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Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools

Grade 7 English Language Department


Grade 7

Question Mark
I. Vocabulary 4
II. Spelling 2
III. Language 3
IV. Literature: Selection 3
V. Drama 3
Writing 10
Comprehension 5
Bonus 2

Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools
Grade 7 English Language Department
I. Vocabulary ( /4)
Circle the correct word to replace the underlined word.
1. Two hijackers used fake explosives to take by force the airliner.
a. plunge b. commandeer c. skirmish
2. The box was so old. It just decayed when I held it.
a. disintegrated b. appreciated c. relieved
3. The rope snapped, causing the climber to fall several hundred feet down
a. dissolve b. outfit c. plummet
4. Did you ever do anything unofficial?
a. illegal b. accurate c. ignorant
II. Spelling ( / 2)
Choose the correct spelling word.
1. The ball went down the _______________
a. shoot b. chute c. shot
2. Her face _____________ when she saw the kids.
a. shone b. shown c. shun
3. She ___________ the rope loosely.
a. tide b. tied c. tyed
4. The earrings were ______________ gold.
a. reel b. reale c. real
III. Grammar : ( /3 )
Do as show between brackets: (0.5 mark each, 3 in all)
1. [Tick the sentence with the correct tense.]
a) While I was studying, my brother came home. ( )
b) While I was studying, my brother was coming home. ( )
c) While I study, my brother came home. ( )
2. She ______________ (wash) her car now. [correct the verb in brackets]
3. (A- The - no article) Nile River is the longest in the world. [Choose]
4. Tim bought the newspaper yesterday. [Change into negative]
5. The girl (drives – drove – was driving) carelessly, when the accident.[ choose]
6. Were you busy? Yes, ___________ [ complete]
Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools
Grade 7 English Language Department

IV. Poetry: ( /1)

Identify the figurative language in the following lines of poetry:
1. "His feet were as big as boots."
a. personification b. alliteration c. simile d. metaphor
2. “The tropical storm slept for two days.”
a. personification b. simile c. contrast d. metaphor

V. Literature ( /3 )
Answer the following questions:
1-“There will be other battles in which I will be forced to take up arms against my enemies.
However, seeing Mr. Adams ready and willing to fight for our country gives me the
confidence I need to continue”
Describe the change that happened to Samuel’s character throughout the text.

2. “ I looked at my father and grinned. Well , may be I just had the right motivation”
What is the right motivation that Ellie got?

Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools
Grade 7 English Language Department

VI. Drama ( /3)

1) Gertrude and Ophelia represent the position of woman in the 16 century. Discuss.

2) “ Give your life to God. You mustn’t mix with men or be the mother of their children”
a. Who said it? ________________________ b. To whom?____________________
c. How would you interpret the speaker’s words?

VII. Comprehension : ( / 5)
Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully?
Most children have been a part of a bullying situation at some point. What exactly is
bullying? Bullying is when someone is mean and hurtful toward another over and over
again. Unfortunately, bullying is widespread and it has many types.

There's physical bullying, which means the bully kicks, bites, pinches, and does other
physically harmful things. There's verbal bullying, which includes name calling and mocking
others. There's emotional bullying which isolates and excludes others. Nowadays, there's
even cyber bullying. With all the technology available, it's easy for a bully to harass others
with hurtful images or messages all the time. In general, whatever the type of bullying,
girls tend to be more psychological when bullying while boys tend to be more physical
about it. Why do some kids bully others? Many times they've been picked on by someone
else. They know what it's like to have been bullied. They would like to feel powerful and in
control. It may be a way to handle his or her own difficult situation. Bullies like to pick
victims that are not likely to fight back. Parents and school officials need to prevent
bullying. They also need to get to the root of the bully's problems to create a less violent
environment. Bullying can't be tolerated.
Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools
Grade 7 English Language Department
Bullying can be a real problem for many children. To keep children physically and
emotionally safe, bullying cannot be tolerated. Adults need to keep a safe school
environment for children and intervene when necessary. In the event that bullying is
occurring anyway, children need to notify the adults in their lives, and the adults need to
discipline the bullies and prevent further bullying.
Mark the correct Choice
1) Bullying is when someone….
a. fights with others for no reason. c. continuously mean and hurtful toward others.
b. tries to defend himself. d. is kind and decent.
2) One of the modern kind of bullying is….
a. physical bullying c. verbal bullying
b. cyber bullying d. emotional bullying
3) Which of these is a form of physical bullying?
a. sending computer threats c. name calling
b. kicks, bites, and punches d. mocking others
4) What can you infer about bullies?
a. are rich c. have experienced being bullied before
b. have no education d. hate isolation
5) Adults can help by….
a. isolating the bullied children c. teach children to be more aggressive
b. not interfering at all d. ensuring a safe environment for the children

VIII. Writing: ( / 10 )
Choose ONE of the following topics:
1. Your boat didn’t reach safely because of the strong waves. You swam till you reached
the nearest land to discover that it was a deserted island. Write about the adventures
you have in your attempt to survive there. Don’t forget to write an outline first.

2. Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning and discover that you've been
transported into your favorite novel or movie. Write a story telling what happens during
the one day you live with those characters.

Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools
Grade 7 English Language Department
My Outline for Topic ………..


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Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools
Grade 7 English Language Department


ideas vocabulary grammar spelling punctuation organization total

2 2 2 2 1 1 10

Mid – year AL Exam AL Bashaer Language Schools
Grade 7 English Language Department

BONUS: ( /2)
Answer the following questions:
The duel scene in Shakespeare’s Hamlet reflects some sort of poetic
justice. Discuss


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