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Note: Page numbers followed by “f” denote figures; “t” tables.

BEM fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger, 69,

A Area targets, for HEN, 287e289
Arithmetic mean temperature difference, 70f
Acceleration loss, 387, 415 40 Benzene, 85, 111
Acetic acid, properties of liquid at 20 C, Aspen Plus, 237, 301 properties of liquid at 20 C, 567t
567t Aspen Technology, Inc., 173, 301 Bio-ethanol, 304
Acetone, properties of liquid at 20 C, Assay data for petroleum streams, Bimetallic tubing, 510e511
567t 400e402 Birmingham Wire Gage, 581t
AES floating-head heat exchanger, 68 Assay stream, 123e124, 401 Black body, 51e52
A-frame condenser, 509 ASTM distillation, 401 Boiling curve, 317e318, 317f, 431
Air density correction, for elevation, 549 Boiling heat transfer, 317e360
Air temperature, design value, 520 B convective boiling, in tubes, 340e343
Air-cooled heat exchangers, 509e554 boiling, in vertical tube, 340e341
air-side heat-transfer coefficient, Baffle cut, 73, 157e158, 174, 240, 245 Chen correlation, 341e342
515e516 Baffle leakage streams, 226, 232 critical heat flux, 346e348
air-side pressure drop, 516e517 correction factor, 201e202, 209 GungoreWinterton correlation, 342
computer software, 526e527 Baffle pitch. See Pitch, baffle LiueWinterton correlation, 342
description, 509e515 Baffle space, 164, 465, 471 film boiling, 350e351
equipment for cold climates, 514e515 central baffle space, 203, 210e211 nucleate boiling, correlations for
fans and drivers, 513 entrance and exit baffle space, 204 critical heat flux, 327e328
high-fin tubing, types, 510e512 inlet and outlet baffle space, 202, 204, mixture effects, 323e324
overall configuration, 509 233 pure component heat-transfer
tube bundle construction, 512e513 Baffle spacers, 157, 159, 464 coefficients, 318e320
design Baffle window flow, 199, 203e204 tube bundles, convective effects in,
guidelines, 520 correction factor, 201e202, 209 326e327
strategy, 520e521 ideal pressure drop pool boiling, 317e318
fan and motor sizing, 517e519 correction factor, 201e202, 209 two-phase flow
LMTD correction factors, 519, for laminar flow, 204 flow regimes, 329e331
543e544 for turbulent flow, 203e204 pressure drop correlations, 331e334
overall heat-transfer coefficient, 517 Baffles recommendations, 340
standard US motor sizes, 549 disk and doughnut, 73 void fraction and two-phase density,
Air-side heat-transfer coefficient, double-segmental, 251 336e338
515e516, 520e521, 523 EM, 73f Boiling number, 342, 344e345
Air-side pressure drop, 512, 516e517 helical, 73 Boiling range, 324e326, 381
Akers-Rosson correlation, 503 non Tema, 73f Box header, 512, 513f
Alloys, 23, 158 rod, 73, 431 BoykoeKruzhilin method, 448, 452e453
thermophysical properties, 11t segmental, 73, 159 Brake power, 518e519, 526
Ammonia vapor, at atmospheric pressure strip, 73f Brazed-fin tubing, 511
thermophysical properties, 566t thickness of, 160, 160t Breber et al. correlation, 452, 455
Aniline, 86, 111 window-cut, 73 Breber et al. method for determination of
properties of liquid at 20 C, 567t Balance equation, thermal energy, 4, 34, condensing flow regime, 451
Annular fins, 33, 36, 154, 510 92, 293 Briggs and Young correlation, 515
Annular flow regimes, 330e331, Balanced composite curve, 303f Bromley equation, 350e351
340e341, 351, 450e452 Balanced pressure drop requirement, Bubble diameter, theoretical, 322e323
API gravity, 101 224 Bubble point, 325e326, 395, 401
API method for liquid density, 395, 401, BeattyeKatz correlation, 456 Bubbly flow regime, 329, 331, 337,
476e477 BelleDelaware method. See Delaware 340e341, 457
API Standard, 520 method Building materials
Approach. See Temperature approach BelleGhaly method, 473e474 properties of, 14t

