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Go South then East

Date issued: 06/10/22

Date due: 15/10/22


I looked into quite a few competitions, seeing which would be the best for my film. I went through
many, and there were quite a few I could've picked from. I finally decided to choose “Roots to Shoots”.
It’s free to enter and is located in Leamington Spa. There are no awards, and it’s a relatively niche
festival as well. Its only entry requirement is that the film has to be under fifteen minutes, which
luckily I can do, as our films have to be exactly ten minutes long. Besides that, there are no other entry
requirements or qualifications needed, and no restrictions on the genre or content itself.

The festival will be held at some point between June and December next year apparently, and the
Deadline for the film to be submitted is late December, which luckily our deadline just falls under.

Final plot outline

My final plot idea is that one guy, a little down on his luck, steals some money from another guy, and
what ensues is a cat-and-mouse chase across various locations, with both characters getting their
fair share of a beating. All of it shot to look similar to a 1920s silent movie.

Target Audience

My Target Audience is 18+ niche, although I’d argue that my idea would fit PG mainstream audiences
too, however, others seem to disagree. What this means is that I can get away with a lot more than if
it was just PG mainstream. This means that I can include more violence and situations which could be
considered dangerous while also being easy to imitate as a child. There is the whole niche aspect,
which black & white silent movie seems to fall under, despite being the most popular type of film back
in its heyday - probably due to the fact it was the only type of film back then.

Legal & Ethical issues

My production does plan to have activities which shouldn’t be mimicked by people of a lower age
range, which is one of the reasons why it’s going to be rated as 18+, as well as this, there’s also the
fact that it may upset some people for its light-hearted portrayal of violence, it may not mean to be
glorified, but some may see it that way. Besides this, I am unable to find any legal and ethical issues
which may affect my film.


03/10/22 Generate ideas

10/10/22 Research Target Audience

17/10/22 Research Codes and


24/10/22 Catch-up on un-finished work

31/10/22 Plan production

07/11/22 Plan production

14/11/22 Pitch Idea, filming, editing

21/11/22 Filming, editing

28/11/22 Finish edit

05/12/22 Evaluation and touch-ups

12/12/22 Final submission (14/12/22)

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