And with the biggest price decreases
U.S. government rates 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Freddie Mac Ball BLL 5.250 3.72 July 1, ’25 105.188 –6.14 n.a.
30-year fixed 3.14 3.09 2.81 –2.50
Discount Commercial paper (AA financial) Transocean RIG 6.800 12.86 March 15, ’38 59.000 62.000
15-year fixed 2.37 2.33 2.32
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 90 days 0.11 0.11 0.25 0.04 Five-year ARM 2.56 2.54 2.88 Bath & Body Works BBWI 7.600 5.70 July 15, ’37 119.500 –2.13 122.000
Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 6.000 4.73 Sept. 30, ’34 112.125 –0.43 112.470
Notes on data:
W. R. Grace & Co. GRA 5.625 2.92 Oct. 1, ’24 107.500 –0.38 108.125
U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks, and is effective March 16, 2020. Other prime rates
aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; Discount rate is effective March 16, 2020. Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of Occidental Petroleum OXY 7.500 3.66 May 1, ’31 130.630 –0.38 132.000
October 27, 2021. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is
in billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET. *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; FactSet; Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Source: MarketAxess

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * Friday, October 29, 2021 | B9


Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, s-New 52-week high.
NYSE Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock DraftKings DKNG 47.18 -0.65 HP HPQ 30.45 0.75 Lightspeed LSPD 98.11 6.24 OnHolding ONON 33.70 -0.30 s ServiceNow NOW687.70 22.94 TelefonicaBras VIV 7.96 0.02 Verizon VZ 52.80 0.17
t-New 52-week low.
Market listed securities. Prices are composite dd-Indicates loss in the most recent Dropbox DBX 30.23 0.23 HSBC HSBC 30.41 -0.01 EliLilly LLY 253.35 3.18 ON Semi ON 47.10 2.55 ShawComm B SJR 29.12 0.42 Telefonica TEF 4.39 -0.03 VertxPharm VRTX 182.00 1.06
quotations that include primary market trades four quarters. DukeEnergy DUK 102.49 -0.27 Halliburton HAL 25.61 0.49 LincolnNational LNC 74.95 1.55 OpenText OTEX 50.34 0.62 s SherwinWilliams SHW 321.42 4.04 TelekmIndonesia TLK 26.13 -0.34 Vertiv VRT 25.70 1.01
as well as trades reported by Nasdaq BX FD-First day of trading. s DukeRealty DRE 56.74 1.30 HartfordFinl HIG 73.78 0.97 Linde LIN 317.96 -1.01 OpendoorTech OPEN 24.25 0.38 ShinhanFin SHG 33.05 -0.41 TempurSealy TPX 45.05 -1.69 ViacomCBS B VIAC 37.02 1.19
(formerly Boston), Chicago Stock Exchange, h-Does not meet continued listing DuPont DD 69.76 0.61 Hasbro HAS 96.59 1.99 LithiaMotors LAD 317.48 0.29 Oracle ORCL 96.23 0.20 Shopify SHOP 1457.00 95.88 10xGenomics TXG 164.43 5.49 ViacomCBS A VIACA 39.71 1.12
Cboe, NYSE National and Nasdaq ISE. standards s DutchBros BROS 68.98 1.11 HealthpeakProp PEAK 36.14 0.48 LiveNationEnt LYV 100.44 -0.17 Orange ORAN 11.06 0.04 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 14.54 0.50 Tenaris TS 22.59 0.16 Viatris VTRS 13.33 0.23
The list comprises the 1,000 largest lf-Late filing Dynatrace DT 74.12 4.09 Heico HEI 140.68 -0.08 LloydsBanking LYG 2.72 0.07 Organon OGN 36.52 0.80 SignatureBank SBNY 300.80 5.80 TencentMusic TME 8.18 0.09 Visa V 209.84 -5.94
companies based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq ENI E 28.66 0.31 Heico A HEI.A 126.99 0.54 LockheedMartin LMT 331.39 0.45 Orix IX 98.90 1.26 SimonProperty SPG 147.12 3.19 Teradyne TER 137.01 13.94 Vistra VST 19.85 0.19
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. EOG Rscs EOG 93.81 0.77 HenrySchein HSIC 75.52 1.33 Loews L 56.41 0.82 OtisWorldwide OTIS 79.92 0.20 SiriusXM SIRI 6.08 0.12 Tesla TSLA 1077.04 39.18 VMware VMW 152.31 -1.48
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy s EPAM Systems EPAM 670.53 18.17 Hershey HSY 179.40 -0.11 LogitechIntl LOGI 84.30 1.08 Ovintiv OVV 38.27 0.45 s SiteOneLandscape SITE 233.03 8.20 s TetraTech TTEK 173.73 5.56 Vodafone VOD 15.23 -0.34
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market. EastWestBncp EWBC 80.11 0.93 Hess HES 83.64 -1.04 Skyworks SWKS 169.84 3.94 TevaPharm TEVA 8.73 -0.20 VornadoRealty VNO 43.45
Lowe's LOW 231.76 -0.01 OwensCorning OC 93.48 3.16 0.53
vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or
EastmanChem EMN 110.04 4.49 HewlettPackard HPE 14.76 0.18 t LufaxHolding LU 6.41 -0.40 OzonHoldings OZON 46.70 0.69 SmithAO AOS 70.69 6.72 TexasInstruments TXN 187.87 0.77 VulcanMatls VMC 188.87 3.84
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues being reorganized under the
whose price changed by 5% or more if their Bankruptcy Code, or securities Eaton ETN 164.96 4.84 HighwoodsProp HIW 45.38 0.50 s lululemon LULU 443.46 9.76 PG&E PCG 11.68 0.10 Smith&Nephew SNN 35.43 -0.08 TexasPacLand TPL 1262.59 19.69
previous closing price was $2 or higher. assumed by such companies. eBay EBAY 72.41 -5.25 s Hill-Rom HRC 154.82 0.35 LumenTech LUMN 11.86 0.01 PNC Fin PNC 213.05 0.14 Smucker SJM 124.63 1.63 Textron TXT 72.77 2.03 W X Y Z
Ecolab ECL 221.00 -0.10 Hilton HLT 146.04 -1.18 Lyft LYFT 46.92 0.20 POSCO PKX 64.53 -0.13 Snap SNAP 54.39 2.37 s ThermoFisherSci TMO 620.07 7.78
WEC Energy WEC 90.51 0.54
Ecopetrol EC 15.25 0.03 Hologic HOLX 72.66 1.00 LyondellBasell LYB 96.34 1.89 s PPD PPD 47.19 0.17 SnapOn SNA 205.81 3.78 ThomsonReuters TRI 118.92 0.72
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and W.P.Carey WPC 79.49 1.23
EdisonInt EIX 62.80 0.59 HomeDepot HD 371.57 -0.75 PPG Ind PPG 162.98 1.46 Snowflake SNOW 348.00 0.90 Thoughtworks TWKS 30.17 0.13
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. s WPP WPP 72.39 6.18
EdwardsLife EW 116.51 0.44 HondaMotor HMC 29.70 0.51 M N PPL PPL 29.07 0.06 SOQUIMICH SQM 53.95 0.17 3M MMM 179.87 1.63
Wabtec WAB 90.88 1.97
ElancoAnimal ELAN 32.90 -0.41 Honeywell HON 218.48 2.76 PTC PTC 126.87 1.86 SoFiTech SOFI 19.91 0.66 Toast TOST 53.05 0.29
Net Net M&T Bank MTB 148.07 -1.04 WalgreensBoots WBA 47.10 -0.02
Thursday, October 28, 2021 Elastic ESTC 171.65 3.02 HorizonTherap HZNP117.85 3.10 Paccar PCAR 89.40 3.63 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 351.58 9.04 Toro TTC 95.15 0.97
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg MGMGrowthProp MGP 40.28 0.28 TorontoDomBk TD 72.70 0.10 Walmart WMT 148.45 0.92
Net ElectronicArts EA 140.23 -0.14 HormelFoods HRL 42.86 0.60 PackagingCpAm PKG 138.80 3.40 s Sony SONY 118.29 5.06
MGM Resorts MGM 46.97 -0.05 s WarnerMusic WMG 49.53 1.09
Stock Sym Close Chg BCE BCE 51.57 0.59 CentraisElBras EBR 6.46 -0.15 EmersonElec EMR 97.51 1.36 DR Horton DHI 89.36 1.59 PagSeguroDig PAGS 36.63 0.52 Southern SO 62.74 0.10 TotalEnergies TTE 50.74 0.32
MPLX MPLX 30.50 -0.38 s WasteConnections WCN 132.75 1.74
BHP Group BHP 56.11 0.34 CeridianHCM CDAY 125.66 0.66 Enbridge ENB 42.28 0.12 HostHotels HST 16.87 0.13 PalantirTech PLTR 25.64 0.58 SoCopper SCCO 61.79 0.48 ToyotaMotor TM 176.48 2.39
A B C BHP Group BBL 54.20 0.42 Cerner CERN 70.67 0.78 Endeavor EDR 27.98 0.85 HowmetAerospace HWM 29.70 0.32 MSCI MSCI 655.33 18.33 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 498.39 5.53 SouthwestAir LUV 47.24 0.67 TractorSupply TSCO 210.09 3.18 WasteMgt WM 157.50 2.35
Waters WAT 361.34 0.17
EnelAmericas ENIA 5.90 -0.06 HuanengPower HNP 20.58 -0.07 MagellanMid MMP 49.23 -0.14 ParkerHannifin PH 301.68 3.70 Splunk SPLK 164.50 1.25 TradeDesk TTD 75.43 2.38
ABB ABB 33.20 0.15 BP BP 29.22 -0.03 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 438.78 8.71 MagnaIntl MGA 80.82 1.31 Watsco WSO 285.83 5.93
Baidu BIDU 168.71 0.96 CharterComms CHTR 706.27 -8.24 EnergyTransfer ET 9.68 -0.05 Huazhu HTHT 47.24 -0.13 Paychex PAYX 123.36 0.88 Spotify SPOT 288.95 15.82 Tradeweb TW 87.55 0.47
AECOM ACM 68.96 2.00 s ManhattanAssoc MANH 181.12 1.59 TraneTech TT 181.75 3.89 Wayfair W 250.51 20.38
BakerHughes BKR 25.37 0.36 CheckPoint CHKP118.73 0.61 EnphaseEnergy ENPH224.46 8.24 Hubbell HUBB 197.65 6.98 PaycomSoftware PAYC 537.32 5.99 Square SQ 261.33 8.31
AES AES 25.57 -0.09 s Entegris ManulifeFin MFC 20.00 0.07 s Paylocity TransDigm TDG 628.39 -0.83 Weibo WB 45.86 -0.74
Ball BLL 91.81 0.36 CheniereEnergy LNG 104.57 -1.29 ENTG 138.71 3.68 HubSpot HUBS 814.35 17.40 PCTY 301.58 5.99 StanleyBlackDck SWK185.08 -1.15
Aflac AFL 55.36 -0.64 MarathonOil MRO 16.45 0.25 TransUnion TRU 114.59 5.09 WellsFargo WFC 51.36 1.31
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 6.59 0.11 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 44.04 -0.35 Entergy ETR 102.80 -0.31 Humana HUM 467.60 8.96 PayPal PYPL 236.83 1.89 Starbucks SBUX 113.20 -0.31
AGCO AGCO124.19 -2.32 MarathonPetrol MPC 66.67 0.52 Travelers TRV 161.57 1.79 Welltower WELL 82.73 0.43
BancoBradesco BBDO 3.14 -0.09 Chevron CVX 113.12 1.05 EnterpriseProd EPD 23.14 -0.28 JBHunt JBHT 198.01 3.24 Pegasystems PEGA118.31 -6.15 StateStreet STT 98.82 2.58
AMC Ent AMC 35.23 0.47 MaravaiLifeSci MRVI 42.13 0.21 Trex TREX 105.22 2.52 WestFraserTimber WFG 82.72 1.51
BancodeChile BCH 17.31 0.03 Chewy CHWY 72.63 5.34 Equifax EFX 275.54 8.20 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 15.92 -0.05 Peloton PTON 90.31 1.86 SteelDynamics STLD 65.49 0.93
Ansys ANSS 374.99 4.85 Markel MKL 1325.05 23.05 Trimble TRMB 87.70 1.97 WestPharmSvcs WST421.13 -0.21
BancSanBrasil BSBR 6.23 -0.04 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 19.33 0.33 Equinix EQIX 847.30 22.48 HyattHotels H 85.40 -0.27 PembinaPipeline PBA 33.48 0.29 Stellantis STLA 20.04 -0.22
APA APA 27.08 0.18 MarketAxess MKTX 405.06 1.59 TCOM 28.87 -0.08 WestAllianceBcp WAL 116.13 1.88
BancoSantander SAN 3.87 0.08 ChinaLifeIns LFC 8.85 -0.10 Equinor EQNR 25.93 -0.11 IAC/InterActive IAC 154.00 2.11 PennNational PENN 73.00 0.19 Steris STE 232.94 0.83
ASETech ASX 7.23 0.30 Marqeta MQ 31.19 -1.17 TruistFinl TFC 63.89 0.88 WesternDigital WDC 57.28 1.80
BanColombia CIB 36.12 -0.27 ChinaPetrol SNP 48.68 0.40 Equitable EQH 33.71 0.20 ICICI Bank IBN 21.29 -0.43 Pentair PNR 74.08 0.73 s STMicroelec STM 48.51 3.48
ASML ASML 813.19 12.19 s Marriott MAR 159.97 0.17 Twilio TWLO 284.93-60.73 WesternMidstrm WES 21.89 -0.07
BankofAmerica BAC 47.78 0.74 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 29.94 0.19 EquityLife ELS 85.23 0.55 ICL Group ICL 8.62 0.02 Penumbra PEN 277.91 6.50 StoneCo STNE 34.61 0.80
AT&T T 25.55 0.49 s EquityResdntl EQR 88.01 0.86 Marsh&McLen MMC 167.45 -0.19 Twitter TWTR 54.29 -0.52 WestlakeChem WLK 97.58 1.76
s BankofMontreal BMO 112.30 1.42 Chipotle CMG 1777.63 11.57 IdexxLab IDXX 653.02 12.52 PepsiCo PEP 161.62 1.01 Stryker SYK 268.44 -0.06
AbbottLabs ABT 127.71 ... s IHS Markit INFO 129.24 1.60 s MartinMarietta MLM 393.63 10.43 s TylerTech TYL 536.86 11.50 WestpacBanking WBK 19.86 0.45
BankNY Mellon BK 59.44 0.99 s Chubb CB 196.09 5.82 ErieIndemnity A ERIE 200.24 2.17 PerkinElmer PKI 177.33 3.54 SumitomoMits SMFG 6.55 -0.02
AbbVie ABBV 109.67 1.27 MarvellTech MRVL 68.48 0.78 TysonFoods TSN 81.01 0.38 WestRock WRK 48.94 1.24
BkNovaScotia BNS 66.77 -0.04 ChunghwaTel CHT 39.59 -0.01 EssentialUtil WTRG 47.39 0.79 ING Groep ING 15.32 0.16 PetroChina PTR 48.59 -0.46 SunComms SUI 196.27 0.19
Abiomed ABMD343.14 -1.44 s EssexProp ESS 345.73 3.81 Masco MAS 65.50 1.24 UBS Group UBS 18.18 0.14 Weyerhaeuser WY 36.40 0.69
Barclays BCS 11.20 0.12 Church&Dwight CHD 85.29 1.21 Invesco IVZ 25.49 0.55 PetroleoBrasil PBR 10.56 0.07 SunLifeFinancial SLF 57.39 -0.06
AcceleronPharma XLRN 174.24 0.44 Masimo MASI 289.62 0.25 s UDR UDR 56.26 0.81 WheatonPrecMet WPM 41.07 -0.20
BarrickGold GOLD 18.94 -0.45 ChurchillDowns CHDN 238.30-12.11 EsteeLauder EL 325.50 0.13 IQVIA IQV 257.19 2.90 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 10.35 0.07 s SuncorEnergy SU 25.91 3.02
Accenture ACN 356.32 2.27 Mastercard MA 333.03 -2.69 UGI UGI 43.69 0.24 Whirlpool WHR 210.18 8.08
Bath&BodyWks BBWI 69.26 0.74 Cigna CI 215.75 2.35 Etsy ETSY 242.75 -1.14 IcahnEnterprises IEP 57.78 0.94 Pfizer PFE 43.18 0.21 SunRun RUN 56.02 1.82
ActivisionBliz ATVI 78.88 0.23 MatchGroup MTCH 156.06 -2.40 UWM UWMC 6.78 -0.13 Williams WMB 28.42 0.12
BauschHealth BHC 27.60 -0.16 s CincinnatiFin CINF 126.18 4.99 EverestRe RE 267.40-12.78 Icon ICLR 286.43 4.69 PhilipMorris PM 95.97 1.10 Suzano SUZ 8.75 0.01
Adobe ADBE 639.28 -0.80 McAfee MCFE 21.50 ... Uber UBER 44.62 -0.11 Williams-Sonoma WSM 184.15 2.23
BaxterIntl BAX 78.61 -3.33 Cintas CTAS 426.06 3.12 Evergy EVRG 64.18 0.41 IDEX IEX 222.96 0.74 Phillips66 PSX 76.75 -0.60 SynchronyFin SYF 46.87 0.19
AdvanceAuto AAP 225.00 -5.35 McCormick MKC 81.18 0.71 Ubiquiti UI 306.58 7.13 WillisTowers WLTW 248.52 8.26
BectonDicknsn BDX 238.66 -6.34 CiscoSystems CSCO 56.24 0.06 EversourceEner ES 85.66 0.08 IllinoisToolWks ITW 226.54 4.34 Pinduoduo PDD 92.45 0.16 SyneosHealth SYNH 90.77 2.74
AdvMicroDevices AMD 121.16 -1.12 McCormickVtg MKC.V 81.03 0.23 t Pinterest UiPath PATH 51.19 ... Wipro WIT 9.12 -0.05
BeiGene BGNE 364.58 -2.69 Citigroup C 70.88 0.57 ExactSciences EXAS 96.75 2.58 Illumina ILMN 413.55 1.54 PINS 45.61 0.25 Synnex SNX 104.55 2.15
Aegon AEG 5.10 ... s Exelon McDonalds MCD 245.50 2.77 UltaBeauty ULTA 370.39 0.60 WIX 192.95 3.72
BentleySystems BSY 59.09 1.30 CitizensFin CFG 47.90 0.68 EXC 52.75 0.77 ImperialOil IMO 36.57 1.20 PioneerNatRscs PXD 189.87 1.24 Synopsys SNPS 326.78 7.65
AffirmHldgs AFRM 161.89 10.75 McKesson MCK 205.02 1.99 UnderArmour A UAA 22.13 0.41 Wolfspeed WOLF 121.04 30.17
Berkley WRB 80.93 0.67 CitrixSystems CTXS 95.15 0.17 Expedia EXPE 164.26 0.12 Incyte INCY 65.74 0.77 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 10.24 -0.06 Sysco SYY 76.64 0.22
AgilentTechs A 155.76 0.50 MedicalProp MPW 21.73 0.43 UnderArmour C UA 18.87 0.23 s Workday WDAY 286.74 3.61
BerkHathwy A BRK.A 4362493199.50 Clarivate CLVT 23.01 0.83 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 122.31 2.53 Informatica INFA 29.50 0.50 PlainsGP PAGP 11.06 -0.10
agilon health AGL 24.17 0.32
AgnicoEagle AEM 55.39 -1.33 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 289.72 1.94 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 24.45 -0.35 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 193.60 9.74 Infosys INFY 22.56 0.01 Medtronic MDT 121.27 -1.23 Playtika PLTK 29.01 0.42 T U V Unilever UL 53.88 0.34 WynnResorts WYNN 90.78 -1.01
XP XP 33.77 0.09
ExxonMobil XOM 64.31 0.18 IngersollRand IR 54.33 1.11 MercadoLibre MELI 1516.87 16.87 PlugPower PLUG 37.11 2.70 UnionPacific UNP 242.30 2.92
AirProducts APD 301.44 6.59 BerryGlobal BERY 67.43 0.75 Clorox CLX 161.86 2.29
s Merck MRK 86.55 5.01 TC Energy TRP 54.68 0.22 XPO Logistics XPO 87.00 2.22
F5Networks FFIV 213.51 -2.51 s Insulet PODD 309.99 10.66 Pool POOL 506.64 6.86 UnitedAirlines UAL 46.01 0.19
Airbnb ABNB 171.70 2.60 BestBuy BBY 121.12 2.37 Cloudflare NET 184.05 5.40 MetLife MET 65.27 0.98 TE Connectivity TEL 145.18 2.34 XcelEnergy XEL 64.33 0.94
FMC FMC 92.82 1.23 Intel INTC 48.08 0.19 PrincipalFin PFG 66.91 0.44 UnitedMicro UMC 10.59 -0.27
AkamaiTech AKAM 104.71 0.41 Bilibili BILI 76.45 -0.20 Coca-Cola KO 56.04 0.52 MettlerToledo MTD 1479.15 17.26 Telus TU 23.01 0.22 Xilinx XLNX 180.84 -0.01
Facebook FB 316.92 4.70 IntelliaTherap NTLA 136.11 6.51 ProcoreTech PCOR 93.13 2.42 UPS B UPS 213.90 1.69
Albemarle ALB 246.21 14.46 BILL 291.51 1.34 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 53.08 0.37 MicrochipTech MCHP 74.43 2.06 TelusIntl TIXT 38.32 0.16 s UnitedRentals URI 367.18 19.63 XPeng XPEV 46.24 0.34
Bio-Techne TECH 515.24 5.47 Cognex CGNX 86.79 1.71 FactSet FDS 438.79 6.93 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 70.60 -1.15 Procter&Gamble PG 142.68 0.85
Albertsons ACI 30.05 -0.04 MicronTech MU 69.58 1.34 s TFI Intl TFII 120.18 4.77 US Bancorp USB 60.93 0.65 Xylem XYL 131.21 3.21
Bio-RadLab A BIO 788.82 24.20 CognizantTech CTSH 77.32 -0.39 FairIsaac FICO 395.34 0.29 s ICE ICE 135.49 2.53 Progressive PGR 95.69 1.39
Alcon ALC 82.79 1.08 Microsoft MSFT 324.35 1.18 TJX TJX 65.20 0.64 UnitedHealth UNH 455.44 1.96 s Yandex YNDX 83.10 5.09
Biogen BIIB 264.87 4.92 CoinbaseGlbl COIN 319.13 7.46 Farfetch FTCH 39.35 0.83 InterContinentl IHG 70.99 0.97 Prologis PLD 146.67 2.81
