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2. As everybody else has already noticedSmile, CRUD support has been added to the
Virtual Entities
A clever workaround would be to encode the IDs into a base GUID using a
standardised algorithm, and return the result to CRM. Let me show you how we can do
(izvodljivo je ali mora da ide kroz plugin(vezano za primary key))
(trebalo bi da je ok)
3. Power BI enables data insights and better decision-making, while Power Apps
enables everyone to build and use apps that connect to business data. Using the
POWER APPS VISUAL, you can pass context-aware data to a canvas app, which updates
in real time as you make changes to your report. Now, your app users can derive
business insights and take actions from right within their Power BI reports and
POWER APPS VISUAL- pomoću ovog feature možeš da embedaš power apss (i to canvas)
in power bi. Bukvalno ti dodje kao TILE i kad ideš drill down kroz podatke onda ti
i u power apps menja kontekst na koje podatke gleda (isto kao da imaš dva tile)
4. Use the invitation feature of portals to invite contacts to your portal through
automated email(s) created in your Microsoft Dataverse. The people you invite
receive an email, fully customizable by you, with a link to your portal and an
invitation code. This code can be used to gain special access configured by you.
With this feature you have the ability to:
(hoces da pozoves user-a na portal a za ovaj scenario ako hoces nekoga da primis
na posao onda njegovi podaci moraju da budu negde smesteni tj. u ovom slucaju na
CRM-u. Zato ga i pozivamo kao contact preko Portal-a)
(Kada prihvati poziv i kreira se kao contact onda postoji dodatna opcija da ga
uvežemo sa Account (firma) od Contact koji ga je pozvao)
When creating or editing a webpage, you can specify a list in the lookup field
provided on the Web Page form.
Each Web Page can be either an Entity List Web Page, Entity Form Web Page, Web
Form Web Page, or a custom Web Page.
The Entity List Web Page lists records of the same type; it is a reproduction of
a Dynamics 365 view.
We have the option of creating a Web Page that neither points to an Entity List,
Entity Form, nor a Web Form.
The Web Form is very similar to the Entity Form but can display multiple steps
and multiple record types. For example, step one could contain Contact-entity
information, and step two could contain Opportunity-entity information.
((B, B C, B, i A))
5. UI flows brings Robotic Process Automation (RPA) capabilities to Power Automate.
You can use UI flows to automate repetitive tasks in Windows and Web applications.
UI flows records and plays back user interface actions (clicks, keyboard input,
A button is more user friendly as it can be embedded into an app or be displayed
on the Power Automate mobile app. Triggering it manually requires you to navigate
to the flow and run it.
(Zar ovo nije DESCK TOP flows?)
6. Only OpenAPI 2.0 is currently supported. Only Postman Collection V1 is currently
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface
to RESTful APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand
the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or
through network traffic inspection
(znaci ti mu samo dajes definiciju kao sto je WSDL fajl za SOAP servise (SOAP je
samo podrzan za Logic Apps))
7. A i B (fora je da se smanji overhead a POWER APP i Dataverse su na isto
platformi pa ima vise benefita)
Delegation is where the expressiveness of Power Apps formulas meets the need to
minimize data moving over the network. In short, Power Apps will delegate the
processing of data to the data source, rather than moving the data to the app for
processing locally
(znaci poenta je da se kalklulacije ne rade na app)
(Microsoft Dataverse, SQL Server, SharePoint, Salesforce)
8. A i C (WF ne moze da salje SMS ali POWER Automate moze). Ovde je naglasak
WITHOUT ADD-ons inače bi mogao da napraviš Plugin.
Technicians can use the Field Service (Dynamics 365) mobile app to scan
9. OK (Dual Write is BETWEEN Dynamics apps, nor Dynamics and Sharepoint.)
10. Custom actions have a 2 min timeout. This can be implemented using webhook and
Azure function where the Azure function uses batch operations Web API which enables
transactional operations and can run more than 2 mins
(C je odgovor. Samo sinhroni procesi imaju ROLL BACK. Ovde kod PLUGINA mislim
da definišeš to u STEP da li će da se ponaša kao sinhron ili asinhron.)