602 Index

Building materials (Continued) heat exchanger networks, 142e143 of double-pipe exchangers, 103e104
R-value for, 13 reboilers, 394 Contact angle, 320, 318e320
Bulk property stream, 123, 401 Shell-and-tube heat exchangers, Contact resistance, 13, 511, 517
Bulk temperature, 38 173e174 Convective boiling, in tubes, 340e343
Bundle bypass flow area, 208, 216 HTFS Suite boiling, in vertical tube, 340e341
Bundle bypass flow, 208 Condensers, 476 Chen correlation, 341e342
correction factor, 201e202, 209e211 reboilers, 406 critical heat flux, 346e348
BWG. See Birmingham Wire Gage tube layouts, 411 GungoreWinterton correlation, 342
Bypass flow resistance, 232 HTRI Xchanger Suite LiueWinterton correlation, 342
air-cooled heat exchangers, 532 Convective heat transfer, 31
C condensers, 476 conduction and convection, combined,
reboilers, 406 31
Capital cost recovery factor, 291 shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 237 forced convection, 31
Carbon dioxide at one atmosphere tube layouts, 246e248 in external flow, 45e46
thermophysical properties, 566t tube vibration analysis, 237 in pipes and ducts, 38e40, 44e45
CarpentereColburn correlation, VMG Thermo, 237 free convection, 31, 48e49
502e503 HX-Net, 301 heat transfer fins, 33e37
Central-tube-limit diameter, 204e206 Condensate subcooling, 444e445 Cooper correlation, 319
Chen correlation, 341e342 Condensation, 431 Corrected fin height, 115
Chisholm correlation, 332e333, 337 on finned tubes, 455e456 Corrected fin radius, 36, 154, 469,
for two-phase density, 337, 339, 368 on horizontal tubes, 441e442 523e524
for two-phase pressure drop in pipes, 331 inside horizontal tubes, 450e453 Correction factors, correlations
for two-phase pressure drop in shell-side annular flow, 452e453 for baffle leakage, 209
condensers, 457 flow regimes, 450e451 for baffle window flow, 209
Chisholm parameter, 334e335, 390e391 stratified flow, 451e452 for bundle bypass flow, 210
Chloroform, properties of liquid at 20 C, multi-component, 472e474 laminar flow, 210e211
567t BelleGhaly method, 472e473 for unequal baffle spacing, 210
Churn flow regime, 329, 340e341 general problem, 473e474 Counter flow exchangers, 92, 287, 289
Churn flow, 329 on vertical surface Counter-current flow, 67, 94, 474
Circulation rate plane wall, 437e441 CP difference, 278, 275e276
in horizontal thermosyphon reboiler, vertical tubes, 441 CP inequality, 276, 278, 275
362 Condensers, 431 CP table, 278, 276
in kettle reboiler, 365e367 A-frame, 510f Critical heat flux, 382, 394
in vertical thermosyphon reboiler, air-cooled, 510f convective boiling
383e387 computer software, 476 for horizontal tubes, 347e348
CISE correlation, 338 Condensate subcooling, 434, 437 for vertical tubes, 346e347
Clearances, estimation of, 211 condensation nucleate boiling, 328e329
shell-to-baffle clearance, 211 on finned tubes, 455e456 in pool boiling, 317e318, 317f
shell-to-bundle diametral clearance, 211, on horizontal tubes, 441e442 in tube bundles, 328, 371e372
212f inside horizontal tubes, 450e453 Cross passes, 240, 245
tube-to-baffle clearance, 211 multi-component, 472e474 Cross-flow (X-shell) heat exchanger, 378,
Co-current flow, 67, 80, 94 on vertical surface, 437e441 403f, 519
Coefficient of volume expansion flooding, 437, 495 Cross-flow area, 213, 205e206
calculation of, 48, 103 mean temperature difference, 457e458 Cross-flow resistance, 231, 233
definition of, 48 Nusselt theory, 437e441 Cross-flow
Colburn j-factor, 222, 450 modifications, 443e445 over finned tube banks
Composite curve pressure drop, 431, 456e457 heat transfer in, 226
balanced, 303f propane, 456, 492, 507e508 pressure drop in, 203
grand, 272, 304f self-venting nozzles, 434, 436 over plain tube banks
Composite curves, HEN, 269e272 types, 431e437 heat transfer and pressure drop in, 199
cold composite curve, 269 horizontal shell-side condenser, 432f, over single cylinders, 46
hot composite curve, 269 431 Cylinder
Compositional stream, 123e124, 395, horizontal tube-side condenser, 432f, critical heat flux for, in pool boiling, 327
527 431 forced convection from, 46
Computer software reflux condenser, 434 free convection from, 49, 327
Aspen Energy Analyzer, 301 vertical shell-side condenser, 433, un-steady state heat transfer in, 21f
for air-cooled heat exchangers, 526e527 433f
for double-pipe heat exchangers, 123 vertical tube-side downflow D
for heat exchanger networks, 293 condenser, 434f, 433
for shell-and-tube heat exchanger, 173 venting non-condensables, 436 Darcy friction factor, 40, 101
for stream analysis method, 237 Condensing curve, 431, 458, 458f Delaware method, 88, 153, 199
HEXTRAN Conduction clearances, estimation of, 211
air-cooled heat exchangers, 526e527 and convection, 31 correction factors, correlations
condensers, 476 shape factor, 14e16 baffle leakage, 209
double-pipe heat exchangers, 123 Configurations of hairpins, series/parallel baffle window flow, 209
Index 603

