Clap Switch: An Industry Oriented Main Project Report

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An Industry Oriented Main Project Report submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGENEERING

Submitted by
A.H.N.SANTHOSHI (07S21A1267) A.SATYA NIHARIKA (09S21A0408) A.SAKUNTALA (09S21A0409) A.VASAVI (09S21A0407) B.SINDHU (09S21A0410)

Under the Esteemed Guidance of



(Affiliated to JNTU, KAKINADA)




(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTU, Kakinada)


This is to certify that A.H.N.SANTHOSHI(09S21AO406),






A.SAKUNTAL(09S21A0409) students of B. Tech(ELECTRONICS AND

COMMUNICATION ENGENEERING) have completed their project work, titled CLAP SWITCH at Nova College of Engineering and Technology for Women during Academic year 2011-2012. This is submitted as a partial fulfillment for the award of the degree B. Tech .The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements. N.THEONMAYI(M.Tech) Mr.P.NARAYANA RAO M.Tech

Internal Examiner

Head of

the Department External Examiner

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any work would be incomplete without naming the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement made this work perfect. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. T.V.Rama Krishna Rao, Director, Nova Group of Colleges. I am thankful to our beloved principal Mr.J.Srinivasa Rao for allowing us to carry out this project. I am very grateful to Mr.P.NARAYANA RAO H.O.D of IT and my internal guide N.THEONMAYI, Assistant professor, Department of Information Technology, for their numerous suggestions and support that held in the development of the project. I would like to repeat my thanks to all the members of department of CSE of NOVA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN JUPUDI, who kindly cooperated with us during the project and helped us in making this effort a significant work, without whom we could never get the pleasure in bringing forward the first real venture in practical computing in the form of the project entitled CLAP SWITCH.

I always thought the clapper so cool. For those who are lazy like me, turn on or off the bedroom light without getting out of bed, simple clap your hands is amazing. Thinking about it I projected one for me. Several projects of clappers can be found on the Internet, and most of them do not use microcontroller. I chose to use a micro planning future updates, such as turn on or off the light with 2 claps, the TV with 3 claps, DVD player with 4 and so on. Another update can be a time to turn off the device automatically.

. A mains power supply is included so no additional power source is required.

A clap switch circuit is a classic beginners project. Equipment can be switched on and off by just clapping your hands. Add a tiny microcontroller and you can easily build-in some more useful features. The microcontroller in this circuit makes it a simple job to add some useful features that are not seen on other clap switch designs: Changeover relay contacts enable the unit to be wired in conjunction with a manual changeover switch so that manual override of the switched equipment is always possible. The unit is only responsive to a specific sequence of sounds i.e., two claps within a defined time window.

A safety feature masks the input for a given time window if misuse (repeated commands) is detected (useful if children have discovered how it works). The safety feature and two-clap sequence detector can be built using TTL or CMOS flip-flops but by using a single microcontroller the circuit can be greatly simplified

The software was written in C using AVR Studio and WinAVR library. The ADC is read constantly, and the returned value is compared with a variable. This variable can be changed if the user press the button S1 or S2. So, the user can increase or decrease the intensity of the signal necessary to trigger the circuit. If the value of the ADC is less than the variable, nothing happens, otherwise the timer0 is activated and begins counting. At each timer overflow, a variable called timer is incremented.

The value of variable timer is compared with three constants, burst_time, ready_time and time_out. If the value of the variable is equal to the constant burst_time the value of global variable burst become 1. If the value of timer is equal the constant ready_time the value of variable burst becomes 0 and variable ready becomes 1. If value of timer is equal time_out all the variables become equal to 0. When another clap is detected, if burst = 1 then the microcontroller clear all variables and start the loop again. If burst = 0 and ready = 1 the output is toggled. The relay only close when the time between a clap and another is approximately correct, thus reducing the chances of the light turn on or off accidentally. The flowchart below help understand the software.