11. Community portal: A community portal leverages peer-to-peer interactions
between customers and experts to organically grow the catalog of available
knowledge from knowledge base articles, forums, and blogs as well as providing
feedback through comments and ratings.
Starter portal: If you select an environment that contains Microsoft Dataverse,
you can create a Dataverse starter portal. The Dataverse starter portal comes with
the sample data for you to quickly get started. It also has the following built-in
sample pages:
(C i B)
12. Liquid code can be used anywhere in the portals where HTML or text content can
You can use snippets to show text or HTML. The content snippets can also use
liquid objects, and reference other content such as entities.
(A,B i C)
13. You can create an Entity with a primary ID, a single KeyAttribute, or a
collection of key columns in a single call using these constructors.
public Entity (string logicalName, Guid id) {…}
public Entity (string logicalName, string keyName, object keyValue) {…}
public Entity (string logicalName, KeyAttributeCollection keyAttributes) {…}
A ovu grešku dobijaš kada hocesš da radiš Upsert preko Alternate key:

"The specified key attributes are not a defined key for the account entity"
(no, yes, yes, yes)
14. These configuration options are called cascading behaviors because they cascade
down the hierarchy of related entities. For example, if deleting an account causes
related opportunities to be deleted, what about the activities associated with the
opportunities? In Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) the behavior
defined in each of the entity relationships for activity type entities is that they
are deleted as well.
1. PARENTAL: In a parental relationship between two entities, any action
taken on a record of the parent entity is also taken on any child entity records
that are related to the parent entity record. if you delete a record in the parent
entity, the related child entity records are also deleted; or if you share a parent
entity record, the related records from the child entity are also shared. All
option are disable for Parental relationship
2. REFERENTIAL: In a referential relationship between two entities, you can
navigate to any related records, but actions taken on one will not affect the other
3. REFERENTIAL, RESTRICT DELETE: Actions taken on parent will not affect
child record but parent record cannot be deleted till the child record exists. i.e
you cannot delete a record when related records exist.
• Cascade All: Perform action on all of my child records. Like if
assigned my account to another user then all my activities, orders, invoices etc
are assign to new user including open, completed and other user owned records
(Ovo ti je u suštini sve je ok šta god radiš na PARENT to se
odnosi i na child dok ovo ostalo ti je više FILTER koje akcije dolaze u obrzir u
zavisnosti od uslova)
• Cascade Active: Perform action on only my active child records
• Cascade User-Owned: Perform action on all my child records which is
owned by me
• Cascade None: do nothing to my child records
• Remove Link: remove link from child record
• Restrict: Applies to Delete. The delete is not allowed if there are
other entity instances that reference the ID of the entity instance being deleted.
(D, D i C)(Imaj na umu da posmatraš uvek u kontekstu dva entiteta!)
15. Field level security in CRM lets you dictate which fields users can view or
edit. If you want to prevent users from (accidentally) changing data like an
account name, account number or status, enabling or disabling field security for a
field can give them read only access to these specific fields.
(Security Role ti rade na nivou entiteta i ne mozes da utices na to koje ce
polje biti vidljivo a koje ne. U sustini to su privelegije nad tabelom a ne
pojedinacnom kolonom)
Da bi koristio field security prvo moras da na Filed-> Enable Field security
Nakon toga ti treba: Field Security Profile (imаš kao zasebnu kategoriju (isto
kao za SR) u DEFAULT SOLUTION. Posle toga definišeš za koja će polja da to važi i
na koje user-e se odnosi)
(ok su odgovori)
columns u CRM-u
(ok odgovor)
17. You can apply patches to either managed or unmanaged solutions and include only
changes to entities and related entity assets. Patches do not contain any non-
customized system components or relationships that it dependents upon because these
components already exist in the deployed-to organization. At some point in your
development cycle, you can roll up all the patches into a new solution version to
replace the original solution that the patches were created from.