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 205.92 0.01 s MidAmApt MAA 206.27 2.25 PrudentialFin PRU 112.58 T-MobileUS TMUS 116.04 -0.58 UnitySoftware U 148.07 3.99 YumBrands YUM 125.88 0.09
BiohavenPharm BHVN 140.74 3.64 ColgatePalm CL 76.88 0.98 Fastenal FAST 56.18 0.61 IBM IBM 125.84 0.67 0.82
Alibaba BABA 169.79 0.56 Middleby MIDD 180.19 5.91 Prudential PUK 41.69 TRowePrice TROW 215.29 11.54 UniversalHealthB UHS 126.17 1.25 YumChina YUMC 57.89 -0.75
BioMarinPharm BMRN 78.20 6.48 Comcast A CMCSA 51.90 -0.54 FederalRealty FRT 120.76 0.89 IntlFlavors IFF 148.48 0.22 0.27
AlignTech ALGN631.80 27.41 MiratiTherap MRTX 187.85 0.90 PublicServiceEnt PEG 64.33 TaiwanSemi TSM 116.01 2.26 Upstart UPST 330.00 15.50 ZTO Express ZTO 30.18 0.08
BioNTech BNTX 283.98 5.21 Comerica CMA 85.72 1.04 FedEx FDX 235.96 0.67 IntlPaper IP 49.69 -0.49 0.35
Alleghany Y 664.92 7.85 s Ferguson MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 5.58 0.01 PublicStorage PSA 331.62 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 181.11 0.20 VEREIT VER 51.53 -0.10 ZaiLab ZLAB 105.19 0.24
BlackKnight BKI 70.99 -0.19 ConagraBrands CAG 32.78 0.16 FERG 151.72 2.51 Interpublic IPG 36.66 0.64 9.18
Allegion ALLE 127.95 0.56 s Ferrari s Intuit MizuhoFin MFG 2.66 0.03 PulteGroup PHM 48.66 TakedaPharm TAK 14.11 0.29 VF VFC 72.77 1.94 ZebraTech ZBRA 532.06 14.22
BlackRock BLK 935.48 18.21 Concentrix CNXC 175.57 -1.29 RACE 235.06 3.62 INTU 615.41 2.28 -0.09
AlliantEnergy LNT 56.84 0.33 Moderna MRNA 347.92 7.04 Qiagen QGEN 54.42 Tapestry TPR 39.00 0.94 VICI Prop VICI 30.00 0.26 Zendesk ZEN 119.01 -3.65
Blackstone BX 139.37 2.88 Confluent CFLT 67.16 3.73 FidNatlFin FNF 47.86 0.93 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 355.61 6.63 0.98
Allstate ALL 126.22 1.32 t FidNatlInfo FIS 111.90 -2.31 MohawkInds MHK 199.06 6.19 Qorvo QRVO 168.93 TargaResources TRGP 55.24 0.52
3.66 VailResorts MTN 341.24 -4.30 Zillow C Z 98.60 5.42
s BlueOwlCapital OWL 17.64 0.62 ConocoPhillips COP 75.15 0.72 InvitatHomes INVH 41.39 0.92
AllyFinancial ALLY 47.93 0.63 FifthThirdBncp FITB 43.99 0.75 s MolinaHealthcare MOH 297.14 1.52 Qualcomm QCOM 133.69 Target
2.49 TGT 258.22 1.68 Vale VALE 13.20 -0.27 Zillow A ZG 100.56 6.16
Boeing BA 207.85 1.24 ConEd ED 76.29 0.30 IronMountain IRM 46.42 0.76
AlnylamPharm ALNY 162.14-29.02 FirstHorizon FHN 17.19 0.51 MolsonCoorsB TAP 43.86 0.24 QualtricsIntl XM 45.75 TataMotors TTM 32.04 -0.32
0.52 ValeroEnergy VLO 78.46 -0.21 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 145.52 -0.79
BookingHldgs BKNG 2429.77 1.68 ConstBrands A STZ 216.77 1.82 ironSource IS 11.58 0.08
Alphabet A GOOGL 2916.98 -7.37 FirstRepBank FRC 216.28 4.37 ItauUnibanco ITUB 4.21 -0.02 MNDY 371.41-20.59 QuantaServices PWR 121.51 TeckRscsB TECK 28.85 0.92
5.04 Vedanta VEDL 16.01 -0.18 ZionsBancorp ZION 62.87 -0.01
Alphabet C GOOG 2922.58 -5.97 BoozAllen BAH 80.56 0.87 ContinentalRscs CLR 48.95 0.42 TeladocHealth TDOC 149.18 10.55 VeevaSystems VEEV 314.26 0.80 s Zoetis ZTS 212.67 3.34
s FirstSolar FSLR 117.88 7.65 Mondelez MDLZ 60.95 0.56 QuantumScape QS 25.40 1.96
BorgWarner BWA 45.33 0.62 Cooper COO 416.74 4.79
Altria MO 44.58 -2.92
BostonProps BXP 114.16 -1.06 Copart CPRT 152.81 1.22 FirstEnergy FE 37.90 0.31 J K L MongoDB MDB 504.62 6.66 QuestDiag DGX 145.83 TeledyneTech TDY 446.57 -5.77
1.89 Ventas VTR 55.52 0.60 ZoomVideo ZM 276.58 3.77
AlumofChina ACH 15.57 -0.21 FirstService FSV 201.43 2.71 s MonolithicPower MPWR 549.71 24.71 Teleflex TFX 347.36-18.91 VeriSign VRSN 210.71 -1.12 ZoomInfoTech ZI 67.15 1.06
BostonSci BSX 43.24 -0.49 Corning GLW 35.64 0.25 AMZN 3446.57 54.08
BrightHorizons BFAM 163.24 3.03 Corteva CTVA 43.04 0.93 Fiserv FISV 98.53 -0.30 JD 80.92 0.06
JPMorganChase JPM 170.36 2.53
MonsterBev MNST 84.90 0.02 R S Ericsson ERIC 11.04 0.04 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 209.32 1.44 Zscaler ZS 316.34 6.24
Ambev ABEV 2.94 0.26 s Moody's MCO 406.69 14.05
BristolMyers BMY 57.13 0.64 CoStar CSGP 87.57 -2.25 FiveBelow FIVE 193.94 1.68
Amcor AMCR 12.15 0.12
Five9 FIVN 158.50 0.21
JackHenry JKHY 163.85 -0.85 MorganStanley MS 102.50 1.33 s RELX RELX 31.15 0.18
Amdocs DOX 76.63 -1.06 BritishAmTob BTI 35.75 -0.06 Costco COST 490.53 2.21 JacobsEngg J 139.28 3.28 s Morningstar MORN 320.98 15.41 RH RH 659.47 5.95
CoterraEnergy CTRA 21.88 -0.23 FleetCorTech FLT 252.23-10.48
UHAL 737.14 23.27
AEE 84.81 0.35
Broadcom AVGO 529.57 6.46
BroadridgeFinl BR 179.62 -1.68 CoupaSoftware COUP 231.51 -6.89 Flex FLEX 17.14 -1.14
Floor&Decor FND 134.91 2.31
JamesHardie JHX 39.38 0.73
JefferiesFin JEF 43.02 0.83
Mosaic MOS 41.87 0.71 RPM
MotorolaSol MSI 248.13 -1.92 RalphLauren RL 124.75 2.93
RPM 88.27 -0.22
Dividend Changes
AmericaMovil A AMOV 17.78 ... BrookfieldMgt BAM 61.85 1.17 Coupang CPNG 29.82 0.19 J&J JNJ 162.85 -0.89 RaymondJames RJF 99.58 -0.29
FomentoEconMex FMX 82.85 -0.66 NICE NICE 280.30 4.30
NIO 40.79 1.48 RaytheonTech RTX 89.19 0.03 Dividend announcements from October 28.
AmericaMovil AMX 17.79 -0.10 s BrookfieldInfr BIP 59.95 0.10 Credicorp BAP 130.43 0.40 JohnsonControls JCI 73.43 1.70
s FordMotor F 16.86 1.35 NIO
AmerAirlines AAL 19.19 0.16 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 42.22 1.85 CreditAcceptance CACC 603.01 14.12 JonesLang JLL 264.36 3.81 RealtyIncome O 73.15 -0.17
Fortinet FTNT 327.38 6.77 NRG Energy NRG 40.86 0.28 Amount
Brown&Brown BRO 62.95 0.30 CreditSuisse CS 10.48 -0.05 s JuniperNetworks JNPR 29.70 -0.12 Payable /
AEP AEP 84.71 0.41
Fortis FTS 44.53 0.02 NVR NVR 4900.00 85.00 RegalRexnord RRX 152.29 2.76 Company
Brown-Forman B BF.B 68.88 -0.13 Crocs CROX 156.53 4.65 Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
AmerExpress AXP 174.61 -3.42
Fortive FTV 74.96 0.89
JustEatTakeaway GRUB 14.50 -0.64 NXP Semi NXPI 199.90 7.49 RegencyCtrs REG 70.88 -0.16
AmericanFin AFG 137.80 2.96 Brown-Forman A BF.A 65.06 0.55 CrowdStrike CRWD 281.17 2.17 KB Fin KB 49.44 0.05 RegenPharm REGN 625.19 35.59
Bruker BRKR 79.79 2.24 CrownCastle CCI 181.90 3.65 FortBrandsHome FBHS 102.15 2.96
KE Holdings BEKE 19.65 -0.70
Nasdaq NDAQ 207.01 4.62 Increased
AmHomes4Rent AMH 40.68 0.88
FoxA FOXA 40.76 0.56 Natera NTRA 117.20 3.22 RegionsFin RF 23.74 0.37 ACCO Brands
BuildersFirst BLDR 58.24 1.20 CrownHoldings CCK 105.10 2.49 s KKR KKR 79.25 2.91 ACCO 3.5 .075 /.065 Q Dec15 /Nov24
AIG AIG 59.90 1.35
FoxB FOX 37.93 0.45 NationalGrid NGG 65.14 1.06 RelianceSteel RS 144.29 0.31
Bumble BMBL 54.11 -0.10 CubeSmart CUBE 54.90 2.02 s KLA KLAC355.34 14.77 RGEN 290.02 18.98 Amphenol Cl A APH 1.0 .20 /.145 Q Jan12 /Dec21
AmerTowerREIT AMT 286.01 0.59
Franco-Nevada FNV 145.12 2.14 Natura&Co NTCO 13.85 -0.35 Repligen
s Bunge BG 92.91 2.29 Cummins CMI 242.74 7.89 KSCitySouthern KSU 309.76 5.13 NWG 6.44 0.03 RepublicSvcs RSG 129.93 0.80 Artisan Ptrs Asset Mgmt 8.1 1.07 /1.00 Q Nov30 /Nov16
AmerWaterWorks AWK 175.31 2.09 APAM
FranklinRscs BEN 31.23 0.87 NatWest
BurlingtonStrs BURL 275.86 4.35 CyrusOne CONE 82.05 1.24 Kanzhun BZ 36.00 -0.07
Ameriprise AMP 303.53 7.21
FreeportMcM FCX 38.10 1.10 NetApp NTAP 89.71 1.33 ResMed RMD 268.66 0.54 Carriage Services CSV 0.9 .1125 /.10 Q Dec01 /Nov09
CBRE Group CBRE 105.00 1.48
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 120.70 1.15
Ametek AME 131.99 2.11 CDW CDW 185.94 1.57
D E F FreseniusMed FMS 34.72 0.27
Kellogg K 61.69 0.39
KeurigDrPepper KDP 35.49 1.29
NetEase NTES 99.98 -0.37 RestaurantBrands QSR 56.82 0.27 Central Pacific Financial
s RexfordIndlRealty REXR 67.97 1.48
CPF 3.6 .25 /.24 Q Dec15 /Nov30
CF Industries CF 57.57 0.83 DISH Network DISH 41.21 -0.21 FreshworksA FRSH 46.38 1.90 s Netflix NFLX 674.05 11.13 Cheniere Energy Ptnr CQP 6.0 .68 /.665 Q Nov12 /Nov05
Amgen AMGN 207.17 0.59 KeyCorp KEY 23.50 0.21 Neurocrine NBIX 101.88 0.62 RingCentral RNG 243.86 6.78 Comfort Systems USA
CGI GIB 89.85 0.68 DTE Energy DTE 114.41 0.59 FullTruck YMM 14.74 -0.27
KeysightTechs KEYS 179.35 2.41
FIX 0.6 .13 /.12 Q Nov23 /Nov12
Amphenol APH 76.63 0.86
Futu FUTU 58.47 -8.55 NYTimes A NYT 54.07 0.56 RioTinto RIO 64.50 0.06
Delek Logistics Partners DKL 7.6 .95 /.94 Q Nov10 /Nov05
CH Robinson CHRW 98.14 0.50 Danaher KimberlyClark KMB 130.06 0.80
AnalogDevices ADI 172.46 2.00 DHR 304.57 -0.67 NewellBrands NWL 21.77 0.04 RobertHalf RHI 112.38 2.45
Duke Realty DRE 2.0 .28 /.255 Q Nov30 /Nov16
Anaplan PLAN 64.83 0.78 CME Group CME 218.34 1.28 Darden DRI 144.95 1.42
CMS Energy CMS 60.72 0.37 s DarlingIngred DAR 84.06 4.76
G H I KimcoRealty KIM 22.74 0.06
KinderMorgan KMI 17.35 0.05
Newmont NEM 54.92 -2.62 Robinhood HOOD 35.47 0.03
RBLX 82.75 2.07 ExxonMobil XOM 5.5 .88 /.87 Q Dec10 /Nov12
AB InBev BUD 62.53 5.36 NewsCorp B NWS 22.81 0.35 Roblox
CNA Fin CNA 45.54 0.50 Datadog
AnnalyCap NLY 8.57 -0.03 DDOG 161.00 3.91 GDS Holdings GDS 61.51 1.91 KirklandLakeGold KL 43.94 -1.07 NewsCorp A NWSA 23.15 0.19 RocketCos. RKT 15.78 -0.26 First Northwest Bancorp FNWB 1.5 .07 /.06 Q Nov26 /Nov12
Anthem ANTM 433.36 -0.32 CNH Indl CNHI 17.45 0.40 DaVita DVA 114.10 3.18 GFLEnvironmental GFL 40.84 1.02 Knight-Swift KNX 56.55 1.83 Rockwell ROK 318.71 5.00 Getty Realty GTY 5.0 .41 /.39 Q Jan06 /Dec23
NextEraEnergy NEE 86.42 1.41
CRH CRH 48.22 0.64 DeckersOutdoor DECK 380.35 4.03 GXO Logistics GXO 88.85 2.53 KoninklijkePhil PHG 47.44 0.35
Aon AON 321.08 4.21 Nike NKE 164.46 2.11 RogersComm B RCI 47.00 -0.08 HomeTrust Bancshares HTBI 1.2 .09 /.08 Q Dec02 /Nov18
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 78.33 0.86 s CSX CSX 36.24 0.38 Deere DE 349.70 11.47 Gallagher AJG 164.12 1.92 KoreaElcPwr KEP 9.74 0.01 Roku ROKU 320.56 3.99
CVS Health CVS 88.62 0.53 DellTechC DELL 110.08 1.69 GameStop GME 182.85 9.34 KraftHeinz KHC 36.48 0.08
NiSource NI 24.68 0.06 Marathon Oil MRO 1.1 .06 /.05 Q Dec10 /Nov17
Apple AAPL 152.57 3.72 Nokia NOK 5.82 0.06 Rollins ROL 34.82 -0.26
Murphy USA MUSA 0.7 .29 /.25 Q Dec01 /Nov08
CableOne CABO 1757.71 -8.85 DeltaAir Kroger KR 39.69 0.21
ApplMaterials AMAT 136.02 3.86 DAL 39.15 0.08 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 50.03 0.91 NomuraHoldings NMR 4.89 0.11 RoperTech ROP 486.56 5.37 Principal Financial Group PFG 3.8 .64 /.63 Q Dec21 /Dec01
s Applovin CadenceDesign CDNS 168.92 3.82 DentsplySirona XRAY 57.27 0.80 Garmin s LKQ LKQ 56.35 2.15
APP 97.90 2.98 GRMN 145.05 -1.16 Nordson NDSN 251.05 1.82 RossStores ROST 112.97 2.31
s Aptiv CAE CAE 30.37 0.53 DeutscheBank DB 12.99 0.23 s Gartner LPL Financial LPLA 174.73 2.65 Rollins Inc ROL 1.1 .10 /.08 Q Dec10 /Nov10
APTV 172.07 2.85 IT 326.84 5.96 NorfolkSouthern NSC 293.17 6.11 RoyalBkCanada RY 106.24 0.29
Aramark ARMK 36.26 0.06 CaesarsEnt CZR 110.89 0.13 DevonEnergy DVN 40.50 0.89 s Generac L3HarrisTech LHX 224.03 -4.46
GNRC 503.52 14.64 NorthernTrust NTRS 122.74 1.67 RoyalCaribbean RCL 84.25 0.76 Reduced
ArcelorMittal MT 33.91 0.58 s CamdenProperty CPT 162.85 3.41 DexCom DXCM 570.32 11.78 GeneralDynamics GD 202.61 -3.18 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 285.23 4.74 NorthropGrum NOC 358.64-29.51 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 47.44 -2.53 Truist Finl Pfd. I TFCpI 3.9 .2528 /.25556 Q Dec15 /Nov12
ArchCapital ACGL 42.04 -0.29 Cameco CCJ 25.47 0.02 Diageo LamResearch LRCX 565.95 12.33
DEO 200.77 1.92 GeneralElec GE 105.26 1.41 NortonLifeLock NLOK 25.98 0.17 RoyalDutchB RDS.B 47.24 -2.45
ArcherDaniels ADM 64.84 0.31 t CampbellSoup CPB 40.19 0.28 DiamondbkEner FANG 109.01 1.43 GeneralMills GIS 62.04 0.74 LamarAdv LAMR112.50 0.11
NorwegCruise NCLH 25.81 0.31 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 38.20 1.39 Stocks
s AresMgmt ARES 86.23 3.41 CIBC CM 122.01 0.63 Dick's DKS 123.37 1.18 GeneralMotors GM 54.24 -0.02 LasVegasSands LVS 39.74 -0.56 Ryanair RYAAY 110.67 2.06
Novartis NVS 83.31 0.58
arGEN-X ARGX280.83 1.25 CanNtlRlwy CNI 132.87 0.06 DiDiGlobal DIDI 8.26 0.05 Genmab GMAB 44.43 -0.77 s LatticeSemi LSCC 69.39 1.42 SAP SAP 147.47 2.59 Summit State Bank SSBI 2.8 10.00% Nov10 /Oct27
Novavax NVAX 150.62 9.07
AristaNetworks ANET 407.04 4.25 CanNaturalRes CNQ 42.93 1.26 DigitalRealty DLR 160.09 3.20 Genpact G 49.58 0.18 Lear LEA 169.69 2.79 s S&P Global SPGI 469.51 6.91
Arrival ARVL 16.17 0.92 CanPacRlwy CP 77.35 1.68 DigitalOcean DOCN 95.53 -0.08 GenuineParts GPC 131.64 -0.79 Leidos LDOS 98.52 -0.45
s NovoNordisk NVO 107.65 1.97
SBA Comm SBAC 353.02 3.67 Foreign
t Novocure NVCR 101.74 -9.04
Asana ASAN 131.83 6.93 Canon CAJ 22.42 0.34 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 114.85 -0.59 GileadSciences GILD 67.34 0.57 Lennar B LEN.B 82.40 0.95 SK Telecom SKM 29.42 0.21 Algonquin Pwr Nts 2078 AQNA 6.3 .42969 Q Jan17 /Jan03
NuanceComms NUAN 55.10 0.05
AspenTech AZPN154.91 4.76 CapitalOne COF 152.50 ... DiscoveryB DISCB 42.06 0.22 s GinkgoBioworks DNA 14.28 -0.05 Lennar A LEN 100.27 0.55 SS&C Tech SSNC 75.68 1.05 Algonquin Pwr Nts 2079 AQNB 5.5 .3875 Q Jan01 /Dec15
Nucor NUE 109.39 1.19
Assurant AIZ 163.54 2.54 CardinalHealth CAH 47.72 0.28 DiscoveryA DISCA 24.31 0.71 GitLab GTLB 107.80 2.59 LennoxIntl LII 297.90 0.91 StoreCapital STOR 34.93 0.42 Brookfield Fin Nts 101680 BAMH 4.5 .28906 Q Jan16 /Jan02
Nutrien NTR 70.15 0.33
s AstraZeneca AZN 62.19 0.42 Carlisle CSL 224.89 1.84 DiscoveryC DISCK 23.40 0.62 GSK GSK 42.12 1.70 LeviStrauss LEVI 26.13 0.40 SVB Fin SIVB 710.49 2.34 Eaton Corp. PLC ETN 1.8 .76 Q Nov30 /Nov12
Nuvei NVEI125.98 0.03
Athene ATH 88.42 1.05 s Carlyle CG 56.32 1.20 Disney DIS 169.68 0.13 t GlobalPayments GPN 142.84 -1.29 LiAuto LI 33.41 0.74 CRM 298.38 3.23 Enbridge 6.375% Nts 2078 ENBA 5.9 .3984 Q Jan15 /Jan01
NVIDIA NVDA 249.41 4.90
Atlassian TEAM 417.33 4.45 CarMax KMX 136.12 -1.03 dLocal DLO 49.95 ... Globant GLOB 314.11 5.12 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 168.93 -0.65 Sanofi SNY 50.14 0.57 GasLog Partners GLOP 0.8 .01 Q Nov12 /Nov08
AtmosEnergy ATO 92.89 1.11
Autodesk ADSK 317.10 8.59
CCL 21.97 0.33 DocuSign DOCU 275.91 -2.05 GlobeLife
CUK 20.35 0.31 DolbyLab DLB 87.40 -0.24 GoDaddy
GL 91.05 0.14
GDDY 70.04 0.79
LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 171.56 -1.28
LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 28.64 ...
O P Q SantanderCons SC 41.75 0.04
Sasol SSL 16.96 -0.12
Prudentl 6.5% Perp Sub Cp PUKpA 6.4 .40625 Q Dec23 /Dec08
CarrierGlobal CARR 54.42 1.38 DollarGeneral DG 220.92 0.55 GoldmanSachs GS 414.82 3.83 LibertyGlobal B LBTYB 28.54 -1.94 ONEOK OKE 65.50 0.29 Schlumberger SLB 33.30 0.76
Prudentl 6.75% Perp. SKIS PUKp 6.6 .42188 Q Dec23 /Dec22
ADP ADP 222.94 0.99
SCHW 81.99 0.84 Scorpio Tankers Nts 2025 7.0 .4375 Q Dec30 /Dec15
AutoZone AZO 1780.10-45.76 Carvana CVNA 297.96 6.43 DollarTree DLTR 107.28 2.79 GoodRx GDRX 43.79 1.37 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 28.72 -0.01 OReillyAuto ORLY624.80-26.15 SchwabC
Avalara AVLR 179.15 1.01 Catalent CTLT 135.50 2.48 DominionEner D 76.34 0.35 Graco GGG 74.78 0.21 s LibertyFormOne A FWONA 52.32 1.05 OakStreetHealth OSH 46.93 1.74 Sea SE 352.73 12.56 Silicon Motion Tech ADR SIMO 2.2 .50 Q Nov24 /Nov10
s Avalonbay AVB 239.20 2.57 Caterpillar CAT 204.09 7.96 Domino's DPZ 479.33 -0.94 Grainger GWW 430.76 6.23 s LibertyFormOne C FWONK 56.06 0.89 OccidentalPetrol OXY 33.83 0.53 Seagate STX 89.55 1.52
Avangrid AGR 53.30 0.76 Celanese CE 165.47 1.89 DoorDash DASH 196.00 -2.95 t Grifols GRFS 13.27 -0.04 LibertyBraves A BATRA 30.75 0.15 Okta OKTA 244.63 -5.38 Seagen SGEN 177.79 3.18
Avantor AVTR 38.30 1.37 Cemex CX 6.60 -0.16 Dover DOV 169.07 3.44 GuardantHealth GH 118.19 5.91 LibertyBraves C BATRK 29.76 0.17 Olaplex OLPX 26.18 -0.28 SealedAir SEE 59.01 0.98 Rollins Inc ROL 1.1 .08 Dec10 /Nov10
AveryDennison AVY 215.29 7.11 CenovusEnergy CVE 11.81 0.30 Dow DOW 56.57 0.57 Guidewire GWRE 125.25 1.78 LibertySirius A LSXMA 49.80 1.12 s OldDomFreight ODFL 335.02 11.13 Sempra SRE 129.72 -0.15
AvisBudget CAR 171.76 5.77 Centene CNC 71.61 1.06 Doximity DOCS 69.21 2.11 HCA Healthcare HCA 250.67 5.30 LibertySirius C LSXMK 49.54 0.94 Olin OLN 56.65 1.51 SentinelOne S 64.01 0.22 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and
AxonEnterprise AXON 174.64 -1.66 CenterPointEner CNP 26.29 -0.02 DrReddy'sLab RDY 61.07 -0.24 HDFC Bank HDB 74.31 -0.80 s LifeStorage LSI 132.66 5.18 Omnicom OMC 69.02 ... s ServiceCorp SCI 68.19 4.80 ratio; SO: spin-off.