Compiling Java for Embedded Systems

While a major factor in Javas success is its use of portable bytecodes, we believe it cannot become a mainstream programming language without mainstream implementation techniques. Specifically, an optimizing, ahead-of-time compiler allows much better optimization along with much faster application start-up times than with JIT translators. Cygnus Solutions is writing a Java front-end for the GNU compiler, gcc, in order to translate Java bytecodes to machine code. This uses a widely used, proven technology. In this paper, we discuss issues in implementing Java using traditional compiler, linker, and debugging technology; particular emphasis is given to using Java in embedded and limited memory environments.

Java (see Bibliography for [JavaSpec] on page 15) has become popular because it is a decent programming language, is buzzword-compliant (object-oriented and webenabled),and because it is implemented by compiling to portable bytecodes (seeBibliography for [Java VMSpec] on page 15). The traditional Java implementation model is to compile Java source code into .class files containing machine-independent bytecode instructions. These .class files are downloaded and interpreted by a browser or some other Java Virtual Machine (VM). See the diagram in Figure 1 (below) for a model of the traditional Java implementation. Typical Java implementation : However, interpreting bytecodes makes Java program many times slower than comparable C or C++ programs. One approach to improving this situation is JustInTime (JIT) compilers. These dynamically translate bytecodes to machine code just before a method is first executed.This can provide substantial speed-up, but it is

still slower than C or C++. There are three main drawbacks with the JIT approach compared to conventional compilers: The compilation is done every time the application is executed, which Since the JIT compiler has to run fast (it is run every time the application means start-up times are much worse than pre-compiled code. is run), it cannot do any non-trivial optimization. Only simple register allocation and peep-optimizations are practical. (Some have suggested that JIT could potentially produce faster code than a stand-alone compiler, since it can dynamically adjust to specific inputs and hardware. But the need for quick re-compilation will make it very difficult to make JIT faster in practice.) The JIT compiler must remain in (virtual) memory while the application is executing. This memory may be quite costly in an embedded application. While JIT compilers have an important place in a Java system, for frequently used applications it is better to use a more traditional ahead-of-time or batch compiler. While many think of Java as primarily an internet/web language, others are interested in using Java as an alternative to traditional languages such as C++, provided performance is acceptable. For embedded applications, it makes much more sense to pre-compile the Java program, especially if the program is to be in ROM. Cygnus is building a Java programming environment that is based on a conventional compiler, linker, and debugger, using Java-enhanced versions of the existing GNU programming tools. These have been ported to just about every chip in use (Including many chips only used in embedded systems), and so we will have a uniquely Portable Java system. See Figure 2 on page 3 for a model of the compilation process. 2. ISSUES WITH EMBEDDED JAVA : Suns motto for Java is Write once, run anywhere. As part of that, Sun has been pushing Java as also suitable for embedded systems, announcing specifications for Embedded Java and Personal Java specifications. The latter (just published at the

time of writing) is primarily a restricted library that a Java application can expect. Embedded systems covers a large spectrum from 4-bit chips with tens of bytes of RAM, to 32- and 64-bit systems with megabytes of RAM. I believe it will be very difficult to squeeze a reasonably complete implementation of Java into less than one MB. (However, people have managed to squeeze a much reduced Java into credit-card-sized smart cards with about 100kB.) In general, there is less memory available than in the typical desktop environment where Java usually runs. Those designers that have been leery of C++ because of performance concerns (perceived or real) will not embrace Java. On the other hand, those that have been leery of C++ because of its complexity will find Java easier to master. Advantages of Java : Java has a number of advantages for embedded systems. Using classes to organize the code enforces modularity, and encourages data abstraction. Java has many useful and standardized classes (for graphics, networking, simple math and containers, internationalization, files, and much more). This means a designer can count on having these libraries on any (full) implementation of Java. Java programs are generally more portable than C or C++ programs: The size of integer, floats, and character is defined by the language. The order and precision of expression evaluation is defined. Initial values of fields are defined, and the languages require that local variables be set before use in a way that the compiler can check. In fact, the only major non-determinacy in Java is due to time-dependencies between interacting threads. Safety-critical applications will find the following features very useful: More disciplined use of pointers, called references instead, provides pointer safety (no dangling references; all references are either null or point to an actual object; de-referencing a null pointer raises an exception). Array indexing is checked, and an index out of bounds raises an exception.

