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A Green’s function approach to the Casimir effect on topological

insulators with planar symmetry

A. Martı́n-Ruiz1 , M. Cambiaso2 and L. F. Urrutia1

Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 México, Distrito Federal, México
Universidad Andres Bello, Departamento de Ciencias Fisicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Av. Republica 220,
arXiv:1604.00534v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 2 Apr 2016

Santiago, Chile

PACS 03.70.+k – Theory of quantized fields

PACS 03.50.De – Maxwell equations
PACS 11.15.Yc – Chern-Simons gauge theory

Abstract –We investigate the Casimir stress on a topological insulator (TI) between two metallic
plates. The TI is assumed to be joined to one of the plates and its surface in front of the other
is covered by a thin magnetic layer, which turns the TI into a full insulator. We also analyze the
limit where one of the plates is sent to infinity yielding the Casimir stress between a conducting
plate and a TI. To this end we employ a local approach in terms of the stress-energy tensor of the
system, its vacuum expectation value being subsequently evaluated in terms of the appropriate
Green’s function. Finally, the construction of the renormalised vacuum stress-energy tensor in the
region between the plates yields the Casimir stress. Numerical result are also presented.

I. Introduction. – The Casimir effect (CE) [1] is one Witten effect. Similarly, it has been proposed that the
of the most remarkable consequences of the nonzero vac- half-quantized Hall conductances on the surfaces of two
uum energy predicted by quantum field theory which has TIs can be measured [10]. The Casimir force between TIs
been confirmed by experiments [2]. In its most basic form, was computed in Ref. [11] and the authors proposed to
the CE results in the attraction between two perfectly re- measure it using T1BiSe2 , however the required experi-
flecting planar surfaces due to a restriction of the allowed mental precision has not been achieved yet. This proposal
modes in the vacuum between them. This attraction man- also included the most notable feature that, due to the
ifests itself when the surfaces are separated by a few mi- TME, the strength and sign of the Casimir stress between
crometers. In general, the CE can be defined as the stress two planar topological insulators can be tuned. We ob-
(force per unit area) on bounding surfaces when a quan- serve that the calculation in Ref. [11] was done by using
tum field is confined in a finite volume of space. The the scattering approach to the Casimir effect, i.e., using
boundaries can be material media, interfaces between two the Fresnel coefficients for reflection matrices at the inter-
phases of the vacuum, or topologies of space. For a review faces of the TIs. Additional TME include: induced mirror
see, for example, Refs. [3, 4]. The experimental accessibil- magnetic monopoles due to electric charges close to the
ity to micrometer-size physics has motivated the theoret- surface of a TI (and vice versa) [8] and a non-trivial Fara-
ical study of the CE in different scenarios, including the day rotation of the polarisations of electromagnetic waves
standard model [5] and the gravitational sector [6]. propagating through a TIs surface [12].
The recent discovery of 3D topological insulators (TIs) The low-energy effective field theory (EFT) which de-
[7] provides an additional arena where the CE can be stud- scribes the TME, independently of microscopic details,
ied. TIs are an emerging class of time-reversal symmet- consists of the usual electromagnetic Lagrangian density
ric materials which have attracted much attention due to supplemented by a term proportional to θE · B, where θ
the unique properties of their surface states. Experimen- is the topological magnetoelectric polarisability (TMEP)
tal devices with TIs are now feasible, however the induced [13]. Time-reversal (TR) symmetry indicates that this
topological magnetoelectric effect (TME) has not yet been EFT describes the bulk of a 3D TI when θ = 0 (trivial TI)
observed. In this regard, the authors in Ref. [8, 9] pro- and θ = π (non-trivial TI). When the surface of the TI is
posed an experimental setup using TIs to measure the included, this theory is a fair description of both the bulk