New Highs and Lows

52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. GoresGuggA GGPI 11.07 3.5 MartinMarietta MLM 395.88 2.7 PlymouthIndREIT PLYM 25.50 2.8 TectonicFinPfdB TECTP 10.66 0.6 AngionBiomed ANGN 3.71 6.5 GraybugVision GRAY 3.04 -1.9 QuinStreet QNST 13.94 -0.1
GoresGugg GGPIU 11.65 3.8 MaxLinear MXL 63.99 17.9 PriorityIncmPfdK PRIFpK 24.88 -0.1 TerrenoRealty TRNO 73.82 2.9 AnPacBioMed ANPC 2.61 -2.2 Grifols GRFS 13.23 -0.3 Rafael RFL 5.90 -73.2
Gorman-Rupp GRC 41.00 1.9 Medpace MEDP 219.92 4.3 PyrophyteAcqn PHYT.U 10.14 ... TetraTech TTEK 173.90 3.3 ArcoPlatform ARCE 17.13 -0.3 HEXO HEXO 1.60 1.9 Regis RGS 2.64 3.0
Thursday, October 28, 2021 HHGCapital HHGCU 10.32 0.2 MeiraGTx MGTX 23.15 3.0 QCR Holdings QCRH 53.67 2.1 Textainer TGH 40.44 5.1 Athersys ATHX 1.10 -1.7 HomologyMed FIXX 5.44 2.0 RenovoRx RNXT 5.07 -1.7
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % HanmiFinancial HAFC 22.87 1.1 Merck MRK 86.86 6.1 RELX RELX 31.23 0.6 ThermoFisherSci TMO 627.36 1.3 AuroraMobile JG 1.48 -3.2 Honest HNST 8.79 -1.1 SageTherap SAGE 39.52 2.2
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg HawksAcqn HWKZ.U 9.99 -0.1 MetroCityBkshs MCBS 23.27 1.8 RENN Fund RCG 2.96 3.3 TopBuild BLD 256.23 1.9 BTRS BTRS 8.47 0.7 HookerFurnishings HOFT 24.83 1.0 SangamoTherap SGMO 7.89 4.4
HeliosTechnologies HLIO 92.11 3.2 MidAmApt MAA 207.69 1.1 Ranpak PACK 34.24 4.8 Transcat TRNS 74.74 0.3 BTRS Wt BTRSW 1.89 -5.6 Humacyte HUMA 8.61 -4.5 SeaportCalibre SCMAU 9.99 0.1
BlackSpadeWt BSAQ.WS 0.66 9.2 DynagasLNG PfdB DLNGpB 25.60 0.1 Hill-Rom Mimecast Rapid7 TriconRes TCN 14.54 1.3 BellerophonTherap BLPH Hydrofarm ShenandoahTel SHEN 27.16 -2.4
HRC 155.08 0.2 MIME 75.46 9.0 RPD 129.70 1.1 3.30 -4.6 HYFM 31.30 6.1
BlueOwlCapital OWL 17.67 3.6 EJF Acqn A EJFA 10.01 0.4 HomeBancorp HBCP 42.37 5.5 MiNK Therap INKT 14.54 7.0 RepublicBcpKYA RBCAA 54.33 2.0 TriplePtVent TPVG 18.06 -0.2 BrainstormCell BCLI 2.83 -2.0 HyzonMotors HYZN 5.09 5.4 SilverbackTherap SBTX 8.40 2.2
BlueOwlCapWt OWL.WS 6.35 8.2 elfBeauty ELF 32.64 2.8 HomeTrustBcshs HTBI 30.99 1.6 ModelPerformA MPAC 11.65 5.8 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 68.16 2.2 TristarAcqnI TRIS.U 9.98 ... BrickellBiotech BBI 0.37 -25.5 iBio IBIO 0.72 4.0 SoYoungIntl SY 3.86 -4.4
AMCIAcqnIIWt AMCIW 0.63 6.9 BlueWhaleAcqnIWt BWCAW 1.41 36.1 EPAM Systems EPAM 672.12 2.8 TritonIntl TRTN 63.19 5.3 SolenoTherap SLNO 0.74 -0.8
A-MarkPrecMet AMRK 74.12 1.7
HuadiIntl HUDI 28.50 18.2 ModelPerformWt MPACW 2.90 155.3 RothCHAcqnIV ROCGU 10.20 0.5 Brightcove BCOV 9.20 -20.7 Inseego INSG 6.19 -1.6
BootBarn BOOT 106.93 2.2 EastGroup EGP 201.71 2.7 HubGroup HUBG 79.47 2.4 ModelPerformRt MPACR 0.66 25.0 S&P Global SPGI 475.25 1.5 TylerTech TYL 543.87 2.2 CadizPfdA CDZIP 23.25 -2.5 KalaPharm KALA 1.69 -1.1 SolidBiosci SLDB 1.84 -4.1
AcropolisInfrWt ACRO.WS 1.13 -9.4 BrightSphere BSIG 29.25 7.8 EnantaPharma ENTA 83.52 4.3 UDR UDR 56.45 1.5 SparkNetworks LOV 2.63 -1.5
AerSaleWt ASLEW 10.84 8.2 IHS Markit INFO 131.11 1.3 ModelPerform MPACU 12.55 8.0 SPS Commerce SPSC 174.42 3.0 CalliditasTherap CALT 20.00 -1.5 Kingstone KINS 5.45 -1.2
BrookfieldInfr BIP 60.77 0.2 EncoreCapital ECPG 54.09 1.1 IndepRealty IRT 23.95 5.2 Moelis MC 76.66 2.3 STAG Indl STAG 44.89 2.7 UnitedRentals URI 373.55 5.6 CampbellSoup CPB 39.76 0.7 KrispyKreme DNUT 12.63 0.9 SterlingCheck STER 22.45 -1.6
AerSale ASLE 22.26 3.3
Brooks Auto BRKS 114.21 3.2 EncoreWire WIRE 131.65 7.1 VPC Impact II Wt VPCBW 1.80 19.7 Stoneridge SRI 19.23 -8.0
AestherHlthcr AEHAU 10.17 ... InspiredEnt INSE 15.16 4.6 MolinaHealthcare MOH 304.00 0.5 Saia SAIA 316.99 13.9 CanopyGrowth CGC 12.72 1.6 Kyndryl KDw 32.00 -3.0
Bunge BG 92.93 2.5 Endava DAVA 159.22 2.7 Insulet PODD 310.00 3.6 MonolithicPower MPWR 551.50 4.7 SeaportCalibre SCMAU 10.03 0.1 VSE VSEC 56.00 10.5 CarLotz LOTZ 3.48 1.4 LifeMD LFMD 4.50 8.0 SwitchbackII A SWBK 9.54 -0.1
AllianceBernstein AB 57.54 0.2 VividSeats SEAT 14.35 1.0 SynchronossNts2026 SNCRL 23.00 2.1
CBIZ CBZ 37.88 3.5 EnovixWt ENVXW 15.12 19.2 InterParfums IPAR 90.80 5.8 Moody's MCO 407.08 3.6 SemlerScientific SMLR 147.00 3.5 CarrolsRestr TAST 3.53 -1.1 LifeMD PfdA LFMDP 23.82 -1.5
AlpineAcqn REVE 9.97 1.3 VividSeatsWt SEATW 3.82 -0.3 TCR2 Therap TCRR 6.38 -1.7
CenaqEnergyWt CENQW 0.46 2.7 Entegris ENTG 139.26 2.7 ICE ICE 138.00 1.9 Morningstar MORN 321.71 5.0 Semtech SMTC 85.34 3.6 CasperSleep CSPR 3.69 1.3 Lifevantage LFVN 6.38 3.9
Ambarella AMBA 189.70 4.3 WNS WNS 89.50 5.5 TIM TIMB 9.90 -2.4
CI Financial CIXX 23.15 2.2 EquityResdntl EQR 88.08 1.0 Intuit INTU 620.41 0.4 MountainCrestIIRt MCADR 1.10 1.0 ServiceCorp SCI 68.28 7.6 CatalystBiosci CBIO 3.16 5.0 LiminalBioSci LMNL 1.75 -1.7
Ameresco AMRC 80.65 4.2 WPP WPP 72.64 9.3 TMCthemetals TMC 2.93 -4.2
CNX Resources CNX 16.08 3.2 EssexProp ESS 347.22 1.1 JuniperNetworks JNPR 30.32 -0.4 MrCooper COOP 45.27 0.6 ServiceNow NOW 694.00 3.5 Chegg CHGG 57.25 -0.3 LongboardPharm LBPH 7.20 0.4
AmCampus ACC 54.44 2.1 Walker&Dunlop WD 130.60 1.3 TPIComposites TPIC 30.41 8.6
CSX CSX 36.30 1.1 EuropeanWax EWCZ 34.67 6.3 KKR KKR 79.29 3.8 Napco Security NSSC 47.63 0.7 SherwinWilliams SHW 323.82 1.3 ClearSignTech CLIR 1.60 -4.1 LufaxHolding LU 6.32 -5.9
AmtechSystems ASYS 14.95 19.4 WarnerMusic WMG 50.23 2.3 TalisBiomed TLIS 4.89 6.2
AnthemisDigital I ADALU 10.08 0.5
CamdenProperty CPT 162.99 2.1 Exelon EXC 52.80 1.5 KKR Pfd C KKRpC 99.29 3.9 NatlBankHoldings NBHC 44.44 -0.2 SiliconLab SLAB 193.66 1.2 CloopenGroup RAAS 3.70 -0.3 MedAvail MDVL 2.40 ...
Carlyle CG 57.50 2.2 FTI Consulting FCN 149.20 1.2 WasteConnections WCN 135.69 1.3 Talkspace TALK 3.42 3.8
ApartmtInv AIV 7.76 2.9 KLA KLAC 388.99 4.3 NatlStorage NSA 62.68 3.9 SimplyGoodFoods SMPL 40.30 3.3 Cohbar CWBR 0.55 -37.8 MolecularTemp MTEM 5.22 ...
CarriageSvcs CSV 50.67 14.2 FarmersNatlBanc FMNB 18.50 6.0 WescoIntl WCC 130.79 4.6 TarenaIntl TEDU 0.94 -9.5
Applovin APP 100.50 3.1 KingswayFin KFS 5.80 2.3 Netflix NFLX 676.80 1.7 SiteOneLandscape SITE 234.09 3.6 ConveyHolding CNVY 7.19 -2.4 MultiPlan MPLN 4.27 0.7
CasellaWaste CWST 84.30 0.3 FatProjectsAcqn FATPU 10.12 0.3 WestNewEngBncp WNEB 9.88 6.8 Terminix TMX 38.47 -0.2
AptivPfdA APTVpA 192.69 0.8 KornitDigital KRNT 166.30 3.5 NocturneAcqn MBTCU 11.20 6.6 SiTime SITM 259.25 6.7 Cortexyme CRTX 12.41 5.6 MultiPlanWt MPLN.WS 0.78 1.1
TesscoTech TESS 5.08 -5.4
CerevelTherap CERE 41.79 3.6 FedAgriMtg C AGM 123.87 2.1 LavaMedtech LVACU 10.15 0.1 NorthAmConstr NOA 17.79 9.1 SoloBrands DTC 23.39 3.6
Winmark WINA 229.77 1.7
Corts PECO KTH KTH 32.25 -0.1 NeptuneWellness NEPT 0.50 1.1
Aptiv APTV 172.64 1.7 WinVestAcqnWt WINVW 0.37 24.6 ThermoGenesis THMO 1.44 6.7
ApyxMedical APYX 14.60 ... ChoiceHotels CHH 140.04 2.6 Ferguson FERG 152.43 1.7 LKQ LKQ 57.33 4.0 Novanta NOVT 172.88 3.3 Sony SONY 118.93 4.5 DeepMedicine DMAQU 10.03 ... NeuroBoPharm NRBO 1.77 -0.6
Workday WDAY 288.58 1.3 TurkcellIletism TKC 4.11 -1.4
ArcBest ARCB 94.03 6.6 Chubb CB 196.88 3.1 Ferrari RACE 238.00 1.6 LandcadiaIV LCAHU 10.59 ... NovoNordisk NVO 108.33 1.9 SouthPlainsFin SPFI 26.51 3.2 Dole DOLE 14.43 -1.0 Novocure NVCR 100.00 -8.2
WorldwideWebb WWACU 10.75 0.1 Tuya TUYA 6.93 4.0
AresCapital ARCC 21.74 0.6 CincinnatiFin CINF 127.00 4.1 FirstHorizonPfdD FHNpD 28.17 6.5 Lantronix LTRX 9.57 15.7 nVentElectric NVT 35.10 6.7 SoMO Bancorp SMBC 53.91 2.1 EmergentBiosol EBS 48.16 1.2 OcularTherapeutix OCUL 6.60 1.3
WyndhamHtls WH 86.06 4.3 ViaOptronics VIAO 6.50 -4.0
AresMgmt ARES 86.34 4.1 Clearfield CLFD 57.20 4.7 FirstSolar FSLR 118.06 6.9 LatticeSemi LSCC 70.94 2.1 OldDomFreight ODFL 335.87 3.4 SportsEntWt SEAH.WS 3.55 5.3 EnsysceBioWt ENSCW 0.18 -9.9 OncoSecMedical ONCS 1.57 -1.2 VastaPlatform VSTA 4.00 -0.5
Codexis CDXS 35.19 4.2 FirstCash FCFS 97.04 -2.7
Yandex YNDX 83.55 6.5
AshfordHospPfdD AHTpD 29.15 1.2 LendingClub LC 44.66 33.0 Omnicell OMCL 172.76 2.7 SportsMapTech SMAPU 11.16 -0.2 ErytechPharma ERYP 2.81 -1.4 OneConnectFinTech OCFT 3.13 0.6 ViantTech DSP 11.33 4.7
Colfax CFX 52.04 1.8 FluenceEnergy FLNC 35.95 25.0
Zoetis ZTS 213.42 1.6
AssuredGuaranty AGO 56.04 2.7 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 56.07 1.6 OxbridgeAcqnWt OXACW 0.45 4.7 StandexInt SXI 109.98 3.4 EverQuote EVER 13.80 0.4 OntrakPfd OTRKP 11.16 -0.8 VitaCoco COCO 13.00 -2.4
AsureSoftware ASUR
AZN 62.86
ColfaxUn CFXA
ComfortSystems FIX
LibertyFormOne A FWONA
LifeStorage LSI
7.94 1.9
10.95 -0.3
7.7 Lows FidelityD&D
43.69 2.1
111.43 -2.0
OsmoticaPharm OSMT
Ouster OUST
1.77 0.5
6.33 -1.4
18.71 2.3
1.37 1.4
AthenaTech ATHN.U 10.54 -0.4 Conmed CNMD 147.85 4.3 ForresterRes FORR 53.39 1.1 LiveOakBcshs LOB 78.31 8.5 PAM Transport PTSI 63.87 8.0 SuncorEnergy SU 25.99 13.2 AMTD Intl HKIB 3.69 -2.1 FinanceofAm FOA 4.44 2.4 PNC Fin PfdP PNCpP 25.60 -0.1 WW Intl WW 17.00 1.3
AuriniaPharm AUPH 32.71 0.1 ConnectOneBncp CNOB 35.22 4.9 Gartner IT 327.73 1.9 lululemon LULU 443.60 2.3 PNM Resources PNM 50.11 0.5 SupernovaPtrsII SNII.U 10.95 0.1 ARCAbiopharma ABIO 2.55 0.8 FirstWaveBioPharma FWBI 2.47 -0.4 PTC Therap PTCT 34.85 2.8 WesternUnion WU 18.41 -0.3
AusterlitzI Wt AUS.WS 1.89 0.3 CorePoint CPLG 16.91 7.1 Generac GNRC 510.53 3.0 LutherBurbank LBC 14.64 2.9 PPD PPD 47.34 0.4 SupernovaPtrsII A SNII 10.49 ... ATI PhysTherapy ATIP 2.66 2.2 FrankBSPRealty FBRT 16.40 -0.8 PassageBio PASG 8.38 3.2 WestwaterRscs WWR 3.05 3.2
Avalonbay AVB 241.64 1.1 CustomersBancorp CUBI 51.46 11.9 GinkgoBioworks DNA 15.45 -0.3 Macom Tech MTSI 69.69 5.3 PSBusinessParks PSB 180.27 2.2 SupernovaII Wt SNII.WS 2.19 -0.5 AbeonaTherap ABEO 0.79 -4.7 FrequencyTherap FREQ 6.27 -2.6 Pharming PHAR 8.22 -12.6 WunongNetTech WNW 3.35 -1.7
AvidBioservices CDMO 30.94 3.9 DarlingIngred DAR 84.19 6.0 GinkgoBioworksWt DNA.WS 4.48 ... MBIA MBI 16.20 2.1 PacGE pfI PCGpI 25.69 3.9 Synaptics SYNA 194.00 5.1 AeriePharm AERI 9.55 3.6 GabelliGlSMidPfdA GGZpA 25.29 -0.1 PhathomPharm PHAT 23.78 -2.1 XL Fleet XL 5.18 6.5
AxcelisTechs ACLS 54.20 7.6 DecarbPlusIV Wt DCRDW 0.95 4.5 GladstoneAcqn GLEE 10.92 -0.1 M3-BrigadeIII MBSC.U 10.25 -0.1 PacGE pfH PCGpH 24.93 7.4 TDCX TDCX 27.82 1.5 Agora API 23.32 -2.6 Genfit GNFT 3.48 -0.8 Pinterest PINS 44.54 0.6 Y-mAbsTherap YMAB 24.53 3.6
BankofMontreal BMO 112.34 1.3 dMYTechIV DMYQ.U 11.06 4.8 GladstoneInvt GAIN 15.68 1.8 ManhattanAssoc MANH 183.13 0.9 Paragon28 FNA 21.13 8.3 TFI Intl TFII 120.50 4.1 AileronTherap ALRN 0.85 -2.2 GenieEnergy GNE 5.03 -8.3 PliantTherap PLRX 15.54 4.7 Yalla YALA 6.26 3.9
BannixAcqn BNIXU 10.39 0.9 dMYTechIVWt DMYQ.WS 2.26 10.6 GlobalMedREIT GMRE 16.80 1.6 Marcus&Millichap MMI 48.00 2.3 PatriotTransport PATI 14.99 3.7 TailwindTwo TWNT.U 10.51 3.6 AlgonquinPwr AQN 14.40 0.3 GetnetAdquirencia GET 1.65 -7.7 ProtoLabs PRLB 57.54 -20.5 YatsenHolding YSG 2.83 2.0
Birks BGI 6.47 3.0 DukeRealty DRE 56.77 2.3 GlobalFoundries GFS 48.00 -1.3 Marpai MRAI 5.88 20.0 Paylocity PCTY 305.02 2.0 TailwindTwoA TWNT 10.02 2.0 AlphaProTech APT 5.95 0.8 GlobalPayments GPN 141.74 -0.9 PuhuiWealth PHCF 1.40 22.4 Zovio ZVO 1.77 -15.8
BlackMountain BMAC.U 10.15 -0.2 DutchBros BROS 74.20 1.6 GoGreenInvts GOGN.U 10.13 0.1 Marriott MAR 162.31 0.1 PerceptionCapII PCCTU 10.10 0.7 Tecnoglass TGLS 29.25 1.9 AlticeUSA ATUS 16.46 -0.3 GlobalFoundries GFS 44.48 -1.3 PurpleInnovation PRPL 18.50 -3.2 Zymeworks ZYME 22.05 0.8