Using exceptions makes it easier to separate out the normal case from error cases, and to handle the error in a disciplined manner. The portability of Java (including a portable binary format) means that an application can run on many hardware platforms, with no porting effort (at least thats the theory). Code compactness : It has been argued that even for ROM-based embedded systems (where portability is not an issue), it still makes sense to use a bytecode-based implementation of Java, since the bytecodes are supposedly more compact than native code. However, it is not at all clear if that is really the case. The actual bytecode instructions of the Fib class (a program to calculate Fibonacci numbers, which is discussed in the section, 5 Status, on page 14) only take 134 bytes, while the compiled instructions for i86 and Sparc take 373 and 484 bytes respectively. (This is if we assume external classes are also pre-compiled; otherwise, 417 and 540 bytes are needed, respectively.) However, there is quite a bit of symbol table information necessary, bringing the actual size of the Fib.class file up to 1227 bytes. How much space will actually be used at run-time depends on how the symbolic (reflective) information is represented - but it does take a fair bit of space. (Precompiled code also needs space for the reflective data structure about 520 bytes for this example.) Out tentative conclusion is that the space advantage of bytecodes is minor at best, whereas the speed penalty is major. Space for standard run-time : In addition to the space needed for the user code, there is also a large chunk of fixed code for the run-time environment. This includes code for the standard libraries (such as java.lang), code for loading new classes, the garbage collector, and an interpreter or just-in-time compiler. In a memory-tight environment, it is desirable to be able to leave out some of this

support code. For example, if there is no need for loading new classes at run-time, we can leave out the code for reading class files, and interpreting (or JIT-compiling) bytecodes. (If you have a dynamic loader, you could still down-load new classes, if you compile them off-line.) Similarly, some embedded applications might not need support for Javas Abstract Windowing Toolkit, or networking, or decryption, while another might need some or all of these. Depending on a conventional (static) linker to select only the code that is actually needed does not work, since a Java class can be referenced using a run-time String expression passed to the Class.forName method. If that feature is not used, then a static linker can be used. The Java run-time needs to have access to the name and type of every field and method of every class that is loaded. This is not needed for normal operation (especially not when using precompiled methods); however, a program can examine this information using the java.lang.reflect package. Furthermore, the Java Native Interface (JNI, a standard ABI for interfacing between C/C++ and Java) works by looking up fields and methods by name at run-time. Using the JNI thus requires extra run-time memory for field and method information. Since the JNI is also quite slow, an embedded application may prefer to use a lower-level (but less portable) Native Interface. Because applications and resources vary so widely, it is important to have a Java VM/run-time than can be easily configured. Some applications may need access to dynamically loaded classes, the Java Native Interface, reflection, and a large class library. Other applications may need none of these, and cannot afford the space requirements of those features. Different clients may also want different algorithms for garbage collection or different thread implementations. This implies the need for a configuration utility, so one can select the features one wants in a VM, much like one might need to configure kernel options before building an operating system.

Garbage collection : Programmers used to traditional malloc/free-style heap management tend to be skeptical about the efficiency of garbage collection. It is true that garbage collection usually takes a significant toll on execution time, and can lead to large unpredictable pauses. However, it is important to remember that is also an issue for manual heap allocations using malloc and free. There are many very poorly written malloc/free implementations in common use, just as there are inefficient implementations of garbage collection. There are a number of incremental, parallel, or generational garbage collection algorithms that provide performance as good or better than malloc/free. What is difficult, however, is ensuring that pause times are boundedi.e., a small limit on the amount of time a new can take, even if garbage collection is triggered. The solution is to make sure to do a little piece of garbage collection on each allocation. Unfortunately, the only known algorithms that can handle hard-real time either require hardware assistance or are very inefficient. However, soft real-time can be implemented at reasonable cost. 3. COMPILING JAVA The core tool of Cygnuss Java implementation is the compiler. This is jc1, a new gcc front-end (see Bibliography for [GCC] on page 15). This has similar structure as existing front-ends (such as cc1plus, the C++ front-end), and shares most of the code with them. The most unusual aspect of jc1 is that its parser reads either Java source files or Java bytecode files. (The first release will only directly support bytecodes; parsing Java source will be done by invoking Suns javac. A future version will provide an integrated Java parser, largely for the sake of compilation speed.) In any case, it is important that jc1 can read bytecodes, for the following reasons:

It is the natural way to get declarations of external classes; in this respect, a Java bytecode file is like a C++ pre-compiled header file. It is needed so we can support code produced from other tools that produce Java bytecodes (such as the Kawa Scheme-to-Java-bytecode compiler; see Bibliography for [Kawa] on page 15). Some libraries are (unfortunately) distributed as Java bytecodes without source. Much of the work of the compiler is the same whether we are compiling from source code or from byte codes. For example emitting code to handle method invocation is the same either way. When we compile from source, we need a parser, semantic analysis, and error-checking. On the other hand, when parsing from bytecodes, we need to extract higher-level information from the lower-level bytecodes, which we will discuss, below. Transforming bytecodes : This section describes how jc1 works. The executable content of a bytecode file contains a vector of bytecode instructions for each (non-native) method. The bytecodes are instructions for an abstract machine with some local variable registers and a stack used for expression evaluation. (The first few local variables are initialized with the actual parameters.) Each local variable or stack slot is a word big enough for either a 32-bit integer, a float, or an object reference (pointer). (Two slots are used for 64-bits doubles and longs.) The slots are not typed; i.e., at one point, a slot might contain an integer value, and, at another point, the same slot might contain an object reference. However, you cannot store an integer in a slot, and then retrieve the same bits re-interpreted as an object reference. Moreover, at any given program point, each slot has a unique type can be determined using static data flow. (The type may be unassigned, in which case you are not allowed to read the slots value.) These restrictions are part of Java security model, and are enforced by the Java bytecode verifier. We do a similar analysis in jc1, which lets us know for every program point, the current stack pointer, and the type of every local

variable and stack slot. Internally gcc uses two main representations: The tree representation is at the level of an abstract syntax tree, and is used to represent high-level (fully-typed) expressions, declarations, and types. The rtl (Register Transform Language) form is used to represent instructions, instruction patterns, and machine-level calculations in general. Constant folding is done using trees, but otherwise most optimizations are done at the rtl level. The basic strategy for translating Java stack-oriented bytecodes is that we create a dummy local variable for each Java local variable or stack slot. These are mapped to gcc virtual registers, and standard gcc register allocation later assigns each virtual register to a hard register or a stack location. This makes it easy to map each opcode into treenodes or rtl to manipulate the virtual registers. As an example, consider how to compile iadd, which adds the top two ints on the stack. For illustration, assume the stack pointer is 3, and virtual registers 50, 51, and 52 are associated with stack slots 0, 1, and 2. The code generated by jc1 is the following: reg51 := vreg51 + vreg52 Note that the stack exists only at compile-time. There is no stack, stack pointer, or stack operations in the emitted code. This simple model has some problems, compared to conventional compilers: We would like to do constant folding, which is done at the tree level. However, tree nodes are typed. The simple-minded approach uses lots of virtual registers, and the code generated is very bad. Running the optimizer (with the -O flag) fixes the generated code, but you still get a lot of useless stack slots. It would be nice not to have to run the optimizer, and if you do, not to make unnecessary work for it. The rtl representation is semi-typed, since it distinguishes the various