A. Martı́n-Ruiz 1, M. Cambiaso 2 L. F. Urrutia 1

and the surface only when a TR breaking perturbation is

induced on the surface to gap the surface states, thereby
converting it into a full insulator. In this situation, which
we consider here, θ can be shown to be quantised in odd !! ! !! !
integer values of π: θ = (2n + 1)π, where n ∈ Z is de- !!
termined by the nature of the TR breaking perturbation, θ! !
which could be controlled experimentally by covering the !!
TI with a thin magnetic layer [11].
In this letter we focus on calculating the effects of the θ-
term in the Casimir stress, restricting to the purely topo- ! = !!
logical contribution. The Casimir system we consider is 0!!!!!!
formed by two perfectly reflecting planar surfaces (labeled
P1 and P2 ) separated by a distance L, with a non-trivial
Fig. 1: Schematic of the Casimir effect in θ-ED.
TI placed between them, but perfectly joined to the plate
P2 , as shown in Fig. 1. The surface Σ of the TI, located at
z = a, is assumed to be covered by a thin magnetic layer TMEs take place. These effects are incorporated by writ-
which breaks TR symmetry there. To this end, we follow ing the TMEP of the TI slab in the form
an approach similar to that in Ref. [14] by performing a
local analysis of the forces produced by the quantum vac- θ(z) = θH(z − a)H(L − z), (3)
uum in θ-extended electrodynamics (to be called θ-ED).
In particular, we first construct the appropriate Green’s where H(x) is the Heaviside function. In the Lorentz
function (GF) for θ-ED, and then we compute the renor- gauge ∂µ Aµ = 0, the equation of motion for the poten-
malised vacuum stress-energy tensor in the region between tial, in the region between the plates is
the plates. With these, we obtain the Casimir stress that h i
the plates exert on the surface Σ of the TI. Finally we η µν ∂ 2 − θ̃δ (Σ) nσ ǫσµαν ∂α Aν = 4πj µ . (4)
consider the limit where the plate P2 is sent to infinity
(L → ∞) to obtain the Casimir stress between a conduct- Here ∂ 2 = ∂µ ∂ µ = ∂t2 −∇2 and θ̃ = −αθ/π. The boundary
ing plate and a non-trivial semi-infinite TI. We take this term (at z = L), missing in Eq. (4), identically vanishes
local approach, not only as an alternative method com- in the distributional sense, due to the BC on the plate P2 .
pared to the scattering approach, but also as a means to In this way, Eq. (4) implies that the only TME present in
illustrate yet another use of the GF method to unravel the our Casimir system is the one produced at Σ. Note that
electromagnetics of TIs we reported in Ref. [15], where- the field equations in the bulk regions, vacuum [0, a) and
from we take notations and conventions. TI (a, L], are the same as in standard electrodynamics,
and that the θ-term affects the fields only at the interface
II. Effective model of 3D TIs. – The effective ac- Σ. Assuming that the time derivatives of the fields are
tion governing the electromagnetic response of 3D TIs, finite in the vicinity of Σ, together with the absence of
written in a manifestly covariant way, is free sources on Σ, Eq. (4) implies the following BC for the
  potential at the interface
1 θ α
4 µν µν µ
S= d x − Fµν F − Fµν F̃ − j Aµ , z=a+ z=a+
16π 4 4π 2 Aµ z=a− = 0 , (∂z Aµ ) z=a− = −θ̃ǫ3µαν ∂α Aν z=a , (5)

with α ≃ 1/137 the fine structure constant, j µ is a which are derived by integrating the field equations over
conserved current coupled to the electromagnetic poten- a pill-shaped region across Σ. The discontinuity in ∂z Aµ
tial Aµ , Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ is the field strength and across Σ produces the transmutation between the elec-
F̃ µν ≡ ǫµνρσ Fρσ /2. The equations of motion are tric field and the magnetic field, which characterizes the
TME of TIs. To obtain the general solution of Eq. (4) for
∂µ F µν + (∂µ θ)F̃ µν = 4πj ν , (2) arbitrary external sources, we introduce the GF matrix
π Gν σ (x, x′ ) satisfying
which extend the usual Maxwell equations to incorporate h
µ 2 3µα
the topological θ-term. In the problem at hand, depicted η ν ∂ − θ̃δ (Σ) ǫ ν ∂ α Gν σ (x, x′ ) = 4πη µσ δ (x − x′ ) ,
in Fig. 1, we consider the standard boundary conditions (6)
(BC) for the perfectly reflecting metallic plates P1 and together with the BCs in Eq. (5). Next we solve Eq. (6)
P2 . Thus, the appropriate BC there are nµ F̃ µν |P1,2 = 0, along the same lines introduced in Ref. [15] for the static
where nµ = (0, 0, 0, 1). If θ is constant in the whole space, case. A similar technique has been used in Refs. [16,17] to
the propagation of electromagnetic fields is the same as study two parallel planes represented by two δ-functions.
in standard electrodynamics. However, when the elec- The GF we consider has translational invariance in the
tromagnetic field propagates through the surface of a TI, directions parallel to Σ, that is in the transverse x and y

