Part 1 Questions

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Match the responses to the appropriate Part 1 questions.

Then, take turns to ask and answer the questions in pairs/groups, using
your own ideas.


How long have you been studying English? A First, because I think that having proof of my English level is going
to help me find a good job. I mean, with the economic situation as it
1B is, it will really give me an edge. I also wanted something to keep me
motivated and occupied while I’m looking for work.

What do you most enjoy about learning B Well, as a matter of fact, I started learning it when I was 7 years
English? old. At the time we were living in Canada as my dad was working
2 D2 there as an engineer. We only lived there for a few years but well,
I’ve been studying English ever since then.

Why are you preparing for the Advanced C It depends, but mainly I find it easier to study in the morning when
exam? everyone else is still asleep. What I tend to do is wake up an hour or
3A so earlier than usual, have a coffee and study for an hour, then have
breakfast. It’s easier to concentrate when the house is quiet.

How important is it for you to have a routine D If I’m honest,I’d choose wealth over fame. I know I’d hate having
when you’re studying, and why? my privacy invaded and I really wouldn’t like the publicity you get
4G when you’re famous, nor being hounded by the press. I think if you
have wealth, you can enjoy it more and do some good too.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where D2 Believe it or not, I really love the grammar. Personally speaking,
would you live and why? I think that understanding how a language fits together and working
5I out how it relates to my own language is really interesting. I guess I
really like the challenge too!

What time of day do you prefer to study and E That’s a tricky question. I think I’d probably have to say my dad,
why? although to be fair my mum brought me up almost single-handedly
6C as he mostly worked abroad. Why my dad? Well, I guess it’s the way
he introduced me to other cultures and gave me itchy feet.

Tell us a little about the place where you were F I think there’s no one way, to be honest. I like using different
born. mediums - it really depends on time. I mean, when I can, I speak to
7H my parents and close friends through Skype but the time difference
can make it hard so I also email and use Facebook.

If you had to choose between being rich or G Well, as I work full-time, it’s crucial. To be honest, the only way I
famous, which would you choose and why? can study and work at the same time is to really manage my time
8D effectively. If I don’t set time aside for each, I find that before I know
it the week has gone and I’ve not done what I wanted to.

What would you say is the best way of keeping H Well, I suppose at the time I was born it was only a village. Since
in contact with your friends and family? then, though, it’s been developed quite considerably so it’s more of
9F a town now. I’m pretty certain you must have heard of it, it’s called
Santa Fé and is on the northern coast of Brazil.

Who would you say has had the most influence I Mmm… well I guess it’d have to be somewhere hot and sunny
on your life? where you can spend a lot of the day outdoors. I like being near the
10 E water as well, so perhaps somewhere in the Caribbean would be
good. To be honest, I’ve never really given it much thought.

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