machine modes such as pointer, and different-sized integers and floats. This causes problems because a given Java stack slot may have different types at different points in the code. The last problem we solve by using a separate virtual register for each machine mode. For example, for local variable slot 5 we might use vreg40 when it contains an integer, and vreg41 when it points an object reference. This is safe, because the Java verifier does not allow storing an integer in an object slot and later reusing the same value as an object reference or float. The other two problems we solve by modeling the stack as a stack of tree nodes, and not storing the results in their home virtual registers unless we have to. Thus jc1actually does the following for iadd: tree arg1 = pop_value (int_type_node); tree arg2 = pop_value (int_type_node); push_value (fold (build (PLUS_EXPR, int_type_node, arg1, arg2))); The build function is the standard gcc function for creating tree-nodes, while fold is the standard function for doing constant folding. The functions pop_value and push_value are specific to jc1, and keep track of which stack location corresponds to which tree node. No code is actually generatedyet. This works for straight-line code (i.e. within a basic block). When we come to a branch or a branch target, we have to flush the stack of tree nodes, and make sure the value of each stack slot gets saved in its home virtual register. The stack is usually empty at branches and branch targets, so this does not happen very often. Otherwise, we only emit actual rtl instructions to evaluate the expressions when we get to a sideeffecting operation (such as a store or a method call). Since we only allocate a virtual register when we need one, we are now using fewer virtual registers, which leads to better code. We also get the benefits of gcc constant folding, plus the existing machinery for selecting the right instructions for

addition and other expressions. The result is that we end up generating code using the same mechanisms that the gcc C and C++ front-ends do, and therefore we can expect similar code quality. Class meta-data : Compiling the executable content is only part of the problem. The Java run-time also needs an extensive data structure that describes each class with its fields and methods. This is the meta-data or reflective data for the class. The compiler has to somehow make it possible for the run-time system to correctly initialize the data structures before the compiled classes can be used. If we are compiling from bytecodes, the compiler can just pass through the metadata as they are encoded in the class file. (If the run-time supports dynamically loading new classes, it already knows how to read meta-data from a class file.) It is inconvenient if the meta-data and the compiled code are in different files. The run-time should be able to create its representation of the meta-data without having to go beyond its address space. For example reading in the meta-data from an external file may cause consistency problems, and it may not even be possible for embedded systems. A possible solution is to emit something like: static const char FooClassData[] = "\xCa\xfe\xba\xbe..."; static {LoadClassFromByteArray(FooClassData); Patch up method to point to code; The code marked static is compiled into a dummy function that is executed at program startup. This can be handled using whatever mechanism is used to execute C+ + static initializers. This dummy function reads the meta-data in external format from FooClassData, creates the internal representation, and enters the class into the class table. It then patches up the method descriptors so that they point to the compiled code. This works, but it is rather wasteful in terms of memory and startup time. We need space for both the external representation (in FooClassData) and the internal representation, and we have to spend time creating the latter from the former. It is

much better if we can have the compiler directly create the internal representation. If we use initialized static data, we can have the compiler statically allocate and initialize the internal data structures. This means the actual initialization needed at run is very little most of it is just entering the meta-data into a global symbol table. Consider the following example class: public class Foo extends Bar { public int a; public int f(int j) { return a+j; } }; That class compiles into something like the following: int Foo_f (Foo* this, int j) { return this->a + j; } struct Method Foo_methods[1] = {{ /* name: */ "f"; /* code: */ (Code) &Foo_f; /* access: */ PUBLIC, /* etc */ ... }}; struct Class Foo_class = { /* name: */ "Foo", /* num_methods: */ 1, /* methods: */ Foo_methods, /* super: */ &Bar_class, /* num_fields: */ 1, /* etc */ ... }; static { RegisterClass (&Foo_class, "Foo"); } Thus startup is fast, and does not require any dynamic allocation. Static references : A class may make references to static fields and methods of another class. If

we can assume that the other class will also be jc1-compiled, then jc1 can emit a direct reference to the external static field or method (just like a C++ compiler would). That is, a call to a static method can be compiled as a direct function call. If you want to make a static call from a pre-compiled class to a known class that you do not know is precompiled, you can try using extra indirection and a trampoline stub that jumps to the correct method. (Not that this feature is very useful: it makes little sense to precompile a class without also pre-compiling the other classes that it statically depends on.) A related problem has to do with string constants. The language specification requires that string literals that are equal will compile into the same String object at runtime. This complicates separate compilation, and it makes it difficult to statically allocate the strings (as in done for C), unless you have a truly unusual linker. So, we compile references to string literals as indirect references to a pointer that gets initialized at class initialization time. Linking : The jc1 program creates standard assembler files that are processed by the standard unmodified GNU linked (together with the run-time system) into an executable, using a standard linker. The only linker extension we really need is support for static initializers, but we already have that (since gcc supports C++). While we do not need any linker modification, there are some that may be desirable. Here are some ideas. Java needs a lot of names at run-time for classes, files, local variables, methods, type signatures, and source files. These are represented in the constant pool of .class files as CONSTANT_Utf8 values. Compilation removes the need for many of these names (because it resolves many symbolic field and method references). However, names are still needed for the meta-data. Two different class files may generate two references