A Green’s function approach to the Casimir effect on topological insulators with planar symmetry

directions, while this invariance is broken in the z direc- III. The vacuum stress-energy tensor. – In the
tion. Exploiting this symmetry we can write previous section we showed that the θ-term modifies the
d2 p ip·R
dω −iω(t−t′ ) µ behaviour of the fields at the surface Σ only. This suggests
Gµν (x, x′ ) = 4π 2 e e g ν (z, z ′ ) , that, for the bulk regions, the stress-energy tensor (SET)
(2π) 2π
for θ-ED has the same form as that in standard electro-
dynamics. In fact, in Ref. [15] we explicitly computed the
where R = (x − x′ , y − y ′ ) and p = (px , py ) is the momen-
SET and verified the latter. As it turns out the SET can
tum parallel to Σ [18]. In Eq. (7) we have omitted the
be cast in the from:
dependence of the reduced GF g µν on ω and p. Due to
the antisymmetry of the Levi-Cività symbol, the partial
µν 1 µλ ν 1 µν αβ
derivative appearing in the second term of Eq. (6) does T = −F F λ + η Fαβ F . (13)
4π 4
not introduce derivatives with respect to z. This allows
us to write the equation for the reduced GF g νσ (z, z ′ ) as Clearly this tensor is traceless, i.e., T µµ = 0 and its diver-
h i gence is
η µν ∂ 2 + iθ̃δ (Σ) ǫ3µαν pα g νσ (z, z ′ ) = η µσ δ (z − z ′ ) ,
(8) ∂µ T µν = −F νλ j λ − (θ̃/4π)δ (Σ) nµ F νλ F̃ µλ . (14)
where now ∂ 2 = p2 − ω 2 − ∂z2 and pα = (ω, p, 0). In
solving Eq. (8) we employ a method similar to that used As expected, the SET it is not conserved at Σ because
for obtaining the GF for the one-dimensional δ-function of the TME which induces effective charge and current
potential in quantum mechanics, where the free GF is used densities there.
for integrating the GF equation with δ-interaction. Here Now we address the vacuum expectation value of the
the free GF we use is the reduced GF for two parallel SET, to which we will refer simply as the vacuum stress
conducting surfaces placed at z = 0 and z = L, which is (VS). The local approach to compute the VS was initiated
the solution of ∂ 2 g (z, z ′ ) = δ (z − z ′ ) satisfying the BC by Brown and Maclay who calculated the renormalised
g (0, z ′ ) = g (L, z ′ ) = 0, namely: stress tensor by means of GF techniques [14,19]. In there,
sin [pz< ] sin [p (L − z> )] the VS can be obtained from appropriate derivatives of
g (z, z ′ ) = , (9) the GF, in virtue of Eq. (2.1E) from Ref. [20],
p sin [pL]
where p z> (z< ) is the greater (lesser) of z and z , and