bundle bypass flow, 210 computer software, 123 equations, 223e225

laminar flow, 210e211 exchangers without fins balanced pressure drop requirement,
unequal baffle spacing, 210 heat-transfer coefficients, 101 224
flow areas hydraulic calculations, 101e103 flow resistance coefficient, correlation,
bundle bypass flow area, 208 finned-pipe exchangers, 114e116 224
cross-flow area, 205e206 characteristics, 114 mass conservation, 224
shell-to-baffle leakage area, 208 efficiency, 115 stream pressure drops, 223
tube-to-baffle leakage area, 206e208 flow area and equivalent diameter, 116 window friction factor, 225
window flow area, 208e209 overall heat-transfer coefficient, 116 window pressure drop, 225
ideal tube bank correlations, 199e201 heat-transfer coefficients and friction Equivalent length concept, 340
shell-side heat-transfer coefficient, factors Error function (erf), 18
201e202 for finned annuli, 116e117 E-shell condenser, 431, 458
shell-side pressure drop, 202e205 hydraulic equations, in SI units, Ethyl acetate, properties of liquid at 20 C,
Design guidelines 142e143 567t
for air-cooled heat exchangers incremental analysis, 143e144 Ethyl alcohol, properties of liquid at
air flow distribution, 520 multi-tube exchangers, 104 20 C, 567t
air velocity, 520 standard configuration, 115t Ethylene glycol, properties of liquid at
construction standards, 520 over-surface and over-design, 105 20 C, 567t
design air temperature, 520 series/parallel configurations of hairpins, EXCEL solver, 292
outlet air temperature, 520 103e104 Excess temperature, 317
tubing, 520 single finned inner pipes, standard Exchanger Minimum Approach
for horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, configuration, 115t Temperature (EMAT), 293
378e379 wall temperature, for finned pipes, 118 Exchangers without fins
for shell-and-tube heat exchangers Draft heat-transfer coefficients, 101
baffles and tubesheets, 159e160 forced, 509, 509f, 520 hydraulic calculations, 101e103
fluid placement, 158 induced, 509, 513, 520 Expanders and reducers, equivalent
good design practice, 228 Driving force plot, HEN, 137e139 lengths of, 598t
nozzles, 160 Dry air at atmospheric pressure Expansion joint, 159
sealing strips, 160e161 thermophysical properties Extended surface. See Heat-transfer fins
shell and head types, 158e159 English units, 558te559t
tube layout, 158 SI units, 19t F
tube passes, 158 Dryout. See Critical heat flux
tubing selection, 158 Face area, 520, 522
Design strategy E Face velocity, typical values of, 515,
for air-cooled heat exchangers, 522e523
520e521 Eddy transport mechanism, of heat Fan and motor sizing
for heat-exchanger networks, 276e277 transfer, 31 in air-cooled heat exchanger,
for horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, Edge-wound/I-fin, 511 517e519
378e379 Effective mean temperature difference, Fan static pressure (FSP), 517e518
for kettle reboilers, 365 369, 380 Fan
for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 161 Effectiveness bay, 513
for vertical thermosyphon reboilers, heat exchanger. see Heat exchanger casing, 513
386e387 effectiveness efficiency, 519
Design targets, HEN, 267e268 of shell-side streams for heat transfer, 226 guard, 532
Design Efficiency noise, 519
double-pipe heat exchangers, 101 fan, 532 power, 518e519
horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, fin, 35, 38, 170, 469, 115 ring, 518
378e379 motor, 519 selection, 519
kettle reboilers, 365e367 speed reducer, 519 shroud, 513
shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 151 weighted, 115, 119e120 static pressure, 517e518, 525
vertical thermosyphon reboilers, E-fin. See Bimetallic tubing Fanning friction factor, 116, 199, 516
383e387 Elbows, tees and bends, equivalent Film boiling, 318, 350e351
Desuperheating, 456e458 lengths of, 115t Film temperature, 46, 443
Dew point, 324, 369, 427e429 EMAT. See Exchanger Minimum Fin efficiency, 35, 154, 115
Diehl-Koppany correlation, 495 Approach Temperature Fin geometry, 532
Diffuser, 513 Embedded fin tubing, 511 Fin spacing, 455e456, 515
DittuseBoelter correlation, 342, 393, Emissivity, 351 Finned tubing, 154e156
452e453 Engine oil, properties of, 568t condensation on, 455e456
Dome segment area, 367 Enhancement factor in convective boiling, high-fin
Double-pipe heat exchanger, 67e68, 76, 342 bimetallic (E-fin), 511, 511f
103, 114 Enthalpy interval, 286t, 288t brazed, 511
analysis, 82e83 Equilibrium ratios, 473 embedded (G-fin), 511, 511f
multi-tube exchanger, 67, 68f Equivalent diameter, 104, 201, 204, 232, integrally finned (K-fin), 510e511,
simple double-pipe exchanger, 67, 67f 456, 116 517
Double-pipe heat exchangers, design, 101 Equivalent hydraulic network, 223 shoulder-grooved, 511, 511f
604 Index