the same name. It may be desirable to combine them to save space (and to speed up equality tests). That requires linker support. The compiler could place these names in a special section of the object file, and the linker could then combine identical names. The run-time maintains a global table of all loaded classes, so it can find a class given its name. When most of the classes are statically compiled and allocated, it is reasonable to pre-compute (the static part of) the global class table. One idea is that the linker could build a perfect hash table of the classes in a library or program. 4. RUN-TIME : Running a compiled Java program will need a suitable Java run-time environment. This is in principle no different from C++ (which requires an extensive library, as well as support for memory allocation, exceptions, and so on). However, Java requires more run-time support than traditional languages: It needs support for threads, garbage collection, type reflection (meta-data), and all the primitive Java methods. Full Java support also means being able to dynamically load new bytecoded classes, though this may not be needed in some embedded environments. Basically, the appropriate Java run-time environment is a Java Virtual Machine. It is possible to have jc1 produce code compatible with the Java Native Interface ABI. Such code could run under any Java VM that implements the JNI. However, the JNI has relatively high overhead, so if you are not concerned about binary portability it is better to use a more low-level ABI, similar to the VMs internal calling convention. (If you are concerned about portability, use .class files.) While we plan to support the portable JNI, we will also support such a lower-level ABI. Certainly the standard Java functionality (such as that in java.lang will be compiled to the lower-level ABI. A low-level ABI is inherently dependent on a specific VM. We are using Kaffe

a free Java VM, written by Tim Wilkinson (see Bibliography for [Kaffe] on page 15), with help from volunteers around the Net. Kaffe uses either a JIT compiler on many common platforms, or a conventional bytecode interpreter, which is quite portable (except for thread support). Using a JIT compiler makes it easy to call between precompiled and dynamically loaded methods (since both use the same calling convention). We are making many enhancements to make Kaffe a more suitable target for precompiled code. One required change is to add a hook so that pre-compiled and preallocated classes can be added to the global table of loaded classes. This means implementing the RegisterClass function. Other changes are not strictly needed, but are highly desirable. The original Kaffe meta-data had some redundant data. Sometimes redundancy can increase run-time efficiency (e.g., caching, or a method dispatch table for virtual method calls). However, the gain has to be balanced against the extra complication and space. Space is especially critical for embedded applications, which is an important target for us. Therefore, we have put some effort into streamlining the Kaffe data structures, such as replacing linked lists by arrays. Debugging : Our debugging strategy for Java is to enhance gdb (the GNU debugger) so it can understand Java-compiled code. This follows from our philosophy of treating Java like other programming languages. This also makes it easier to debug multi-language applications (C and Java). Adding support for Java requires adding a Java expression parser, and routines to print values and types in Java syntax. It should be easy to modify the existing C and C++ language support routines, since Java expressions and primitive types are very similar to those of C++. Adding support for Java objects is somewhat more work. Getting, setting, and

printing of Object fields is basically the same as for C++. Printing an Object reference can be done using a format similar to that used by the default toString method the class followed by the address such as Sometimes you instead want to print the contents of the object, rather than its address (or identity). Strings should, by default, be printed using their contents, rather than their address. For other objects, gdb can invoke the toString method to get a printable representation, and print that. However, there should be different options to get different styles of output. gdb can evaluate a general user-supplied expression, including a function call. For Java, this means we must add support for invoking a method in the program we are debugging. Thus, gdb has to be able to know the structure of the Java meta-data so it can find the right method. Alternatively, gdb could invoke functions in the VM to do the job on its behalf. gdb has an internal representation of the types of the variables and functions in the program being debugged. Those are read from the symbol-table section of the executable file. To some extent this information duplicates the meta-data that we already need in the programs address space. We can save some file space if we avoid putting duplicate meta-data in the symbol table section, and instead extend gdb so it can get the information it needs from the running process. This also makes gdb start-up faster, since it makes it easier to only create type information when needed. Potentially duplicated meta-data includes the source line numbers. This is because a Java program needs to be able to do a stack trace, even without an external debugger. Ideally, the stack trace should include source line numbers. Therefore, it is best to put the line numbers in a special read-only section of the executable. This would be pointed to