Gµν (x, x′ ) = −i h0| T̂ Aµ (x) Aν (x′ ) |0i . (15)
2 2
p = ω − p . Now, Eq. (8) can be directly integrated
using the free GF (9) together with the properties of the Using the standard point splitting technique and taking
δ-function, reducing the problem to a set of coupled alge- the vacuum expectation value of the SET (13) we find
braic equations,
i h
g µσ (z, z ′ ) = η µσ g (z, z ′ ) − iθ̃ǫ3µαν pα g (z, a) g νσ (a, z ′ ) . hT µν i = lim′ − ∂ µ ∂ ′ν Gλλ + ∂ µ ∂λ′ Gλν + ∂ λ ∂ ′ν Gµλ
4π x→x
(10) 1  i
Note that the continuity of g at z = z ′ implies the − ∂ ′λ ∂λ Gµν + η µν ∂ α ∂α′ Gλλ − ∂ α ∂β′ Gβ α , (16)
continuity of g µσ there, and the discontinuity of ∂z g at
the same point yields the corresponding discontinuity of where we have omitted the dependence of Gµν on x and
∂z g µσ , in accordance with the BC (5). We write the x′ . This result can be further simplified as follows. Since
general solution to Eq. (10) as the sum of two terms, the GF is written as the sum of two terms, then the VS
g µν (z, z ′ ) = η µν g (z, z ′ ) + gθν (z, z ′ ). The first term pro- can also be written in the same way, i.e.,
vides the propagation in the absence of the TI. The second,
to be called the reduced θ-GF, which can be shown to be hT µν i = htµν i + hTθµν i . (17)
gθν (z, z ′ ) = θ̃g (a, a) pµ pν − η µν + nµ nν p2 P (z, z ′ )
The first term,
µ α3 ′
+ i ǫ ν pα P (z, z ) , (11)  
1 1 µν λ ′
encodes the TME due to the topological θ-term. Here
ht i = lim 2∂ ∂ − η ∂ ∂λ G (x, x′ ) , (18)
µ ′ν
4πi x→x′ 2

g (z, a) g (a, z )
P (z, z ′ ) = −θ̃ . (12) is the VS in the absence of the TI. In obtaining Eq. (18) we
1 − p2 θ̃2 g2 (a, a)
use that the GF is diagonal when the TI is absent, i.e. it
In the static limit (ω = 0), our result (11) reduces to is equal to η µ G (x, x′ ). The second term, to which we will
the one reported in Ref. [15]. Clearly, the full GF ma- refer as the θ vacuum stress (θ-VS), can be simplified since
trix Gµν (x, x′ ) can also be written as the sum of two the θ-GF satisfies the Lorentz gauge condition ∂ Gµν = 0.
µ θ
terms, Gµν (x, x′ ) = η µν G (x, x′ ) + Gµθν (x, x′ ). We re- The proof follows from the reduced GF of Eq. (11):
mark in passing that the reciprocity relation for the GF,
Gµν (x, x′ ) = Gνµ (x′ , x), is a direct consequence of the
µ ′ µ
property g (z, z ′ , pα ) = g (z ′ , z, −pα ). ∂µ Gθν (x, x ) ∝ pµ gθν (z, z ′ ) , (19)
µν νµ

A. Martı́n-Ruiz 1, M. Cambiaso 2 L. F. Urrutia 1

which vanishes given that ǫµν α3 pµ pα = 0 and pµ nµ = 0. we find the relation Tθ00 = − Tθ11 . These results, to-

With the previous result the θ-VS can be written as gether with the traceless nature of the SET, allow us to
   write the renormalised θ-VS in the form
µν 1 µ ′ν ′λ µν 1 µν
hTθ i = lim ∂ ∂ Gθ + ∂ ∂λ Gθ − η Gθ ,
4πi x→x′ 2 hTθµν iren = (η µν + 4nµ nν ) τ (θ, z) , (23)
where Gθ = Gµθµ is the trace of the θ-GF. This re- where
sult exhibits the vanishing of the trace at quantum Z
d2 pdω 2
level, i.e., ηµν hTθµν i = 0. For the simplest situation τ (θ, z) = iθ̃ ω g (a, a) ×
in which the SET is conserved, one can verify that
lim′ p2 + ∂z′ ∂z P (z, z ′ ) .