Finned tubing (Continued) Freon 12, properties of saturated liquid, unsteady-state conduction, 18e19
tension wound (I-fin, L-fin, LL-fin), 566t Heat exchanger effectiveness, 17e18
511, 511f Friction factor Heat exchanger tubing
in kettle reboilers design, 367e368 for exchangers without fins high-fin, 510e512
radial low-fin, 368 laminar flow, 102 radial low-fin, 154
rectangular-fin, 33, 114f turbulent flow, 103 dimensions of, 588t
in shell-and-tube heat exchangers, for finned annuli, 116e117 rectangular (longitudinal) finned, 33,
154e156 tube-side pressure drops 114
tension-wound, 511 laminar flow, 152 un-finned, dimensions of, 104, 123
Finned-pipe exchangers, 114e116 turbulent flow, 152 Heat exchangers, 67e100
characteristics, 114 Friedel correlation, 333e334 air-cooled heat exchangers, 509
dimensions of, 114 Froude number, 333, 342 and condenser tubing, dimensions, 581t
efficiency, 115 F-shell heat exchanger, 74 double-pipe exchanger, 67e68
flow area and equivalent diameter, 116 analysis, 82e83
overall heat-transfer coefficient, 116 G design, 101
wall temperature, 118, 120 effectiveness, 92
Fixed-tubesheet heat exchanger, 159 Ganguli et al. correlation plate-fin exchange, 76
Flat plate for air-side heat transfer, 515 plate-frame exchanger, 74
forced convection from, 45e46 for air-side pressure drop, 516e517 shell-and-plate exchanger, 74, 75f
free convection from, 48 Gas oil, 92 LMTD
Floating head types Gasoline, 568te569t, 99, 518t correction factor, 80e81
comparison, 191t production from bio-ethanol, 304 derivation, 94e95
Floating-head heat exchanger, 69, 70f G-fin. See Embedded fin tubing overall heat-transfer coefficient, 76e79
externally sealed (Type W), 69f Glycerine, properties of liquid at 20 C, shell-and-tube exchanger, 68e74
outside packed (Type P), 69f 568te569t preliminary design, 86
pull through (Type T), 69f Gnielinski rating, 88e90
split ring (Type S), 69f correlation for laminar flow in annulus, Heat load loops, in HEN, 280e281
Flooding in reflux condenser 40 Heat load paths, in HEN, 281e282
Diehl-Koppany correlation for, 495 correlation for pipe flow, 40 Heat Recovery Approach Temperature
Flooding velocity, 495 Gorenflo correlation, 358e359 (HRAT), 293
Flow areas Grand composite curves, HEN, 272 Heat Transfer Research, Inc. (HTRI), 88,
bundle bypass flow area, 208, 245 Grashof number, 48 223, 237, 406, 532
bypass flow area, 229 Gravity controlled condensation Heat-exchanger networks (HENs), 267
cross-flow area, 205e206 on horizontal tubes, 448 area targets, 287e289
in finned-pipe exchangers, 116 inside horizontal tubes, 450e453, 452t capital cost, 291
shell-to-baffle leakage area, 208 Nusselt theory of, 437e441, 451, composite curves, 269e272
tube-to-baffle leakage area, 206e208 447e448 computer software, 293
window flow area, 208e209 on vertical surfaces, 437e441 design strategy, 276e277
Flow instability. See Vertical on vertical tube banks, 441 design targets, 267e268
thermosyphon reboilers Gray body, 52 driving force plot, 289e291
Flow regimes, 443 Groeneveld correlation, 350 feasibility criteria, at pinch, 275e276
for condensation inside horizontal tubes, G-shell heat exchanger, 378 heat capacity flow rate difference,
450e451 GungoreWinterton correlation, 342 275e276
two-phase flow regimes, 331, 431, heat capacity flow rate inequality, 275
Flow resistance coefficient, correlation,
H heat capacity flow rate table, 276
process streams and branches, number
224 Hairpin configuration, 67, 103e104 of, 275
Fluid placement, 158 Hairpin heat exchanger. See Double-pipe grand composite curve, 272
criteria for, 86t heat exchanger linear programming, targeting by,
Forced convection Hausen correlation, 39, 101, 454 291e293
in external flow, 45e46 Head types, comparison of, 191e192 network simplification, 280e282
and free convection effects, relative Headers heat load loops, 280e281
importance, 49 for air-cooled heat exchangers, 512 heat load paths, 281e282
in pipes and ducts, 38e40 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 152, operating cost, 291
Forced flow reboilers, 363 191e192 pinch, significance, 273e274
Forced-draft operation, 513 Heat capacity flow rate, 267, 275, 494, problem table, 268e269
ForstereZuber correlation, 318e319, 550e551 required shells, 283, 283t
342 Heat capacity of liquids, nomograph for, super targeting, 291
Fouling factors, 77e79 445e446 targeting, for required shells
in kettle reboilers designing, 366 Heat conduction, 1 analytical method, 285e287
Fourier number (Fo), 19, 21 conduction shape factor, 14e16 graphical method, 284e285
Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 1e2 equation, 4e5 TC3, 267
Free convection, 48e49 Fourier’s law, 1e2 minimum-utility design, 277e280
and forced convection effects, relative mechanisms, 23 threshold problems and utility pinches,
importance, 49 thermal resistance, 11e12 274e275
Index 605

Heat-transfer coefficients, 31, 326, accessing input and output files for, for reboiler systems
340e341, 440e442 127e128, 131e133, 295e296, kettle, 365e367
air-side, in air-cooled heat exchangers, 396, 402 vertical thermosyphon, 383e387
515e516 design mode, 174, 526e527 for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 151
for boiling double-pipe heat exchanger (DPE) minor losses, 152, 189
convective boiling, 340e343, 340f module, 123 nozzle losses, 189
film boiling, 350e351 example problems using, 174e175, shell side
on horizontal tubes, 318e320 130e131 for baffle window, 202
of mixtures, 323e324 keyword file, 125, 128f, 133f, 181f, 296f, for cross flow, 226
nucleate boiling, 318e320 299f, 398f, 401f, 403f, 530f Delaware method for, 223
in tube bundles, 326e327 multi-tube hairpin exchanger (MTE) for end baffle spaces, 204
in vertical tubes, 343 module, 123 simplified Delaware method for,
for condensation rating mode, 123, 174, 237, 239, 153
on finned tubes, 455e456 526e527 stream Analysis method for,
on horizontal tubes, 441e442 stream types in, 123, 174, 237, 293e294, 223e225
on inclined surfaces, 443 394, 476e477, 527 in SI units, 189
inside horizontal tubes, 450e453 streams, 123 tube side, 152e153
on vertical surfaces, 443 synthesis mode, 293, 298 of shell-side pressure drop, 153e154
on vertical tube banks, 447 targeting mode, 293 in SI units, 189
for cross flow, 448 High-fin tubing, 510e512 of tube-side pressure drop, 152e153
definition of, 31 arrays, characteristics, 512t Hydraulic equations, 223e225
for double-pipe heat exchangers, 82e83 types, 510e511, 517 balanced pressure drop requirements,
for exchangers without fins, 101 bimetallic, 511 224
for finned annuli, 116e117 brazed-fin, 511 flow resistance coefficient, correlations,
for forced convection embedded fin, 511 224
over circular cylinder, 46 integrally finned, 510e511 mass conservation, 224
over flat plate, 45e46 tension-wound fin, 511 in SI units, 142e143, 189
over sphere, 46 High-torque-drive (HTD) belt, 513 stream pressure drops, 223
in pipes and ducts, 38e40 Homogeneous flow model, 331, window friction factor, 225
for free convection 337e338 window pressure drop, 225
on horizontal cylinder, 49 Homogeneous two-phase density, 337, Hydraulic network, 223e225
on horizontal plate, 49 457 Hydrocarbon stream, 476e477
on sphere, 49 Horizontal shell-side condenser, 432f, Hyprotech Ltd, 301
on vertical cylinder, 49 455, 431 HYSYS process simulator, 242, 301
on vertical plate, 49 Horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, 362f,
for laminar flow in annuli, 101 362e363 I
overall design, 378e379
for air-cooled heat exchangers, 509, guidelines, 379 Ideal heat-transfer coefficient for mixture
518t strategy, 378e379 boiling, 358
clean, 91 Horizontal tube-side condenser, 432f, Ideal tube bank correlations, 199e201,
definition of, 76e79 431 224, 229, 231
design, 81 Hot air recirculation, 509 Ideal tube bank pressure drop, 202e203,
for finned-tube heat exchangers, 509 HRAT. See Heat Recovery Approach 205
required, 89 Temperature I-fin tubing, 511, 511f
typical values of HTFS/Aspen, 173 Impingement plate, 160
for air-cooled heat exchangers, 518t for kettle reboilers, 406 Impingement protection, 160, 167, 172,
for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, HTRI software, 237, 245, 406, 532 431
87t for air-cooled heat exchangers, 532 in HTRI Xchanger Suite, 238, 406
for radiation, 51 for kettle reboilers, 406 Incremental analysis, 143e144, 474, 476
for shell-and-tube heat exchangers, 151 for thermosyphon reboilers, 406 Induced-draft operation, 509, 510f, 513,
shell-side Xace module, 532 520
Delaware method for, 199 Xist module, 237, 238f, 406 Inlet and outlet
simplified Delaware method for, 199 HTRI Xchanger Suite, 123, 476 baffle spaces, 191, 202, 233
stream Analysis method for, 201e202 HX-Net, 301 equivalent lengths of, 598t
for steam as heating medium, 368 Hydraulic calculations, 67 Instability in two-phase flow. See Vertical
tube-side, 151 for condensers thermosyphon reboiler
for window flow, 210e211 shell-side condensing, 431 Insulations and building materials, 13
Heat-transfer fins, 33e37 tube-side condensing, 431 thermophysical properties, 14t
annular fins, 33 for double-pipe heat exchangers Integrally finned tubing, 510e511
rectangular fins, 33 minor losses, 102 Interfacial shear, 447e448
Heat-transfer fluids, 12, 28, 31e32, 57, nozzle losses, 103 condensation in vertical tubes
427 in SI units, 142e143 with vapor downflow, 447e448
Helical baffles, 157e158 with fins, 114 with vapor upflow, 447
HEXTRAN, 123, 173, 216e217, 237, 293, without fins, 101e103 condensation outside horizontal tubes,
394, 476e477, 526e527 for exchangers without fins, 101e103 448
606 Index

