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Teaching Dates and September 5-8 2022 Quarter FIRST


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be followed
and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are
assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the effect of instruments on measurements, uncertainties and deviations in measurements.

B. Performance Standard The learner should be able to solve, using experimental and theoretical approaches, multiconcept, rich-content problems involving measurement,
vectors, motion in 1D and 2D, Newton’s Laws, Work, Energy, Center of Mass, momentum, impulse and collisions.
C. Learning Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives
At the end of the session, learners At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of the (Four
will be able to: learners will be able to: learners will be able to: session, learners will
be able to:
hours per
1. Recognize the different units 1. At least 85% of the week only)
in the metric system; learners passed the 1. Differentiate the three 1. Differentiate
2. Appreciate the importance of formative assessment; laws of motion; accuracy from
converting different units; and, 2. At least 15% of the 2. Explain how our precision.
3. Solve conversion of unit learners will be given everyday activities is 2. Relate to actual
problems. remedial activities about the being governed by the scenarios the
topic after the formative three laws of motion; difference between
assessment. and, accuracy and
Perform activities that will precision; and,
show the application of 3. Give the importance
the three laws of motion. of understanding
accuracy and

II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a
week or two.

International Metric System and Formative Assessment on Isaac Newton’s Three Laws Accuracy and
Conversion of Units International Metric System and of Motion Precision
Conversion of Units
A. References Physics Handbook Physics Handbook Physics Handbook Physics Handbook
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learner’s Materials pages 12-14 16-18 18 20
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
VI. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing
students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or  The teacher will ask students The teacher ask
presenting the new lesson about the previous lesson. The teacher will give a review The teacher will call some somebody from the
of the previous lessons. students to write their class to give a brief
 The teacher will use the answers of the assignment review of the previous
Socratic Method to engage The teacher will ask few given on the previous day. lesson.
learners in the discussion and questions like: Students will also explain
to motivate the learners to 1. What have you learned about their answers that will also
learn the new topic. the previous topic that we had serve as a review of the
yesterday? previous lesson.

Students are expected to

answer in a random manner.

B. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher will present the lesson The teacher will present the The teacher will present the The teacher will
lesson objectives. lesson objectives. lesson objectives. present the lesson
C. Presenting The teacher will give situations of Students will accomplish a 30- Activity: Video Presentation
examples/Instances of the how the conversion of units is item problem .conversion of unit and Analysis The teacher will
new lesson being applied in the daily living. quiz. They will accomplish it for present the lesson
Students will be asked to share 45 minutes. The teacher will present a about Accuracy and
their own experiences or video about the Three Laws Precision.
knowledge about the topic. of Motion proposed by Isaac
The students are expected
to watch the video and take
down notes about the video.

D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will ask the students After 50 minutes of answering Activity: Peer Group The teacher will
practicing new skills # 1 to give their thoughts about the the quiz, the checking of their Discussion illustrate the
following terms: answers will follow. Checking difference between
will also clarifications of some After the video presentation, accuracy and
Mass, kilograms, liter, weight, points of the lesson that were teacher will ask the student precision.
Celsius, dimensional analysis, etc. not understood very well. about the things that they
have learned from the video
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will give examples on Questions regarding the Activity: Reciprocal The teacher will further
practicing new skills # 2 how the study of how matter, problems included in the quiz will Questioning elaborate the lesson
energy and motion are very useful be entertained and further based on the
in understanding the world around explanations will be given. Students will formulate information given by
us. questions or problems the students during the
regarding the video Matching Type Activity.
Cooperative learning will be presented and other
imposed. The teacher will solve
students will give their own
problems involving
understanding about the conversion of units.
questions being asked by Some students will be
their classmates. called to do the solving
on the board.

F. Developing mastery The teacher will give a brief The teacher will give a brief The teacher will give a 10- Socratic Method will
(leads to Formative Assessment explanation of how important explanation of each item during item quiz. be used by the
) conversion of units in our daily the checking of papers. teacher.
lives and how the metric system
helped the society in so many
G. Finding practical application Teacher will share some examples During checking of papers, Students will be asked with
of concepts and skills in daily of the application of the metric teacher will explain some of the the following questions: Students will be
living system in the daily living. items that required more asked with random
explanation on applications. 1. How the three laws of questions to improve
motion affects our daily higher order thinking
living? skills.
2. Do you think the
understanding of the three
laws of motion helped in the
advancement of
technologies nowadays?
H. Making generalizations and The teacher will Some students will be asked to The teacher will give the The teacher will give
abstractions about the lesson generalize/summarize the give a summary of the lesson. generalization of the topic. the summary of the
discussion. lesson discussed.
I. Evaluating learning The student will be given problems Activity: Muddiest Point The quiz already served as Evaluation for this topic
to solve about the conversion of Students will be asked to write the evaluation. will be included in the
units. down the point of the lesson where quiz on the next
they are struggling to understand meeting.
the most.
Teacher will clarify those muddiest
J. Additional activities for An assignment will be given to Students will be tasked to have Students who were not able Let the students do a
application or remediation improve mastery of the conversion a reading advance on Newton’s to get Students will be research or advance
of unit. 30-item quiz involving Three Laws of Motion instructed to do an advance reading about the
conversion of units will be given on reading about Accuracy and topic about Work,
the next day. Precision. Energy and ass.

___ out of __ students ___ out of __ students ___ out of __ students ___ out of __ students
1. No. of learners who belong to 80% mastery belong to 80% mastery belong to 80% mastery belong to 80% mastery
earned 80% in the evaluation level during formative level during formative level during formative level during formative
assessment assessment assessment assessment
2. No. of learners who
__ students need __ students need __ students need __ students need
require additional activities for
remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation.
remediation who score below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons __ out __ students have __ out __ students have
__ out __ students have __ out __ students have
work? No. of learners who have caught up with the caught up with the
caught up with the lesson caught up with the lesson
caught up with the lesson lesson lesson
4. No. of learners who _ students need a follow _ students need a follow _ students need a follow _ students need a
continue to require remediation up remediation up remediation up remediation follow up remediation
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did          
these work?
6. What difficulties did I          
encounter which my principal or
superior can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers

Prepared by:

Special Science Teacher I Checked by:

School Principal I

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