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
TotRetBdI 10.48 -0.01 NA ContraK 20.08 +0.20 22.2 Guggenheim Funds Tru PIMCO Fds Instl EqIncAdml 94.68 +0.81 21.6 WelltnAdml 87.33 +0.30 15.7 IdxIntl 21.06 +0.16 10.2
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. Edgewood Growth Instituti CpInc r 11.41 +0.02 10.7 TotRtnBdFdClInst 28.90 -0.05 -0.4 AllAsset NA ... NA ExplrAdml 140.89 +2.44 17.7 WndsrAdml 88.97 +0.86 25.7 MdCpGrAdml109.96 +1.57 20.8
EdgewoodGrInst 64.46 +0.58 24.5 GroCo 40.80 +0.58 24.1 Harbor Funds ShortT 9.79 ... 0.1 ExtndAdml 145.76 +2.40 17.7 VANGUARD FDS MdCpVlAdml 75.90 +0.90 24.8
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e
Fidelity GrowCoK 40.93 +0.59 24.2 CapApInst 123.82 +1.35 18.8 TotRt 10.32 -0.02 -1.0 GNMAAdml 10.57 -0.02 -0.9 DivdGro 38.95 +0.06 18.7 SmValAdml 76.29 +1.12 26.4
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply,
500IdxInstPrem159.58 +1.57 23.8 InvGrBd 11.67 -0.02 -0.4 Harding Loevner PIMCO Funds A GrwthAdml 160.98 +1.67 23.9 INSTTRF2020 28.29 +0.10 7.8 TotBd2 11.10 -0.02 -1.7
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r IntlEq
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not Contrafund K6 23.03 +0.24 22.0 LowP r 54.39 +0.35 21.4 NA ... NA IncomeFd NA ... NA HlthCareAdml r 99.87 +0.46 11.5 INSTTRF2025 30.01 +0.14 9.3 TotIntlInstIdx r140.90 +1.09 10.3
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; ExtMktIdxInstPre 92.52 +1.53 17.7 Magin 15.30 +0.17 22.9 Invesco Funds Y PIMCO Funds I2 HYCorAdml r 5.95 ... 3.0 INSTTRF2030 31.17 +0.18 10.8 TotItlInstPlId r140.94 +1.09 10.3
FidSerToMarket 15.77 +0.17 22.6 NASDAQ r 194.80 +2.66 20.4 DevMktY 53.39 -0.05 -0.1 Income NA ... NA InfProAd 28.76 -0.25 4.7 INSTTRF2035 32.26 +0.21 12.3 TotSt 115.11 +1.25 22.6
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. John Hancock Instl IntlGrAdml 171.50 +2.12
GrowthCompanyK6 23.77 +0.34 23.6 OTC 20.06 +0.20 24.5 PIMCO Funds Instl 7.0 INSTTRF2040 33.41 +0.25 13.8 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
IntlIdxInstPrem 51.09 +0.52 12.3 Puritn 27.14 +0.20 16.8 DispValMCI 28.87 +0.34 23.8 IncomeFd NA ... NA ITBondAdml 12.04 -0.03 -2.5 INSTTRF2045 34.47 +0.28 15.3 BalInst 49.16 +0.29 12.5
Thursday, October 28, 2021 MidCpInxInstPrem 32.85 +0.43 22.1 SrsEmrgMkt 25.07 +0.02 0.4 JPMorgan I Class Price Funds ITIGradeAdml 10.07 -0.03 -1.4 INSTTRF2050 34.64 +0.29 15.6 DevMktsIndInst 16.90 +0.19 12.7
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 22.00 +0.21 23.8 SrsGlobal 15.70 +0.11 9.5 CoreBond 11.95 -0.02 NA BlChip 197.07 +2.09 19.1 LTGradeAdml 11.18 -0.05 -2.3 INSTTRF2055 34.73 +0.29 15.6 DevMktsInxInst 26.42 +0.30 12.7
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret SeriesBondFd 10.46 -0.02 -1.7 SrsGroCoRetail 28.46 +0.41 25.0 EqInc 23.79 +0.17 NA DivGro 71.84 +0.51 20.5 MidCpAdml 312.40 +4.10 22.9 IntlVal 44.22 +0.30 9.9 ExtndInst 145.76 +2.41 17.7
SeriesOverseas 14.72 +0.21 18.7 SrsIntlGrw 20.57 +0.23 15.7
JPMorgan R Class
EqInc 37.90 +0.32 22.9 MuHYAdml 11.98 +0.01 2.6 LifeCon 23.70 +0.06 5.6 GrwthInst 160.99 +1.67 23.9
American Century Inv IntlVal Inst 46.42 +0.46 16.5 DivIncom I 30.93 +0.25 21.3 CoreBond 11.96 -0.02 NA MuIntAdml 14.66 +0.01 0.4 InPrSeIn 11.72 -0.10 4.8
Ultra 92.91 +1.15 22.3 Baird Funds Dimensional Fds SmCpIdxInstPrem 29.20 +0.58 17.2 SrsIntlVal 11.73 +0.10 16.3 Growth 117.23 +1.27 20.9 LifeGro 45.37 +0.34 13.5
Lord Abbett A MuLTAdml 12.10 +0.01 1.1 InstIdx 401.82 +3.93 23.8
American Funds Cl A AggBdInst 11.42 -0.02 NA 5GlbFxdInc 10.79 -0.01 -0.9 TMktIdxInstPrem131.95 +1.45 22.6 TotalBond 11.10 -0.02 -0.3 HelSci 113.65 +1.57 15.0 LifeMod 34.42 +0.18 9.5
ShtDurIncmA p 4.17 ... NA MuLtdAdml 11.17 ... 0.3 InstPlus 401.84 +3.93 23.8
AmcpA p 46.43 +0.53 23.1 CorBdInst 11.79 -0.02 NA EmgMktVa 31.79 -0.12 13.2 USBdIdxInstPrem 12.02 -0.02 -1.8 Fidelity SAI LgCapGow I 74.72 +0.66 22.1 PrmcpCor 35.21 +0.34 21.5
Lord Abbett F MuShtAdml 15.89 ... 0.2 InstTStPlus 89.93 +0.98 22.7
AMutlA p 52.83 +0.41 19.9 BlackRock Funds EmMktCorEq 25.37 -0.05 6.3 Fidelity Advisor I TotalBd 10.51 -0.02 -0.1
ShtDurIncm 4.17 MidCap 129.06 +1.24 14.1 STAR 34.22 +0.20 10.6
... NA PrmcpAdml r184.69 +2.07 20.0 MidCpInst 69.01 +0.90 22.9
BalA p 33.58 +0.14 12.8 HiYldBd Inst 7.86 ... 4.9 IntlCoreEq 16.51 +0.18 15.3 GrOppI 182.99 +2.57 17.9 U.S.TreBdIdx 10.05 -0.02 -2.6 Lord Abbett I NHoriz 97.94 +0.69 19.0 TgtRe2015 16.57 +0.02 5.3 MidCpIstPl 340.36 +4.47
RealEstatAdml156.31 +2.19 32.4 22.9
BondA p 13.47 -0.02 -1.0 BlackRock Funds A IntSmCo 23.53 +0.24 16.6 NwInsghtI 45.23 +0.47 22.8 Fidelity Selects ShtDurInc p 4.17 ... NA R2020 25.11 +0.10 10.4 TgtRe2020 36.92 +0.12 7.7 SmCapInst 110.15 +1.89
SmCapAdml 110.15 +1.89 19.1 19.1
CapIBA p 69.44 +0.39 12.2 GlblAlloc p 21.89 +0.11 6.7 IntSmVa 22.39 +0.16 17.8 Fidelity Freedom Softwr r 32.32 +0.06 21.0 Metropolitan West R2025 21.65 +0.11 11.8
SmGthAdml 103.71 +2.11 10.6 TgtRe2025 23.53 +0.11 9.2 STIGradeInst 10.86 -0.01 -0.1
CapWGrA 66.61 +0.53 13.5 BlackRock Funds III TAUSCoreEq2 NA ... NA FF2020 17.89 +0.07 9.2 Tech r 30.44 +0.30 19.9 TotRetBdI 10.94 -0.01 NA R2030 32.30 +0.21 13.5
STBondAdml 10.68 ... -0.8 TgtRe2030 44.90 +0.26 10.7 STIPSIxins 26.12 -0.08 4.8
EupacA p 70.87 +0.60 6.5 iShS&P500IdxK544.05 +5.32 23.7 US CoreEq1 36.21 +0.41 23.2 FF2025 16.41 +0.07 10.3 First Eagle Funds TRBdPlan 10.26 -0.01 NA R2040 35.46 +0.29 16.5 STIGradeAdml 10.86 -0.01 -0.2 TgtRe2035 28.30 +0.18 12.2 TotBdInst 11.24 -0.03 -1.7
FdInvA p 79.83 +0.66 19.5 BlackRock Funds Inst US CoreEq2 33.14 +0.40 24.0 FF2030 20.67 +0.11 11.7 GlbA 68.86 +0.41 12.4 Northern Funds Schwab Funds STIPSIxAdm 26.10 -0.08 4.8 TgtRe2040 50.35 +0.37 13.7 TotBdInst2 11.10 -0.02 -1.7
GwthA p 81.72 +1.11 21.0 StratIncOpptyIns 10.29 -0.01 1.1 US Small 48.41 +0.89 26.9 FF2035 18.18 +0.12 14.7 FPA Funds StkIdx 51.46 +0.50 23.7 1000 Inv r 102.49 +1.06 NA TotBdAdml 11.24 -0.03 -1.7 TgtRe2045 32.49 +0.27 15.3 TotBdInstPl 11.24 -0.03 -1.7
ICAA p 53.00 +0.39 21.4 Bridge Builder Trust US SmCpVal 46.50 +0.73 36.1 FF2040 13.10 +0.11 16.9 NwInc 10.01 -0.01 0.9 Nuveen Cl I S&P Sel 71.06 +0.69 NA TotIntBdIdxAdm 22.72 -0.05 -2.3 TgtRe2050 52.49 +0.44 15.5 TotIntBdIdxInst 34.09 -0.08 -2.3
IncoA p 26.29 +0.14 13.8 CoreBond 10.48 -0.02 -1.2 US TgdVal 31.71 +0.50 35.7 Freedom2025 K 16.39 +0.06 10.4 Franklin A1 HYMunBd 18.31 +0.04 8.0 TSM Sel r 81.50 +0.90 NA TotIntlAdmIdx r 35.24 +0.28 10.3 TgtRet2055 56.98 +0.48 15.5 TotStInst 115.16 +1.25 22.7
N PerA p 71.52 +0.94 18.2 CorePlusBond 10.37 -0.02 -0.6 USLgVa 46.06 +0.49 24.3 Freedom2030 K 20.66 +0.10 11.8 IncomeA1 p 2.53 +0.01 14.3 Old Westbury Fds VANGUARD ADMIRAL TotStAdml 115.14 +1.25 22.7 TgtRetInc 15.49 +0.02 4.9 ValueInst 55.76 +0.51 22.2
NEcoA p 68.05 +0.91 14.4 Intl Eq 15.04 +0.15 12.6 Dodge & Cox Freedom2035 K 18.17 +0.13 14.8 FrankTemp/Frank Adv LrgCpStr 20.07 +0.17 17.1 500Adml 424.60 +4.15 23.8 TxMCapAdml241.08 +2.44 23.0 TotIntBdIxInv 11.36 -0.03 -2.3 WCM Focus Funds
NwWrldA 94.29 +0.58 7.2 LargeCapGrowth 25.31 +0.21 23.0 Balanced 117.96 +0.69 18.7 Freedom2040 K 13.10 +0.10 16.9 IncomeAdv 2.51 +0.01 14.6 Parnassus Fds BalAdml 49.15 +0.29 12.5 TxMIn r 16.88 +0.19 12.7 WellsI 29.90 +0.06 7.5 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 28.97 +0.36 17.1
SmCpA p 91.74 +1.28 15.3 LargeCapValue 17.89 +0.12 23.1 Income 14.24 -0.02 -0.8 Fidelity Invest FrankTemp/Franklin A ParnEqFd 64.95 +0.43 21.4 CAITAdml 12.16 +0.01 0.1 USGroAdml 199.46 +2.64 17.4 Welltn 50.57 +0.17 15.6 Western Asset
TxExA p 13.54 +0.01 1.0 Calamos Funds Intl Stk 49.76 +0.49 13.9 Balanc 30.21 +0.20 16.3 DynaTech A p167.49 +2.22 19.8 PGIM Funds Cl Z CapOpAdml r215.38 +2.72 21.3 ValAdml 55.76 +0.51 22.2 WndsrII 48.53 +0.38 26.1 CoreBondI 13.15 -0.03 NA
WshA p 58.92 +0.39 22.4 MktNeutI 14.46 +0.02 4.5 Stock 247.75 +2.34 30.6 BluCh 186.76 +2.55 23.1 Growth A p 162.01 +1.45 19.6 HighYield 5.57 ... NA DivAppIdxAdm 44.49 +0.29 17.5 WdsrllAdml 86.11 +0.67 26.1 VANGUARD INDEX FDS CorePlusBdI 12.01 -0.03 NA
Artisan Funds Columbia Class I DoubleLine Funds Contra 20.02 +0.19 22.1 RisDv A p 96.96 +0.67 21.5 TotalReturnBond NA ... NA EMAdmr 42.45 -0.12 3.4 WellsIAdml 72.44 +0.16 7.5 ExtndIstPl 359.70 +5.92 17.7 CorePlusBdIS 12.01 -0.03 NA

B10 | Friday, October 29, 2021 ****** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


