SS 3 Biology Mock Exam 2017-2018

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PART A: (Objectives)
Answer all questions in part A and any three in part B

1.A bacteria cell differs from eukaryotic cell by having noA. Cell WallB. Nuclear MembraneC. Nuclear
MaterialD. Cell Membrane
2. In which of the following parts of a cell is the chromosome found?A. NucleusB. Golgi bodyC.
CytoplasmD. Cell membrane
3. Which of the following parts organism is not a protest?A. AmoebaB. EuglenaC. HydraD. Typanosoma
4.In spirogyra, the pyrenoidA. excretes waste productsB. is suspended by cytoplasmic strands.C. is mainly
used for respirationD. usually contains starch.
5. In which of the following groups of animals are flagella and cilia found?A. flatwormsB. AnnelidsC.
ProtozoaD. Coelenterates
6. Which of the following is seed bearing?A. Whistling pineB. Mosses C. LiverwortsD. Fern fronds
7. Each of the following is an Arthropod EXCEPTA. CrabB. FlyC. CockroachD. Millipede
8. Which of the following processes occurs by diffusion?A. Reabsorption of water in kidney tubulesB.Entry
of water into the cytoplasm of unicellular animalsC. Absorption of water in the large intestineD. Exchange
of nutrients between a mother and the foestus
9. The appendicle skeleton is made up of the A. girdles and limbsB. skull and vertebral columnC. skull and
limbs D. limbs
10. Which of the following is found in the vertebrarterial canal of the cervical vertebrae?A. spinal cordB.
blood vesselsC. cerebrospinal fluidD. parenchyma
12.Partially digested food ready to leave the stomach is referred to as A.chyme B. curd C. glycogen D.
13. Whichof the following produces bile? A.gall bladder B. pancreas C. Bile duct D. liver
14.If a child receives blood from all donors, he belongs to the blood group A. O B. A C. B D. AB
15. The vein which returns blood from the head and arms to the heart is called. A. superior vena cava B.
inferior vena cava C. aorta D. Pulmonary vein
16.The function of the red blood cells is to A. engulf invading bacteria B. aid in protein formation C.
transport oxygen to the cells D controlblood glucose level
17. The Malpighi an tubules play a major role in ………… A. digestion B. respiration C. reproduction D.
18. The following are excretory products of plants EXCEPT………… A. Melanin B. Alaloids C. Gums D.
19. A marine fish drinks salt water because A. Its diet is deficient in essential salts B. drinking sea water
helps it to control loss of water from its body C. it needs to gain the salt it loses by osmosis. D. the fish
controls its buoyancy by its body content
20. Flame cell is an excretory structure found in A Flatworms B. Crustaceans C. Insects D. Annelids
21. The possession of breathing roots is a characteristic of plants growing in A. Mangrove Swamp B.
Coastal Savannah C. Shrub biome D. Guinea savannah
22. The numbers in a population would rise if there was an increase in the A. Spread of disease B. Number
of deaths C. Number of predators D. Amount of food available
23. Which of the following removes water from the water cycle? A. Condensation B. Photosynthesis C.
Transpiration D. Perspiration
24. Which of the following organisms respires through the body surface? A. Man B. Fish C. Lizard D.
25. All the following during inspiration EXCEPT A. Intercoastal muscles contract B. Ribs move forward C.
Diaphragm relaxes D. Thoracic cavity increases
26. The following are animal-like characteristics of Euglena except A. chloroplast B. eyespot C. flagellum
D. myoneme
27. During an experiment to test for starch in a green leaf which of the following colouration shows the
presence of starch?
A. Blue-black B. brown C. Green D. Yellow
28. The oxygen released after photosynthesis is from A. Carbondioxide B. Carbohydrate C. Water D.
Hydrogen ions
29. Transportation of sugar formed during photosynthesis is called A. Transpiration B. Presiration C.
Transpiration pull D. Transiocation
30. For photosynthesis to take place all the following are necessary EXCEPT A. Chlorophyll B. Xylem
tissue to conduct water C. Sunlight D. Carbondioxide
31. A fee ding relationship between two organisms in which one benefit and the other neither suffers harm
nor benefits is called A. Cannibalism B. Commensalism C. symbiosis D. Parasitism
32. What mode of nutrition is exhibited between ruminants and cellulose digesting bacteria in their intestine/
A. HolophyticB. HolozoicC. SymbioticD. Parastic
33. Which of the following natural resources is most readily available to all organisms? A. Water B. Oil C.
Food D. Air
34. In a food chain, the position occupied by an organisms is called A. Energy level B. Niche C. trophic
level D. Feeding level
35. Which of these statements about food chain is not correct? A. Animals in the chain are consumers B. a
food chain usually begins with a green plant C. All organisms in a food chain are animal D Living things
depend on one another
36.A food substance which produces red colouration with sudan III contains A. Protein B. Sugar C. starch
D. Fat
37. The function of lymph nodes is to A. Form red blood cells B. Supply oxygen C. Fiter out bacteria D.
Supply amino acids
38. Which of the following is not aquatic habitat A. Estuaries B. rainforest C. Swamp D. Salt lake
39. Which of the following digestive enzymes functions best in an acidic medium? A. Amylase B. Maltase
C. Pepsin D. Ptyalin
40. The following are structural adaptations of desert plants for water conservation EXCEPT A. Broad
leaves with numerous .Stomata B. Stems and leaves with heavy cuticle C. Tiny leaves D. Sunken stomata
41. Which of the following is a pollutant of air? A. Oxygen B. Water vapour C. Nitrogen D. Carbon
42. The practice of warming soup regularly as it concerns food preservation is essentially to A. Retain taste
B. Kill the bacteria in it C. Raise the temperature D. Remove excess water
43. Pests can be controlled without the subsequent danger of polluting the ecosystem by A Introducing
population of species similar to that of the pest B. Increasing the population of the natural enemies of the
C. Keeping the population of natural enemies of the pest constant D. Spraying the ecosystem with pesticides
44. Which of the following groups of organisms feed directly on green plants? A. Producer B. Decomposer
C. Primary consumer D. Secondary Consumer
45. Transmission of the malarial parasite is effected through the bite of the A. Male Anopheles mosquito B.
Infected male Anopheles mosquito C. Female Anopheles mosquito D. Infected female Aedes mosquito
46. Spirogyra reproduces vegetatively by A. binary fission B. budding C. sporulation D.
47. Which of the following possesses mycelia? A. Bacteria B. Ferns C. ChlamydomonasD. Viruses
48. Which of the following is an evidence of photosynthesis? A. Availability of carbondioxide B.
Absorption of light C. Splitting of water molecules D. Formation of starch
49. Magnesium is needed by plants for A. Formation of chlorophyll B. Formation of cell membrane C.
Protein synthesis D. Activation of enzymes
50. Which of the following is not a micronutrient? A Manganese B. Zinc C. Copper D. Potassium