18. Ne zaboravi samo da se prvo kreira solution da bi mogao da referenciraš
19. Ako kreiraš N:N relationship onda se autoamtski kreira medju entitet kojeg ne
možeš da edituješ (PROVERENO, jer je skriven pa nema dodavanja polja itd.) (zbog
toga kreiraš custom entitet koji će ti služiti kao međuentitet i onda kreiraš dve
N:1 veze)
(F, H i D)
21. You can't switch recalculation every 5 minutes, the minimum is 1h. We could
modify the repetition frequency of the rollup field to 1 hour, which is also the
shortest time. Mass Calculate Rollup Field job is executed in 12 hours after Rollup
field is created or updated.
22. Two security models can be used for hierarchies, the Manager hierarchy and the
Position hierarchy. With the Manager hierarchy, a manager must be within the same
business unit as the report, or in the parent business unit of the report’s
business unit, to have access to the report’s data.
The Position hierarchy allows data access across business units
(Znači Manager: ide po principu BU i mora da važi da je Manager u istom BU ili
u Parent BU)
(Znači Postion: ne zavisi od BU već "taguješ user-a sa job postion"(max jedna
po uesr-u). Takođe imaš DEPTH koliko READ privilages mogu da idu po dubinu u
granjanju (važi za oba pristupa))
24. With owner teams or access teams, you can easily share business objects and
collaborate with the users across business units in Dynamics 365 for Customer
(tačan odgovor je Yes)
25. Azure Cosmos DB it's a noSQL database, and it's not the best choice for images.
(A, B i A)
27. (Nemam pojma šta je ovo)
28. Configurable Cascading (jer jedino tad onda možeš da biraš kako će da se ponaša
u odnosu na određene operacije), Cascade active (taskovi koji su completed
verovatno su neaktivni)
Cascade User-Owned – If one of the above actions is performed on a record (with
the exception of a record being deleted), the same action will be performed only on
related records which are owned by the same user.
(D i C)
29. Ovde je fora da pažljivo pročitaš:
(F, A, D i B (ako se misli na .dll fajl koji build-uješ za Package Project
(u VS) kao custom code)
30. Can create new resources associated with an environment, including apps,
connections, custom APIs, gateways, and flows using Microsoft Power Automate.
However, this role doesn't have any privileges to access data within an
(Ne radi sa podacima(tj. ima privilegije nad tabelama koje se tiču
When an entity is available as a lookup on another entity form. It is important
that the user have the “Append to” privilege on the entity that is referred to in
the lookup so that it can set the values for the lookups of this entity on any
other form. For eg: Account has the lookup of primary contact. So here the user
needs to have the “Append To” privilege to be able to set the Primary Contact for
the Account.
(znači ovo je vezano za postavljenje vrednosti lookup polja u okviru nekog
entiteta: Append (a da možeš da postavlja lookup od tog entiteta na drugu formu ona
je Append To))
Required to give ownership of a record to another user. Which records can be
assigned depends on the access level of the permission defined in your security
(no, no, yes, yes)
31. When a table is configured to have a hierarchical self-referential relationship
you can configure visualizations using that hierarchy.
32. Opet mora pažljivo da se čita:
(Imaj na umu da kada se kaže Parental mislis se uvek u kontekstu 1:N (može i
N:1) poenta je da je uvek Parental onaj entitet gde je 1!)
(C, A i A)
33. (Nemam pojma šta je ovo) No, No, No, Yes
Use the Patch function to modify records in complex situations. Such as, when
you do updates that require no user interaction or use forms that span multiple
Use Patch with the Defaults function to create records. Use this behavior to
build a single screen for both creating and editing records. For example, this
formula creates a record for a customer named Contoso:

Patch( Customers, Defaults( Customers ), { Name: "Contoso" } )

The Collect function adds records to a data source.
etn: specifying entity name of entity that is addressing (i.e. etn=account)
pagetype: whether view of form is being addressed. For the form, write
pagetype=entityrecord and for the view, write pagetype=entitylist
extraqs: should be encoded as “%3D”
(main, etn, extraqs, entityrecord) Ovo bi trebalo da je ok
35. SaveData (A) Leverage existing formulas such as LoadData and SaveData for
basic data storage while offline.
(Dobar je odgovor)
36. (ok)
37. (ok) Pogledaj
Offline Availability: Select this check box to make this subarea available to
users when they are offline in Dynamics 365 for Outlook.