Internal reboilers, 363 LockharteMartinelli correlation, BelleGhaly method, 473e474

Inverted annular flow, 350e351 331e332, 337 general problem, 472e473
Isobutyl alcohol, properties of liquid at LockharteMartinelli parameter, Multi-pass shell-and-tube exchanger, 80,
20 C, 567t 343e344, 448, 451 282e283, 285, 287, 289
Isothermal flow, 101 Logarithmic mean temperature difference Multi-tube exchangers, 67, 68f, 104
(LMTD), 40, 104, 282e283, standard configuration, 115t
J 365e366, 457, 519
correction factor N
j-factor, 222, 450 for air-cooled heat exchangers, 447,
J-shell condenser, 431, 457, 477, 494 543e544 Natural convection, 31,
in multi-pass shell-and-tube See also Free convection
K exchangers, 80e81, 287 NaviereStokes equation, 439
for TEMA J-and X-shells, 496f, 498f n-Butyl alcohol, properties of liquid at
Kandlikar correlation, 343 in temperature profile distortion, 20 C, 567t
Kattan correlation, 343 226e227 Newton’s Law of Cooling, 31
Katto-Ohno correlation, 346e347 derivation, 94e95 n-Heptane, properties of liquid at 20 C,
Kerosene, 92, 161, 174, 178e179 Louvers, 514e515, 525 567t
Kettle reboilers, 361, 361f, 411 Low-fin tubing, 154e156 n-Hexane, properties of liquid at 20 C,
design, 365e367 Lube oil, 100f, 156 567t
fin tubes, 368 n-Octane, properties of liquid at 20 C,
fouling factors, 366 M 567t
heating medium, 368 Non-Newtonian fluids, 31
liquid overflow reservoir, 367e368 Mass conservation, 224 No-tubes-in-window configuration, 41, 73
mean temperature difference, Mass-transfer coefficient, 324, 473 Nozzles, 368t
365e366 MATHCAD, 494 Annular, 452e453
nozzles use, 366 Maximum tube-side fluid velocities, self-venting, 434, 436
shell diameter, 366e367 190 Nozzles, sizing, 160
two-phase density calculation, 368 Maximum unsupported tube lengths, n-Pentane, properties of liquid at 20 C,
K-fin. See Integrally finned tubing 190e191 567t
Kinematic viscosity, 47e48, 56, 204, McNaught correlation, 448 NTU, 92e94
219 Mean temperature difference, 76, Nucleate boiling, correlations for,
Kinetic energy correction factor, 518 457e458 318e320
Knockback condenser. See Reflux in air-cooled heat exchangers, 519 critical heat flux, 327e328
condenser in double-pipe heat exchangers, 109 mixture effects, 323e324
in horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, pure component heat-transfer
L 378e380
in kettle reboilers, 365e366
coefficients, 318e320
Cooper correlation, 319
Laminar flow, 101e103, 152e153 in shell-and-tube condensers, 442 ForstereZuber correlation, 318e319
correction factor, 202, 210e211 in shell-and-tube heat exchangers, Mostinski correlation, 319
Laplacian operator, 5, 25 158e159 StephaneAbdelsalam correlation,
Lapse rate, 549 Merilo correlation, 347e348 320
Latent heats of vaporization, organic Metallic elements tube bundles, convective effects in,
compounds thermophysical properties, 1f 326e327
hydrocarbon compounds Methane hydrates, 514 Nusselt Number
alkyl benzenes, 570te575t Methyl alcohol, properties of liquid at definition of, 39
alkyl cyclohexanes, 570te575t 20 C, 567t Nusselt theory, 437e441
alkyl cyclopentanes, 570te575t MILP. See Mixed Integer Linear modifications of, 443e445
monoolefins, 570te575t Programming condensate subcooling, 444e445
paraffins, 570te575t Minimum utility design inclined surfaces, 443
non-hydrocarbon compounds, for TC3, 277e280 interfacial shear, 447e448
570te575t Minor losses. See Hydraulic calculations superheated vapor, 444
Leakage flows. See Shell-side Mist flow limit, 392, 386 turbulence, in condensate film, 443
streams Mist flow regime, 330e331, 337, variable fluid properties, 443
Level control, 362f, 363f 340e341, 350, 386
L-fin tubing, 511, 511f Mist flow, 330e331 O
Liedenfrost point, 318 Mixed integer linear program (MILP),
Linear programming, HEN, 293, 301 Ohm’s Law of Electricity, 11
291e293 Mostinski correlation, 319, 328 Once-through thermosyphon reboiler
Liquid metals, 444 for critical heat flux, 319 system, 363e364
Liquid overflow reservoir. See Kettle for nucleate boiling, 344e345 Onset of nucleate boiling (ONB),
reboilers Motor size, standard, 549 317e318
Liquid water at saturation pressure Müller-Steinhagen and Heck (MSH) Outer-tube-limit diameter, 205, 205f
thermophysical properties, 559t correlation, 334, 340 Overall heat-transfer coefficient, 76e79,
LiueWinterton correlation, 342 Multi-component condensation, 518t, 116
LL-fin tubing, 511 472e474 fouling, 77
Index 607

