Art & Architecture Synopsis

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Name of Student : Rahul kompelli



Is Architecture Still Considered an Art?(Asked by Michael G. Imber)

Art was separated from architecture when specialization of the various
professional fields came into play, which gave rise to the formation of
different specialized fields such as Engineering, Quantity surveying, urban
planning, surveying and so on.
Today, an architectural office is a scene of flickering screens and humming
computers, endlessly energetic tools for the creation of buildings. Yet, as
technology aids the progress and efficiency of building, the young
architectural graduate who can draw is but a rarity in today's studio. As we
give ourselves over to the machines, can we continue to understand nature?
Can we know history and culture, and can we really understand humanity
through building? Through the digital medium aspirants losing the art in
architecture. It means aspirants or architects losing the closer with art.
The creativity in architecture without an art inspiration is just Engineering.
a certain level of visual and aesthetic awareness that pretty much comes with
creativity, or that creativity naturally engenders.
Unfortunately, we have completely forgotten the importance of aesthetics in a
city. This is why people find the “old” parts of cities a lot prettier than newly
built parts.
The academy is medium for integrate the art and architecture.
“The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we
have no soul of our own civilization.”(Frank Lloyd Wright.)

Architecture is one of the classical forms of art and has always had a strong
association with the art world.Creating a beautiful structure, from the design
phase, developing and building structures or other buildings combine into
what we know as architecture. Architecture is the practical manifestation of
“Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves."(By
Julia Morgan)

The perspective of American architect Julia Morgan (1872-1957) regarding Art

is that architecture should try to be visually expressive while accommodating
the various needs of people. The visual environment always has a constructive
effect on the student's motivation to perform better. Creativity must not be
restricted in any form of art and built environment when expressing its
 EXAMPLE :Light plays an integral role in the school of Art and
Architecture, likewise in every other constructed building. Art
can often be expressed by light. At the same time, art is also

illuminated by light.
. The
intensive play of light and shadow
Timely and wide-ranging, "Art and Architecture" explores the proliferation of
recent pioneering work by both artists and architects that seeks to blur
traditional boundaries between the two fields.

The art integration in the creative work of a contemporary architect is

considered within the system of the individual-personal integrative “field”,
which has a special system-forming meaning, generating creative impulses in
the author-architect’s work and emotional and sense-bearing response in the
recipient’s perception.
Art and architecture school It provide course for Bachelor in architecture, Arts
and Allied art to students, with learning through formal syllabus and informal
activities and interaction.


 This research project seeks to investigate the issues of Art and
Architecture education. It then reviews the Influential precedents to
analyse why the problems persist and solutions are not addressed in those
precedents. Finally, the research will seek to find a typo-logical model of
an Art and Architecture school building. The design will focus on how
interconnected spaces with enhanced light and transparency can
maximize the creative environment.
 The integration of art into the contemporary architecture.
 To enhance harmony and synergy between Art and Architectural students
and other fields.
 To create informal spaces that encourage interaction between students,
teachers, and visitors


 Throughout history, Art and Architecture have always had a strong

connection with each other. Together, these connections have produced
fantastic work, helped shape our culture to what we are today, and will
always continue to shape our society and thoughts. But, unfortunately,
this connection has started to shrink in modern times. This
disconnectedness has also affected the education sector, where we don't
have many Art and Architectural schools. Even the ones providing Art and
Architecture faculties often struggle to create a synergy between these
fields and their students.

FINLAND Architect: Finish Architect Alvar Aalto designed.
Date Built: The department of Art, Design, and Architecture was
established in 2010. The Otaniemi campus area was established in 1949.


Architect: CGP consultants.
Date Built: Built in 2006 and officially opened in 2009.

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