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--Investigar el uso del used to and I did not used to, y realizar 5 oraciones de cada una.

El verbo “use” significa “usar” o “utilizar”. Sin embargo, cuando utilizamos este verbo en el
pasado simple, más la preposición “to”, como verbo modal, el significado cambia. Además, se
puede utilizar “used to” como adjetivo.

Used to
I used to drink soda but not anymore
I used to go out for air
My mother used to study French
Before we used to go out together
We used to be happy

Not used to
I didn't used to drink
I used to like bread
I didn't used to be like this
You didn't used to do that
My father didn't used to be aggressive

- Realizar oraciones con las sigtes frases.

*First of all
My walking is first of all a prayer for peace.
Well, first of all, there's not gonna be a trial.

*Another significant point is

Another significant point was the decision to encourage the redistribution of care work and
encourage recognition of its value to society.

*The reason is that.

That is the reason why she started to hate him.

*The result of this was that.

And as a result of that betrayal, he is going to prison.

-Investigar sobre los conectores de opinión, de adición y de secuencia, hacer 3 oraciones con
cada uno de ellos.
In my opinion the second is better
I am strong and also beautiful
To start it is good to buy the food first

-Hacer 5 oraciones expresando preferencias (aquí debes utilizar el verbo Prefer)

I'd rather be a firefighter
I'd rather go out alone
I will do this, the others who do what they prefer
I prefer her before you
You should have preferred someone better

-Explica el uso del because and since y hacer 2 oraciones con cada uno de ellos.
"Since" es una preposición que se puede traducir como "desde", y "because" es una
conjunción que se puede traducir como "porque".
Because it is better to choose things well
I'm good because I study
Because since I got to school he wrote things down
From one point to another

-Hacer una table utilizando 20 verbos con su presente, pasado simple y pasado participio.
Debes usar verbos regulares e irregulares. Ex: Go-Went-Gone

1 surgir arise arose arisen

2 awake awoke awoken

3 soportar bear bore borne

4 golpear beat beat beaten

5 convertirse en become became become

6 empezar begin began begun

7 doblar(se) bend bent bent

8 apostar bet bet bet

9 pujar bid bid bid

10 encuadernar bind bound bound

11 morder bite bit bitten

12 sangrar bleed bled bled

13 soplar blow blew blown

14 romper break broke broken

15 criar breed bred bred

16 traer bring brought brought

17 construir build built built

18 quemar(se) burn burnt burnt

19 estallar burst burst burst

20 comprar buy bought bought

-Hacer 5 oraciones utilizando los verbos modales: must have , Might have, Could have
utilizando el pasado participio.
Must have cancer
I should get over cancer
Would have to endure
I could have money
Could have salvation

-Escribir 10 palabras en ingles relativas a describir emociones.

Happy – Feliz
Glad – Contento
Joyful – Alegre
Interested – Interesado/a
Proud – Orgulloso/a
Powerful – Poderoso/a, influyente
Optimistic – Entusiasta, optimista
Fear – Miedo, terror
Anger – Ira, enfado
Sadness – Tristeza

-Hacer un breve escrito en ingles describiendo algún desastre natural ocurrido.

Australia is being ravaged by devastating wildfires never seen before in the country. As of
January 27, these massive wildfires - sparked by record temperatures and months of severe
droughts - have burned more than 26.4 million acres (10.6 million hectares), an area larger
than the state of Virginia.

-hacer 2 oraciones enlazando ideas con el when and while en pasado simple y pasado
Jose called while I was watching the news
La casa exploto mientras yo estaba fuera

-Escribir un texto en ingles de 2 párrafos, describiendo un evento sucedido que recuerdes.

Debes utilizar el pasado simple, pasado continuo y pasado participio en dicha narración.
Luego debes grabarte leyéndolo y subir dicho video para evaluar la parte de pronunciación.

Nota: La práctica debe ser desarrollada en sus cuadernos, le toman foto para subirla por
classroom o whassap. Debe ser realizada en ingles y entregada mas tardar el lunes 14 de junio.

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