T. Rowe Price Buys Debt Investor

Maturing high-yield dollar
bonds from Chinese
developers, by month
$7 billion

Money manager’s The firm will pay cash and Ultralow interest rates have Price had $1.61 trillion in as- kets have generally been insu-
stock for Oak Hill, which man- dented returns of bond funds sets under management, as of lated from the fee wars that
$4.2 billion purchase of ages $53 billion. This is T. and investors have turned to Sept. 30. managers focused on stock
Oak Hill Advisors is its Rowe Price’s first significant the private-debt markets in The Oak Hill acquisition is and bonds face. 5
corporate acquisition in more search of higher yields. Since expected to close at the end of Casey Quirk, a consulting
first major deal in years than two decades. traditional managers have the year. Oak Hill will be a arm of Deloitte, predicted that 4
The firm announced the struggled to keep pace with the stand-alone business, and the private markets are expected
BY DAWN LIM deal after The Wall Street stock market’s rally, investors New York firm’s chief execu- to generate a bigger share of 3
AND JUSTIN BAER Journal first reported on the have put more money into low- tive, Glenn August, will remain asset managers’ revenue by
acquisition. T. Rowe Price cost funds that track indexes. in that role. 2024. Every other business, 2
Money manager T. Rowe shares rose 5.7%. To make up for lower cost In recent years, T. Rowe including stock funds, would
Price Group Inc. agreed to Oak Hill executives were funds eating at their bottom Price has been exploring ac- produce a declining or flat 1
buy Oak Hill Advisors for as drawn to T. Rowe Price in part line and meet investors’ quisitions more actively. Firm slice of industry revenue be-
much as $4.2 billion to enter because of the firm’s large dis- changing preferences, many executives said that the firm tween 2019 and 2024, the con- 0
the private-debt investing tribution platforms, which sell large managers, from Black- could acquire more businesses sultant said.
Jan. 2022 June Dec.
business. funds to both institutional cli- Rock Inc. and Pacific Invest- to grow its private markets Private market funds, which
Oak Hill has been an active ents such as pension funds ment Management Co. to JP- lineup over time. lock up client money for years, Source: Goldman Sachs
player in distressed-debt deals and financial advisers that Morgan Chase & Co.’s asset- “This isn’t a signal we’re also help smooth out revenue
for decades, and last year pro-
vided rescue financing to com-
panies whose businesses were
serve wealthy individuals, as
well as a mutual commitment
to fundamental research.
management division, have
acquired specialist managers
to broaden their offerings.
beginning a ‘string-of-pearls’
strategy and going to start an
inexorable march to acquire
swings for asset managers
when markets retreat and in-
vestors suddenly turn more
Junk Bond
ravaged by the coronavirus
Best known for its stock-
Private-credit investing has
grown over the past decade as
money managers stepped in as
Others, like Invesco Ltd. and
Franklin Resources Inc., have
pursued larger, bolder deals
other companies,” Rob Sharps,
T. Rowe Price’s president, said
in an interview.
cautious. Although T. Rowe
Price’s third-quarter profit
rose from the year-ago period,
and bond-picking funds, T.
Rowe Price is pushing further
into alternative investments.
bigger lenders to fill the void
left by banks in the wake of
the 2008 financial crisis.
aimed at scale and cost ad-
Baltimore-based T. Rowe
Mr. Sharps will become the
firm’s CEO next year.
Firms in the private mar-
the firm reported $6.4 billion
in client net outflows in the
quarter ended Sept. 30.
Continued from page B1

Carlyle Profit Surges From

and high-profile example of a
Chinese corporate borrower
defaulting on international

Big Portfolio Gains, Fees

debt. But it later returned to
the bond markets and was able
to sell new debt as recently as
this past July, when it issued
$200 million of one-year notes.
BY MIRIAM GOTTFRIED million, or $1.54 a share. That Chief Executive Kewsong Bankers don’t expect new
compares with $151.8 million, Lee has sought to focus Car- junk-bond sales to recover
Carlyle Group Inc. reported or 40 cents a share, a year lyle’s operations and spur soon. David Yim, head of
a big jump in third-quarter earlier. growth, pushing the firm— Greater China and north Asia
earnings, and the amount of Fee-related earnings were whose stock and asset growth capital markets at Standard
cash it could return to share- $151.4 million in the quarter, a have historically lagged behind Chartered Bank, said that Janu-
holders reached record levels. 28% increase over the prior- peers’—to close the gap with ary and February were usually
The Washington, D.C., firm year period. competitors. He has also set a busy months for property-bond
reported net income of $532.8 Shares of Carlyle rose 2.1%. goal of raising $130 billion in deals, “but given the issues
million, or $1.46 a share, in Carlyle’s stock has been on fresh capital by 2024. over the sector, I don’t think
the three months that ended a tear recently, climbing more “We’re way ahead of sched- that period will have that much
Sept. 30. That compares with than 80% including dividends ule versus the plan we outlined activity,” he added.
net income of $295.5 million, since the beginning of this earlier this year,” Mr. Lee told If no more deals are done by

or 82 cents a share, in the year as of Wednesday’s close, The Wall Street Journal. “The Sunday, that would mark the
same period last year. according to FactSet. That growth is sustainable, and we slowest month since April 2020,
Helping to drive those gains compares with a total return think it will continue.” when global markets were reel-
was the performance of Car- of 25% for the S&P 500. Carlyle has raised $40 bil- ing from the pandemic and no
lyle’s private-equity portfolio, Shares of Carlyle and its lion so far this year, including Chinese junk bonds were sold.
which appreciated by 4% dur- private-equity peers have been $22 billion in the third quar- In the five years through Sep-
ing the third quarter, exceeding on a tear recently. Including ter. It invested $6.3 billion tember, issuance has averaged
the 0.2% gain for the S&P 500. dividends, the firm’s stock is during the quarter. The firm’s $3.4 billion a month, data from
Carlyle’s third-quarter dis- up more than 80% since the assets under management Dealogic show.
tributable earnings, or the beginning of this year, accord- stood at $293 billion at the Investors have suffered
portion of profit that could be ing to FactSet. That compares end of the quarter, up 6% from heavy losses after an unex-
returned to shareholders, with a total return of 25% for the second quarter and 27% pected default by Fantasia
CEO Kewsong Lee said company growth is ‘way ahead of schedule.’ came in at a record $730.6 the S&P 500. from a year earlier. Holdings Group Co. on Oct. 4
helped trigger a selloff in doz-
ens of dollar-denominated

Brookfield Unit Hires Former Insurance Regulator property bonds. That put fur-
ther pressure on a market al-
ready rattled by Evergrande
missing interest payments in
BY LESLIE SCISM ing $5 billion deal to acquire Many of the insurance-in- The new owners’ insurers total late September. Modern Land
Texas insurance conglomerate dustry newcomers think their more than $732 billion of as- (China) Co. on Tuesday said it
Brookfield Asset Manage- American National Group Inc. expertise with less-common sets as of June 30, Best said. had failed to repay a maturing
ment Inc.’s insurance arm has Those deals are adding about investments, such as privately Brookfield Asset Manage- $250 million bond.
hired a prominent former reg- $40 billion of assets to Rein- placed corporate debt and as- ment’s big real-estate, infra- On Tuesday, Chinese author-
ulator to help the firm grow surance Partners. set-backed securities, will give structure and renewable- ities met with corporate bor-
its U.S. life-insurance business “We are serious about them an edge over more cau- power arms—it manages more rowers from key industries and
through acquisitions and other building a very long-term tious insurers. than $600 billion in assets al- told them they would allow
transactions. business, about having a State insurance depart- together—help the insurance reasonable requests to raise
Michael McRaith has taken strong reputation in the mar- ments must approve all deals arm source debt investments new international debt or to
the post of vice chairman of ketplace and being very trans- to weed out inexperienced that are ideal for life insurers transfer money offshore to re-

Brookfield Asset Manage- parent and collaborative with buyers who wouldn’t be able to hold on their books, be- pay creditors.
ment Reinsurance Partners regulators,” Reinsurance Part- to weather tough times. Over cause they are generally long- The world bond markets are
Ltd., the firm said. He previ- ners Chief Executive Sachin the past decade, they have fre- term in nature and yield more still open to Chinese borrowers
ously served as the first direc- Shah said in an interview quently ordered extra con- than plain-vanilla corporate with stronger credit ratings.
tor of the U.S. Treasury De- about Mr. McRaith’s role at sumer protections in approv- bonds.
partment’s Federal Insurance the Bermuda-based insurance ing transactions with the The Federal Insurance Of-
Office following more than six
years as Illinois’s top insur-
ance regulator. Mr. McRaith
More asset-management,
private-equity and other in-
newcomers, such as requiring
the buyers to hold higher lev-
els of capital than customary.
fice was created under the
2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protec-
most recently had been a man-
aging director at Blackstone
vestment firms are acquiring
U.S. life and annuity insurers—
Mr. McRaith said in an in-
terview that he would be in-
Michael McRaith tion Act after the global finan-
cial crisis. The law broadened
Again Averts
Group Inc., where he worked
in its insurance business.
or buying stakes in them. Ul-
tralow interest rates are driv-
volved in all aspects of Rein-
surance Partners’ growth in
$200 billion business for Rein-
surance Partners. Mr. Shah
the federal government’s role
in insurance regulation, Defaulting
On Bonds
The Canadian investment ing the action. the U.S. and internationally, said the goal is achievable in though the industry remains
giant Brookfield spun out Re- Conventional life insurers, “in terms of identifying oppor- five years. primarily state regulated.
insurance Partners in June. which primarily invest policy- tunities, executing on them, So far, more than two Mr. McRaith handled both
Since last year, Brookfield has holders’ premiums in plain-va- and working to exceed regula- dozen investment firms own national and global insurance BY ELAINE YU
taken a stake in one annuities- nilla bonds, are retreating tory expectations.” or control 51 U.S. life-insur- matters as director of the of- AND FRANCES YOON
specialty life insurer, Ameri- from products most hurt by Brookfield has told inves- ance companies out of just fice. He was a lawyer in pri-
can Equity Investment Life low rates, including many tors that insurance could over 400, according to data vate practice in Chicago before China Evergrande Group
Holding Co., and has a pend- types of annuities. eventually be a $100 billion to from rating firm A.M. Best Co. working in government. avoided default for a second
time by making an overdue in-
terest payment on dollar

Chinese Online Brokers’ Shares Drop After Criticism bonds shortly before the end
of a 30-day grace period, peo-
ple familiar with the matter
BY ANNIEK BAO Share-price performance, year to date $58.47, while Up Fintech tum- rate post on the company’s Fu- Evergrande, one of China’s
bled 17% to $7.34. Stocks in tubull app. largest real-estate developers,
A senior official at China’s both companies have swung Mr. Li, a former Tencent made a coupon payment that
central bank said cross-border wildly this year. employee who is also known was originally due on Sept. 29,
online brokerages operating in China operates capital con- as Leaf Li, said Futu had a the people said. Evergrande
mainland China were acting il- 250 trols but Chinese nationals are good record with the Hong was on the hook to pay about
legally, knocking shares in able to open bank accounts in Kong securities regulator, and $45 million of interest on $951
U.S.-listed Futu Holdings Ltd. 200 Hong Kong, and can move up had sufficient capital. million of bonds, which have a
and Up Fintech Holding Ltd. to $50,000 a year offshore. He said clients’ assets and 9.5% coupon and mature in
The criticism heaps new 150 Futu makes use of this setup personal information would al- 2024, according to Credit-
pressure on the two securities Futu by directing prospective cli- ways be effectively supervised Sights research.
firms after they were called 100 ents in mainland China to and protected, and touted the Last week, Evergrande un-
out earlier this month by Chi- open trading accounts in Hong city’s “risk-based” approach to expectedly made an $83.5 mil-
nese state media, which said 50 Kong. financial regulation. “Leave lion payment on another set of
the firms would face chal- Futu has told investors it the rest to time,” his post was dollar bonds.
lenges due to the country’s doesn’t believe it operates a titled. By making these last-min-
tough new data-privacy laws. Up Fintech securities-brokerage business “The top priority of our ute payments, Evergrande is
Chinese regulators have onshore, and doesn’t hold any firm is compliance and adher- buying time to organize its fi-
cracked down on various busi- J F M A M J J A S O permit to do so, but has ence to laws and regulations,” nances and negotiate with
ness sectors this year, includ- Source: FactSet warned of uncertainty in how Up Fintech said in a state- creditors. If it had let either
ing property development, af- Chinese law is implemented ment. “We actively maintain grace period run out, that
ter-school tutoring and parts of the People’s Bank of China, numerous media outlets on and interpreted. communication with regula- would likely have spiraled into
of the technology industry. told a forum in Shanghai that Thursday, after a transcript In a statement Thursday, tory authorities to satisfy the biggest corporate default
Futu, which is backed by offering securities-brokerage was released by organizers a the company said more than their requests and meet the in Asia, by enabling creditors
Tencent Holdings Ltd., and services to mainland Chinese day earlier. 80% of new clients came from obligations enumerated to our to declare defaults on some of
Up Fintech, which is known in investors without obtaining The central banker didn’t outside mainland China and firm.” Evergrande’s other debts.
Asia as Tiger Brokers, have the required licenses was “ille- name the two companies but that it had obtained licenses in Separately, China’s state- Evergrande is China’s most
thrived partly by enabling cus- gal financial activity.” identified them by referring to many countries and regions. owned Securities Times re- indebted developer, with the
tomers in mainland China to “Finance licenses have na- recent drops in their share Futu holds a series of li- ported on Oct. 15 that China’s equivalent of more than $300
buy and sell U.S. and Hong tional boundaries,” Mr. Sun prices. censes from its main regulator, securities regulator is working billion in total liabilities as of
Kong-listed stocks. said. Shares in Futu and Up Fin- the Hong Kong Securities and on tighter regulation of on- the end of June, including $89
Sun Tianqi, the head of the His speech was delivered on tech fell sharply on Thursday. Futures Commission, company shore securities-brokerage billion in interest-bearing
financial stability department Sunday and was picked up by Futu closed 13% lower at founder Li Hua said in a sepa- businesses. debt.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * ** * * Friday, October 29, 2021 | B11


Strong Earnings Power S&P to Record


Forecast-beating results 12 Share-price and index

have helped ease investors’ performance Thursday
worries that supply-chain diffi-
culties would dent profits,
sending stocks higher through-
Ford Motor
out October. 8
THURSDAY’S With nearly
MARKETS half of S&P 500
companies hav- 6
ing posted results this report-
ing season, about 82% of those
have beat analysts’ expecta- 4
tions for earnings, according to
2 Carlyle Group
Here are the results of Thursday's Treasury auctions. S&P 500
All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference 0
between that price and the face value.
10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4

Applications $87,890,426,800 Source: FactSet
Accepted bids $26,594,278,800
" noncompetitively $191,395,800
" foreign noncompetitively $100,000,000 FactSet data from Thursday ing its Tuesday record.
Auction price (rate) 99.985222
morning. Stocks rose broadly, with all
Coupon equivalent 0.096% “Earnings growth has been 11 sectors of the S&P 500 end-
Bids at clearing yield accepted 62.76%
Cusip number 912796P86
very strong,” said Kiran Ga- ing the day higher. Caterpillar shares rose 4.1% after the company reported better-than-expected earnings.
The bills, dated Nov. 2, 2021, mature on Dec. 28, 2021. nesh, multiasset strategist at Shares of Ford Motor
UBS Global Wealth Manage- jumped $1.35, or 8.7%, to earnings. slipped 3% after the energy early November.
Applications $210,277,022,600 ment, adding that investors had $16.86. The car maker late Twilio, the acquisitive com- company said it would halve The instruction eased fears
Accepted bids $63,830,397,600 also taken comfort from slow Wednesday restored its divi- munications software firm, slid emissions by 2030. The stock among traders that Europe will
" noncompetitively $710,391,100
" foreign noncompetitively $0 progress in Washington toward dend and raised guidance for $60.73, or 18%, to $284.93 after jumped Wednesday when The run short of gas this winter.
Auction price (rate) 99.995722 legislation that would raise profit in 2021. projecting a wider loss for the Wall Street Journal reported Japan’s Nikkei 225 fell 1% af-
Coupon equivalent 0.056% taxes on companies and Caterpillar shares added fourth quarter than analysts that Daniel Loeb‘s Third Point ter the Bank of Japan main-
Bids at clearing yield accepted 38.82% wealthy individuals. $7.96, or 4.1%, to $204.09 after had expected. had taken a big stake in Shell tained its target for short-term
Cusip number 912796N88
The S&P 500 rose 44.74 the manufacturer reported bet- Overseas, markets were and urged the company to interest rates at minus 0.1% and
The bills, dated Nov. 2, 2021, mature on Nov. 30, 2021.
points, or 1%, to 4596.42, post- ter-than-expected earnings, as mixed. The Stoxx Europe 600 break up. its target for 10-year govern-
ing its 58th record of the year. well as a jump in sales of con- edged up 0.2%, as gains for The WSJ Dollar Index fell ment bond yields at around
Applications $145,517,544,400
Accepted bids $68,303,284,400 The Nasdaq Composite gained struction machinery and min- food-and-drink stocks offset 0.4%. zero.
" noncompetitively $19,187,900 212.28 points, or 1.4%, to ing and energy-related equip- losses for auto makers. In energy markets, bench- Early Friday, the Nikkei was
" foreign noncompetitively $0
Auction price (rate) 99.429922 15448.12 and posted its first ment. Anheuser-Busch InBev, the mark European gas futures down 0.1%, Hong Kong’s Hang
(1.461%) closing high since September. Shares of Carlyle Group world’s largest brewer, re- slipped after Russian President Seng was down 0.2% and the
Interest rate 1.375%
Bids at clearing yield accepted 49.74% The Dow Jones Industrial rose $1.20, or 2.2%, to $56.32 ported a rise in revenue and Vladimir Putin told state en- Shanghai Composite was up
Cusip number 91282CDF5 Average added 239.79 points, or after the private-equity firm re- profit, boosting shares by 10%. ergy company Gazprom to fill 0.1%. U.S/ stock futures were
The notes, dated Nov. 1, 2021, mature on Oct. 31, 2028. 0.7%, to 35730.48, barely miss- ported a jump in third-quarter Royal Dutch Shell shares its storage sites in Europe from down 0.3%.