SKUs: Select the versions of Dynamics 365 that display this subarea. (ima veze
sa verzijom Dynamics-a)
38. Failures that occur during background processing of the analysis will fail with
'Couldn't be completed' status and return an error message in the Power Apps portal
as well as send email notification to the requestor.
The reason is JavaScript lets you compare different variable types but this can
have unexpected results, so by using the strict === it compares the same type and
won‫ג‬€™t have unexpected results this gets a warning entity.field == "Line1"
39. Solution checker fails to export patched solutions.
If a solution has had a patch applied, Solution Checker will fail to export the
solution for analysis. When a solution has had a patch applied, the original
solution becomes locked and it can't be changed or exported as long as there are
dependent patches that exist in the organization that identify the solution as the
parent solution.
(izgleda da je ok)
40. (ok ako se pod B gleda unost podataka jer Quick View nema edit mogucnosti)
41. The version number are <major>.<minor>.<build>.<revision>.
When we create patches in Dynamics 365, the system will automatically increment
the build version (you can overwrite the chosen number when you create the patch).
For example, if our solution starts at, we export it to become We
then create a patch, and the version of the patch is If we export it now,
it might become In all cases, the build or version number has been
incremented. Patches require the build or version number to increment, but not the
major or minor version.
42. Global (Organization): This access level gives a user access to all records in
the organization, REGARDLESS of the business unit hierarchical level that the
environment or the user belongs to. Users who have Global access automatically have
Deep, Local, and Basic access, also.
Deep (BU): This access level gives a user access to records in the user's
business unit and ALL business units SUBORDINATE to the user's business unit. This
level of access is usually reserved for managers with authority over the business
Local: This access level gives a user access to records in the user's business
Basic: This access level gives a user access to records that the user owns,
objects that are shared with the organization, objects that are shared with the
user, and objects that are shared with a team that the user is a member of.
None. No access is allowed. (znaci cetiri nivoa)
(Ovde je slika sjebana (moras da brojis broj kruzica da vidis koji odgovara
CONTACT roli) jer deluje kao da je FULL a u stvari je privilegija na nivou USER-а)
Privilege Inheritance:
User privileges: User is granted these privileges directly when a
security role is assigned to the user. User can create and has access to records
created/owned by the user when Basic access level for Create and Read were given.
Team privileges: User is granted these privileges as a member of the
team. For team members who do not have user privileges of their own, they can only
create records with the team as the owner and they have access to records owned by
the Team when Basic access level for Create and Read were given.
43. (ok)
44. Unless one or more security profiles are assigned to a security enabled field,
only users with the system administrator security role will have access to the
45. When users are added to the security group, they are added to the Dataverse
environment. All licensed users, whether or not they are members of the security
groups, must be assigned security roles to access DATA in the environments. You
assign the security roles in the web application. If users don’t have a security
role, they will get a data access denied error when trying to run an app. Users
can't access environments until they are assigned at least one security role for
that environment.
(Ovde je naglasak na Access ENVIRONMENT i use APP!. Zbog toga:Accessing
environment does not require a role (Da pristupis okruženju ne treba rola ali DATA
ti treba ROLA pošto ti je CRM Model Driven App onda ti treba rola).)
(Znaci ovde je bitno napraviti razliku između Accessing ENVIRONMENT i Accessing
APPs (za ovo prvo je dovoljan samo SC group a za ovo drugo i ROLA))
All licensed users, whether or not they are members of the security groups,
must be assigned security roles to access data in the environments. You assign the
security roles in the web application. If users don’t have a security role, they
will get a data access denied error when trying to run an app. Users can't access
environments until they are assigned at least one security role for that
(C, B, C, C)
Users can't access environments until they are assigned at least one security
role for that environment
46. You can map attributes between entities that have an entity relationship. This
lets you set default values for a record that is created in the context of another
(Verovatno funckioniše po principu Parent - Child jt. 1:N)
(C, D i A)
47. If you are creating an attribute editor you will need to retrieve entity data
that has been saved but not published. For other scenarios you will want to only
retrieve published metadata.