for high-fin tubing, 517 definition of, 39 Refrigerants, 342e343

in tubular heat exchanger, 87t Pressure balance, 384e385 Regression analysis, 320, 457
Over-design, 105 Pressure drop correlations, in separated Relative humidity, 519
Overflow reservoir. See Kettle reboilers flow model, 331e334 Resistance, thermal. See Thermal
Over-surface, 105 Chisholm correlation, 332e333 resistance
Friedel correlation, 333e334 Reynolds number, 46e47, 116e117,
P LockharteMartinelli correlation, 337 127, 158, 201, 216
Müller-Steinhagen and Heck (MSH) RobinsoneBriggs correlation, 517
Palen correlation correlation, 334 Rod baffles. See Baffles, rod
for convective film boiling, 350e351 Pressure drop, 456e457 Root tube diameter
for critical heat flux in convective boiling, shell-side pressure drop, 202e205, 225, effective, 155
346 153e154 RoseeBriggs method, 476
for critical heat flux in tube bundles, affecting factors, 158e161 Rotated square pitch, 72f, 158, 200f
327e329, 348 and stream flow rates, 229e231 rotated square, 72f, 89f, 228e229, 232
Palen’s method tube-side pressure drop square, 158, 235e236
for boiling in tube bundles, affecting factors, 156 triangular, 158, 228e229
326e328 Pressure gradient, 332, 385, 389 R-value, 13
for critical heat flux in convective boiling, Prime surface, 33, 118, 468e469,
346 523e524 S
for critical heat flux in tube bundles, PRO II, 123, 242
327e329, 348 Problem table algorithm, HEN, 268e269 Saturated liquid Freon-12
for heat transfer coefficient, 324 ProMax, 173 thermophysical properties, 566t
for mixture boiling, 324e328, 381 Pseudo components, 324 Saturated liquids
Parallel flow. See Co-current flow Pseudo-critical pressure, 326, 328 thermophysical properties
Partial condenser, 457 Pseudo-reduced pressure, 326, 370, 381 at 20 C, 567t
PengeRobinson equation, 476e477 Pull-through floating head, 211 engine oil, 567t
Petroleum streams, properties of, 151 ethylene glycol, 567t
Pinch design method, 267, 275 Q glycerin, 567t
Pinch Saturated steam and water
design strategy, 276e277 Quality of vapor, 350, 448 thermophysical properties, 560te564t
feasibility criteria at, 275e276 viscosities of, 565t
heat capacity flow rate difference, R Saturation temperature, 317
275e276 Schlünder method
heat capacity flow rate inequality, 275 Radial fins, 588t, 589t, 590t, 154, 155f, for heat transfer coefficient,
heat capacity flow rate table, 276 368, 455, 510 323e324
process streams and branches, number Radial low-fin tubing, 588t, 589t, 590t, Sealing strips, 174, 160e161
of, 275 154, 155f Segmental baffle geometry, 205f
significance, 273e274 Radiation temperature factor, 53f Seider-Tate correlation, 39, 448
threshold problems and utility pinches, Radiative heat transfer, 31e65, 318, Seider-Tate equation, 83, 101, 202, 341
274e275 350e351 Self-venting line, 434e435
Pipe and tubing, dimensions of in film boiling, 350e351 Semi-infinite solid, transient conduction
heat exchanger and condenser tubing, Rating of heat exchangers in, 18f
581t role in design strategy, 276e277 Sensible heat duty, 458
radial low-fin tubing thermal, procedure for, 90e92 Sensible heating zone. See Vertical
16 fpi tubing, 588t using computer software, 237 thermosyphon reboilers
19 fpi tubing, 589t Reboiler design Series/parallel configurations of hairpins,
26 fpi tubing, 590t fouling factors, 366t 103e104
steel pipe, properties, 583te587t Reboilers Shah correlation, 343, 455
Pipe fittings, equivalent lengths of computer software, 394 for condensation, 329e330
elbows, tees and bends, 115t selection, 364e365 for convective boiling, 343
expanders and reducers, 598t types, 361e365 Shape factor. See Heat conduction
inlets and outlets, 598t forced flow reboilers, 363 conduction, 14
values, 115t horizontal thermosyphon reboilers, radiation, 51
Pitch, 72f 378e379, 362e363 Shear controlled condensation, 447,
baffle, 164 internal reboilers, 363 502e503
tube, 70 kettle reboilers, 365e367, 361 Shell-and-plate exchanger, 74, 75f
longitudinal, 527 recirculating versus once-through Shell-and-tube exchanger, 68e74
transverse, 527 operation, 363e364 head types comparison
Plate-fin exchanger, 76 vertical thermosyphon reboilers, floating head types, 191t
Plate-frame exchanger, 74 383e387, 362 stationary head types, 191t
Plenum, 513 Recirculating thermosyphon reboiler preliminary design, 86
Plug flow regime, 331, 386, 451 system, 363 rating, 88e90
Plug header, 513f, 521 Rectangular fins, 33f, 114f mechanical features of, 71t
Pool boiling, 317e318 Reduced pressure, 319 baffles, 159e160
Prandtl number, 46, 351, 443e444 Reflux condenser, 435f, 476, 495, 434 head types, 69f, 158e159
608 Index