Tougher Rules Target Crypto Crime Italy’s Agnelli Family


Cryptocurrency firms could

Near Reinsurer Deal
be forced to take further steps BY ERIC SYLVERS Mr. Elkann continued to in-
to combat money laundering sist on the $9 billion sale price
under guidelines released MILAN—Exor NV said on for PartnerRe, something he
Thursday by the Financial Ac- Thursday it signed a memo- eventually got. Exor bought
tion Task Force, an interna- randum of understanding to PartnerRe in 2015 for $6.9 bil-
tional body that coordinates sell reinsurance company lion, the largest acquisition in
policy on illicit finance. PartnerRe Ltd. to French in- the holding company’s diversi-
The task force called on surer Covéa Coopérations for fication away from its reliance
governments to broaden over- $9 billion, generating a large on the automobile industry.
sight of crypto firms and force cash gain that the Agnelli fam- With its stakes in Stellantis
more of them to take mea- ily holding company can direct and Ferrari, Exor remains
sures such as checking the toward new investments. heavily dependent on the va-

identities of their customers Exor, which owns large garies of the auto sector, but it
and reporting suspicious stakes in car makers Stellantis has recently invested in the
transactions to regulators. NV and Ferrari NV, and Covéa fashion industry.
The FATF’s guidelines don’t reached a similar deal in The Agnelli family owns
have the force of law and March 2020, but that fell 53% of Exor through a holding
would need to be implemented apart in the wake of the eco- company controlled by more
by national regulators in each nomic distress and uncertainty than 100 descendants of Mr.
country. Still, the Paris-based created by the Covid-19 pan- Elkann’s great-great-grandfa-
group is influential in setting The task force wants platforms to check customer identities and report suspicious transactions. demic. At the time, Exor ther who co-founded Fiat at
standards for government pol- Chairman John Elkann refused the end of the 19th century.
icies against money laundering DeFi has grown rapidly with control or sufficient in- For instance, the final to budge when Covéa argued Exor and Covéa are aiming
and financing of terrorism, since last year, with more than fluence,” the task force wrote. guidelines make it clearer that for a discount on the $9 bil- to have a definitive agreement
and its guidelines could shape $100 billion of assets posted In other parts of the guide- programmers who simply lion price tag because of the signed by the end of the year
new crypto regulations around as collateral in various DeFi lines, the FATF said companies write code for crypto proj- pandemic. and for the transaction to
the world. More than three projects, according to data behind stablecoins should be ects—but don’t operate them The two sides avoided legal close by the middle of next
dozen countries are FATF provider DeBank. required to comply with anti- as a business—shouldn’t be wrangling after the deal fell year. The deal is subject to
members, including the U.S., The guidelines take aim at money-laundering rules. Sta- covered by regulation. apart and instead agreed to consultation with Covéa’s
China and much of Europe. DeFi projects such as decen- blecoins, like tether, are digital In the U.S., crypto ex- cooperate in several areas in worker councils.
Representatives of the tralized exchanges, in which coins that seek to track the changes such as Coinbase the insurance market. That co- PartnerRe’s preferred
crypto industry criticized the crypto traders can swap assets value of a traditional currency Global Inc. and Kraken already operation will continue if a fi- shares listed on the New York
guidelines, saying they would with each other, typically like the dollar. comply with rules against nal deal is reached, though Stock Exchange won’t be in-
undermine privacy, stifle inno- anonymously. The task force The task force also beefed money laundering by verifying with Covéa now as the owner cluded if a final deal is
vation or simply not work in said the people or companies up a rule that requires VASPs customer identities and re- of PartnerRe. reached.
the context of blockchain and that own or operate such de- to track and share information porting suspicious transac- “The cooperation agree-
digital-asset technology. centralized platforms could be about customers making vir- tions to the Financial Crimes ment signed in the summer of
“It would be inappropriate considered virtual asset ser- tual-currency transfers—for Enforcement Network, a unit 2020 with Covéa has been
for anything like these non- vice providers, or VASPs, a instance, if a trader moves bit- of the Treasury Department. positive in many ways and has
specific and confusing stan- designation that would force coin from one crypto exchange But some countries have contributed to a strong level
dards to replace the current them to check users’ identities to another. looser regulatory regimes and of mutual trust between our
law and regulations we have and take other measures The enhanced version of are home to crypto firms that companies,” Mr. Elkann said.
on the books here in the U.S.,” against money laundering. the rule states more explicitly don’t police rigorously for il- In recent years, Mr. Elkann
Peter Van Valkenburgh, re- DeFi developers say their that firms must check that licit activity. has earned a reputation as a
search director at crypto ad- software runs autonomously neither the sender nor the re- The FATF could potentially deal maker and tough negotia-
vocacy group Coin Center, on the Internet, governed by cipient of the fund transfer are crack down on such countries tor. When an agreement to
wrote in a blog post Thursday. decentralized communities of subject to sanctions. by adding them to its list of merge Fiat Chrysler Automo-
Among the targets of the users, and thus shouldn’t be Digital-currency advocates jurisdictions with deficient biles, which was controlled by
FATF’s guidelines is decentral- the subject of regulation, voiced alarm at a draft set of protections against money Exor, with Renault SA fell
ized finance, or DeFi. DeFi is which typically focuses on fi- guidelines that the FATF re- laundering and terrorism fi- apart in 2019, he played a key

an umbrella term for various nancial intermediaries. The leased in March and urged the nancing. role in finding a new partner
efforts to implement tradi- FATF cast doubt on such group to make changes. Being added to the FATF’s for the Italian-American car
tional financial activities— claims in its guidelines. “It The nascent industry’s lob- gray list can harm a country maker. Fiat Chrysler later
such as lending or trading— seems quite common for DeFi bying effort paid off with by leading to decreased for- merged with PSA Group to
using software rather than a arrangements to call them- some small victories, accord- eign investment and making create Stellantis, the third-
central intermediary to over- selves decentralized when ing to Mr. Van Valkenburgh of banks reluctant to do business largest car maker in the world
see transactions. they actually include a person Coin Center. there. by sales. Stellantis Chairman John Elkann.

Robinhood currency that started as a joke,
surged this spring and then
fizzled out.
brokerage accounts rise sharply
earlier this year and then grow
at a slower pace in the third
money from other sources, in-
cluding lending out customer
securities and from its Robin-
lows users access to initial
public offerings before a com-
pany’s shares start publicly

65 Robinhood’s Though Robinhood hasn’t quarter. hood Gold program, for which trading.
share price disclosed specific dogecoin fig- Unlike Schwab and other big customers can pay for ad- Robinhood also highlighted
ures for the third quarter, the brokerages, Robinhood re- vanced trading tools. that it is looking to roll out re-

company said Tuesday it ceives the bulk of its revenue Executives at Robinhood tirement accounts that have
brought in $51 million in reve- from payment for order flow, a emphasized that the company tax advantages.
55 nue during the period from widespread practice in which is working to diversify product Meanwhile, about a quarter
customer trading of all seven online brokerages send cus- selection and focus on safety. of the company’s funded ac-
Continued from page B1 of the cryptocurrencies avail- tomers’ orders to high-speed Asked on a call with report- counts use its cash-manage-
50 said, growth in metrics rang- able on its platform. trading firms. ers Tuesday if the company ment feature that allows cus-
Thursday ing from revenue to active us- The company hasn’t added The practice has faced in- would add more cryptocurren- tomers to earn interest on
$35.47 ers was strong. Shiba Inu, the latest meme creased scrutiny this year, in- cies, such as Shiba Inu, to the their uninvested cash.
45 Financial markets, however, cryptocurrency, to its platform, cluding from Securities and platform, Mr. Warnick said the Many analysts and market
are different from a year ago, missing out on demand for the Exchange Commission Chair- company was “being cautious observers believe that, to com-
with 2021 bringing the arrival digital asset from individual man Gary Gensler. about adding new coins.” pete with entrenched broker-
40 of meme stocks, large inflows traders. In the third quarter, this More than one million cus- ages in the industry, it will be
into speculative cryptocurren- Robinhood is in no way the transaction-based revenue ac- tomers are on its wait list for crucial for Robinhood to ex-
IPO: $38 cies and a U.S. stock market only company to see growth counted for 73% of Robin- cryptocurrency wallets, which pand financial services and of-
that seemed only to go up. align with the retail-trading hood’s total revenue. will allow users to move digital ferings.
First trading day’s close: $34.82
In the second quarter, for mania that has gripped mar- Of that, Robinhood earned asset holdings in and out of “Robinhood has proven the
30 example, Robinhood said it kets since the start of the the most from options trans- the app, Robinhood said Tues- naysayers wrong numerous
brought in $144 million in rev- Covid-19 pandemic. actions, followed by crypto and day. times,” said Devin Ryan, direc-
Aug. 2021 Sept. Oct.
enue alone from customers Its larger rival, Charles then stocks. The company also continues tor of financial technology re-
Source: FactSet trading in dogecoin, a crypto- Schwab Corp., also saw new Robinhood also makes to expand its program that al- search at JMP Securities.

B12 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Google’s New Phone

Needs Old Thinking
Google’s new chips aren’t going on the Android phones they sell.
to sell its phones. Its new friends Cliff Maldonado of BayStreet Re-
just might. search says those deals should re-
The internet giant owned by Al- sult in Google doing “much more
phabet has high hopes for its new volume” at two carriers where the
Pixel 6 smartphones, which hit handset has been historically
stores on Thursday. The handsets weak. Both AT&T and T-Mobile

are running on new custom chips have put strong promotional

Google designed in-house, which is programs in place for the new
a first for the Pixel lineup that has Pixel phones.
normally used Qualcomm’s Snap- To be clear, even a wildly suc-
dragon processor. Google says its cessful phone will have a limited fi-
new Tensor processors will vastly nancial impact. Selling seven mil-
improve key features such as lion units of just the most
image processing and voice expensive Pixel 6 Pro would gener-
recognition. ate about $6.3 billion—less than 3%
Google appears to be putting its of Google’s total projected revenue
Third Point’s plan involves separating out Shell’s gas, marketing—think service stations—and its renewable assets. money where its mouth is. Nikkei for this year. But higher market
Asia reported earlier this month share would give the company a

Splitting Shell Won’t Help

that the company has ordered an more effective showcase for its An-
initial production run of about droid mobile operating system,
seven million units of the new much the same way Microsoft’s
Pixel 6 handsets—double the num- Surface devices serve its broader
ber of phones Google sold all Windows ecosystem while also
of last year. commanding only a midsingle-digit
Third Point‘s plan to break it up wouldn’t address value, clean-energy challenge Selling seven million phones
would still give Google only about
share of the laptop market, accord-
ing to estimates from Gartner.
a 1% share of the 1.3 billion smart- And Android could use some
Third Point is right that Royal Shell’s gas, marketing—think ser- well-known oil and gas business to phones sold globally each year. more glitz. The mobile operating
Dutch Shell is undervalued, but vice stations—and its relatively an unknown one. The transition to Low market share has been system has slowly ceded ground to
splitting up the company isn’t a few renewable assets. But the pop clean energy will take a long and Google’s problem ever since Apple’s iOS platform, thanks in
great solution. there might be muted as the uncertain path as fossil fuels are launching its first Pixel in 2016. part to the heavy sanctions that
The activist investor launched a clean-energy credentials of gas are deeply embedded in our economy; The devices regularly chalk up have crippled Chinese phone
campaign to break up the Euro- already under pressure in Europe, the pandemic lockdowns of 2020 strong reviews, with many consid- giant Huawei. Android currently
pean energy giant into lower-car- and service stations aren’t partic- only cut oil demand by 20%. How- ering them the best Android powers about 72% of the world’s
bon and legacy businesses on ularly green. ever, things will get clearer as we phones available. But they don’t smartphones compared with 77%
Wednesday. It believes a split Decent valuations for smaller go along, potentially narrowing the sell—at least not in volume signifi- two years ago, according to Stat-
would add value by creating sim- fossil-fuel players in the U.S. hint discount. Here is where Shell’s cant enough to matter. IDC esti- counter. A better selling Pixel
pler investment propositions and that a separate legacy business “better together” argument can mates that Google’s share of the would help Google chip away at
more focused businesses. Shell re- could have some upside too. Shell’s be compelling. global market remains below 0.4%. that trend.
jected the plan when it reported third quarter demonstrated what a As one, the company has the Can Pixel 6 change that? De- —Dan Gallagher
third-quarter results on Thursday, cash machine its oil and gas busi- heft to influence consumers, shape spite all the marketing that smart-
arguing that its businesses can do ness remains: The company re- policy and nudge markets, helping phone makers put behind the tech-
more together, even if a breakup ported a gargantuan $16 billion in to make a low-carbon economy nical prowess of their devices,
might provide a short-term pop. It quarterly cash flow from opera- seem possible and credible. Legacy consumers by and large make their
is a classic but fair defense. tions. But a focused fossil-fuel op- businesses provide the cash to decisions mostly on old-fashioned
Shell trades at a significantly eration in European markets is un- build greener ones, and together considerations such as price and
lower valuation than U.S. peers likely to get the U.S. treatment. they offer customers the full range network availability. A recent sur-
Exxon and Chevron, despite having Part of Shell’s discount might of energy sources during the tran- vey by Morgan Stanley found only
more advanced plans to cope with just be because it is European. BP sition. As one, Shell can also re- 4% of respondents ranked “innova-
the global push to decarbonize and TotalEnergies also trail U.S. purpose old experience and assets: tive technology” as their prime


economies. Its complex business is peers in terms of valuation, as do Upstream skills and depleted oil reason to buy.
tricky to sell to investors. Combin- European banks and auto makers. reservoirs can be used to store But better distribution could
ing clean energy and oil isn’t popu- The price to book value of the S&P carbon dioxide; refineries can be make a big difference. This has
lar when the two camps have been 500 index is more than double converted to biofuels; and service long been a weak point for
at odds for decades and pressure is that of the Stoxx Europe 600. U.S. stations can recharge EVs along- Google’s phones in the U.S., where
growing to divest all fossil-fuel companies likely get some advan- side serving up fuel and food. approximately 70% of handset
companies, regardless of their tage from being the home team in Shell’s charted course is filled sales takes place through retail
clean-energy actions or ambitions. the world’s deepest capital mar- with uncertainties, but so, too, is a channels controlled by the major
A spinoff could insulate Shell’s kets. Breaking up Shell won’t spinoff. There aren’t quick fixes to wireless carriers. Google has long
lower-carbon operations from this change that. the energy transition facing oil- had a strong relationship with Ve-
divestment pressure, but drawing The discount could also reflect and-gas companies—nor to rizon, and earlier this year it
the line is awkward. Third Point’s Shell’s riskier profile as it takes Shell’s discount. struck deals with AT&T and T-Mo-
plan involves separating out the lead on a shift away from the —Rochelle Toplensky bile to use Google’s messaging app Google’s Pixel 6 smartphone

Can’t Buy a PS5? Buy Sony Stock Instead

One of the toughest tasks ahead to beat analysts’ expectations, ac- one of the largest television net-
of the holiday season this year is cording to S&P Global Market In- works in India. In its three-year
buying a PlayStation 5 for your telligence. plan announced in May, Sony plans
children. While Sony should be More interesting to investors is to spend 2 trillion yen, the equiva-
happy about strong demand, the that Sony’s content strategy is lent of $17.6 billion, on strategic
chip shortage also means it won’t starting to come together. Sony investments. Intellectual proper-
be able to sell as many as it would owns one of the top three record ties and direct-to-customer ser-
like. labels, but has suffered for years vices are some of its priorities. Its
This could hit revenue in the as people ditched CDs and listened game content could also create
short term, but the Japanese con- to music online free of charge. Mu- synergies with its movie business.
glomerate’s long-term strategy to sic-streaming services such as The “Uncharted” starring Tom
remake itself as a diversified en- Spotify seem to have changed Holland, based on a popular Sony
tertainment giant remains intact. that. Sony’s revenue from music game franchise, is coming to the-

Sony said Thursday that it sold streaming last quarter grew more aters next year.
3.3 million PS5 consoles in the than 40% year over year. Its rivals Sony’s share price has gained
quarter ended in September, Universal Music and Warner Mu- 25% this year to reach its highest
bringing the total since its launch sic both went public in the past level since the dot-com boom. But
in November to 13.4 million. That couple of years with strong sup- the company has a more solid base
is roughly the same pace of sales port from the market. this time with its broad entertain-
as its predecessor at the same The game division accounts for around a quarter of Sony’s overall revenue. Sony is also trying to build up ment offerings from games to mu-
stage, but Sony probably could its content offerings through ac- sic.
have sold many more if not for the over-year increase in revenue last segment accounts for around a quisitions. It has just completed its The chip shortage is a tempo-
shortage in components. That quarter for Sony’s game division, quarter of Sony’s overall revenue purchase of animation streaming rary problem. Long term, Sony’s
shortage will likely last until next though operating profit there and operating profit. service Crunchyroll. Its Indian burgeoning entertainment empire
year. dropped 22% because the hard- Overall operating profit grew 1% movie unit proposed last month to could be music to investors’ ears.
PS5 sales led to a 27% year- ware is sold at a slim margin. The from last year, but still managed merge with Zee Entertainment, —Jacky Wong

Volkswagen Faces an Even Bumpier Road to EVs Than Detroit

Volkswagen has a way of making stitutional investors fell more than turing. Mr. Diess has won plaudits Volkswagen’s operating profit/loss in 2021, by unit, in billions of euros
investors feel every jolt on its path 4% in European trading. The Ameri- for his big investments in EVs, but
to electric vehicles. can depository receipts, ticker sym- the more awkward flip side of this Audi
The German automotive giant re- bol VWAGY, that are more widely coin is the need to shrink old en-
ported third-quarter profit Thurs- traded in the U.S. and track VW’s gine-related infrastructure. Reduc-
day that included losses for what it ordinary shares, also plunged at the ing head count is far more difficult Financial services
calls its “volume” brands, notably open but later made up the losses. for the German company than its
the VW badge itself. Like General The relative profitability of the peers because of a government eq- VW
Motors, it was more affected by group’s various brands last quarter uity stake and voting rights. Skir- China*
chip shortages during the latest should be taken with a grain of salt. mishes between Mr. Diess and VW’s
quarter than in the first half, but Like other car makers, the company new union boss, Daniela Cavallo, Skoda
unlike GM and other big peers, it has been giving the limited micro- were a noisy feature of the German First half
doesn’t have high enough margins chips it can get to higher-margin press this week. Third quarter
or flexible enough costs to cope well products. The fact that all its vol- Sentiment toward VW’s chances Bentley
with a drop-off in car production. ume brands were badly hit, includ- of dominating EVs in the way it
The numbers were better includ- ing the formerly healthy Czech sub- does combustion engines has ebbed Commercial vehicles
ing more-profitable premium brands sidiary Skoda, suggests that and flowed in recent years. Hopes Power engineering
such as Audi and Porsche, and par- semiconductor allocations may have seem to be muted right now, which
ticularly the financing business, played a big role. suggests it might be a good time to SEAT
which like its U.S. peers has bene- Chief Executive Herbert Diess buy in. Investors just need to re- MAN
fited massively from skyrocketing also has an incentive to exaggerate member that the company faces
used-car valuations. But the weak- the poor performance of the core even more obstacles to success than –€0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 €3.0
ness of the core automotive busi- VW brand, which is a stronghold for the likes of GM and Ford. It won’t
*Proportionate share of JV operating income
ness still disappointed investors. the company’s powerful labor union, be a smooth ride. Note: Excludes intercompany eliminations. €1=$1.16
The preferred shares favored by in- to strengthen his case for restruc- —Stephen Wilmot Source: the company

Play Time $60 Million
A Connecticut A 6,000-square-
lighthouse is now foot house lists
a place for in East Hampton.
sleepovers. M7 M3


Living With the Dead

A Londoner buys and renovates a cemetery caretaker’s cottage for his family home.
His new neighbors are the dearly departed in the Fulham Cemetery.


ustin Maxwell Stuart was once in the

habit of taking his dog for daily walks
around Fulham Cemetery, a Victorian
burial ground close to his West London


home. In 2015, he noticed a For Sale sign
had gone up outside the cemetery’s tum-
bledown, neo-Gothic-style, three-bedroom lodge
house, originally built to house cemetery staff. In-
trigued, he decided to contact the estate agent.
That decision was the first step in an epic three-
year, $3.3 million building project. The lodge has
been renovated, extended and transformed into a
contemporary house with an open-plan living space,
a basement swimming pool complete with waterfall,
and a primary suite that occupies the entire second
“My ancestral home is an old Scottish house


Cost to Buy Cost of Renovation Estimated Current Value

which had character,” said Mr. Maxwell Stuart, refer-

ring to Traquair House, in the county of Peebles-
shire, a former royal hunting lodge that is almost
1,000 years old. Although it is owned by a different
branch of his family, he says he spent much time
there. “I was living in a typical London townhouse,
which was probably worth as much as a Scottish cas-
tle, but didn’t have much character. I also loved the
idea of doing a real grand design project.”
The timing was good. Mr. Maxwell Stuart was in
Justin and Hideko Maxwell Stuart and their dog, Lightning, moved into their newly renovated home during Christmas 2020 after a the process of getting divorced and needed a new
three-year renovation of the former caretaker’s cottage. The living room, above, leads out to the backyard. Please turn to page M6

Home Buyers Raise a Glass

To Michigan’s Wine Country
Winemakers are setting up shop on Leelanau and Old Mission peninsulas,
creating a growing market for high-end real estate, with or without vines
BY J.S. MARCUS the couple’s
new venture,
IT IS THE END of October, and Three Trees

Michigan vineyard owner Phillip Vineyard, on

M. Cifuentes is counting the days. the Leelanau
Bonnie and He is holding out for the right Peninsula in
Allen Modroo, moment to pick his Cabernet Lower Michi-
right, share Franc and Merlot grapes, key com- gan’s north-
wine on a ponents in fine Bordeaux red west corner.
terrace of their blends, letting the fruit mature The couple just
four-bedroom until the beginning of November. purchased the
house that has “Our reds are going to go as long 41-acre vine-
views of Grand as possible,” he says. yard in Febru-
Traverse Bay, Mr. Cifuentes, 47, a Detroit-area ary, splitting
above. Far automotive executive on leave from the $750,000
right, the the industry, and his wife, Lyle purchase price
couple had help Cifuentes, 46, a journalist, live in a For now, they are making do with with business partner Scott
this month Detroit suburb but are weighing local rentals and overnights in an Muschong. They expect their first
harvesting the plans to relocate to the grounds of RV. “Vineyard and winery come effort to hit the market in 2023.
Chardonnay their vineyard, pricing a potential first,” Mr. Cifuentes says. Elsewhere in Leelanau, Allen
grapes. new build in the $600,000 range. This will be the first harvest for Please turn to page M12

M2 | Friday, October 29, 2021 NY / NE THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Former Victoria’s Secret CEO