- Set this value to true to include unpublished changes, as it would look if
you called publish.
- Set this value to false to include only the currently published changes,
ignoring the changes that haven't yet been published.
(deluje da je ok)
48. (Odgovori deluje OK) Može da se zaključi i sa slike
49. (OK) subgrid, form (ali ne u main body vec u ribbon) i in the home area of
entity (ovo ti je u suštini VIEW od entiteta kada radiš navigaciju iz APP a ne
advance find)
50. formContext.ui.refreshRibbonrefreshRibbon

Causes the ribbon to re-evaluate data that controls what is displayed in it.

Asynchronously refreshes and optionally saves all the data of the form without
reloading the page. The form data onload event occurs after the data is refreshed.
(Nisam siguran da save forme radi refres i ribbon-a)
(Trebalo bi da je ok)
51. (trebalo bi A(ako je canvas app onda nema site mapp (ovo bi bilo za model
driven)) i B)
Site Map validation -
When you validate the app, the app designer canvas shows you details
about the assets that are missing.
In the app designer, select Validate.
A notification bar appears and shows you whether the app has any errors
or warnings. The notification bar shows warnings in cases where, for example, an
entity has no forms or views, or the app doesn‫ג‬€™t contain any components. An error
might appear if a site map isn't configured for the app.
With Solution checker, you can inspect your code against a set of best
practice development rules specific to customizing and extending the CDS for Apps
platform. Get access to rich detailed reports listing issues identified, severity,
locations, and sometimes the line code, with linkage to detailed prescriptive
guidance on how to fix the problem.
PowerApp Checker checks your solution for any usage of code that was
deprecated or any performance or security issues in the code. It checks the plugin
code as well as web resources.
52. If a solution contains a model-driven app, Solution Checker might fail to
export the solution for analysis. This error is caused by role-based security for
sharing of apps. If the Power Apps Checker application user does not have
appropriate access to model-driven apps, any solutions containing them will fail to
export with solution checker.
54. (ok)
55. (ok) Obrati pažnju šta piše
56. (A, D)
57. Nemam pojma šta može da bude
58. "Business rules run only when the form loads and when field values change. They
do not run when a record is saved, unless the scope for the rule is set at an
entity level."
(zato mora da se stavi Entity level (jer se onda misli na backend validaciju)
ovo sve ostalo je frotn end validacija)
59. (ok)
60. If you have a flow that you want other people in your organization to create
copies of, there is a new Send a copy feature available.
(mislim da je u okviru iste organizacije tj. environment)
62. 1 pa 6 pa 3
63. OK
64. OK (Kada malo razmislis). Moguce je dodati PCF kontrolu u BPF ali je fora da
moraš da modifikuješ XML i onda opet uradiš import u CRM
65. (A, B, A)
66. OK (piše na user language (znači ne možeš da zakucaš iso kod))
In addition to data values, you can retrieve client context information by
using <CrmParameter>. You can use the following options as the value for the
CrmParameter element: OrgName, OrgLcid, and UserLcid.
userLCID is the language code of the current user.
67. OK
68. Obrati paznju sta pise (treba da kreiras PCF komponentu ne i da pripremis za
import u CRM)
69. A, D (web resource nije portal fucntionality, na WEB Formi ne može ali na Web
Form stepu može)
70. OK
71. E
72. OK
73. OK (kada se kaže end use mislis se na ljude koje bi koristili u Dizajnu)
74. YES, NO, NO
75. Nemam pojma šta piše
76. OK
77. GET https://dev.{servername}/api/discovery/v9.1/Instances(UniqueName='myorg')
(A i E)
78. A
79. OK
The updateView method will be called when any value in the property bag has
changed. This includes field values, data-sets, global values such as container
height and width, offline status, component metadata values such as label, visible,
80. YES , NO , NO (Will always be shown ! Update je async)
81. OK (parseFloat will return 'NaN' if it's not a number)
82. Deluje ok
// Missing the async parameter, which is the third parameter. It defaults to
true, which is the value you want.
var requestXhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/test/test.txt');

// Explicitly setting the async parameter.'GET', '/test/test.txt', true);
83. OK
84. OK (proveri)
Azure Functions integrates with Azure API Management in the portal to let you
expose your HTTP trigger function endpoints as REST APIs. These APIs are described
using an OpenAPI definition.