∂ν hT µν i = h∂ν T µν i = 0. However, as pointed out by (24)
Deutsch and Candelas [20], this identity need not be a
rule. The problem at hand is an example of this, since Note that our θ-VS exhibits the same tensor structure as
the result obtained by Brown and Maclay (21), but we
h∂ν Tθµν i = (θ̃/8πi)δ(Σ)η µ3 ǫσναβ limx→x′ ∂σ ∂α′ Gθνβ , which
can be shown to be different from ∂ν hTθµν i. obtain a z-dependent VS since the SET is not conserved
at Σ. To understand better τ (θ, z), we compute the limit
IV. The Casimir Effect. – Now we consider the of the integrand in Eq. (24). Using Eq. (9) we obtain
problem of calculating the renormalised VS hT µν iren ,
which is obtained as the difference between the VS in the θ̃
lim p2 + ∂z ∂z′ P (z, z ′ ) = −

presence of boundaries and that of the free vacuum. In the ×
z→z ′ 1 − θ̃ p g2 (a, a)
2 2
standard case (θ = 0), Brown and Maclay [14] obtained  2
sin2 [pa]

that it is uniform between the plates, sin [p (L − a)]
H (a − z) + H (z − a) . (25)
sin2 [pL] sin2 [pL]
htµν iren = − (η µν + 4nµ nν ) , (21) To evaluate the integral in Eq. (24) we first write the
momentum element as d2 p = |p|d|p|dϑ and integrate ϑ.
with L the distance between the plates. The Casimir stress Next, we perform a Wick rotation such that ω → iζ, then
on the plates was
obtained by differentiating the Casimir replace ζ and |p| by plane polar coordinates ζ = ξ cos ϕ,
energy EL = L t00 ren = −π 2 /720L3 with respect to L, |p| = ξ sin ϕ and finally integrate ϕ. The renormalised

i.e., FL = −dEL /dL = −π 2 /240L4 . θ-VS in Eq. (23) then becomes

Now our concern is to calculate the renormalised θ-VS
(20) for our Casimir system. We proceed along the lines of π2
hTθµν iren = − (η µν + 4nµ nν ) ×
Refs. [14,20]. From Eq. (20), together with the symmetry 720L4
of the problem we find that the θ-VS can be written as [u(θ, χ)H (a − z) + u(θ, 1 − χ)H (z − a)] , (26)

d2 p dω µ ν where
hTθµν i = iθ̃ p p + nµ n ν p2 ×

(2π)2 2π ∞
120 θ̃2 ξ 3 sh [ξχ] sh3 [ξ (1 − χ)] sh−3 [ξ]
g (a, a) lim′ p2 + ∂z′ ∂z P (z, z ′ ) ,

(22) u(θ, χ) = 4 dξ,
z→z π
0 1 + θ̃2 sh2 [ξχ] sh2 [ξ (1 − χ)] sh−2 [ξ]
where we have used ∂ µ = (−iω, ip, ∂z ). In deriving this with sh(x) = sinh(x) and χ = a/L with 0 < χ < 1.
result we used the Fourier representation of the GF in Physically, we interpret the function u(θ, χ) as the ratio
Eq. (7) together with the solution for the reduced θ-GF between the renormalised θ-energy density in the vacuum
given by Eq. (11). From the result (22) we calculate the region [0, a) and that of the renormalised energy density
renormalised θ-VS, which is given by hTθµν iren = hTθµν i − in the absence of the TI, t00

. The function u(θ, 1 − χ)
hTθµν ivac , where the first (second) term is the θ-VS in the has an analogous interpretation for the bulk region of the
presence (absence) of the plates [20]. When the plates TI (a, L]. This shows that the energy density is constant
are absent, the reduced GF we have to use to compute in the bulk regions, however a simple discontinuity arises
the θ-VS in the region [0, L] is that of the free-vacuum, at Σ, i.e., ∂z T 00

θ ren
∝ δ(Σ). The Casimir energy E =
g0 (z, z ′ ) = (i/2p) exp(ip|z − z ′ |) [18], from which we find EL + Eθ is defined as the energy per unit of area stored
that limz→z′ ∂z ∂z′ P0 (z, z ′ ) = −p2 limz→z′ P0 (z, z ′ ), thus in the electromagnetic field between the plates. To obtain
implying that the integrand in Eq. (22) vanishes. The it we must integrate the contribution from the θ-energy
function P0 is given by Eq. (12) when the free-vacuum density.
reduced GF g(z, z ′ ) is replaced by g0 (z, z ′ ). Therefore we
conclude that hTθµν ivac = 0.
dz Tθ00 ren = EL [χu(θ, χ) + (1 − χ)u(θ, 1 − χ)] ,