Lists New York City Penthouse

She said she made small

changes to the penthouse
over the years, including
adding cashmere wall cov-
erings in the media room to
give it a homey feel. The
apartment already had an
office, she said, which came
in handy when Covid hit.
“Boy, we didn’t realize how
desperately we’d need home
offices,” she said. After
spending the first few
months of the pandemic in
New York, the Turneys have
mostly stayed in their Ohio
home since mid-2020.
Recently, the Turneys de-
cided to consolidate their
real estate. They sold their
The Turneys bought the condo
house in Ohio and bought a
for $16 million in 2014.
roughly 4-acre property in
Dallas, where their adult
Sharen Jester Turney, a New York and Ohio, where bedroom suite. The eat-in son lives and where the
former president and CEO Victoria’s Secret is based. kitchen has three sinks, and couple lived for 12 years
of Victoria’s Secret, and her After Mrs. Turney left the the upper cabinets are elec- when Mrs. Turney worked
husband, Charles Turney, lingerie maker in 2016, she tronically operated. at Neiman Marcus. “We
are listing their New York founded an advisory busi- Mrs. Turney said she was said, ‘You know what? Let’s
City penthouse for ness and the New drawn to the unit’s 12-foot go back,’ ” she said.
$18.5 million. FOR SALE York City apart- ceilings and views. She said New York City’s housing

Located on Park ment continued to the home’s expansive walls market is rebounding, with
Avenue South in be a hub for family became a canvas for the more than 4,500 Manhattan
the Flatiron dis- gatherings, board couple’s art collection, in- condo and co-op sales from
trict, the condo is MILLION meetings and fund- cluding pieces by George July to September, the most
roughly 4,000 3 bedrooms, raising events, she Condo and Roy Lichten- in that time period in more
square feet with 4,000 sq. ft., said. stein. The floor-to-ceiling than 30 years, according to
three bedrooms, skyline views, Accessible via a windows have tinted glass a report from appraisal and
floor-to-ceiling cashmere wall keyed elevator, the treated for UV protection consulting firm Miller Sam-
windows and intri- coverings apartment has and designed to maximize uel. Luxury sales more than
cate plaster mold- large entertaining privacy. “From the street, if tripled during the third-
ings on the ceiling, said rooms, a butler’s pantry you look up you can’t see quarter, compared with the
listing agent Michael and a separate entrance straight into the apart- prior year period.
Graves of Compass. The that leads to the primary ment,” Mrs. Turney said. —E.B. Solomont
unit also has views of the
Empire State Building, the
Chrysler Building and Gra-
Previously $8M... Selling Without Reserve! mercy Park, he said.
Mrs. Turney, 65, grew up
on a farm in Oklahoma. She
350 Acres • Premier Equine Amenities
was chief executive of Vic-
toria’s Secret from 2006 to
2016, and previously spent
roughly a decade at Neiman
Marcus, where she was CEO
of Neiman Marcus Direct,
the retailer’s print catalog
and online business.
The Turneys bought the
Manhattan condo for $16
Previously $38M... Selling At or Above $3.25M! million in an off-market
deal in 2014, records show.
The seller was real-estate

32 Acres • 2,700 ft of River Frontage

developer Adam Rose, who
retired as vice chairman of
800.262.5132 Rose Associates in 2020. At the time, Mrs. Turney
said the couple was split-
Refer to for relevant disclaimers and brokerage information for these luxury auction® properties. ting their time between

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | M3



An Art-Filled Hamptons Home
For nearly 30 years, art and an- became pre-eminent dealers of “We made the view the most im-
tique dealers Barbara and Lloyd French art nouveau furniture, Tif- portant thing,” said Mrs. Mack-
Macklowe filled their East Hamp- fany lamps and antique and estate lowe.
ton home with rare furniture, jewelry. Ultimately, they turned An avid gardener, Mrs. Mack-
sculptures and paintings. the business over to their son and lowe designed the garden herself,
Located on a spit of land be- retired from gallery life. Mr. planting Japanese maple, Yoshino
tween Georgica Pond and the At- Macklowe is the brother of real- cherry and apple trees. There are
lantic Ocean, the roughly 6,100- estate developer Harry Macklowe, also beds of roses and 10 types of
square-foot house has bedroom who owns a house across the hydrangeas, as well as purple
furniture de- street in East Hampton, records irises, peonies and juniper shrubs.
signed by Eu- FOR SALE show. “The gardens are very per-

gène Gaillard, Barbara and Lloyd Macklowe sonal,” said Mrs. Macklowe, who
upholstered bought their Hamptons property as a child in Brooklyn kept potted
chairs by Wil- for $3.45 million in 1992, records plants on her fire escape. She
liam Morris MILLION show, and invested four to five later took courses at the New
and a collec- 1.5 acres, times that amount in renovations, York Botanical Garden and
6,100 sq. ft., The Macklowes
tion of Ameri- Mrs. Macklowe estimated. Set on amassed a library of books on
5 bedrooms, paid $3.45 million
cana, from just over 1.5 acres, the circa 1926 gardening and landscaping.
water views in 1992.
weather vanes house was originally part of a In the Hamptons, the market
to toys to ad- larger estate, she said. share of sales above $5 million
vertising signs. Now, the founders For years, the East Hampton during the third quarter was the
of New York’s Macklowe Gallery house was the couple’s country tons house wasn’t in good condi- fireplaces. They also added a sep- highest it has been since 2006,
are listing the waterfront prop- home. Mrs. Macklowe said the de- tion when they bought it, but they arate three-car garage. “We’re in according to appraisal and con-
erty for $60 million. cision to sell it came down to saw its potential. Unlike other the antique business, so we’re sulting firm Miller Samuel, which
The art isn’t included in the time and age. She is 80; Mr. homes in the area, the property used to old things,” Mrs. Mack- said the median sale price for lux-
sale price of the house. Mrs. Macklowe is 87. “We want some- has an expansive lawn between lowe explained. “We saw it as ury homes jumped 21.3% from the
Macklowe said she hopes to buy a thing smaller,” she said. “It’s time the house and the beach, as well something to bring back to life.” prior year.
smaller place in East Hampton, for a change.” as views of both the pond and the She said they added a large en- Mr. Rosko said the market over
but is unsure where their collec- In 2019, they sold their apart- ocean, said listing agent Kyle try foyer with an antique fireplace $50 million has been strong this
tion will go. “We hope that we ment on Fifth Avenue in Manhat- Rosko of Douglas Elliman, who is and views of the water on both fall. A few doors down from the
can bring a lot of our things with tan for $5.35 million, records marketing the property with col- sides. In the living room, they re- Macklowe property, designer Cal-
us,” she said, but “I haven’t gone show. The couple’s primary resi- league Marcy Braun. placed a brick wall with bay win- vin Klein recently sold his estate
there yet.” dence is in Palm Beach, Fla., Keeping the footprint of the dows. Elsewhere, they moved for $85 million, records show.
The Macklowes opened their where they own a waterfront house, the Macklowes renovated walls and enlarged windows to let “The demand is there,” Mr. Rosko
eponymous gallery in New York apartment. the interior, which has five bed- in light. There are doors to the said.
City in 1971, and over the years Mrs. Macklowe said the Hamp- rooms and four wood-burning outside from almost every room. —E.B. Solomont

M4 | Friday, October 29, 2021 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The house cost more

than $20 million to build.


Former Broncos
Coach Sets Record
Former Denver Broncos
coach Mike Shanahan and
his wife, Peggy Shanahan,
have sold their Denver-area
house for $15.725 million.
Located in Cherry Hills
Village, Colo., an affluent
city bordering Denver, the
property is on roughly 4
acres. It was on and off the
market for several years,
first asking $22 million in
2016, according to Zillow.
The sale is the most expen-
sive for a single-family
home in the metro Denver
area, said listing agent
Sandy Weigand of Kent-
wood Real Estate, an affili-
ate of Berkshire Hatha-
way’s HomeServices of
America. She co-listed the poker room, racquetball cos from 1995 to 2008. He
property with colleague court and golf simulator. later coached the team now
Chuck Gargotto. Ms. There is also a guesthouse known as the Washington

Weigand said the buyer is a with two bedrooms and a Football Team.
longtime Colorado resident. 65-foot-long pool, according Like other pandemic-
The Shanahans couldn’t be to a website for the property. fueled markets, Denver’s

CONSTRUCTION EXPERTS reached for comment.

The Shana-
hans bought the SOLD
Ms. Weigand said the
house cost more
than $20 million
housing prices shot up over
the last 18 months due to an
influx of out-of-state buyers,

land for approxi- to build. There said Ms. Weigand. In Cherry

mately $4 mil- are custom de- Hills Village, the median
pleted MILLION
tails, including a
glass atrium with
sales price in September was
$3.7 million, up 38% from
THAN PROJECTS IN THE AREA construction of 30,000 sq. ft., poker imported glass, the same month of last year,
the house in room, wine grotto, intricate ceiling according to the Denver
2008, Ms. bowling alley moldings and tile Metro Association of Real-
Weigand said. flooring im- tors. However, Ms. Weigand
The main residence is ported from Italy in the said there are still not many
roughly 30,000 square feet great room. In the atrium, buyers for properties in the
with six bedrooms, a music there is a bar with a ham- $20 million range.
room and wine grotto. On mered metal countertop. The prior sales record
the home’s lower level, there Mr. Shanahan was head for a single-family home in
is a two-lane bowling alley, coach of the Denver Bron- the metro Denver area was
$13.95 million in 2008, ac-
cording to the local Realtor
The current sales record
for a residential property in
the Denver metro area is a
penthouse at the Four Sea-
sons Private Residences
Denver that sold for $16
million in March 2020, re-
cords show.
—E.B. Solomont

The childhood home of

Lincoln Chafee lists. M10

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY / NE Friday, October 29, 2021 | M4A

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Friday, October 29, 2021 | M5


The Road
What to know before you join the growing ranks
of people who live full time in their RV

laudia Rutherford’s their own home might make it dif-
$750,000 home has ficult to successfully claim they
plenty of luxury ap- changed their domicile to a differ-
pointments—a spacious ent town or state since their in-
living area with leather sofas, a tent seems to show a permanent
gourmet kitchen and three-zone connection to their old location.
air conditioning. Those who prefer to travel
It also has four wheels and a without a permanent base of oper-

600-horsepower diesel engine. ations, however, still need a legal
That is because Mrs. Rutherford, domicile in which to register their
67, and her husband, Jack, 73, live vehicles, acquire a driver’s license,
in a 45-foot-long American Eagle vote and, possibly, pay taxes.
Heritage Edition motor coach Because they lack state income
from American Coach. taxes, Florida and Texas are popu- he uses for vacations. “A person return as a state resident in your nancial adviser and an accountant
The couple sold their 39-acre lar states for full-time RVers to who goes out and buys a brand- old state. New York state’s nonres- specializing in state and local tax-
farm in Perkasie, Pa., in November establish domicile. But selecting a new RV can take a 20% hit once ident and part-year resident in- ation. You need to ensure you
2020, downsizing from a five-bed- state based only on taxes can lead they drive it off the lot.” come tax form, for example, has a properly sever domicile with your
room home to pursue full-time RV to problems. Texas, for example, That is why he recommends box for the date you moved out of old jurisdiction and establish a
life. is a community-property state in paying cash for the RV, unless the the state. That is a red flag for new domicile in your new location
There were 11.2 million RV- which all marital assets are jointly buyer gets a low interest rate and state taxing authorities to let them or state. A financial planner may
owning households in the United then invests the money he would know you claim to no longer be a need to adjust your municipal
States, about 400,000 of which have spent on the RV in the hope resident, Mr. Shenkman said. In bond portfolio or re-evaluate your
are considered full-time RVers, ac- of achieving a higher after-tax case you are audited, make sure cost of living, and an attorney can
cording to a March 2021 report by
Full-time RVers need a rate of return. “If the person is you have documentation to sup- determine whether the change of
the RV Industry Association. legal domicile in which risk-averse, it makes more sense port your change of domicile— domicile affects marital rights or
Those who adopt a nomadic to register vehicles, vote to purchase outright,” he said. more than just a new voter’s regis- estate planning.
lifestyle face multiple legal and fi- RV loans are readily available, tration card or driver’s license.
nancial considerations, the most and pay taxes. said Michael Lax, an executive When Mr. Shenkman moved be- DON’T UNDER-BUDGET. Many
important of which is the selec- vice president at Bank of the tween states, he took photos of lo- people think full-time RV living is
tion of a domicile. West, an RV lender. Terms up to cal events and visits with friends cheaper than owning a house. “If
“Domicile can affect a wide owned and split equally in the 20 years are available, and the in his new state to prove he was you go to Florida and stay in a wa-
range of legal rights, from income event of a divorce. Florida, on the principal can range from $10,000 there. He also kept a diary on his terfront RV resort, that’s going to
taxes to estate planning and mat- other hand, follows the rule of eq- to $1 million or more. Interest on laptop, noting where he was and be very expensive compared to vis-
rimonial law.” said Martin M. uitable distribution, which can the loan may be deductible if the what he was doing on a particular iting national parks and doing
Shenkman, a lawyer and certified lead to a very different asset split. RV is a first or second home, has date. That contemporaneous re- primitive camping with a generator
public accountant in Fort Lee, N.J. State laws affect estate planning sleeping, cooking and toilet facili- cord detailing his whereabouts or solar panels,” said Mr. Minear.
Domicile is defined as the place and investment planning as well ties and otherwise meets IRS re- would help support his claim of a Mrs. Rutherford, who is still legally
you intend to permanently live and vary considerably. quirements for qualified home new domicile if he were ever au- domiciled in Pennsylvania, said her
and ultimately return to. A person Paying for the vehicle is an- mortgage interest. dited, he said. expenses average $5,000 per
can have multiple residences but other issue RV purchasers face. Here’s what to consider before month, including the cost of fi-
only one legal domicile. “Houses tend to go up in value pursuing a full-time RV lifestyle: CONSULT THE RIGHT EXPERTS. nancing and gas. She no longer has
Some RVers may opt to hold on over time, whereas RVs go down Mr. Shenkman suggests that if you to pay property tax or homeowners
to their homes, so a change in do- in value,” said Todd Minear, a cer- PREPARE TO BE CHALLENGED. If are considering becoming full-time insurance on her former farm, so
micile may not be necessary. Mr. tified financial planner in Liberty, you plan to change your legal state RVers and wish to change domi- she and her husband are living
Shenkman noted that keeping Mo., who has a 32-foot Class C RV of domicile, you’ll file a final tax cile, consult with an attorney, a fi- more cheaply as full-time RVers.

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M6 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The basement pool

Living With


The Dead
Continued from page M1
home in the Fulham neighborhood
of West London to remain close to
his son, George, now 10.
“It represented a chance for me
to completely turn my life upside
down and take on this great proj-
ect,” he said.
Shortly after seeing that For
Sale sign, Mr. Maxwell Stuart, 47,
paid $2.48 million for the lodge, Mr. Maxwell Stuart’s office leads out to the backyard via a wooden bridge well Stuart had to wait until
which was built in 1865, according over a water feature. The stairs leading to the basement are made of Christmas 2020 to move into the
to Hammersmith and Fulham Bath stone, which was also used throughout the property’s renovation. house with his then fiancée, now
Council. The lodge came with a wife, Hideko Maxwell Stuart, a
backyard containing a series of pastry chef who has worked with
storage sheds built in the 1960s chefs such as Gordon Ramsay and
and a public lavatory block. Heston Blumenthal. The couple
“The lodge was a wreck,” he share their home with their dog,
said. “It hadn’t been lived in for Lightning.
more than five years, and al- The project has totally trans-
though it wasn’t falling down it formed the original lodge. Its fa-
was getting pretty close. The cost cade has been restored and the L-
was extremely high, but to me the shaped addition that sits beside it
uniqueness of this building put it is built in the same cream-colored
outside any property valuation in Bath stone.
the area.” Inside, a series of skylights
To get started, Mr. Maxwell punctuates the main open-plan
Stuart did an internet search for living space, with its sleek dark
local architects and found Simon timber kitchen, airy living room,
Gill, principal of the award-win- and dining table lighted with two
ning Simon Gill Architects. Mr. metal chandeliers designed to re-
Gill’s plans included designs to semble seed pods. Floor-to-ceiling
renovate the lodge, build an L- sliding doors lead out onto the
shaped addition in the backyard yard.
to replace the old outbuildings, The first floor also has a televi-
and dig out a new basement level. sion room, with sliding doors for
In the process, the size of the optional privacy, and a contempo-
lodge, which was 1,334 square rary two-way fireplace is set into
feet, was more than quadrupled to the wall between it and the main
The kitchen
5,358 square feet. living room.
It took almost two years to get There is also a bedroom and
building permits in place and hire bathroom for George, and an of-
a building contractor, but work fi- fice for Mr. Maxwell Stuart, a for-
nally started in November 2017. At mer army officer who now runs a
that stage, the initial estimates travel company, Where Wise Men
were between $1.65 million and Fish, organizing fishing vacations.
$2.48 million. It eventually cost This office also opens out onto
$3.3 million. Once the project was the backyard, which is accessed
under way, Mr. Maxwell Stuart de- by stepping through french doors
cided to increase the size of the and walking across a timber
new basement level so that it ex- bridge across a linear water fea-
tended beneath the lodge as well ture.
as the addition. The second floor of the lodge,
Painstakingly propping up the which originally contained three
house while digging out the bedrooms, is now a spacious pri-
ground beneath added signifi- mary suite with a large dressing
cantly to the costs but allowed room, bathroom with a dramatic,
Mr. Maxwell Stuart to install a silvered, free-standing bath, and a
wine cellar, a 56-foot swimming bedroom with a pitched ceiling
pool, a sauna and two guest suites and exposed whitewashed tim-
in the new basement level. bers.
Despite the lodge’s proximity to Downstairs, via a hefty, curved
the cemetery, no bones were dug The second floor of the home was staircase also made from Bath
up during the excavation. Dealing converted into a primary suite and stone, is the basement, where
The dining room and
with the reburial of human re- a new basement level was created there is a wine cellar, a second
its metal chandeliers
mains would have further delayed to house a wine cellar, sauna, a full living room with a full bar, a
the project. As it was, Mr. Max- bar, and a pool with a waterfall. sauna and a 56-foot swimming
pool with a waterfall spilling
down the wall into it. The base-
ment also contains two en-suite
guest bedrooms and an office for
Mrs. Maxwell Stuart.
Right now, the newlyweds are
simply enjoying life in their new
home. But, out of curiosity, Mr.
Maxwell Stuart did ask an estate
agent to value the house once it
was finished. He suggested that it
be listed for $8.26 million.
“Although it was not a great
experience going to the bank and
asking for another £1 million, I
was always certain that it would
become a valuable investment,”
he said. “I put my faith in London
property. I was not just burning
money for the sake of it.”
People often ask Mr. Maxwell
Stuart whether he has any qualms
about living cheek-by-jowl with a
burial ground containing hun-
dreds of bodies. The short answer
is no. “Not even remotely,” he
“In cities, cemeteries are green
spaces, full of people walking
their dogs, not something out of a
horror movie,” he said.
“My family house has 1,000
years of history, and I reckon if I
was going to come across any
View from the cemetery
ghouls and ghosts and headless
to the lodge The primary bathroom
horsemen, I would have done so
by now.”

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | M7


A Lighthouse
Becomes a Playroom
New York builder Frank Sciame has spent hundreds of
thousands of dollars turning a historic Connecticut lighthouse
into a place for sleepovers with his grandkids and a tool for
teaching them historic preservation
The Fenwick home is
9,500 sq. ft. with 8 bedrooms

Mr. Sciame, a history buff whose

company has restored New York
City buildings, including Trinity
Church, spends much of his time in
the lighthouse’s bar, above.

