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Classroom Guidelines and Expectations

Be here. You need to join the class on time or you will be counted tardy. If you do not respond
to my calls, you will be considered absent. Both tardies and absences will be reported to the
General Inspection and, worse, be on my mental list of kids who don’t care about my class.
Stay off that list.

Be responsible. Have everything you’ll need, such as a notebook, a pen, all Science materials
and work that’s due. Classroom is the communication platform you have with your teacher;
therefore, you must check it daily.

All assignments and projects are checked at the beginning of class on the due date. Late
homework will not receive credit. Major projects, such as 3D models and major video
presentations, will be accepted for half-credit within 24 hours of the due date. After that, no
credit will be given.

You are responsible for getting any missed notes or assignments that were given during an
absence. Make-up work will not be given for unexcused absences. If you suffer an extended
illness, contact me to discuss a schedule for you to turn in your work.

Be respectful. You are expected to be courteous and respectful to all students, teachers, and
guests. There will be no name-calling or snide comments. The use of technology at
inappropriate times is rude. Remember, you control your technology; it shouldn’t control you.

Be honest. If you claim someone's work as your own, you will follow a school process call
“Deshonestidad Académica”

Be awesome. Think for yourself, take risks, and work hard.


All grades are over 10. There are four formative grades at least, and one summative grade per
unit. Have a bottle of water every class and earn 10pts each unit. Participation in class is
10pts, this includes complete activities in your notebook and answering questions during

No extra credit is offered and grades are not rounded. Assignments have to be turned in a
PDF format otherwise points will be taken away from the final grade.

I have read and understand the course outline

__________________________________ __________________________________

Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature

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