µν µν Eθ =
Next we compute hTθ iren = hTθ i starting from Eq. 0
(22). From the symmetry of the
problem, the components (28)
of the stress along the plates, Tθ11 and Tθ22 , are equal. recalling that EL is the Casimir energy in the absence of

In addition, from the mathematical structure of Eq. (22) the TI. The first term corresponds to the energy stored

A Green’s function approach to the Casimir effect on topological insulators with planar symmetry

ℰθ /ℰ L Fθp /FL
1.0● ●●●●
▲● ●●
▲●●● 1.0● ● ●●●● ● θ = 3π
■ ▼
● θ = 3π ◆ ■ θ = 5π
●■ ■● ● ▲
▼ ▼
◆ ■ θ = 5π ◆

◆ θ = 7π

■ ▲▼

θ = 7π ▲ ▲ θ = 9π

◆▲ ▼
▼ ▼ ● ■ ▲▼
▲ θ = 9π ■
◆ ▼
▲ ▼ θ = 11 π
▲ ◆
▲ ■ ● ■ ◆◆ ▲▲▼▼

▼ ▼ θ = 11 π ▼ ● ■■ ◆◆◆▲▲▲ ▼▼▼
● ● ●● ■■■ ◆◆◆◆ ▲▲▲◆▼












▼ ●■■■■■■■■◆











◆▲ ▼ ▼ ▲◆■











■ 0.6 ▼▼▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼◆
▲◆◆◆ ■■■ ●●
▲ ◆◆ ■■ ●●
▼▼▲▲ ◆◆ ■ ●
◆▲ ▼ ▼ ▲◆
0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0
▼ ▲▲ ◆ ■ ●
●■ ▼ ▼▲ ■ ●
◆▲ ▼ ◆ ▼ ◆ ■
▲ ▼ ▲ ▼▲ ◆ ■ ●
● ■ ◆ ▲▼ ▼ ◆■● ▼▲
■ ◆ ▲ ▼▼ ▼ ▲▲◆ ■ ◆
● ■◆▲ ▼ ▼ ◆ ● ▼▲ ■
▼▼ ▲▲◆ ■
0.2 -0.5
● ■■◆◆▲▲▲▼▼▼ ▼▼▲▲▲◆◆◆■■■ ●● ●
●● ■■◆◆◆▲▲▲▼▼▼▼

▼▲ ▲◆◆ ■■ ●● ▼ ▲◆
●●● ■■■■◆ ▲▲▲▲▲
▼▲ ▼▲







◆ ▼
◆ ▼
◆ ▼
◆ ▼
◆ ▼◆









■● ◆◆
■● ◆◆
■● ◆◆

◆■■■■ ●●

■● ●● ■

▼ ●■
● ■●
■● ■●
■● ●
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 -1.0 ▼●◆
● ●● ●

Fig. 2: The ratio Eθ /EL as a function of the dimensionless Fig. 3: The Casimir stress on the θ-piston in units of FL as a
distance χ = a/L, for different values of θ. function of χ, for different values of θ.