One of two bunkrooms

for his 11 grandkids

BY CANDACE TAYLOR Saybrook Breakwater Lighthouse same time, he sold the Hepburn as the son of a union painter—“a old-timey tune emerges; a record-

sits at the end of a long jetty. house for $11.5 million. true craftsman” who taught him ing of “When My Baby Smiles” by
alf a mile off the Con- Standing at the base of the Now he can look straight at the construction skills—Mr. Sciame the 1910s star Henry Burr.
necticut shore, a pow- roughly 48-foot-high tower, Mr. lighthouse from his kitchen and says he caught the bug from his A glass-front hutch is stocked
erboat cuts through the Sciame has a clear view of the center hall. He can also walk to it father. “His excitement for historic with treats for the grandkids—
choppy surf as it nears shingled mansions lining the via the jetty. buildings was contagious,” he re- Oreos, Cheez-Its, candy bars. In
a 135-year-old lighthouse. “Imag- shore. One of them, with a widow’s Just inside, Mr. Sciame stands calls. Sciame Construction has preparation for future sleepovers, a
ine doing this in a 12-foot row- walk and green trim, is his own. in a circular room about 21 feet in worked on restoration projects for row of kerosene lanterns sit at the
boat,” says 70-year-old Frank Sci- He discovered Fenwick, a bor- diameter, with 12-inch-thick brick clients such as Trinity Church and ready on a shelf above the sink.
ame, one of the boat’s passengers, ough within the town of Old Say- walls. The cast-iron ceiling re- the Morgan Library & Museum. His grandchildren now range in age
noting that lighthouse-keepers brook, 25 years ago on a boating mains rusted and discolored, just The lighthouse was in severe from newborn to 8, but when they
once rowed to shore. trip with his wife and four chil- disrepair when he bought it, Mr. are older Mr. Sciame envisions eve-
The boat pulls up to a pile of dren. They liked the tiny water- Sciame says, with graffiti nings with no smartphones, TV or

seaweed-covered rocks, where a front community, best known as scrawled on the inside. He did a electric lights, “a real-life lesson of
small, temporary dock bobs amid the longtime summer residence of 3-D scan of the building to assess how folks lived in the late 1800s.”
the waves. In Top-Siders and a actress Katharine Hepburn. They Cost to buy the lighthouse its condition. He set about stabi- Mr. Sciame climbs another set of
button-down shirt, Mr. Sciame live primarily on Long Island—Mr. with his neighbors in 2015 lizing and restoring the structure, stairs to the main bedroom, where
steps onto the dock and grabs a Sciame’s company, Sciame Con- adding a generator, running water a claw-foot bathtub is wedged in
rope to help tie up the boat. Then struction, is based in Manhattan— and two bathrooms. But he went next to an antique wooden bed

he nimbly ascends a rickety steel but they built a small house in to great lengths to maintain its frame. He was intent on furnishing
ladder to the lighthouse. Fenwick for weekends and family 19th-century appearance. The win- with period pieces. Many of the an-
After years of summering in vacations. From the first visit, Mr. dows, for example, were replaced tiques came from storage in the
the beachfront enclave of Fen- Sciame says he was intrigued by
MILLION with new, insulated glass, custom- barn at his home on Long Island.
Cost to gain full control
wick, Mr. Sciame in 2015 bought the “sparkplug”-style lighthouse made to replicate the originals. Everything used in the renova-
of lighthouse plus his
the Saybrook Breakwater Light- half a mile off Fenwick’s coast. From the entry level, Mr. Sci- tion—from furniture to cement and
neighbors’ home in 2017
house—a working lighthouse fea- In 2004, Mr. Sciame paid $6 ame climbs a set of curved metal batteries—had to be transported to
tured on Connecticut license million for the waterfront Hep- stairs to another round room, the the lighthouse by boat.
plates. He has since spent hun- burn house, restoring it and mov- kitchen. Like a wedding cake, the The next floor contains two
dreds of thousands of dollars to ing in with his family. The 3½- as he found it. On this level in lighthouse contains circular rooms bunkrooms. The small porthole
restore the weather-beaten struc- acre property looks directly at the particular, he wanted to avoid stacked on top of each other, each windows here are encircled by life
ture, taking pains to make it look lighthouse. whitewashing the building’s his- slightly smaller than the last. preservers, and on each bunk sits
much as it did when it was built. In 2015 when the Coast Guard tory. “If there was a crack and it The kitchen has freshly painted a sleeping bag monogrammed
A New York City builder and his- put the lighthouse up for auction, wasn’t structural, it remained,” he wooden floors, an ornate antique with a grandchild’s name. The
tory buff, Mr. Sciame says he did he had to have it. He and his says. “I wanted the ghosts of con- wooden writing desk and a pot- older children have visited the
the project—completed last year— neighbors, Sherman Financial struction past to be visible.” bellied propane stove for cooking. lighthouse, Mr. Sciame says, but
for his 11 grandchildren, to “make Group founder Ben Navarro and his Small sections of the ceiling A circular dining table with four they are too young to spend the
it a three-dimensional tool to wife Kelly Navarro, paid $290,000 have been cut away, the openings chairs sits by one of the arched night safely.
teach them about historic preser- for it. Two years later Mr. Sciame covered with clear plexiglass, so windows. The room’s piece-de-re- For now, Mr. Sciame is largely
vation, about how things were spent about $9 million to gain full his grandchildren can see how the sistance is an antique crank Vic- the lighthouse’s only visitor,
built in the late 1800s.” control of the lighthouse plus the pieces are bolted together. trola, which has been passed sometimes with friends or his
Where the Connecticut River Navarros’ home, which has direct Mr. Sciame has a thing for old down in his wife’s family. Mr. Sci- son-in-law in tow. When there he
meets the Long Island Sound, the access to the jetty. Around the buildings. Growing up in Brooklyn ame turns the crank and a tinny, spends most of his time on the
next level up: the bar. Reaching it
requires Mr. Sciame to clamber up
a narrow, bolted-in-place steel
The kitchen, like much of
ladder, emerging into a circular
the lighthouse, is furnished
space just large enough for two
with antiques.
shiny chrome tables, a liquor cabi-
net stocked with Coronas, and a
record player.
He steps outside onto the open-
air deck that rings the lighthouse.
Mr. Sciame spent much of the
pandemic here in a white cap-
tain’s chair. In between Zoom calls
and emails, he worked on the car-
pentry and wood trim, hanging
pictures, assembling bunk beds.
He sawed the kitchen counter in

half to fit it up the stairs, then re-

assembled it.
Finally, he climbs another steel
ladder reaching the structure’s rai-
son d’etre: the light. Now auto-
mated, the solar-powered light is
maintained by the Coast Guard,
which has an easement to the
property for that purpose, Mr. Sci-
ame says. The lighthouse also has a
foghorn: “When you’re out on the
lighthouse when the foghorn goes
Mr. Sciame first spotted the ‘sparkplug-style’ lighthouse in the late ‘90s. Today, he can look straight at it from his house and can walk to it via the jetty. off,” he says, “that’s kind of cool.”

M8 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


How the Doors Guitarist Became Cool

Sent to boarding school during his troubled teens, the musician and memoirist was saved by flamenco music

ike all good rock ’n’ roll ROBBY’S ROAD
childhoods, I was sent
away to boarding school What do you think of José Fe-
in my midteens. My liciano’s version of “Light My
grades in high school were crash- Fire”? I love it. Last time we
ing and I was getting into trouble met, I suggested he try my
with friends. Doors song “Touch Me.” He
We’d go on these destructive grabbed his guitar and
sprees, like busting water pipes in played it perfectly.
a new housing development. One
day, Dad sat me down and told me First Doors gig? In
where I’d be going to school, along a hangar at
with my twin brother, Ron. Hughes Aircraft,
I objected, but deep down I knew where Doors key-
I wasn’t in a good place. Back in boardist Ray Man-
grade school, Ron and I had been zarek’s dad worked.
considered cool. In junior high, we There were about 400
were nerds and hazed terribly. middle-aged people there.
I grew up in Pacific Palisades, Ca- Thoughts on  Jim Morrison?
lif., an affluent area of Los Angeles. Jim could turn anything I came
We lived in a comfortable one-story, up with on my guitar into a song.
light-blue house. My father, Stu, was
an airplane-wing designer for the
Northrop Corp. My mother, Marilyn,
was a homemaker. She also was ers. Billy and I then decided to
wonderfully curious. When I was 8, transfer to UCLA. So much more
she discovered Elvis Presley on the was happening in L.A.
radio. I loved “Hound Dog” and By the fall, John was in a group
“Don’t Be Cruel,” especially Scotty called the Doors. I auditioned on
Moore’s guitar. my red Gibson SG Special and got
I also had access to Dad’s eclectic picked. I left UCLA. We knew the
record collection. He had boogie- The private prep school where got a traditional flamenco-style band had something different.
woogie 78s, classical recordings and my parents sent my brother and acoustic model. It was the key to Today, my wife, Lynn, and I live
even marches. Best of all, he let me me, was 350 miles north in Ather- coolness at Menlo. in West Los Angeles. We moved in
play them on his phonograph. ton, Calif. Their mission was to get On a summer break, Bill and I 50 years ago.


The first time I held a guitar, I us far from the bad influences in split the cost of guitar lessons. My parents came to many of the
was 13. I was over at the house of our neighborhood, like my friend When we returned to Menlo, the band’s gigs and even followed us
my friend Bob, who let me strum Billy Wolff. But Billy’s parents had talk was about Bob Weir’s Mother around Europe on our first tour
his. I was hooked. My friend Billy the same idea a year earlier and McCree’s Uptown Jug Champions. there. Dad had our albums on 8-
Wolff then showed me some fin- had sent him to the same place— He had been a student there a year track tapes for the car as well as
gering positions, and I started Menlo School. Unknown to my par- before I arrived and was expelled. all the vinyl, which he insisted we
playing flamenco at 14. ents or me, he not only was there His band had local success before sign. My mom and dad were the
One of my father’s records capti- but in the same dorm. they renamed themselves the War- Doors’ biggest fans.
vated me: “Dos Flamencos,” a 1960 Many kids at Menlo were the locks and then the Grateful Dead. —As told to Marc Myers
classical-guitar album by Jaime children of wealthy families. Most So Billy and I started a jug band.
Grifo and Niño Marvino. brought folk albums and portable Then we went to the University of Robby Krieger, 75, is a guitarist
A couple of older guys who lived phonographs to the dorm, which California at Santa Barbara in 1964. and singer-songwriter who was a
in the neighborhood were good fla- exposed me to new music. Back home over the summer, we member of the Doors. He is the au-
menco players. One was a surfer, Across the hall was a guy who Robby Krieger in his recording ran into drummer John Densmore, thor, with Jeff Alulis, of the mem-
Arnold, who I’d met on the beach. had an old Martin acoustic guitar. studio, top, and, above at right, at who I had been friendly with before oir, “Set the Night on Fire: Living,
He played at a local Spanish restau- He didn’t play it much, so he lent it about age 10 with twin, Ron, and leaving for Menlo. We formed a Dying and Playing Guitar With the
rant and gave me lessons. to me. I played every night until I parents, Stu and Marilyn. band called the Psychedelic Rang- Doors” (Little, Brown).


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3$2G09G5,G (?G -G)( (4*."E B.77 40 &9)9( D40 640G1
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | M9

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M10 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Chafees of R.I. Politics List Home

The longtime homestead of a built on a slope, creating an up-
Rhode Island political dynasty is per and lower level. Inside, there
going up for sale. The Chafees finished building is a double-height living area
A roughly 20-acre farm in War- the house in 1960. with a Palladian window and a
wick that was home to the late fireplace, and a study with an-
Sen. John Chafee and his son Sen. other fireplace. The kitchen and
Lincoln Chafee is listing for $5.95 formal dining areas are located
million. In addition to serving as on the second level, where the
senators from Rhode Island, both main entry is, and open to indi-
men were also governors of the vidual balconies.
state. The younger Sen. Chafee, Once the Chafee children were
who was mayor of Warwick in the grown, the property became a
1990s, was a place where the family gathered
candidate in for holidays and “all kinds of fam-



the 2016 pres- ily events,” Ms. Nassikas said.
idential race. Mrs. Chafee maintained gar-
The elder dens alongside the house and next
Sen. Chafee is MILLION to the barn, her daughter said.
buried in a 20 acres, Sen. John Chafee died in 1999
cemetery on 2,000 sq. ft., and his wife in 2020, and Ms.
the property, 6 bedrooms, barn, Nassikas said she and her siblings
along with his chicken coop feel this is the right time to sell.
wife, Virginia The elder Sen. Chafee served as
Chafee, and their daughter Tribbie a Republican senator from Rhode
Chafee, who died in 1968 at age Island from 1977 to 1999 and as
14, according to another daughter, governor from 1963 to 1969. His
Georgia Nassikas. The cemetery is son was senator from 1999 to 2007
located on conservation land, Ms. River, according to Ms. Nassikas. Mediterranean-style house spans rolling fields, the property con- and governor from 2011 to 2015.
Nassikas said. John and Virginia Chafee bought about 2,000 square feet, accord- tains a barn and a chicken coop. —Libertina Brandt
Located across from Goddard the land from a neighbor and ing to Amy I. Doorley-Lucas of Ms. Nassikas said she and her
Memorial State Park, the farm is commissioned the construction of Mott & Chace Sotheby’s Interna- siblings grew up riding horses on  See more photos of notable
about 17 miles from Providence the residence, completing it in tional Realty, who has the listing the farm, which also had chick- homes at
and overlooks the Potowomut 1960, she said. The six-bedroom, with colleague Judy Chace. Set on ens and geese. The house was Email:


Distinctive Properties
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday, October 29, 2021 | M11


Distinctive Properties
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M12 | Friday, October 29, 2021 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Wine Country
Continued from page M1
Modroo already has put the finish-
ing touches on what may be his last
harvest. In 1998, Mr. Modroo, an en-
ergy-company executive, and his
wife, teacher Bonnie Modroo, relo-
cated to Michigan from Montana af-
ter buying a 5-acre cherry orchard
on the west arm of Grand Traverse
Bay. They paid $500,000 for the The Modroo home has a living room with a brick-lined
property, which came with a modest fireplace, left, and a terrace off the kitchen, above.
two-bedroom ranch house. They re-
placed the house a few years later, They plan to spend upward of
spending $800,000 to build a 3,800-
square-foot, four-bedroom home
with multiple terraces and lavish $500,000 for the $800,000 to build $200,000 to plant 1.5 acres Asking price:
Number of sales
$550,000 on a renovation of
the main house, a 3,600-
square-foot, decade-old
bay views. In 2014, they tore out property in 1998 a new house of Chardonnay grapes $2.5 million of properties above three-bedroom.
the aging fruit trees and replaced $1 million in Leelanau The compound’s cottage,
them with 1.5 acres of white Char- County in 2021, a seasonal, knotty-pine
donnay grapes, at a cost of about to date structure dating to the
$200,000. 1940s, will get only minor up-
Today, the couple, in their late grades, says Mr. McCarthy, “to
60s, aim to downsize to an area keep the charm.” The property also
condo or live-in boat, while con- comes with 426 feet of private
tinuing to divide their time be- sandy beach.
tween Leelanau, Florida and Mon- Leelanau and Old Mission are
tana. They put their vineyard, on the 45th Parallel, the wine
which supplies grapes to local world’s magic number in the
winemaker Brengman Brothers, on Northern Hemisphere, uniting ar-
the market for $2.5 million. eas such as Bordeaux, France; It-
Thanks to people like the Cifuen- aly’s Piedmont region, home to
teses and the Modroos, Leelanau Barolo reds; and Oregon’s Willam-
County, once a summer-cottage en- ette Valley. Latitude suggests the
clave best known for midsummer amount and quality of available
cherry crops and midwinter snow- sunlight, but this corner of Michi-
storms, is being transformed into a gan also is snowy. As it turns out,
year-round destination and cutting- the snow helps to protect the
edge wine region. Premium-wine- vines, says Sean O’Keefe, wine-
making in the area dates to the maker for Old Mission Peninsula’s
1970s but has expanded rapidly over Mari Vineyards. “The snow covers
the past few years, with vineyards the vines like a blanket,” he says,

starting to outnumber the area’s “which keeps the ground and vine
signature cherry orchards. roots from freezing.”
New vineyard buyers, including Later, Lake Michigan and its
California wine experts from Napa Grand Traverse Bay offshoot help to
Valley, are putting down roots in keep temperatures moderate until
the sandy soil and hilly terrain early November.
around Michigan’s Grand Traverse Mari uses everything from ex-
Bay. At the same time, luxury otic Italian grape varietals to Ries-
house hunters from as far away as ling, the Central European grape
Texas and New York are buying that has helped to give area wines
into the area’s four distinct sea- a national following.
sons, private beaches and expand- Douglas Olson, a recent Califor-
ing wine-tasting scene. nia wine-country transplant, says
Home prices are up all over the the relatively short growing season
U.S., but luxury sales are setting makes the Leelanau-Old Mission re-
local records in Leelanau County gion ideal for sparkling wines. Mr.
and its Grand Traverse Bay neigh- Olson, armed with French graduate
bor, Old Mission Peninsula. degrees in
Ted Schweitzer, a real-estate winemaking, is
agent based in Traverse City, the shopping for
Mari Vineyards, Old Mission Peninsula
area’s hub, says sales above $1 vineyard prop-
million in Leelanau County more erties in the 10-
than doubled over the past five to 20-acre
years, from 22 in 2016 to 48 in range.
2020. There already have been 49 The
such sales recorded in 2021, with Modroos credit
three months to go. the quality of
On Old Mission Peninsula, their grapes to
which juts out from Traverse City their lot’s mi-
into Grand Traverse Bay, sales croclimate.
over $1 million that averaged “We have flow-
about 12 a year between 2016 and ers on our
2020, have surged to 23 so far in porch until
2021, says Mr. Schweitzer. Thanksgiving,”
Waterfront homes get top dol- Mari Vineyards, above, grows its says Mr. Modroo.
lar, with buyers choosing between own grapes and holds events in its Many high-end homeowners
the coast of Lake Michigan proper, upscale tasting room, left. prefer facing west to enjoy sun-
the east and west arms of Grand sets over water, but the Modroos,
Traverse Bay, and a number of in- self-taught winegrowers who con-
land lakes. is a growing factor in home sales. sulted YouTube in their early
Peter Fisher, a Leelanau-area He says there are now high-end years, save their westernmost ex-
real-estate agent with Coldwell buyers who discover the area posure for their grapes.
Banker Schmidt, says the commu- through wine tourism, so even The couple’s winemaker, Robert
nities of Glen Arbor and Leland those who have no intention of Brengman, also grows grapes in
maintain their status as the most growing their own grapes want to the county on his own three vine-
exclusive corner of the market. be near the wineries and their tast- yards. Offseason, they become sce-
This summer in Leland, a five- ing rooms. nic signposts on the area’s cross-

bedroom, six-bathroom home on a Local winemakers may country ski trails.
2/3-acre lot between Lake Michigan source grapes with off- “Ten years ago, there was noth-
and inland Lake Leelanau had mul- site, small-scale vine- Number of sales ing to do in winter here because
tiple cash offers and sold within 48- yards, and Mr. Fisher di- of properties above everything was closed,” says Mr.
hours, says Kimberly Bork, of Ven- vides wine-related $1 million on Old McCarthy. “Now it’s a great time.”
Brengman Brothers winemaking facilities
ture Properties, the agency that buyers into hobby grow- Mission Peninsula Mr. Brengman keeps his vine-
handled the sale. The property sold ers, who opt for an acre in 2021, to date yard tasting room open through-
for $3.8 million, $310,000 over the or so of vines, to people McCarthy, 36, a New spent summers with his Grand Rap- out the winter, and Farm Club—a
asking price. interested in starting their York City real-estate de- ids family. “I think the vineyards new restaurant that bottles house
Although waterfront access is own wineries on 24 acres or veloper, says he has wit- are fun and a huge value-add to the wines with local vineyards and
still the most prized amenity for more. nessed the impact that wineries area,” he says, adding that vine- owns its own farm—has a popular
luxury buyers, says Mr. Fisher, wine Recent Leelanau buyer Andrew have had on the area, where he yard-hopping by bike between Sut- midwinter fire-pit restaurant pop-
tons Bay and Traverse City has be- ular with year-round residents and
come a favorite activity of his. owners of second homes, who
In June, Mr. McCarthy and his sometimes arrive on skis or by
keting executive, together with an-
In April, a 2,600-square-foot,
other couple, paid $1.975 million three-bedroom home not far from
for a 7¼-acre compound overlook- Farm Club sold for $1.725 million.
ing Lake Michigan near Northport, It is on a 1.14-acre lot, with sunset
at the top of Leelanau County. views over Lake Leelanau.

Purchase price in 2021


$2.095 million $5.65 million

Old Mission Peninsula Leelanau County
4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms 5 bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms

A refurbishment inspired by Prairie-style architecture, The 7,061-square-foot home on 1.09 acres features
marks this 4,360-square-foot house, located on a 1.37- fieldstone fireplaces in the living room and kitchen. It
acre lot with a private shoreline and its own dock. has 153 feet of private Lake Michigan shoreline. Lyle Cifuentes, left, and her husband bought a Leelanau vineyard with
Agent: Ted Schweitzer, Real Estate One Agent: Peter Fisher, Coldwell Banker Schmidt Realtors partner Scott Muschong, right, and relaunched it as Three Trees Vineyard.

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