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What is health ?

Read the article and :

1) Answer these questions .

a) What does health refer to ?

b) Is it only the absence of disease or illness ?

c) In which way is health crucial for people ?

d) Are mental and physical the only types f health ?

e) How many types of health does the article mention ?

1-"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity." “A resource for everyday life, not the goal of living. Health is a
positive concept that emphasizes social and personal resources, as well as physical abilities.

This means that health is a resource to support an individual's role in society at large, rather
than an end in itself. A healthy lifestyle provides the means to lead a full life with meaning and

In 2009, researchers publishing in The LancetTrusted Source defined health as a body's ability
to adapt to new threats and illnesses.

They base this definition on the idea that in recent decades modern science has made
significant strides in understanding diseases by understanding how they work, discovering new
ways to slow or stop them, and recognizing that absence of pathology may not be possible. .

4- No, there are more types of health.

these two are not the only ones.

3- There are several benefits of having a healthy life, but the main one that we could name is
that our body is freed from the various forms of disorders and complications and, therefore, a
longer life is obtained, without suffering any type of pain or discomfort.

5-No, the article mentions 4 types of health.

mentions financial health, emotional health, spiritual health, and general health



You can get

wellness through : ºThe physical environment: This includes what germs exist in an area, as
well as the levels of contamination.
ºA person's characteristics and behaviors: A person's genetic makeup and lifestyle choices can
affect their overall health.

ºThe social and economic environment – This can include the financial status of a family or
community, as well as the social culture and quality of relationships.

ºenvironmental factors

Environmental factors play a role in health. Sometimes the environment alone is enough to
affect health. Other times, an environmental trigger can cause a disease in a person who has a
higher genetic risk for a particular disease.

ºGenetic factors

A person is born with a variety of genes. In some people, an unusual genetic pattern or change
can lead to a less than optimal level of health. People can inherit genes from their parents that
increase the risk of certain health conditions.

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