by the method meta-data, where both gdb and the internal Java stack dumper can get at it. (For embedded systems one would probably leave out line numbers in the run-time, and only keep it in the debug section of the executable file.) Extracting symbolic information from the process rather than from the executable file is also more flexible, since it makes it easier to also support new classes that are loaded in at run-time. While the first releases will concentrate on debugging precompiled.Java code, we will want to debug bytecodes that have been dynamically loaded into the VM. This problem is eased if the VM uses JIT (as Kaffe does), since in that case the representation of dynamically-(JIT-)compiled Java code is the same as pre-compiled code. However, we still need to provide hooks so that gdb knows when a new class is loaded into the VM. Long-term, it might be useful to download Java code into gdb itself (so we can extend gdb using Java), but that requires integrating a Java evaluator into gdb. Profiling : One problem with Java is the lack of profiling tools. This makes it difficult to track down the hot-spots in an application. Using GCC to compile Java to native code lets us use existing profiling tools, such as gprof, and the gcov coverage analyzer. 5. STATUS : As of early July 1997, jc1 was able to compile a simple test program, which calculates the Fibonacci numbers (up to 36), both iteratively and recursively (which is slow!), and prints the results. No manual tinkering was needed with the assembly code generated, which was assembled and linked in with kaffe (a modified pre-0.9.1 snapshot) as the run-time engine. On a SparcStation 5 running Solaris2, it took 16 seconds to execute. In comparison, the same program dynamically compiled by Kaffes JIT takes 26 seconds, and Suns JDK 1.1 takes 88 seconds to run the same program. These numbers are encouraging, but they need some context. Start-up times (for class loading and just-in-time compilation) should in all cases be fairly minor, since the

execution time is dominated by recursive calls. In the jc1-compiled case, only the actually test class (calculating Fibonacci plus the main methods that prints the result) is compiled by jc1; all the other classes loaded (including the classes for I/O) are compiled by kaffes JIT-compiler. This means there would be some slight extra speed up if all the classes were jc1-compiled. Do note that the test-program uses simple C-like features that are easy to compile: integer arithmetic, simple control structures, and direct recursion. The results cannot be directly generalized to larger programs that use object-oriented features more heavily. The basic structure of the compiler works, but there is still quite a bit of work to do. Many of the byte-codes are not supported yet, and neither is exception handling. Only some very simple Java-specific optimizations are implemented. (Of course, jc1 benefits from the existing language-independent optimizations in gcc.) The Kaffe VM works on most Java code. We have enhanced it in various ways, and modified the data structures to be simpler and more suitable for being emitted by the compiler.The Java support in the gdb debugger is partially written, but there is still quite abit to go before it is user-friendly. We have not started work on our own library implementation or source-code compiler.

Hardware: The hardware is very simple, just a microcontroller Atmel ATmega8, a electret mic, a relay and some discrete components. The microcontroller is the brain of the project, I used a atmega8 because it was the only I had available. The signal is captured by the mic and amplified by the transistor (BC548), this signal run through a lowpass filter that remove the high frequencies and go to ATmega8 ADC. To keep the circuit simple, only one transistor is used on signal amplification. Two buttons are used to up or down the sensibility of the signal. You can see the complete schematic below. The components on dotted line are optional.