85. PRE-VALIDATION PLUGIN: Executes before the main system operation and OUTSIDE
the database transaction. (Note as this is pre-validation, it needs to be
synchronous and cannot be asynchronous.)
Pre-operation: Executes before the main system operation and executed within
the database transaction.
Since the pre-validation (stage 10) is outside of the transaction this makes it
the perfect place to validate and normalize data, before starting a commit
operation to the database.
Ideally, you should only cancel operations using synchronous plug-ins
registered in the PREVALIDATION stage. This stage usually occurs outside the main
database transaction. Cancelling an operation before it reaches the transaction is
highly desirable because the cancelled operation has to be rolled back. Rolling
back the operation requires significant resources and has a performance impact on
the system
(Izgleda posto nije u transakciji onda nema ni roll back sto je prakticnije a u
isto vreme izgleda da prethodna transakcija se nece ni okinuti jer ces baciti error
(Znaci sprecices da se okine event)
86. (OK)
87. NCrontab Expression: 0 0 4 * * 1-5 == 2021-10-04 04:00:00, 2021-10-05
04:00:00, 2021-10-05 04:00:00, 2021-10-05 04:00:00, 2021-10-06 04:00:00 ... 2021-
10-15 04:00:00
MinMin HH MonMon W-W (ovo sa zvezicama verovatno važi sve vrednosti u opsegu.
Godina se ne gleda verovatno jer se uzima trenutna pa se nastavlja niz)
UTC—Coordinated Universal Time—is the 24-hour time standard used as a basis for
civil time today, and all time zones are defined by their offset from UTC. The
offset is expressed as either UTC- or UTC+ and the number of hours and minutes.
(gleda se vreme na GRINIČU kao 0 i onda plus ili - od tog vremena)
An NCRONTAB expression is similar to a CRON expression except that it includes
an additional sixth field at the beginning to use for time precision in seconds:
{second} {minute} {hour} {day} {month} {day-of-week}
The default time zone used with the CRON expressions is Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC)
weekdays: a day of the week other than Sunday or Saturday. "the weekday rush
(ovo 0-4 (gleda se kao segment) oznacava dana u nedelji kao enum: 1-pon, 2-
utorak, 3- sreda ... 6-subota, 0-nedelja )
AM odnosi se na latinsku frazu “ante meridiem“, koja znači pre podne
Skraćenica PM odnosi se na “post meridiem“, odnosno posle podne, posle podneva.
(C, A)
88. This topic shows application developers how to use API keys with Google Cloud
APIs. An API key is a simple encrypted string that identifies an application
without any principal. They are useful for accessing public DATA anonymously, and
are used to associate API requests with your project for quota and billing.
(B, C i D)
89. OK
PostOperation - Occurs after the main system operation and within the
database transaction. Use this stage to modify any properties of the message before
it is returned to the caller.
Avoid applying changes to an entity included in the message
because this will trigger a new Update event.
(Izgleda ako to uradis u PreOperation onda se ne trigeruje
novi UPDATE event)
Within the PostOperation stage you can register steps to
use the asynchronous execution mode. These steps will run outside of the database
transaction using the asynchronous service.
(ako izabereš asinhroni STEP onda se operacija ne mora da
izvši u okviru transakcije)
PreOperation - Occurs before the main system operation and within the
database transaction. If you want to change any values for an entity included in
the message, you should do it here.
MainOperation - For INTERNAL use only except for Custom API and Custom
virtual table data providers.

U suštini ovde ti je MAIN operation parametar kada se šta dešava i sve što
je pre MAIN operation ne računa se kao novi EVENT
A u PRE VALIDATION izgleda da možeš da uradiš cancel MAIN operation
If you want to cancel the operation (verovatno se misli na MAIN operation),
you should detect this in the PreValidation stage and only throw a
InvalidPluginExecutionException containing an appropriate message describing why
the operation was cancelled.