Shell-and-tube exchanger (Continued) Stefan-Boltzman constant, 350 cold end design, 278e279
sealing strips, 151, 160e161 Stefan-Boltzman equation, 52 complete network design, 280
shell types, 69f, 158e159 SteinereTaborek correlation, 343 hot end design, 277e278
tie rods, 70f, 245 StephaneAbdelsalam correlation, 320, Theoretical bubble diameter,
tube bundles, 159 324 322e323
tubesheets, 70f, 86 Stratified flow regime, 331, 457, Thermal conductivities, 1e2
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers, design 451e452 of liquids, 568te569t
computer software, 173e174 Stream analysis method, 88, 457 of tubing materials, 569t
design guidelines, 158e161 computer software, 237e238 Thermal diffusivity, 5
design strategy, 161 equivalent hydraulic network, 223 Thermal energy, 4, 23, 34
finned tubing, 154e156 equations, 223e225 Thermal resistance, 11e12, 16
heat-transfer coefficients, 151 good design practice, 228 TherminolÒ, 380, 401
hydraulic calculations, 152e154 shell-side heat-transfer coefficient, Thermodynamic methods
pressure drop, factors affecting, 156e158 226 in HEXTRAN, 476, 394
tube-count tables, 156 shell-side pressure drop, 225 Thermodynamic packages
Shell-side heat-transfer coefficient, temperature profile distortion, Thermophysical properties, of materials,
201e202, 226, 469 226e227 6t
Shell-side pressure drop, 202e205, 225, WillseJohnston method, 228e233, alloys, 11t
153e154, 157e158 245 ammonia vapor, at atmospheric pressure,
DPc calculation, 202e203 flow resistances, 231e233 566t
DPe calculation, 204 inlet and outlet baffle spaces, 233 carbon dioxide, at one atmosphere, 566t
DPw calculation, 203e204 pressure drops and stream flow rates, dry air, at atmospheric pressure
Shell-side streams 229e231 English units, 558te559t
baffle-to-shell leakage, 226 streams and flow areas, 229 SI units, 19t
bundle bypass, 202 total shell-side pressure drop, 233 insulations and building materials, 14t
cross flow, 226e227 Stream pressure drops, 223, 291 latent heats of vaporization
tube-pass-partition bypass, 202 Streams and flow areas, 229 of organic compounds, 570te575t
tube-to-baffle leakage, 207, 206e208 Subcooled boiling, 342, 385 liquid water, at saturation pressure
Shell-to-baffle clearance, 205, 211 Subcooling SI units, 559t
Shell-to-baffle leakage area, 209, 217, of condensate, 444e445 metallic elements, 6t
226e227, 208 parameter in Katto-Ohno correlation, saturated liquid Freon 12, 566t
Shell-to-baffle leakage flow resistance, 346e347 saturated liquids
222 Super targeting, HEN, 272, 291, 301, 303 at 20 C, 568t
Shell-to-bundle diametral clearance, Superheated vapor, 444 engine oil, 568t
212 Support plates, 361, 369, 467 ethylene gylcol, 568t
Short pipe correction factor, 39, 41 Suppression factor in convective boiling, gylcerin, 568t
Simple double-pipe exchanger, 67e68 341 saturated steam and water
Simplified Delaware method, 151, 153, English units, 560te564t
160e161, 175, 211, 449, T steam and water, viscosities of
462e463 English units, 565t
sizing guidelines for, 160 Targeting steam, at atmospheric pressure, 559t
Slip ratio, 337e339, 390, 453 for minimum heat-transfer area, thermal conductivities
Slug flow regime, 329, 331, 340e341, 287e289 of liquids, 568te569t
386, 451 for minimum number of shells, of tubing materials, 570t
Specific gravity of liquids, 101e102 283e287 Thermosyphon reboilers, 431
Specific heat of liquids, nomograph for, for minimum number of units, horizontal thermosyphon reboilers,
12f 277e280 362e363
Speed reducer for minimum utilities, 277f, 279f, 280f design, 378e379
efficiency of, 519, 526 super, 291 once through types, 363e364
Sphere TEMA Standards, 190 recirculating type, 363e364
correlation for forced convection from, TEMA. See Tubular Exchanger vertical thermosyphon reboilers, 362
24 Manufacturers Association design, 363e364
Split-ring floating head, 432f Temperature approach, 293 Thome and Shakir method
Standard US motor sizes, 549 Temperature cross, 282e283 for heat transfer coefficient, 324
standard, 103 Temperature difference, 1, 76, 226e227, Threshold problems and utility pinches,
Static head, 362e363, 368, 373e377, 289 HEN, 274e275
456 arithmetic mean, 40 Tick-off heuristic, 276
Stationary head types effective mean, 369, 380 Tie rods, 70f, 245
comparison, 191t logarithmic mean, 40, 94e95 Toluene properties, 567t
STE module, 174 Temperature gradient, 33e34, 341, 386, of liquid at 20 C, 567t
Steam at atmospheric pressure 389e390 Total shell-side pressure drop, 225, 233
thermophysical properties, 559t Temperature profile distortion, 226e227 Transient heat conduction
Steam coil, 515 Tension-wound finned tubing, 511 in infinite cylinder, 14t, 21f, 22e23
Steam, properties of, 559t Test Case Number 3 (TC3), 267 in rectangular solid, 18, 21f, 29
Steel pipe, properties, 583te587t minimum-utility design in semi-infinite solid, 18e19
Index 609