is a-independent and bounded by its θ → ±∞ limit, i.e.,

in the electromagnetic field between P1 and Σ, while the
second term is the energy stored in the bulk of the TI. 120 ∞ 3 e−ξ
The ratio Eθ /EL as a function of χ for different values of R(θ) ≤ 4 ξ dξ = 1. (31)
π 0 sinh ξ
θ (appropriate for TIs [11]) is plotted in Fig. 2.
Thus, for this case, the energy stored in the electromag-
IV-a The Casimir stress on the θ-piston. The setup netic field is bounded by the Casimir energy between two
known in the literature as the Casimir piston consists of a parallel conducting plates at a distance a, i.e., EθL→∞ ≤
rectangular box of length L divided by a movable mirror Ea . Physically this implies that in the θ → ∞ limit the
(piston) at a distance a from one of the plates [21]. The net surface of the TI mimics a conducting plate, which is anal-
result is that the Casimir energy in each region generates ogous to Schwinger’s prescription for describing a conduct-
a force on the piston pulling it towards the nearest end of ing plate as the ε → ∞ limit of material media [18]. These
the box. Here we consider a similar setup, which we have results, which stem from our Eqs. (11) and (12), agree with
called the θ-piston, in which the piston is the TI. Since the those obtained in the global energy approach which uses
surface Σ changes the energy density of the electromag- the reflection matrices containing the Fresnel coefficients
netic field in the bulk regions, an effective Casimir stress as in Ref. [11], when the appropriate limits to describe an
acts upon Σ. This can be obtained as Fθp = −dEθ /da. ideal conductor at P1 and a purely topological surface at
The result is Σ are taken into account. The calculation, however, is too
long to be shown here. Taking the derivative with respect
Fθp 1 d to a we find that the plate and the TI exert a force (in
=− [χu(θ, χ) + (1 − χ)u(θ, 1 − χ)] , (29)
FL 3 dχ units of Fa = −π 2 /240a4 ) of attraction upon each other
given by fθ = FθL→∞ /Fa = R(θ). Numerical results for
where FL is the Casimir stress between the two perfectly fθ for different values of θ are presented in Table 1.
reflecting plates in the absence of the TI. Figure 3 shows
the Casimir stress on Σ in units of FL as a function of χ V. Conclusions and Outlook. – In this letter we
for different values of θ. We observe that this force pulls have used the stress-energy tensor to compute the Casimir
the boundary Σ towards the closer of the two fixed walls energy and stress for the system shown in Fig. 1. The
P1 or P2 , similarly to the conclusion in Ref. [21]. setup consists of a slab of a coated topological insulator
(TI) of constant topological magnetoelectric polarisabil-
IV-b Casimir stress between P1 and Σ, when L → ∞. ity θ in the region a < z < L, which partially fills the
Now let us consider the limit where the plate P2 is sent space between two perfectly reflecting parallel plates. In
to infinity, i.e., L → ∞. This configuration corresponds a first approach, we ignore features that are relevant in
to a perfectly conducting plate P1 in vacuum, and a semi- experimental situations, such as the optical properties of
infinite TI located at a distance a. Here the plate and the TIs and temperature effects, which can be taken into ac-
TI exert a force upon each other. The Casimir energy (28) count including these parameters in the Green’s function
in the limit L → ∞ takes the form EθL→∞ = Ea R(θ), with according to standard methods Refs. [3,4,18]. The system
Ea = −π 2 /720a3 , and the function is well described by the action of θ electrodynamics given
in Eq. (1). In this work, we obtained the renormalised vac-

120 θ̃2 uum stress from (derivatives of) the corresponding Green’s
R(θ) = ξ3 e−3ξ sinh ξdξ, (30)
π4 0 1 + θ̃2 e−2ξ sinh2 ξ function (GF) of the problem. To this end we require the

A. Martı́n-Ruiz 1, M. Cambiaso 2 L. F. Urrutia 1

θ ±7π ±15π ±23π ±31π ±39π tive theoretical framework for dealing with the topologi-
fθ 0.0005 0.0025 0.0060 0.0109 0.0172 cal magnetoelectric effect of TIs and also as yet another
application of the GF method we developed in Ref. [15].
Table 1: Normalized force fθ = FθL→∞ /Fa = R(θ) for different Though not frequently used in the corresponding TIs
values of θ. literature, this method plays an important role in the cal-
culations of the standard Casimir effect, besides its use-
fulness in many other topics in θ electrodynamics.
time dependent GF, for which we extended our results of
Ref. [15], which dealt with the static case. This GF can ∗∗∗
be exactly calculated because the TI introduces a localised
discontinuity in the equations of motion along the z direc- LFU has been supported in part by the projects
tion, while the dependence in time and in the remaining DGAPA(UNAM) IN104815 and CONACyT (México)
coordinates is invariant under the respective translations. 237503. M. Cambiaso has been supported in part by the
We considered two cases: (1) the θ-piston, defined in the project FONDECYT (Chile) 11121633.
interval 0 < z < L. The contribution to the Casimir
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