90. Delta query enables applications to discover newly created, updated, or deleted
entities without performing a full read of the target resource with every request
91. OK (Bukvalno uzima jedno vreme iz BODY za kurs i vreme za 7 dana to pretvara u
nanon sekunde (broj otkucaja na svakinh 100 nanonsekundi) i onda racuna da li je
jedno vreme vece od drugog ili ne (u tim tikovima))
92. OK
Pogledaj opet za registraciju WEB HOOK i Service end point za
93. OK
Visual representation of metadata can be useful, especially when you are trying
to describe the relationship between entities in the system. You can use the
Metadata Diagram sample code provided for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement
(on-premises) to generate the entity relationship diagrams.
You can create a diagram that shows a relationship for just one entity, or a
complex diagram that includes dozens of related entities, including custom and
system entities.
94. Table rows are associated to each other using lookup columns on the related
table row. The simplest way to associate two rows in a one-to-many relationship is
to use an EntityReference to set the value of a lookup column on the related row.
The simplest way to disassociate two rows in a one-to-many relationship is to
set the value of the lookup column to null.
Relationships using an many-to-many relationship also depend on lookup columns
on the intersect entity that supports the many-to-many relationship. These
relationship are defined by the existence of rows in that intersect entity. While
you can interact with the intersect entity directly, it is much easier to use the
API to do this for you.
(i ovde bi mogao da staviš null na lookup od intersect entiteta ali mnogo je
bolje da to uradiš pomoću metoda od Organization service koje to urade umesto tebe
(i to pogotvou za kad ti nisi kreirao taj međuintetet))
When you register a PLUGIN on Associate message, you have to leave "Primary"and
"Secondary" entities as 'none'!
Associate/Disassociate messages are used only for N-N relationship
(Izgleda da je kljucno da provalis prvo da li je veza N:N ako hoces da koristis
ovo za Asocijaciju)
95. nemam pojma
96. deluje ok
97. OK
(Attach the debugger to the w3wp.exe process ovo nema veze sa plugin
registration tool-om)
98. Nemam pojma (valjda je ok)
99. KeyAttribute is only for matching. Does not participate in update (Ovo za
(Za create mora da uzme ove kolone jer mora da kreira rekorde i da ima
alternat key za taj rekord)
The primary ID (misli se na GUID) is used if it is provided. If it is not
provided, it will examine the KeyAttributeCollection.
(Yes, No, No, No)
100. A, C i A
101. Izgleda je timout for webhooks 6s
102. Yes
103. OK (samo service bus je ok od svih ovih ponudjenih opcija) Ovde je naglasak na
PREVENT DATA LOSS a ovde ti je se aktivira na svakiih 5 minuta (ako ima neki time
out onda će omašiti rekorde koje se nalaze između dva run-a)
104. OK
105. Deluje ok
An event source is where the event happens. Each event source is related to
one or more event types. For example, Azure Storage is the event source for blob
created events. IoT Hub is the event source for device created events. Your
application is the event source for custom events that you define. Event sources
are responsible for sending events to Event Grid.
The event grid topic provides an endpoint where the source sends events. The
publisher creates the event grid topic, and decides whether an event source needs
one topic or more than one topic. A topic is used for a collection of related
events. To respond to certain types of events, subscribers decide which topics to
subscribe to.
A subscription tells Event Grid which events on a topic you're interested in
receiving. When creating the subscription, you provide an endpoint for handling the
From an Event Grid perspective, an event handler is the place where the event
is sent. The handler takes some further action to process the event. Event Grid
supports several handler types.
106. OK
107. OK
Microsoft Dataverse supports integration with Azure. Developers can register
plug-ins with Dataverse that can pass runtime message data, known as the execution
context, to one or more Azure solutions in the cloud.
Plug-ins are one of two methods used to initiate posting the message
containing the data context to the Azure Service Bus, the other method being a
custom workflow activity.