Large labeled diagrams should be used where they make an answer clearer. The names give for chosen
Species must be English or Scientific and not vernacular.
Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of answers.

1. (i) Give two economic importance of Termite (cryptotermis, brevis)



(ii) Name the class to which termite be belong


(iii) State three conservable natural resources (1 mark)




(iv)List seven major groups which taxonomists classify living thighs in order of hierarchy.
(b) Define the term Ecosystem
(2 marks)
(c) State two functions of mammalian Skin
(2 marks)
(c) What is the name given to the Instrument used to measure the rate of transpiration in plant?
(2 marks)
(ii) Highlight the dental formula of a dog.
(2 marks)
(2) a State four excretory products in plant.
(4 marks)
(b) In which part of small intestine absorption of food takes place.
(ii) Define the termTropic level (2 marks)
(iii) Define the term succession (2 marks)
(c) i State one protozoan that causes malaria.
(1 marks)
(ii) State two types of skeleton present in animal.
(2 marks)
(iii) State one deficiency each of vitamin A and C
(2 marks)
(d) Mention five function of food substance carbohydrate to man
(5 marks)
3. Name one enzyme that act, on food substance, carbohydrate during digestion
(1 marks)
(ii) State two divisions of human skeleton
(1 marks)

(b) Make a diagram 8cm - 10cm long of lateral view of Tilapia Fish

(9) Marks
(c) Explain three features that make gills of bony fishes efficient gaseous exchange structure

(9 marks)
4. List three transmittable characters in (i) Human being (ii) Plant
(12 marks)
(b) i Name four types of fingerprint in man
(4 marks)
(ii) State characteristic of enzymes.
(4 marks)
(5a) List four defects of the human eyes.
(4 marks)
b. Itemizesix methods of soil conservation
(6 marks)
(6) (i) Define Osmosis
(2 marks)
(ii) Name conditions necessary for Osmosis to occur
(2 marks)
(b) State five functions of the World Health organization
(5 marks)
(c) State four differences between photosynthesis and respiration
(d) In the table below, state five differences between the skin of mammal and the epidermis of a leaf
Skin of mammal epidermis of a leaf



(c) i Define competition

(1 mark)
ii State one cause of overcrowding.
(1 mark)

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