The circuit can be powered with 7 ~ 12V and the relay must be for that voltag

POWER SUPPLY : Introduction : The power supply circuits built using filters, rectifiers, and then voltage regulators. Starting with an ac voltage, a steady dc voltage is obtained by rectifying the ac voltage, then filtering to a dc level, and finally, regulating to obtain a desired fixed dc voltage. The regulation is usually obtained from an IC voltage regulator unit, which takes a dc voltage and provides a somewhat lower dc voltage, which remains the same even if the input dc voltage varies, or the output load connected to the dc voltage changes. The block diagram of power supply is shown in fig 5.1 below.







Fig. 5.1: Block diagram of power supply 5.1.1 Transformer The potential transformer will step down the power supply voltage (0-230V) to (0-6V) level. Then the secondary of the potential transformer will be connected to the precision rectifier, which is constructed with the help of opamp. The advantages of using precision rectifier are it will give peak voltage output as DC, rest of the circuits will give only RMS output. 5.1.2 Bridge rectifier Bridge rectifier is used to maintain the proper DC polarity at the input to the circuit, irrespective of telephone line polarity. It comprises of four diodes connected to form a bridge. It uses the entire AC wave (both positive and negative sections). 1.4V is used up in the bridge rectifier because each diode uses 0.7V when conducting and there are always two diodes conducting, as shown in fig below.



Fig :

Bridge rectifier

IC Voltage Regulators: Voltage regulators comprise a class of widely used ICs. Regulator IC units contain the circuitry for reference source, comparator amplifier, control device, and overload protection all in a single IC. Although the internal construction of the IC is somewhat different from that described for discrete voltage regulator circuits, the external operation is much the same. IC units provide regulation of either a fixed positive voltage, a fixed negative voltage, or an adjustably set voltage. Three terminal Voltage Regulators: Fig 5.3 shows the basic connection of a three-terminal voltage regulator IC to a load. The fixed voltage regulator has an unregulated dc input voltage, Vin, applied to one input terminal, a regulated output dc voltage, Vout, from a second terminal, with the third terminal connected to ground. IN

From Transformer Secondary Vin GND

7805 GND

Fig. 5.3: Fixed Voltage Regulator The series 78 regulators provide fixed regulated voltages from 5 to 24 V. Unregulated input voltage Vin is filtered by capacitor C1 and connected to the ICs IN terminal. The ICs OUT terminal provides a regulated + 12V which is filtered by capacitor C2. The third IC terminal is connected to ground (GND). The Power Section shown in fig 5.4 consists of a centre tapped step-down transformer, which is used to step down the 230V AC into 12V. This 12V is given to bridge rectifier. The output from the diodes is a fullwave rectifier output. Any unwanted ac ripples are filtered out using a filter. Now, this is fed to the 7805 voltage regulator that gives an output voltage of +5V.

Fig. 5.4: Circuit Diagram of Power Supply HARDWARE: Develop a uniquely decoded E strobe pulse, active high, to accompany each module transaction. Address or control lines can be assigned to drive the RS and R/W inputs. Utilize the Hosts extended timing mode, if available, when transacting with the module. Use instructions, which prolong the Read and Write or other appropriate data strobes, so as to realize the interface timing requirements. If a parallel port is used to drive the RS, R/W and E control lines, setting the E bit simultaneously with RS and R/W would violate the modules set up time. A separate instruction should be used to achieve proper interfacing timing requirements. MOUNTING: Cover the display surface with a transparent protective plate, to protect the polarizer. Dont touch the display surface with bare hands or any hard materials. This will stain the display area and degrade the insulation between terminals. Do not use organic solvents to clean the display panel as these may adversely affect tape or with absorbant cotton and petroleum benzene. The processing or even a slight deformation of the claws of the metal frame will have effect on the connection of the output signal and cause an abnormal display. Do not damage or modify the pattern wiring, or drill attachment holes in the PCB. When assembling the module into another equipment, the space between the module and the fitting plate should have enough height, to avoid causing stress to the module surface. Make sure that there is enough space behind the module, to dissipate the heat generated by the ICs while functioning for longer durations.

When an electrically powered screwdriver is used to install the module, ground it properly. While cleaning by a vacuum cleaner, do not bring the sucking mouth near the module. Static electricity of the electrically powered driver or the vacuum cleaner may destroy the module.


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