108. OK
109. Nemam pojma
111. PA, PA , BPF
112. OK
113. C i D
114. OK
115. OK
116. Treba onSave (jer je ovaj onLoad naredni)
117. A
118. OK
119. OK
120. <rate-limit-by-key calls="3" renewal-period="15" counter-
key="@(context.Request.IpAddress)" />
This means that if the same IP address makes three API calls within a 15-
second period, it will get rate limited and told to try again later.
(OK samo treba da piše npr. 10 per 60s tj. 1 minute)
121. When you choose to use a synchronous execution mode any failure will be
reported back to the user of the application with an Endpoint unavailable error
dialog informing the user that the webhook service endpoint may be configured
incorrectly or is not available.
Among Microsoft Dynamics partners the ISVs, or Independent Software Vendors,
are companies focused on specific industries and solutions rather than all-round
122. OK (Piše ti napočetku da se radi sve ručno a u issue da treba da se radi
pomoću mobile app i to skeniranjem (a to je onda jedino CANVAS APP))
(Mora dobro da se čita tekst)
123. OK
124. Rollup fields are designed to help users obtain insights into data by
monitoring key business metrics. A rollup field contains an aggregate value
computed over the records related to a specified record, such as open opportunities
of an account. Also, you’ll be able to aggregate data from the activities directly
related to a record, such as emails and appointments, and activities indirectly
related to a record via the Activity Party entity
Calculated fields let you automate manual calculations by specifying an
expression that calculates the field value. Expressions may include existing fields
from the current entity or related parent entities, and the built-in functions such
of available functions is expanded from release to release).
125. System Administrator: Has full permission to customize the system , Can view
all data in the system
System Customizer: Can only view records for system entities that they create

The Basic User security role primarily contains Basic privileges for core
entities where the user can write, update, and delete records that they created or
(CORE ENTITIES) Tournament izgleda da je custom entity
(By default, system customizers have full access to custom entities.)
126. OK
127. Field data type: Single Line of Text, Multiple Lines of Text, Option Set ,
MultiSelect Option Set , Status, Status Reason , Floating Point Number ,
Lookup,Image, Owner, Date and Time
(OptionSet, Date Only, Lookup)
128. (OK)
Microsoft Teams is used for all collaboration. (ovo je kljucna informacija)
129. A i A
In HTTP 1.1, all connections are considered persistent (KeepAlive is true)
unless declared otherwise. Due to the fact that plug-ins run in isolation, the
Sandbox service translates into them being short-lived executions that generally
would not benefit from KeepAlive. To avoid problems with connecting to external
services we recommend disabling KeepAlive within plug-ins. This is done by setting
KeepAlive to false.
130. OK
131. The Filter function finds records in a table that satisfy a formula. Use
Filter to find a set of records that match one or more criteria and to discard
those that don't.
The LookUp function finds the first record in a table that satisfies a
formula. Use LookUp to find a single record that matches one or more criteria.
The Search function finds records in a table that contain a string in one of
their columns. The string may occur anywhere within the column; for example,
searching for "rob" or "bert" would find a match in a column that contains
"Robert". Searching is case-insensitive. Unlike Filter and LookUp, the Search
function uses a SINGLE string to match instead of a formula.
(B i C) (Fora je da možeš više ovih da kombinuješ istovremeno u jednoj formuli
samo što onda ti se do tinamički vuče iz više input-a)
132. Nemam pojma (Expresion bi trebalo da bude poslednje)
134. OK (verovatno input kontrole za aplikaciju)
135. D
136. Workflow does not support run on schedule.
Power Automate does not support Azure integration.
For integration with Azure use Logic Apps,
For integration with Dynamics 365 Logic Apps can be used. It also supports
scheduled actions.
For integration with Azure use Logic Apps, instead of Power Automate.

33, 41, 50, 60, 65, 71, 77, 88, 95, 99, 106

18 , 27 ,29 , 33, 34, 38, 41, 42, 45 (Ovde je slika sjebana (moras da brojis broj
kruzica da vidis koji odgovara CONTACT roli))
50, 59, 60, 63, 65, 68, 71, 72, 75, 77,82, 83, 88, 90, 95 (Procitaj o OAuth i
OAuth2), 98, 99, 106, 109, 111, 116, 119, 121 , 123, 125, 126,132, 135, 136

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