in sphere, 21f, 22 pressure drop correlations, 331e334 and two-phase density, 336e338
Transition region recommendations, 340 Chisholm correlation, 337
in pool boiling, 317e318 void fraction and two-phase density, CISE correlation, 338
Transition region, flow in, 39, 101 336e338 homogeneous flow model, 331
Transport properties, 123e124, 395, 401, Two-phase multiplier LockharteMartinelli correlation,
476e477, 527 for heat transfer, 333 331e332
Transverse fins, 33 for pressure drop, 333
Tube bundle diameter, 205
Tube bundles
in air-cooled heat exchangers, 512e513
Wall temperature
boiling in, 326 Unequal baffle spacing for finned pipes, 118
condensation in, 433 correction factor, 201e202, 210 Water, properties of, 560te564t
finned, 151 Unmixed-unmixed cross flow, 494 Water/steam stream, 123
plain, 151 Unsteady-state conduction, 283e287, Watson characterization factor, 151
in cross flow 280e281, 281e282 Watson correlation, 151, 325
heat-transfer and pressure-drop UOP characterization factor, 151 Wavy flow regime, 330f, 443
correlations for, 205e206 Utility pinches, 274e275 Weber number, 338e339
Tube layout Utility stream, 123e124, 294f Wegstein’s method, 43
H-banded, 246e248, 247t, 250 Utility usage, targets for, 302 Weighted efficiency of finned surface,
Quadrant, 246e247 U-tubes 115, 119e120, 469,
Tube pitch, 70, 157 523e524
in air-cooled heat exchangers, 159,
Tube side, minor losses on, 165 Wetted perimeter, 104, 116
velocity heads, 152 as alternative to floating head, 192 Wills-Johnston method, 228e233
Tube-count tables, 67, 156 flow resistances, 231e233
minor losses in, 152t
Tubesheets, 70f, 512, 159e160 bypass flow, 232
tube counts for, 380
Tube-side pressure drop, 89e90, 377, cross-flow, 73
152e153, 156e157 shell-to-baffle leakage flow, 235
Tube-to-baffle clearance, 211 V tube-to-baffle leakage flow, 232
Tube-to-baffle leakage area, 206e208 window flow, 225
Tube-to-baffle leakage flow resistance, Vapor blanketing, 350
inlet and outlet baffle spaces, 233
232 Vapor loading in kettle reboilers,
pressure drops and stream flow rates,
Tubing dimensions 367e368
high-fin, 510e512 Vapor pressure, 389
streams and flow areas, 229
low-fin, 588t, 589t, 590t, 105 Vaporizers, 361
total shell-side pressure drop, 233
plain (un-finned), 77, 123 Velocity heads, 102e103, 152
Window flow area, 208e209
Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Velocity pressure, 526
Window flow resistance, 233
Association (TEMA), 69, 211 Vent condenser. See Reflux condenser
Window friction factor, 225
E-shell, 362e363 Vents, 431, 433
Window pressure drop, 225
fouling factors, 78t Vertical shell-side condenser, 362
Wispy annular flow, 330
G-shell, 378 Vertical thermosyphon reboilers, 341,
H-shell, 378 362
J-and X-shells configuration for, 362f X
LMTD correction factors, 493e494 design, 383
flow instability, 386 Xace, 237, 533e537, 532, 533e534
K-shell, 361
mist flow limit, 386 Xchanger Suite, 237, 532
Tubular heat exchanger
pressure balance, 384e385 Xfh, 237
overall heat exchanger coefficient
sensible heating zone, 385e386 Xhpe, 237
typical values, 87t
Xist, 237e247, 238f, 407e421,
Turbulent flow, 31, 39, 101e103, size limitations, 386
strategy, 386e387 406, 419
152e153, 158, 518
Vertical tube-side downflow condenser, Xjpe, 237
in condensate film, 448
433 X-shell condenser, 431, 486
in finned annuli, 116e117
Vibration analysis, 483 Xvib, 237
in pipes and ducts
friction factor correlations for, 40 Viscosity correction factor, 83, 102, 118
heat transfer correlations for, 39 Viscosity Z
Turpentine, properties of liquid at 20 C, of gases, 4f
567t of liquids, 1f Zone analysis, 387, 392, 394, 457e458
Two-phase flow, 317, 329e334 of steam and water, 565t Zuber equation for critical heat flux,
flow regimes, 329e331 VMG Thermo, 237, 408e409 327e328
for horizontal tubes, 330f, 331 VMG Thermo, 237, 408e409, 477
for vertical tubes, 329e330, 330f Void fraction, 336e337

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